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Why are there so many plant species in the Neotropics?

Article in Taxon · April 2011

DOI: 10.1002/tax.602010

467 4,471

2 authors:

Alexandre Antonelli Isabel Sanmartin

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Spanish National Research Council


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TAXON 60 (2) • April 2011: 403–414 Antonelli & Sanmartín • Neotropical plant evolution

Why are there so many plant species in the Neotropics?

Alexandre Antonelli1 & Isabel Sanmartín2

1 Gothenburg Botanical Garden, Carl Skottsbergs gata 22A, 413 19 Göteborg, Sweden
2 Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Plaza de Murillo 2, 28014 Madrid, Spain
Authors for correspondence: Alexandre Antonelli, alexandre.antonelli@vgregion and Isabel Sanmartín,

Abstract The Neotropical region (tropical America) is the most species rich region on Earth. Several causes have been proposed
to explain this extraordinary biodiversity, which may be very roughly classified into two major categories: ‘biotic’ (e.g. soil
adaptations; biotic interactions with pollinators, dispersers and herbivores; niche conservatism; dispersal ability) and ‘abiotic’
(e.g. time; rainfall, temperature and area; mountain uplift; hydrological changes). In this paper we review the evidence for each
of these postulated causes of diversification and provide general directions towards further testing. We highlight the need of
more well-sampled and dated phylogenies and urge increased inter-disciplinary collaboration.

Keywords biogeography; botany; evolution; Neotropical biomes; Tropical America

THE NEOTROPICAL REGION: importance, such as the Cerrado and the Atlantic forest of east-
AN INTRODUCTION ern Brazil. The approximate distribution of major Neotropi-
cal biomes/ecosystems is given in Fig. 2, and Kricher (1999)
In England any person fond of natural history provides an accessible overview of their characteristics and
enjoys in his walks a great advantage, biodiversity.
by always having something to attract his attention;
but in these fertile lands teeming with life,
the attractions are so numerous, NEOTROPICAL PLANT BIODIVERSITY:
that he is scarcely able to walk at all. PATTERNS AND HYPOTHESES
Charles R. Darwin, 19 Apr. 1839,
after leaving Brazil on board of HMS Beagle. Distribution of plant diversity. — Ever since the early
voyages of renowned explorers, such as Humboldt (1820), Dar-
The word Neotropic (from the Greek neos = “new”) re- win (1909) and Wallace (1852, 1853), the outstanding species
fers to the tropical region of the American continent, or “New richness found today in the Neotropics has remained elusive in
World”—a term coined by Peter Martyr d’Anghiera in 1493 our understanding of the evolution of life on Earth. Comprising
shortly after Christopher Columbus’s first voyage to the Ameri- around 90,000–110,000 species of seed plants, the Neotrop-
cas (O’Gorman, 1972). As currently defined (Schultz, 2005), ics alone harbours about 37% of the world’s species. This is
the Neotropical ecozone extends from central Mexico in the perhaps more than tropical Africa (30,000–35,000 spp.) and
north to southern Brazil in the south, i.e., including Central tropical Asia and Oceania combined (40,000–82,000 spp.;
America, the Caribbean islands and most of South America. Gentry, 1982; Thomas, 1999; Govaerts, 2001). Explaining why
Geologically, the Neotropics are distributed across three there are so many species in the Neotropics is also relevant
tectonic plates: the North American, the Caribbean and the to further our knowledge on the global “latitudinal species
South American (Fig. 1), each with a very different geological gradient”—the fact that species richness tends to be higher at
history. The South American and African plates formed part tropical latitudes (Hillebrand, 2004), a pattern that has sparked
of the giant palaeocontinent of Gondwana for hundreds of mil- a long-standing search for ecological and evolutionary ex-
lions of years until its final break-up about 100 million years planations (Kozak & Wiens, 2007; Mittelbach & al., 2007;
(Ma) ago (Scotese, 2001). Buckley & al., 2010).
Precipitation and annual mean temperatures are generally Within the Neotropics, as in any other region, plant species
high, but there is great regional variation. Whereas western Co- are not distributed evenly. In a seminal paper, Gentry (1982)
lombia in South America has amongst the highest precipitation demonstrated that there are two main patterns of plant distribu-
in the world, with almost 9000 mm annually, other regions are tion, which he termed “Amazonian-centred” and “Andean-cen-
extremely dry. In the Amazon Basin, precipitation ranges be- tred”. Typically, groups that are rich in species in one of these
tween 1500 and 3000 mm annually, averaging around 2000 mm centres are relatively species-poor in the other. We propose to
in central Amazonia (Salati & Vose, 1984). name it “the Gentry pattern”.
Before human colonisation, the rain forest of Amazonia Andean-centred groups have a centre of diversity in north-
accounted for about one third of the entire South American western South America and adjacent Central America. Gentry
continent. There are however several other terrestrial biomes in exemplified this pattern with Maas’s (1977) diversity map for
the Neotropics that are noteworthy for their size and ecological the genus Renealmia (Zingiberaceae; Fig. 3). According to

Antonelli & Sanmartín • Neotropical plant evolution TAXON 60 (2) • April 2011: 403–414

Fig. . The Neotropical region

extends from central Mexico in
the north to southern Brazil in
the south, thus occupying the
North American, the Carib-
bean and the South American
tectonic plates. (adapted from
Wikimedia Commons).

