Chapter5 Solutions
Chapter5 Solutions
Chapter5 Solutions
PACF- Another important measure is called partial autocorrelation, which is the correlation
between Xs and Xt with the linear effect of “everything in the middle” removed.
White Noise
– A simple time series could be a collection of uncorrelated random variables, {wt }, with zero mean
μ = 0 and finite variance σw2 , denoted as wt ∼ wn(0, σw2 ).
• White noise time series is of great interest because if the stochastic behavior of all time
series could be explained in terms of the white noise model, then classical statistical methods
would suffice.
The simplest AR process is AR(0), which has no dependence between the terms. In fact,
AR(0) is essentially white noise.
2. ARMA models are of particular use for financial series due to their
flexibility. They are fairly simple to estimate, can often produce reasonable
forecasts, and most importantly, they require no knowledge of any structural
variables that might be required for more “traditional” econometric analysis.
When the data are available at high frequencies, we can still use ARMA
models while exogenous “explanatory” variables (e.g. macroeconomic
variables, accounting ratios) may be unobservable at any more than monthly
intervals at best.
MA- • The name might be misleading, but moving average models should not be confused
with the moving average smoothing.
• Motivation
– In other words, the imperfectly predictable terms in current time, wt, and previous
steps,wt−1,wt−2,...,wt−q, are also informative for predicting observations.
In other words, ACF provides a considerable amount of information about the order
of the dependence q for MA(q) process.
Identification of an MA model is often best done with the ACF rather than the
• Recall that we have seen for AR(1) process, if |φ1| < 1 and supt Var(Xt ) < ∞,
X t= φ 1 w t − j j=0
• In fact, all causal AR(p) processes can be represented as MA(∞); In other words, infinite
moving average processes are finite autoregressive processes.
• All invertible MA(q) processes can be represented as AR(∞). i.e. finite moving average
processes are infinite autoregressive processes.
3. yt = yt-1 + ut (1)
yt = 0.5 yt-1 + ut (2)
yt = 0.8 ut-1 + ut (3)
(a) The first two models are roughly speaking AR(1) models, while the last is
an MA(1). Strictly, since the first model is a random walk, it should be called
an ARIMA(0,1,0) model, but it could still be viewed as a special case of an
autoregressive model.
(b) We know that the theoretical acf of an MA(q) process will be zero after q
lags, so the acf of the MA(1) will be zero at all lags after one. For an
autoregressive process, the acf dies away gradually. It will die away fairly
quickly for case (2), with each successive autocorrelation coefficient taking on
a value equal to half that of the previous lag. For the first case, however, the acf
will never die away, and in theory will always take on a value of one, whatever
the lag.
Turning now to the pacf, the pacf for the first two models would have a large
positive spike at lag 1, and no statistically significant pacf’s at other lags.
Again, the unit root process of (1) would have a pacf the same as that of a
stationary AR process. The pacf for (3), the MA(1), will decline geometrically.
(c) Clearly the first equation (the random walk) is more likely to represent
stock prices in practice. The discounted dividend model of share prices states
that the current value of a share will be simply the discounted sum of all
expected future dividends. If we assume that investors form their expectations
about dividend payments rationally, then the current share price should
embody all information that is known about the future of dividend payments,
and hence today’s price should only differ from yesterdays by the amount of
unexpected news which influences dividend payments.
Thus stock prices should follow a random walk. Note that we could apply a
similar rational expectations and random walk model to many other kinds of
financial series.
If the stock market really followed the process described by equations (2) or
(3), then we could potentially make useful forecasts of the series using our
model. In the latter case of the MA(1), we could only make one-step ahead
forecasts since the “memory” of the model is only that length. In the case of
equation (2), we could potentially make a lot of money by forming multiple
step ahead forecasts and trading on the basis of these.
Hence after a period, it is likely that other investors would spot this potential
opportunity and hence the model would no longer be a useful description of
the data.
For the case of the AR(1) given in equation (2), a given shock, ut, will persist
indefinitely and will therefore influence the properties of yt for ever, but its
effect upon yt will diminish exponentially as time goes on.
In the first case, the series yt could be written as an infinite sum of past
shocks, and therefore the effect of a given shock will persist indefinitely, and
its effect will not diminish over time.
( a) эхний хоер загвар нь ойролцоогоор AR(1) загварыг ярьж байгаа бол
сүүлчийнх нь MA(1) байна. Дархан, анхны загвар нь санамсаргүй алхалт
тул үүнийг ARIMA(0,1,0) загвар гэж нэрлэх естой боловч үүнийг
autoregressive загварын онцгой тохиолдол гэж үзэж болно.
