CTAn UserManual
CTAn UserManual
CTAn UserManual
User Manual
Kartuizersweg 3B
2550 Kontich
3.2. Co-licensing of the 3D viewing program ANT and CTAn upgrades requiring
re-authentication ............................................................................................... 11
5.2.2. Export to for mobile devices: I3M for Apple and V3X for Android ........ 27
9.1.1. This is the row of function buttons at the ROI page: ............................ 60
9.2.2. The dialog box for saving an ROI dataset includes these items .......... 66
9.4. Drawing multiple ROI shapes, and cutting subtractive regions .................. 68
11.4.1. Single line text output for automatic creation of table of results from
multiple datasets ............................................................................................ 89
12.1.1. The Plug-Ins bar has the following five tabs ........................................ 95
12.2.1. The Task List has three columns relating to each selected task: ...... 100
12.2.2. The Dataset list has five columns relating to each selected dataset: 101
15.1.3. Other automatic statistical methods and hysteresis thresholding ...... 112
15.18.1. Binary masking of objects prior to running Local Orientation: ........... 142
18. Appendix C: Glossary of terms used in the CT-Analyser manual .................... 153
Raw images
Region of interest
Binary selection
Custom processing
CT-Analyser is organised into five stages as shown, for optimal and intuitive work-flow.
To obtain a limited or full license it is necessary to register the program at Bruker-microCT; to do this,
email to info@bruker-microct.com the following personal data:
• the name of the user;
• the title of the organization;
• the product ID number of the program (you see this at the first start-up of the downloaded
On the basis of these data, the license file “CTAn.lic” will be generated and you will receive this file by
e-mail from Bruker-microCT. This file needs to be copied into the directory from which the CTAn
program will be started-up. With your license file in place, at the next start-up of CTAn a dialog box
will appear asking you to enter your personal data and the identification number of the program,
which you recorded at the initial opening of the downloaded CTAn program.
Save your personal data and identification number, they will be necessary when the
program checks your license or if you install CTAn on another PC.
You can find the identification number of the program (Product ID), and the version in the dialog
Help / About CTAn.
Furthermore, a separate document is available from Bruker-microCT titled “How to license CT-
Analyser” with detailed explanation of the licensing process.
You have the option to allow all user profiles in windows (the name with which you log on to
windows) to run CTAn following just one licensing operation. To do this, go to preferences and the
“advanced” tab: at the bottom of the window an option appears with a tick box:
Under the file menu there is the “preferences” item for CTAn.
This allows you to set preferences relating to a number of the
program’s operations, calculations and data output formats. It is
divided into eight tabs:
In this chapter the first, “general” tab will be described in detail.
The remaining tabs refer to functions covered in the forthcoming
chapters, so they are dealt with in turn in, each in its
corresponding chapter.
On the General tab in the dialog File / Preferences you can make the following preference selections:
Nomenclature: You can choose between two sets of names and symbols for the 2D and 3D
parameters. These are “Bone ASBMR” and “General Scientific” nomenclatures. Bone ASBMR
nomenclature follows the recommendations of the ASBMR committee on histomorphometry
nomenclature (Parfitt et al. 1987) and is appropriate for study of trabecular bone. For other
applications the “general scientific” nomenclature is more appropriate.
Unit: You can select the unit in which the dimensional bars and rulers will be displayed, and which
will be applied to 2D and 3D measurements. The options are microns, millimetres, inches or pixels.
Image Origin: You can set the origin (0,0 XY position) of the image coordinates to the left-hand lower
corner, or the center.
RGB to grey: The option exists for converting datasets of images with RGB colour information to
grey level (CTAn can only analyse grey images) using alternative conversion methods, described
above in section 4.1.
Profile line: You can set the default position of the profile line function at the raw images page to
either a horizontal or vertical line, in both cases centrally placed in the image.
JPEG quality factor: Cross-section images created when making an ROI dataset (or re-sliced or MIP
images) can be saved in either bmp or jpg format. The quality factor and degree of image
compression is selected in the preferences general tab (values less than100% result in some loss of
image data).
Text file type: Results files from procedures in CTAn including calculations (e.g. 2D, 3D
measurements) are output as comma delineated ASCII text files. These can have the selectable
extensions of either txt or csv. The latter extension is recognised in Microsoft Excel and other
spreadsheet programs as meaning comma separated format, simplifying the import of these files
(e.g. no “text import wizard”).
Raw data file type: Enter here the filename extension of a non-Bruker-microCT image format that
you wish to import into CTAn – see section 4.1.
The program can load eight types of files (BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, RAW, ISQ, DICOM and VFF), but not
all of them are accessible for analysis:
BMP-files: all bmp types are loadable for viewing, but for analysis only one-bit (monochrome)
and eight-bit grayscale images will be processed (.bmp extension).
JPG-files: all jpg types are loadable for viewing, but for analysis only eight-bit grayscale images
will be processed (.jpg extension).
PNG-files: all png types are loadable for viewing, but for analysis only eight-bit grayscale images
will be processed (.png extension).
TIFF-files: for viewing and analysis the program supports sixteen bit tiff grayscale images
created by Bruker-microCT instruments and software (.tif extension).
RAW data: this is a “wildcard” format that allows any image format to be imported – you will
need to enter image file parameters, as explained a little later in section 4.1. (extension entered by
ISQ-files: ISQ is the format created by Scanco Medical AG microCT scanners, and can be read
directly into CTAn (.isq extension).
DICOM-files: Dicom files can be directly loaded into CTAn (of the multi-slice type with .dcm
VFF-files: This format was used by GE locus microCT systems
Other image formats, including from equipment other than Bruker-microCT, can be opened in CTAn –
please refer to section 4.1 below.
Colour images
Images in BMP, PNG or JPG with RGB colour information can be opened for viewing in CTAn but the
analysis functions will not be available. Conversion to grayscale (see section 4.1 below) will allow
analysis to be performed.
The brightness limits can alternatively be entered by keyboard input into boxes. By default these
limits are mapped in terms of index of brightness. If the file contains calibrated density information,
you can specify brightness limits in Hounsfield units.
The button Apply becomes active when you move a slider – press it to see the outcome of the
brightness selection. Press the OK button to proceed to loading of the images with the chosen
brightness limits applied.
Other image formats such as RAW-files (see section 4.1 below), JPG and BMP with bit-depths
different from 8-bit grey can be internally converted to 8-bit grey level.
For opening dataset files from the CTAn menu select the command File / Open…. Ctrl + O ,
In the open dialog, in addition to standard file open dialog functions, there are some additional
possibilities. A selected image can be viewed within the window in a Preview pane. Preview is
turned on and off by a tick box.
To find a file of any type from the list of supported image types, select the appropriate file type in the
list Files of type in the “load image” dialog box. Then only files of that type will be listed, and files of
other types will be hidden.
The drop-down list Open as allows you to choose between two opening modes: Dataset, in which
the whole dataset will be loaded, and Single file, in which only the single selected file is opened.
Suffix length: after “open as”, there is a # followed by a box displaying the number of digits in the
filename suffix. For SkyScan datasets this is 4 by default, e.g. the in filename
The locating of each image file takes time, and therefore when the dataset size is large or
the dataset is loaded from a remote drive across a network, the time taken to load image
files can become significant. If you have enough free space on the local hard disk, you can
reduce this time by activating a caching option, after which the files will be read only once
into a temporary file and then CTAn will work only with this temporary file, not wasting
time accessing the original files. To do this, call the dialog File / Preferences…, go to the tab
Advanced and tick the Cache images box.
During operation the program creates temporary files in a specified directory. You can
specify where on the hard disc to create temporal files – avoiding locations with insufficient
space. To do this, select File / Preferences…, go to the tab Directories, and under the
heading “Temporary files” press the button ... .
In the opened dialog box, specify a path and folder and press the button OK .
From this moment all temporary files created by CTAn will be placed in the indicated
directory, but this will not affect in any way other programs which also use the same system
folder for temporary files.
Micro-CT or other 3D image datasets from other, non-Bruker-microCT sources and equipment can be
loaded into CTAn, which has a flexible interface for accepting and importing such datasets. Two items
in the “general” tab under the preferences relate to the import of different file types. They are
shown by the red boxes in the preferences screen copy below.
RGB to grey: this item provides options for converting colour images with RGB (red-green-blue)
image data to grey format. Only grey format images can be analysed in
The options for colour to grey conversion are:
• No: no conversion
• Luminance: this calculates the grey pixel value from a weighted
balance of the RGB values according to the ratio R:G:B – 0.2126 :
0.7152 : 0.0722.
• Red channel: takes the grey value as the red channel value only
• Green channel: takes the grey value as the green channel value only
• Blue channel: takes the grey value as the blue channel value only
First, in preferences / general, the Raw data file type is changed from “raw” to “xyz”:
Then load the .XYZ files with the usual load images dialog:
Note: after “open as” there is a # symbol followed by a box in which you can enter the suffix length –
the number of digits at the end of each cross-section filename denoting cross-section level in the Z
axis. Datasets with other than 4 suffix digits can be loaded.
