August 2016
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The reference title and language for this EAD is English. The applicable rules of copyright refer to the document elaborated in and
published by EOTA.
This European Assessment Document (EAD) has been developed taking into account up-to-date technical and scientific knowledge
at the time of issue and is published in accordance with the relevant provisions of Regulation No (EU) No 305/2011 as a basis for the
preparation and issuing of European Technical Assessments (ETA).
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The construction product is a swellable joint sealing tape on the basis of bentonite hereinafter referred as
sealing tape.
- features for fixing the sealing tape during installation (e.g. grid, nails, glue)
The product will be described by the manufacturer taking into account the following characteristics and
methods to derive the relevant definitions:
Concerning product packaging, transport, storage, maintenance, replacement and repair it is the
responsibility of the manufacturer to undertake the appropriate measures and to advise his clients on the
transport, storage, maintenance, replacement and repair of the product as he considers necessary.
It is assumed that the product will be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions or (in absence
of such instructions) according to the usual practice of the building professionals.
Relevant manufacturer’s stipulations having influence on the performance of the product covered by this
European Assessment Document shall be considered for the determination of the performance and detailed
in the ETA.
The sealing tape is used to seal cconstruction joints in concrete with high resistance to water (watertight
concrete) against the penetration of pressing and un-pressing water (e.g. ground water) and to soil moisture
(example see in Annex A).
This EAD covers water stops tested with a maximum test water pressure of 500 kPa (5 bar) and a declared
value for the admissible water pressure of 20 m.
The assessment methods included or referred to in this EAD have been written based on the manufacturer’s
request to take into account a working life of the sealing tape for the intended use of 50 years when installed
in the works (provided that the sealing tape is subject to appropriate installation (see 1.2.1). These
provisions are based upon the current state of the art and the available knowledge and experience.
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When assessing the product, the intended use as foreseen by the manufacturer shall be taken into account.
The real working life may be, in normal use conditions, considerably longer without major degradation
affecting the basic requirements for works1.
The indications given as to the working life of the construction product cannot be interpreted as a guarantee
neither given by the product manufacturer or his representative nor by EOTA when drafting this EAD nor
by the Technical Assessment Body issuing an ETA based on this EAD, but are regarded only as a means
for expressing the expected economically reasonable working life of the product.
Table 1 shows how the performance of the sealing tape is assessed in relation to the essential
Table 1 Essential characteristics of the product and methods and criteria for assessing the
performance of the product in relation to those essential characteristics
1 The real working life of a product incorporated in a specific works depends on the environmental conditions to which that works
is subject, as well as on the particular conditions of the design, execution, use and maintenance of that works. Therefore, it
cannot be excluded that in certain cases the real working life of the product may also be shorter than referred to above.
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2.2 Methods and criteria for assessing the performance of the product in
relation to essential characteristics of the product
If the ETA contains performance levels in relation to the essential characteristics dimensions,
watertightness in end use condition and swelling behavior at state of delivery, reversibility of swelling
process and swelling pressure, these levels are to be expressed as provide for in paragraph 2.2.2, 2.2.3,
2.2.4, 2.2.5 and 2.2.6
The sealing tape shall be tested, using the test method(s) relevant for the corresponding reaction to fire
class, in order to be classified according to EN 13501-1 and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU)
2.2.2 Dimensions
The water tightness shall be tested in the testing device described in Annex A.
At least two samples of the water stop are cut to length and bent to a square of 680 mm side length. The
water stop shall be installed and fixed on the bottom plate according to the applicant's instructions.
The joints can be made as a butt joint or an overlapping joint. The joint shall be made with features and
dimensions according to the applicant's instructions.
After curing of the concrete of the bottom plate (at least 14 days) the upper part of the frame can be
concreted (maybe with a foil to induce the joint). The setting of the gap between bottom plate and frame
(wall) to joint width of testing gap must be done with the help of screws.
Test conditions
Water pressure: The test water pressure shall be defined by the applicant. The maximum
test water pressure is 500 kPa (5 bar). The tests shall be performed
taking the safety factor of 2,5 into account (e.g. for a declared value for
the admissible water pressure of 10 m, the test pressure is 250 kPa (2,5
Test cycle: - filled with water (water column 0,28 m) 3 days (without additional
- increase the test pressure with 20 kPa per day until 100 kPa
- hold 3 days with 100 kPa
- increase the test pressure with 100 kPa per day until the maximum
test pressure is reached.
- hold for 2 weeks
- The sample and the testing devices shall be dried for at least
6 weeks (ventilated, heated (joint)) resp. 8 weeks at normal
The test cycle shall be carried out in total for three times.
The joint between bottom and wall shall be watertight. The scenario of intended use and the admissible
water pressure shall be stated in the ETA.
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The swelling behaviour of the material as well as its reaction to wet-dry cycles over time shall be tested by
swelling tests carried out using water as well as other liquids commonly found in concrete construction.
3 test-specimens with a length of 15 cm shall be cut out of a section of joint sealing strip of at least 1 m
Not inherently stable materials – primarily bentonites – shall be wrapped in a water-permeable, flexible and
easily stretchable cover made of polyamide blended with spandex 40 den/44 dtex.