(b) ма(q) процессын онолын acf нь q хоцролтын дараа тэг байх тул ма(1) -
ийн acf нь нэг бүрийн дараа бүх хоцролт дээр тэг болно гэдгийг бид
мэднэ. Ауторегрессив процессын хувьд acf нь аажмаар үхдэг. Энэ нь
Тохиолдол (2) - ийн хувьд нэлээд хурдан үхэх бөгөөд дараалсан
Автокорреляцийн коэффициент тус бүр нь өмнөх хоцролтын хагастай
тэнцүү утгыг авна. Гэхдээ эхний тохиолдолд АЦС хэзээ ч с өнөхг үй б өг өөд
онолын хувьд үргэлж нэг л үнэ цэнэтэй, ямар ч хоцрогдолтой байх болно.
Pacf одоо эргэж, эхний хоер загвар pacf лаг үед том эерэг баяжуулалтын
байх болно 1, болон бусад хожимдол нь ямар ч статистик ач
холбогдолтой pacf-ийн. Дахин хэлэхэд (1) - ийн нэгж эх процесс нь
суурин AR процесстой адил pacf-тэй байх болно. Pacf нь(3), MA (1) нь
геометрийн хувьд буурах болно.
Тиймээс хувьцааны үнэ санамсаргүй алхаж дагах естой. Бид ижил т өстэй
оновчтой хүлээлт, санамсаргүй алхалтын загварыг бусад олон т өрлийн
санхүүгийн цувралд ашиглаж болохыг анхаарна уу.
Хэрэв хөрөнгийн зах зээл нь (2) эсвэл (3) тэгшитгэлээр тодорхойлсон үйл
явцыг үнэхээр дагаж мөрдвөл бид загвараа ашиглан цувралын ашигтай
Тиймээс хэсэг хугацааны дараа бусад хөр өнгө оруулагчид энэ боломжит
боломжийг олж харах магадлалтай бөгөөд ингэснээр загвар нь өг өгдлийн
ашигтай тайлбар байхаа болино.
(d) алгебрт зориулсан номыг үзнэ үү. Асуултын энэ хэсэг нь үнэхээр
бусдын өргөтгөл юм. Хамгийн энгийн тохиолдлыг шинжлэхэд
нэгдүгээрт, MA (1), үйл явцын" санах ой "нь зөвхөн нэг үе байх тул
өгөгдсөн цочрол буюу" инноваци " болох ut нь з өвхөн цувралд үлдэх
болно (өөрөөр хэлбэл yt-д тусгагдсан байх) нэг хугацаанд. Үүний дараа
тухайн цочролын нөлөө бүрэн ажиллах байсан.
4. (a) Box and Jenkins were the first to consider ARMA modelling in this
logical and coherent fashion. Their methodology consists of 3 steps:
Identification - determining the appropriate order of the model using
graphical procedures (e.g. plots of autocorrelation functions).
Estimation - of the parameters of the model of size given in the first stage.
This can be done using least squares or maximum likelihood, depending on
the model.
Diagnostic checking - this step is to ensure that the model actually estimated
is “adequate”. B & J suggest two methods for achieving this:
(b) The main problem with the B & J methodology is the inexactness of the
identification stage. Autocorrelation functions and partial autocorrelations for
actual data are very difficult to interpret accurately, rendering the whole
procedure often little more than educated guesswork. A further problem
concerns the diagnostic checking stage, which will only indicate when the
proposed model is “too small” and would not inform on when the model
proposed is “too large”.
We can calculate the value of Akaike’s (AIC) and Schwarz’s (SBIC) Bayesian
information criteria using the following respective formulae
AIC = ln ( ) + 2k/T
SBIC = ln ( ) + k ln(T)/T
AIC = ln () + 2k / T
SBIC = ln () + k ln(T) / T
5. The best way to check for stationarity is to express the model as a lag
polynomial in yt.
Rewrite this as
z2 + 1.177 z - 1.466 = 0
Using the standard formula for obtaining the roots of a quadratic equation,
= 0.758 or 1.934
6. Using the formulae above, we end up with the following values for each
criterion and for each model order (with an asterisk denoting the smallest
value of the information criterion in each case).
The result is pretty clear: both SBIC and AIC say that the appropriate model is
an ARMA(3,2).
7. We could still perform the Ljung-Box test on the residuals of the estimated
models to see if there was any linear dependence left unaccounted for by our
postulated models.
