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APRIL 2011

S T. P E T E R ’ S M O N T H LY E - N E W S L E T T E R


Money given through St. Peter will

b e fo r w ar d e d to t h e Ja p a n
Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Pacific Earthquakes & Tsunami

The first Lutheran missionary to tragedy of earthquake, tsunami be distributed through their
Japan was commissioned at St. and some nuclear radiation network of relief and assistance
John’s Lutheran Church in emissions. Even though both where it is needed most.
Charleston in the late 1800s. Lutheran churches in the city of Pray for the people of Japan and
Because of those early ties, The Sendai are OK and one even has give generously to their
Japan Evangelical Lutheran full use of its utilities, the recovery. Money given through
Church is now a companion Lutheran Church in Japan needs St. Peter will be forwarded to
synod to South Carolina. Since our help. Being socially minded the South Carolina Synod and
that early start, the JELC has as ourselves, the JELC is sending then on to the Japan Evangelical
grown to over 23,000 baptized volunteers to go into areas that Lutheran Church. It will not go
members, 119 churches and 97 have been the hardest hit. They through the ELCA.
clergy. would greatly welcome our
Japan has experienced the triple financial support so that it can
Pastor Dave

www.stpeterchapin.com 803-345-9309 stplc@att.com Facebook: St. Peter Lutheran Chapin

Tabulators Altar Guild
Clay Staples & Stephen Wessinger *Wanda & Mel Harrill
Derrill Cannon (Lenten Services) Tammy Addy
Sadie & Tommy Benton
Lisa & Aubrey Lindler
Communion Assistants Margie & Earl Lindler
John Panhorst Judy & Brian Baxter
Paul Shealy (Easter 8:25)
Dean Chapman (Easter 10:30) Greeter & Ushers
*Keith & Lisa Frick
Children’s Church *Kyle & Kelly Cannon
Larry & Judith Frick
3 Wendy Bell James R. & Regina, Jason Lake
10 Clay & Tracy Cannon Larry & Kathy Cannon
17 Marie Fulmer Ronnie & Sally Huffstetler
24 Clay & Tracy Cannon Dean & LuAnne, Bradley, Justin Shealy
Keith & Dottie Anderson
Alter Flowers Will Anderson
3 Alter Guild Justin Huffstetler
10 Alter Guild Mark & Lisa Peterson
17 Palms
24 Clyde & Rachel Long

Acolytes Crucifers
3 Abby Wasielewski 3 A J Amick
10 Christopher Snelgrove 10 Mikayla Elliott
17 Kelsey Wise 17 Sydney Griffith
21 Mary Cannon (Maundy Thursday) 21 Jessica Metts
24 Hannah Hogan & 24 Michael Weatherford &
Kaleb Riddle (Easter 8 a.m.) Caleb Taylor (Easter 8 a.m.)
Colin Santiago & A J Amick (Easter 10:30 a.m.) Tyler Zobel & Jared Coltran
(Easter 10:30 a.m.)
Nursey Helpers
3 Vivian Frick, Patricia Amick, Peggy Frick, Denise Koon, Janice Tholstrup
10 Marynell Wise, Bonnie Riddle, Mona Stockman, Shaina Kingsmore,Vickie Stockman,
Lynn & Samantha Hill
17 Carolyn Shealy, Faye Rickard, Linda Stoudemire, Amy Elliott, Jennifer Metts
24 Jean Ann Rauch, Julie Shealy, Donna Frick, Nicole Frick, Lisa Frick, Heather Frick
Memorials & Honorariums (February 27-March 20, 2011)
GENERAL In memory of Virgil Carlisle by Joe, Jessie Rae, and
In memory of Doris Lindler by Eleanor Rhodes Steve Taylor
In memory of Doris Lindler and Jim Clark by Jimmy In memory of Virgil Carlisle by Randy, Lauren and
and Juanita Southerland Kaitlin Sease
In memory of Beverly Gauche and Jim Clark by Ken In memory of Virgil Carlisle by Carolyn Frick
and Vivian Frick
In memory of Wendel Frick, Harvey Dominick, HELP
Harroll Cannon and Susie Frick by Martha and In honor of Brantlee Marie Roche and the birth of
Grady Glymph Hannah Grace Chapman by Patricia Ann Amick
In memory of loved ones lost in 2010 by Lib Cross In memory of Hattie Southerland’s birthday by
In memory of Virgil Carlisle by Mr. and Mrs. Randy Sheryl and Shanna Wicker
Frick In honor of Sonya Morrison’s birthday by Sheryl
In memory of Virgil Carlisle by Clyde and Dot and Shanna Wicker
Huffstetler In honor of Jimmy and Juanita Southerland’s
In memory of Virgil Carlisle by Wayne and Jennie anniversary by Sheryl and Shanna Wicker
In memory of Bruce Lake and Tina Diane Lake by CEMETERY
Lib Cross In memory of Hattie Southerland for her birthday by
Jimmy and Juanita Southerland
UNDESIGNATED GENERAL In memory of Virgil Carlisle by Carolyn Frick
In memory of Bill Stockman on his 84th birthday by his In honor of Earl Lathrop and in memory of Fay
wife and family Lathrop by Chris, Christy, Jarrett and Logan Hazel
In memory of Virgil Carlisle by Jimmy and Juanita
In honor of Katelyn and Fitz Patton by Derrick and
In memory of Virgil Carlisle by Terry, Bennie and Retha In memory of Doris Lindler by Forrest and Lisa
Sease Mowbray


