Comp Sci Term 2023
Comp Sci Term 2023
Comp Sci Term 2023
Schemes of Work
Form 3
Term 1 2023
Mr Ndumeya. l
1. Databases
2. Algorithm design and problem solving
3. Programming
Syllabus Aims
week Work planned and objectives Teacher / Pupil Activities Media and Reference General Comments Individual Comments
Week and Work planned and objectives Teacher / Pupil Activities Media and Reference General Comments Individual Comments
Learners look at database Information on record structure
Choose a suitable primary key examples again; identify primary and key fields:
20/01/23 for a database table. key in each case by class
Perform a query-by-example discussion. Quiz/short questions size/dida/using_ict/databasesrev
from given search criteria. to identify key fields in five sample 2.shtml Data organisation:
databases, of increasing difficulty.
(I) Learners identify primary key in e/index.html
their own databases. (I)
Information on record structure Laptop
and key fields: IGCSE Computer Science 2 nd
Teacher leads a discussion of Edition
query structure and strategies. Projector
Learners carry out examples of Microsoft Access, OpenOffice
querying using specimen Base Videos to support first-time
databases. Learners write and use of the software can be found
carry out searches on their own at (Access): www.teach-
databases. This is then repeated or
using other learners’ databases (Base)
and they can give constructive
criticism of other learners’ work.
(I) Common issues can be drawn
together by the teacher in a class
session. In groups or pairs learners
carry out searches using search
Week and Work planned and objectives Teacher / Pupil Activities Media and Reference General Comments Individual Comments
Class brainstorms a non-computer An introduction to algorithmic
problem solving – structure system to show that it is thinking:
27/03/23 diagrams, algorithms and comprised of sub-systems. (W)
flowcharts Learners analyse a relevant and Introduction%20to%
appropriate system to identify 20Algorithmic%20Thinking.doc
• show understanding that sub-systems, and to sub-divide PowerPoint presentation on
every computer system is made these. This could be the academic flowcharts and program design:
up of subsystems, which in turn or personnel structure of a
are made up of further sub- school/college, a department mulligan/Lectures/CS
systems store, a large company, etc. French/French08.ppt Some self-
Structure diagrams can be used to checking flowchart exercises,
document this with outline structure and
• use top-down design, available operations:
structure diagrams, flowcharts,
library routines and subroutines Learners are introduced to the cts/mepres/book8/bk
need for algorithms in developing 8i1/bk8_1i2.htm
software solutions. In pairs they
• work out the purpose of a can identify the sequence of Laptop
given algorithm operations required to carry out a IGCSE Computer Science 2 nd
simple multi-stage everyday Edition
process such as making a cup of Projector
tea/coffee, preparing a meal,
filling a car with fuel at a service
station, etc. (P)/(I)
Week and Work planned and objectives Teacher / Pupil Activities Media and Reference General Individual
week Comments Comments
Teacher presents a simple flowchart
to show: • flow of control/ data • An introduction to algorithmic
03/02/23 • explain standard methods of explanation of terminator, thinking:
solution input/output, process and decision
boxes • use of formal or informal troduction%20to% 20Algorithmic
, suggest and apply suitable test variable names and mapping of values %20Thinking.doc PowerPoint
data (The text in italics may have (e.g. x ← 3 means the value 3 is presentation on flowcharts and
already been taught in Unit 4 – written as the new value stored in the program design:
memory location labelled x, x ← y
means the value stored in the lligan/Lectures/CS
memory location labelled y is copied French/French08.ppt Some self-
to the memory location labelled x) • checking flowchart exercises, with
use of conventional mathematical outline structure and available
operators (+, -, *, /). (W) Learners operations:
carry out analysis of prepared
flowcharts to work out purpose. The /mepres/book8/bk
difficulty/ complexity of the flowchart 8i1/bk8_1i2.htm
can be increased to make it more
challenging where necessary. (G)/(I) Laptop
Brainstorm to consider the limits for IGCSE Computer Science 2nd
input data in any system; identify Edition
possible different types of input data Projector
Week and Work planned and objectives Teacher / Pupil Activities Media and Reference General Comments Individual Comments
Week and Work planned and objectives Teacher / Pupil Activities Media and Reference General Comments Individual Comments
Learners should perform An introduction to algorithmic
• produce an algorithm for a practical exercises to thinking:
17/02/23 given problem (either in the demonstrate solution design
form of pseudocode or such as: (G)/(I) • finding the Introduction%20to%
flowchart) average of a set of input 20Algorithmic%20Thinking.doc
numbers finding largest and PowerPoint presentation on
• comment on the effectiveness smallest numbers in a set of flowcharts and program design:
of a given solution input numbers calculating the
- frequency distribution of ranges mulligan/Lectures/CS F.ppt Some
of numbers in a set of input self-checking flowchart exercises,
numbers (e.g. when a series of with outline structure and
temperatures T are input, how available operations:
many are in each of the
These could be followed by
case studies and questions. For Laptop
example, an automatic IGCSE Computer Science 2 nd
supermarket stock control
system for calculating stock
levels and automatically re-
ordering items. (G)/(I)
Extension work: Learners
answer more complex questions
on the case study.