For a multiple volume RDF the information about Z position is taken from suffix number.
On clicking open, the dialog shown below will appear requiring input of the image format parameters
“XYZ” format:
The above window lists the options, or “arguments”, that can be added to the opening of CTAn.
These include the running in BatMan mode, loading a .ROI file, loading another dataset into the
CLIPBOARD, loading of a task list, and downsizing to a lower resolution by voxel binning – referred to
above as “decrease images”.
It is also possible to set a task list in BatMan mode to run automatically after opening with /A.
Note that any image stack that is loaded into CTAn can be made into a movie in this way. This
includes image stacks with RGB colour information and other non-SkyScan dataset formats. For
instance, image stacks created from the flight recorder (movie maker) in both SkyScan CTAn and
CTVol can be made into an AVI movie in this way. However for RGB images the further analysis
functions in CTAn are not available.
Selecting “to movie file”, a save file dialog will appear for you to save an AVI file:
There is an option tick-box at the bottom of the save AVI window allowing your PC’s default AVI
player – such as Windows Media Player – to automatically display the AVI movie once saving is
The default (what happens when you do nothing) will be “full frames (uncompressed)” which can
result in very large files. We would recommend the Microsoft Video 1 codec, a reliable compressor
which has the advantage of being present on all Windows PCs. Some compressors such as Windows
Video 1 require a value for compression to be set with a slider:
To set the frame rate of the output animated AVI file, open the dialog File / Preferences / Animation
and go to the field Export to AVI.
The second export option is export for mobile devices. In the “Save as type” drop menu are two
choices: i3m for Apple and vxm for Android:
In Shakespeare’s summary of human life there were seven ages. The structure of CT-Analyser also
has seven parts, which appear as separate windows, and which correspond to the normal sequence
of steps through the analysis process; or the “workflow”. Here these seven parts:
Separating these functions into pages reduces the complexity and clutter (number of buttons and
objects) on each window of the program, improving the user-friendliness of the program interface.
On opening a dataset, the first six of these steps or pages become accessible as indicated by the
appearance of buttons under the menu bar.
These six pages are also listed under the “view” menu:
View / Selection – Opens the box for selecting the vertical range of the volume of
interest (VOI);
Alt + 1 ,
View / Raw images – Initial viewing of images, profile and longitudinal resampling;
View / Region of interest – Selection and viewing of regions of interest (ROI) of Alt + 2 ,
images, saving the ROI dataset;
View / Binary selection – Selection of the binary thresholds and viewing of Alt + 3 ,
resultant binary images, density analysis and 3d model building;
View / Custom processing – a user interface for image processing and analysis Alt + 5 ,
tasks as sequential “plug-ins”, viewing of resultant images
View / Clipboard – the clipboard is an additional image channel in which the Alt + 6 ,
original or a transformed (e.g. binarised, processed) copy of the loaded dataset can
be stored.
After switching to one of these modes, a corresponding tab appears on the Dataset bar. These tabs
also can be used for switching between viewing modes.
Please note that the ALT+1-6 keyboard shortcuts for jumping between the five CTAn pages are a
useful way to move around in CTAn between the pages – for instance when selecting a binary
1 2 3
4 5
In datasets of images created by Bruker-microCT instruments, there is a projection image file with a
filename ending “_spr”. This file is displayed in the top-left program window as the
Shadow projection pane, and simultaneously in the menu there is a new submenu Projection, which
is also accessible by right button click on the projection image.
• Show full area – shows the whole projection image without any modifications;
• Show active area – shows only the part of the projection image for which cross-sections are
present in the dataset;
• Show selected area - shows only the part of the projection image corresponding to the
current vertical selection of cross-sectional levels – if this selection is restricted, the
projection image becomes correspondingly restricted and magnified.
The third and bottom part of the projection menu allows selection or de-selection of the vertical and
horizontal rulers at the right and bottom margins respectively of the projection image:
The red line inside the projection image indicates the position of the displayed cross-section image in
the dataset. If you double click the left mouse button at a location on the projection image, the
cross-section image closest to this position in the dataset will be displayed and the red line will move
to this position.
You can measure distance on the projection image and the active cross-section image. To do this,
press the left mouse button inside the image and, holding the button down, shift the cursor to a new
position. From the initial position a line will be drawn, and under the cursor a tool tip will appear
with the length of this line. After release of the button the drawn line and tool tip will disappear.
For switching between cross-section images there is the Dataset pane, on which a list of the loaded
dataset image files is displayed. For moving up and down the list you can use the keys ↑ , ↓ or
the slider located to the left of the dataset bar.
Right-clicking in the list box on a particular cross-section image number causes a drop-menu to
appear which offers the following functions:
To the right of the list there are two sliders (shown in red circles) for selection of the vertical range of
interest in a dataset. Many operations, for example animation, image analysis etc. are applied only to
files within the limits of the current selection. There is one other way to change the vertical range of
the volume of interest (VOI): double click with the left mouse button on the indicator of selection
(vertical blue bar) between the sliders and the following dialog will appear:
The top, bottom and middle line are indicated, in both line number and height.
Here you can "manually" specify the vertical boundaries of area of interest or restore it to full range
by clicking on Select All. (See § 7.2. below for information about the “analytic” tab and the ROI
reference line function.)
For indication that a cross-section file is within the volume of interest, the colour of the image icon in
the dataset bar is varied: files within the selected vertical range are shown as yellow or red icons,
while files outside the vertical range are shown as black-and-white icons. Further, the background of
the image window is green for active (inside the volume of interest) and grey for non-VOI images.
When the loading of images is complete, the program will show on screen a cross-section image
(below). In the menu bar a new submenu Image will appear, which contains commands for control of
the cross-section image display pane. These commands can also be accessed by pressing the right
mouse button (right-clicking) in the cross-section image field.
Please note: in order for the keyboard commands listed below to operate on the cross-section
images (moving up and down levels for instance) it is necessary that either the dataset bar (top left
window listing all image levels) or the cross-section image window (bottom right) are active. To make
a window “active” just click on it (left mouse).
From the menu item File / Preferences… you can set the upper value of frequency of image
This animation speed cannot always be realised. With very large sized images memory will become
limiting and the speed will become less than indicated.
You can change the magnification of the displayed cross-section image (i.e. zoom in and out) by
holding down the shift button and moving the mouse wheel. After zooming in, you can move to a
selected part of the image using the scroll bars on the left and lower borders of the image window.
Note that any image magnification and position selected in one image page (such as raw image
viewing) will be reproduced exactly if you move to the other viewing pages (such as ROI, binary and
processed images), as shown in the images below.
There is a hand icon button at the right of the upper menu bar. Pressing this makes a hand
icon appear in the cross-section image, which can be used for moving the image position by
left mouse drag-and-drop. (It will move the image only where the magnification is such that
the full image borders are outside the cross-section image viewing window.) Pressing the
hand button a second time makes it disappear and restores the default arrow cursor.
This bar contains options for changing the appearance and colour of displayed images which, while
not modifying them at all, can be useful for viewing the images.
Colour palette with the “colour density range” slider selected in preferences / tools.
Colour palette with the “brightness / contrast” slider selected in preferences / tools.
Images can be inverted by clicking on the “Yin-Yang” icon, set to one of four pallets (original,
half-tone and two colours). Under the pallet drop-down menu there is a rainbow-like colour bar
which displays the colour range of the selected palette. Double clicking with the left mouse button
on the colour bar restores default values of palette slider.
In CTAn preferences / tools you can choose between “brightness / contrast” and “colour density
range” sliders for the colour palette. Usually the “colour density range” gives an easier adjustment of
the correspondence of colour and brightness values with image grey scale.
You can display or hide the Palette bar from the menu View / Palette.
At the lower right of every page window, there is a selection box allowing you to make tick-box
selections as to which CTAn pages are affected – or not affected – by the colour palette selection.
The option “volume” refers to the volume rendering viewing window at the “Raw images” page.
These preliminary actions are advisable before using both Bruker-microCT software products
employing volume modelling – CT-Analyser and CT-Voxel (“CTVox”).
1. Go to the control panel of Windows, to “system” and “device manager”. Select “display
adaptors”. Read your type of graphics card – for example NVidia Quadro or GeForce (GTX) or Tesla.
Then go to the web site of the manufacturer of the graphics card. Find the “download drivers” page,
and follow instructions to check that the driver on your computer is the most up to date one for your
card. If it is not, update it.
2. Go to preferences and the “volume” tab. Click on “maximum dimension of texture”. The
word “texture” refers to the volume rendered model. A drop menu will list the pixel dimensions of
the model available on your computer (see image below). (In CTVox the same information is visible
under options / preferences /
It is suggested that you first set it to 768 (or the maximum available if it is less than this.) The
memory on board your graphics card limits the available texture resolution. Once you are familiar
with the operation of volume modelling, try the higher available resolutions. Note that with 1024 or
above, response speed of model viewing might be slow depending on your computer hardware.