Another test of the models’ adequacy that we could use is to leave out some of
the observations at the identification and estimation stage, and attempt to
construct out of sample forecasts for these. For example, if we have 2000
observations, we may use only 1800 of them to identify and estimate the
models, and leave the remaining 200 for construction of forecasts. We would
then prefer the model that gave the most accurate forecasts.
Бид одоо ч гэсэн манай postulated загвар тооцоог үй үлдсэн ямар нэгэн
шугаман хамааралтай байсан эсэхийг тооцоолсон загвар residuals дээр
Ljung хайрцаг туршилтыг хийж болох юм.
8. This is not true in general. Yes, we do want to form a model which “fits” the
data as well as possible. But in most financial series, there is a substantial
This is why we need the concept of “parsimony” - fitting the smallest possible
model to the data. Otherwise we may get a great fit to the data in sample, but
any use of the model for forecasts could yield terrible results.
Энэ нь ерөнхийдөө үнэн биш юм. Тийм ээ, бид аль болох өг өгдлийг
"тохирох" загвар бүрдүүлэхийг хүсч байна. Гэхдээ ихэнх санхүүгийн
цувралд ихээхэн хэмжээний "дуу чимээ"байдаг. Үүнийг урьдчилан
таамаглах боломжгүй байдлаар давтагдах магадлал багатай хэд хэдэн
санамсаргүй үйл явдал гэж ойлгож болно. Бид "ер өнхийлөн" боломжтой
байх болно өгөгдөлд загварыг тохирох хүсэж байна. Өөр өөр хэлбэл, бид
ирээдүйд хуулбарлагдах өгөгдлийн онцлог шинж чанарт тохирсон
загварыг хүсч байна; Бид түүврийн тодорхой дуу чимээнд тохирохыг
хүсэхгүй байна.
Өөр нэг чухал зүйл бол тооцоолсон параметр үүдийн тоо их байх тусам
(өөрөөр хэлбэл бидэнд илүү олон хувьсагч байх тусам) бага байх нь
чөлөөний градусын тоо байх бөгөөд энэ нь коэффициентийн стандарт
алдаа нь өөрөөр байснаас их байх болно гэсэн үг юм. Энэ нь таамаглалын
туршилтанд хүч чадал алдагдахад хүргэж болзошгүй бөгөөд өөр өөр
хэлбэл ач холбогдолтой байсан хувьсагчид одоо ач холбогдолг үй болжээ.
This clearly looks like the data are consistent with a first order moving average
process since all but the first acfs are not significant (the significant lag 4 acf is
a typical wrinkle that one might expect with real data and should probably be
ignored), and the pacf has a slowly declining structure.
In this case, T=100, and m=3. The null hypothesis is H0: 1 = 0 and 2 = 0 and
3 = 0. The test statistic is calculated as
= E
So ft-1,1 =
= E
= 0
Suppose that we know t-1, t-2,... and we are trying to forecast yt.
Our forecast for t is given by
= 0.036 +0.693.4+0.42(-1.3)
= 1.836
ft-1,2 =
(b) Given the forecasts and the actual value, it is very easy to calculate the
MSE by plugging the numbers in to the relevant formula, which in this case is
(c) This question is much simpler to answer than it looks! In fact, the
inclusion of the smoothing coefficient is a “red herring” - i.e. a piece of
misleading and useless information. The correct approach is to say that if we
believe that the exponential smoothing model is appropriate, then all useful
information will have already been used in the calculation of the current
smoothed value (which will of course have used the smoothing coefficient in
its calculation). Thus the three forecasts are all 0.0305.
(d) The solution is to work out the mean squared error for the exponential
smoothing model. The calculation is
Therefore, we conclude that since the mean squared error is smaller for the
exponential smoothing model than the Box Jenkins model, the former
produces the more accurate forecasts. We should, however, bear in mind that
the question of accuracy was determined using only 3 forecasts, which would
be insufficient in a real application.
11. (a) The shapes of the acf and pacf are perhaps best summarised in a table:
(b) The important point here is to focus on the MA part of the model and to
ignore the AR dynamics. The characteristic equation would be
(1+0.42z) = 0
The root of this equation is -1/0.42 = -2.38, which lies outside the unit circle,
and therefore the MA part of the model is invertible.
(c) Since no values for the series y or the lagged residuals are given, the
answers should be stated in terms of y and of u. Assuming that information is
available up to and including time t, the 1-step ahead forecast would be for
time t+1, the 2-step ahead for time t+2 and so on. A useful first step would be
to write the model out for y at times t+1, t+2, t+3, t+4:
The 1-step ahead forecast would simply be the conditional expectation of y for
time t+1 made at time t. Denoting the 1-step ahead forecast made at time t as
ft,1, the 2-step ahead forecast made at time t as ft,2 and so on:
since Et[ut+1]=0 and Et[ut+2]=0. Thus, beyond 1-step ahead, the MA(1) part of
the model disappears from the forecast and only the autoregressive part
remains. Although we do not know yt+1, its expected value is the 1-step ahead
forecast that was made at the first stage, ft,1.