Gentry’s (1982) survey, as many as 38% of all Neotropical Because the great majority of Neotropical plant species
plant species may belong to Andean-centred groups. Amazo- (71% in Gentry’s survey) belong to either one of these groups,
nian-centred groups, on the other hand, are characterised by Gentry concluded that “any explanation of the patterns of evo-
having a high number of species in the Amazon Basin. Gentry lutionary diversification in these taxa will largely explain the
exemplified this pattern using Berg’s (1972) diversity map for richness of the Neotropical flora” (Gentry, 1982: 581). Although
the tribe Olmedieae (Moraceae; Fig. 4). Amazonian-centred this was a bold and simplistic statement—hinting at an underly-
groups, according to Gentry, may comprise some 33% of all ing belief that there should be a single explanation for Neotropi-
Neotropical plant species. cal biodiversity—it set the stage for further exploration of fac-
tors responsible for the distribution patterns we observe today.
How did Neotropical biodiversity originate and evolve?
— Many mechanisms have been proposed to have played a
role in the historical assembly and evolution of Neotropical
Llanos biodiversity. These may be very roughly classified into two
Guiana highlands
major categories: “biotic” (e.g., soil adaptations; interactions
with pollinators, dispersers and herbivores; niche conservatism;
Isthmus of Panama Amazonia dispersal ability) and “abiotic” (e.g., time; rainfall, temperature
Páramo Caatinga and area; mountain uplift; hydrological changes). Below we
Chocó present a short overview of some of the main diversification
mechanisms proposed, discuss their validity, and provide gen-
Cerrado eral directions towards further testing. (see Antonelli & al.,
2010a for an overview of other “classical” hypotheses).
Chaco Atlantic forest

Tropical rain forest Mediterranean vegetation
Grass savanna Montane forest Soil adaptations. — Ecologists have long perceived and
Tree savanna Subtropical dry forest studied the correlation between edaphic variation and high spe-
Subtropical rain forest Arid desert cies diversity, especially in tropical rain forests (e.g., Ashton,
Alpine tundra
1969; Gentry, 1981; Tuomisto & al., 1995, 2003b; Clark & al.,
Fig. . Approximate natural distribution of major Neotropical biomes 1999; Tuomisto & al., 2003a). Fine & al. (2005) showed that the
and vegetation types (adapted from Wikimedia Commons). Note that majority of species in a phylogeny of tribe Protieae (Burser-
such maps differ widely in the literature in terms of resolution and aceae) was strongly associated with only one of three main
delimitations. The Isthmus of Panama is also indicated. soil types in western Amazonia (clay, terrace soils and white

TAXON 60 (2) • April 2011: 403–414 Antonelli & Sanmartín • Neotropical plant evolution

Fig. . Species diversity of a

typical Andean-centred group:
the genus Renealmia (Zingib-
eraceae). Redrawn from Maas
(1977); the Trinidad grid square,
mistakenly left blank by Maas
was corrected in accordance
with data in the text. Map by
L. Andersson (unpublished).

Number of species
per grid square
z 1–2
z 3–4
z 5–9
z 10–12
Fig. . Species diversity of a
typical Amazonian-centred
group: tribe Olmedieae (Mora-
20° N
ceae). Compiled from maps of
individual species distributions
in Berg (1972) and localities
listed by Berg (1998). Map by
10° N
L. Andersson.

10° S

Number of species
per grid square
20° S
z 1–4
z 5–9
z 10–19
z 20–25 90° W 80° W 70° W 60° W 50° W 40° W

sand). Their study suggested that speciation by edaphic adap- interactions have promoted or constrained species diversifica-
tation may have played an important role in the assembly of tion, constitute a complex and still poorly studied research topic
Amazonian biodiversity, but many similar studies are needed for the Neotropics.
to ascertain the generality of the model. The pollination of many Neotropical species has yet not
Biotic interactions. — Interactions between plants and been recorded, although in many families (such as orchids)
their pollinators, seed dispersal, and antagonists, and how such there appears to be high pollinator specifity (Van der Cingel &

Antonelli & Sanmartín • Neotropical plant evolution TAXON 60 (2) • April 2011: 403–414