Note that on some older computers, graphics cards may not support the software type used for CTAn
and CTVox (Open GL 2); in such cases the volume modelling functions will not be available at all.
Further, for technical reasons it is occasionally possible that the maximum listed resolution might not
in fact be available. This is because some graphics cards – such as those aimed at the gaming market
– divide their onboard memory into two halves. Volume modelling in CTAn / CTVox cannot divide its
memory requirement into halves, thus in such a case only half the memory is available.
Find out by experimentation the resolution level that gives an acceptable image quality combined
with control responsiveness.
The top button shown below circled in red launches the volume modelling:
When this green sphere in black wire cube button is pressed, a progress bar will indicate loading and
(where necessary) resizing of the dataset and preparation of the volume model.
With the volume modelling window open, the first thing to do is go to the binary page (see images
below). Adjust the binary thresholds with the sliders: the binary selection (white voxels) determines
which voxels are included in the volume model. Non-selected voxels will be invisible.
Further, selecting different colour palettes can apply colour to the displayed model in all the model
modes (volume model, attenuation, MIP).
The inverse colour (Yin-Yang symbol) button can be pressed to inverse model colour.
Both left and right mouse button drag and drop are used to control the models position:
Save the currently displayed image (what you see is what you get).
Build a volume model from the volume of interest within the currently open dataset
Place a visible clip box around the model; panes of the clip box facing the user can be
moved relative to the model by shift + left mouse button drag-and-drop to cut away and
expose surfaces within the model.
The clip box and model together can be rotated by left mouse button drag and drop.
The clip box alone can be rotated (model remains stationary) by left mouse button drag-
and-drop with control key held down.
Toggle navigation clip plane (clip plane movement forces navigation up and down the
dataset in the Z axis)
View the current cross-section of the dataset as a “volume plot” where local grayscale is
indicated by colour-coded height of the spikes (see below):
A clip box can be applied to a displayed model. Left button drag and drop while holding down
the keyboard shift button allows any clip box pane facing the user to be selected (in red) and moved
to make a cut through the model in real time.
Similarly a clip plane can be used in a similar way as the clip box (left).
A navigation clip plane also shows an intersection with the volume model (red colour), but this
allows navigation in the Z direction in the dataset, since movement of the navigation clip plane
Note that translational movement in the CTAn volume model window is done by holding the
keyboard CTRL button at the same time as left mouse button drag and drop.
The yellow square in the bottom right corner of the volume image window shows translational
movement by showing a second, displaced square (see images above).
When this bar becomes active, a red line appears on the cross-section image. This line can be re-
drawn anywhere on the cross-section image by left mouse drag-and-drop, with its beginning marked
by a small circle. In a bar to the right of the cross-section image a grey level profile along this line is
drawn, and the left-hand end of this profile corresponds to the beginning of the line (with the small
On the panel above the profile graph there are six buttons which give access to the following
1. Save profile – saves a text file with the results of the density profile line: these
include the start and end pixel coordinates, the line length in pixels and the grey
level listed at every pixel along the line
2. Cut single slice – creation of a single longitudinal section cut along the profile line
through the dataset, within the limits of the region of interest.
6. Apply or remove the ROI – alternate between display of the image inside the ROI
only and display of the full image
The start point of the profile line is indicated by the red and white bead at one end.
• Projection view:
There are two options for the direction of the generation of the MIP image. These are (1)
horizontal – meaning in the z axis, or (2) along profile, meaning orthogonally across the
direction of the currently drawn profile line.
• Background colour:
Here “colour” means black or white ☺ . If the background “colour” is set to the same colour
as the ambient background, then the image generated will be the maximum intensity
projection, showing the densest structures. If the colour is set to the colour of the maximum
density, then the process will generate instead the minimum intensity projection, revealing
low density inclusions.
• Depth of projection:
This sets the number of image slices in the chosen plane that will be sampled, centered
around the current cross-section in the case of horizontal view and the red line in the case of
“along profile” being selected. With “along profile” selected, the depth of projection is
displayed in real time as a shaded region centered along the red line.
• Number of projections:
The selected projection depth can either be sampled as a single MIP, if number of projections
is set to 1 (the default value) or can be divided into a selected number of multiple slices.
When the horizontal (z axis) MIP is selected, the image will sample all the cross-section levels of the
open dataset. When “along profile” is selected, a box with the title “depth” will appear in which you
should enter the number of pixel slices to be sampled orthogonally to the profile line. The region
thus selected for MIP imaging will be shown interactively – as in the white central band in the image
below (the same as in the tool for angular reslicing – see above). Note again that the profile line can
be either a default centrally placed horizontal or vertical line (as set in preferences, general tab) or a
line drawn freehand in any direction and of any length. Examples of the images created by the MIP
tool in the x (horizontal), y (vertical) and z (between cross-sections) planes, from the scan of a
Microfil-infiltrated kidney, are shown below.
Setting a high value for “number of projections” allows a set of MIP slices to be taken through a
selected part or all of the dataset. This can be a useful way of displaying quickly the structure of a
scanned object in a limited number of MIP slices.
The last button to the right under “profile” applies or removes the current ROI from the displayed
image in the raw images page.
Note that when the ROI button is pressed and the Roi is applied, then this will apply to all the
sectioning and MIP / projection imaging functions associated with the profile line. Thus MIP images,
cut slice images and virtual projection images generated at this page will be restricted to the ROI if
the ROI button is selected.
If this button is not selected, then the MIP images, cut slice images and virtual projection images will
be made from the whole images, regardless of any ROI selection at the ROI page.
Back at the raw images page, the ROI button (far right) is selected, so the ROI from the ROI page is
applied to the displayed cross-section image in the raw images page.
At the raw image page if the ROI button (far right) is deselected, the ROI from the ROI page is not
applied to the image – the whole image is shown.
The “measure” dialog has four tabs, angle, line, path and coordinate. Selecting one of these enables
on-screen measurement using left mouse click or drag-and-drop.
Left button drag and drop enacts a protractor angle measurement relative to the horizontal plane.
Note however that pressing control, after delineation of an angle, then resuming mouse cursor
movement, will make the angle plane first drawn become the new reference plane, in place of the
default horizontal plane.
With this tab selected, left mouse button drag and drop measures the length of the drawn straight
line in the selected unit.
With this tab selected, left mouse button drag and drop measures the length of a freehand path, in
the chosen unit.
With this fourth tab selected, left mouse clicks record the XYZ coordinates of the clicked point.
Autofill On completion of each mouse operation, the measurement of the marked item will
be automatically added to the displayed data list.
Clear The displayed list of measurements will be cleared.
Save By clicking on the save button, all currently displayed measurements can be saved to a text
file, whose filename will default to “scan-prefix_msr.txt”. Note that the unit of measurement will be
taken from the unit correctly selected in preferences, general tab, under ‘unit”.
Close Closes the measure tool.
The region of interest (ROI) refers to the selected region, either fixed shape of free-hand drawn, on a
single cross-section image.
The volume of interest (VOI) refers to the integration of all the ROIs across all the selected image
levels, and defines the sub-volume of the dataset within which procedures will be performed such as
model construction and morphometric calculation.
Load ROI Loads an ROI from a .roi file or from a stack of 1-bit binary images
Load external An external image, if in the 1-bit binary format, can be loaded to the current
image as ROI cross-section as the ROI for that cross-section
Save ROI Saves to file the sizes, types and positions of all edited regions of interest, and
also the current vertical boundaries of the volume of interest, and the current
grey level thresholds in the binary page (subject to preference selection).
Save ROI dataset Save a new dataset with images cropped to within the ROI only, restricted to
the range of slices set in the ROI.
Cut edited ROI Cut the edited ROI level (for pasting elsewhere)
Copy edited ROI Copy the edited ROI level (for pasting elsewhere)
Paste edited ROI Paste the (cut or copied) edited ROI level
Switch to nodes Toggles the edited ROI boundary between displaying connected nodes (“join
outline the dots”) and a smooth outline with corner nodes only
ROI added shape Choose the shape of added ROI objects made by right button plus shift (add
menu shape) or control (subtract shape)
Expand ROI Stretches the active fixed region of interest up to the size of the cross-section
Copy edited ROI to Copies the edited ROI shape to all images of the open dataset
all levels
Reset / delete ROI Deletes all edited ROI shapes, resets the default (ROI = whole image)
Invert edited ROI Inverts the edited ROI shape. What was outside the ROI becomes inside, and
vice versa.
Toggle ROI Alternates between three interpolation algorithms for edited ROI shapes: static,
interpolation dynamic and adaptive (adaptive is a mix of static and dynamic).