In honor of Logan Hazel on her sixth birthday by Earl In memory of Jim Clark by Linda Koon
Lathrop In honor of Hannah Grace Chapman’s birth on
In honor of B. J. Anderson’s birthday, March 17, February 23 by Forrest and Lisa Mowbray
by J. W. and Rayleen Hollis In memory of Abigail and Elisabeth Wicker and
In memory of Virgil Carlisle by J. W. and Rayleen Hollis James Jenkins by Pam Jenkins
In memory of Virgil Carlisle by Chris and Christy
Hazel, Logan and Jarrett; and Todd and Tammy Livingston
and Taylor We express Christian love and
SPECKS sympathy to the family of Virgil
In memory of Paul Carter on our anniversary, March Carlisle who died March 11, 2011.
7, 1953, by Elizabeth Carter

In memory of Virgil Carlisle by Stanley and Christine
In memory of Virgil Carlisle by Dorothy Buff
In memory of Virgil Carlisle by Ken and Vivian Frick
In memory of Virgil Carlisle by Roland, Debbie,
Jennifer, Wesley and Brooke Frick
In memory of Virgil Carlisle by Billy, Lisa, Ryan and
Jonathan Campbell
In memory of Virgil Carlisle by Rosa Long
In memory of Virgil Carlisle by David and Janice Long
In memory of Virgil Carlisle by Jim and Mary Morris
In memory of Virgil Carlisle by Mr. and Mrs. Jim
We Remember In Prayer

We remember in Prayer

Rachael Anderson, Tammi Anderson, Alda Cannon, Katherine

Cannon, Greta Clinton, Cathy Conway, Richard Cromer, J. N.
Dominick, Renee Dominick, Marion Duncan, Cyndy Farr-Stockman,
Chase Hamm, Skin Huffstetler, Bertha Lake, Ruby Lake, Dolton
McCartha, Deanna Meade, Dot Miskelly, Greg Moore, Jessica Morris, WORSHIP @
Sonya Morrison, Judy Pitts, David Placko, David Pugh, Kathleen
Shealy, Mona Stockman, Lorene Stoudemire, Raymond & Callie PINEYWOODS
Wessinger, Cindy Vodila, George & Mary Wilson
Nursing Homes/Rehab: (Agape W. Cola.) Reba Hair; (Lowman) Ruth Contemporary Worship
Cannon, Leroy Wessinger; (Generations) Val Peay; (White Oak) Bernard led by SpiritDriven @
Shealy, Helen Rish; 8:25 AM
Military: Christopher Abbott, Tony Biviano, Andrew Hamson, Danny
Meyer, Milledge Wilson CROSS Coffee & Social
Time following
Contemporary Worship
in Fellowship Hall

Sunday School @
LENT 9:30 AM
The word “Lent” was derived from the old Anglo Saxon word
“Lencten” for “Spring” and it is a 40-day (not including Sundays that
Traditional Worship @
begins with Ash Wednesday) period of prayer and spiritual self
10:30 AM
examination that prepares believing Christians for Easter. Lent
therefore, is identified with the passion and suffering of Christ, who
died for our sins, and the 40 days is reflective of the 40 days Jesus Come as you are.
fasted in the desert.

This year I’ll be focusing on the following Books of the Bible during Visit us online at
our evenings together. We’ll look at their history and message and www.stpeterchapin.com
see if they can teach us something new.