Van der Cingel, 2001). Although a general pollinator can often Niche conservatism. — The “tropical conservatism hy-
be deduced from a plant’s ‘pollination syndrome’, actual obser- pothesis” (Wiens & Donoghue, 2004; Wiens, 2007) suggests
vation may provide novel insights into plant-pollinator interac- that there are more plant species in the Neotropics simply be-
tions. Some species in the Campanulaceae genus Burmeistera, cause more plant lineages originated and diversified there owing
for instance, have been shown to be pollinated daytime by to the long-term climatic stability of the region (i.e., longer times
hummingbirds and at night by bats (Muchhala, 2003). The evo- for speciation) and the tendency of species to retain their cli-
lutionary consequences of pollinator specificity vs. generality, matic niches over evolutionary time. The inferred high dispersal
and the exact mechanisms underlying floral specialisation, con- ability of many lineages mentioned above, combined with the
stitute a growing and promising field of Neotropical research inference that many plant taxa show a high degree of niche con-
(e.g., Kay & al., 2005; Muchhala, 2007; Muchhala & Potts, servatism (Crisp & al., 2009), support the idea that for plants it is
2007; Tripp & Manos, 2008; Armbruster & Muchhala, 2009; often “easier to move than to evolve” (Donoghue, 2008: 11551).
Alcantara & Lohmann, 2010, 2011; Muchhala & al., 2010). This might be an appropriate generalisation for some Neotropi-
Plants and their herbivores constitute more than half of the cal biomes/ecosystems, such as seasonally dry tropical forests
organisms in tropical forests (Kursar & al., 2009). Kursar & (see Pennington & al., 2006 for a detailed distribution map).
al. (2009) found strong selection for divergent defensive traits Phylogenetic analyses indicate that a significant proportion of
in the legume genus Inga. Their results suggest that plant-her- the species in these biomes belong to lineages that dispersed
bivore interactions may function not only be as an important from distant regions with similar environmental conditions (i.e.,
driver of speciation, but also as a means of maintaining high they were “pre-adapted”), rather than arriving from neighbour-
species diversity. However, plant antagonists (herbivores and ing biomes such as Amazonia (Hughes & Eastwood, 2006; Pen-
pathogens) could in theory lead to the opposite effect, con- nington & al., 2009, 2010).
straining diversification if the diversity of antagonists increases However, biome conservatism may not be a general rule
with host diversity (Ricklefs, 2010). for the entire Neotropics. Simon & al. (2009) showed that many
Dispersal ability. — The development and increased use lineages in the Cerrado have arrived from nearby ecosystems
of molecular dating techniques has indicated that long-distance (rainforests, seasonally dry forests, subtropical grasslands and
dispersals have occurred much more often among plants than wetlands), independently adapting to fire conditions character-
once thought (Renner, 2004, 2005; Queiroz, 2005). istic of this biome. Several other studies have similarly shown
Dispersals into South America have probably produced that considerable biotic interchange has occurred among Neo-
a net increase of species numbers on the continent, despite tropical biomes and altitudinal zones within the same biome
extinction caused by competition between the new arrivals (e.g., Perret & al., 2006; Antonelli & al., 2009; Dušková & al.,
and the autochthonous biota. The most important wave of mi- 2010; Hoorn & al., 2010).
gration is that following the uplift of the Panama Isthmus in Different biomes thus appear to have been assembled by
the Late Pliocene (~3.5 Ma), which connected South America different dominant processes, which could also be seen as they
to the north after some 100 million years of isolation. This differ in their permeability to successful migrations (Penning-
event, known as the “Great American Biotic Interchange” ton & al., 2010). Such differences may also become evident
(GABI), has been originally documented for mammals (Stehli within biomes, as we gather more information from molecular
& Webb, 1985), but recently its role has been investigated in phylogenies. In a recent review, for instance, Sklenář & al. (in
other taxa through meta-analyses of dated phylogenies (Weir press) showed that about half of the plant genera in the Páramos
& al., 2009; Cody & al., 2010; Smith & Klicka, 2010). The have a temperate origin, showing niche conservatism (i.e., they
available evidence suggests that many plant lineages arrived in were pre-adapted to the Páramo climate), while the other half
South America prior to the final closure of the Isthmus (Cody of the surveyed genera are likely of tropical origin and have
& al., 2010), some considerably earlier (e.g., Antonelli & al., adapted in situ. Quantifying the extent of biotic interchange in
2009; Erkens & al., 2009). These early dispersals might have the Neotropics would help understand the historical assembly
been facilitated by “island hopping” across the proto-Greater of biomes and pinpoint biological corridors for future conser-
Antilles in the Early Eocene (~50 Ma) and the Greater Antilles vation.
and the Aves Ridge (GAARlandia) around the Eocene/Oligo-
cene boundary (33–35 Ma; Iturralde-Vinent & MacPhee, 1999),
although the geological evidence for these island connections ABIOTIC MECHANISMS
does not seem conclusive.
Repeated migrations from the north, which were almost Time. — The oldest evolutionary explanation to explain
always followed by in situ radiations (Hughes & Eastwood, the extraordinary diversity of the Neotropical region is prob-
2006; Pirie & al., 2006; Erkens & al., 2007, 2009; Moore & ably the “time hypothesis”, the idea that the species richness
Donoghue, 2007; Antonelli & Sanmartín, in press), added to of a region is correlated to the amount of time available for
inferred transatlantic dispersals directly from Africa (Lavin & speciation within the region (Wallace, 1878; Mittelbach & al.,
al., 2004; Renner, 2004), suggests that dispersals from other 2007). According to this hypothesis, the geological isolation
landmasses have played an important role in the historical as- and long-term climatic stability of the South American con-
sembly of certain Neotropical biomes (Pennington & Dick, tinent would have favoured the gradual accumulation and/or
2004; Pennington & al., 2006). preservation of lineages over time. After splitting from Africa