If you select the ROI shape drop menu there is a choice of seven ROI types:
(Can be rotated if reset to “image” )
(Can be rotated if reset to “image” )
Ellipse An ellipse
Round A circle
Interpolated Sets the current ROI as the interpolation of the closest neighbouring edited
ROIs above and below
Image format Sets the ROI to image format, allowing additional editing options such as
rotation of the image. An externally loaded image set to ROI will take this
In the ROI page, each image in the Dataset bar has an icon indicating its type with respect to ROI.
After loading a dataset, all images are initially shown by default as interpolated regions of interest.
The default ROI is the rectangular region which has the same size as a dataset image. For
square images it is possible to set as default a round region of interest (entered in quadrate
with same sizes as the cross-section image). Open the dialog File / Preferences and the tab
Region of Interest set the radio button to Round or Square.
The whole ROI on a cross-section image can also be shifted by drag-and-drop with the left mouse
button. In the Status bar at the right the relative displacement (“ROI offset”) of the ROI shape will be
If you begin such drawing on an image with an interpolated region of interest, the ROI type will
change to polygonal. Where interpolated image levels exist, any modification of the size, position or
shape of the ROI of any image will call a re-computation of all interpolated images between the
image with the modified ROI and the next images with an edited ROI above or below this image.
Note that interpolated images are shown as yellow icons, and polygonal edited images as red.
Region of interest / Edited above: switches to the next edited region of interest Ctrl. +
located above the current image;
Region of interest / Edited below: switches to the next fixed region of interest Ctrl. +
located above the current image;
Region of interest / Last Modified: switches to the image containing region of Backspace
interest last subject to modifications;
Region of interest / Build Cube: creates a cubic volume of interest (VOI) based on a square region of
interest with the current image taken as the equatorial level of this cube. The regions of interest for
images outside of this cube will be set to empty regions of interest. The equatorial level is indicated
as a square ROI, while all other levels are shown as rectangular ROIs.
Region of interest / Build Sphere: creates a sphere volume of interest based on a round region of
interest with the current image taken as the equatorial level of this sphere. The regions of interest
for images outside of this sphere will be set to empty regions of interest. The equatorial level is
indicated as a round ROI, while all other levels are shown as elliptic ROIs.
The information about the selected grey level thresholds in the binary page, and also the vertical
boundaries of the dataset volume of interest (VOI) is stored in the region of interest file (.roi).
When analysing datasets in custom processing or BatMan always use ROI datasets with reduced size.
Custom processing has a higher memory demand than the main body of CTAn and thus minimizing
dataset size will facilitate operations in custom processing and BatMan.
Rotate dataset In the case that “Save-ROI” is deselected, then the option will appear to rotate the
ROI dataset counter-clockwise by a specified angle in degrees
Note: The “Save overlay images” option changes the greyscale image. It creates a visual mask
indicating the ROI area by slightly increasing the greyscale of all pixels within the ROI. (So better not
to use this option if you need to measure density within the VOI.)
In some applications the vertical range of the volume of interest (VOI) – i.e. the upper and lower
limits of the selected range of image levels – is specified with reference to a fixed object or feature in
the scanned dataset. An example is in bone biology, where a bone like a rodent femur is scanned at
the knee (“distal”) end. Close to the knee is the femur’s growth plate (made of cartilage), and usually
trabecular (spongy) bone is selected for analysis at the distal femur starting a small fixed distance
away from the growth plate, and extending several millimeters from this point down the femur shaft.
So the growth plate is the “reference” landmark for specifying the VOI including the vertical range.
Refer to the screen image above illustrating the reference level function applied to analysis of a
mouse femur at the distal (knee) end. The projection image (top left) shows a horizontal red line
toward the bottom end which corresponds to the growth plate level, as shown also in the cross-
section image (bottom left) – this is level 231. (Note that how a reference level is repeatably selected
may depend on a user’s own interpretation of visual features – this is one reason that quantitative
analysis of samples from any one given experimental study should if possible be carried out by a
single investigator only.)
From the above image also, please note that the currently selected dataset level can be set as either
the top or the bottom of the vertical VOI range using the right-click menu items directly under
“selection reference”. Keyboard shortcuts to these two functions are <CTRL+Home> and <CTRL+End>
Right mouse button click actions at the ROI page allow the creation of multiple ROI shapes, and also
of editing an existing ROI shape by subtraction.
Right mouse button drag-and-drop with the SHIFT button held down will allow additional ROI shapes
to be drawn.
By default, the additional drawn objects are freehand polygonal ROI shapes.
However by making a selection in the second shape drop menu in the ROI page button bar, just to
the left of the main drop menu of ROI shapes, it is possible for additional shaped drawn with right
button drag-and-drop plus SHIFT, to be either rectangular or elliptical:
Right mouse button drag-and-drop with the CONTROL button held down will make a subtractive
shape, that will cut the drawn shape out of existing ROI objects over which it encroaches. Again, by
default, the subtractive region is a polygonal freehand drawn shape. However by the second, right
hand drop menu of additional shapes, the subtractive drawn shape can also be a rectangle or an
The Histogram bar is divided into two parts. At the top is a window with the histogram of brightness
distribution displayed. Below this is a text table of this distribution.
The histogram table has five columns, which display (1) the absolute values of image brightness, (2)
the relative brightness as a %, (3) the absolute value of the image area with this brightness, shown in
current units of measurement, (4) the area with a specific brightness as a % of the total area with all
brightness values, and (5) the area with a specific brightness as a % of the total area with brightness
within the selected range.
Histogram / Save Histogram : saves in a text file (prefix_hist.txt) the values of the histogram
table displayed at the given moment;
Histogram / Save Auto threshold : automatically assigns a threshold selection using the
Otsu threshold method (Otsu 1979, also see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otsu's_method )
Histogram / Logarithm scale : switches the histogram display mode between linear and
Histogram / From Image : shows the histogram distribution of brightness from the whole
area of the current image only.
Histogram / From Dataset : shows the histogram distribution of brightness from the whole
area of all images of the dataset.
Grayscale indexes : Sets the displayed density scale to units of grayscale. Grayscale is
referred to as “index”.
Hounsfield Units : Sets the displayed density scale to units of Hounsfield units.
Bone Mineral Density : Sets the displayed density scale to units of Bone Mineral Density
(BMD), in g.cm-3 calcium hydroxy-apatite.
Attenuation coefficient : Sets the displayed density scale to units of attenuation coefficient
(− .t )
(µ) according to I1 = I 0e
Histogram / ROI view – displays the part of the image inside the ROI in black and white,
and the region outside the ROI under green shading;
The histogram tab in preferences allows bone mineral density (BMD), defined as g/cm3 of calcium
hydroxyapatite, to be calibrated against the density scales of either Hounsfield units (HU) or
attenuation coefficient.
The button “calibrate” allows a choice of calibration of BMD against Hounsfield units or attenuation
This value can be a default for use of CTAn in clinical CT analysis but will not be appropriate for
microCT due to very different x-ray energy and interaction with matter.
On pressing the “calibrate” button, a box will open allowing the measured densities of BMD
calibration phantoms in either HU or attenuation coefficient to be entered with the corresponding
known BMD phantom values. The phantom pairs supplied by Bruker-microCT have BMD values of
0.25 and 0.75 g.cm-3.
Please note that, on pressing OK after entering calibration values, a permanent calibration is
established, which is written to your computer’s registry. This calibration will remain in place after
restart of the computer.
The “toggle halftone view” and “toggle ROI view” buttons are respectively at the right end of the
button bar above the density histogram at the histogram page.
The four image modes shown below are selectable by switching the options for halftone-binary
image view and ROI-full image view.
File / Save Binary – saves the dataset as binary images with the current threshold, in 1-bit
bmp format (small file size);
File / Create 3D-model – creates a file of a three-dimensional model (for viewing in the
program CTvol.exe). You can select the model file type.
The 3D model created in CTAn can be saved as three file types: (i) a .ctm file, which saves a model
with a spatial measurement unit of voxels; (ii) a .p3g file type which also has a spatial unit of voxels,
and saves a given model with a much smaller file size (which also opens quicker in CTVol, although
file creation in CTAn can be slower than for .ctm models.); (iii) the model file type .stl, widely used by
3d imaging and stereolithography software, is saved with spatial information encoded in the unit
(mm, µm, inch, pixel) chosen in File / Preferences at the General tab, in the field Unit. You can tick in
the box at the bottom of the “create 3d model” dialog to automatically launch the associated
program (e.g. CT-volume) to show the model immediately after the model building is complete.
The three 3d model file types are STL, P3G, CTM and PLY.
STL: Stereolithography, an industry standard surface rendered model useful for inputting into other
P3G: A flexible format allowing smoothing of the surface in the CT-volume viewing software
CTM: A general purpose model format with good stability at very large model sizes.
PLY: A computer file format known as the Polygon File Format or the Stanford Triangle Format (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PLY_(file_format) )
After CTAn installation it is necessary to select the application which will be used for
displaying three-dimensional models (usually it is CTvol.exe). To do this, open the dialog
File / Preferences and select the tab Tools.