April 6

Revelation Listen to or download
April 13

Micah Pastor Dave’s Sunday
April 21 – Maundy Thur.
John Sermon Audio
April 22 – Good Friday
We are also on
Facebook: St. Peter
Lutheran Chapin

2 – Tim & Mona Stockman 17 – Jeremy & Samantha Cannon

4 – Billy & Lisa Campbell 17 – Karl & Courtney Rauch
5 – Shawn & Ashleigh Mitchem 20 – Mel & Wanda Harrill
5 – James & Regina Lake 20 – Dwight & Hazel Bachman
7 – Jimmy & Juanita Southerland 21 – Chris & Christy Wearn
9 – Stephen & Lacey Wessinger 23 – Scott & Angela Pitts
9 – David & Sonya Shealy 24 – Hannon & Deena Bedenbaugh
10 – Joshua & Jennifer Sutton 25 – Roland & Debbie Frick
12 – Glenn & Scottie Amick 26 – Doug & Fontaine McNamara
13 – Chris & Christy Hazel 28 – Dolton & Vivian McCartha
15 – Zane & Linda Stoudemire 29 – John Awtrey & Claire Fleming
16 – Bennie & Retha Sease 29 – Clyde & Rachel Long


Hunter Glenn Freeman, son of Ernie and Danielle Congratulations to Will and Kimberly Chapman on the
Freeman, and Isabelle Rose Bjorn Anderson and Ayden birth of their daughter, Hannah Grace Chapman, on
Frederick Bjorn Anderson, children of Jason and February 23, 2011.
Kimberly Anderson, received the Sacrament of Holy
Baptism on March 5, 2011. Congratulations to Chris and Tammy Rauch on the birth
of their son, Tyler Jacob Rauch, on March 2, 2011.

Destry Harris
Matthew Shealy
April Birthdays
Calvin Lake 23
Agnes Long

Cory Frick
Carl Snelgrove
Brayden Long
Virginia Freeman
Hunter Freeman Louis Riddle 24
Loretta Rish
Will Anderson
Christin Lake 25
Zachary Bridges

Margie Lindler
Kaitlin Comalander Marynell Wise

David Snipes
Ray Weible
Val Peay
Karl Rauch, Sr. 14
Kendie Hawkins
Tracie Stafford

Juanita Southerland
Sarah Stoudemire
Christy Hazel

Michael Baker
Nathan Stoudemire
Lisa Comalander
Carrie Haltiwanger 15
Shirley Frick 26
Roger Hill

Sammy Frick
Paul Shealy 27
Jacob Dominick

Regina Lake 16
Elizabeth Hill
Kaylin Freeman

Katherine Cannon 17
Keith Hill
Kim Baxley
John Thomas Frick
David Frick 28
Kelsey Wise
Mildred Frick 18
Melanie Zobel
Allene Huffstetler
Doug McNamara
S. W. Amick 29
Ashley Amick
Linda Koon
Edward Frick
Robin Amick
Bobby Hill 19
Hannah Hogan Tammy Rauch
Nancy Frick 20
Lynn Riddle
Randell Drafts

Peggy Cannon
Loretta Frick
Margie Monts
Lorene Stoudemire
Meghan Lake 30
Bryson Holland
Ruth Cannon
Leroy Wessinger
Verta Lathrop

Carroll Frick 21
Courtney Amick
Joshua Taylor
Wendell Shealy Tina Cannon
Jim Huffstetler
Garrett Ringer 22
Sylvia Ruff
Stewardship - April 2011
In the wake of disaster