TAXON 60 (2) • April 2011: 403–414 Antonelli & Sanmartín • Neotropical plant evolution

in the mid-Cretaceous (ca. 100 Ma), South America remained contention. Analyses of fossil pollen show correlation between
isolated from other tropical continents, until a new connection high global temperatures in the Eocene and high plant diver-
was established with North America via the uplift of the Panama sity in the Neotropics (Jaramillo & al., 2006), and indicate
Isthmus ca. 3.5 Ma. Simpson (1980) coined the term “splendid that global warming at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary (56.3
isolation” to refer to the fact that the mammalian fauna of South Ma) has resulted in increases in species numbers for several
America evolved and diversified during nearly 90 million years plant families (Jaramillo & al., 2010). However, a similar cor-
in what was effectively an “island continent”. Also, compared relation is not evident for the Neogene, where the diversity of
to Australia and other Gondwanan landmasses, the Neotropical pollen morphospecies shows poor agreement with fluctuations
region has always been at about the same geographic latitude in temperature (Hoorn & al., 2010).
(close to the Equator), and therefore subjected to similar climatic Perhaps the most important and debated link suggested
conditions, so this long-term climatic stability would have fa- between climate and species richness in the Neotropics con-
voured low extinction rates and the preservation of species over cerns the “refuge theory” for Amazonia. During the past ~2.6
time (Stebbins, 1974; Mittelbach & al., 2007). Ma, the Earth went through some 20 major glacial periods
This “museum model of diversification”—the notion of (Gates, 1993). Based on the observation that the main centres
the Neotropics as a museum of lineages—is supported by some of avian endemism in northern South America are situated
recent palaeontological and phylogenetic evidence, showing in zones that today receive the highest levels of precipitation,
that the origin of several evolutionary radiations (crown diver- Haffer (1969) suggested that the rainforest cover in Amazonia
sification) in present-day Amazonia can be traced back to the changed repeatedly in response to global climatic oscillations.
early Neogene or even earlier (Hoorn & al., 2010). However, According to his hypothesis, lowland forest was fragmented
other phylogenetic studies show evidence of a “cradle model” into isolated refugia during cooler (drier) periods and expanded
of diversification, with recent and rapid accumulation of spe- and condensed again during warmer (wetter) interglacials. As
cies via high speciation rates, perhaps triggered by climatic a result, allopatric speciation in forest refugia was promoted.
shifts during the Pleistocene (Rull, 2011) or relatively recent This Pleistocene refuge theory gained early support with
tectonic events such as the Pliocene final uplift of the Andes the emergence of similar distribution patterns in many taxa,
(Gregory-Wodzicki, 2000; Hughes & Eastwood, 2006) or the including plants (Prance, 1973, 1978, 1982; Andersson, 1979).
uplift of the Panama Isthmus. Increasing evidence suggests However, criticism started soon to accumulate in many direc-
that these two models are not mutually exclusive, with many tions, including the lack of evidence for widespread aridifica-
tropical groups exhibiting features of both museum and cradle tion in Amazonia, the demonstration that perceived endemism
diversification and varying speciation and extinction rates in centres were often artefacts of sampling, and the fact that the
their evolutionary histories (McKenna & Farrell, 2006; Mit- age of many Neotropical clades as inferred by molecular dating
telbach & al., 2007; Antonelli & Sanmartín, in press). analyses predates the onset of Pleistocene glaciations (Nelson
Climate and area: Current patterns. — Ecologists have & al., 1990; Bush, 1994; Knapp & Mallet, 2003). Recently,
long recognised that high levels of rainfall, temperature and Hoorn & al. (2010) presented the most extensive review of the
habitat heterogeneity are correlated with high species richness. geological, fossil and molecular evidence for northern South
Globally, a combined multipredictor model has been shown to America. Since most organism groups were already highly
explain 70% of the global variation in species richness (Kreft diverse prior to the onset of Pleistocene glaciations at 2.6 Ma,
& Jetz, 2007). Such models may in fact account for the much they concluded (Hoorn & al., 2010, 2011) that Pleistocene
debated latitudinal gradient in species richness (Kreft & Jetz, dynamics—either as postulated by the refuge theory or by
2007), although dozens of alternative hypotheses have been alternative processes (Rull, 2005, 2011)—cannot be claimed
proposed (Lomolino, 2005). It seems that climate plays an im- responsible for the outstanding levels of Neotropical species
portant role in determining species richness at large scales, richness. The refuge theory has later been modified to apply
whereas at smaller extents such correlation is often less evident to the entire Cenozoic, based on the assumption that climatic
or non-significant compared to a null expectation (Field & al., fluctuations can lead to allopatric speciation (Haffer, 2008 and
2009). references therein). However, the lack of biogeographic signal
The effect of area (range sizes) on species richness has been in certain Amazonian phylogenies (e.g., Kursar & al., 2009)
studied more in animals (e.g., Rahbek & Graves, 2001) than in and recently developed null models of speciation (De Aguiar
plants (Field & al., 2009), perhaps due to our scarcer knowledge & al., 2009) challenge the view that allopatric speciation has
on range sizes for Neotropical plant species. The effect of area been the dominant mode of speciation.
on diversity may be difficult to model and separate from other The effect of climatic fluctuations may have been more
variables such as habitat heterogeneity (Kreft & al., 2006; Kisel pronounced outside the Amazonian rainforest. Antonelli &
& al., in press), but it appears to be a worse predictor of species al. (2010b) suggested that climate cooling following the Mid-
richness than climate (Field & al., 2009) or other correlates such Miocene climatic optimum probably increased the geographi-
as diversification rates (Svenning & al., 2008). cal extent of rocky savannas in the Cerrado, promoting the
Climate and area: Past responses to climate. — Although expansion and diversification of a group of orchids. Global
climate may thus be one of the most powerful global predic- cooling might have had a comparable effect on all southern
tors of species richness today, its historical role in produc- continents, promoting the expansion of open habitats and es-
ing or maintaining Neotropical plant diversity is a matter of tablishment of fire regimes, triggering the diversification of