• Locality: this parameter defines the distance in pixels to the neighbouring point used
for finding the object border. Increasing this value allows “jumping” through noise on the
object border, but small objects (often created by binarisation of noise) with size less than
this parameter will be lost.
• Tolerance: this parameter defines the sub pixel accuracy with which the object border is
delineated. Reducing this number makes the model more smooth and accurate, but
increases the model file size.
It is possible to display or hide the Histogram bar from the menu View / Histogram.
The Analysis bar is divided into two parts. At the top is the histogram of the distribution of a 2d
image quantitative parameter (note the geometrical x axis scale). The parameter is indicated on the
tab above the histogram – there are six to choose between (object size, perimeter etc.). The data
shown here and in the table just below the histogram relate only to the currently open single cross-
section image.
Each histogram bar relates to a parameter value range and has its own colour. In the image window
objects are correspondingly coloured according to their value of the currently selected 2d parameter.
You can customise the colour pallet using the slider bars.
At the bottom of the analysis bar is a table with the 2D analysis results of the selected image. You can
use the buttons and tabs of the Analysis bar to access commands located in the Analysis menu. You
can also open this menu by right mouse-click anywhere in the analysis window.
Note that there are tick-boxes at the bottom of the window for (a) appending the text results to a
summary file with results of multiple analyses, and (b) the option “save colour-coded image”. This
latter option saves the displayed binarised image with separate binary items displayed with a grey scale
linked to their size (or other selected display parameter) according to the currently displayed
histogram. This image is saved as a bmp image file in a subfolder given the name “size distribution (1,
2…), as shown in the image above.
In the
case that length (diameter of area-equivalent circle) is
chosen as the histogram option, this button opens a
dialog box allowing you to specify the intervals of the
histogram of length values. This customised set of
intervals can be saved.
Sets the unit on the y axis of the displayed histogram, to object size
(diameter of area-equivalent circle).
Sets the unit on the y axis of the displayed histogram, to object length
(maximum distance between two object pixels).
Sets the unit on the y axis of the displayed histogram, to form factor.
These above functions correspond to the rows of buttons and tabs above the histogram, in the
analysis window, shown below:
You can select any item in the single image 2d data report by left mouse click, and a
small flashing cross inside a circle will appear on the cross-section image, indicating the
centroid of the selected item (see figure to the right). Furthermore, within the same
image field, if you right-click on any discreet binarised object, a drop menu will appear,
with the top item being “object properties” (figure below, lower). Selecting “object properties” will
open a 2d results box with a single line of data corresponding to the selected binarised object.
You can select one or more lines as follows. Place the cursor on a line and press the left mouse
button. To select a range of lines, left-click on the first image and then left-click with Shift held
down on the last line of the required range. To add one line to an already chosen range, or to exclude
one line, left-click on that image with Ctrl held down. However the cross indicator will only light up
for singly chosen objects.
In the 3D as in the 2D individual object analysis, if you highlight a row (above), the corresponding 3D
binarised object will be indicated by a target symbol at the centroid position of that object (see
below for example). Note that the centroid is defined in 3D, so in the case (that will frequently occur)
that the object is highly interconnected and extends over a significant volume, the centroid can be in
empty space.
Note also that by clicking on any of the parameter headers, such as object volume, changes the order
of the displayed objects so that objects are then displayed in either ascending or (by clicking again)
descending order of the selected parameter.
When you call this command the dialog 3D analysis is opened and shows the list of parameters which
can be calculated. You can select and de-select parameters using the corresponding tick-boxes.
Pressing the button Continue begins the analysis, and if the flag Auto save result as was ticked, a
dialog will appear in which you can specify a filename for the text file with the 3d analysis results. When
text table is ticked, the results are saved as a table with each parameter result in a separate line.
The window displaying results after running the “3d analysis” function. The “i” button in the bottom
left of the window opens the text file containing the full results listing. A part of this text file is shown
in the image below.
If single text line is selected, results of each analysis are saved as one text line (comma delineated).
The file can be appended to with subsequent analysis results. The title with descriptions of
parameters as column headings is written as the first row at the creation of the new file. The second
row gives the parameter symbol (bone ASBMR or general scientific) and the third row gives the
parameter unit. This results report mode is applicable where multiple samples are to be analysed and
compared, and the “line-by-line” text file is loadable into spreadsheet programs such as Excel. When
you open this or any other type of CTAn results text file in MS Excel, the text Import Wizard appears:
in the first page you need to set Original data type to Delimited and File origin to Windows(ANSI).
On the second page choose Comma Delimiters and on the third in the dialog Advanced… select the
decimal separator to point. When you finish this wizard you will see a sheet like this:
For parameters based on Mean Intercept Length (MIL) such as Degree of Anisotropy you can select
the distance between secants (test lines). Reducing this distance will make the results more accurate,
at the cost of increased calculation time. In the dialog File / Preferences in the tab Advanced you can
find the field MIL line spacing.
You can save the results of 3d analysis as a table text file, by pressing the button
Save results, or as a single comma-delineated text line, by pressing the button
Append results to file. If you click the left mouse button on the Print results icon, the
analysis results will be printed. Pressing the button Close window will close the dialog
In the advanced tab of the preferences, there are four tick-box items at the bottom: these are:
• Use all processors. This is an option that addresses limitation of processors available to CTAn
when other resource-hungry programs are running (such as NRecon). It helps CTAn to
increase the number of processor threads that it gets.
• Perform the advanced 3-dimensional stereology. Selecting this option adds a list of
parameters related to the mean intercept length (MIL) calculation of anisotropy and the MIL
tensor, to the end of the 3d analysis report. In CTAn version this option is moved
into the box with MIL analysis, here in the same “Advanced” preferences tab.
• Restrict the thickness calculations to within the VOI only. Selecting this option reduces the
time taken for 3d thickness and separation calculation, by the distance-transform based local
thickness method.
• Show the results based on direct counting of pixels / voxels. This applies to 2D analysis only
– it activates the output of alternative values of some parameters such as object volume and
surface area, marked with an asterisk “*”, where sub-pixel interpolation – such as by the
Analysis / Save 2D analysis results: this saves in a text file the results of the two-
dimensional analysis of all images of a dataset inside the region of interest. The values in
the output text table are comma-delineated, each line of this table representing the results of the
analysis of one image.
Note on text report files: when prompted to enter a filename for a report text file, the default file
extension will be .txt. For instance, object_3d.txt or object_2d.txt. The output file will be an ASCII
text file. However you can optionally change the extension of the report file to .csv . This stands for
“comma separated values” and is a format recognised by Microsoft Excel. The file created will be the
same ASCII text file, but it can be easily and quickly opened in Microsoft Excel by double clicking,
side-stepping the Excel text import wizard.
It is possible to display or to hide the Analysis bar with the menu View / Analysis.
When you select the 5th, custom processing page using the button , a progress bar will appear
indicating the loading of the current dataset.
Important: On moving to custom processing the whole current dataset is loaded into memory. Even
if a volume of interest (VOI) is selected much smaller than the parent dataset, the whole dataset is
still loaded. It is therefore strongly recommended that you create an “ROI dataset” at the ROI page, a
new dataset with reduced size containing only the part of the dataset inside your selected VOI. Then
open the new ROI dataset and this will both load and run much more quickly in the custom
processing environment.
The custom processing page allows you to apply to the dataset images one or more operations from
a list of internal or external modules or “plug-ins” connected to the program. Note that this page of
CTAn has an open architecture, so that a user can contribute his/her own analysis routines as
external plug-ins. Internal plug-ins are those implementing functions from the core of the CTAn
You can specify the location of the directory containing external plug-ins for CTAn from the
dialog File / Preferences. Open the tab Directories and in the group Plug-In Directory press
the button ... .
Note that installation of the external plug-ins is separate from the installation of CTAn itself.
When you switch to this custom processing mode a duplicate of the initial dataset is created, and a
progress bar will indicate this process. (Note – to speed up operation in custom processing, it helps
to reduce dataset size by creating an ROI dataset.) Modifications to the dataset made in this mode
are displayed in an image window, and a new Plug-Ins bar appears.
Collections – A set of most-used task lists can be kept in the Collections tab: a kind of cache for quick
access to task lists.
Task list – shows the list of operations which can include internal and/or external plug-ins, which will
be applied to the dataset in the displayed order (top down).
Internal – Displays the full list of plugins available internally within CTAn
External – shows the list of external plug-ins loaded from the directory specified by
File / Preferences / Directories / Plug-In Directory.
Output / Report – here you can find the paths and filenames of the text files with the analysis results
(Output file) and the report or log of operations done (Report file). Both files are created in the
dataset folder each time a task list is run on that dataset, and they have the same prefix as the
dataset images followed by the double extension .CTAn.txt or .CTAn.log. Both output text files have
the same set of options. The button Open opens this file for viewing.
