The Romans New Perspectives
The Romans New Perspectives
The Romans New Perspectives
New Perspectives
Understanding Ancient Civilizations
The Ancient Celts
The Ancient Egyptians
Ancient Mesopotamia
The Incas
New Perspectives
08 07 06 05 04 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
130 Cremona Drive, P.O. Box 1911
Santa Barbara, California 93116-1911
Chapter 1 Introduction 3
Why Are We Fascinated by the Romans? 3
A Note about the Dates Used in This Book 8
How Do We Know about the Romans? 8
Sources of Information on the Romans 9
Universities and Research Programs 13
Chapter 5 Economics 97
Agriculture and Subsistence Activities 97
Craft Specialization and Production 101
viii Contents
Trade 105
Coins and Money 108
Business and Investment 111
Taxation 114
Transportation 115
Glossary 307
Chronology 333
Sources for Further Study 339
Index 367
About the Author 381
Series Editor’s Preface
In recent years, there has been a significant and steady increase of academic
and popular interest in the study of past civilizations. This is due in part to the
dramatic coverage—real or imagined—of the archaeological profession in pop-
ular film and television, and to the extensive journalistic reporting of spectac-
ular new finds from all parts of the world. Yet, because archaeologists and
other scholars have tended to approach their study of ancient peoples and civ-
ilizations exclusively from their own disciplinary perspectives and for their
professional colleagues, there has long been a lack of general factual and other
research resources available for the nonspecialist. The Handbooks to Ancient
Civilizations series is intended to fill that need.
Volumes in the series are principally designed to introduce the general
reader, student, and nonspecialist to the study of specific ancient civilizations.
Each volume is devoted to a particular archaeological culture (for example, the
ancient Maya of southern Mexico and adjacent Guatemala) or cultural region
(for example, Israel and Canaan) and seeks to achieve, with careful selectivity
and astute critical assessment of the literature, an expression of a particular civ-
ilization and an appreciation of its achievements.
The keynote of the Understanding Ancient Civilizations series is to provide,
in a uniform format, an interpretation of each civilization that will express its
culture and place in the world as well as the qualities and background that
make it unique. Series titles include volumes on the archaeology and pre-
history of the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Mesopotamia,
as well as the achievements of the Celts, Aztecs, and Inca, among others. Still
more books are in the planning stage.
I was particularly fortunate in having Kevin Downing from ABC-CLIO con-
tact me in search of an editor for a series about archaeology. It is a simple
statement of the truth that there would be no series without him. I am also
lucky to have Simon Mason, Kevin’s successor from ABC-CLIO, continue to
push the production of the series. Given the scale of the project and the sched-
ule for production, he deserves more than a sincere thank you.
I would like to thank everyone at ABC-CLIO for their help in preparing this
manuscript; it could certainly not have been accomplished without the help of
the entire team. Scott Horst and Giulia Rossi have done an excellent job in
preparing the illustrations. Cisca Schreefel did a wonderful job catching mis-
takes big and small. Gina Zondorak has also been helpful in the editing
process. Martha Whitt has gone out of her way to facilitate the transformation
of an error-ridden manuscript into a book. During the writing stage Simon
Mason provided critical feedback and support; many thanks are due him.
Many others at ABC-CLIO whom I did not have direct contact with have also
helped and they are just as deserving of thanks. Finally, John Weeks must be
thanked for suggesting this project in the first place and recommending me to
On a personal level, this book could not have been written without the help
and support of my family and friends. My parents have been generous in their
support as has been my sister. Matthew Rutz, Spencer Allen, Benjamin Porter,
and Jennifer Jacobs acted as valuable sounding boards throughout the writing
of the manuscript. Jeremiah Peterson provided both assistance and access to
his substantial personal library. Theresa Musacchio gave generously of her
time, especially assisting with technical matters, and Prescott was always there
to keep me company. Thanks go to all of them.
Kevin M. McGeough
Italy, ca. 600 B.C. © ABC-CLIO, Inc.
Growth of the Roman Republic, 509–133 B.C. © ABC-CLIO, Inc.
The Roman Empire at its height, A.D. 117. © ABC-CLIO, Inc.
Division of the Roman Empire, East and West, third century A.D. © ABC-CLIO, Inc.
The Ben Hur chariot race re-created in a nineteenth-century print. (Library of Congress)
The crowd gives “thumbs down” to a defeated gladiator in the Colosseum, Rome. Engraving af-
ter a nineteenth-century French painting. (Library of Congress)
One of the more intangible aspects of Rome that intrigues modern people is
the idea of Roman excess. Roman civilization was generally a very conserva-
tive and moderate society. But popular imagination has created a Rome of bru-
tal violence, lewd sexual activity, and an unquenchable appetite for luxury.
There is, of course, some truth in these characterizations, even though the Ro-
mans were not really as shocking as some sources suggest. But certainly some
aspects of Roman life are very prominent in popular culture. Gladiatorial com-
bat and violent entertainment are of huge interest. Many modern cultural crit-
ics have drawn parallels between Roman blood sports and modern sports like
boxing and wrestling. But such parallels are overstatements, because killing
people as an entertainment spectacle is not acceptable in modern culture. Yet
there is something fascinating about the idea of killing for entertainment that
viscerally affects people today. Likewise, stories of the emperors (often based
on uncritical reading of only mildly “historical” accounts) have misled mod-
Introduction 5
Thomas Couture, Romans of the Decadence, 1847. (Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Re-
source, NY)
ern audiences about the reality of Roman civic virtues. Perhaps the most ex-
treme example of this is the motion picture Caligula, which portrays Roman so-
ciety as less chaste than Roman moralists would have us believe, based on un-
critical readings of the author Suetonius.
On a less popular level, the study of Rome is interesting for what it can reveal
about the roots of modern institutions. Many aspects of modern everyday life
originated in Roman times. For example, the names of the months and days are
based on Roman designations. In fact, the modern calendar is based on the Ro-
man calendar, although it has undergone significant changes. The names of the
planets are derived from the names of Roman gods. Arches and concrete—tech-
nologies perfected by the Romans—are still found in buildings today. Also,
many Catholic readers may well be shocked to see the pre-Christian origins of
some of the officers of the papacy.
That leads to another area of relevance of Roman times in the present: Chris-
tianity originated in Roman times. Although it developed from older Jewish
traditions, early Christianity should be understood within its Roman context.
The traditions of Jesus and all of the writings of the New Testament can be
firmly dated to the Roman period. A good understanding of Roman civiliza-
tion can help Christians understand more about their traditions and better un-
derstand the writings and concerns of the people who played formative roles
in early Christianity. Likewise, Judaism was fundamentally transformed by its
encounter with Roman civilization. Indeed, many aspects of modern Judaism
The Connecticut Avenue bridge in Washington, D.C., utilizes concrete and round arches, both of
which were pioneered in Roman architecture. (Library of Congress)
The Los Angeles Coliseum evokes comparisons with the design of the Roman amphitheater and
the circus (hippodrome). (Douglas Slone/Corbis)
A re-creation of entertainment taking place in the Circus Maximus, Rome. (Pixel That)
Tourists look at the fragmented colossal statue of the Emperor Constantine, in the Capitoline
Museum, Rome. (Benjamin Rondel/Corbis)
can be said to have originated in Roman times. The study of Roman-period Ju-
daism and Christianity is itself a discipline, so this book will not provide ex-
tensive detail on that topic. However, to understand early Christianity and
Second Temple–period Judaism, a strong understanding of Roman civilization
is essential.
Another aspect of modern life that has been fundamentally influenced by
Roman times is language. Latin is the basis of the Romance languages and is a
distant relative of English and German. Until the 1970s, the study of Latin was
an important part of any education. More than just helpful for comprehending
Latin literature, the study of Latin can provide a better understanding of mod-
ern language. Because language is the fundamental orienting principle for the
way people think about and understand the world, a better understanding of
language can help us to better understand ourselves.
Many scholarly journals are dedicated to the study of Roman civilization.
Most of these journals presuppose that the reader already has a fairly strong
knowledge of Rome, and the articles are geared toward a scholarly audience.
That should not cause the reader to become intimidated. After getting used to
scholarly styles of writing, readers will find that the articles are not that diffi-
cult after all. Journals intended for popular audiences are also very important,
even to professional archaeologists. What makes popular journals so impor-
tant is that frequently these forums are the first places where new research and
excavations are published. It is important to read them to keep up-to-date.
The following is a presentation of some of the more prominent (and mostly En-
glish-language) journals, but this list is by no means exhaustive. The best way
to discover new journals and to get a taste for what they have to offer is to
check the bibliographies of books and articles.
There is a long tradition of journal publication among the various national
schools in Rome (see chapter 3 for the history of research in the field). These
schools publish various journals, collections, and monographs and are impor-
tant sources of information on current research projects. The American Acad-
emy in Rome publishes Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome. The British
School publishes Papers of the British School at Rome. Both of these publications
are written primarily in English. French-language resources include the French
School’s Bibliothèque des écoles français d’Athènes et de Rome and Mélanges de
l’École français de Rome, Antiquité. The German School’s Mitteilungen des
Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Römische Abteilung is an important German-
language resource.
Many universities publish their own journals devoted to Roman or classical
studies. In the United States, Yale Classical Studies and Harvard Studies in Classi-
cal Philology are published by Yale and Harvard respectively. The Johns Hop-
kins University Press publishes the American Journal of Philology. California
Studies in Classical Antiquity, published by University of California Press, is
useful as well. In the United Kingdom, prominent university-based journals
include Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society and the Oxford Journal of
Archaeology, although neither is devoted entirely to Roman matters.
A number of journals are devoted solely to scholarship on Rome. For gen-
eral articles as well as useful book reviews, look to the Journal of Roman Studies.
More specifically related to archaeological matters is the Journal of Roman Ar-
chaeology, published annually. For those specifically interested in ceramics, the
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies will be important. The Numismatic Chronicle
and the American Journal of Numismatics are geared toward the study of coins,
but not exclusively Roman coins.
More common are journals devoted to classical studies in general. These
publications typically concentrate on Greek and Roman subject matter, but
many also include studies on other aspects of the ancient world or on the com-
munities that used the Latin language. A host of publications that contain the
word “classical” in their title are available, including Bulletin of the Institute of
Classical Studies, Classical Bulletin, Classical Folia, Classical Journal, Classical
Introduction 11
Philology, Classical Quarterly, Classical Review, Classical World, New England Clas-
sical Journal, and Acta Classica, to name a few. Other important resources in-
clude Ancient History Bulletin, Antiquities Journal, and Transactions of the Ameri-
can Philological Association. Important journals that deal with the study of the
past in general and frequently feature important works on Roman civilization
include American Journal of Archaeology and Past and Present.
Popular periodicals devoted to the study of the ancient world are numerous.
Perhaps the most prominent popular publication, occasionally presenting Ro-
man materials, is National Geographic. The magazine Archaeology is widely
available and frequently publishes articles relating to Roman archaeology. Ar-
chaeology Odyssey is a similar publication but is less readily available. Both Near
Eastern Archaeology and Biblical Archaeology Review concentrate on the Near
East but frequently publish articles on Roman-period materials. The Italian
ROMArcheologica is a prominent publication, and even if one does not read
Italian, the photographs are well worth perusing.
Electronic journals are becoming more common in Roman studies and will
doubtless only increase in popularity. The Bryn Mawr Classical Review is a free
journal located at Other E-journals include
ARACHNION: A Journal of Ancient Literature and History on the Web, Classics Ire-
land, Cultures and Classics, Electronic Antiquity: Communicating the Classics, Scho-
lia, and The Stoa. Most of these journals can be found by typing the title into a
search engine like Google or Yahoo!. One warning, however: a slow Internet
connection can make downloading E-journals quite frustrating.
Reference Books
Two of the most common formats for reference works on Rome and the classi-
cal world are a dictionary and an encyclopedia. These types of books provide
alphabetic listings on various topics. Arguably the most prominent English-
language book of this type is The Oxford Classical Dictionary (1996), edited by
Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth, now in its third edition. By the
same editors is The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization (1998), which pro-
vides encyclopedia-length entries on most facets of Greek and Roman life.
Also by Oxford is The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature (1989) and the
smaller (but much more affordable) Oxford Concise Companion to Classical Liter-
ature (1996). Available for a very low price is The Wordsworth Classical Dictio-
nary (1996), reprinted from the 1852 dictionary compiled by William Smith. Al-
though outdated, this book is an unbelievable bargain, and for the most part, it
is still useful for quick reference. An extremely useful German-language refer-
ence tool is Paulys Realencyclopaedie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. An En-
glish-language edition is currently in preparation (only the first volume is
available), titled Brill’s New Pauly Encyclopedia of the Ancient World. For the
study of Roman religion, Adkins and Adkins’ Dictionary of Roman Religion
(1996) is useful and available at most bookstores.
Reference books are available in other formats as well, but only two of them
are cited here; other good titles are cited in the guide to further reading located
at the end of this book. For history, there is no better source than The Cambridge
Ancient History. Another fundamental tool for students is the three-volume se-
ries Civilization of the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece and Rome, edited by Michael
Grant and Rachel Kitzinger.
More specialized reference works on a number of topics are available. Per-
haps the most important work for the study of Rome is the Corpus Inscriptionum
Latinarum, begun by Theodor Mommsen, which collects Latin inscriptions. Se-
lections taken from this volume are normally cited with the abbreviation CIL
and the number of the inscription from within the volume. Guides to Roman
topography are also available. Richardson’s Topographical Dictionary of Ancient
Rome (1992) is good. More in depth is the six-volume Lexicon Topographicum Ur-
bis Romae by Eva Steinby, as well as the Lexicon Topographicum Suburbium Romae.
Those interested in the study of the history of the republic should also be aware
of T. Robert S. Broughton’s important work, Magistrates of the Roman Republic.
The importance of this work cannot be overstressed.
Reference works that provide tools to use with the secondary literature on
Rome are also available. An important tool is the Dictionary of Bibliographic Ab-
breviations Found in the Scholarship of Classical Studies and Related Disciplines
(1983) by Jean Wellington, which provides lists of the abbreviations used by
scholars. Although this may not seem important, it is very difficult to keep
track of all of the different abbreviations used in Roman studies. Another im-
portant type of guide to the secondary literature is the bibliography. There are
many monograph-length bibliographies devoted to classical studies, with dif-
ferent goals and organizational schemes. Three useful volumes are Classical
Scholarship: An Annotated Bibliography (1986) by Thomas Halton and Stella
O’Leary, Classical Studies: A Guide to the Reference Literature (1996) by Fred Jenk-
ins, and Ancient Greece and Rome: A Bibliographic Guide (1995) by Keith Hop-
A number of series of books can be helpful for the study of Roman civilization.
The quintessential series dedicated to the study of Classical literature is the
Loeb Classical Library, published by Harvard University Press. This is an ex-
Introduction 13
tremely useful series, dedicated to publishing the original Latin and Greek
writing alongside the corresponding English translations. The red-colored vol-
umes contain Latin language, and the green volumes contain Greek. Each
book provides the text in the original language on the left page, and the ac-
companying translation is found on the right. Also included in each volume
are a critical apparatus and good introductory materials. These books are the
standard of the field in the English-speaking world.
For those who do not read Latin and Greek, there are several other series
that publish ancient literature. Penguin Classics are always good translations,
and usually the volumes include excellent introductory essays. These books
are probably the best introductory translations of ancient literature. Very inex-
pensive translations of ancient literature are available as Dover Thrift Editions.
Although this series typically uses out-of-date translations (translations so old
that they are legally considered public domain), the low price makes them a
viable option for interested readers.
A number of monograph series are devoted to Roman studies. Two impor-
tant series are Papers and Monographs of the American Academy in Rome, pub-
lished by the American Academy in Rome, and Journal of Roman Archaeology
Supplemental Series, published by the Journal of Roman Archaeology, both of
which publish monographs on Roman issues. Another series that is quite good
is the Classical Association at the Clarendon Press’s Greece and Rome: New Sur-
veys in the Classics, which publishes short books on a variety of subjects. So
much has been written about Rome that it is impossible to list all of the aca-
demic series here.
Many series of books devoted to nonspecialist audiences can be helpful in
learning about Rome. Shire books, by Shire Publications, provide easy intro-
ductions to a variety of topics in archaeology. Also good is the Interpreting the
Past series, published by the University of California Press/British Museum.
These books are dedicated to popular audiences but are written by experts in
the subject covered. They are easy to read and accurate. The Discoveries series,
published by Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, also includes a variety of
easy-to-read books on a variety of archaeological topics and is often available
at museum giftshops and large bookstores.
Outside of (but related to) the university setting are scholarly organizations
dedicated to the study of Roman civilization and the classics in general. These
groups typically publish newsletters and/or journals, organize conferences,
and provide other services for members. Usually there is a membership fee,
but this varies considerably from organization to organization. The members
of such organizations typically are academics, but it is not unheard of for
members of the lay public to be involved. Some of the more important organi-
zations in North America and the United Kingdom are American Philological
Association, American Classical League, Archaeological Institute of America, Associa-
tion of Ancient Historians, Centre for Roman Studies, Classical Association of
Canada, The Classical Association, Classical Association of Scotland, and Women’s
Classical Caucus. There are a number of regional organizations in the United
States devoted to the study of classics, including Classical Association of the At-
lantic States, Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Classical Associa-
tion of New England, and the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest. Many
states have their own classical studies organizations as well.
Online Resources
Typing “ancient rome” into an Internet search engine will generate literally
hundreds of links. A few of the more useful free sites for studying Roman civi-
lization are listed here. Be patient when trying to find these sites—Web pages
change and servers can go down. By the time this book is published, many of
Introduction 15
these links may have already expired. But typing some of the key words of the
links into a search engine should help to find the sites if they still exist. Most of
the Web pages listed here have been stable for some time now, so try the sup-
plied link first. However, do not feel limited to these sites—have fun and fol-
low the links.
Sites that provide links to other Roman Web pages are among the first types
of Web pages with which the beginner scholar should become familiar. These
sites will open up the Internet for you and start you on a useful trail to finding
what you are interested in. An excellent resource is Electronic Resources for Clas-
sicists: The Second Generation (ERC2), located at
index/resources.html. This Web page offers links to a variety of electronic re-
sources available for classical studies, from university department Web pages
to discussion groups. Educators may be interested in the links to educational
materials for kindergarten to college-level studies. A similar resource is Inter-
net Resources for Classicists, located at
htm. Corax: A Classics Hypersite, at, is also a
good place to start. A Web page that also has links to sites dealing with other
aspects of the ancient world is Links to Classical Material, at
General information about Rome is available at a number of sites. Start with
ROMARCH, located at At the time of this writ-
ing, ROMARCH offered access to good discussion groups and a clickable map
feature that provided links and ratings of sites. Another good site is Lacus
Curtius: Into the Roman World, located at
europe/ancient_rome/E/Roman/home.html. This site provides a gazetteer to Ro-
man sites (and photographs), along with some important public-domain
works available in their entirety. Many aspects of Roman society are discussed
at Richard’s site about the Roman civilization, located at
Another important type of Web page is the virtual library. This is especially
useful if one does not have access to a library with substantial Roman materi-
als. Without a doubt, the most important virtual library (for classicists) on the
Internet is Perseus, currently located at This site is
remarkable for the sheer number of classical writings offered, most translated
into English. It is an excellent site for quickly looking up a source, because it is
so easy to navigate. Perseus also has virtual exhibitions, although these do not
change very frequently. The Latin Library at also
offers a good virtual library of Latin texts, although they are all written in
Latin. Latin readers may also find Bibliotheca Latina, at http://polyglot.lss.wisc.
edu/classics/biblio.htm, to be useful. The Internet Ancient History Sourcebook at provides translations of Ro-
man texts organized for classroom use.
The Internet has many resources that can help one to acquire Latin-language
skills. A dictionary, study aids, and some Latin texts can be found at Latin Lan-
guage and Literature at A variety
of materials that can assist the Latin scholar can be found at Tools of the Trade at
Rome, as a geographic term, can refer to two very different entities. Rome was
and is a city, located in modern Italy, on the Tiber River. But Rome also desig-
nates an ancient empire, a large geographic region with constantly shifting
borders that encompassed many distinct climatic zones. The two uses of the
name Rome indicate an intrinsic connection between the city and the empire.
Rome was seen as the center of Roman civilization—the region from which
power and authority radiated out toward the rest of the empire.
The earliest occupation of the city seems to have been in the middle Bronze
Age; however, the remains from this time are meager. From that period on, the
city of Rome has been occupied almost continuous, making archaeological ex-
cavation difficult. Certain areas (such as the Forum) preserve ancient remains.
And certainly new construction can uncover new archaeological evidence.
Rome was founded on highly productive fertile soils, 20 km inland. This re-
gion is typified by irregularly shaped spurs (hills), which were formed by trib-
utary rivers of the Tiber that had cut through the plains. Roman traditions held
that Rome was founded on seven of these spurs, but the traditions are not con-
sistent about which seven hills. The four largest spurs (on the left bank of the
Tiber) are known as the Quirinal, the Esquiline, the Caelian, and the Aventine.
Each of these spurs ended in a knoll that was also referred to as a hill. The most
Location of Roman Civilization and Environmental Setting 21
A map shows the extent of the Roman Empire during the time of Constantine the Great.
(Library of Congress)
important three knolls were the two at the end of the Esquiline called the Pala-
tine Hill and the Velia Hill and one at the end of the Quirinal called the Capi-
toline Hill. The low-lying floodplain on the east of the Tiber and north of the
Capitoline Hill is called the Campus Martius (Field of Mars). During the Re-
publican period, this space was left open for military and legislative assem-
A model of ancient Rome, with the Colosseum in the center. (Araldo de Luca/Corbis)
blies. During the empire period, it was gradually filled with public buildings.
At its height in the Roman period, Rome was one of the largest cities in the
world, measuring from 3 to 5 km across at any given point. More information
on the development of the city of Rome is located in chapter 9.
Southern Italy
The city of Rome is located in southern Italy, an area also referred to as penin-
sular Italy. The dominant geographic feature of peninsular Italy is the Apen-
nines mountain range. This mountain range divides southern Italy in two
halves. The eastern side is often referred to as the Adriatic side (because it bor-
ders the Adriatic Sea) and the western half is referred to as the Tyrrhenian side
(because it borders the Tyrrhenian Sea). On the Adriatic side, the coast is low
and sandy and the waters are very shallow. The area around Venice is the only
area that allows access to oceangoing vessels. The western coast, on the other
hand, is broken up by bays and gullies and provides natural positions for an-
chorage. One of these western coastal features, the Golfo di Napoli (Bay of
Naples), is dominated by Mount Vesuvius. The Golfo di Taranto (Gulf of
Taranto) separates the “heel” and “toe” of Italy.
The Tyrrhenian side has a much more stable system of rivers than the Adri-
atic side. This allowed easy communication throughout the region (Hughes
1998: 104). Both the Tiber and the Arno Rivers are navigable and both have
predictable courses. The rivers on the Adriatic side are less predictable and dry
up in the summer months. This posed serious problems with communication
and transportation, especially in pre-Roman times, when river and water
transport was the easiest means of travel.
Rome’s favorable position on the waterways facilitated its rapid develop-
ment. The city is situated on the left bank of the Tiber River (whose source is in
the Apennines), about 22 km inland from the sea, in a region known as Latium.
Rome’s distance from the sea prevented the development of a significant har-
bor, but this distance also made the city less vulnerable to attack by sea.
Rome’s vantage point on the Tiber was a nodal position. From this spot, access
could be easily gained to many of the other rivers, especially because this was
a particularly calm stretch of the Tiber. The Arno River, which also has a source
in the Apennines, flows west consistently. From a transportation and commu-
nication perspective, Rome was in the very center of southern Italy.
Climate. The climate of southern Italy is distinct from that of northern Italy.
It is a Mediterranean climate, a climate common to most of the land directly
situated around the Mediterranean Sea (see page 25). This climate is very con-
ducive to human habitation. The winters are mild and the summers are hot.
Rain can be quite heavy during the winter months, but from June to August
there is next to no precipitation. On the Adriatic side, rivers dry up completely
during these months.
Italy is a region that has experienced much volcanic activity. It is home to Eu-
rope’s highest volcano, Mount Etna, which towers at 3,323 m in height. Lo-
cated on the east coast of Sicilia, this volcano has erupted at least ninety
times in recorded history and probably many other times as well. More infa-
mous is Mount Vesuvius, which erupted on August 24, 79 C.E., covering Pom-
peii and Herculaneum.Vesuvius is the only active volcano in continental Eu-
rope. It rises from the Plain of Campania to a height of 1,277 m. Its base is 48
km wide, making it quite large.Vesuvius has two summits, the highest of which
is Vesuvius proper.
Fauna. Animal life in Italy is much less rich than in the rest of Europe. Until
human encroachment, the rest of continental Europe was teeming with
wildlife, including deer, elk, bison, bears, boars, and wolves. Italy has (and
had) only a small amount of these animals. Wolves and wild boars are present
in Italy’s mountain ranges. Bears roamed the countryside at one time but were
hunted to extinction long ago. Foxes are common, and in the Alps, marmots,
chamois, and ibex can still be found. Italy is home to many bird species, in-
cluding eagles, hawks, vultures, buzzards, falcons, quails, woodcocks, and
partridges. In addition, migratory birds use Italy as a seasonal home.