Antonelli & Sanmartín • Neotropical plant evolution TAXON 60 (2) • April 2011: 403–414

plants adapted to fire conditions (Simon & al., 2009; Crisp &
al., 2010; Bytebier & al., 2011). A - Late Eocene
Mountain uplift. — Extending over 5000 km along the (~35 Ma)
western coast of South America, the Andean Cordillera consti-
tutes the largest mountain chain directly adjacent to a tropical
rain forest. Its initial uplift can be traced back to the Cretaceous
(Milnes, 1987), and is thought to have roughly proceeded from Palaeo-
south to north and from west to east. In the central and north- Orinoco
ern Andes, most of the uplift took place in the last 25 Ma, WAP
intensifying between 10 and 5 Ma, and with some segments
of the Eastern Cordillera in the northern Andes having risen
as recently as 5–2 Ma (Gregory-Wodzicki, 2000; Garzione &
al., 2008; Hoorn & al., 2010).
Andean uplift may have increased diversification in sev-
eral important ways (see Hoorn & al., 2010 and references
therein): (1) by increasing habitat heterogeneity in northern
South America, and thus favouring adaptive radiations in newly B - Middle Miocene
formed montane habitats; (2) by creating a “biotic corridor”
(~12 Ma)
for taxa pre-adapted to montane conditions to increase their
range; (3) by favouring allopatric speciation in montane taxa,
separated by deep valleys and impassable ridges and peaks;
(4) by producing geographic vicariance, and consequently ge-
netic isolation, between lowland populations on both sides of Pebas
the emerging mountains; (5) by acting as a “species pump”,
as newly formed lineages in the Andes may have dispersed
into other Neotropical biomes and further radiated; (6) by in-
creasing nutrient deposition in western Amazonia, following
denudation of the rising mountains by rainfall (see below).
Hydrological changes: The Pebas system. — Among
many things, the Andean uplift changed the entire hydrological
configuration of northern South America. The current set-
tings, with the Amazon river flowing eastwards and the An- C - Pleistocene
dean mountains fully formed, was only established some 7–2.5 (~2 Ma)
Ma (see Hoorn & al., 2010 and references therein; Wesselingh
& al., 2010). There is now a general consensus that western Orinoco
Amazonia was dominated by aquatic settings, “the Pebas sys- C
tem”, between ca. 24 and 10 Ma (Hoorn & al., 2010) (Fig. 5).
Whether the Pebas system was a single lake that covered up to
1 million km2 (Wesselingh & al., 2002) or a river system sur- Amazon
rounded by lowland terra firme (= dry soil) forest areas, such
as the Brazilian Pantanal (Latrubesse & al., 2010), is however
a matter of debate.
The nature of the Pebas system has important implications
for our understanding of Neotropical plant evolution, since
western Amazonia comprises sites with the highest alpha diver-
sity measured in any tropical rainforest (Valencia & al., 1994).
The existence of a single mega-lake would imply that in situ Fig. . Simplified landscape evolution of northern South America in
diversification of trees adapted to dry land necessarily post- the last 35 Ma (adapted from Antonelli et al., 2009; Hoorn & al., 2010).
dated its drainage (ca. 10–7 Ma), as pointed out by Antonelli A, A northwards flowing fluvial system (the Subandean River System
& al. (2009). If diversification of clades endemic to western or palaeo-Orinoco) dominates the drainage of western Amazonia and
Amazonia are instead shown to extend further back than 11 the foreland Andean basins. A lowland corridor occasionally invaded
by marine settings (the Western Andean Portal, WAP) may have lim-
Ma, and biogeographical and fossil analyses confidently indi-
ited biotic dispersal between the Northern and Central Andes. B, The
cate that they evolved in situ (instead of evolving elsewhere, Pebas system dominates western Amazonia. The WAP is uplifted, fa-
such as in non-flooded montane habitats, and subsequently cilitating the dispersal of Andean taxa. C, South America is connected
migrating), this would provide independent evidence that the to Central America, the Pebas system is completely drained, and dis-
Pebas system was a river system interspersed with terra firme persal of terrestrial organisms is facilitated across most of the region.
areas, rather than gigantic lake. Interestingly, the few molecular Light yellow, lowlands; brown, montane areas; blue, aquatic settings.