The live flag Append indicates that the information will be added to the end of the results (output) or
the log (report) file. file. Otherwise this file will be overwritten after the execution of a single plug-in
or a list of plug-ins. When the switch Show is on, the corresponding text file will be automatically
opened for viewing after the execution of a single plug-in or list of plug-ins.
Restore dataset – restores a duplicate of the dataset images, reversing the previous image
modifications. This command becomes active after images are modified.
Run plug-ins – starts execution of a single selected plug-in when the tab Internal or External
is active, and executes a list of plug-ins when the tab Task list is active.
Pause – this button sets the task list to pause before running the selected plugin. This is
useful for testing and debugging of task lists.
Resume after pause – this button appears after a plugin has been set to pause. The button
will resume a paused task-list starting with the paused plugin. A plugin can optionally be
paused and re-started several times between start and finish.
Disable plugin – this button makes a plugin inactive so it will not run during the task list
operation. It will however remain in the task list and can be enabled by a second click.
Add plug-in to task list – adds a selected plug-in in the Internal or External tab to the task
list in the Task list tab.
Move plug-in down – shifts a selected plug-in down by one line on the list, changing the
sequence of execution of plug-ins in the Task list tab.
Move plug-in up – shifts a selected plug-in up by one line on the list, changing the
sequence of execution of plug-ins in the Task list tab.
Import task list – reads from the disk (.ctt file) a list of plug-ins and shows them on the
Task list tab.
Export task list – saves on disk (.ctt file) the list of plug-ins shown on the Task list tab.
When you add any plug-in to a list on the Task list tab, it is copied with its current configuration.
Further modification of the plug-in configuration does not influence the configuration of the same
plug-in in other tab lists of plug-ins.
Batch manager – starts a new instance of the CTAn program in batch processing mode, and
sends to it the current list of operations from the Task list tab – each plug-in retaining its
currently set configuration. (There is more on the batch manager in the next section.)
Image view – viewing mode in custom processing, to view the whole original image, (i) in
the example below.
Image inside ROI view – viewing mode in custom processing, to view only the part of the
image inside the current ROI, (ii) in the example below.
ROI view – viewing mode in custom processing, to view only the current ROI itself as a
binarised image, (iii) in the example below.
Clipboard view – viewing mode in custom processing to view the clipboard, which is a third
image channel required for complex task lists. The contents of the other three image
channels (image, image-inside-ROI, ROI) can be copied to or from the clipboard at any time.
A keyboard shortcut allows you to jump between the four image channels (image, image-inside-ROI,
ROI, clipboard). This shortcut is the control button plus the numbers 1-4; so that
Ctrl + 1: shortcut to IMAGE
Ctrl + 2: shortcut to IMAGE-inside-ROI
Ctrl + 3: shortcut to ROI
Ctrl + 4: shortcut to CLIPBOARD
In the batch processing mode the program starts as a dialog box with an upper and a lower window.
In the upper window the control elements are displayed similarly to the elements in the Plug-Ins bar
in the custom processing page. Above the upper window are four tabs:
Collections – can keep a “cache” of frequently used task lists for quick access
Task list - shows the list of operations selected from internal and external plug-ins, which will be
applied to the dataset in the sequence shown (top down).
Internal – shows the list of internal plug-ins.
External – shows the list of external plug-ins loaded from the directory specified by
File / Preferences… / Directories / Plug-In Directory.
To control the task list use the buttons located to the right of the upper dialog window:
Add adds the selected plug-in from the Internal or External tab to the list of plug-ins in
the Task list tab.
Remove deletes a highlighted plug-in from the list on the Task list tab.
Move up shifts the selected plug-in up by one line on the list, changing the sequence of
execution of plug-ins on the Task list tab.
Move down shifts the selected plug-in down by one line on the list, changing the sequence of
execution of plug-ins on the Task list tab.
Import reads from the disk a list of plug-ins (.ctt file) and shows them on the Task list tab.
Export saves to disk the list of plug-ins shown on the Task list tab, plus the configuration of
each plug-in, as a .ctt file.
Add adds a dataset to the list. In the opened dialog any image from a dataset can be
selected. A drop menu on the Add button gives options to load an ROI file, to load all
datasets within a folder, and to load a second dataset to the clipboard.
Remove removes the highlighted dataset from the list. A drop menu gives options to remove
several selected or all datasets
Properties Displays properties of a listed dataset such as path and pixel size; also gives options
for quick selection an de-selection
Results opens the analysis results file for a chosen dataset. This file has the same prefix as
the dataset images followed by the double extension .batman.txt.
Report opens the report (log) file for a chosen dataset. This file has the same prefix as the
dataset images followed by the double extension .batman.log.
Import Imports a previously saved dataset list, in the “ctl” format.
Export Exports and saves the currently loaded dataset list, in the “ctl” format.
At the bottom of the BATMAN window, from the left, the following functions are present:
Selecting this option will result in any previous results of BATMAN calculations in any of the listed
datasets, in the default format [prefix]_.batman.txt and [prefix]_.batman.log, being overwritten by
the results of the present analysis.
Selecting this option will cause the computer to be fully shut down at the end of the operation of the
task list. This can be useful if you are launching a batch calculation on multiple datasets that will run
overnight or over a weekend, for example.
The close button closes the BATMAN window, and stops batch processing if it is in progress.
When a batch task list is in progress, a progress bar will appear at the bottom of the window.
12.2.1. The Task List has three columns relating to each selected task:
Dataset the path and filename of the dataset which will be opened and analysed;
Region of interest the path and filename of the .roi region of interest file applied to the
corresponding dataset during batch analysis;
Status The status of the analysis of the dataset shown in real time.
Results the path and filename of the file where the results of dataset analysis will be
Report the path and filename of the file where the report log will be written, listing
procedures applied to the dataset.
Right clicking on the top left corner of BatMan opens a preferences window.
The BatMan preferences are a limited set of the preferences in the main part of CTAn. One additional
preference is under the tab “tools”:
The Layout Item drop list can contain the following items:
Histogram of distribution – the image of the histogram of
distribution shown in the Analysis bar (2d parameters from
current image).
2D analysis results – a text table of the results of two-
dimensional analysis of the current single image only.
Left button click inside the field of a printout item makes it active, and draws a dashed rectangle
around it and shows that item title in the Layout Item list. The layout item can be moved by left
mouse button drag and drop.
To change the size of a printout item, you need to make the item active (left mouse click on it). At the
corners of the dashed rectangle surrounding the active item, you can find small black squares. Drag-
and-drop one of these squares with the left mouse button to change the size of the rectangle. After
releasing the mouse button the printout item will be drawn with its new size marked as a dashed
The check box Page border shows or hides a border around the printout page.
The button Print sends your printout page to the active printer.
The button Reset All resets the position of all printout items. This command allows you to return
items to within the limits of the visible area of the page, if for any reason any printout items are out
of the page boundaries.
The button OK closes the Print Layout dialog and saves all modifications, whereas
the button Cancel closes the dialog without saving any changes.
When you move into the custom processing page of CTAn, a progress bar appears indicating the
creation of an additional copy of the currently loaded dataset within the computer’s memory:
This means that prior to working in custom processing, it is recommended to reduce the dataset to
the smallest size needed, since two and possible three copies of the dataset will be used by the
computer within custom processing (the third copy in case the “Clipboard” is used).
All procedures you carry out in custom processing will work most quickly and efficiently with datasets
of the smallest attainable size. Therefore you should make “ROI datasets” and load these into
custom processing – rather than load full reconstructed datasets, if possible.
In a 64 bit system, the upper limit of available memory is not restricted to 2-3 GB as in 32 bit systems,
but is limited by the amount of RAM present in the computer. However the RAM available to CTAn is
significantly less than the total in the computer due to the distribution of resources that goes on in a
Windows computer, which limits the RAM available to a single process such as CTAn. So in a 64 bit
system it is advisable to have at least 32 GB of RAM in the computer in order for CTAn to have a good
working amount of RAM. In general, the more RAM the better – any quoted number will go out of
date within a few years.
For example, once you have selected your volume of interest (VOI) in the scan dataset at the Roi
page of CTAn, you should save a new “ROI dataset” containing only the image data within the ROI
(see section 7.1, p. 30). This should also be resized to the smallest size to enclose the ROI. To do this,
ensure that in preferences and the region of interest page, that under “save images” you select “to
accumulated ROI bounds” and not “full image”.
Global: A fixed range of grayscales is set for solid pixels (white); pixels
outside this range are set as space pixels (black)
Adaptive (Median C): Adaptive thresholding: for each voxel, the threshold is calculated as
the median of all pixel/voxel grayscales within a selected radius.
Adaptive (Mean C): Adaptive thresholding: for each voxel, the threshold is calculated as
the mean of all pixel/voxel grayscales within a selected radius.
Adaptive (Mid-range C): Adaptive thresholding: for each voxel, the threshold is calculated as
the midpoint between minimum and maximum greyscales within the
selected radius.