The test specimens shall be measured and weighed before immersing them into the test liquids in a closed
container. The following test liquids shall be used:
Test liquid 2: alkaline solution: 1 g NaOH, 4 g KOH, 0,5 g Ca (OH)2 to one liter of distilled water (see
ETAG 004).
Test liquid 3: liquid with pH-value of 4.5: SO42- content > 4000 mg/l, pH-value adjusted by using SO42-,
sulphate content adjusted by using Na2SO4 in aqueous solution
The material's behaviour under constant exposure shall be observed. During the first week variations in
mass shall be recorded on a daily basis. For inherently stable materials, changes in the dimensions shall
also be recorded. For the first swelling process a time lag should be accepted.
The variations in mass shall be determined at material-specific intervals with an accuracy of 0,1 g until the
mass remains constant.
The test period depends on the swelling capacity. As soon as the variation in mass of all three test
specimens measured on a daily basis is m48 2 % over 48 h, the immersion test can be terminated.
The test report shall feature the maximum mass variations recorded as well as a diagram showing the
variations over time.
Based on experience the function of swelling and sealing is given if the time of change of mass is limited.2
Otherwise the function of swelling cannot be verified on the basis of this EAD.
The time until the change of mass ends shall be given in the ETA.
To prove that the swelling process can be repeated after drying, the test procedure according to 2.2.4 shall
be repeated twice.
After having reached a plateau under normal climatic conditions (23/50-2), the test specimens are dried
until their mass remains once more constant.
Then they are immersed in the liquid again. In total, three of these cycles (immersion into the liquid and
drying under normal climatic conditions) shall be carried out.
The test report shall feature the maximum mass variations recorded as well as a diagram showing the
variations over time.
The time of change of mass shall not be longer than for the first swelling process (see 2.2.4).
Based on experience the reversibility of swelling process is given if the swelling process starts without time
lag. Otherwise the reversibility of swelling process cannot be verified on the basis of this EAD.
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If the increase in volume of the joint sealant caused by its absorbing water is constrained, the swelling
creates a pressure. The level of this swelling pressure depends on the geometry, the type of joint sealant
used and the degree of constraint.
The water tightness shall be tested in the testing device described in Annex B.
To measure the swelling pressure, a two-part concrete test specimens made of watertight concrete,
dimensions: (20 x 20 x 20) cm³, shall be manufactured.
Post-treatment: 7 d wet
The lower part of the test specimen shall be stored in water at ambient climate immediately after striking
until the test is carried out, however, for not less than 28 days.
A 10 cm-long section of the material to be tested shall be fastened in the middle of the lower part of the test
specimen in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, before the upper concrete part is cast.
Two days after finishing the test specimen (casting of the upper half), the construction joint shall be widened
to 0,25 mm ensuring that the test liquid can reach the sealing tape inserted. Steel strips shall be used to
ensure that the joint opening is maintained at 0,25 mm for the entire duration of the test. Afterwards, the
test specimens shall be incorporated immediately in a highly deformation-resistant, rigid frame connected
to a force measuring device. A preload shall be added (see Annex B). The preload shall not exceed 2 kN.
The aim of this is to eliminate backlash and ensure controlled starting conditions. The liquid level shall be
high enough to make sure that the lower part of the test specimen as well as the construction joint is
immersed in the liquid. The test liquid shall be demineralised water.
The sealing tape and the design of the test specimens are sufficient to constrain the swelling and ensure
that the swelling pressure can be measured reliably. The tests shall be carried out with three test specimens
over a duration of no less than one month until the swelling pressure levels out. Once the maximum
pressure level has been reached, the test specimens shall be opened and the sealing tape inspected
visually. If parts of the material leaked out into the joint, this shall be documented. In addition to the swelling
pressures recorded, the test report shall detail all incidents and particularities (e.g. when material leaked
out into the joint.)
Based on experience the function of sealing is durable if the swelling process pressure is > 0,5 N/mm².
Otherwise the function of sealing cannot be verified on the basis of this EAD.
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For the products covered by this EAD the applicable European legal act is: Decision 1999/90/EC
In addition, with regard to e.g. reaction to fire for products covered by this EAD the applicable European
legal act is: Decision 1999/90/EC
The cornerstones of the actions to be undertaken by the manufacturer of the product in the procedure of
assessment and verification of constancy of performance are laid down in Table 2.
The cornerstones of the actions to be undertaken by the notified body of the product in the procedure of
assessment and verification of constancy of performance are laid down in Table 3.
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3.4 Special methods of control and testing used for the assessment and
verification of constancy of performance
Thickness and width shall be measured at 10 measuring points on at least 1 m section with a minimum
precision of 0,05 mm. The mean value and the standard deviation have to be determined.
3.4.2 TGA
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As far as no edition date is given in the list of standards thereafter, the standard in its current version at the
time of issuing the European Technical Assessment is of relevance.
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1 1
Screws to make and
to adjust the joint
Swellable jointQuellband
tape 1 1
Systemachse Traverse
Pressure measurement Wasserfüllung
Water with a pressure
up to 500 kPa
and Entleerung
discharging 5 bar
Opened geöffnete
joint w =
0,25 mmArbeitsfuge
/ 0,5 mm
/ 1,0 mm
Swellable joint
The two-part concrete test specimens shall be made of watertight concrete, e.g. the following composition:
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Load cell
©EOTA 2017