The images are heart wrenching. donations such as bottled water and
While we sit in our safe and new clothing. Have a garage sale and
comfortable homes, almost a million turn your used goods into cash and
people are without shelter, food and donate that to a worthy charity. YO UR I N VIT ED
missing loved ones. We are still
uncertain what the future holds for Be Caref ul Of Email SPY (ST. PETER YOUTH)
the nuclear reactors and now Solicitations a nd Avoid
volcanoes are erupting, what’s next? Telemarketers SU N. APR 10 - 5:30 - 7:30 PM
So what can we do besides pray for REG ULAR MEETIN G
these people? We give. But before S e e k O u t T h e C h a ri t y ’ s
you decide on where to send funds, Authorized Website – Criminals SU N. APR 17 - 5:30 - 7:00 PM
do your homework and make the are likely to set up bogus sites to REG ULAR MEETIN G
most of the dollars you send steal the identity and money of
overseas. generous and unsuspecting SAT. APR 23 - 5:00 PM
individuals. We saw this after EASTER SUN RISE PRACTICE
Avoid Newly-Formed Hurricane Katrina when the FBI
Charities and Give To An reported that 4,000 sites were SU N. APR 24 - 6: 30 AM
Established – Give to known created to do just that. If you plan to EASTER S UNRIS E SERVICE
charities such as the (Japanese) Red give online, be sure to find the
Cross, Save The Children, World charity’s legitimate site. 2 0 1 1 LENT & EAST ER
Consider The Nature Of The
Charity’s Work – Not every S UPPER @ 6:00 PM
charity is responding in the same WORSHIP @ 7:00 PM
way. Some are providing medical
assistance, some shelter, some food APR 6 -“REVELATION”
and water. Others will be more APR 13 - “MIC A H”
Vision, Salvation Army, Unicef and focused on either short term or long
Doctor’s Without Borders. term rebuilding efforts. And some are APR 17 - PALM SUN DAY
just helping to fundraise for other WORSHIP @ 8 & 11 A M
Designate Your Investment – nonprofits. Think about what it is you CROSS WALK @ 9:30 A M
Generally, it is best to trust your want your philanthropic investment
chosen charity to spend your to accomplish and then take the time APR 21 - MAUNDY
donation as it sees fit, but with to find the charities doing that work. THURSDAY S ERVICE
disaster related giving, you should 7:00 PM - “JOHN ”
specify that you want your donation During Hurricane Katrina, the
only used to respond to this Japanese Foreign Ministry said that it APR 22 -
particular crisis. would provide $200,000 to the G O O D F R I DAY S E RV I C E
American Red Cross to assist victims “THE TRIUMPH O F T HE
Do Not Send Supplies – of Hurricane Katrina. Japan also CROSS”
Knowing that people are desperately identified needs in affected regions 7:00 PM - “HEBR EWS”
in need of food and water; it is hard via the U.S. government and provided
not to want to pack up a box of up to $1,000,000 in emergency APR 24 - EASTER SUNR ISE
supplies and send it to Japan, but this supplies such as tents, blankets and SERVICE 6: 30 AM
type of philanthropy is simply not power generators if they receive ( C E M E T E RY )
practical or efficient. Charities are requests from the U.S. for such EASTER BREAKFAST
often able to partner with companies assistance. Private and corporate COMMUNION SERV ICES
to acquire large amounts of in-kind donations totaled over $13,000,000. 8 & 10: 30 AM
Irregardless of your age, we are all of our sins. The 5th Annual Cross
children of God. CROSS is made up Walk will give the opportunity for
of young, old and some whole each participant to carry the cross
families; we would LOVE to have along the road from Holy Trinity
you join us for any of the Lutheran Church in Little Mountain
f o l l o w i n g :

to St. Peter Lutheran Church in

Chapin. The entire community is
APRIL 8th -10th – trip to invited to join us for what will be a
beach to see a Pelican’s very memorable occasion. Please
game contact David Santiago (345-7710)
or visit www.stpeterchapin.com for
A P R I L 1 0 t h – c o l l e c t i n g more information.
Easter baskets for GOoD
The Easter Tree is up in the CROSS WAL K - APRIL 17T H
Fellowship Hall. Please take a bunny 8:00 AM
to help us provide Easter baskets MAY 15th – go to Lowman
Contemporary Worship at St. Peter
for some less fortunate in our Home
9:00 AM
community. The baskets should be MAY 22 nd – Hamburger
Shuttle to the Mountain
returned by April 10. Fundraiser for the HELP Fund
9:30 AM
JUNE 19th – pass out bags for
Cross Walk Journey Begins
APRIL 17th – Annual CROSS WE CARE Food Drive
11:30 AM
WALK JUNE 26th – collect bags of
Lunch and Celebration at St. Peter
Join us on Palm Sunday 2011 as we food
take a symbolic journey down
Mountain Road to commemorate Take time this month to
our Lord, Jesus Christ’s journey Reach Out & Share a Smile!!
through the streets of Jerusalem Children Reaching Out to
bearing his cross for the forgiveness Share Smiles!! CROSS!!

