Cryptography - 240424 - 215855
Cryptography - 240424 - 215855
Cryptography - 240424 - 215855
B.E: Electronics & Communication Engineering / B.E: Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
NEP, Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
(Effective from the academic year 2021 – 22)
VI Semester
Course Code 21EC642 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P:S) 2:2:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 Total Marks 100
Credits 3 Exam Hours 3
Course objectives:
This course will enable students to:
Preparation: To prepare students with fundamental knowledge/ overview in the field of
Information Security with knowledge of mathematical concepts required for cryptography.
Core Competence: To equip students with a basic foundation of Cryptography by delivering the
basics of symmetric key and public key cryptography and design of pseudo random sequence
generation technique
Teaching-Learning Process (General Instructions)
The sample strategies, which the teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the various course
outcomes are listed in the following:
1. Lecture method (L) does not mean only the traditional lecture method, but a different type of
teaching method may be adopted to develop the outcomes.
2. Show Video/animation films to explain the different Cryptographic Techniques / Algorithms
3. Encourage collaborative (Group) Learning in the class
4. Ask at least three HOTS (Higher order Thinking) questions in the class, which promotes critical
5. Adopt Problem Based Learning (PBL), which fosters students’ Analytical skills, develop thinking
skills such as the ability to evaluate, generalize, and analyze information rather than simply
recall it.
6. Topics will be introduced in a multiple representation.
7. Show the different ways to solve the same problem and encourage the students to come up with
their own creative ways to solve them.
8. Discuss how every concept can be applied to the real world - and when that's possible, it helps
improve the students' understanding.
9. Adopt Flipped class technique by sharing the materials / Sample Videos prior to the class and
have discussions on the that topic in the succeeding classes
10. Give Programming Assignments
Basic Concepts of Number Theory and Finite Fields: Divisibility and The Division Algorithm
Euclidean algorithm, Modular arithmetic, Groups, Rings and Fields, Finite fields of the form GF(p),
Polynomial Arithmetic, Finite Fields of the Form GF(2m) (Text 1: Chapter 3)
Teaching- Chalk and Talk, YouTube videos, Flipped Class Technique
Learning Programming on implementation of Euclidean algorithm, multiplicative inverse,
Process Finite fields of the form GF(p), construction of finite field over GF(2 m).
RBT Level: L1, L2, L3
Introduction: Computer Security Concepts, A Model for Network Security (Text 1: Chapter 1)
Classical Encryption Techniques: Symmetric cipher model, Substitution techniques, Transposition
techniques (Text 1: Chapter 1)
Teaching- Chalk and Talk, YouTube videos, Flipped Class Technique and PPTs.
Learning Programming on Substitution and Transposition techniques.
Process Self-study topics: Security Mechanisms, Services and Attacks.
RBT Level: L1, L2, L3
Block Ciphers: Traditional Block Cipher structure, Data encryption standard (DES) (Text 1: Chapter
2: Section1, 2) The AES Cipher. (Text 1: Chapter 4: Section 2, 3, 4)
More on Number Theory: Prime Numbers, Fermat’s and Euler’s theorem, discrete logarithm. (Text
1: Chapter 7: Section 1, 2, 5)
Teaching- Chalk and Talk, YouTube videos, Flipped Class Technique and PPTs.
Learning Implementation of SDES using programming languages like C++/Python/Java/Scilab.
Process Self-study topics: DES S-Box- Linear and differential attacks
RBT Level: L1, L2, L3
ASYMMETRIC CIPHERS: Principles of Public-Key Cryptosystems, The RSA algorithm, Diffie - Hellman
Key Exchange, Elliptic Curve Arithmetic, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (Text 1: Chapter 8, Chapter 9:
Section 1, 3, 4)
Teaching- Chalk and Talk, YouTube videos, Flipped Class Technique and PPTs.
Learning Implementation of Asymmetric key algorithms using programming languages like
Process C++/Python/Java/Scilab
Numerical examples on Elliptic Curve Cryptography
RBT Level: L1, L2, L3
Pseudo-Random-Sequence Generators and Stream Ciphers:
Linear Congruential Generators, Linear Feedback Shift Registers, Design and analysis of stream
ciphers, Stream ciphers using LFSRs, A5, Hughes XPD/KPD, Nanoteq, Rambutan, Additive generators,
Gifford, Algorithm M, PKZIP (Text 2: Chapter 16)
Teaching- Chalk and Talk, YouTube videos, Flipped Class Technique and PPTs.
Learning Implementation of simple stream ciphers using programming languages like
Process C++/Python/Java/Scilab.
RBT Level: L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes (Course Skill Set)
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Explain traditional cryptographic algorithms of encryption and decryption process.
2. Use symmetric and asymmetric cryptography algorithms to encrypt and decrypt the data.
3. Apply concepts of modern algebra in cryptography algorithms.
4. Design pseudo random sequence generation algorithms for stream cipher systems.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%.
The minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks out of 50). A student
shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 35% (18 Marks out of 50) in the semester-end
examination (SEE), and a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Reference Books:
1. Cryptography and Network Security, Behrouz A Forouzan, TMH, 2007.
2. Cryptography and Network Security, Atul Kahate, TMH, 2003.
Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources)
Activity Based Learning (Suggested Activities in Class)/ Practical Based learning
Programming Assignments / Mini Projects can be given to improve programming skills