Typical of Apennine Italy is the variability between lowland plain and hill, a
feature that was well suited for transhumance. Transhumance involved the
seasonal movement of pigs and sheep (rarely cattle) between the farmlands
and the hills. The hill regions provided ample food for the flocks, and their
close proximity to farmland made the journey short and easy. This allowed
small agricultural communities to feed their flocks from wild growing plants,
Location of Roman Civilization and Environmental Setting 25
which meant the communities were not forced to use their crops as fodder.
Pigs and sheep provided several benefits, such as wool, meat, and milk.
The Mediterranean
The Mediterranean Basin is the geographic region bordering the Mediter-
ranean Sea. The ecosystem throughout this landmass is broadly consistent. De-
spite this fact, the Mediterranean Basin is not often studied as a holistic unit,
because it encompasses sections of southern Europe, North Africa, and Asia
Minor. Since Braudel’s important work, The Mediterranean and the Mediter-
ranean World in the Age of Philip II, was published, historians and archaeologists
have recognized the importance of understanding how the distinct nature of
this ecosystem affects human habitation. The United Nations Educational, Sci-
entific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recently recognized the impor-
tance of viewing the Mediterranean as a whole and has developed a project
called the Blue Plan, on which it bases economic and social planning for the re-
gion (King 1997: 3–4).
Although most scholars recognize the utility of thinking of this environment
in terms of the Mediterranean, few agree on the exact boundaries of this area.
King (1997: 5) has suggested that it may be better to view the Mediterranean as
an experiential entity, rather than one whose borders can be drawn on a map.
As a general rule of thumb, however, the Mediterranean region should be un-
Climate. The climate of the region is similar to climates such as those of Cali-
fornia and western Australia, so “Mediterranean” can refer to a specific cli-
mate as well as to a region. The Mediterranean climate is subtropical, and its
most noticeable characteristic is that it has only two seasons rather than four.
The region has cool, wet winters and very hot summers with droughtlike con-
ditions. The wettest period is from October to May, and the hottest months are
June to August, although this is not entirely consistent throughout all of the
Precipitation is variable throughout the region; some areas receive much
more rain than others. Averages of the annual rainfall are basically meaning-
less; the amount varies widely from year to year (Perry 1997: 36). However,
even in the wettest months, rainfall never occurs in great quantities. From a
meteorological perspective, the Mediterranean climate has three times the
amount of winter rainfall than summer rainfall, but this is a gross oversimplifi-
cation. Often, the rain comes in massive torrents, and sometimes a large pro-
portion of the annual rainfall arrives in a single day. This creates difficulties for
farming. The region’s rainfall cannot be considered a dependable source of
water for crops, even though the precipitation statistics make the rainfall seem
consistent throughout the course of a year (Perry 1997: 36).
One climatic feature that makes the Mediterranean region so pleasant, de-
spite the high temperatures, is the winds. Cool breezes moderate the hot sum-
mer temperatures, making the atmosphere feel much cooler than it actually is.
However, the winds can be quite destructive. Winds known as the mistral
bring a fire hazard to southern France each year. The fire hazard can be ex-
pected yearly because of the predictable nature of Mediterranean weather pat-
Location of Roman Civilization and Environmental Setting 27
terns. The winds follow consistent patterns of movement, and their direction
and speed can be generally predicted for each season. In antiquity, the pre-
dictability of wind patterns made sailing on the Mediterranean dependent on
the season (Perry 1997: 36). For example, in the late Bronze Age, the ancient
city of Ugarit in Syria had laws regulating how long foreign merchants could
stay in the port, because if they stayed beyond a certain month, the winds
would prevent them from sailing home!
Terracing. A method that farmers in hilly environments have used since an-
cient times is terracing, a technique that reduces the problems caused by ero-
sion. Terracing is a process in which the shape of hillsides is altered to create
flat surfaces for cultivation. The slope upon which soil can run off is reduced,
helping to control erosion, and water is kept on the “terrace,” thereby maxi-
mizing water use. Terraces have been used throughout the Mediterranean
from the end of the Bronze Age to the present. They pose a particular problem
for archaeologists, because their ongoing construction prevents any possibility
of dating them. Modern farmers in the Mediterranean have begun abandoning
terracing as a method of erosion prevention. The farmers often do not replace
terracing with another form of erosion containment, and this has led to severe
soil degradation (Rendell 1997: 53).
Northern Italy
The entire Italian Peninsula should be considered a geographical unity, distinct
from the rest of Europe. The Alps bound Italy on the north. Although there are
numerous crossing points through the Alps (on which travel has occurred
since antiquity), the Alps nevertheless created a natural barrier between Italy
and continental Europe. Despite northern and southern Italy’s general geo-
graphic unity in relation to Europe, important ecological differences exist be-
tween the two regions, specifically with respect to topography and climate.
Climate. Northern Italy has a climate much more similar to central Europe
than to southern Italy. Mediterranean climates (see previous section) do not ex-
tend far beyond the areas bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Northern Italy’s
climate is much colder, with very severe winters. Summers are severe in the
other direction, with quite hot temperatures. Rain falls evenly throughout the
year—northern Italy does not experience the annual drought that southern
Italy does.
Flora. Further differentiating northern Italy from the south is that the olive
tree does not grow in this region. Viticulture is not as successful in this envi-
ronment. The whole region is very heavily wooded. Coniferous and deciduous
forests are the most common woodland flora in this region. Chestnut, cypress,
oak, fir, and pine trees can all be found in Italy.
The Provinces
The nature of Roman expansion meant that the Romans encountered numer-
ous kinds of ecosystems beyond those present in Italy today. Although for the
most part, the Romans can be said to have exported Roman culture and ways
of living throughout the empire, this must be understood within the context of
different environments. Furthermore, the cultures Rome encountered as it ex-
Location of Roman Civilization and Environmental Setting 29
panded were cultures that had developed under different environmental con-
ditions. A detailed geographic study of each area of the Roman Empire would
require volumes; only a brief mention will be made here.
The Romans eventually controlled almost all of Europe, including England.
Europe is a large geographic expanse consisting of very different climatic
zones. It is a highly fragmented continent, with many peninsulas and geologi-
cally complex islands. The continent has, for the most part, a radial drainage
pattern, which means that most streams flow out from the center. Although
Europe has a predominantly northern climate, the warm seas that surround
the continent create much more moderate temperatures. Before human activity
cleared it away, Europe was covered in woodland vegetation. Most of Europe
was dominated by coniferous and deciduous flora, with tundra vegetation
present in the highest elevations and in most northern locations.
The areas of North Africa that fell under the Roman sphere of influence were
mostly regions with a Mediterranean climate. Beyond this fruitful zone, North
Africa consists of desert zones with sparse populations. Egypt, which fell un-
der Roman influence with Augustus, is an exception. The Nile delta (Lower
Egypt) is a rich environment created through the interplay of the Mediter-
ranean Sea and the Nile, forming sandy ridges. The Nile valley (Upper Egypt)
is an extremely rich and agriculturally productive region, formed by the regu-
lar inundation of the Nile (until the construction of the Aswan High Dam).
The Levant (modern-day Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon) is another
Mediterranean climatic zone. This region was part of the Fertile Crescent,
which runs from the Levant down to between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
in Iraq. This was (and is) a very productive region, rich in natural resources. Its
strategic position as a landmass connecting Asia and Europe with Africa has
made it an extremely volatile location politically.
The environment of Italy has been significantly transformed since Roman
times. Italy has one of the worst pollution records in the European Union.
Sulfur dioxide emissions have decreased at a rate far lower than that of the rest
of Europe. These emissions do great damage to buildings, and much of Italy’s
ancient architecture has been damaged and is still threatened. Marine environ-
ments are also changing in Italy. A process called eutrophication became so
rampant in 1988 and 1989 that the government declared a state of emergency.
Eutrophication is a process by which dissolved nutrients build up in a marine
environment, leading to algae growth. Unchecked algae growth depletes the
water of oxygen, killing animal life in the water.
On a more positive note, deforestation is decreasing in Italy. There has been
a significant decline in human encroachment into forested areas. The govern-
ment has also attempted to preserve forests through a park system. About 22
percent of Italy is forested, and this is likely to increase somewhat. All of these
environmental changes mean that archaeologists cannot assume that the an-
cient Romans lived in the same ecological environment as modern Italians.
In 1981, the second-century bronze equestrian statue of Emperor Marcus Aurelius was re-
moved from its location on the Capitoline Hill because of the damage caused by air pollution.
nia (with known dates) constitutes an important dating system called den-
drochronology (see chapter 3). It also allows us to deduce climatic variability
in the past. All of this archaeological evidence suggests that the Romans had a
relatively warm environment.
Another climatic change observable from the archaeological record is soil
erosion. Palynological evidence from the Roman period indicates that exten-
sive deforestation occurred (Greene 1986: 86). In addition, geomorphological
studies have shown that from about the second century C.E. onward, sediment
deposition in rivers increased, a fact that is consistent with deforestation and
increased agriculture. It is important, therefore, to remember that although
many similarities exist between the environments of ancient and modern Italy,
one should not assume that the environment has remained static since the Ro-
man era.
Adkins, Lesley, and Roy Adkins. 1994. Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Braudel, Fernand. 1972. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of
Philip II. Siân Reynolds (trans.). New York: Harper & Row.
Cornell, Tim. 1995. The Beginnings of Rome. New York: Routledge.
Cornell, Tim, and John Matthews. 1982. Atlas of the Roman World. New York: Facts on
Faulkner, Hazel, and Alan Hill. 1997. “Forests, Soils, and the Threat of Desertification,”
pp. 252–272 in The Mediterranean: Environment and Society. Russel King, Lindsay
Proudfoot, and Bernard Smith (eds.). New York: Halsted Press.
Greene, Kevin. 1986. The Archaeology of the Roman Economy. Berkeley: University of Cal-
ifornia Press.
Hughes, J. Donald. 1998. “Land and Sea,” pp. 89–133 in Civilization of the Ancient
Mediterranean: Greece and Rome. Michael Grant and Rachel Kitzinger (eds.). NewYork:
Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Keller, Donald, and David Rupp (eds.). 1983. Archaeological Survey in the Mediterranean
Area. Oxford: BAR International Series.
King, Russel. 1997. “Introduction: An Essay on Mediterraneanism,” pp. 1–11 in The
Mediterranean: Environment and Society. Russel King, Lindsay Proudfoot, and Bernard
Smith (eds.). New York: Halsted Press.
Perry, Allen. 1997. “Mediterranean Climate,” pp. 30–44 in The Mediterranean: Environ-
ment and Society. Russel King, Lindsay Proudfoot, and Bernard Smith (eds.). New
York: Halsted Press.
Proudfoot, Lindsay. 1997. “The Graeco-Roman Mediterranean,” pp. 57–74 in The
Mediterranean: Environment and Society. Russel King, Lindsay Proudfoot, and Bernard
Smith (eds.). New York: Halsted Press.
Rees, Sian. 1987. “Agriculture and Horticulture,” pp. 481–503 in The Roman World. 2
vols. John Wacher (ed.). New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Rendell, Helen. 1997. “Earth Surface Processes in the Mediterranean,” pp. 45–56 in The
Mediterranean: Environment and Society. Russel King, Lindsay Proudfoot, and Bernard
Smith (eds.). New York: Halsted Press.
White, Keith. 1970. Roman Farming. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Historical and
Chronological Setting
The history of research on Rome cannot be understood as the development of
one discipline. From its earliest days, Roman scholarship has been multidisci-
plinary, involving philology, literary studies, archaeology, and many other
methods of analysis. The vast amount of evidence available for the study of
Rome, as well as the fact that Roman civilization was never lost or forgotten,
has meant that many methods have developed for using the vast amount of
available information. What follows is an overview of the main themes in the
history of Roman research, from the dissolution of Rome to the present.
Historical and Chronological Setting 33
is the Einsiedeln Itinerary. Named after the Swiss monastery in which a copy
was found, this work records eleven walks that pilgrims could take through
Rome to view monuments and inscriptions (Moatti 1993: 21–22; Osborne 1996:
386). Originally dating to the eighth or ninth century (Osborne 1996: 386), itin-
eraries like the Einsiedeln became very popular in the twelfth century. Ar-
guably, however, the most important medieval guidebook to Rome was the
Mirabilia Urbis Romae. Probably dating to the twelfth century, this book lists
various monuments and recounts stories of early Christianity and ancient
Rome (Sperling 1996: 551). What makes this work so important is that it
formed the basis for many later guidebooks (Kinney 1996: 760). These later
books were basically general guides to the city. They tended to demonstrate
very poor understanding of history and concentrated on the location of visible
inscriptions (Moatti 1993: 22). Latin was still a prominent language of learning,
and often, these pilgrims could read Roman inscriptions (although often the
vocabulary and ideas were obscure to them). The descriptions of Latin inscrip-
tions in these guidebooks are useful to modern scholars, especially because
many of the inscriptions have not survived to the present.
Ancient Rome became an important political symbol during the period of
the Avignon papacy (Moatti 1993: 24). From 1309 to 1378, papal authority
moved to Avignon and was under French influence. For Italy, the home of the
Church for centuries, this created a crisis of identity. In the vacuum left by the
departure of the Church, Italians looked to new identities rooted in a time be-
fore Christianity; in this case, they looked to ancient Rome. Interest in ancient
monuments grew, sites were looted, and the antiquities trade grew alongside
the changing sensibilities of what it meant to be Italian. Scholars and politi-
cians brought ancient Rome into popular discourse. Perhaps the clearest mani-
festation of ancient Rome’s new presence in the political discourse of the time
was the political career of Cola di Rienzo (1313–1354). He was a politician who
called for the restoration of the Roman Empire in Italy (Moatti 1993: 26). In
1347, Cola di Rienzo was elected “tribune of the people”—a political office that
had not existed since Roman times (Moatti 1993: 26). After his election, how-
ever, Cola di Rienzo behaved bizarrely and tyrannically. Eventually he was de-
posed and executed by the Roman population. Although usually in less ex-
treme forms, ideas of ancient Rome would play a prominent role in Italian
politics and nationalism, especially in times when the power of the Vatican
The Renaissance
Medieval Rome’s deterioration began to reverse after the papacy returned to
Rome. The Church became an important force in the restoration of the city and
the retrieval of ancient monuments and documents. At the same time, new
sensibilities toward learning and education spawned greater interest in classi-
cal history. The achievements of Greek and Roman civilization became highly
valued in this period. A sense developed that the learning of these civilizations
had been lost, and scholarly endeavors were initiated to recapture the lost in-
formation or to protect elements of the Greco-Roman world that had been pre-
served. The dominant theme in these scholarly attempts was collection. Collec-
tion of ancient documents, artifacts, and data about the past was the funda-
mental goal of Renaissance-period Roman studies.
For modern Roman studies, the collection of ancient documents was ar-
guably the most lasting achievement of this period. Latin and Greek inscrip-
tions throughout Europe were recorded, and some of these editions are still
important today. However, the collection of ancient writing (in Europe) can ac-
tually be said to have begun by a commission of Pope Nicholas V, who was
pope from 1447 to 1455. In 1453, when the Turks captured Constantinople,
Greek scholars fled to Italy, bringing with them their interest in ancient texts.
In response, Nicholas V ordered that Greek manuscripts be purchased (Moatti
1993: 32). Under Nicholas V, the Vatican Library grew into a great library.
Translations and commentaries of ancient texts were commissioned and great
classical writers (such as Ovid and Livy) were rediscovered. Particularly note-
worthy were the editions of Vitruvius’s architectural treatise produced at this
time, which played an important role in the development of Renaissance archi-
tecture (Moatti 1993: 33).
The study of ancient Rome did not always meet with papal approval. In-
deed, the personality of the reigning pope and upper-level members of the
Historical and Chronological Setting 35
The sixteenth-century “Villa Rotunda” by Andrea Palladio shows the influence of the Romans
on Renaissance architects. (Library of Congress)
Vatican certainly played a role in the manner in which Roman studies per-
sisted. Perhaps the most notorious example of conflict between the Church
and Roman scholars involved Julius Pompanius Leto and the organization he
founded, known as the Roman Academy. The organization held elaborate Ro-
man-style banquets and held meetings in the catacombs (Moatti 1993: 34). Al-
though Leto took the title of pontifex maximus (an honor reserved for the pope
at that time), it was the republican and political sentiments of the Roman
Academy that likely led to the Church’s disapproval (Rowland 1996: 967). In
1468, Pope Paul II tried this group for heresy. However, after a prominent trial,
Leto wrote a long defense of the academy and they were found innocent
(Moatti 1993: 35). After the trial, lectures given by Pompanius on ancient Rome
became extremely popular (Moatti 1993: 35). In 1471, Pope Sixtus IV allowed
the restoration of the Roman Academy, and it lasted as an organization until
the sack of Rome in 1527 (Moatti 1993: 35; Rowland 1996: 968).
It was not just the collection of texts that was important at this time. Collec-
tion of artifacts was made possible by the exploration of ancient ruins and the
new popularity of museums. The discovery of the Golden House (Domus Au-
rea) of Nero led to a new craze for studying Roman architecture. The wonder-
ful murals and statues preserved within became important influences in Re-
naissance art (Moatti 1993: 38–39). Figures as important as Raphael were
inspired by the ancient artwork. In fact, in 1515, Raphael was appointed com-
missioner of antiquities, and through this office he formed a team to map an-
cient Rome and undertake restoration projects (Moatti 1993: 51).
The discovery of artifacts led to the need to develop institutions in which to
house them. Museums became important centers for antiquarian studies, al-
though normally, they took the form of temporary displays of artifacts held by
institutions that did not specialize in the preservation of the past. In 1471, Pope
Sixtus IV opened an exhibit of some of the Roman collection from the Vatican.
This collection on the Capitoline Hill was of great interest to the public and
popularized the collection of all things Roman and ancient.
The related discipline of early Christian archaeology began with a ground
collapse in 1578 (Moatti 1993: 54–55). The collapse revealed some of the many
catacombs lying beneath Rome that were used by the early Church commu-
nity. In 1593, Antonio Bosio began somewhat systematic excavations of the cat-
acombs. The fruits of his explorations were published in 1632 in his work Un-
derground Rome (Moatti 1993: 55). These early excavations played a role in the
religious controversies of the time (Moatti 1993: 55). Various groups claimed
that the evidence discovered was proof that their church was most similar to
Paul’s church, thereby legitimizing their church over others.
These religious controversies, normally described as the Reformation, led to
the division between Protestantism and Catholicism. The rise of Protestantism
directly affected the study of Classical literature. Latin, as the language of the
Catholic Church, had been a priority of study among scholars. The rise of
Protestantism, however, emphasized the Greek culture of the New Testament,
and subsequently, ancient Greek texts became the focus of Protestant scholar-
ship (Christiansen 1995: 41).
Collecting knowledge of ancient Romans was also an important new devel-
opment in Roman studies at this time. Scholars desired to record large
amounts of information on all aspects of ancient life, and their main goal was
to preserve this information. Aspects of everyday Roman life, economic mat-
ters, and matters of governance all were very important. Machiavelli (best
known for The Prince) gained notoriety for commenting on contemporary po-
litical activities and personalities through his uncomplimentary comparisons
with the Roman institutions described by Livy (Christiansen 1995: 41).
lic for viewing. But the Pio-Clementino Museum (which was open to the pub-
lic once a year) was perhaps the most influential museum in terms of Roman
studies. This museum was situated in the Vatican and was begun by Pope
Clementine XIV. It was completed by Clementine’s successor, Pius VI (Oresko
1997: 174). Pius was an avid collector who had granted himself first rights to
any ancient materials discovered (Moatti 1993: 67). He organized excavations
in the Latium region and had the Vatican’s collection catalogued. The finished
catalogue consisted of seven volumes. The Vatican and other institutions were
privy to the wealth of artifacts appearing from the many excavations of Roman
buildings that had begun at this time. Sites like Domitian’s Palace and the
Tomb of the Scipios were discovered and excavated, revealing splendid archi-
tecture and wonderful pieces of art.
These artistic excavations paved the way for the development of the disci-
pline of art history (at least in relation to ancient studies). A scholar of particu-
lar note was Johann Winckelmann (1717–1768), who is often viewed as the fa-
ther of ancient art history (Potts 1996: 1200). The restoration of artwork, in
Winckelmann’s point of view, should be based on the study of other ancient
pieces, not upon the artist’s whims (Moatti 1993: 83). Winckelmann believed
that to compare and understand ancient art, it was important to categorize
artistic works by their dates of creation (Ceram 1959: 14–15). His History of An-
cient Art divided antique art into four distinct periods. The Ancient period was
the period of Archaic Greece, the Sublime period was the fifth century B.C.E.,
the Beautiful period was the fourth century B.C.E., and the Decadent period
was the Roman period (Moatti 1993: 82). Most of Winckelmann’s identifica-
tions were wrong (Johnson 1989: 15). The identifications were important, how-
ever, for their methodology of classification, which Winckelmann established
(Johnson 1989: 15).
Napoleon’s conquest of Italy accelerated the development of classical stud-
ies, but at the same time it undermined local Italian efforts. The Treaty of
Tolentino (1797) allowed the French to remove Roman artifacts from Italy, a
practice that had begun with the French occupation of Rome (Moatti 1993: 86).
Many of these artifacts were moved to the French Museum of the Republic,
opened in 1801. In 1815, however, many of these items were returned to Rome.
The artifacts that were not returned became part of the Louvre’s collection.
Under Napoleon, the study of antiquity developed methodologically. During
his campaign to Egypt, Napoleon established a team of scholars to record and
draw artifacts and sites (as well as local flora, fauna, and inhabitants). These
records were so carefully composed that they are still valuable tools in modern
scholarship (especially in the study of sites and artifacts that have not been
preserved). Napoleon’s team of scholars brought scientific illustration and
recording techniques into vogue as tools for the study of the past.
After the defeat of Napoleon, international interest in Roman archaeology
did not abate. Various national institutions were established in Italy with the
express purpose of studying Roman monuments. In 1829, the Institute of Ar-
chaeological Correspondence was established by King Ludwig I of Bavaria
and Frederick III of Prussia (Moati 1993: 118). After the Franco-Prussian War of
When Mount Vesuvius erupted on August 24, 79 C.E., it preserved the cities of
Pompeii and Herculaneum in all of their glory, as they were on the very day
of the eruption.The excavations of these two cities have been extremely pro-
ductive and important in the history of Roman scholarship and in the devel-
opment of archaeology as a discipline.
The writings of Pliny the Younger preserved an eyewitness account of the
eruption, so the existence of these cities was never completely forgotten.Ac-
tual excavation of the cities, however, did not begin until centuries later. In
1549, a nobleman ordered water channels dug in the region to provide water
for his nearby villa (Stiebing 1993: 147). The workers dug through Pompeii,
discovering antiquities and inscriptions. But these were of no interest to the
nobleman, and the area was ignored until 1709.
At that time, a peasant digging in hopes of finding a well was disappointed
to hit marble.An Austrian general constructing a villa nearby bought the land
to acquire the marble for construction.The general ordered workers to ex-
pand the trench that the peasant had dug, exposing the theater of Hercula-
neum (Stiebing 1993: 147).The general’s team emptied out the theater com-
pletely, working until 1716. Excavations stopped between 1717 and 1737,
when Vesuvius started erupting again and Spanish forces drove the Austrians
out of the region.
In 1738, excavations resumed, now under the direction of Rocco
Giocchino de Alcubierre (Stiebing 1993: 148).At this time the site was identi-
fied as the city of Herculaneum.Tunnels were dug beyond the theatre, which
had previously been excavated, and many of the antiquities found were
melted down for precious metal. In 1748, excavations at Herculaneum were
halted and the team moved to Pompeii to continue work. But the finds there
were not as spectacular, so the team returned to Herculaneum shortly after-
When Karl Weber (a Swiss architect) joined the team, he was determined
to map the tunnels. His attempts at recording the excavations were sabo-
taged by the dig director, Alcubiere, who did not think this was a productive
effort (Stiebing 1993: 150). In 1750, the team found what is now known as the
Villa of Papyri—one of archaeology’s greatest discoveries. An amazing group
of bronzes was unearthed, as were Roman copies of busts of Greek philoso-
phers. It was also found to have a library filled with rolls of carbonized and
preserved papyrus. Most of these documents were philosophical writings, but
about 800 of the 1,800 that were discovered have yet to be opened.
In 1763, Pompeii was identified and all efforts were concentrated there.
The excavations from this point on focused on creating an area where
tourists could visit. Numerous publications began to appear that furthered
the public excitement over the finds. And, when Napoleon seized Naples in
1806, excavation efforts were doubled.
Historical and Chronological Setting 39
In 1864, the first plaster cast of an ancient Roman person was made
(Stiebing 1993: 168). When Vesuvius erupted, it trapped many people within
the city. The ash hardened around the bodies, and when the flesh deterio-
rated, a mold of the body was preserved in ash. When plaster was poured
into the tops of these human molds, it was possible to make casts of the per-
son in the position in which they died. The ash preserved so well that often
facial expressions and clothes are visible in the casts, creating one of the
most haunting types of archaeological remains.