Automatic (Otsu method): A single global threshold is set automatically using the Otsu method
(Otsu 1979).
Multilevel (Otsu method): A set of several global thresholds is set corresponding to two or
more density phases, automatically using the Otsu multi-level
method (Otsu 1979).
Two-dimensional Otsu: This is an Otsu method that is not a global but a local threshold,
adapting to surfaces as well as grey scale distribution. Note – here
Automatic (Ridler-Calvard): This is an automatic threshold algorithm similar to Otsu automatic
global threshold finding.
Hysteresis: This method involves “seeds” of higher density. A low and a high
density threshold are set. Objects segmented with the low threshold
are only retained if they contain or are in contact with a seed
segmented by the high threshold. This can help remove low density
noise objects (with no seed).
High density
Low density
Thresholded (seed present) Not thresholded (no seed)
Under “file format”, bmp, jpg, png, tif and Raw data can
be selected.
Convert to monochrome Images are saved in 1bit format (pixels only black or white) for
smaller file size. This option should only be used for binarised
Copy shadow projection A copy of the _spr projection image file will be saved in the created
dataset, allowing viewing of the projection image in CTAn and
Dataviewer software.
Copy dataset log file A copy of the dataset log file will be saved in the created dataset.
Insert scale bar A scale bar will be added to the bottom of the saved images,
automatically adjusted to size.
Resize to ROI bounds The size (XY pixel dimensions) of the saved images will be set at the
minimum necessary to fully enclose the ROI at all levels of the
selected range. This function is also available in the ROI page of
Save only the current slice: Only the single current cross-section will be saved.
You can select the output of the “summary results” only, the full line-by-line data (“individual
results”), or both summary and full data together (“all results”).
When thickness and / separation are selected, additional options appear at the bottom of the 3d
analysis dialog, for saving colour-coded images of structure (or bone) thickness and separation. The
resultant images are saved in a new directory in the same format as new datasets created by the
“save bitmaps” plug-in. To view the colour-coded thickness, open the dataset in Bruker-microCT
Dataviewer. Under the colour drop menu, choose colour 1 or 2. Then the bar under “Colour / data
range” will become coloured. At first the image will usually look very dark with little visible. You need
to move the upper colour slider and move it down from its default value of 100. In the example
below it is reduced to 14. Adjust the colour slider to obtain a good range of colours corresponding to
There are three things to choose in the configuration dialog for the filtering plugin:
• The filter type (Gaussian blur, Median, Uniform, Kuwahara, Unsharp mask, Conditional mean,
Contrast stretching, Contrast enhancement, Anisotropic diffusion)
• 2d or 3d smoothing (3d smoothing averages image pixel data vertically in the z axis as well as
x and y)
• The radius of smoothing (applied either in 2d or 3d) in pixels/voxels.
Privilege options are available to preserve either high contrast surfaces or wide regions. The gradient
threshold determines the sensitivity to surface gradient – a good starting value is 5. Iteration number
Anisotropy diffusion filtering smooths tooth tissue while preserving edges and cracks.
The open procedure has the effect of separating objects that are connected at a narrow junction.
Close is the opposite, connecting objects that are in close proximity but initially distinct.
Under “type” choose between erode, dilate, open and close. Set the procedure to 2d or 3d. You can
set the morphological operation kernel to square or round (round is better). The radius of the kernel
2. Dilation, 1 pixel
3. Opening, 1 pixel
4. Opening, 2 pixels
5. Closing, 1 pixel
6. Closing, 2 pixels
In configuring the despeckle plug-in, you set the box which is labelled “area” (2d) or “volume” (3d) to
eliminate binarised objects either less than or more than a specified number of pixels (2d) or voxels
(3d). This number is entered in the box marked “pixels” or “voxels”.
Again the procedure can be applied to either the image or to the ROI. Specify which after “apply to”.
Remove black speckles removes objects that are black (i.e. thresholded to represent space or
background) below (or above) a specified number of voxels.
Remove white speckles removes objects that are white (i.e. thresholded to represent solid
objects) below (or above) a specified number of voxels.
Remove pores removes all black (space) regions that are fully enclosed by white (solid) voxels.
Enclosure is defined either in 2d or in 3d.
Remove broken pores a “broken pore” is a pore intersecting the boundary of the volume of interest
Remove broken objects a “broken object” is an object intersecting the boundary of the
volume of interest (VOI).
Remove inner objects An “inner object” is defined as an object fully enclosed by space, for which
the surrounding space is itself fully surrounded by an uninterrupted solid bounding wall.
Remove outer objects This option removes all binarised objects except those defined as inner
objects above.
Sweep This is the extreme despeckle option First, the single the single largest object is identified –
again either in 2d or 3d. Then there are two alternatives: (a) to keep the largest object and remove
all other objects, or (b) to delete the largest object and keep the rest.
Double time cubes a smoother version of Marching Cubes. Refer to Bouvier 2000.
Marching Cubes 33 A recent improvement on the original Marching Cubes algorithm, an explicit
model showing detail down to individual voxels, good for finely detailed
Adaptive rendering An algorithm developed by Bruker-microCT in which a smooth faceted
surface is fitted by sub-voxel contouring. This model type gives the most
smooth, realistic surfaces but it is not as ideal as the Marching cubes /
Double time cubes methods for very fine detail.
STL Stereo lithography model format, a standard type accepted by much commercial software
such as finite element analysis software (e.g. ABAQUS, ANSYS, Materialize)
P3G A Bruker-microCT model format. Where model size is small to medium this format is useful –
the file size is relatively small and an additional smoothing option is available in CT-volume
for p3g models.
Please note that the model algorithm (Marching Cubes, Adaptive rendering etc.) and model format
(P3G, CTM etc.) are not the same thing – this means that models made by any of the three
algorithms can be saved in any of the three available formats. However models made by adaptive
rendering should be saved in p3g format in order to visualise a smooth surface.
Note also that the “unit” drop menu box is only applicable to the STL model format which is the only
format which encodes absolute spatial distance information. For STL files, choose between voxel,
µm, mm and inch. The P3G and CTM formats always use voxel. Selecting different distance units for
STL models can have an effect on visual the size of the model on opening in CT-volume. If necessary
adjust the cube size in stage properties in CT-volume, to obtain an appropriate viewing size for the
If you select the adaptive rendering 3d model algorithm, three further parameters need to be set:
Locality this parameter defines the distance in pixels to the neighbouring point used for
finding the object border. Increasing this value allows “jumping” through noise on
the object border, but small objects (often created by binarisation of noise) with size
less than this parameter will be lost.
Tolerance this parameter defines the sub pixel accuracy with which the object border is
delineated. Reducing this number makes the model more smooth and accurate, but
increases the model file size.
Smoothing set on or off
Load the dataset into custom processing. Set threshold as the first task, and select an appropriate
threshold value. Add then shrink-wrap to the task list.
In the configuration box for shrink-wrap, after “mode” choose “shrink wrap”.
By clicking the ROI button at the far right above the custom processing window , you will see a
black binary mask indicating the current ROI.
Run the task list (threshold, shrink wrap). Then look at the ROI mask again. You will see that the
original ROI has “shrunk” precisely onto the perimeter of the cortical bone.
Note that in custom processing you need to use the button to see the current ROI, you do not
get a transparent mask as in the ROI page of the main body of CT-Analyser.
Then re-run the task list and now, where there is a hole, the ROI will stretch over the hole and not
get “sucked” inside.
In the “mode” drop menu in the shrink-wrap configuration dialog box, there are two other functions
available apart from shrink-wrap. These are:
Fill out select a ROI inside a solid region in the cross-section images, and the fill-out function
will expand an ROI from the initial “seed”. This can be termed “seed-growing”.
Adaptive with this function, if your ROI only partly covers an object, the effect will be the same
as a shrink-wrap of the whole object.
For most effective seed-growing by fill-out, choose the sub-option “trim the lumps” rather than
“remove pores”.
A 3D volume rendering of the results of seed-growing with fill-out in the Shrink-Wrap plugin.
The reload plug-in reloads the open dataset into custom processing within the run of a task list,
without deleting the currently selected ROI in the task list. Note that the ROI set during a task list is
temporary, and cannot be saved after the task list is complete. An example of the use of reload is in
the analysis of a metal implant in bone. First set a high threshold to binarise the metal only. Then run
shrink-wrap, set to image convert. The binary image of the metal implant now becomes the ROI.
Then run reload. Now set a threshold suitable for bone. The ROI can be dilated by – say – 5 pixels, to
set a boundary of the ROI which is exactly 5 pixels distant from the metal implant surface. Now if you
run 3d analysis, the “intersection surface” will tell you how much cross-sectional area of bone is
intersecting the ROI surface at an exactly specified distance (e.g. 5 pixels) from the metal surface.
This approach – using varying pixel distances from the metal surface – could be used to assess the
status of bone around a metal implant, and how well the implant was secured in the bone.
