ATE 500.00.02 Ger
ATE 500.00.02 Ger
ATE 500.00.02 Ger
Type ATE
Design for Environment – Suppliers Doc. Num. N 550 00.02
Doc. Part 250 Doc. Ver. 04
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Changes ........................................................................................................................................................2
3 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................2
5 CONTRIBUTION OF SUPPLIERS......................................................................................................3
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© Continental AG. 2012 FRA-12113246 29.06.12 Allendörfer Dr. Dully
82.9212-0000.4 / 800 / 00 „doc“
Product Specification Doc. Type ATE
Design for Environment – Suppliers Doc. Num. N 550 00.02
Doc. Part 250 Doc. Ver. 04
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Previous Editions
This document describes requirements which must be met by suppliers under aspects of product-
related protection of the environment. If necessary, this document may be supplemented with
further requirements in the respective contract documents.
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Every manufacturer of parts, components or raw materials is responsible for the quality of the
products it supplies.
Motor vehicle components are safety items. As a result, special quality assurance measures must
be observed and the documentation requirements in Continental’s quality assurance specifications
All parts must correspond to the specified technical requirements in the performance specification,
drawings and specifications and other agreed internal specifications and applicable standards.
Production supplies of these parts shall only be permitted after completion of the internal release
process and unrestricted First Article release. Before First Article release, supplied parts must be
clearly designated and labeled as preproduction or prototype parts.
Prior to making any change to a product, its chemical composition, the production method or
production location, identification or packaging, the supplier shall also advise Continental
Automotive in writing and must obtain prior written permission for the change. CA can deny its
consent to a change for a legitimate reason. The supplier shall advise Continental Automotive in
writing early enough to allow a new sampling procedure to take place through to production release
if necessary due to the change. The obligation to notify Continental Automotive shall also apply to
changes which have no effect on compliance with the agreed technical specifications.
Modified products may not be supplied as series production parts without the prior written approval
from Continental Automotive.
Every such change must be fully documented, including at least the type of change and the date
when the change was introduced as well as the date of the first production delivery to Continental
• Active involvement in working out optimum solutions for minimizing the potential impact of
components on the environment over the automobile life cycle. The automobile life cycle
comprises the production of raw materials and semi components, the manufacturing of
components and vehicles and their use and recycling.
• Providing information on environmental aspects of the components supplied and their
composition in terms of type and amount upon request.
• Providing information on the recyclability of the components supplied on request.
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Components made from plastics or elastomers shall be labelled. Labelling is obligatory if the weight
exceeds 100 g (plastic parts) or 200 g (elastomers). Labelling should be in accordance with the
following international standards:
Other basic material shall be marked in accordance with VDA Recommendation 260 " Vehicle
components – Marking of material ". Large plastic components may have to be labelled at more
than one point in order to reduce the cost of transportation in connection with the recycling of end-
of-life vehicles by cutting the component into several smaller parts.
The Global Automotive Declarable Substances List (GADSL) is the outcome of a global
cooperation between the automotive, automotive parts supplier and chemical industries. All
substances listed in the GADSL are subject to declaration requirements. Substances identified as
prohibited in the GADSL are only allowed to use within the GADSL thresholds. The latest valid
edition of the GADSL is available under the following internet address:
According to the EU Directive on End-of-Life Vehicles 2000/53/EC (Article 4(2)), the use of lead
(Pb),mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) and hexavalent chromium (Cr VI) is restricted to the
applications listed in the latest valid edition of Annex II of the directive under the stipulated
conditions. The supplier is obligated to meet these requirements. Further information:
Continental Automotive expect its Suppliers, supplying any Continental Automotive plant in the
European Union, to pre-register all required substances and preparations in time and to complete
registration before end of transitional period according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH).
The registration can be done either by supplier himself or by a third party representative if the
supplier is located outside the European Union.
In case the supplier withdraws a product from the market, he has to inform Continental Automotive
Divisions immediately.
If supplies contain substances according to REACH Annex XIV or "candidate list", the supplier is
required to inform the buyer (if not already happened via IMDS). The supplier is required to monitor
changes to candidate list and Annex XIV for new substances and to immediately inform the buyer,
if the new substances are contained in the supplies.
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The complete composition of components and materials shall be reported by creating material data
sheets in the International Material Data System (IMDS). The material data sheets have to be
created in accordance with the reporting requirements of the IMDS Steering Committee in force at
the time.
If all necessary data concerning the composition of the products to be reported is already on file at
Continental Automotive in a suitable form which can be electronically processed, then Continental
Automotive may decide to waive the reporting obligation of the respective parts supplier. In the
absence of such a decision the reporting responsibility rests with the supplier. A simplified material
reporting based on IMDS Recommendation 019 may be used for electronic components.
Simplified material reporting means: For electronic components with a weight below 5g that will be
mounted to a printed circuit board, an IPC 1752 or umbrella spec. declaration may be submitted
instead of a complete IMDS datasheet. If an electronic part contains substances that are declarable
according to GADSL but are not covered in the recommendation 019 material (e.g. GaAs die in an
IC), the supplier is obliged to inform Continental Automotive by sending an IMDS data sheet.
In case the IMDS Recommendation itself changes this method of material reporting has to be
adjusted accordingly. On request by Continental the full IMDS submission needs to be applied
without simplified reporting.
Electronic component
Weight less than 5g
Selfassurance of con- No
formance with environmental requirements
by suppliers
Reporting by Umbrella
Spec or IPC (supplier has to assure, that Umbrella Reporting via IMDS
Spec could be used)
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Continental Automotive may request the part supplier to confirm in writing that he complies with the
legal requirements concerning prohibited substances in order to protect Continental Automotive
against litigation. This confirmation may be worded along the lines of the following examples:
Material reporting must be submitted with the delivery of first sample. In case of changes a re-
submission is required. IMDS IDs of the approved material data sheets (MDS) are to be referred to
in the PPAP/PPF (PSW) documents