Since 1927, excavations have continued at Herculaneum. Preservation is
much better there because the ash is much harder, better protecting the re-
mains from other disruptive processes. Herculaneum is buried much deeper
than Pompeii, a fact that made the preservation far more extensive. The
wealth of data from these two sites is phenomenal, providing moderns with
an amazing view of what life (and death) was like in the ancient world.
Born in 1827, Augustus Henry Lane-Fox, who later changed his name to Pitt-
Rivers as a condition of a bequest, would become an important figure in the
development of Roman archaeology. The same bequest that led to his name
change made him the owner of substantial amounts of land in southern En-
gland. This land was rich in Roman remains, and Pitt-Rivers would devote
much energy to the study of these materials. He concentrated on what he
called “native” constructions from the Roman period.This was important ar-
chaeological evidence relating to the other side of Roman imperialism, from
the perspective of the conquered peoples.While working on these remains,
Pitt-Rivers pioneered the practice of section drawings, in which stratigraphy
is recorded as it remains along the walls of the trenches. Pitt-Rivers was con-
vinced that it was important to study the context in which the artifacts had
been found. When he died in 1900, he had pioneered many new recording
methods, some of which formed the basis of methods still used in the field
(Moatti 1993: 130). Several archaeological projects were planned under the dic-
tator’s supervision. The Augustan city was to be fully restored, as well as the
Via del Mare—the road from Rome to the Mediterranean. From 1937 to 1938,
Augustus’s 2,000th birthday was celebrated. This celebration involved the
restoration of his mausoleum and a related exhibit (Moatti 1993: 132). As they
had during the Avignon papacy and the unification of the Italian state, concep-
tions of ancient Rome had been employed in the service of articulating Italian
One of the first steps in gaining an understanding of the past is to understand
the chronological framework used in reference to the particular civilization of
interest. Scholars of Rome usually divide the Roman period proper into three
distinct phases: the regal (or monarchical) period, the Republican period, and
the imperial period. These periods are discussed in more detail in chapter 4.
Each period is based on the prevailing form of government in Rome during
that period. According to ancient historians, the regal period began in 753
B.C.E. and ended in 509 B.C.E. The Republican period lasted from 508 B.C.E. until
about 29 B.C.E. The imperial period began shortly after the end of the Republi-
can period, and 476 C.E. is usually considered to be the end.
Archaeologists and historians employ two distinct types of chronology—ab-
solute chronology and relative chronology. Absolute chronology is based on
actual dates. Dating the period of the Republic from 508 B.C.E. to 29 B.C.E. is an
example of absolute dating. In contrast, stating that the Republican period
comes after the regal period is an example of relative dating. Relative chronol-
ogy bases chronology on the relationship of artifacts and events with other ar-
tifacts and events. For example, in Jordan, archaeologists can determine that a
site is a Roman-period site if certain kinds of glass artifacts are found. In a case
like this, an archaeologist can date the site to the Roman period (as opposed to
the Hellenistic period or Byzantine period) but would not be able to determine
a specific date for the site.
Roman archaeologists have much data for both absolute and relative dates,
especially when compared with other areas of study. Think of how many doc-
umentaries you have seen that try to redate the construction of the pyramids
or an event from biblical times. Roman chronology is fairly secure in contrast.
The wealth of classical sources and Roman calendrical interests provide schol-
ars with many absolute dates. Taken with the vast amounts of archaeological
excavations that have produced relative dates, Roman studies benefits from a
wealth of chronological information. Following are some examples of the an-
cient and modern sources for Roman chronology.
Numismatics, the study of ancient coins, is a subfield of Roman archaeology.
Much has been written on this subject, and more is discussed about coins and
their place in Roman economy in chapter 5. Coins last very well in the archae-
ological record, and because there is writing and/or imagery on every coin,
they are very easily identifiable.
Roman coins can be useful for dating, but there are certain problems with
their use in this manner. Coins can provide a terminus post quem (“the date after
which”), which means that they can be used to identify the earliest possible
Historical and Chronological Setting 47
date for the stratum in which they were found. If a coin can be dated to a cer-
tain year, its context must be later than that year. But because Roman coins had
such a long circulation life, the context in which the coin was found could be
many years after it was minted. Furthermore, because coins are so small, it is
very easy for their initial context to be disturbed by depositional or archaeo-
logical processes. Therefore, archaeologists have to be very careful about the
provenance of coins.
absorbed when the organism dies. Carbon 14 is unstable and gradually decays
after it is no longer absorbed by the previously living matter. According to
Libby, this rate of decay is stable, and it takes 5,730 years for half of the C-14 in
organic materials to decay (this is known as half-life). The object can then be
dated by the scientific examination of the amount of radiocarbon isotopes
present. The dates sent back by the lab are only statistical approximations
(each date also has a standard deviation). But with enough carbon dates, an ar-
chaeologist can greatly reduce the margin of error, so that any organic artifact
(made of material that was once living) can be radiocarbon dated if it was care-
fully excavated. This is a useful method of analysis for objects dating between
50,000 B.C.E. and 1,500 C.E.
However, radiocarbon dates must be calibrated. Libby had thought that the
amount of carbon-14 isotopes in the earth’s atmosphere had always been con-
stant. This assumption has been proven wrong; changes in solar activity and in
the earth’s magnetic field have made the amount of carbon isotopes variable
throughout history. So, to produce accurate dates, radiocarbon dates must be
compared with evidence derived from other scientific methods.
Dendrochronology is one such method; it is basically the study of tree rings.
Tree rings are the concentric circles that can be seen in a tree trunk and that
represent the tree’s annual growth. Because these circles develop based on var-
ious climatic phenomena, specialists have developed methods of comparing
the rings of different trees. By comparing the rings of different trees with those
of trees that were felled on a known date, it is possible to establish absolute
dates. This method has been particularly useful for Roman studies in the Euro-
pean periphery.
Roman Historians
The Romans had a strong tradition of historical writing. From about the third
century B.C.E., authors writing in Latin composed works describing historical
events. Parallel to this was an equally rich Greek-language tradition of histori-
cal writing, which often provided an outsider’s perspective on Roman history
and personalities. It is not possible to provide an overview of the vast amount
of ancient historical sources here, but some important characteristics of Roman
history writing should be mentioned.
Historical and Chronological Setting 49
The ancient histories that have survived most frequently do not survive as
complete compositions. Because of the accidents of preservation and transmis-
sion history, full sections of otherwise well-preserved works are often missing.
Often, historical accounts are known about only because they were quoted at
great length in the works of other writers. So it must always be remembered
that the historical sources, while quite rich, are also very incomplete.
One of the striking features of ancient-history writing in Rome is the explicit
moralizing. Since about the nineteenth century, historians have attempted,
with varying success, to remove moral judgment from their accounts of the
past. But for the Roman historian, it was an important aspect of the writing.
The lives of figures of the past provided lessons on moral behavior, and this
was an important motive for historical study.
Roman historians were not only interested in moralizing. Frequently they
worked directly with archival materials. Most of the records of public archives
have long been lost, so the only source for these records is in the writings of the
historians. Ancient historians sometimes quoted these documents at length, in
effect preserving the records and allowing us to read them. The same can be
said for major documents such as treaties and law codes, which are, almost ex-
clusively, preserved embedded in larger historical narratives.
Roman Mythology
Mythologies that have been particularly useful (and controversial) in the study
of Roman civilization are the myths about the foundation of Rome. These sto-
ries revolve around the eponymous founder of Rome. Eponymous founders
are individuals who were traditionally held to be the sole founder of a city and
usually blended together mythical and historical aspects. The eponymous
founder was the means by which a culture situated itself in relationship to
other cultures. It was a simplified understanding of a complex situation.
Eponymous founders are also often found in family lineages. In a family line-
age, the eponymous founder is the earliest ancestor (although such a thing can
never be known), and it is from this person that family identity is constructed.
A famous example of eponymous ancestry that is still familiar to modern audi-
ences is Jacob in the Old Testament. He is credited in the Bible as the founder
of the nation of Israel, and all Israelites are said to have descended from him.
Similarly, his brother Esau is the eponymous ancestor of the nation of Edom.
Romulus and Remus. The story of Romulus and Remus is perhaps the best-
known myth of the foundation of Rome. The name Romulus suggests that the
story is a myth. Romulus is a back-formation (a word derived from another
word but claimed to be an earlier form) of the name Rome. A vestal virgin (a
priestess of the goddess Vesta who was prohibited from sexual intercourse)
was impregnated by the god Mars. She gave birth to Romulus and Remus,
twins, but King Amulius (the vestal virgin’s uncle, who had deposed her fa-
ther as king) did not want any claimants to his throne, so he ordered the chil-
dren to be left to die by the Tiber River. The children did not die, however. A
she-wolf suckled them (an image depicted in numerous artistic forms from Ro-
Romulus and Remus being suckled by a she-wolf. Bronze sculpture in the Capitoline Museum,
Rome. (Corel Corporation)
man times to the present) until a herdsman named Faustulus took them in and
raised them as his children.
When the children grew up, they were recognized as the sons of the vestal
virgin. They deposed their great-uncle (the man who had had them left to die)
and reinstalled their grandfather as king of Alba Longa, a city near Rome.
Romulus founded a city on the Palatine Hill. Remus founded a city on the
Aventine Hill. The twins began to quarrel during the construction of the cities,
and eventually Romulus killed Remus.
The myth goes on to describe how Rome developed as a city. Romulus en-
couraged Rome’s growth in several ways. He welcomed criminals and run-
away slaves to settle on the Palatine. His most famous attempt at demographic
expansion is told in a story commonly referred to as “The Rape of the
Sabines.” In this tale, Romulus invited the Sabines (a neighboring people) to
watch games held at Rome. While the Sabine men watched the games, Roman
men carried the Sabine women off and raped them to produce heirs. War be-
tween Rome and the Sabines ensued, but eventually the two cities came to a
mutual peace.
The Aeneas Legend. Another story told of the foundation of Rome is derived
from the Greek epic poem The Iliad. Aeneas is the only Trojan hero to have sur-
Historical and Chronological Setting 51
vived the Trojan War, and there is some reference in the poem that his descen-
dents will eventually rule Troy. After the Trojan War, Aeneas wandered the
Mediterranean. He had a son named Romus, and when Aeneas founded the
city of Rome, he named the city after this son. The character of Aeneas seems
to have been very popular among the Etruscans and at Lavinium. The compo-
nents of this story that made it popular in Rome were twofold. First, it estab-
lished that the Romans had an ancient pedigree (in the ancient world, older is
better) dating to the Trojan War. Second, it demonstrated that the Romans
were not Greeks and had had a history independent of Greek heritage (Cor-
nell 1995: 65).
Evander. Yet another story involves Evander (sometimes said to be the son of
Hermes) and his movement of people from Arcadia to the Palatine. Since
Evander’s name means “good man,” it is likely that Evander is not a historical
figure. At the Palatine, he supposedly founded a new city and established ritu-
als related to the worship of the Greek god Pan. Other tales tell of how Her-
cules visited Evander at the Palatine and killed a monster for him, leading
Evander to found a cult for Hercules at the site. There are numerous stories
about Evander and his various heroic deeds relating to Roman history, but
most of them stress some fundamental connection between early Rome and
Adkins, Lesley, and Roy Adkins. 1994. Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Bloch, Raymond. 1960. The Origins of Rome. London: Thames & Hudson.
Burnett, Andrew. 1991. Roman Coins. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Ceram, C. W. 1959. Gods, Graves, and Scholars. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Christiansen, Erik. 1995. A History of Rome: From Town to Empire and from Empire to Town.
Aarchus, Denmark: Aarchus University Press.
Cornell, Tim. 1995. The Beginnings of Rome. New York: Routledge.
Cornell, Tim, and John Matthews. 1982. Atlas of the Roman World. New York: Facts on
Cowell, F. R. 1980. Life in Ancient Rome. New York: Perigee Books.
Crawford, Michael. 1982. The Roman Republic. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Deiss, J. J. 1966. Herculaneum: Italy’s Buried Treasure. New York: Crowell.
Dorey, Thomas (ed.). 1966. Latin Historians. London: Routledge & K. Paul.
———. 1967. Latin Biography. London: Routledge & K. Paul.
Dupont, Florence. 1989. Daily Life in Ancient Rome. Christopher Woodall (trans.). Cam-
bridge: Basil Blackwell Ltd.
Friedländer, Ludwig. 1910. Roman Life and Manners under the Early Empire. London:
Routledge & Sons, Ltd.
Gardiner, Jane. 1993. Roman Myths. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Gjerstad, Einar. 1962. Legends and Facts of Early Rome. Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup.
Grant, Michael. 1958. Roman History from Coins. Cambridge: Cambridge University
———. 1971. Roman Myth. New York: Charles Scribner and Sons.
tions). In the earliest phases at Rome, these remains are manifest in a number
of urn burials. The urns are circular jars, buried in a pit, and distinct from Vil-
lanovan remains. Other, nearby sites provide information on the Latial culture,
but this is still mostly funerary evidence. The site of Osteria dell’Osa has
yielded hundreds of tombs to archaeologists since the 1970s. This cemetery,
dated to the Latial IIA phase, consists of both cremation- and inhumation-style
burials (Bloch 1960: 75–77; Cornell 1995: 51). Differences in grave goods are as-
sumed to be related to the status of the buried individual, although gender
may also have been a determining factor in the nature of burial used. The evi-
dence for the living members of the Latial culture is less well preserved. Settle-
ments were small, with very little differentiation in structures and material
culture (Cornell 1995: 54). By the IIB phase, the settlements became larger,
leading this period to be characterized as proto-urban. Moving back to Rome
itself, some evidence for huts dating to phases III and IV has been excavated,
indicating the continued occupation of Rome by the Latial culture (Bloch 1960:
69–71; Cornell 1995: 57). Later Roman historians seem to have written about
the cultures of this period, but there are no documents contemporary with this
Etruscan mural paintings from the Tomb of the Fortune Tellers. (Archivo Iconografico, S.A./
lieve that they were indigenous to the region. Since the 1980s, it has been in
vogue among archaeologists to assume internal causes for change rather than
mass migrations of people, so one should be careful about those who dismiss
Herodotus’s accounts out of hand. They may just be following current aca-
demic trends rather than fully accounting for the available data. Linguistic ev-
idence is helpful in resolving this debate.
Most of the Etruscan cities (such as Veii and Tarquinii) were located inland,
but within a day’s reach of the coast. The sites were set upon hilltops in very
defensible positions. Most of the wealth of the Etruscans came from agricul-
ture (owing to the rich volcanic soil) and from mining the rich deposits of cop-
per and iron. Trade, especially with the Greeks, further provided wealth to the
ancient peoples of Tuscany. This region was intensely rich, and it was in no
small part due to the natural resources that Etruscan civilization prospered. At
the same time, the contacts with the Greek world provided the Etruscans with
the best of the Greek and Near Eastern civilizations.
Governance of the Etruscan city-states bore a close resemblance to early Ro-
man governance. In fact, it is often assumed that the early Roman city-state
system was modeled after the Etruscans (Bloch 1960: 105; Crawford 1982: 29;
Ferril 1988: 46–47; Starr 1953: 15). Others suggest that the city-state arrived via
Greece (Pallotino 1991: 118). This is possible, but it must be noted that the city-
Origins, Growth, and Decline of Roman Civilization 57
state system had been a common form of political organization from as far
back as third-millennium Mesopotamia. A king ruled each city, and each city
was bound to the rest in what scholars traditionally call a “loose confedera-
tion.” Although political authority certainly manifested itself in this kind of
city-state system, religious authority may have been likewise oriented on this
model. There is evidence that the city of Volsinii may have been a kind of reli-
gious center at this time (Grant 1978: 14–15). Within a city-state type of confed-
eration, it is common for different cities to have different kinds of authority
over other cities. So it is not implausible that Volsinii may have been a religious
capital, yet other cities may have had more political or economic authority.
Table 4.2 Traditional Dates and Ethnicity of the Seven Kings of Rome
links between the seven kings of Rome may indicate the attempts on the part
of later historians to make sense of the connectedness of these individuals. The
information available about these kings is also very explicit about indicating
that they were not ethnically Roman. Whether this was true is unclear. It is in-
teresting that the accounts of the Roman kings suggest Latin, Sabine, and
Etruscan origins—this is probably indicative of an ancient society composed of
people of varying backgrounds and where ethnicity (if such a concept can be
said to have existed) was fluid and complex.
The kings called “Etruscan” have been of particular interest to modern
scholars of Rome. King Tarquinius Priscus (Tarquin I), accounts claim, brought
Etruscan culture to the city of Rome (Bloch 1960: 101; le Glay et al. 2001: 24;
Heurgon 1973: 141–143). This same king is the supposed initiator of the many
early public works projects. It is unclear exactly how much these claims are
based on early traditions and how much they are based on early historians’ de-
sires to explain where Etruscan influences in Roman society came from. Mod-
ern historians have traditionally taken the rise of Tarquin as indicative of an
Etruscan conquest or domination of Rome (Ferril 1988: 47; Grant 1978: 23).
They have regarded the evidence as suggestive that the Etruscans had a hege-
monic influence over Rome and often refer to this time as the Etruscan period.
Recently, Cornell has challenged the long-held belief that regal Rome ever ex-
perienced an Etruscan period. He suggests that Tarquin was not Etruscan and
that his (and his successors’) reigns do not represent an Etruscan domination
of Rome (Cornell 1995: 156–159). Cornell’s ideas are not conventional but they
are important to consider. He illustrates that the long-held notion that the Tar-
quins ushered in a new era is based on minimal evidence. Whether or not the
reigns of Tarquin and his successors represented an Etruscan incursion, there
was likely a strong link between the Roman and Etruscan cultures.
The last king of Rome was supposedly Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Tarquin
the Proud), who is said to have come to the throne after assassinating the pre-
vious king. As the story goes, Tarquin the Proud was an unpopular and unjust
king. Problems arose when his son Sextus raped Lucretia (the virtuous wife of
Sextus’s cousin, Collatinus). Lucretia killed herself (in virtuous Roman fash-
ion), and popular anger toward Sextus led to rebellion. The Tarquins were ex-
pelled in this rebellion and Rome became a republic. It is probable that at some
point around 510 B.C.E., the Roman governing system did switch from a
monarchy to a republic in a rebellion. However, the impetus for the rebellion,
the rape of Lucretia, seems more like a Roman or Greek literary invention than
an actual event.
the major organizational system of the Etruscans as well (see the previous sec-
tion on the regal period). The city-state usually consisted of a large settlement,
with a defensive position and communal areas within the city itself. Cemeter-
ies and farmsteads were outside of the settlement proper. Governance was lo-
cal and centered in the city.
Theories of how the city-state came to be the dominant mode of settlement
in Italy at this time are many. The fundamental difference among the various
theories is the rate at which scholars assume change occurs. Some suggest that
city-states are founded all at once (Gjerstad 1962). Others suggest that urban-
ization occurs gradually (Cornell 1995). Rate of change is a problem in histori-
cal and scientific fields in general (e.g., the debates surrounding Stephen Jay
Gould’s notion of punctuated equilibrium, which suggests that change occurs
very quickly between periods of change and very long periods of stasis) and is
not likely to be resolved anytime soon.
The archaeological evidence for city-state settlements and the historical evi-
dence for the kings of Rome are consistent with each other. Although the de-
tails and personalities of the kings of the regal period may not represent real,
historical personages, the institution of kingship within the context of a city-
state form of government probably accurately describes the regal period.
this organization as the Latin League, although it must be mentioned that this
was not a name used in antiquity. The exact nature of this organization is not
well understood, nor is the sequence of events that led to war with Rome. It is
clear that the Latin League went to war with Rome sometime after 504 B.C.E.,
and victory was gained by the Romans at the Battle of Lake Regillus in 499
B.C.E. The causes of the war were probably rooted in Rome’s growing economic
and military might.
Although Rome had been victorious in 499 B.C.E., relations between the two
entities did not normalize until a formal treaty was agreed upon six years later.
The foedus Cassianus, between Rome and the Latin League, was formed in 493
B.C.E., marking the end of the Latin War (Crawford 1982: 43; Ferril 1988: 50).
Named after the Roman consul who was instrumental in its creation, the treaty
viewed Rome and the rest of the league as equal partners, with Rome the only
city able to call all of the cities to war. It established certain rights between the
citizens and established a system of common defense. Spoils of war were di-
vided, giving half to the league and half to Rome (Cornell 1995: 299). The con-
ditions of the treaty were preserved by a summary in the writings of Dionysius
of Halicarnassus.
Perhaps some of the motivation behind the foedus Cassianus was the desire
for mutual security (Walbank et al. 1989: 282). Migrations of people known as
the Volsci, the Sabines, and the Aequi led to attacks by these peoples against
Roman and Latin territory. Throughout the fifth century, Rome was forced to
fend off attacks from these three groups and various others. It is difficult to de-
termine, from the accounts preserved by Livy regarding this period, what
were historical events and what were literary tales. It is clear that war pre-
vented the region from gaining stability for the first half of the fifth century.
Through the second half of the fifth century, however, the raids of the Volsci
and Aequi became more infrequent, and those of the Sabines seemed to have
stopped completely.
The Veientine Wars. While the raids of the Volsci and Aequi tapered off,
Rome and the city of Veii (15 km north of Rome) soon became entrenched in a
serious conflict. These cities had had an uneasy relationship since the regal pe-
riod, engaging in occasional warfare (Walbank et al. 1989: 294). In the latter
half of the fifth century, conflict between the two states broke out over the con-
trol of transportation routes along the Tiber River. For both cities, prosperity
was based on their central location on major trade routes, and securing access
to these routes was a necessary step in ensuring that that prosperity would
continue (Cornell 1995: 310; Grant 1978: 49; Huergon 1973: 181). Three wars
were fought relating to this issue. The first Veientine War lasted from 483 B.C.E.
to 474 B.C.E., the second from 437 B.C.E. to 435 B.C.E., and the third from 406
B.C.E. to 396 B.C.E. The length of this third war led to a reorganization of the Ro-
man military (Grant 1978: 51 [also see Cornell 1995: 313]); to accommodate the
length of time, Roman soldiers were kept away from home (see chapter 7). The
series of conflicts ended when the Romans captured the city of Veii in 396
B.C.E., after a long siege.
Origins, Growth, and Decline of Roman Civilization 61
The Attack of the Gauls. After the conquest of Veii, Rome was poised to be-
come the most powerful force in central Italy when an old threat reasserted it-
self. For centuries, bands of marauding Gauls had come across the Alps. An
ambiguous term, Gaul, in general use, can refer to any Celtic or German tribe.
Here, the Gauls were marauding tribes who attacked Rome from the north.
These attacks were sporadic and of little consequence, given the preponder-
ance of intercity conflict throughout the period. But in 390 B.C.E., one army of
Gauls managed to penetrate the Roman heartland all the way to the River Al-
lia, according to Polybius. Since the Romans were used to fighting in phalanx
formation (see chapter 7), the Gauls were able to defeat the Roman forces by
surrounding and overpowering them in hand-to-hand combat (Grant 1978:
After this easy victory, the Gallic army entered Rome. Most of the popula-
tion of Rome had already fled, but Livy tells of some who remained behind.
Livy recounts two stories of the Gauls’ entrance into Rome to illustrate the
valor of Roman citizens even in the face of defeat. The first story describes the
Gallic plunder of the area surrounding the Forum. Upon entering the patrician
houses that had not been boarded up, the Gallic army was struck by the
majesty of the Roman citizens and mistook them for statues. But when one
Gaul tugged on the beard of a Roman, the Roman responded by striking the
Gaul with a staff. The Gallic response was to kill all those remaining and burn
down the houses.
The second story told by Livy is of the garrison that held Capitoline Hill.
The Gauls attempted a night raid against this last group of Romans. They
moved up the hill secretively, undetected by the Roman watch. But, according
to Livy, the sacred geese of Juno noticed them and began honking. When the
Romans heard this commotion, they used the chance to slay the Gallic in-
vaders. Eventually, however, the forces on Capitoline Hill were forced to sur-
render because they had run out of supplies. Whatever the truth of Livy’s ac-
counts, the Gauls left Rome after being paid a heavy ransom and plundering
much of the city (Walbank et al. 1989: 308).
Scholars do not agree on how the sack of Rome affected the republic in its
immediate aftermath. It is uncertain how much the attack weakened Rome
economically. Crawford suggests that the incident had almost no impact on
Roman development, and that the renovation of the Servian Wall twelve years
later indicated that Rome’s wealth lay undiminished (1982: 39). Cornell also
sees the quick economic recovery of Rome as evidence that this disaster was
not as catastrophic as the ancient accounts suggest (1995: 318). The fact re-
mains, however, that this wall was built for primarily defensive purposes, and
that construction did not begin until twelve years later. The construction of the
wall suggests a fear of attack, and the long time that elapsed before construc-
tion began suggests that Rome was impoverished. For years it was assumed
that the Gauls destroyed many historical documents at the time of the invasion
(including annals from the regal period). But scholars have become more in-
clined to believe that these records never existed at all. The sack of Rome must
have caused a terrible economic crisis at first, but certainly it was not long be-
fore the republic was running smoothly again. Security became a central con-
cern of the republic, as did territorial expansion.