(e) Moving average and ARMA models cannot be estimated using OLS – they
are usually estimated by maximum likelihood. Autoregressive models can be
estimated using OLS or maximum likelihood. Pure autoregressive models
contain only lagged values of observed quantities on the RHS, and therefore,
the lags of the dependent variable can be used just like any other regressors.
However, in the context of MA and mixed models, the lagged values of the
error term that occur on the RHS are not known a priori. Hence, these
quantities are replaced by the residuals, which are not available until after the
model has been estimated. But equally, these residuals are required in order to
be able to estimate the model parameters. Maximum likelihood essentially
works around this by calculating the values of the coefficients and the
residuals at the same time. Maximum likelihood involves selecting the most
likely values of the parameters given the actual data sample, and given an
assumed statistical distribution for the errors. This technique will be
discussed in greater detail in the section on volatility modelling in Chapter 8.
12. (a) Some of the stylised differences between the typical characteristics of
macroeconomic and financial data were presented in Chapter 1. In particular,
one important difference is the frequency with which financial asset return
time series and other quantities in finance can be recorded. This is of
particular relevance for the models discussed in Chapter 5, since it is usually a
requirement that all of the time-series data series used in estimating a given
model must be of the same frequency. Thus, if, for example, we wanted to
build a model for forecasting hourly changes in exchange rates, it would be
difficult to set up a structural model containing macroeconomic explanatory
variables since the macroeconomic variables are likely to be measured on a
quarterly or at best monthly basis. This gives a motivation for using pure time-
series approaches (e.g. ARMA models), rather than structural formulations
with separate explanatory variables.
and .
The test statistics will both follow a 2 distribution with 5 degrees of freedom
(the number of autocorrelation coefficients being used in the test). The critical
values are 11.07 and 15.09 at 5% and 1% respectively. Clearly, the null
hypothesis that the first 5 autocorrelation coefficients are jointly zero is
resoundingly rejected.
(c) Setting aside the lag 5 autocorrelation coefficient, the pattern in the table is
for the autocorrelation coefficient to only be significant at lag 1 and then to fall
rapidly to values close to zero, while the partial autocorrelation coefficients
appear to fall much more slowly as the lag length increases. These
characteristics would lead us to think that an appropriate model for this series
is an MA(1). Of course, the autocorrelation coefficient at lag 5 is an anomaly
that does not fit in with the pattern of the rest of the coefficients. But such a
result would be typical of a real data series (as opposed to a simulated data
series that would have a much cleaner structure). This serves to illustrate that
when econometrics is used for the analysis of real data, the data generating
process was almost certainly not any of the models in the ARMA family. So all
we are trying to do is to find a model that best describes the features of the
data to hand. As one econometrician put it, all models are wrong, but some are
(d) Forecasts from this ARMA model would be produced in the usual way.
Using the same notation as above, and letting fz,1 denote the forecast for time
z+1 made for x at time z, etc:
Model A: MA(1)
Model B: AR(2)
(e) The methods are overfitting and residual diagnostics. Overfitting involves
selecting a deliberately larger model than the proposed one, and examining
the statistical significances of the additional parameters. If the additional
parameters are statistically insignificant, then the originally postulated model
is deemed acceptable. The larger model would usually involve the addition of
one extra MA term and one extra AR term. Thus it would be sensible to try an
ARMA(1,2) in the context of Model A, and an ARMA(3,1) in the context of
Model B. Residual diagnostics would involve examining the acf and pacf of the
residuals from the estimated model. If the residuals showed any “action”, that
is, if any of the acf or pacf coefficients showed statistical significance, this
would suggest that the original model was inadequate. “Residual diagnostics”
in the Box-Jenkins sense of the term involved only examining the acf and
pacf, rather than the array of diagnostics considered in Chapter 4.
It is worth noting that these two model evaluation procedures would only
indicate a model that was too small. If the model were too large, i.e. it had
superfluous terms, these procedures would deem the model adequate.
(f) There are obviously several forecast accuracy measures that could be
employed, including MSE, MAE, and the percentage of correct sign
predictions. Assuming that MSE is used, the MSE for each model is
Therefore, since the mean squared error for Model A is smaller, it would be
concluded that the moving average model is the more accurate of the two in
this case.