Demo Cabuyao LP
Demo Cabuyao LP
Demo Cabuyao LP
Use the most frequently occurring preposition (e.g. on, in, above, under)
At the end of 60-minutes class discussion the Grade 2 pupils should be able to do the following:
• Demonstrate grammatical awareness by being able to read, speak and write correctly.
• Use the most frequently occurring preposition (e.g. on, in, above, under)
• Use of frequently occurring preposition (e.g. on, in, above, under)
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
Everybody stand. Let’s pray, the prayer before class! Lord, we honor and glorify you. We offer you our
words, thoughts and our deeds. Provide us the wit that we
need. Grant us the love and understanding. Prolong our
patience and attentiveness; Help us to become responsible
and participative in our daily activities. Amen
Let us sing the English Class Song “click” “click” “click”
“clap” “clap” “clap”
It’s time for the English class
“click” “click” “click”
“clap” “clap” “clap”
English class
English class
Good morning Class! “Good morning teachers, good morning classmates, good
Checking of Attendance
Boys you may now start counting. (They will count from 1 up to the end)
All boys are present today. (They will count 1 up to the end)
Girls you may now start counting.
All girls are also present this morning. Give yourself 5 (They will follow)
I’m glad that all of you are present today. Give yourself a Clap 3x
yes clap. Stamp
3x Yes!
Classroom Rules
4th rule is “Raise your hand and wait for the permission to
And for the last rule “stay in your seat unless you have
permission to do otherwise”
So again, what are those 5 classroom rules that we have? Our five classroom rules are:
1. Follow direction.
2. Be respectful and be polite to others.
3. Listen quietly when one is speaking.
4. Raise your hand and wait for the permission to talk.
5. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do
Very good!
Class I have words here, as I call your group please stand Yes, Ma’am.
and read the words that I’m going to flash.
Row 1 – read the direction. (Pupils in row 1 will read the direction)
Put a check (/) on the blank if the words rhyme and cross (x)
if they do not rhyme.
_____ 1. red - met
_____ 2. mat - cat
_____ 3. war - bar
_____ 4. fox - bat
_____ 5. rub - tub
(The teacher will call some pupil to answer the activity) (Pupils will answer)
Very good, it’s correct. How about number 2, number 3, Yes, teacher
number 4 and the last number?
I’m glad that all of you still remember our last topic.
Do you understand?
Yes, Ma’am.
(Pupil E will go to the board)
Clap 3x
Stamp 3x
Very good, very good, very good
(The pupils will sing the song while the video is playing)
In the third line of the song. Where is the snake? Yes, Pupil
Ma’am! The snake is under the rock.
When we say under it means below.
The next line in the song is the apple is in the box. Who will
go in front and put the apple in the box?
Yes, Pupil L
The carrot is on the chair. Anyone will go in front and put
the carrot on the chair.
Jack is above the trampoline. Who can paste Jack above the
trampoline? Yes, Pupil N?
Very good!
The words in, on, under and above are all prepositions.
Prepositions are words that tell the position of an object. (Pupil P will do)
As the music play, you may start doing the activity. Once
the music stops, it is the time to stop working. But before
that we have rubrics or standards to follow.
1. On
2. In
3. Under
4. Above
5. In
Group 2
Thank you! Group two, please read your activity. Look at the picture pointed with an arrow. Write
sentence using prepositions: On, In, Above and Under.
1. The ball is in the box.
2. The cat is on the jar.
3. The book is under the table.
4. The ball is above the box
5. The bird is above the dog.
Thank you! Group three, please read your activity.
Group 3
Read the following sentences and do what does it
says you to do.
1. The pencil is on the table.
2. There is a box on the chair.
3. Draw an egg in the bowl
4. Draw a fish under the sea.
Thank you! Group four, please read your activity. 5. The book is under the table.
Group 4
Read the story and encircle the preposition found
in the story.
1. In
2. Under
3. Above
4. On
Very good! Give yourself a “very good clap” Teacher, we cooperate to each other.
What do you call with the word that tells the position of the
What are some words that show the position or preposition? Ma’am, the words in, on, under and above.
G. Evaluating learning
I have here a test for you to answer. Let us read the direction.
Choose and encircle the letter of the correct preposition to complete the sentence. Write your answer on a piece of
Very good!
Let’s pray! Prayer after class. Lord, thank you for making our day fruitful and
wonderful. May your powerful eyes watch and keep
us safe in our way home.
Prepared By:
Maricel C. Cueto
Teacher Applicant