The First Samnite War. From 343 B.C.E. to 341 B.C.E., the Romans were at war
with the Samnites. The term Samnite refers to a group of tribes organized in a
federation of villages, occupying south-central Italy (Grant 1978: 62). In 354
B.C.E., a treaty had been established between Rome and the Samnites. But
Rome’s alliance with the city of Capua brought them into conflict with the
Samnites in 343 B.C.E., according to Livy. By 341 B.C.E., the war had drawn to a
close, and a new treaty was established, guaranteeing the previously held
lands and alliances of both sides. This alliance with the Samnites would later
prove beneficial in Rome’s development as the supreme power in Italy. But
peace with the Samnites would not last.
The End of the Latin League. Allied with Rome since the foedus Cassianus of
493 B.C.E., the Latin League became concerned that Rome’s powers were grow-
ing too strong after the war with the Samnites (Cornell 1995: 348; Crawford
1982: 41). It is likely that in the years following the Gallic sack, Rome had been
inconsistent in honoring the terms of the treaty. There may have been occa-
sional war with the Latins, but the evidence for these conflicts is not as clear as
some scholars suggest (Pallotino 1991: 132). It is certain that in 340 B.C.E., the
Latin League revolted against Rome. Probably an attempt to check Rome’s
growth and expansion, the revolt proved futile. Rome utterly defeated the
Latin League in 338 B.C.E. (with the help of the Samnites), and the reorganiza-
tion of the Latin states strengthened Rome’s position immeasurably (Crawford
1988: 19; Pallotino 1991: 129).
Rome disbanded the Latin League and organized the Latin towns in a man-
ner that prevented them from allying themselves against Rome. In essence, ac-
When Alexander the Great of Macedon died in 323 B.C.E., he left behind a
huge empire, stretching from Greece to the Indus Valley. However, he did not
leave behind a clear successor and until 281 B.C.E., the empire was contested
by the diadochoi (the Greek word for “successors”).The diadochoi competed
with one another for control of the divided empire and those related to
Alexander by blood were killed off quickly. The most important successor
was Ptolemy, who gained control of Egypt. Eventually, however, both empires
were absorbed into the Roman Empire.All of these territories that had been
conquered by Alexander were Hellenized, which is to say the regions had
been greatly affected and transformed by the encounter with Greek culture.
The absorption of these Hellenized regions into the Roman Empire brought
Greek practices into even greater prominence throughout the empire.
Origins, Growth, and Decline of Roman Civilization 63
cording to Livy, all the Latin towns were assimilated into Rome. The Latin
cities were made into municipia, some of which were fully incorporated into
the Roman state with full rights of citizenship (Heurgon 1973: 200). Others had
all rights of citizenship with the exception of the right to vote (Heurgon 1973:
200). The designation of cities as municipia instantly made large portions of
Italy Roman. Rome further entrenched its power by encouraging the elites of
these municipia to participate in Roman social and economic life. Indeed, ties
of marriage and finance integrated the Latin cities into the strict social hierar-
chy of Rome. By marrying the interests of municipia elites with those of Rome,
the Roman state gained a powerful hegemony over large sections of Italy. Re-
volt from the municipia no longer was a concern, because the municipia saw
themselves as Roman, with commercial and social interests dependent on the
Roman state’s prosperity. And because tribute usually took the form of man-
power sent to the Roman army, the Latin cities lost their independent military
Furthering Roman strength in Italy after 338 B.C.E., Rome greatly increased
the policy of establishing coloniae (colonies). Coloniae were settlements created
where none had existed before. Particularly, they were set up in strategic mili-
tary or economic regions. Locations of Roman weakness quickly became loca-
tions of Roman strength (Crawford 1988: 21; Grant 1978: 45, 60). Furthermore,
by displacing large segments of the population and establishing them in new
areas, Rome weakened internal opposition. These new colonies became com-
pletely dependent on support from Rome.
The Second Samnite War. Roman interests began to conflict with Samnite in-
terests again in 328 B.C.E. with the foundation of the Roman colony at Fregellae
(Cornell 1995: 352). In 327 B.C.E., Rome (upon request from its ally Naples)
again went to war with the Samnites. The Caudine Forks was the site of tre-
mendous Roman military loss in 321 B.C.E. Although scholars do not agree on
the scale of devastation, the Roman army was forced to surrender (Heurgon
1973: 207). But when the republic refused the terms of surrender, the war be-
gan again. In 303 B.C.E., the war came to an end without a clear victor.
During the second Samnite War, the Romans constructed the Via Appia (the
Appian Way), a major road between Rome and Capua. This was not the first
major road leading to Rome; in fact, Rome’s position at the crossroads of many
trade routes provided it with strategic advantage from its inception. But the
Via Appia can be considered the first massive public roadway built to facilitate
military traffic (Grant 1978: 63). Although previous roads had been gravel and
were constructed simply, the Appian Way’s construction was a monumental
undertaking, involving a significant amount of engineering activity. Here can
be found the beginnings of Roman intercity infrastructure.
The Third Samnite War. By the outbreak of the third Samnite War, Rome had
most of Italy under its control. In 298 B.C.E. the Samnites, along with a coalition
of Etruscans, Gauls, and Umbrians, went to war with Rome in an attempt to
check its growing power (Heurgon 1973: 209). The major defeat of the Samnite
forces came in 295 B.C.E. at the Battle of Sentinum. In 290 B.C.E., the Samnites
surrendered to Rome and became assimilated under greater Rome. Within a
few years, a similar fate befell the Etruscans and Gauls.
The Pyrrhic Wars. After the third Samnite War, Rome controlled most of Italy
south of the Po Valley. But it would be Rome’s victories in the Pyrrhic Wars
that would secure Roman domination over a conquered and unified Italy
(Cornell 1995: 364; Ferril 1988: 52). The background of these wars was Rome’s
relationship to the neighboring Greek regions. Alexander of Epirus (a Greek
mercenary) had formed a treaty with Rome in 334 B.C.E. to prevent Rome from
interfering in activities among the Greek cities, including Tarentum, and Rome
had mostly honored that treaty.
However, when the construction of Roman colonies began in Greece, Taren-
tum declared war on Rome with the backing of Pyrrhus of Epirus (a relative of
Alexander the Great). In 280 B.C.E., Pyrrhus landed in Italy with a huge expedi-
tionary force. Pyrrhus won his early battles, but at huge costs to his army
(which included twenty elephants). The expression “pyrrhic victory,” meaning
a victory gained at a cost greater than the rewards, originated from the Battle
Origins, Growth, and Decline of Roman Civilization 65
of Asculum in 279 B.C.E., when Pyrrhus narrowly defeated the Roman army.
Although the Romans’ old enemies, the Samnites, joined Pyrrhus, most of
Rome’s other allies remained loyal to the city. In 275 B.C.E., the Romans de-
feated him at Beneventum. Pyrrhus’s misfortunes continued in his attacks on
Sicily, where, after initial victories, he was held off by the powerful forces of
the Carthaginians. In 274 B.C.E., Pyrrhus returned to Epirus and from there
managed to conquer most of Greece and Macedon. He was killed at the city of
Argos, supposedly by a pot that a woman threw out of a window, hitting him
in the head. Strangely, this is a common trope in ancient literature. As a means
of denigrating the memory of warriors, stories are told of their deaths caused
by women throwing household goods from higher stories of buildings (for a
similar story, see the Book of Judges 9:50–54 in the Old Testament). So it is un-
likely that this is how Pyrrhus actually died. In 272 B.C.E., the war came to an
end when the Romans laid siege to Tarentum. This victory gave Rome com-
plete control of southern Italy (Pallotino 1991: 137).
The First Punic War. From 264 B.C.E. to 241 B.C.E., Rome and Carthage fought
on the island of Sicily. Initially, the war on Sicily had nothing to do with either
of these great cities (Craword 1982: 55; Grant 1978: 95). The Sicilian city of
Syracuse had hired Greek mercenaries (the Mammertines) to fight for them.
But after a disagreement about pay, the Mammertines seized the city of Mes-
sana (modern Messina) on the northeastern tip of the island (Caven 1980: 82).
Syracuse responded with force and the Mammertines responded by pleading
for help, first from the Carthaginians and then from the Romans. Rome was di-
vided as to whether it should assist. According to Polybius, the Senate did not
vote to attack, but the assembly did. Rome did invade, however: Sicily was lo-
cated too strategically to allow the Carthaginians to gain control of it (Caven
1980: 15).
The Romans’ arrival at Sicily was met with some successes. The early victo-
ries led to an alliance with Hiero of Syracuse (Grant 1978: 95), and soon Rome
dominated most of Sicily. But the Romans did not control the seas, a vital area
when battling for control of an island. In contrast, naval forces had been a
Phoenician strength since at least the late Bronze Age (and probably earlier).
Rome had never developed as a sea power. This was in great part because of
its geographical location; it was an inland city without a seaport, and Rome’s
growth throughout Italy had not required extensive naval powers. Polybius
claims that Rome rectified the situation by building a navy of ships modeled
after a wrecked Carthaginian vessel that had been captured. After a rocky
start, Rome eventually gained the upper hand at sea, possibly through an in-
novation on the ship design. Added to Roman ships was the corvus (the crow),
which was a drawbridge with an iron spike at the end. A Roman ship would
come alongside a Carthaginian ship and drop the drawbridge onto it. The iron
spike would hold the Carthaginian ship to the side of the Roman ship and al-
low Roman soldiers to board the enemy ship and defeat them from inside.
This grappling technique took away the Carthaginian naval advantage and al-
lowed Rome to use its hand-to-hand fighting skills at sea (Ferril 1988: 53; Grant
1978: 96).
In 241 B.C.E., Carthage was forced to withdraw from Sicily, make peace with
Rome, and pay a large indemnity. Shortly thereafter, Rome altered the terms of
the agreement by taking control of Sardinia as well. Both Sicily and Sardinia
were treated as territories by Rome. These territories were taxed and ruled di-
rectly by Rome, a significant departure from the treaty-building model Rome
had used to bring mainland Italy under its control (Crawford 1988: 28; Grant
1978: 99).
The Second Punic War. In the aftermath of the Roman defeat of Carthage, re-
bellions broke out among Carthage’s Spanish territories. These rebellions
brought Hamilcar Barca (a Carthaginian general) to Spain, along with his son,
Hannibal. Carthage fought numerous wars in this region, losing Hamilcar
along the way. In what modern scholars call the Treaty of Ebro, Hamilcar’s
successor, Hasdrubal, promised Rome that Carthaginian forces would not
cross the Ebro River, although it was probably a unilateral statement on Has-
drubal’s behalf and not a bilateral agreement per se (Caven 1980: 82; Grant
1978: 115).
When Hasdrubal was assassinated in 221 B.C.E., the Carthaginian army de-
clared Hannibal their leader. Hannibal, one of history’s most brilliant military
tacticians, led the Carthaginian army against Rome in the Second Punic War,
which lasted from 218 B.C.E. to 202 B.C.E. The conflict ignited over the town of
Saguntum, south of the Ebro River. The Romans claimed Saguntum as a pro-
tectorate (although the exact nature of the relationship is debated), so when
Hannibal attacked the city, on the grounds that Saguntum was a security threat
to Carthaginian holdings, it was tantamount to a declaration of war against
Rome (Caven 1980: 88–89; Ferril 1998: 54; Grant 1978: 115). No one is certain if
Hannibal intended this act as an invitation for war with Rome, but when
Saguntum fell to Carthage in 218 B.C.E., Rome and Carthage became enemies
Hannibal decided to attack Italy directly. The logical route would have been
through the Mediterranean Sea, but because Rome had become the preemi-
Origins, Growth, and Decline of Roman Civilization 67
Hannibal and his soldiers crossing the Alps, with elephants. (Library of Congress)
nent naval power, this would have meant devastation for the Carthaginian
forces. So a land route was necessary and Hannibal’s legendary crossing of the
Alps was the solution. The exact route Hannibal followed has been obscured
by time, but it is most probable that he and his massive forces traveled along
the Spanish coast, moved north along the Rhone River, and then went over the
Alps and into Italy (Caven 1980: 119; Grant 1978: 116). Rome sent an army to
cut off Hannibal’s forces at the Rhone River, but in a strategic misstep they ar-
rived too late and missed the Carthaginian army.
When Hannibal came out of the Alps, he gained the support of the Gauls,
whom the Romans had recently defeated. Indeed, the Po Valley was an area of
weakness for Roman security, and Hannibal marshaled new allies there, re-
building the army that had decreased through the arduous journey (Crawford
1982: 56; Grant 1978: 116). In 218 B.C.E., Hannibal defeated Roman armies at the
Ticino and Trebbia Rivers. While Rome recalled troops from around the em-
pire, Hannibal moved his forces through an unguarded corridor toward cen-
tral Italy. At Lake Trasimene in 217 B.C.E., Hannibal ambushed and defeated a
Roman army. The Romans changed strategy with the election of Quintus
Fabius as dictator. Now the Roman armies avoided head-to-head conflict with
Scipio Africanus
Born in 236 B.C.E., Scipio was one of Rome’s greatest military minds, never
having lost a battle. He is most famous for his defeat of Hannibal at the Battle
of Zama in 202 B.C.E. The title Africanus was bestowed upon him for his victo-
ries in Africa. The battle strategies Scipio employed were so effective that
General Patton is said to have employed strategies based on Scipio’s in World
War II. Scipio was also known as a lover of all things Greek. At this stage in
Roman history, this was an unusual attitude, one that was used against Scipio
by his enemies in the Roman Senate. But for the most part, Scipio was
extremely popular with the Roman public and his own soldiers had a near-
mystical devotion to him.
The Third Punic War. The third and last Punic War (151–146 B.C.E.) led to the
complete destruction of Carthage. The North African city and its remaining
holdings had continued to prosper economically (Grant 1978: 143). But consid-
erable enmity was still felt toward Carthage in Rome. Politicians, most notably
Cato the Elder, insisted that Rome’s safety could not be guaranteed until
Carthage was razed (Crawford 1982: 93; Grant 1978: 144). Public opinion fa-
vored a military end to Carthage. In 151 B.C.E., Rome had its ally, Numidia (in
Africa), manufacture a crisis to force Carthage to attack, thereby breaking its
treaty obligations (Crawford 1982: 93; Grant 1978: 144). Rome, declaring this to
be a breaking of the previous agreement, declared war on Carthage. In 146
B.C.E., Carthage was destroyed completely. All of the surviving citizens became
slaves, and the North African lands became a Roman province (Grant 1978:
The Conquest of the East. Throughout the Punic Wars, Rome was also in-
volved in military affairs in the Greek and Near Eastern worlds (Errington
1971: 102, 131). During this time, Rome fully encountered the Hellenized
world and began to assimilate Greece into the newly expanding Roman Em-
pire. Even though Rome traditionally had been somewhat involved in Greek
affairs, it had always been reluctant to engage Greece fully (Errington 1971: 7).
It was during the First Illyrian War (229 B.C.E.–228 B.C.E.) that Rome’s expan-
sion began to include Greece (Crawford 1982: 62). The war, according to Poly-
bius, began in a setting of state-supported (or at least not discouraged) piracy.
The Illyrians, a people who lived east of the Adriatic Sea from Rome, had long
engaged in piracy against ships traveling in that vicinity. According to Poly-
bius, this piracy reached its pinnacle while under Queen Teuta of the Illyrians.
When the Romans protested the piracy, the Roman ambassador was killed. At
this, Rome declared war against Illyria. Rome easily defeated Illyria and left
much of Queen Teuta’s kingdom under the control of a Greek named
Demetrius of Pharos. Furthermore, restrictions were placed on sailing in this
region and a heavy tribute was imposed (Scullard 1961: 190).
In 220 B.C.E., the Second Illyrian War broke out—this time against Rome’s
former ally, Demetrius. There were several factors involved in initiating war
once again. At the time, the Romans claimed that Demetrius’s destruction of
Greek cities and acts of piracy went against the treaties reached after the First
Illyrian War (Crawford 1982: 63). Certainly, in this, Rome was gaining the sup-
port of Greek public opinion. Crawford (1982: 63) has also suggested that, with
the second Punic War imminent, the Romans wanted to shore up their eastern
flank against Carthage. Whatever the motivations, Rome quickly forced
Demetrius to flee.
Demetrius fled to Philip V of Macedon. By this time, the Second Punic War
was well under way. Demetrius convinced Philip (according to Polybius) to
join sides with Carthage against Rome. Certainly, Philip V had been made un-
easy by Rome’s ability to intervene in political affairs in Illyria, and he desired
to limit Rome’s powers. So after the Roman defeat at Cannae, Philip V allied
himself with Hannibal. But when the tide turned against Carthage in 205 B.C.E.,
Philip V removed himself from the alliance and formed a treaty with Rome
(Scullard 1961: 219).
Livy and Polybius disagree on exactly when and how conflict arose again
between Rome and Macedon. The likeliest course of events is that when Mace-
don began moving against Rhodes, the island asked Rome for help. Claiming
that Philip V and Antiochus III (of Syria) were conspiring about dominance
over Egypt, Rhodes was able to convince Rome that Philip was in a position to
become too powerful. Consequently, in 200 B.C.E., Rome attacked Macedonia.
Under the direction of General Gaius Flaminius, Rome managed to defeat
Philip in 197 B.C.E. at the Battle of Cynoscephalae.
At first, Rome left the Greek city-states to their own devices (Gruen 1968: 78;
Rawson 1988: 52; Scullard 1961: 219). At the Isthmean Games in 196 B.C.E., the
same general who led Rome to victory against Macedon—Flaminius—declared
all Greek cities free. However, the Greek cities proved themselves unable to
manage their internal affairs without conflict and Rome soon returned, inter-
vening (Grant 1978: 134–138). Antiochus III of Syria, who had amassed a large
empire in the Near East while Rome was fighting Carthage, attacked Greece in
192 B.C.E. Rome, with the help of Carthage, and was able to defeat Antiochus in
190 B.C.E. at Magnesia. Rome gave much of Antiochus’s empire to Pergamum,
the city that had initially requested Roman help against Antiochus.
Between 171 B.C.E. and 168 B.C.E. the Romans went to war against Philip V’s
son, Perseus. His defeat in 168 B.C.E. led to the dissolution of Macedon into
four republics (Grant 1978: 140). The tax imposed on these Macedonian re-
publics was very high—so high, in fact, that all Roman citizens were exempted
from taxes at the time (Scullard 1961: 297–298), a fact that led to revolt in 149
B.C.E. Rome easily crushed this revolt and re-formed the four separate re-
publics into one larger Macedonia. Another revolt was crushed in 146 B.C.E.
This second revolt led to the total destruction of the city of Corinth (Grant
1978: 143; Scullard 1961: 305). Rome had gained a new empire to the east, and
in 133 B.C.E., King Attalus II of Pergamum willed all of the territory gained
from Antiochus III to Rome. The Roman republic now controlled territory
from Spain to Syria and from Africa to the Alps.
Up to this point, this chapter has dealt mostly with Rome’s expansion and ex-
ternal affairs; however, the fall of the republic is deeply rooted in the internal
affairs of the government of Rome.
The Land Crisis. As Rome’s territories had grown, the wealthy in Rome had
gained massive fortunes. Much of this wealth was converted into landhold-
ings, with the wealthy buying huge estates throughout Italy (Stockton 1979: 7).
This amassing of land into elite hands undermined the traditional Mediter-
ranean economy, which was based on small-scale subsistence farming and pas-
toralism (Crawford 1982: 103; Crawford 1988: 33; Grant 1978: 162). Large cities,
especially Rome, depended on food imported from the countryside, and cre-
ated much more profitable venues for the sales of the cash crops produced by
these huge farms, which were often run by absentee landlords. This meant that
the rural, landless poor had increasingly little access to staple foods. The situa-
tion worsened with the return of Roman soldiers to Italy. Many small farmers
were evicted from their lands so that the returning soldier could be provided
with a farm for his own family. The rural poor, forced off their land with no ac-
cess to the basic necessities of life, moved into urban centers (Grant 1978: 165).
Two brothers, Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, attempted to solve these problems.
Their efforts eventually led to the breakdown of the republican system.
The Gracchi came from a very prominent family (Stockton 1979: 23). Their
father was a governor of Spain, and their mother was the famous Cornelia,
daughter of Scipio Africanus. Tiberius, who was elected tribune in 133 B.C.E.,
was married to the daughter of Appius Claudius (see the sidebar on page 72).
Tiberius approached the problem of the landless poor by looking to long-ig-
nored laws that limited the amount of land that could be owned by one family.
By resurrecting these laws, Tiberius ensured that the surplus land held by the
aristocracy would be given up and redistributed among the poor (Crawford
1982: 109; Crawford 1988: 33–34; Grant 1978: 169; Starr 1953: 53). Whereas the
Senate refused these measures, Tiberius enacted the legislation through the
Plebeian assembly. Technically either assembly could pass legislation without
agreement from the other, but traditionally this was not practiced (Crawford
1982: 109–110; Grant 1978: 170). The only way the Senate could prevent this
legislation was if another tribune vetoed the legislation. One of the ten trib-
unes did attempt to veto, but Tiberius had the man deposed. The legislation
was passed and a commission consisting of Appius Claudius and the Gracchi
was created. Tiberius attempted to be elected tribune for a second year, but
while the Senate debated whether this breach of custom was legal, Tiberius
was killed by a mob that opposed his reforms.
Tiberius’s brother, Gaius, became tribune in 123 B.C.E. and had similar goals.
Not only did Gaius want to enact land reforms, he also wanted to reform
prices and the military and establish new colonies (Grant 1978: 174). Most rev-
olutionary was his desire to offer the vote to non-Roman Italians. But this also
weakened his support from the urban poor, whose power to vote was one of
their means of political force (Grant 1978: 175). Riots broke out, martial law
was declared, and a price was put on Gaius’s head by Opimius, the consul at
Known as “The Blind” because of his blindness in old age, Appius Claudius
Caecus was a famous censor of Rome. Classical sources tell us that he ex-
tended membership of the Senate to rich citizens of the lower classes and to
the sons of freedmen. This new list of senators drawn up by Appius caused
considerable controversy in Rome. It is difficult to know how much of a pop-
ulist Appius really was and how much is the bombast of ancient historians,
such as Livy. It is very likely, however, that Appius increased taxes, with the in-
tention of facilitating his public works projects, the two most famous being
the aqua Appia (the first major aqueduct in the city of Rome) and the Via Ap-
pia (a paved road from Rome to Capua). During the time of Appius Claudius
Caecus, Rome began incorporating numerous Greek traditions, such as the
public worship of war gods and the use of coinage.Whether any of these in-
novations can be ascribed to Claudius is unclear.Toward the end of his days,
he vehemently opposed peace with Pyrrhus. Classical sources preserve many
writings attributed to him, including aphorisms, and Cicero wrote that Appius
Claudius Caecus was a great orator.
the time (121 B.C.E.). During these riots, senators killed many of Gaius’s sup-
porters. Gaius, once cornered, had his slave kill him rather than be captured,
and more than 3,000 other Gaius supporters were executed. So the reform at-
tempts of the Gracchi met with failure, but the brothers became martyrs of
Rome and symbols of political virtue.
The Rise of the Military. The immediate legacy of the Gracchi and the at-
tempts at land reform was the death of the consensus-style leadership that had
been so successful in the early years of the republic (Ferril 1988: 57; Grant 1978:
176; Starr 1953: 53). It was replaced by the rise of party politics, the domination
of the Roman government by the Senate, and the rise to power of generals
whose armies were more loyal to them than to the state of Rome. The land is-
sue was somewhat resolved by the expansion of Rome into the Po and Rhone
valleys (because so much new land was acquired). But war in Africa was to
further the internal strife of the republic.
War (112 B.C.E.–105 B.C.E.) with the Numidian king Jugurtha in Africa found
Rome divided as to how to proceed with the battle (Crawford 1982: 125). The
political conflict within Rome reached its apex when a Roman army surren-
dered to Jugurtha. While various investigations of the Senate were launched, a
non-noble named Marius was elected consul, to better run the campaign
against Jugurtha. This was a tremendous blow to the power of the Senate,
which traditionally had been responsible for the conduct of war (Ferril 1988:
57). The monumental step that Marius enacted was to allow almost any male
to join the army. That is to say, a man no longer needed property to become a
Origins, Growth, and Decline of Roman Civilization 73
soldier, he only needed to be recorded in the census (see chapter 7). This led to
a professionalization of the military, because the ranks had become filled with
the landless poor lacking otherwise gainful employment. When war was over,
these men had no home to return to, leaving Marius in control of a very pow-
erful force. Within two years, Marius’s professional army, trained in new tac-
tics, had defeated Jugurtha.
A new threat from Germanic tribes in the north put further pressure on the
Roman army. In 105 B.C.E., a Roman army was defeated by these tribesmen at
Orange. This emergency set the stage for Marius’s unprecedented five consec-
utive elections to the position of consul (in total, Marius was consul for seven
years) to deal with this emergency for Rome’s northern holdings (Ferril 1988:
57; Grant 1978: 179). The military under Marius was generally successful and
by 101 B.C.E., the threat from the Germanic tribes ended (Grant 1978: 179).