Music Notes
“How Does This Happen? deny him three times before the
cock crows at dawn. We denounce

As you read this, we have him emphatically, even though we MUSIC
all traveled together through the
Lenten journey—through the
just supped with him not long ago. MINDERS
We are NO mere bystanders. You
rocks and sands of the desert, see, we will sell him for thirty
through the wilderness and craggy pieces of silver. We will shout Lenten Cantata: The
outcrops of stony mountaintops. “Crucify Him!” with the rest. We Traditional Choir will offer
We are NOT spectators; we are will cheer when Jesus is beaten special Lenten music to the
PARTICIPANTS. We are not the and flogged. We are the players. We glory of God on April 10 at the
bystanders on the sidelines of the know the script. We know our 10:30 a.m. service. This music
Masters Golf Tournament. WE ARE entrances. will be centered around the
And as the wind sweeps scripture and gospel readings

So, we arrive at the Three over the hill of Golgotha, the place for the day.
Days, beginning with Maundy of Skulls, we gather our head
Thursday. As we celebrate Holy cloths and cloaks around us and Our 8:00 a.m. service on Palm
Communion, do we not have gaze upon the bleeding and dying Sunday, April 17 will be the
glimpses of the Last Supper? Were form of Christ. We weep, yet we worship time for all Cross
we not all represented there as pierce his side, we nail his hands Walk participants. Come and
disciples? Would we be the and feet. We feel the earth shake worship before you travel to
Betrayer? We now sit at the table under our feet for WE ARE NOT Holy Trinity to begin the walk.
with all the other disciples gazing at Spectators. WE are the players. Worshipers can leave the
the face of the one who would die
How does this happen? service early to meet the
for us all. We are the players. We are How can we be innocent schedule of the cross walk. The
not bystanders. 10:30 a.m. service will feature
bystanders? This is the

The Garden of the reading of The Passion of
representation of all our sin and
Gethsemane is foggy with the Our Lord according to Luke.
guilt, blood staining the ground and
settling in of nightfall. There is a Jordan Cannon will be the
seeping into the rocks. WE are the
sense of expectation in that vocal soloist.
players. We are the SINNERS. Jesus
uncomfortable way. We sleep with is the pure. Jesus is the holy. So
the disciples at the edge of the The 8:00 a.m. and the 10:30
how can we NOT come during the
a.m. services on Easter, April
garden among the brambles and services of Holy Week and repent 24, will feature special music
rocks. We do not stay awake for for what we know we have done? by the Chime Choir, Traditional
just one hour either. We are the How does it happen that we DO Choir, instrumentalists and
sleepers. We are the players. We NOT come? All of us must supply children. The 8:00 a.m. service
are the betrayers. the answer when we are asked procession will include all

We gaze into a small fire, these questions by God? Do you children in the congregation.
huddling for warmth as have your answer ready?
temperatures cool. Someone Kathy
recognizes us as some of Jesus’
disciples. We are the players. We
Christian Education
SPECKs Easter Egg Hunt & Club 345 followed by three New Testament stories that introduce
Scavenger Hunt, Jesus and teach about his ministry, death, resurrection,
April 23. 10:00 AM -12:30 PM and the new life we have in him;
4- Incorporates a mission emphasis on feeding the
If you are available to help SPY (our youth group hungry in your community;
ministry) hide the Easter eggs on Saturday morning 5- Initiates a carryout challenge to all participants--
please let me know, we will need plenty of people to children, youth & adults--to take the love of Jesus into their
hide the eggs.  community and share it with everyone.
We need volunteers to serve on the registration tables.
Members are asked to bring some flowers Saturday Wanted!! : “Chefs” with a specialty of serving up the
morning to the fellowship hall for the flowering of the Word of God to children, youth, and adults.
cross. Lunch at 12:00 - grilled hot dogs, tater tots, chips, Would you like to spend a week at “Shake It Up
cheetos, chili, cupcakes, drinks, hot dogs, fruit. Cafe” teaching the secret ingredients for being a
follower of God? At “Shake It Up Cafe” we will
Approximately 75 children and adults participated in celebrate biblical festivals through dramas, crafts, games,
2010!! This is an event that brings participation from our science activities, music, and hours of fun!
church members and other people from the community. Sign up for Vacation Bible School “Shake It Up Cafe”
The event will consist of the flowering of cross, a craft leadership role and join us in the excitement at “Shake
and puppet show, egg hunt, Easter  Bunny for pictures, It Up Cafe”: where kids carry out God’s recipe!
decorate a butterfly, face painting, lunch, then playground
after we eat. We will have a room for 2 year olds. Vacation Bible School Activity Centers