TAXON 60 (2) • April 2011: 403–414 Antonelli & Sanmartín • Neotropical plant evolution

dating studies that have dealt with a representative number of barrier exists today between the Andes and the Amazon
Amazonian trees seem to support the former scenario, i.e., re- Basin. It could therefore be assumed that eco-physiological
cent and rapid radiation for the genera Inga (Richardson & al., constraints acted instead as barriers for lowland organisms,
2001; Lavin & al., 2006) and Guatteria (Erkens & al., 2007). at the same time as taxa already adapted to montane habitats
However, biogeographical analyses necessary for testing this were unable to compete with lowland-adapted taxa at lower
scenario may be complicated by recent range expansion into altitudes. However, as emphasized by Gentry (1982), while the
western Amazonia of species that once surrounded the Pebas representation of Andean-centred taxa is highest in the Andes,
system (“dispersal overwrite”; Pennington & Dick, 2010). most species occur along the base and slopes of mountains,
Hydrological changes: The Western Andean Portal. — rather than at high altitudes. It is thus conceivable that if no
Many plant families, such as Campanulaceae (Ayers, 1999), geographic barrier existed between the Andes and Amazonia,
Calceolariaceae (Molau, 1988), Tropaeolaceae (Sparre & biotic interchange between these two areas would have taken
Andersson, 1991), Loasaceae, Passifloraceae, Grossularia- place continuously, which in turn should have promoted specia-
ceae (Weigend, 2002, 2004), Clusiaceae (M.H. Gustafsson, tion through gradual adaptation to slightly different altitudes
pers. comm.) and Alstroemeriaceae (Hofreiter & Rodríguez, (Smith & al., 1997). However, if this was the case for most
2006), show a conspicuous disjunction between the Northern taxa, no clear biogeographical pattern should be observed today
and Central Andes. These families contain genera or species separating Andean-centred and Amazonian-centred groups.
groups mostly restricted to either north or south of a zone in From the Cretaceous until the end of the Oligocene (ca.
southern Ecuador/northern Peru (~3°–5° S; Fig. 5), referred to 112–24 Ma), a fluvial system referred to as the palaeo-Orinoco
as the “Western Andean Portal” (WAP, Antonelli & al., 2009), dominated the drainage of northwestern Amazonia and the
but also Huancabamba Depression, Huancabamba Deflexion, foreland Andean basins towards Lake Maracaibo, on the Car-
Marañón Portal, Guayaquil Gap, Northern Peruvian Low or ibbean coast (Fig. 5). Then, in the Early Miocene (ca. 23 Ma),
Pirua Divide, all seemingly referring to roughly the same area geotectonic changes in the Amazon Basin associated with the
(Antonelli & al., 2009). ongoing uplift of the Eastern Cordillera in the Central Andes
From the Eocene to the Middle Miocene (~40–12 Ma), epi- caused western Amazonia to gradually become submerged,
sodic marine incursions from the Pacific have been suggested creating the Pebas system (see above). Further uplift, affecting
to penetrate the WAP, which at the time was a lowland cor- mainly the Eastern Andean Cordilleras, presumably caused the
ridor separating the Northern from the Central Andes. Marine areas west of the Guiana Shield to emerge, closing the Caribbean
incursions probably ended in connection with the uplift of the connection of the palaeo-Orinoco and shifting the drainage of