From 104 B.C.E. to 99 B.C.E. Marius also quelled a slave revolt in Sicily, which
broke out when a planned release of illegally imprisoned slaves was repealed.
The Social War and the Rise of Sulla. Rome enjoyed nearly a decade of rela-
tive peace, which was broken in 91 B.C.E. The tribune, Marcus Livius Drusus,
brought forward legislation that would give various rights to Italian non-Ro-
mans, including the right of citizenship (Ferril 1988: 58). Drusus was killed by
elements in Rome who opposed Italian emancipation.
The murder of Drusus led to a coalition of Italian cities, according to Livy.
They formed an embassy that went to Rome to voice their complaints. When
the Senate refused to hear them, the Italians declared war on Rome. This was
the beginning of the Social War (the Latin word socii means “allies”), a civil
war within Italy that lasted two years. Rome brought the conflict to an end by
making a number of concessions. Most important of these was that citizenship
was granted to any revolting city that laid down its weapons and to any indi-
vidual who quit fighting and came before the praetor in Rome.
On the heels of the Social War arose a new figure—Lucius Cornelius Sulla.
In 88 B.C.E. he was elected tribune and gained control of the army. A threat had
arisen from King Mithradates of Pontus, who had invaded Roman territory
and massacred a large number of Romans. Sulla was to take the army to battle
Mithradates, but was challenged by supporters of the seventy-year-old Mar-
ius, who believed that Marius should lead the battle against Mithradates. Riots
between supporters of Marius and supporters of Sulla broke out and Sulla fled
the city. Once out of Rome, Sulla gathered his army and returned, burning the
city and killing the supporters of Marius. Although Marius himself escaped,
Sulla cemented his power in Rome and then left with the army to battle
While Sulla was battling the forces of Mithradates, Marius returned to Rome
with his own army. By stopping supplies from entering Rome, Marius forced
Rome to surrender to him. Once in Rome, Marius killed numerous political op-
ponents and was elected consul for the seventh time (83 B.C.E.). But Marius
died only a few days after gaining the office, and Lucius Cinna (the consul
who had called Marius back in the first place) gained control of Rome.
At the same time, Sulla made a treaty with Mithradates and returned to
Rome with his well-trained and experienced army. In 82 B.C.E., Sulla fought a
Samnite army at the walls of Rome in what has come to be known as the Battle
of the Colline Gate. Sulla, victorious, executed about 6,000 Samnites and took
control of Rome. Appointed dictator, Sulla began eradicating his political op-
ponents. Through proscriptions, Sulla seized the income of many wealthy in-
dividuals in Rome, according to Strabo. Proscriptions were lists of names of in-
dividuals deemed public enemies. They could be hunted down and killed for a
reward and all of their property could be seized by the state. Furthermore, any
sons of a man on the list would lose their citizenship. In further attempts to
gain income, Sulla destroyed and looted Samnite territories and raised tribute
from other towns. Sulla also strengthened the Senate by decreeing that it had
sole power over the military (Ferril 1988: 58–59). Numerous other constitu-
tional reforms were undertaken to prevent the dissolution of Rome into civil
war (Grant 1978: 189). In 80 B.C.E., Sulla retired his dictatorship and wrote his
memoirs, but left the Roman republic divided and embittered. The end of the
republic was dominated by the struggles among powerful men seeking to gain
sole control of Rome.
The Last Years of the Republic. The relative stability of the republic had been
completely destroyed by Sulla’s reign. A series of powerful individuals, lead-
ing the army and controlling various factions in Rome, attempted to gain sole
control of the republic (le Glay et al. 2001: 113). The first of these ambitious in-
dividuals to appear after the resignation of Sulla was Pompey the Great (Gaius
Pompeius). Pompey had proven himself a skilled military man under Sulla in
the wars against Mithradates. After Sulla died, he was given command of a
force to do battle with an anti-Sullan governor in Spain. While Pompey was
victorious in Spain, another general, Lucullus, was gaining victories against
Mithradates, who had come into contest with Rome again, this time in Bithy-
nia. Although Lucullus was victorious against Mithradates (who was forced to
return to Pontus), he lost control of his army and was forced to give his leader-
ship to Pompey (Heichelheim and Yeo 1962: 208). By undercutting the suc-
cesses of another general, Pompey had gained control of more military power.
Back in Rome, Marcus Licinius Crassus, who had been an ally of Sulla and was
one of the wealthiest men of the city, was furthering his political power and al-
lied himself with Pompey.
The alliance of Crassus and Pompey led to the eventual end of the slave re-
volt led by Spartacus (73 B.C.E.–71 B.C.E.). Memorialized in Stanley Kubrick’s
film, Spartacus, the revolt of Spartacus was a massively destructive event. Spar-
tacus was a Thracian gladiator who escaped with some of his fellow gladiators
from his training camp in Capua and was joined by escaped slaves from all
over the empire. What made Spartacus’s force so powerful was that it con-
sisted of well-trained warriors. Many of the slaves were soldiers who had been
defeated and captured from enemy forces, and many had been trained as glad-
iators. This was an awesome army, and under Spartacus they terrorized Italy
for two years. Moving along the Apennines, they looted towns, with the even-
Origins, Growth, and Decline of Roman Civilization 75
Rome, however, was not impressed with this assassination. Marc Antony
managed to prevent the annulment of Caesar’s acts, while mobs burned down
the Senate house. Caesar’s heir, Octavian, gained the backing of the senators
who had been involved in the conspiracy against Caesar. Individuals such as
Cicero supported Octavian simply because Octavian was an alternative to
Marc Antony (Stockton 1988: 127). Eventually, however, Octavian joined forces
with Marc Antony and his ally, Lepidus—forming the Second Triumvirate. The
Second Triumvirate moved back to Rome, where they punished many of their
enemies, including Cicero.
The Second Triumvirate divided the empire among themselves: Octavian
took the west, Antony took the east, and Lepidus took Africa. Octavian and
Antony began careful maneuvers to cement their power. Antony attacked the
Parthians and cemented his military power. He married Octavian’s sister, Oc-
tavia. Together, Antony and Octavian made a treaty in Misenum (39 B.C.E.)
with Pompey’s son, who controlled Sicily and Sardinia. Octavian cemented his
power by allowing his brilliant general, Agrippa, to attack and defeat Pom-
pey’s son and gain other important military victories. Octavian also entangled
himself further in Roman nobility by divorcing his wife (Scribonia) on the day
she bore his daughter, Julia. He married a noblewoman, Livia Drusilla, forcing
Livia to divorce her husband, with whom she had had two children.
The uneasy partnership of Antony and Octavian began to fall apart when
Antony married Cleopatra (who had been Caesar’s mistress) in 37 B.C.E. This
marriage was not legally recognized because Antony was still married to Octa-
vian’s sister, and polygamy was not allowed in Roman law. Octavian began
campaigning in Rome against Cleopatra, and Antony divorced Octavia in 35
B.C.E. In 34 B.C.E., Antony declared Cleopatra and her heirs the rulers of Egypt.
Following this, Octavian announced that Antony had declared Cleopatra’s son
(Caesarion) as Caesar’s true heir, and with the support of Rome, Octavian de-
clared war on Antony. In 31 B.C.E., at the Battle of Actium, Octavian’s forces
were victorious. Antony and Cleopatra, their forces having surrendered, fled
to Alexandria. Octavian’s forces defeated Antony and Cleopatra’s remaining
forces in 30 B.C.E. in Alexandria, where two of history’s most romantic figures
took their own lives. With this, the Roman republic was replaced with the Ro-
man Empire.
The Principate
Octavian returned to Rome in 29 B.C.E. after reorganizing the eastern provinces
that had been devastated in the wars of the previous years. At this time Octa-
vian had tremendous power and controlled the military. He was extremely
popular in Rome, and his victory over Egypt, which now supplied free grain
to Rome, certainly aided this popularity. The Battle of Actium had left him in
near-complete control, but he lacked a constitutional position. Calling himself
“Emperor Caesar Augustus, Son of a God” (referring to his adoptive relation-
ship to the now-deified Julius Caesar), he claimed to have restored the repub-
lic, but at the same time he had amassed near-absolute governing authority. It
was Octavian’s consistent use of republican terminology and public dedica-
tion to republican principles that made his power palatable to the citizens of
Rome (Grant 1978: 248). He never took on the grandiose titles that Julius Cae-
sar had used, nor did he take the position of dictator (Ferril 1988: 65).
In 27 B.C.E., Octavian, in an infamous speech to the Senate, turned over his
powers. This announcement had been carefully staged, and his supporters
protested his resignation, claiming that Rome could not survive without Octa-
vian. Octavian’s response was theatrically reluctant, and he agreed to act as
consul for ten years, overseeing the provinces of Egypt, Spain, Syria, and Gaul.
Because these were the provinces where most of Rome’s legions were based,
Octavian had control of the military. In response to Octavian’s “generous” sac-
rifice of power, the Senate bestowed upon him the name Augustus, which
means “revered one.” From this point on, Octavian was referred to as Augus-
tus. Even though Augustus’s control was complete, he had learned from the
Origins, Growth, and Decline of Roman Civilization 79
example of the murder of Julius Caesar (his adopted father) that he required
the support of the Senate to retain control. Referring to these acts in 27 B.C.E. as
“The First Settlement,” Augustus claimed to have restored the republic. In fact,
he had gained powers that at one time had been held by numerous offices and
brought an effective end to republican government.
With these powers, Augustus left Rome for Gaul and Spain. He remained on
the periphery of the empire until 24 B.C.E. From 27 to 24 B.C.E., Augustus ac-
complished military victories in Spain (the Cantabrian Wars), although he was
not a particularly brilliant military tactician. He wrote his autobiography at
this time, but it did not survive. The best records from this period are the writ-
ings of Dio Cassius. After falling almost fatally sick, Augustus apparently
shifted his strategy for leadership. In 23 B.C.E. he resigned his consulship. He
gained the position of tribunicia potestas (tribune of the people) for life and
gained imperium maius (power greater than all others). By virtue of his im-
perium maius, Augustus was de facto leader of the Roman Empire.
In 19 B.C.E., Augustus once again shifted the nature of his powers, having of-
ficially received consular powers for life. Scholars have debated the reasons for
these periodic strategy changes (Stockton 1988: 128). Were they attempts to
combat problems or were they opposition to Augustus? Or did they represent
the growth and development of Augustus’s understandings of proper gover-
nance? Whatever the case, after 19 B.C.E., Augustus was in a position where his
political power was no longer questioned.
The Succession. What was in doubt was who would take over supreme
power after Augustus’s death. The powers that Augustus had accumulated in
his office were not hereditary, but neither was there a system of succession in
place, as his position had been created on an essentially ad hoc basis (Grant
1978: 253). So although it was not constitutionally binding, Augustus made
certain to indicate whom he would designate as his heir.
The first individual who would be heir to the throne was Marcellus, nephew
of Augustus. Augustus himself lacked a son, although his second wife, Livia,
had sons from a previous marriage. But Augustus wanted an heir from his own
bloodline (the Julian bloodline). His first wife had a daughter named Julia, so
Augustus had Marcellus and Julia marry (25 B.C.E.). This seemed like a clear
statement of intent that Marcellus was the favored heir (Stockton 1988: 137).
However, in 23 B.C.E., when Augustus thought he was dying, he handed his
signet ring (the symbol of his power) over to his longtime friend Agrippa, not
to Marcellus (Stockton 1988: 138). Perhaps a power struggle would have en-
sued had Marcellus not died that same year. Agrippa had been a close friend
and general to Augustus for many years and was the military intelligence be-
hind him. In 21 B.C.E., Augustus had his widowed daughter Julia married to
Agrippa. They had five children, and Augustus adopted the three sons. By 12
B.C.E., Agrippa’s powers were fast approaching those of Augustus, when
Agrippa died unexpectedly of illness.
At this time, Agrippa’s sons (adopted by Augustus) were too young to rule.
So Augustus turned to Livia’s sons from her previous marriage (see sidebar
above). The eldest of these sons, Tiberius, was forced to divorce his wife and
marry the once-again-widowed Julia. Tiberius married Julia in 11 B.C.E., but be-
cause he was very attached to his now ex-wife, Tiberius was quite bitter. By 6
B.C.E., Agrippa’s sons, Lucius and Gaius, had entered public office but had
proven themselves to be unworthy heirs. Augustus attempted to rein in their
power by elevating Tiberius above them. Tiberius refused, left Julia, and exiled
himself to Rhodes. However, by 4 C.E. Lucius and Gaius were both dead.
There were now three viable candidates for Augustus’s heir: Tiberius,
Agrippa’s surviving son Agrippa Postumus, and Augustus’s great-nephew
Germanicus. All three candidates were adopted by Augustus in 4 C.E. Soon
enough, Agrippa Postumus proved to be too volatile and was permanently ex-
iled. This left Tiberius and Germanicus as the two possible candidates, with
Germanicus the only Julian. When Tiberius adopted Germanicus, the problem
was solved.
When Augustus died in 14 C.E., the office of emperor had become firmly es-
tablished, but the method of succession had not been entrenched. Without a
mechanism in place for providing incontestable succession, the identity of the
next emperor would always be insecure. But the continued existence of the of-
fice itself was secure and would remain so for more than 300 years. The ac-
counts of Augustus’s death (from illness) tell that he admitted to the performa-
tive aspects of his creation of the imperial office and that he asked those present
to applaud for him as he departed the comedy of life. This is likely apocryphal,
but Augustus died having inaugurated a new political system for Rome.
Origins, Growth, and Decline of Roman Civilization 81
The Emperors
With the death of Augustus, the imperial period can truly be said to have be-
gun. From this point in Roman history until the death of Constantine, the story
of Rome cannot be told without reference to the personalities of the emperors
(see Table 4.3).
the virtual ruler of Rome (Garzetti 1974: 55). But this came to an end when Se-
janus plotted against Tiberius’s named heir, Gaius (Caligula). Sejanus and all
of his supporters were killed. When Tiberius died, his only heir was Caligula,
who took the throne, becoming one of Rome’s most notorious emperors.
Caligula reigned from 37 C.E. to 41 C.E. The son of Germanicus, he went to
live with Tiberius at Capri when the plot led by Sejanus against him was re-
vealed. He became seriously ill shortly after becoming emperor. Whether the
illness was physical or psychological is unclear, but his later actions are not
those of a well-balanced individual. After killing numerous possible rivals,
Caligula depleted the treasury for massive spectacles (such as creating a
bridge of ships across the Bay of Naples in 39 C.E.). His favorite racehorse
dined with him and was dressed in the garb of emperors. To refill the treasury
he raised taxes and auctioned off gladiators. In 39 C.E. he left to conquer
Britain, but returned in 40 C.E., having failed. Toward the end of his life,
Caligula declared himself a god and was said to have wandered about talking
to the god Jupiter and to the moon. His incestuous union with his sister
Drusilla was looked upon with contempt. He built a temple to himself and or-
dered the Jerusalem Temple converted to an imperial temple, but he died be-
fore this was carried out. In 41 C.E. he was assassinated at the Palatine
Games—an assassination that had widespread support (Garzetti 1974:
With Caligula’s death, some members of the Senate had hoped for a return
to the republican system (Garzetti 1974: 106). But, according to Josephus, when
Claudius was discovered hiding behind a curtain of the palace, he was quickly
elevated to the emperorship. Claudius was the son of Drusus, but he had some
sort of physical disability that embarrassed the imperial family, so he had been
kept out of public affairs (Garzetti 1974: 101–103). Claudius reigned from 41
C.E. to 54 C.E., fearing for his life throughout that time. His first actions were to
punish those who had conspired against Caligula, and for the rest of his reign
he would quickly dispatch anyone who he feared was plotting against him,
eventually killing more than 300 people (Garzetti 1974: 108, 114). Claudius is
most notable for his successful invasion of Britain and his poor judgment in
wives. His third wife, Messalina, was notorious for killing her rivals and her
numerous lovers (Salmon 1966: 171). In 48 C.E., she married one of these lovers
(while still married to Claudius), an action that led to her execution.
Claudius’s luck with wives was just as bad with his fourth wife, Agrippina,
daughter of Caligula. After having secured the position of heir for her son
Nero, Agrippina poisoned her husband, Claudius (Salmon 1966: 17).
Agrippina succeeded in putting her son on the emperor’s throne, but that
same son eventually had her killed. Nero, who reigned from 54 C.E. to 68 C.E.,
was one of the most notorious emperors. Along with matricide (Salmon 1966:
178), Nero ordered a boy named Sporus castrated and then married him. Other
bizarre behavior included taking a man named Pythagoras as his “husband”
and kicking another wife (who was pregnant) to death. Classical sources sug-
gest that he spent evenings wandering the streets assaulting women and steal-
ing from shops. His love of playing the lyre as accompaniment to the singing
Origins, Growth, and Decline of Roman Civilization 83
of songs he had written was also not well received (Garzetti 1974: 157). In 64
C.E., when a fire broke out at the circus maximus and engulfed Rome, people ac-
cused Nero of starting it. This was unlikely, and although Nero did substan-
tially deplete the treasury through relief measures, the story that he sang a
song while watching the fire consume Rome has, despite its improbability,
long held great power in historical writings. Nero exacerbated his unpopular-
ity by blaming the fire on Christians and persecuting members of this group
(Garzetti 1974: 164). After a number of attempts, Nero was finally overthrown
by supporters of a man named Galba who was declared emperor in Spain.
The Flavians. Galba, who had been crowned emperor in 68 C.E., was over-
thrown shortly thereafter. In quick succession, two new emperors came in and
out of power. Otho committed suicide when it was clear that Vitelllius’s forces
would soon overwhelm him. And Vitellius (who was supported only by the
German legions) was killed by the supporters of the Flavian family, led by Ves-
Vespasian’s accession to the throne inaugurated the second great hereditary
line of emperors—the Flavians (see Table 4.4). The Flavians came out of the
equestrian class and brought back stability from the chaos that had engulfed
Rome after the uprising against Nero (Ferril 1988: 70; Goodman and Sherwood
1997: 62). Vespasian’s reign from 69 C.E. to 79 C.E. was peaceful and stable.
From a political perspective the same could be said for his son Titus’s reign (79
C.E.–81 C.E.). However, breaking the stability was the eruption of the volcano
Mount Vesuvius, which destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum. When Titus
died unexpectedly, his brother Domitian took the office of emperor and ruled
from 81 C.E. to 96 C.E. Domitian was a capable but unpopular ruler (Salmon
1966: 285). He was very afraid of conspiracies against him, and from 93 C.E. un-
til his death, he executed and banished people at will, based on his paranoia.
Eventually realizing that they would all be killed, Domitian’s wife and numer-
ous high-ranking officials had the emperor killed, ending the Flavian control
of Rome (Goodman and Sherwood 1997: 65).
Vespasian 69–79
Titus 79–81
Domitian 81–96
The Five Good Emperors. After the fall of the Flavians, there was a line of five
emperors who had orderly successions and generally good relations with the
Senate, hence their designation “The Five Good Emperors” (see Table 4.5).
Nerva, who reigned from 96 C.E. to 98 C.E., was installed after the assassination
of Domitian. When Nerva sensed that the tide was turning against him, he
adopted the governor of Upper Germany, Trajan, as his heir (Ferril 1988: 72).
The selection of an heir based on skill rather than on bloodline (theoretically)
stabilized the succession process (Garzetti 1974: 305). Rather than being killed
in a coup, Nerva was allowed to live out his final months in peace and brought
an end to the expectations of bloodshed in the transition between emperors.
Nerva’s successor, Trajan, was the first emperor born in the provinces (Spain)
and he reigned from 98 C.E. to 117 C.E. Under Trajan, the Roman Empire grew to
its largest extent (Salmon 1966: 274), pushing all the way to the Persian Gulf.
Trajan was also an energetic builder. His most impressive monument, Trajan’s
Column, still stands in Rome but has been adorned by a statue of St. Peter since
1588. While campaigning in the east, Trajan fell ill (Salmon 1966: 290). Some ac-
Origins, Growth, and Decline of Roman Civilization 85
counts claim that he named Hadrian his heir when he became ill. Others sug-
gest that after Trajan died, his death was unannounced until letters naming
Hadrian as his heir could be engineered. Either way, Hadrian became emperor
in 117 C.E. and reigned until 138 C.E. He was quite capable, although he had a
rocky start involving the execution of four senators who, it was thought, were
intent on overthrowing him (Salmon 1966: 296–297). Hadrian gave up Trajan’s
eastern conquests (Garzetti 1974: 420) and solidified preexisting borders
(Hadrian’s Wall between England and Scotland is a remnant of this policy). A
lover of Greek culture, Hadrian traveled the empire (Salmon 1966: 301)—prob-
ably a wise idea, because he was not well liked in Rome. Before dying, he
named as his heir Antoninus Pius, who reigned from 138 C.E. to 161 C.E. Not
much is known about Antoninus, who reigned from Rome; he is notable in that
his adopted son became one of the most famous emperors (see Table 4.6).
Nerva 96–98
Trajan 98–117
Hadrian 117–138
Antoninus Pius 138–161
Marcus Aurelius 161–180
Marcus Aurelius became emperor in 161 C.E. but insisted that Lucius Verus
be given the same honors. The two reigned together until Verus’s death in 169
C.E. Marcus Aurelius continued to reign until 180 C.E. This emperor is most fa-
mous for his work Meditations, which still survives. Much of Marcus Aurelius’s
reign was spent at war, first with the Parthians, then with German invaders,
then against Cassius, the governor of Syria (who probably mistakenly thought
that Marcus Aurelius was dead), and again against the Germans. The empire
that had been solidified by Trajan and Hadrian had begun to fall apart. Plague
hit Rome in 167 C.E. and lasted for at least ten years. Before dying of illness,
Marcus Aurelius named his son Commodus his successor—the first successor
linked by heredity in eighty years.
Commodus, Civil War, and the Severans. Historians consider the period after
the death of Marcus Aurelius to be a time of decline for Rome (Ferril 1988: 75).
Until this time Rome had been the center of the empire and the center of impe-
rial power. But after the death of Marcus Aurelius, power shifted to the
provinces, where centralized control was minimal. Also, the Roman borders
were almost continually under attack and were gradually shrinking. Most his-
torians date the beginning of this decline to 180 C.E., the year of Marcus Aure-
lius’s death.
Marcus Aurelius died while campaigning in Germany. He had been accom-
panied by his son Commodus, whom Marcus Aurelius had been grooming for
the position of emperor. At the death of the emperor, Commodus became sole
ruler (his father had already made him co-emperor to ease the succession),
ushering in a period of collapsing Roman fortune (at least from the imperial
perspective). He negotiated a settlement with the German forces the Roman
army was fighting at that time and quickly returned to Rome.
Origins, Growth, and Decline of Roman Civilization 87
Rome and purged their supporters from the Senate. He reigned from 193 C.E.
to 211 C.E. and regained some of the territory that the empire had previously
lost. Septimius sacked the Parthian capital of Ctesiphon and made northern
Mesopotamia a province. Septimius died while campaigning in Scotland. He
was succeeded in 211 by his two sons, Caracalla and Geta, who were supposed
to reign jointly. But Caracalla killed Geta within a year. Caracalla then ruled
until 217 B.C.E., when he was killed by an assassin. Caracalla was replaced by a
Moor named Macrinus, who reigned until he was assassinated in 218. Macri-
nus’s assassins proclaimed a fourteen-year-old Syrian boy, Elagabalus, as em-
peror. This boy was also the high priest of the god Elagabalus, and he set up
worship of this deity in Rome. His foreign religious practices and attempts to
elevate Elagabalus above Jupiter infuriated the Roman population (Cook et al.
1939: 55). Also, Elagabalus’s practice of dressing as a transvestite and working
as a prostitute raised concerns in Rome. Tales survive describing his requests
to be bodily transformed into a woman, but it is hard to separate fact from
polemic in the accounts of his sexual practices. Elagabalus, after adopting
Alexanius, was assassinated. Alexanius (now Alexander Severus) took the
throne and ruled from 221 to 235. He was only thirteen, and the power actually
resided with his mother, Mamaea. The two of them were executed by their le-
gions after an unpopular settlement with Germanic invaders in the north.
The Barracks Emperors. For fifty years after the death of Alexander Severus,
the Roman Empire was beset with problems (Christiansen 1995: 150). At least
twenty-seven emperors were selected (see Table 4.8), most from the ranks of
the military (hence the term barracks emperors), and most were killed, often by
their own troops. Alongside these twenty-seven emperors were approximately
fifty usurpers to the throne. Those emperors raised from within the military
ranks were often the biological sons of the previous emperor. The armies fre-
quently supported this kind of transition as it ensured their continual pay-
ment. However, frequently enough, the army would turn against its own cho-
sen emperors.
The instability among the military led to an instability of the empire’s de-
fenses. Rome’s frontiers were besieged from almost every side (the Sahara
proved to be an exception). Frontier battles were difficult because frequently
the emperor had to return his army to Rome to quell an internal uprising. The
Franks and Alamanni (who would later become the French and Germans) at-
Origins, Growth, and Decline of Roman Civilization 89
Postumus 260–269
Laelianus 269
Marius 269
Victorinus 268–271
Tetricus 271–274
tacked across the Rhine River. The Vandals and Goths attacked across the
Danube River. (See sidebar on page 90.) These forces were the first enemy forces
to kill a Roman emperor in battle—Decius, in 251 B.C.E. And in the east, the Sas-
sanians’ mighty army brought instability and became the first army to capture
a Roman emperor in battle (Valerian in 260 B.C.E.). (See sidebar on page 90.)