As with several other plug-ins, the reload function can be applied to either the current image or the
15.11. Histogram
The density distribution of the loaded dataset can be output by the “histogram” custom processing
plug-in. Selection between 2d and 3d is again available: in 2d mode, the density histogram for each
individual image level is output in the text report. In 3d mode, the integrated density distribution is
calculated for all voxels in the volume of interest. When 3d is selected, the “append summary results
to file” option appears, and this allows line-by-line output of the summary results from one or many
analysed datasets, in the same way as with the morphometric analysis.
Four units of density are selectable: index (grayscale), attenuation coefficient, Hounsfield units (HU)
and bone mineral density (BMD). For HU and BMD it is necessary that the appropriate calibration has
been done in CTAn: otherwise the output unit will revert to index. Likewise for attenuation
coefficient values to be available, this must also have been calibrated, either automatically by loading
the dataset into CTAn with the dataset.log file in place, or manually calibrating attenuation
coefficient at the binary page.
When 3d output is selected, the option to append summary results to a “line-by-line” text report file
becomes available.
The tick-box “Inside VOI” restricts the plugin output the histogram to the contents of the VOI.
As we saw at the chapter on the density / binarisation page, there are four units of “density” of
which one should be selected in the ‘Density unit” drop menu. Note that if either HU or BMD are
selected, you need to ensure that the corresponding calibration has been done prior to the analysis.
The option “object label” gives each object a different color for the purpose of 3D visualisation, not
related to any object parameter. If this option is chosen, it is recommended to also select the linked
tick box on the right, “Random number”. This randomises the assignment of colours to the objects
and gives a better visual colour effect.
“Use Clipboard as density map”: The use of the Clipboard as a density map is available as in the
individual 2D object analysis (above). What is different in 3D is the way in which individual objects
are defined – by 3D connectivity of voxels (applying 6-adjacency).
With “Save to Clipboard color-coded images” selected, there are additional options associated with
two of the available parameters. If “Orientation (Theta)” is selected, then by default the polar angle
theta is applied – an angle in 2D only – the equatorial or azimuthal angle (using ISO 31-11, and ISO
80000-2:20091). However a tick box to the right gives a second (and generally better) option, “sphere
Sphere section outputs 3D angle as a limited number of 3D spherical segments defined by an angle. A
drop menu under the ‘Sphere section” tick box allows you to choose an angle between 90 and 15
degrees. A smaller angle such as 15 degrees gives better resolved spatial orientation information.
COPY Copies one dataset onto another, for instance, ROI = COPY image will make the ROI
become an exact copy of the currently loaded image. Note – this operation replaces
the previous function “image copy” that in earlier CTAn versions was listed under the
“shrink-wrap” function.
OR This operation selects the part of the image that is either in the original image, or in
the ROI, including parts that are in both.
AND This function causes the resultant image to correspond to only the parts (or pixels) of
the image that are the same in both the image dataset and the ROI. An example of
this is the useful function image = image AND ROI which has the effect of removing
all parts of the image outside the ROI (providing the ROI is a binary mask).
XOR This function selects the part of the image that is either in the original image, or in
the ROI, but excluding any part that was in both the original image and the ROI.
SUB Subtracts one image from the other (image from ROI or ROI from image).
SWAP Swaps image and ROI (image becomes ROI, ROI becomes image).
Please note that the Bitwise operations can be applied to three variables, IMAGE, ROI and “value”.
Value means that a fixed number value can be set. Selection of “value” as one of the variables in a
Bitwise expression is not always appropriate. OR, AND, XOR and SUB are the operators which can
employ the “value” variable in the Bitwise plugins – applying it to the others, COPY, NOT and SWAP
will result in an error message.
Arithmetic operations can be applied. These operations can be applied to three variables, IMAGE,
ROI and “value”. Value means that a fixed number value can be set. The operations are:
Note – an example of the use of the arithmetic function MUL (multiply) is for Otsu multi-level
thresholding, in the case where the output grey value is selected as “class id”. In this case the
multiple segmented phases are output as the grey values 1, 2, 3 etc., with very low intensity and not
readily visible. If you then multiply these grey values by a value such as 10 or 20, the density phases
become much more easily visible, as shown in the example below.
Top left: Cross-section of sand; Top right: Median filtration to reduce noise; Lower left: Otsu multi-
level (3) thresholding with “class id” chosen: segmented phases are given grey values of 1,2 and 3,
too low to be visible. Lower right: The arithmetic operation IMAGE = IMAGE MUL (value = 20) is run,
increasing the segmented grey values to 20, 40 and 60, making them easily visible.
DIV divide by
MIN find the minimum out of the two variables on either side of the operator
MAX find the maximum out of the two variables on either side of the operator
If translate is chosen, enter the x and y shift – positive or negative – in the fields below.
15.16. Comment
Task-lists can be long and complex. Sometimes it is hard to remember the logic of a task list that you
have previously made – let alone one made by someone else.
The comment plugin offers the option to make task lists more transparent and comprehensible –
what is going on here? To annotate a task list, simply add a comment plugin at the start or end of a
set of operations. The text that can be types into the comment – up to 512 characters (4 times more
than you get on Twitter) can explain that part of the task list – for the benefit of you or someone
The left and right and front and back edges are defined in the dataset cross-sectional plane, while the
top and bottom edge mean the first and last cross-section images in the Z depth direction. These
definitions are illustrated below:
The second drop menu in the Primitive ROI dialog box offers three options for the type of ROI
created. If you select “Exclusive”, then the primitive ROI created will simply be a single voxel thick
layer occupying the whole of the selected face of the cube. This single layer selection of a whole face
is not influenced by the current image or ROI, when “exclusive” is selected.
However the other two options, “Infimum” and “Supremum” are options that set the ROI in relation
to the currently existing ROI.
If 3D space is selected then after “Output” there is a drop-menu choice of two units of angle, the
theta (the polar angle2) which is in one 2D plane only, or the “sphere section” which gives 3D
spherical angular segments defined by a selected angle. The smaller angle gives more sphere angular
segments and thus better resolution of orientation, so 15 degrees is the best option for angular
To avoid this problem, first binarise the fiber images, then copy that binary image to the ROI:
After the binary image has become the ROI, then reload the image. This process can be called the
“binary masking” of an object and is useful for a range of analysis or visualisation operations.
15.19. Compositing
A composite means a 2D projection from a 3D image volume using one of several techniques.
In this dataset of an ant, an individual cross-section does not contain much image data relative to the
whole animal. However a projection such as a shadow projection and visualise the whole ant:
Here a composite image will help us to see the whole ant by two projection methods: the maximum
intensity projection (MIP) and shadow projection. For both of these methods we can choose three
orthogonally separated orientations of the projection: Axial, coronal and sagittal:
BITWISE Image before ROI before Image after ROI after Image inside ROI
operation operation operation operation operation
image =
NOT (inverse)
image = NOT
image = NOT
OR (the sum)
image =
image OR
ROI = image
image =
image AND
ROI = image
image =
image XOR
ROI = image
SUB (subtract)
image =
image SUB
image = ROI
SUB image
ROI = image
SUB image
Image =
image =
image NOR
ROI = image
image =
image NAND
ROI = image
CTAN [[/R|/T|/L]FILENAME] [/Nn] [/Dn] [/Ps] [/V] [/S] [/B] [/A] [/C] [/?]
/R - load a ROI file
/T - load a task list
/L - load a list of datasets in the batch processing
Click “Yes”
You will be able to add a command line. The basic one will look like this:
Left-click Position the mouse cursor (arrow) over the screen object in
question, and press the left mouse button.
NOT This BITWISE operation selects the part of the image that is
not in the selected original dataset (i.e. either not in the
image or not in the ROI).
Projection image The projection x-ray images are the “raw material” of the
microCT imaging process. These are shadow transmission x-
ray images where the measured brightness of x-rays at each
camera detector element is an inverse indicator of x-ray
opacity in the analysed object along the x-ray path from
point source to detector element.
Radio button A small round button in a dialog box next to some text,
indicating one of several selectable options: left-click on a
radio button and a dot appears in that button (and not in any
surrounding buttons) indicating that a particular option is
Right-click Position the mouse cursor (arrow) over a screen object, and
press the right mouse button.
Spin button A field for number entry with up and down buttons to the
right which incrementally increase or decrease the number in
Tab At the top of some windows and dialog boxes are tabs
resembling the tabs on the top of folders in a paper filing
cabinet, allowing easy access to multiple pages of
information by left-clicking on the tabs.
Tool tip A tool tip is a small text window that opens under the arrow
cursor controlled by the mouse. For example tool tips give
explanations of menu buttons and icons, and also give x-y
position coordinates when the cursor is positioned over
either the cross-section or the projection images (subject to
preference setting).
XOR The BITWISE operation XOR, selects the part of the image
that is either in the original image, or in the ROI, but
excluding any part that was in both the original image and
the ROI.