Eastern Cordilleras of the Central and Northern Andes from the Amazon Basin eastwards, causing the demise of the Pebas
the Middle Miocene onwards (13–11 Ma; Hoorn & al., 1995, system (Hoorn & al., 2010; Wesselingh & al., 2010) (Fig. 5C).
2010; Hungerbühler & al., 2002), allowing the Andes to be A remarkable fit can be observed between the hydrologi-
permanently connected by highlands. This may have created a cal scenario outlined here (Fig. 5) and the distributional pat-
new migration route between the Northern and Central Andes terns depicted in Figs. 3 and 4. It seems therefore possible to
for organisms adapted to montane conditions (Antonelli & al., speculate that the “missing” long-lasting barrier needed for
2009). Prior to the establishment of this “Andean highway”, creating the disjuction between Andean-centred and Amazo-
however, the WAP probably constituted a dispersal barrier for nian-centred groups could have been the palaeo-Orinoco and
montane taxa, leading to species diversification on either side its successor, the Pebas system.
of the WAP but rather few dispersals across it. It should be The WAP and the palaeo-Orinoco are of special relevance
noted, however, that by the time the WAP uplifted the northern for understanding the biogeography and distribution of Neo-
Andes may have attained only about half of their present height tropical plants, because they could potentially be used to test
(Gregory-Wodzicki, 2000), meaning that truly high altitude the role of ecological constraints vs. historical barriers in
(Páramo) taxa were probably absent. shaping current patterns of plant distributions. If they indeed
Hydrological changes: The palaeo-Orinoco and the constituted dispersal barriers, biogeographical analyses based
Gentry pattern. — To date, no studies have attempted to ex- on dated phylogenies of groups distributed across these pre-
plain the formation of the Gentry pattern (see above; Figs. 3 sumed barriers (e.g., Antonelli & al., 2009; Santos & al., 2009)
and 4). Gentry’s own idea was that this pattern arose by dif- should infer very few dispersals before the disappearance of
ferentiation from an originally more uniform pattern, and that the barriers, followed by a significant increase in dispersals.
the uniform pattern was a remnant of a more or less continuous If no significant shifts in dispersal rates can be detected, this
West Gondwanan rain forest flora (Gentry 1982). Based on would favour the idea that eco-physiological constraints (niche
these premises, species richness of Andean-centred groups in conservatism) played a more important role in determining
northwestern South America was explained as a consequence the disjunct patterns observed today. Phyloclimatic modelling
of evolutionary radiation in certain lineages in response to of niche preferences (Yesson & Culham, 2006), especially in
environmental changes caused by the Andean orogeny. Gentry combination with realistic palaeoclimatic reconstructions (e.g.,
did not discuss at all how or when a diversity centre would have Sepulchre & al., 2006) and biogeographic inference taking into
been formed in the central Amazonian basin. account phylogenetic uncertainty and dynamic biogeographi-
Distributional disjunctions of organisms are commonly cal settings (Smith, 2009) could provide further insights on
formed by the influence of a geographic barrier, but no such the issue.

Antonelli & Sanmartín • Neotropical plant evolution TAXON 60 (2) • April 2011: 403–414