When news of Valerian’s capture was made known, two major provinces
broke off from Rome and became independent. The Gallic province, supported
by British and Spanish legions, declared independence and set up a capital at
Trier. Independence was maintained until 274 (see Table 4.9 for a list of leaders).
Similarly, in the east, centered on the city of Palmyra, the Palmyrene province
broke away until 274. These provinces were brought back under control by the
emperor Aurelian in 274. Aurelian was a general who managed to quell numer-
ous rivals to the throne and reunify Rome. Aurelian was dedicated to the wor-
ship of the Unconquered Sun, a popular deity within the army (Ferril 1988: 77).
The worship of this deity, in Aurelian’s time, became a cultural phenomenon
that united the otherwise very separate cultures in the empire. After Aurelius’s
murder, another six emperors would reign before Diocletian stabilized Rome.
It can be difficult to keep track of all of the different groups called “barbar-
ians” by the Romans. In general, barbarians were anyone who was not Greek
or Roman. However, the more specific use of the term barbarian refers to any
of the seminomadic tribes who engaged in war with the Romans. Often the
individual names of the tribes are derived from their reputed origin. The
Huns, who seem to have come from central Asia, eventually dominated the
Black Sea region. Their most famous leader was Attila, who, after 451, began
attacking Rome.The Goths were a Germanic group who came from near the
Vistula River. Goths separated into two groups. The Ostrogoths (eastern
Goths) dwelt near the Black Sea from about the fourth century on, and did
not have much to do with Rome. The Visigoths (western Goths) sacked
Rome in 410. The Vandals were Germanic tribes from the Baltic coast who
migrated to the area of modern Hungary and eventually formed a kingdom in
North Africa.The Alans were Asiatic tribes pushed into the Roman heartland
by the expansion of the Huns and the Goths. Other Germanic tribes in-
cluded the Alamanni, the Burgundians, and the Suebi.
From 226 C.E. until the seventh century, the Sassanid family ruled the Persian
Empire. They came to power by destroying the ruling elite of the Parthian
dynasty, but for the most part, they perpetuated Parthian governance and
society.The Sassanians were massive builders and can be considered an east-
ern version of the Roman Empire for their legacy of building and imperial
conquest.The major religion of the Sassanids was Zoroastrianism, but other
religions did thrive in this environment.The Sassanian Empire was one of the
most powerful in history but is frequently overlooked in history books.
304 (Bowder 1978: 12–13), which demanded that all soldiers and administra-
tors offer sacrifice on pain of death (an activity prohibited by the Christian reli-
gion). Diocletian, who reigned from 284 to 305, restructured the Roman Em-
pire and the nature of leadership (Christiansen 1995: 162). At a fundamental
level, the nature of the emperor’s mandate changed under Diocletian. The em-
peror was no longer the chosen of the people, but rather the chosen of the
gods—in particular, Jupiter. The new title that went with this was dominus
(which means “master”) and an emperor’s reign was no longer called a princi-
pate but a dominate (Ferril 1998: 79). The origins of the divine right of European
Origins, Growth, and Decline of Roman Civilization 91
Constantine the Great converting to Christianity at the Battle of Milvian Bridge. (Bettmann/
cording to Eusebius, Constantine had a vision the night before the battle in
which he saw a Christian symbol blazing against the sun. So he had all of his
army paint this symbol (the chi-rho) on their shields and was subsequently suc-
cessful in the battle. Whatever the truth behind the story of Constantine’s con-
version to Christianity, this battle left two emperors of Rome—Licinius in the
east and Constantine in the west. By 324, Constantine had killed Licinius and
taken control of the empire.
Rise of Christianity
The pretext for Constantine’s attack on Licinius was Christianity (Bowder
1978: 32). After the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, Licinius and Constantine had
shared power over the Roman Empire, and Licinius had been tolerant of Con-
stantine’s efforts to Christianize Rome. Sporadic conflicts marred the peace be-
tween the two leaders, but for the most part the status quo remained, with
power evenly divided between Constantine and Licinius. This changed in 323,
when Licinius made the mistake of moving against the Christian factions
within the imperial bureaucracy (Bowder 1978: 42). Fearing that all Christians
were working on behalf of Constantine, Licinius had some bishops executed
and razed some of the churches. This provided Constantine with an excuse to
attack Licinius. Constantine soundly defeated Licinius at Hadrianopolis, and
then again at Chrysopolis. Eventually Licinius surrendered, on the condition
that his life would be spared. But in 325, Constantine broke his promise to al-
low Licinius to live, and he had his former rival and Licinius’s son executed.
For Christianity, the year 324 C.E. marked a turning point. The religion had
moved from its origins as a fringe movement in Judaism (see chapter 8) and
had become the official religion of the empire. While Licinius still had power,
Constantine had been checked in his attempts to exclude non-Christian reli-
gions from practice. But with Licinius out of the way, Constantine was able to
legislate against paganism. Sacrifice was forbidden, and the treasuries of pa-
gan temples were confiscated. Roman social life was also legislated based on
Constantine’s Christian principles. Most notably, gladiatorial combat was out-
lawed. The laws passed by Constantine, infamous for their harsh punish-
ments, directly reflected Christian morality.
Christianity flourished under Constantine’s patronage. In 325 C.E. the Coun-
cil of Nicaea convened at the request of the emperor. Worrying that Christian
unity was threatened by theological disagreements, Constantine invited bish-
ops and theologians to meet in order to come to a consensus on the nature of
the Trinity. Known as the Arian controversy, the Church had become divided
on how to understand the relationship of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in re-
lation to one another. An Alexandrian priest named Arius had brought the
controversy to a head by suggesting that God was dominant and that Jesus
and the Holy Spirit were subordinate, although at the highest level of creation.
The other viewpoint, which would eventually prevail in Christian thought,
held that God is one being, but a being that exists in three forms—Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit. The end result of the Council of Nicaea was the composition
of the Nicaean Creed, which affirms the non-Arian viewpoint, in very ambigu-
Origins, Growth, and Decline of Roman Civilization 93
ous language. It is intriguing that a Roman emperor would play a role in theo-
logical decision making, and goes to show how Christianity had changed from
a fringe movement into an organized religion playing a role in government.
Perhaps the most tangible illustration of Christianity’s integration into Ro-
man imperial government was the movement of the capital from Rome to
Constantinople. In 324 Constantinople was founded atop the existing city of
Byzantium. Constantine had spent most of his early years reigning from Trier
and spent little time at Rome. The foundation of Constantinople further under-
mined Rome’s status as the center of the empire. Even though Constantine
erected fabulous buildings in Rome, his disbanding of the Praetorian Guard
brought with it Rome’s concomitant loss of status as the imperial city. In 337
Constantine became ill and finally accepted baptism to Christianity. He was
buried in Constantinople, much to the horror of the Roman aristocracy, who
expected him to be buried in Rome. The historical irony is profound, in that
the man who legislated Christianity as the sole religion of Rome was deified
by the Senate after his death!
from 364 to 392. Battles against barbarian forces eventually led to the death of
the House of Valentinian. In their place rose the House of Theodosian, which
ruled amid various struggles until 455. Although Theodosius I had strength-
ened the office of emperor, this strength lasted only until his death in 395. His
two sons continued the office of emperor, but actual power shifted to advisors.
In addition, the capital of Roman government was moved to Ravenna in 404.
This city was in a very defensible position—in the middle of a marsh in north-
ern Italy.
The loss of prestige for the city of Rome was furthered by its sack in 410. The
commander of the Roman army, Stilicho, had entered into an agreement with
Alaric the Visigoth in 407. Alaric was hired to move his barbarian army against
Illyrium to bring the area under Roman control in return for a substantial pay-
ment. However, after this deal was brokered, other barbarian groups attacked
Gaul and the governorship of Britain was usurped. The attack on Illyrium had
to be called off, and Alaric was not paid. In response, Alaric sacked Rome. Al-
though the actual destruction was not great, the sack of Rome was certainly
demoralizing. It also illustrated one of the growing weaknesses of the Roman
Empire. The Roman military had become dependent on barbarian military
forces that were not loyal to Rome (Ferril 1986). Local barbarian warlords had
also become more powerful, and attacks on Roman holdings were not uncom-
Nine more emperors ruled after the last of the Theodosian-supported rulers
(Valentinian III). At this point, the empire was permanently divided between
east and west. From 455 on, the eastern empire is better known as the Byzan-
tine Empire. The western empire held on for about twenty years, plagued by
barbarian attacks, until finally, in 476, the barbarian king Odovacer became
king of the empire. At this point, imperial history comes to an end. No more
emperors are presented as leaders of Rome. The power of the western Roman
Empire passed completely into the hands of German chieftains.
Adkins, Lesley, and Roy Adkins. 1994. Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Alfödy, Géza. 1985. The Social History of Rome. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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ranean to 133 B.C. London: Cambridge University Press.
Beard, Mary, and Michael Crawford. 1984. Rome in the Late Republic. Ithaca: Cornell Uni-
versity Press.
Bloch, Raymond. 1960. The Origins of Rome. London: Thames & Hudson.
Bowder, Diana. 1978. The Age of Constantine and Julian. New York: Barnes & Noble.
Bowman, Alan, et al. (eds.). 2000. The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume 10, The Augus-
tan Empire, 43 B.C.–A.D. 69. London: Cambridge University Press.
Bradford, Ernle. 1981. Hannibal. New York: Barnes & Noble.
Brown, Peter. 1971. The World of Late Antiquity, A.D. 150–750. London: Thames & Hud-
Bury, John. 1928. The Invasion of Europe by the Barbarians. London: Macmillan and Co.
Origins, Growth, and Decline of Roman Civilization 95
Cameron, Avril, and Peter Garnsey (eds.). 1998. The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume
13, The Late Empire, A.D. 337–425. London: Cambridge University Press.
Cameron, Avril, Bryan Ward-Perkins, and Michael Whitby (eds.). 2001. The Cambridge
Ancient History, Volume 14, Late Antiquity: Empire and Successors, A.D. 425–600. Lon-
don: Cambridge University Press.
Caven, Brian. 1980. The Punic Wars. New York: Barnes & Noble.
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bridge University Press.
M any economic aspects of modern life are taken for granted today in
North America and Europe. Very few people are actually involved in
primary food production; most people do not harvest their own crops or
butcher their own meat (except on a very small scale). Likewise, people do not
produce their own clothes, and even fewer actually create the fabric used in
clothes. This disassociation with primary production is a hallmark of the in-
dustrialized world. To understand ancient Roman economy, it is necessary
first to understand this major difference between modern industrialized life
and ancient Roman life. Other than the very wealthy, most Roman households
were very involved in the day-to-day production of food and clothing. There
were markets where goods could be bought and sold, but they certainly did
not play as important a role in supplying a family with their needs as stores do
today. This chapter describes some of the major elements of the Roman econ-
omy. For a general overview of the controversies relating to the study of Ro-
man economy, read the appropriate section in chapter 11.
owns land outright. Usually no one has complete rights over a piece of real es-
tate. The individual landowner was frequently obligated to the state in return
for the right to own the land; in the period of the republic these obligations in-
cluded military service. On the other hand, even the emperors did not have
full control over land, because they had to deal with laws and customs protect-
ing the rights of individual landowners. Real estate ownership issues are much
more complicated than ownership issues involving moveable property, which
can be owned outright. What follows is a discussion of the major Roman types
of landownership, but it is important to remember that the categories dis-
cussed here were not as clear-cut in actual practice.
The Family Farm. The ideal form of Roman landownership was the small
family farm. In later times, the Romans believed that all of their ancestors had
farmed small plots of land (Shelton 1988: 152). These early Romans had owned
their land, and it was the hard work of their forefathers that had led Rome to
such success (Shelton 1988: 153). In reality, it is unlikely that the earliest Roman
settlements consisted of independent, self-sufficient, single-family farm
dwellings. Nonetheless, this was a powerful myth and became the norm in the
early Republican period. The pater familias of the farmstead was obligated to
fight in the military, a difficult burden for the farm (Stockton 1979: 9). Because
the farm probably operated only slightly above the subsistence level, the loss
of one productive member during important agricultural periods was signifi-
cant. Small family farms were just as economically unstable in the ancient
world as they are today. Subsistence farmers were at the mercy of the weather,
price fluctuations, and a variety of other variables beyond their control.
Ager Publicus. The ager publicus was public land, farmland owned by the
state, and the subject of much controversy in the late Republican period. The
Roman state gained this land during the conquest of Italy by confiscating it
from those cities that resisted Roman advances (Stockton 1979: 11). Much of
this land was assigned to colonies. Some of it was doled out to individuals. By
about the middle of the second century B.C.E., however, much of this land was
distributed to wealthy landowners who already had large estates. When Ro-
man forces took over new areas, they incorporated the preexisting landowner-
ship schemes into the Roman administration. Because of this, there was great
variation in local landownership practices in the empire. But the land that was
annexed as ager publicus was administered in an entirely Roman fashion.
Agricultural production was geared toward producing a surplus—enough for
the city dwellers in the nearby colony and the Roman army stationed in that
Latifundia. Latifundia were huge corporate agricultural estates run with the
purpose of making a profit. Owners of these kinds of land began to dominate
Roman agriculture, gradually buying out the small landholders (Pallotino
1991: 130; Rees 1987: 484). Larger farms were better equipped to deal with un-
certainty in an economic activity revolving around considerable insecurity
Economics 99
(Stockton 1979: 13). These small landholders moved to the city and became the
urban poor, because the larger landholders did not normally hire these ex-
farmers to work the newly purchased land (Rees 1987: 484). Instead, latifundia
were worked by massive amounts of slave labor.
Methods of Farming
Farming methods throughout the empire were related to and dependent upon
the climate of the area being farmed. It is useful to think of Roman farming as
either dry farming or moist farming, depending on the amount of precipita-
tion in the particular region (Rees 1987: 481). Farming practices varied consid-
erably throughout the empire, having developed from local traditions, predat-
ing the Romans by centuries (Rees 1987: 482). Some broad generalizations can
be made, and will be explored in the section that follows.
Dry-farming techniques were essential in areas with a Mediterranean cli-
mate (see chapter 2). Farmers working in this type of climate were forced to
cope with, before all other problems, issues of water management. There was
substantial precipitation in Mediterranean climates, but it was unpredictable.
Terracing techniques of water conservation were important (these are dis-
cussed in detail in chapter 2). Agriculturalists in the Mediterranean typically
farmed according to a two-year system, in which fields were left fallow for one
year at a time and generally used every other year (but see White 1970: 47).
Seed was sown sometime between October and December, and harvesting
took place in June or July. The tools used by Roman farmers were relatively
simple. Plowing was done with a tool called a light ard. Hoes and sickles were
also used. In general, Roman agricultural tools consisted of iron heads with
wooden handles (Rees 1987: 489).
Moist farming, typical of northern Europe, was much less work-intensive
than dry farming and had more predictable yields. This kind of farming in-
volved the use of agricultural tools that were different from those used for dry
farming. During Roman times, farmers used harvesting machines called the
vallus or carpentum in these regions (Rees 1987: 498). There were lighter and
heavier versions of this machine, but all were pushed by draft animals. We
know about these machines not because they have survived archaeologically,
but because they are depicted in Roman art and described by Pliny. Another
Engravings based on reliefs on the “Tomb of the Baker” show the process of baking bread in an-
cient Rome. (Pixel That)
tool used in Roman moist farming was the wheeled plow. This tool had two
small wheels, attached to an iron spade that could be pushed along the soil,
making plowing easier on the farmer’s back (Rees 1987: 498).
Types of Crops
Most Roman farms engaged in mixed agriculture, meaning that a variety of
different crops were grown. Cereals (such as wheat and barley) were very im-
portant in subsistence agriculture and formed the basis of the Roman diet.
Olives and grapes were successful cash crops. Growing these vine-based crops
could not support a family, but because olive oil and wine were always in high
demand in the cities, farmers who grew these crops could be confident that
they could sell their produce. Vine-based agriculture was a significant invest-
ment of time and resources, because it takes years for planted vines to become
agriculturally productive. Fruit, nuts, vegetables, and figs were also important
Roman crops.
Animal Husbandry
Animal husbandry was usually integrated with agriculture on small subsis-
tence farms, but some scholars have argued that it was divorced from agricul-
ture on the larger estates. Animals were an important part of all Roman farms
and fulfilled a number of roles (Rees 1987: 486). The manure produced by ani-
mals was used as an important source of fertilizer (White 1970: 125). Roman
Economics 101
writers observed that for the larger estates it was difficult to acquire sufficient
amounts of fertilizer (White 1970: 144). The massive strength of draft animals
also assisted in agricultural labor.
But animals were also useful sources of products for consumption (see
White 1970: 272–231 for a slightly different understanding). Cattle were very
important in Italy. There was a large demand for meat in Rome and dairy
products were always desired. Hides and bones were important resources for
other industries. Sheep were also used for dairy production and meat, but
wool was their most valuable contribution. Pigs and other animals played var-
ious roles as well.
Shepherds were an important part of agro-pastoralism. In Roman literature,
shepherds are described in very romantic terms. But generally, Romans seem
to have disliked the duties of the shepherd, and usually shepherding chores
became a slave’s responsibility. The shepherd would wander with the sheep,
protecting and assisting them. Thieves were one of the primary enemies of the
shepherd, who often spent days at a time away from the settlement.
The quarry at Carrara, Italy, has provided fine white marble since ancient times. (Library of
to agriculture (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 330). Much archaeological evidence for
mining exists; however, there are several problems with using this kind of data.
The most important problem is that it is often very difficult to date mining sites.
If a mine was not exhausted in Roman times, it probably remained in use until
well after the Roman period. Also, because the process of mining is so destruc-
tive, Roman evidence often does not survive. Another problem with archaeo-
logical investigation of mining is that the most common sources of ore and
stone were aboveground surface deposits. After such resources are fully ex-
ploited, nothing remains, so it is difficult to get an accurate sense of the degree
of mining in any period before record-keeping procedures were employed.
Economics 103
Metallurgy was well developed in the Near East and Europe centuries before
Roman civilization arose. There are a number of distinct steps in metallurgy,
all aimed toward the goal of creating usable objects from metal materials. Met-
allurgy involves a significant degree of investment in terms of materials, pro-
cessing, and levels of education. First, ore had to be processed into usable
metal. This process involved heating the ore to very high temperatures. To
make bronze, tin and copper had to be mixed in a fixed ratio. The Romans
gained quite a degree of precision in the composition of alloys like bronze.
Usually this kind of processing occurred near the mine. The metal was cast
into ingots with the understanding that the ingots would later be melted down
by a local craft specialist.
The actual techniques of working metals varied depending on the type of
metal used. Gold and silver were both hammered and engraved into desired
forms. They could also be melted and cast in molds—especially common for
jewelry. Iron was heated and pounded or punched. Bronze was also cast, usu-
ally in molds or through what is called the lost-wax method. The lost-wax
method (often referred to by its French name çire perdue) involved the use of a
temporary mold made out of wax. It is very easy to sculpt with wax, which al-
lows for more ornate designs. After the metal poured inside the mold cooled,
the wax molds were disposed of. Iron, lead, and copper were also important
metals in Roman times.
Carpentry and woodworking were important skills in the Roman world. The
Romans used many wooden products. Boats, carts, tools, and furniture (or at
least parts of these items) were made of wood. Unfortunately, wood does not
survive well, according to the archaeological record. It deteriorates relatively
quickly in most archaeological contexts. But from a variety of sources, like
artistic and literary descriptions, there is evidence for the kinds of wooden ob-
jects used (Liversidge 1976: 155). Many objects were made of wood, and it is
likely that the tools used for carving were very similar to those used today
(Adkins and Adkins 1994: 329; Liversidge 1976: 159–165). In most parts of the
Roman world, wood was a plentiful resource; however, there is some evidence
for deforestation in different periods and places.
Textile Production
Textiles were produced in the home and in larger industrial contexts. The
processes of manufacture were relatively similar in both contexts (Manning
1987: 598–599). The first step was the collection and preparation of the fiber.
Wool was sheared from sheep. Flax and hemp were harvested at certain times
of the year and then specially treated for use as fiber (Adkins and Adkins 1994:
327–328; Wild 1976: 168). It is likely that individual homes purchased these
raw materials, rather than producing them themselves. The next step was to
spin the fiber into a usable form. This could be done at the household level, us-
ing techniques and tools that predated the Romans by centuries (Wild 1976:
169). After the fiber was spun, it was woven, similarly possible at the house-
hold level, with relatively simple and inexpensive equipment. At this stage,
the woven textile was given to specialists for further treatment (Hopkins 1988:
764; Wild 1976: 176). The textile was washed, and then fullers treated the fabric
(with earth or urine) to remove the grease, dirt, and animal oils (Hopkins 1988:
Leather was used by the Romans in a number of contexts, not just for cloth-
ing. Created from the skins of animals, the animal was first slaughtered and
the hide removed. The hide was then treated extensively, involving consider-
able scraping to remove leftover pieces of flesh, and beating the hide to soften
it for easier manipulation (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 329; Waterer 1976: 179).
Tanning leather involved soaking it in a particular solution (Waterer 1976: 179).
Economics 105
Usually this was a solution of liquid and tree bark, but it varied regionally
(Waterer 1976: 180). After some further finishing treatments, the leather was
available for a number of uses.
The study of ancient trade can be a difficult task. It is very important (and very
difficult) to avoid bringing one’s own preconceptions to this subject. Although
more is said about the controversies of this subject in chapter 11, a few points
are important to bear in mind. The work of the anthropologist Marcel Mauss,
exemplified by his work in The Gift, has demonstrated that beneath the trans-
fer of goods between people lie important social relationships. These social re-
lationships are particularly important in the study of ancient trade. A great
deal of information can be learned, not only about the specifics of trade, but
also about the relationships between the people or groups that traded.
An important difference between modern times and Roman times is the rel-
ative standing of merchants within the community. Although the ability to
make a profit is considered a virtue in many sectors of modern society, it was
not a virtue in Roman society. Trading and selling were considered distasteful
and not the activities of proper Romans. This was not unique to the Romans—
many precapitalist societies shared a similar disregard for selling. It is a unique
feature of the modern world that making money is considered morally accept-
able rather than socially reprehensible. On the other hand, there is certainly ev-
idence that this did not prevent people from attempting to make a profit.
Shopping in Rome
The degree to which trade was impor-
tant in ancient economies is a question
of great controversy (see chapter 11). But
in the city of Rome itself, there is unde-
niable evidence that trade was con-
ducted. Evidence exists for standardized
systems of measurement. Merchants
sold their wares as a primary means of
making a living. Profit was the goal of
these sales—to be certain, there are
enough accounts (and complaints) about
this in Classical literature. Often mer-
chants were artisans as well. Sometimes
homes, shops, and workshops all were
connected, and there is evidence that ar-
tisans often sold their crafts from shops
attached to their workshops. In other sit-
uations, however, merchants could act
solely as middlemen. These shop own- Weights and measures found at Pompeii.
(Library of Congress)
ers were completely divorced from production, much as store clerks in malls
are today.
Some areas of the city of Rome were specifically geared toward shopping.
The Forum was the major center for shopping throughout much of Roman his-
tory (Cowell 1980: 124). Various markets in and around the area were dedi-
cated and renovated by various emperors. The most magnificent was Trajan’s
Market, which was founded in 114 C.E. This ancient mall had over 150 shops
that sold a variety of products (Cowell 1980: 125). The market was right by a
river, so that deliveries could be made by water directly to the larger stores.
Other sections of Rome also facilitated trade, and certain streets were known
for their shops. Probably the most famous was vicus Tuscas, which had many
different types of wares for sale (Cowell 1980: 126). Some products were sold
in areas informally designated for that kind of commodity. For example, the fo-
rum boarium was where cattle were sold. Undoubtedly, Rome was a world
shopping capital, much as London, Paris, New York, and Hong Kong are to-
International Trade
International trade was an important component of Roman society from very
early on. Literary sources provide ample descriptions of the kinds of trade that
Rome engaged in over long distances. Archaeological evidence is also helpful
Economics 107
The many shipwrecks that lie at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea have
provided archaeologists with important evidence for the nature of Roman
seafaring and international trade. The study of these ships, which is referred
to as underwater archaeology, has become an important subdiscipline within
archaeology. There are basically two methods used to study these underwa-
ter ships—excavation and reconnaissance. Excavation is quite time consum-
ing, but it is also very rewarding.The sea preserves many types of objects that
are not preserved in dry areas, but great care must be taken when moving
these artifacts to the surface. Reconnaissance is less destructive, involving ob-
serving and recording discovered wrecks, but without removing the ancient
remains from their underwater graves. As technology improves, underwater
archaeology will prove to be an even more important tool for archaeological
1994: 194; Greene 1986: 29). Gold and silver coins were traded, probably based
on the value of their metal, rather than on the value invested from imperial au-
thority. In general, the Romans exported goods that had been secondarily pro-
duced or had added value. That is to say, the Romans exported to the periph-
ery manufactured goods with the Roman manufacturing, not raw materials.
