Concern 3 June July 2024
Concern 3 June July 2024
Concern 3 June July 2024
Attendance: Pastor Bill, Bridget Sherman, Chris Sherman, Sandy O’Connell, Kanda O’Dell, Nancy Deligianis
Opening Prayer: Pastor Bill led us in prayer including current prayer requests and a Lakota prayer from the New
Century Hymnal.
Reports Review and Questions: VBS dates are July 9, 10, and 11 at 6-8pm. Will need to contact the Star Beacon
to change the church announcement in the paper (remove the masks and social distancing and change the time)
Nancy will email them. Confirmed that Cindy is playing the month of June, choir will plan to sing the first Sunday
of the month. Kanda will not be available the 16th and 23rd of June, Children’s Moment will need to be covered,
Kanda can do the Children’s Moment on June 9th. Chris will ask for coverage for the weeks Kanda will be gone.
Lay leaders are needed on May 26th and June 2nd. Kanda can do June 2nd and June 30th.
Chris will announce in church again on May 19th to get a lay leader for the 26th.
Pastor Bill stated that Jefferson will need a head count for 5:30pm dinner at Jefferson on May 23rd.
Review if assignments:
Bridget got choir together, will plan on singing 1st Sunday of the month. Provided brief Mission Moment
on Council on April 28th. Endorsed Shared Pastorate Agreement scanned and emailed to Pastor Bill and Pat for
Jefferson and Pastor’s signatures. Pastor Bill signed it and delivered it to Jefferson for signature. Purchased fabric
for banners, just need to sew.
Chris still planning on doing Mission Moment about Worship Team on June 23rd. Announced in church
on May 12th the need for lay leaders for May 26th and June 2nd.
Bob- Will find out if he was able to speak with Rob about a June date for Mission Moment about
Administrative Board.
Kanda- Still planning on doing Mission Moment about Christian Ed on May 19th during Children’s
Moment. Lunch for kids who are meeting to place flags at the cemetery.
Council Social Time: Pastor Bill will host something at the end of Summer. Everyone will think on it.
Goals: Accessibility, Successful transition through shared pastorate agreement, leadership development
Other ideas: Kanda will talk to twp. Trustees on Monday about who did work for them recently.
Thank you: Nancy thanked the Administration Board and Bob Thayer for installing the doorbell at the ramp door.
The bell is there for anyone who needs assistance opening the heavy door.
Pat Yarborough sent a than you for the Secretary’s Day gifts sent by Pastor Bill on behalf of Council.
Next Meeting: No meeting June 20th, (Pastor Bill is out, vacations) Possible dinner with Jefferson May 23rd.
Bridget will announce the August meeting date.
Closing Prayer: Pastor Bill led the group in closing prayer including the Lord’s Prayer.
Attendance: Pastor Bill, Bridget Sherman, Chris Sherman, Bob Hart, Norm Simko, Margie Burkey, Nancy
Deligianis, Sandy O’Connell, Kanda O’Dell
Opening Prayer-Pastor Bill led us in opening prayer. Pastor Bill shared updates of prayer concerns.
Reports Review and Questions- Frank Wolford will preach while Pastor Bill is gone for 3 weeks (June 9, 16, 23).
Ted is writing up the amendment for Pastor Bill’s agreement to reflect what was discussed at the Congregational
Cindy has agreed to play for the first of the month (communion Sundays). Bridget will discuss with the choir if
they are willing to sing.
Don S. will graciously provide the fellowship coffee for Pentecost (May 18th).
Council Social Time- Pastor Bill can host at the end of the summer.
Goals- Accessibility- Kanda will talk to the Township Trustees because they just spoke with a couple companies to
repair or replace their elevator.
Next Meeting- May 16th, Possible dinner with Jefferson on May 23rd.
Closing Prayer- Pastor Bill led us in the closing prayer, including the Lord’s Prayer.
Red Wagon Collections
The 2024 Geneva Farmers’ Market will be held Pledges & Offerings
again at the United Methodist Church in We certainly know that money has been
downtown Geneva – tighter than usual during the period of
Covid-19. But, please remember that the
89 South Broadway St- Geneva, Ohio
financial needs of the Church continue.
Please mail your offerings to the church at
The Market will be held every Saturday, P.O. Box 253
June 29th– October 5th , 9:30 am – 1:30 pm Austinburg, OH 44010
Rain or Shine or
sign-up for Online Giving
It’s very simple. First go to the church
Miles of Pennies website. Click on “Stewardship and Giving”.
To date this year we have collected $50.00 for our Mile of When you see “Online” or “electronic” giving,
Pennies. The money is going to H2O to help with repairs to click there to begin the process. Your gifts
homes of those who need help. Any pennies or other change and offerings will then be sent to us
is appreciated. Place your money in the glass jar in the back of automatically. Thank You.
the church.
Thank you,
Church Website:
Church Office email:
Church Facebook Page:
to make the meatloaf for the
May Community Dinner.
132 meals were served!
8 eggs, beaten
Thank you to Kanda O’Dell for finding
such meaningful service 1 can V8 juice (46 oz)
opportunities for our youth! 2 large onions, finely chopped
On May 19th, 11 people met to 4 ½ cups seasoned bread crumbs
place flags on the graves of our 2 envelopes onion soup mix
servicemen and women in the 2 teaspoons pepper
Austinburg cemeteries. 2 tablespoons parsley
8 lbs ground beef
¾ cup ketchup
⅓ cup packed brown sugar
¼ cup prepared mustard
2 10-11AM 3 4 5 6 7 8
Worship 8PM AA
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
7PM Game
Worship 8PM AA Night 7PM ADMIN 8PM GRMC
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Worship 8PM AA 6:30 PM 8PM GRMC
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
11AM 8:30AM
Worship 8PM AA 7PM Game 8PM GRMC Men’s
Night Breakfast
July 2024
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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