USING DATED PHYLOGENIES TO evident that both the “Gonwana” and “Pleistocene” hypotheses
HELP UNDERSTAND NEOTROPICAL may be discarded as the major causes of Neotropical biodiver-
DIVERSIFICATION sity: (1) prior to the separation of Africa and South America, no
modern Neotropical clades (of the ones analysed here) existed
A major problem in evolutionary studies is how to deter- (i.e., no most recent common ancestors can be traced back to
mine the actual cause(s) of speciation. We have outlined here Gondwanan times); and (2) by the time Pleistocene climatic
some—but certainly not all—of the major mechanisms and changes began, most modern groups had already begun to di-
hypotheses proposed for explaining Neotropical diversifica- versify (Hoorn & al., 2011).
tion, but there is no consensus regarding how (or even whether) Dated phylogenies can thus be used to test simple temporal
they can be tested. Dated molecular phylogenies (molecular hypotheses of diversification, as well as to provide insights into
chronograms), especially in conjunction with information from the historical assembly of species-rich biomes (Pennington &
the fossil record, can help test some of the hypotheses that al., 2006, 2010; Simon & al., 2009). Nevertheless, there are
contain a strong temporal prediction, such as (1) that a large many limitations and caveats associated with molecular-dating
proportion of South American species have been “inherited” analyses, and results are highly influenced by taxon sampling,
from Gondwana, i.e., they existed already before the separation methodology, and fossil calibrations (e.g., Linder & al., 2005;
of South America and Africa ca. 100 Ma; or (2) that the high Renner, 2005; Ricklefs, 2007). As pointed out by Pennington
levels of Neotropical diversity originated as a consequence of & Dick (2010) a further and perhaps even harder problem to
Pleistocene dynamics, i.e., in the last 2.6 Ma. tackle is that several of the proposed hypotheses of diversi-
To illustrate how this may be done, we present here (Fig. 6) fication overlap in time, such as the Andean uplift, climatic
a number of lineage-through-time (LTT) plots of dated Neo- fluctuations, and postulated island chains between South and
tropical phylogenies of plants and animals (Antonelli & al., North America (Fig. 6).
in prep.). The principle of LTT plots is simple: the number of Phylogenetic correlation analyses (e.g., Pagel & Meade,
lineages in a molecular chronogram, or the logarithm of that 2006; Freckleton & al., 2008) could be increasingly used to
number, is plotted as a function of time. Although this graphi- test whether increases in diversification rates can be associ-
cal method has limited statistical value in testing hypotheses ated with specific events, such as dispersal into a new region
(Nee & al., 1992; Paradis & al., 2004), it has been widely used or acquisition of a morphological “key innovation” (e.g., Ree,
in the literature for visualising the temporal pattern of lineage 2005; Moore & Donoghue, 2007, 2009; Antonelli & al., 2011;
accumulation over time from reconstructed (i.e., including ex- Antonelli & Sanmartín, in press; Humphreys & al., in press).
tant taxa only) phylogenies. A visual inspection of Fig. 6 makes However, they too are sensitive to a series of potential pitfalls

Fig. . Lineage-through-time
Africa and South Proto-Greater GAAR- Uplift of
(LTT) plots for a representative
America separate Antilles landia Eastern Andes
sample of dated phylogenies of

Neotropical organisms (from

Antonelli & al., in prep.), de- Animals
picting 14 plant and 30 animal 
phylogenies. The shaded boxes Plants

represent the approximate dura-

tion of some geological and
Number of lineages

geographic events suggested 

Temperature (C°)

to have fostered the dispersal

and radiation of Neotropical

organisms. Global temperature
curve from Zachos & al. (2001). 
GAARlandia: Greater Antilles

and Aves Ridge.



Time (Ma)
í í í í í í 

Panama Isthmus Glaciations

TAXON 60 (2) • April 2011: 403–414 Antonelli & Sanmartín • Neotropical plant evolution

including poor taxon sampling, and it is exceptionally difficult ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

to separate speciation and extinction rates from net diversifi-
cation estimates (Crisp & Cook, 2009; Cusimano & Renner, A.A. was supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council,
2010; Rabosky, 2010). Finally, such analyses can still only pro- the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Royal Society of Arts and Sci-
vide correlational links, whereas substantial theoretical and ences in Göteborg, Kungliga och Hvitfeldtska Stiftelsen, Adlerbertska
experimental work may be necessary to distinguish between Stipendiestiftelsen, Stiftelsen Paul och Marie Berghaus donationsfond,
correlation, causation, and effect, with an acceptable level of Carl Tryggers Stiftelse and Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse. I.S. was
confidence (e.g., Armbruster & Muchhala, 2009). supported by a starting grant from the Spanish Higher Council of Sci-
entific Research (CSIC 200830I228) and by the Ministry of Science and
Technology (CGL2009-13322-C03-01). We are grateful to the comments
GAINED INSIGHTS, CURRENT CHALLENGES by C. Hughes and an anonymous reviewer, which have considerably
AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES contributed to improving this manuscript. We also thank Karol Marhold
for organising this issue and Toby Pennington, Carina Hoorn, Frank
Gentry (1982) suggested that the Andean uplift has played Wesselingh, Hans ter Steege, Henry Hooghiemstra, Claes Persson,
a central role in generating the “excess” of species found in the Aelys Humphreys, and several other colleagues for fruitful discus-
Neotropics as compared to other tropical regions. Thirty years sions and support. This review is partly based on the doctoral thesis of
later, technological and other intellectual advances have pro- A.A. (University of Gothenburg, 2008). Our apologies to all colleagues
vided us with new tools to pursue the question outlined in the whose work we did not mention because of our ignorance or because
title of this paper. The evidence gathered so far from molecular of space constraints. We wish to dedicate this paper to late Professor
phylogenies and the fossil record has confirmed the key role of Lennart Andersson, who first inspired us to study the Neotropical flora
geotectonic processes in re-shaping northern South America and introduced us to the “Gentry pattern”.
and setting the stage for species diversifications (Hoorn & al.,
2010), but it has also pointed out that Neotropical biodiversity
is the product of many distinct, and often interacting, evolu- LITERATURE CITED
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