Week and Work planned and objectives Teacher / Pupil Activities Media and Reference General Comments Individual Comments
Teacher introduces concepts of flowcharts and program design:
declare and use variables and constants and variables;
24/02/23 constants • understand and use brainstorm to identify basic data mulligan/Lectures/CS F.ppt Some
basic data types: Integer, Real, types. (W) Learners obtain self-checking flowchart exercises,
Char, String, Boolean definitions of each type from web with outline structure and
research. (P)/(I) Teacher explains available operations:
• understand and use the role of pseudocode as a step
pseudocode for assignment between informal problem-solving cts/mepres/book8/bk
using ← or use of flowcharts and the 8i1/bk8_1i2.htm
formal approach of a
• pseudocode using the programming language. Laptop
following commands: INPUT IGCSE Computer Science 2 nd
and OUTPUT (e.g. READ Using a simple algorithm, Edition
and PRINT) totalling (e.g. represented as a paragraph of Projector
Sum ← Sum + Number) English or as a flowchart, learners
counting (e.g. Count ← Count convert this to pseudocode.
+ 1) Simple examples could be
numerical problems such addition,
subtraction, multiplication,
• understand and use division; more challenging
pseudocode using the examples could be set in the real
following conditional world, such as the use of an ATM.
(G) Class brainstorm to revise use
statements: IF … THEN …
of variable names, assignment
commands (←) and arithmetic
operators (+, -, *, /);
Week and Work planned and objectives Teacher / Pupil Activities Media and Reference General Comments Individual Comments
Introduction of FOR … TO … NEXT
understand and use pseudocode loop command by teacher. (W) projects/mepres/book8/bk
31/02/23 using the following loop Learners use this (for example) to 8i1/bk8_1i2.htm
structures: FOR … TO … NEXT input specific number of items to
REPEAT … UNTIL WHILE … DO … calculate the average. Stress the Laptop
ENDWHILE • declare the size of need to initialise variables before IGCSE Computer Science 2 nd
onedimensional arrays; for the loop and to output results Edition
example: A[1:n] • show after exiting the loop. (G)/(I) Projector
understanding of the use of a Teacher leads an introduction to
variable as an index in an array • arrays, explaining how to declare
read values into an array using a the size of one-dimensional
FOR … TO … NEXT loop arrays; for example: A[1:n]; the
use of index variables in arrays;
reading values into an array using
a FOR … TO … NEXT loop to
increment the index variable. (W)
Learners amend the previous task
to read a set of data into an array
and calculate the average. (G)
Teacher introduces REPEAT …
ENDWHILE loops, explaining
difference of bottom-testing and
top-testing. (W) Learners identify
which type of loop is most
appropriate for about six
Week and Work planned and objectives Teacher / Pupil Activities Media and Reference General Comments Individual Comments
Teacher introduces learners to
show understanding of the need different types of programming projects/mepres/book8/bk
07/03/23 for both high-level and low-level languages by considering: 8i1/bk8_1i2.htm
• historical origins of computer Laptop
show understanding of the need programming in machine-specific IGCSE Computer Science 2 nd
for assemblers when translating types of language (machine Edition
programs written in assembly language and assembly language) Projector
• the characteristics of these
• show understanding of the languages
need for compilers when
translating programs written in a • the need for an assembler
high-level language • show translation program for assembly
understanding of the use of language
interpreters with high level
language • why they are still used for
certain applications
Week and Work planned and objectives Teacher / Pupil Activities Media and Reference General Comments Individual Comments
End of term examination Learners writing their end of Questions papers
Begins year examination Pens
Week and Work planned and objectives Teacher / Pupil Activities Media and Reference General Comments Individual Comments
End of term examination Learners writing their end of Questions papers
In progress year examination Pens
Week and Work planned and objectives Teacher / Pupil Activities Media and Reference General Comments Individual Comments
End of term examination Reports filling Reports card