Shake It Up Café has an original VBS recipe for all

Vacation Bible School, learning styles:
June 26 - July 1, 2011 Begin with the key ingredient of Bible fun
Pour in plenty of creative crafts, make something
“Shake It Up” to donate
Regular VBS activities will be from Sunday - Thursday, Mix in hands-on mission work to help feed the hungry
Friday evening being the VBS cookout and other
Stir in sizzling food science
Sprinkle with sports
It is called “Shake It Up” because Jesus calls
Season with snacks
us to “shake up” our lives and become his
Spread with great rockin' music
And cover with God's love
Take kitchen fun to your kids! Enjoy a fresh, one-of-a-
kind VBS at the “Shake It Up Cafe”. In this kid-
friendly café full of chef's hats and aprons, pots and pans, Christ’s Grace
checkered tablecloths, and chalkboard menus, kids and Peace be with
explore the Bible as a cookbook filled with recipes you and your
for living out God's word. May
family now and Vacation Bible School Workshop
The curriculum: Greg May 8
1- Introduces children to a deeper relationship with Children’s Ministry Sunday @
God through Jesus Christ; 10:30 AM worship service.
2- Inspires students and leaders with activities that are
developed, tested, and refined to bring the Word of God June 26-July 1
Vacation Bible School
alive to all who experience it;
3- Includes Bible stories that give a sequential view of July 3

the Bible, beginning with two Old Testament stories Vacation Bible School Sunday
What’s Happening!
The Youth Chicken BBQ was March 12. Primetimers’ Trips
We cooked 1,050 chicken halves with 500
halves going to plates and the rest to whole Pigeon Forge Trip - May 3-5,2011
chickens. We made about $2,800 with $300 of Included: Hotel, taxes but no baggage handling for two
that being donated back to St. Peter. Thanks to nights. Continental breakfast included.
all who cooked, served or cleaned. Your help One dinner meal and show at Hatfield/McCoy dinner
was greatly appreciated. A special thanks to theater, one lunch at Applewood Restaurant – menu
Cannon’s BBQ of Little Mountain for making included, one show at the Comedy House Theater, and gas.
our coleslaw. We are ½ block from a Cracker Barrel if someone wishes
to walk or we can take a van.
Meals not included: lunch enroute, fast food dinner second
XCARET TRIP Date Change night, and lunch on the way home.
Pastor Dave is planning a cross cultural trip to
The Hotel I am working with is the Hotel Pigeon Forge, I
celebrate Janice’s 55th birthday. We are going to
am assured it was renovated two years ago and has a 3 ½
the XCARET resort on the Riviera Maya (south
star rating. The week we will be traveling is Music City
of Cancun, Mexico) and would like for you to
Week and reservations must be made soon.
come along. The trip is limited to 20 people
For further information contact Jennie Cannon.
and will cost between $1,000 and $1,500 per
person. We already have 11 interested. The
Winnsboro, Bunny Train – Saturday, April
dates are now August 15th-20th. See
Pastor Dave for details if you are interested.
Leave church at 8:15 a.m. to arrive by 9:30 a.m. in
Winnsboro for the Bunny Train ride on the steam train and
Sisters In Faith Circle visit the museum in Winnsboro. The cost of the ride is $10
for coach and $15 for first class. This charge includes the
Sisters in Faith Circle is planning an
museum. We will lunch at a fast food before returning
Aiken trip on Saturday, April 9. Invitation
home about 1:00 p.m.
open to any member of the church. This trip
will include a trolley tour, shopping and lunch.
Strawberry Picking – Friday, April 29
To give us a head count, call Lynn Riddle
(413-7141). Leave church at 10:00 a.m. Lunch at Harbor Inn.

Newberry College Women’s League’s Spring

There will be no regular Sisters Circle Lunch
meeting in April.
In 1942 the NCWL was organized to create interest in the
College and promote its welfare. For sixty-nine years the
Easter Lily orders are due Sunday, League has done much to assist Newberry College,
April 3. funding projects not covered in the regular budget. Men
and women are invited to share in the ongoing
Cost is $8.00 per lily. commitment of the League in 2011.
Order forms will be in the bulletins Please plan to attend the annual spring lunch on April 9 in
again this coming Sunday. Smeltzer Hall. Registration will begin at 11:30 a.m. and the
lunch at 12:00 noon. The cost is $15.00.

Donations of any amount are welcome. Life Memberships

Bulletin Deadline is Tuesday of are available for $100; memorials and honorariums are also
each week. available and will be acknowledged. Contributions and
reservations for the lunch should be sent to Treasurer
Next Gazette Deadline is Tuesday, Gloria Nelson, 1415 Clarkson Avenue, Newberry, SC
April 12. 29108. The phone number is 1-803-276-3241.

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