Imports to Rome were mostly raw materials and semimanufactured goods.
Grain was the most important import to Rome, so much so that its importation
was government regulated (see sidebar on page 109). A substantial proportion
of Rome’s grain supply came from Egypt. This is not as odd as it may seem; it
was probably much easier to transport large quantities of products across the
Mediterranean rather than across Italy by land (Greene 1986: 40; Manning
1987: 592). Olive oil and wine were also traded across the Roman world in sig-
nificant quantities.
There were many individuals who participated in international trade. But
the people mostly responsible were the middlemen, who were willing to travel
to buy and sell goods in faraway locations. Two types of traders were active in
ancient Rome. Mercatores were merchants who traded specific goods (Adkins
and Adkins 1994: 194; d’Arms 1981: 3; Manning 1987: 590). They were distin-
guished from negotiators, who were traders of more general kinds of prod-
ucts. Negotiators were representatives of larger organizations, agents of trad-
ing companies, or the active members of groups of investors (Adkins and
Adkins 1994: 194; d’Arms 1981: 25).
One of the benefits of living in the city of Rome was possible access to free
wheat. At varying times in Roman history, wheat was offered to the citizens
of Rome free of charge. This was a valuable political tool, especially for the
emperor, as it preserved his popularity within the city. With grain imports
from Egypt well regulated, the citizens of Rome had access to a constant food
source. Given the large population of the city and the growing use of the sur-
rounding land for cash crops, the free wheat provided to Romans was very
first, which assists in the dating of archaeological sites and materials, was dis-
cussed in chapter 3. Coins can also be used indirectly as sources of information
from an art-historical perspective. Images on coins frequently consisted of pic-
tures of architectural features, showing what buildings may have looked like
(Burnett 1991: 31–32). Even more frequently depicted on Roman coins were
portraits of important Romans (Burnett 1991: 34–36). Sometimes these por-
traits attempted to depict features realistically, but most often they are interest-
ing because specific traits of these individuals were purposefully depicted.
The artist who designed the coin chose to emphasize specific physical features,
either because the person actually looked like that or for propagandistic pur-
poses. This leads to another use of coins in the study of Rome: the use of coins
to understand the larger state apparatus from propaganda and economic per-
spectives (Burnett 1991: 37–41). Finally, a noteworthy use of coins, one that will
be explored in this chapter, is for the specific study of the Roman economy.
First, the history of coin use in the Roman world will be discussed. Second,
what coins can tell us about Roman economy will be explored.
about equal to ten bronze asses. Bronze coins were still more important in
everyday usage, but silver had become the new standard of value. Under Au-
gustus, Roman currency underwent another major reorientation (Greene 1986:
49). But the denarius was still the base currency unit (see Table 5.1). This cur-
rency system, while undergoing occasional changes based on imperial edicts
and the changing value of metal, remained intact until the third century C.E.
(see Kent 1987).
save them, and use that wealth later. These are some of the theoretical uses of
coins, but which of these uses actually happened in Roman times?
Because we know coins existed in Roman times, we can postulate some of
the ways that coins were used. Coins were used as a standard of value; written
sources give information about the price of goods and services from the de-
nominations of coins. Coins may have been used to store wealth. Numerous
coin hoards have been discovered throughout the empire. This does not neces-
sarily reflect wealth storage, but it is the most likely option. Individuals, as
part of economic transactions, also used coins. There are anecdotal accounts of
people using coins to buy and sell in Roman literature. And, for another exam-
ple, we know that people paid a quadran to get into the baths in Rome. Another
important type of evidence is the denomination of coins. If denominations
were too large, then only certain individuals and institutions could use them
(Burnett 1991: 44–45). In Roman times, however, this was not the case. The de-
nominations reflected a wide variety of values, from negligible values to ex-
tremely expensive values (Greene 1986: 52). So, theoretically, everybody could
use coins.
But questions of scale need to be considered as well. Just because there were
coins, and people used them in a way that is similar to how people use money
today, it does not mean that coins functioned exactly the way coins and money
do today. It is likely that the Roman use of coins was on a much smaller scale
than the use of money today. In the cities, coins were definitely important for
trade (Crawford 1970: 45). The same probably cannot be said for rural areas or
areas of the empire without strong monetary traditions. Coins were not impor-
tant in every transaction, and many transactions could occur without any con-
sideration of money. It is important not to equate Roman coins with modern
money—the two, although appearing similar, are in fact different in many
1980: 21; Parker 1987: 635). Agriculture was by far the most important kind of
property-based investment (White 1970: 12). The owner could be directly in-
volved in agricultural production (managing the estate himself or through his
slaves) or indirectly involved by renting out the land and profiting from agri-
cultural fees. Nonagricultural land was also important (Frier 1980: 21). Income
was derived from renting out domestic property, especially within the cities
(Frier 1980: 27). Apartment complexes were owned by wealthy individuals
who sought profit through rental fees (Frier 1980: 28). It was also common for
rental fees to be gained from other pursuits, such as renting workshop or com-
mercial space. Small businesses like tavernes or inns also provided possible in-
vestment opportunities.
Patronage was one of the main mechanisms through which the arts were
perpetuated in Roman society. Much in the same way that patrons of the arts
are understood today, a patron could support an artist or writer if the patron
liked the artist’s work. Often the patron would make very specific demands of
the artist (Blagg 1987: 728). But more important for the patron was the social
esteem gained from other upper-class Romans by patronizing the arts. Even
better was when the patron was memorialized in the art of the client. Perhaps
the most famous patron is the one memorialized in Shakespeare’s eighteenth
sonnet, which begins, “Shall I compare thee with a summer’s day.”
Roman taxation was significantly different from modern taxation. Taxes were
not paid so that the government could provide infrastructure (Shaw 1988: 824).
A Roman taxpayer would never wonder about “his taxes at work” and expect
an accounting from the government. Neither were taxes collected as any sort
of economic regulating device (Shaw 1988: 809–810). So, for example, taxes col-
lected on imported and exported goods were not really customs dues, because
they were not levied as a means of controlling trade. These forms of taxation
were simply methods of increasing state revenue. Keeping in mind this role of
Roman taxes helps explain Roman tax collection in general. Taxes were not
paid only in money, but could also be paid as services or as goods in kind.
In the earliest years of Roman history, only people renting out ager publicus
(the public lands) paid taxes. But as Rome expanded across Italy, the govern-
ment increasingly needed revenue to support military activity (Shaw 1988:
810). Tributum (tribute) was imposed directly on an individual. The degree of
tax owed was decided through the census (Shaw 1988: 811–812). About every
five years, a census was taken to evaluate the level of wealth of an individual
A detail from The Tribute Money by early Renaissance artist Masaccio shows St. Peter handing
over payment to a Roman tax collector. (Sandro Vannini/Corbis)
Economics 115
(and his family) to determine the individual’s rank. This was a crucial determi-
nation regarding the individual’s participation in political life, as well as his
military obligations. The Roman ideal was that citizens of Rome should be ex-
empt from paying taxes, except for military obligations, and the major burden
of taxes should be held by noncitizens and provincial subjects (Shaw 1988:
Taxation institutions varied through the Roman period. In the period of the
republic, revenue was held by the treasury of Saturn (aerarium Saturni), which
was controlled entirely by the Senate (Shaw 1988: 810). From the time of Au-
gustus on, the treasury of Saturn became more and more just the treasury of
the city of Rome (Shaw 1988: 810). The powerful state treasury was the fiscus in
Rome, associated with numerous provincial fisci (Shaw 1988: 810). The fisci
represented the emperor’s personal wealth, and he had control over it. All the
people who ran the fisci were appointed by the emperor and controlled by
Tax collection was not a centrally organized system in Roman times. There
was a considerable quantity of different kinds of taxes that were levied, known
because of the hundreds of different types of taxes listed in papyri from Egypt
(Shaw 1988: 810). The specifics were different for each type of tax. In general,
the right to collect taxes was auctioned off to the highest bidder. This gave the
government a predictable source of income (Shaw 1988: 815). Because the Ro-
man tax base was essentially agrarian, it received amounts of taxes that varied
year by year. But through this method of auctioning off tax-collecting rights,
Rome received a fixed sum from the tribute collector. This tribute collector had
the right to collect taxes at a higher rate than the government required, allow-
ing considerable profit for the collector and encouraging tremendous corrup-
tion. Because the tribute collectors, in order to purchase the rights to tax,
needed considerable funds and could not be senators, the equestrians became
the dominant class involved in tax collection (Shaw 1988: 816).
In discussing issues of economics, scholars often do not take into account is-
sues of transportation. Yet in many ways transportation is fundamental to
economies. The limits of transportation dictate the limits to economic activity.
Speed, cost, and accessibility of transportation were all important issues to the
ancient economic participants, so it is just as important for modern scholars to
consider them. It is easiest to divide Roman transportation into two cate-
gories—land transportation and water transportation (Greene 1986: 17).
Within these two categories, it is important to distinguish between local and
long-distance transportation. Some of the stranger elements of Roman eco-
nomic life make more sense when the problem of transportation is considered.
Land Transportation
Roads and other kinds of infrastructure are discussed in chapter 9. What is dis-
cussed here are the kinds of evidence available for the study of long-distance
Roman land transportation vehicles and the kinds of land transportation activ-
ities that took place. Measurement systems are not discussed in detail, but see
Table 5.2 for the most important distance measurements. Local traffic was nor-
mally on foot or, if transporting goods, with simple wagons. Travel by foot or
by pack animals was most likely the choice of the less well-off members of Ro-
man society. Horses were not used for this kind of transportation in Roman
times; they were too expensive. Various kinds of wheeled vehicles were the
preferred form of transportation.
In general, there is much less evidence for land transportation vehicles than
for water vehicles. Most of the knowledge about this is derived from literary
descriptions and art-historical representations. It is very difficult to make tech-
nical assessments of the craft based on this kind of information. From Roman
art we can see that two- and four-wheeled vehicles were used, powered by
draft animals (Greene 1986: 37; Laurence 1999: 123). Literary sources indicate
that at a certain point the Romans adopted Celtic technology, but specific evi-
dence is not very strong (Greene 1986: 36). There is a general tendency in Ro-
man scholarship, based on this evidence, to describe the low technological
level of Roman wheeled vehicles. Recent reevaluation of some of these long-
held technological assumptions (e.g., that Roman vehicles did not have sus-
pension or separate front axles) has shown that they are incorrect (Greene
1986: 38).
Couriers and messengers also traveled along Roman roads. In Republican
times, tabellarii (couriers) were hired to deliver messages (Adkins and Adkins
1994: 184). Augustus established a state postal system of sorts during his reign
(Adkins and Adkins 1994: 184). This system, called the cursus publicus (public
course), was for military and state personnel only. Officials used it for convey-
ing messages and supplying armies. The basic system was one in which vehi-
cles and animals were stationed in fixed positions along the route. The courier
would travel to each point and switch vehicles to facilitate quick transport of
the message.
Water Transportation
Water transportation was a much more important form of transportation in
Roman times (but see Brunt 1971). Roman ship technology was quite ad-
vanced. More than thirty Greek and Latin names for types of ships are known,
and many shipwrecks provide information about ancient Roman crafts (Ad-
Economics 117
A busy Roman harbor scene depicted in a fresco from Pompeii. (Mimmo Jodice/Corbis)
kins and Adkins 1994: 186). Roman shipbuilding was unique in that the first
step was the construction of the outer shell—the hull (Adkins and Adkins
1994: 186; Greene 1986: 21–24). After the hull was built, the interior of the ves-
sel was added. This is exactly the opposite order of how most ships were built
before the Industrial Revolution. Mortise and tenon joints were used to con-
nect the various planks of the ship. Pitch and beeswax were used as caulking
for the hull, to keep the ship waterproof. Merchant ships were powered by
sails, and had much smaller crews than warships. The typical Roman trading
vessel could be anywhere from 12 to 40 m long. Cargo capacities were large. It
is known from shipwrecks that four layers of amphorae (see chapter 9) could
be stacked within a merchant ship (Greene 1986: 26). This was about
6,000–8,000 pots, and with each pot weighing (when full) about 50 kl, it was
quite a large cargo. The speed of these vessels varied depending on the route.
Sailing from Italy to Egypt would take about ten days. But sailing the opposite
direction, from Egypt to Rome, was much longer, possibly taking up to two
months, because the winds blew in the wrong direction (Greene 1986: 28).
The Romans built artificial harbors so that large sailing vessels could be ac-
commodated directly in the ports. Often, though, cargoes were transported to
smaller vessels for travel up through the system of rivers that connected the in-
terior of the Roman Empire (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 190; Greene 1986: 31).
These vessels were much smaller than seagoing vessels. The technology was
also quite a bit simpler, based more on hollowing out large logs than on com-
pound construction. Actual examples of these river-based ships have been
found in the Rhine River (Greene 1986: 31). These inland water routes were
probably more important transportation systems than the roads for which
Rome is so famous, and they certainly were the major routes for conveying
Adkins, Lesley, and Roy Adkins. 1994. Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Badian, E. 1972. Publicans and Sinners. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Blagg, T. F. C. 1987. “Society and the Artist,” pp. 717–741 in The Roman World. John
Wacher (ed.). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Brunt, Peter. 1971. Italian Manpower. London: Oxford University Press.
Burford, Alison. 1988. “Crafts and Craftsmen,” pp. 367–388 in Civilization of the Ancient
Mediterranean: Greece and Rome. Michael Grant and Rachel Kitzinger (eds.). New
York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Burnett, Andrew. 1991. Roman Coins. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Casson, Lionel. 1974. Travel in the Ancient World. London: Allen and Unwin.
———. 1988. “Transportation,” pp. 353–366 in Civilization of the Ancient Mediterranean:
Greece and Rome. Michael Grant and Rachel Kitzinger (eds.). New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons.
Charlesworth, Martin. 1926. Trade Routes and Commerce of the Roman Empire. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Chevallier, Raymond. 1976. Roman Roads. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Crawford, Michael. 1970. “Money and Exchange in the Roman World.” Journal of Roman
Studies 60: 40–48.
d’Arms, John. 1981. Commerce and Social Standing in Ancient Rome. Cambridge: Harvard
University Press.
Duncan-Jones, Richard. 1977. The Economy of the Roman Empire: Quantitative Studies.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
———. 1990. Structure and Scale in the Roman Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-
sity Press.
Ellis, Simon. 2000. Roman Housing. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd.
Faas, Patrick. 2003. Around the Roman Table. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Finley, Moses. 1973. The Ancient Economy. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Frank, Tenney. 1927. An Economic History of Rome. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University.
Economics 119
Frank, Tenney (ed.). 1933–1940. An Economic Survey of Ancient Rome. 5 vols. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins University Press.
Frier, Bruce. 1980. Landlords and Tenants in Imperial Rome. Princeton: Prnceton University
Garnsey, Peter, Keith Hopkins, and C. R. Whittaker. 1983. Trade in the Ancient Economy.
Berkeley: University of California Press.
Garnsey, Peter, and C. R. Whittaker. 1983. Trade and Famine in Classical Antiquity. Cam-
bridge: Cambridge Philological Society.
Greene, Kevin. 1986. The Archaeology of the Roman Economy. Berkeley: University of Cal-
ifornia Press.
Healy, John. 1978. Mining and Metallurgy in the Greek and Roman World. London: Thames
& Hudson.
———. 1988. “Mines and Quarries,” pp. 779–794 in Civilization of the Ancient Mediter-
ranean: Greece and Rome. Michael Grant and Rachel Kitzinger (eds.). New York:
Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Hopkins, Keith. 1980. “Taxes and Trade in the Roman Empire (200 B.C.–A.D. 400).” Jour-
nal of Roman Studies 70: 101–125.
———. 1988. “Roman Trade, Industry, and Labor,” pp. 753–778 in Civilization of the An-
cient Mediterranean: Greece and Rome. Michael Grant and Rachel Kitzinger (eds.). New
York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Jones, Arnold. 1974. The Roman Economy: Studies in Ancient Economic and Administrative
History. Peter Brunt (ed.). Oxford: Blackwell.
Keller, Donald, and David Rupp (eds.). 1983. Archaeological Survey in the Mediterranean
Area. Oxford: BAR International Series.
Kent, John. 1987. “The Monetary System,” pp. 568–585 in The Roman World. John
Wacher (ed.). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Laurence, Roy. 1999. The Roads of Roman Italy. New York: Routledge.
Liversidge, Joan. 1976. “Woodwork,” pp. 155–166 in Roman Crafts. London: Gerald
Duckworth & Co. Ltd.
Manning, W. H. 1987. “Industrial Growth,” pp. 586–610 in The Roman World. John
Wacher (ed.). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Mauss, Marcel. 1990. [1950]. The Gift. W. D. Halls (trans.). New York: W.W. Norton.
McWhirr, Alan. 1987. “Transport by Land and Water,” pp. 658–670 in The Roman World.
John Wacher (ed.). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Pallotino, Massimo. 1991. A History of Earliest Italy. Martin Ryle and Kate Soper (trans.).
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Parker, A. J. 1987. “Trade within the Empire and beyond the Frontiers,” pp. 635–657 in
The Roman World. John Wacher (ed.). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Polanyi, Karl. 1957. “The Economy as Instituted Process,” pp. 243–269 in Trade and Mar-
ket in the Early Empires. Karl Polanyi, Conrad Arensberg, and Harry Pearson (eds.).
Chicago: Henry Regnery Company.
Rees, Sian. 1987. “Agriculture and Horticulture,” pp. 481–503 in The Roman World. John
Wacher (ed.). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Rickman, Geoffrey. 1980. The Corn Supply of Ancient Rome. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Rostovtzeff, Michael. 1957. Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire. Oxford: Ox-
ford University Press.
Shaw, Brent. 1988. “Roman Taxation,” pp. 809–828 in Civilization of the Ancient Mediter-
ranean: Greece and Rome. Michael Grant and Rachel Kitzinger (eds.). New York:
Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Shelton, JoAnn. 1988. As the Romans Did. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Social Organization
and Social Structure
Types of Settlements
An important component of survey work is establishing a hierarchy of sites.
This is less subjective with Roman civilization than with other archaeologically
identifiable cultures. It seems that the Romans thought of their settlements in
terms of hierarchy, so it is not a modern imposition of hierarchy, but rather a
discovery of an ancient hierarchy (Poulter 1987: 388; Woolf 1998: 133). Some of
the major categories of settlements are discussed in the sections that follow.
Roman cities have been the focus of the vast majority of Roman scholarship.
The sources for cities are much richer than the sources for rural areas, and there
has been scholarly interest in the concept of the city since the Victorian period.
There has been a general realization in current scholarship that for the ancients,
the distinction between urban and rural was not as extreme as it is for modern
thinkers. Although the Romans certainly saw a distinction (witnessed through
the many writings that glorify rural life), in terms of the average Roman’s expe-
rience of life, there may not have been as great a distinction. But for the pur-
poses of this discussion, it is nevertheless useful to distinguish between types of
cities, because the Romans used distinct settlement strategies with each.
Colonies and Capitals. Perhaps the most intentional and aggressive Roman
land-use strategies involved the establishment of colonies. In the Republican
period, when Rome first began its expansion, colonies were established to
achieve very specific goals (Drinkwater 1987: 361). Populations were imported
into areas that were underpopulated to facilitate Roman expansion (Crawford
1982: 73, 106–107). Related to this, colonies were set up near cities that had re-
sisted Roman expansion. Often these cities’ lands were confiscated and distrib-
uted to the new colonies (Crawford 1982: 43, 46). This strategy undermined lo-
cal resistance to Roman rule by weakening the productive abilities of the cities.
New colonies also allowed the exploitation of local resources for Rome’s use
(Drinkwater 1987: 361). Colonies were also important components of Roman
land-use strategy in imperial times. Each province ideally had a major city that
functioned as the capital of that province and was designated as such through
a legal decision from Rome (Drinkwater 1987: 372). These capitals were ex-
pected to be the major economic, social, and political centers of each province.
Roman urban centers had standardized infrastructure and facilities, which
helped foster feelings of “Roman-ness” among local populations (Drinkwater
1987: 372). For more on the processes of Romanization, see chapter 11.
Incorporated Cities. Especially in the eastern part of the empire, the Romans
had to contend with preexisting urban centers. Much of the Greek world never
really adopted Roman infrastructure, and Greek culture was still considered
“high culture.” For the most part, the Romans simply added their administra-
tive systems on top of the preexisting administrative systems of the Greek
cities, and they had little direct influence on settlement types (Levick 1987:
331). There were a few exceptions. Some preexisting eastern cities were desig-
nated as capitals (Levick 1987: 332). One innovation, however, was the new
Social Organization and Social Structure 123
prominence of the Roman villa. The coastal cities thrived in Roman times be-
cause of the renewed Mediterranean trade (Levick 1987: 332). The situation
was very different in the western empire, which had only minimal urbaniza-
tion when the Romans moved in. Because there were no cities, the Romans
could build from scratch (Drinkwater 1987: 363). In the west, “high culture”
was Roman culture, not Greek culture, and Rome directly contributed to the
rise of western cities (see Drinkwater 1987: 345).
Military Sites. Roman military sites are best known from the western empire
locations. In fact, a general tendency in the scholarship of the western Roman
Empire is to concentrate on military history, so there is a somewhat skewed
view of the importance of military sites in that region. The features of a Roman
military camp or fort were quite standard and are discussed in detail in chap-
ter 7. But there were also important permanent military settlements in the Ro-
man frontier that should be mentioned. Of importance to Roman conceptions
of the frontier is the concept of the limes, the border of Roman control. This
border was conceived as a line, with everything behind the line conjuring up
images of civilization and urban life, and everything beyond the line conjuring
images of barbarians and unsettled societies. Perhaps the best physical exam-
ple of this Roman sensibility is Hadrian’s Wall. But borders in other parts of
the empire have also been identified. Most conspicuous are rows of watchtow-
ers (built of stone and/or timber) that allowed Roman soldiers to guard the
surroundings (Maxfield 1987: 157–164). Forts and garrisons were also impor-
tant Roman military settlements, and the rate of their establishment corre-
sponded with the expansion of the empire (Drummond and Nelson 1994: 128).
Related to these permanent military settlements were the towns that arose in
adjacent land, filled with individuals whose economic livelihoods were geared
toward servicing the Roman soldiers (Poulter 1987: 388, 394). Because Roman
soldiers could expect consistent and good payment, these subsidiary services
could be supported over the long term (Poulter 1987: 389).
Social Organization and Social Structure 125
Rural Sites. The most difficult type of site to account for through survey
techniques is the rural site. The problems involve primarily issues of defini-
tion. Each survey project defines rural sites in different ways (Greene 1986: 71).
Even the concept of the villa lacks general agreement (see chapter 9). To make
sense of the survey data, one must carefully examine how each survey team
defined rural settlements. Rural settlements can encompass anything from a
large estate to a small structure in the middle of a field. Yet these rural sites are
the least understood from traditional excavations and text study, so their dis-
covery in settlement surveys is extremely important.
Spain. Survey research in Spain has demonstrated that the Roman presence
in the region had a very large effect on local land use. This was very different
from the Roman presence in Britain. With the Roman arrival in Spain, land use
increased tremendously, peaking in the second century C.E. (Greene 1986: 115).
Social Organization and Social Structure 127
The Aegean Regions. In general, the high urban density of the Greek and
Hellenic regions was not drastically changed by the Roman presence (Levick
1987: 331). There is evidence in some regions for some abandonment of Greek
settlements in the Roman period (Greene 1986: 134). There was a greater pres-
ence of settlements along coastal regions during the Roman period—probably
related to the prosperity and stability of Roman maritime trade (Greene 1986:
The Near East. From Egypt through the Levant and into Mesopotamia, set-
tlement patterns were relatively unchanged with Roman conquest. However,
this impression could have been caused by the relative lack of interest in Ro-
man-period archaeology in these regions (see Kennedy 1987: 273). But for the
most part, beginning with the Iron Age, there were relatively consistent land-
use strategies until the arrival of Islam. One settlement type that can be consid-
ered Roman, however, is the presence of the villa (Greene 1986: 138). Villas
were distinctively Roman and were not paralleled in earlier or later settlement
Roman soldiers scaling the walls of Carthage, 146 B.C.E. (Library of Congress)
There are two basic questions that historical demographers ask about ancient
populations. The first is: How many people lived in the population—what was
its size? This can be an important problem for the study of Roman society. The
size of the citizen population in the Republican period, or the amount of slaves
during the imperial period, can drastically affect one’s understanding of the
past. The second, and related, question is: How long did those people live?
Both questions require careful analysis and comparison of fertility and mortal-
ity rates. Population movement (immigration and emigration) can also be an
important factor in this kind of study. The section that follows details how his-
torical demographers used ancient Roman material, as well as how historical
demographers have answered the two questions mentioned above.
came important pieces of information, and from that point onward, there are
excellent records. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about Roman-period
The most obvious kinds of evidence that can be used are surviving Roman
census documents. Not much of this evidence has survived, however. There is
some information on the total amounts of citizens in Rome during the reigns of
Augustus and Claudius. Better evidence comes from Roman-period Egypt, in
the form of papyri and ostraca (Bagnall and Frier 1994). Tax records, kept over
long periods of time, allow estimates about population size and age. In gen-
eral, these records from the state administration are useful, but give incom-
plete glimpses into the ancient populations (Scheidel 2001: 11).
Another important type of evidence comes from funerary inscriptions.
Tombstones (or their commemorative equivalents) often give the age at death
of the individual. There are quite a few problems with using this kind of data.
Parkin suggests a number of ways in which the sampling of funerary monu-
ments is biased (Parkin 1992: 17). Only certain segments of society could afford
these kinds of monuments, so there is more evidence about the upper classes
(Parkin 1992: 12–13). The very young and the very old are not attested to con-
sistently (Parkin 1992: 7). Given the expectations of high infant mortality, the
number of infant commemorative markers is quite small (Parkin 1992: 6). Gen-
der is also problematic because significantly more men were given monu-
ments than women (Parkin 1992: 15–16). Chronological and geographic distri-
butions are also problems, because customs related to death varied throughout
time and space (Parkin 1992: 8–11, 13–14).
Likewise, skeletal remains are not as helpful as might be expected. Archaeol-
ogists have found many Roman bodies, and paleopathology is an important
subdiscipline. But it is not possible to age skeletal remains specifically enough
to be useful in demographic studies (Scheidel 2001: 19). But we can learn about
nutrition, disease, and other health-related issues from the skeletal remains.
This kind of information is important for understanding health-related con-
straints on the Roman population.
Perhaps the kind of evidence most used in Roman demographic studies is
the comparative model. Roman population information is predicted based on
analogous population curves and statistical extrapolation. Societies that do not
use contraceptive or other birth-control methods are studied in order to under-
stand “natural birth rates” (Parkin 1992: 112). The problem, however, is that
these models cannot take into account the specific historical situations in Ro-
man times. It assumes a degree of sameness between modern populations and
preindustrial populations.
Despite the difficulties of extrapolating demographic data about the Ro-
mans, it is a worthwhile venture. It should be understood that any conclusions
reached can be considered only estimates. By taking advantage of all of these
kinds of evidence, some useful conclusions can be made. But be aware that any
figures given by a Roman demographic scholar should be taken with a grain of
salt. Conclusions are never as certain as they may seem when presented in ta-
bles and charts containing numbers and equations.
Social Organization and Social Structure 131
the early years of childhood, then the mortality risks decreased considerably
(Wiedemann 1989: 16–17). The life expectancy of adults in the ancient world is
a controversial issue in historical demographics. Most scholars agree that
males had a lower life expectancy than females. Some scholars go even further
to suggest that frequently, males must have died at very young ages (in their
late twenties and early thirties), because ancient authors frequently discussed
female remarriage (Saller 1994: 12–13). This second argument is not very com-
pelling, though, because the disparity in frequency of discussion about male
remarriage versus female remarriage tells more about Roman attitudes toward
women than about the realities of the situation. And the dangers of childbirth
for women should not be underestimated. Pregnancy was a dangerous time in
a Roman woman’s life. It is difficult to suggest an average life span for either
men or women. There is ample evidence to demonstrate that Romans could
live quite long lives. Various pieces of indirect evidence argue against the tra-
ditionally held notion of thirty years as an average life expectancy. For exam-
ple, the cursus honorum (course of honors) presupposes a much longer life for a
Roman man. Other anecdotal evidence hints that someone who died in his or
her thirties would be thought to have died young (see sidebar above). On the
other hand, being elderly in Roman society was probably not a normal situa-
tion, certainly not a situation that someone would have expected (as in mod-
ern times).
tions of the family are presented based on these same data. This makes study-
ing Roman family life very interesting but also very frustrating.
One of the fundamental disagreements among Roman social historians re-
lates to the degree of affection and love among family members. French schol-
ars have traditionally held that love and affection did not develop until much
later in Western history. High infant mortality, and the option of exposing un-
wanted children, forced parents to take a less loving attitude toward their chil-
dren. Similarly, scholars have argued that love was possible in marriage, but
not probable—marriage was primarily an economic relationship. There are
many problems with these notions, however. One of the fundamental prob-
lems is how to make sense of Roman literature if love was not an important
theme in family life. The prominence of love as a subject in Roman writing
(love between husband and wife, parent and child, etc.) does not make sense if
this kind of affection did not actually exist. I personally believe that the emo-
tional ties in a Roman family were very strong, and that the more prominent
roles of life and death in family situations did not hamper the development of
Another problem for Roman family scholars is how to define the family. Dif-
ferent definitions of family are appropriate depending on the circumstances. In
legal contexts, the Roman family involved all members of the household, as
well as house and property (Saller 1994: 75). In nonlegal contexts, however,
family did not include the property, it only referred to the people. Similar prob-
lems arise with interpreting the word domus (literally, house). The context of
use of the word is very important in understanding it. It can refer to the physi-
cal house, the entire household including property and people, just the house
staff, or a dynastic lineage (Saller 1994: 80–82). Family and house had different
meanings and different connotations; it is misleading to try to pin down an en-
tirely consistent definition of either.
On the other hand, some statements can be made about the constituent
members of a family. In regard to a relatively wealthy family, it is possible to
reconstruct certain members (given ideal circumstances). The head of the
household was the pater familias, the father of the house and the oldest male
member. Attached to this male was his wife, who was brought from another
male-centered house and incorporated into a new family through marriage.
The children of this marriage were also family members. Slaves were consid-
ered family members and were the responsibility of the pater familias, al-
though if freed, the slaves were removed (from a legal standpoint) from mem-
bership in the family. Deceased ancestors were an important part of the Roman
family as well, and in the mental construct of the average Roman, the dead
continued to play a role in family life.
Marriage was an expected duty of all Roman citizens (Treggiari 1988: 1343;
Veyne 1987: 37). Both sexes were expected to marry and produce offspring
(Balsdon 1963: 190; Dixon 1992: 62). Marriage was a change in social status in
which the bride passed from her father’s authority to her husband’s. With this,
Children were an important aspect of Roman life, and it was considered a citi-
zen’s duty to have children (Treggiari 1988: 1327). Fathers were expected to be
affectionate and caring toward their children. Education was a responsibility
of the father (see chapter 10). The average family had two or three children
who survived to adulthood. Childhood was considered a distinct stage in life
(Dixon 1992: 102). Infants were infants until they learned to speak (Dixon 1992:
104; French 1988: 1359). Girls were girls until they reached sexual maturity.
Boys were men when they reached the age at which they could publicly wear
the adult toga (Wiedemann 1989: 143). The actual age at which boys could
wear the toga varied among boys.
Unless the couple used some kind of birth control (which would not have
been dependable), the woman probably became pregnant soon after marriage.
Brent Shaw has argued that there were seasonal spikes in amounts of children
born in particular periods that may relate to a fixity of season for marriage
(Shaw 2001). Childbirth was a dangerous time for a woman. Premodern medi-
cine could not accommodate the kinds of complications that arose during a
pregnancy. On the other hand, for women who could afford a midwife, they
could expect a high degree of cultural and emotional support during the
Once the child was born, the parents had to decide whether or not to keep
the child (Veyne 1987: 9). Exposure was a possibility for the family but was
probably not taken lightly (French 1988: 1357). The frequency of exposure (giv-
ing up the child) in Roman times is unknown. Some sources suggest that femi-
cide, the killing of girls in preference for boys, was common, but it is impossi-
ble to determine whether this was a frequent choice of families (French 1988:
1356). Among the poor, exposure was often an attempt to provide the child
with a better life, one with the necessary means of support (Veyne 1987: 9). An
exposed child was supposed to be left in a public place and fully clothed so
that a family desiring the child could accept it (French 1988: 1356). Children
born out of wedlock were considered illegitimate. They did not have the right
to take their father’s name and took their mother’s name instead (Veyne 1987:
11). This treatment was given to children born not only of adulterous affairs
but also to children born of unions other than marriage (Veyne 1987: 77–78). A
child born out of wedlock had no parental inheritance rights.
say in matters, all of this was dependent on the temperaments of the two par-
ties involved.
The Orders
Orders are formally defined categories of people. There were two orders in
early Rome—patricians and plebeians. Membership in an order was based en-
tirely on birth. These categories were signified in numerous ways. Most no-
table was that particular dress was suitable for members of particular orders.
For example, patricians were allowed the privilege of wearing a certain kind of
Patricians. Roman tradition suggests that the patricii (patricians) came into
existence during the regal period (Mitchell 1990: 2). The early traditions sug-
gest that this order was formed from the original senators chosen by Romulus
when he founded Rome. Many scholars have noted a linguistic connection be-
tween the word patrician and the Latin word for “father” (Cornell 1995: 245, for
example). Some have argued that this indicated that patricians produced patres
(fathers) who were senators (Cornell 1995: 245–246). This may be true; how-
A Roman patrician and his wife, first century C.E. (Mimmo Jodico/Corbis)
ever, it is unlikely that the patricians were the sole ruling class of early Rome. It
is likely that very early on, these families took a leading role in city governance
(Mitchell 1990: 18). The families had hereditary rights and were connected
with the Senate (Mitchell 1990: 17). Membership in the Senate was not exclu-
sive to the patrician order (Cornell 1995: 247). But many patricians were sena-
tors and this order wielded much authority over the Senate (Crawford 1982:
32). In addition, patricians held the major religious positions, such as pontiff
(Cornell 1995: 251–252; Crawford 1982: 32). Large landholders, the patricians
gained their wealth through landownership. From 218 B.C.E. on, senators were
banned from engaging in commerce. So they were forced to look to their land-
holdings even more as a source for the acquisition of wealth.
Modern scholars disagree on when the patrician order became a well-
defined social body (Cornell 1995: 252). The classic statement on this issue is
Social Organization and Social Structure 139
by de Sanctis, who suggested in the early twentieth century that the patricians
closed their ranks by discouraging intermarriage (de Sanctis 1953). That is to
say, they formed themselves into an isolated group by not allowing new mem-
bership (except through birth or adoption). By about 450 B.C.E., it had become
impossible for a nonpatrician to become a patrician. Even very wealthy nonpa-
tricians were excluded.
Plebeians. The origin of the plebeian order (or plebs) is obscure although it is
well known that the word pleb translates to “masses” (Cornell 1995: 256). It is
possible to talk about a group known as the plebs early in the republic (Cornell
1995: 256). At that time, the plebs seemed to be a heterogeneous group of un-
derprivileged people. It is also likely that wealthy nonpatricians were mem-
bers of this group. This group of people (effectively nonpatricians) was ex-
cluded from holding senatorial offices and other important positions in city
governance. It is the disenfranchised nature of this group that probably lies at
the roots of its formation—a formation that is clear in the conflict of the orders.
Status refers to the perceived prestige of an individual. Normally status is
gained through the activities of an individual’s life and is not directly based on
birth. However, it must be noted that birth into a specific order or class pre-
sents individuals with differential access to the kinds of activities that relate to
status. In Roman times, status was designated very specifically. People of par-
ticular status were described as members of particular groups. Cornell has sug-
gested a more complex understanding of how status was manifested in Rome
(Cornell 1995: 258). The terminology used that related to status, according to
Cornell, did not represent hard-and-fast groups. Indeed, most of the terminol-
ogy reflected binary oppositions. In addition, people could be described as
members of a number of status groups. In Cornell’s perspective, these binary
oppositions should be viewed as ranges of status, with the binary oppositions
reflecting the most extreme measures of each status relationship (Cornell 1995:
258). The following section deals with some of these Roman status concepts.
Absidui and Proletarii. A fundamental status distinction from the regal pe-
riod until the reforms of Marius was the distinction between landowners and
the propertyless (Crawford 1982: 46). Those who owned property were called
absidui. Absidui, as landowners, were eligible for military service. The proletarii
owned no land and were not allowed to perform military service. Within Ro-
man law, proletarii had a lower legal status, probably related to their wealth.
For example, proletarii could not act as guarantors for loans to absidui because
it was likely that they would not in fact be able to guarantee the loan.
Equites and Pedites. This status group originated in the regal period. Basi-
cally knights, equites were individuals who could afford the equipment and
training for horse-based warfare (Gelzer 1969: 5). However, by the second cen-
tury B.C.E., this group had withdrawn from military service and had taken on
governmental functions (such as tax collection). The basic requirement to be-
come an equite was the ownership of property valued at more than 400,000
Social Organization and Social Structure 141
sesterces (Gelzer 1969: 10; Jolowicz 1967: 78). On the other side of this status
are community members who lacked sufficient funds (in the eyes of the state)
to be provided with a horse, hence pedites.
Patrons and Clients. Arguably the most prominent status distinction within
Roman society was the distinction between patron and client. A patron was a
wealthy individual and held higher status within the community than his
client. A client was a subordinate individual who formally asked a patron for
assistance. More of this relationship is discussed in chapter 5, but it is impor-
tant to identify the patron-client relationship as one of Cornell’s primary bi-
nary social impositions.
Slavery was an important component of the Roman economy and has received
much attention in modern scholarship. It is important, from the outset, to un-
derline the differences between Roman slavery and the slavery that existed in
early America. Slavery in Rome was primarily an economic status and as such
was changeable. It was not predicated on theories of racial superiority, and it
was not confined to one group of people, as it was to African Americans. When
considering Roman slavery it is important to try to think of it without reference
to slavery in the United States. The two phenomena are not really comparable,
other than that the word slavery is used to describe both situations.
wise encumbered or physically unwell (Shelton 1988: 168). Slave markets were
found throughout the empire. The island of Delos was a particularly large and
infamous slave market, where slaves acquired from Asia were sold.
A scene from the movie Spartacus. Laurence Olivier as Crassus talks to defeated slave rebels
Spartacus (Kirk Douglas, right) and Antoninus (Tony Curtis). (Pixel That)
were used as means of identifying slaves (Shelton 1988: 180). Particular gar-
ments (indicating that a person was a slave) made it difficult for slaves to leave
the city unaccompanied by their owners. And any slave who was caught im-
personating a freedman was subject to capital punishment. Slave revolt was a
concern for Roman citizens (Shelton 1988: 181). In large households, the slave
population often greatly outnumbered the free members of the household.
Large-scale slave revolts did occur in the Roman world, the most famous of
which was led by Spartacus (see chapter 4). Numerous rules existed for the
prevention of slave revolts. For example, slaves were not allowed in the mili-
tary. Contrary to popular belief, slaves did not work the oars of Roman war-
ships. It was understood that a slave did not make a trustworthy soldier.
Slaves could marry one another, but the marriages would not be legally rec-
ognized (Treggiari 1988: 1353). This arrangement was called contubernium.
Children born to slaves were the property of the slave owner. Slaves could
save up and buy their freedom, or they could be granted manumission by their
A slave that had been manumitted by his or her owner was called a freedman
(libertus). There were many possible reasons an owner might have had for free-
ing a slave (Treggiari 1969: 11–20). Certainly compassion was a possible mo-
tive. Stoic philosophy disapproved of the institution of slavery. And slaves
who were in the personal service of their masters and developed personal rela-
tionships with them were more likely to be freed. If an owner fell in love with
his slave and wanted to marry her, he would have had to free her first. Freed
slaves could also be adopted by their masters. Compassion on the part of other
freedmen could also have led to manumission; former slaves would some-
times buy the freedom of their friends. Economic motives could also lead to
freed slaves. Slaves could save up and purchase their freedom (usually by pay-
ing their owner the initial purchase price). If the owner could not afford the
slave’s upkeep, or if the slave was too old or sick to pay his or her own weight,
the owner may have released the slave. Social reasons could also motivate an
owner to free his or her slaves. The act of freeing slaves was prestigious,
demonstrating both generosity and wealth.
The most common way for slaves to be manumitted was for the master and
slave to appear before a magistrate (Watson 1970: 47). The magistrate would
perform a ceremony, and the slave was officially freed—able to wear the cap of
a freedman (Shelton 1988: 190; Treggiari 1969: 21). Another method of manu-
mission was for the master to provide for it in a will (Treggiari 1969: 27; Wat-
son 1970: 46). Upon the death of the master, the slave was declared freed. The
promise of eventual freedom could be a compelling motivation for slaves to be
faithful to their masters. Slaves could also be unofficially manumitted. Called
Junian Latins, these slaves were not legally free, but could live like freedmen
(Adkins and Adkins 1994: 342; Watson 1970: 47). The children of Junian Latins,
however, were not free, and upon the death of a Junian Latin, his property re-
verted to the original master (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 342).
Freedmen became citizens of Rome. They could vote but they were prohib-
ited from running for office or joining the senatorial and equestrian orders (but
see Treggiari 1969: 52–64). Of course, it was very rare that a freedman would
have enough wealth or prestige to run for office or join one of the upper ranks.
The children of freedmen, however, were not considered freedmen; they were
considered ordinary citizens, with all the rights and privileges of citizens
(Treggiari 1969: 227). The granting of citizenship to freedmen was the easiest
way for a foreigner to become a Roman citizen.
gender and feminist theory. There is no room in this book to discuss these dy-
namic and diverse fields of theory, but it is important to be aware that the ap-
plication of these new theoretical approaches has opened up a new field. How
gender is constructed as a concept (in the eyes of both moderns and ancients)
and made unstable by a variety of factors such as age and class has been a rev-
olutionary new question. The binary opposition of male-female is no longer
seen as a concrete difference, but rather an interaction and process spanning
more than these two polar extremes. Roman art and literature are particularly
appropriate subjects for these theoretical approaches, and archaeology can
help provide information that spans class differences. For the beginner, the
vast amount of new literature on women in antiquity can be frustrating be-
cause there is just as much excellent scholarship as there is poor scholarship.
The discussion that follows includes some of the important themes that have
arisen in recent scholarship.
Roles of Women
It would be impossible to describe all of the roles that were available to women
in ancient Rome. But an interesting avenue of research is to study the kinds of
roles that were glorified in literature and art. But as with all people, it was pos-
sible to fill many roles and have many identities. The average modern individ-
ual plays various roles throughout a lifetime. It should be assumed that the an-
cient world had similar levels of complexity regarding the roles women could
Mother. One of the primary roles associated with women in Roman times
was that of mother. This is not surprising; it is a biological fact of human exis-
tence. But what makes this category interesting in Roman times is the central-
ity of the mother in Roman culture (Balsdon 1963: 203). A woman’s virtue was
intrinsically linked to her reproductive skills and to her responsibilities as a
mother (Dixon 1988: 7). A common notion in scholarship is that women’s ac-
tivities were closely guarded to ensure the paternity of their children, because
in antiquity, fatherhood could not be proven scientifically (Balsdon 1963: 197).
One of the best sources for these attitudes toward women is mortuary monu-
ments. One of the glowing qualities most often commemorated in funerary in-
scriptions was the description of the woman as an ideal mother (Fantham et al.
1995: 318).
Wife. Funerary inscriptions also tell much about another role of women—
that of wife (Dickison 1988: 1320; Fantham et al. 1995: 1320). Because eulogies
tended to describe positive qualities only, the descriptions in ancient eulogies
(while not necessarily true of the actual person) were indicative of wider cul-
tural values. The highest virtue that a Roman woman could possess was pu-
dicitia, devotion to her husband (Dickison 1988: 1325, Fantham et al. 1995: 225).
For all Roman women, with the exception of the vestal virgins, it was expected
that they should have a husband. A woman without a husband (unless wid-
owed) was seen as aberrant, and the fringe position of prostitutes within Ro-
man society attests to this (see Krenkl 1988).
Views of Women
One of the problems with the study of Roman
women is that most of the available evidence
has been distorted through male eyes. Almost
all of the texts are from a male perspective, and
artistic evidence is likely just as phallocentric.
This makes it imperative to understand the so-
cial beliefs people held about women in order
to make use of these sources. If the biases of
one’s sources are known, there is a much better
chance of understanding why a given source
says what it does.
Women in Myth. The roles of women in the myths of the foundation of Rome
are compelling. Consider the story of the Rape of the Sabines (see chapter 3).
From this myth, Roman society is cast as initially completely composed of
males. These males (in the male-only society) seize and rape a group of women
Social Organization and Social Structure 147
Queen Boadicea rallying Britons before battling with the Romans. (Library of Congress)
from another city. In antiquity, the emphasis on the rape aspect did not cast the
males in a negative light, but rather emphasized the sexual purity and virtue of
the female ancestors of the Romans (Fantham et al. 1995: 217). Likewise, the
rape of Lucretia (see chapter 4) demonstrates the qualities of a virtuous woman
in terms of sexual chastity (Dickison 1988: 1325, Fantham et al. 1995: 225). On
the other hand, women are seen very negatively in the story of the sacking of
the Capitoline Hill by the Sabines (Fantham et al. 1995: 218). A woman, accord-
ing to Livy, showed the Sabines a secret route in exchange for payment.
Women in Political Life. Women were not allowed to vote, nor were they al-
lowed to run for public office. Although they could participate in public gath-
erings, their direct participation in civic government was barred. This meant
that any influence on government activity during the Republican period was
indirect, and as such, is very difficult for historians to trace. In the imperial pe-
riod, the status of women in regard to political life did not change. But histori-
ans are better able to trace the effect of some notable women on political life.
These women were people who were close to the emperor. Because of the em-
peror’s power, anyone close enough to personally influence him could also in-
fluence public life.
Agrippina, wife of Emperor Claudius. Statue, full length, seated, facing right; in Naples Museum.
No. 1531.
fluence that mothers had over male political actors. On the one hand, there
was the influence the mother had as the earliest role model for the child, an in-
fluence that should not be ignored, but one that is more difficult to see histori-
cally (Dickison 1988: 1323; Dixon 1988: 170). On the other hand, there are the
infamous mothers (e.g., Agrippina, mother of Nero) who wielded considerable
influence at court (Fantham et al. 1995: 308–313).
The stories about barbarian women provide very interesting insights into
Roman conceptions of gender and otherness. Boudicca, who lived c. 26–60 C.E.,
was the queen of the Iceni tribe, a Celtic tribe in Britain. She led a revolt against
the Romans and had many military victories, but was eventually defeated.
Queen Zenobia of Palmyra, who lived around 260 C.E., also went to war
against Rome, but was eventually defeated. The Roman descriptions of these
women are very interesting. Both were described in a virtuous light, and they
seem to have commanded the respect of the Romans. On the other hand, there
is a very romanticized otherness about these women and their people. That
these barbarians would allow themselves to be led by women was more evi-
dence of their savagery (Fantham et al. 1995: 389–390). And, that women in
these societies could be described in virtuous terms normally restricted to men
further demonstrated the backwardness of Roman civilization.
case, the ideal Greek woman never left the house. This was certainly not the
situation for Roman women, who were allowed a significantly higher degree
of civil liberty than most ancient women. Women were a constant presence in
Roman public spaces (Balsdon 1963: 201; Fantham et al. 1995: 338). They were
not restricted in their ability to move around the city, and they participated in
spectacles, baths, and other public activities (Dickison 1988: 1319).
There are also recorded instances of women acting in the public sphere as a
collective. One occasion came as a response to sumptuary laws passed in the
wake of the second Punic War. The lex oppia (opulence laws) limited the
amount of gold women were allowed to possess. In 195 B.C.E., women demon-
strated in the streets to have this law repealed, and it was (Dickison 1988:
1321). This event is known from the writings of Cato the Elder, who warned
about the dire consequences of women who possess too much wealth. There
are other examples of women acting as a group. In 309 B.C.E., women were said
to have gathered 1,000 pounds of gold to bribe invaders to leave the city. And
supposedly, under Emperor Elagabulus, a women’s Senate was formed to cre-
ate a code of female etiquette.
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The evidence that can be used to reconstruct the government of the Roman
monarchy is meager at best. Archaeological data can reveal the existence of
public structures, population and site size, and the spread of material culture.
However, this evidence is very open to interpretation. Unlike the multitude of
contemporary sources available for the Republican and Imperial periods, there
is a lack of historical records contemporary with the period of the monarchy.
Much later accounts of the monarchy have survived, but it is often difficult to
untangle the historical facts from the blend of mythical accounts and contem-
porary political polemic.
Romulus, the mythical founder of Rome, is also considered the founder of
the monarchical government. Although it is unlikely that this individual actu-
ally laid the basis of government in the manner described by the ancient
sources, the description of what he was supposed to have established probably
provides a reasonably trustworthy account of the monarchy’s political struc-
tures of (at least toward the end of its existence). The foundation of this gov-
ernment, supposedly established by Romulus, is based on a division of the Ro-
man people into three tribes. Each of these tribes was divided into ten
extended families (curiae), and further subdivided into families (gentes). These
tribes and family divisions may not reflect ancient lineages; rather, they may
represent a later administrative organization. Whether this division of three
tribes existed before Roman government is unknown, but it is likely that the
choice of criteria for division was an administrative innovation (Cornell 1995:
114, 117). Other structures that Romulus was thought to have founded were
the comitia curiata (the assembly of wards) and the Senate (see the section that
follows). Certainly, the king and the Senate were the powerful governing bod-
ies of the early monarchy. It is unclear exactly when the comitia curiata actu-
ally began to function.
The Senate
Although the Senate lasted throughout Roman history, its functions and pow-
ers changed drastically. In the period of the monarchy, the Senate consisted of
elders, chosen by the king, to help advise him in matters of government
(Staveley 1988: 496). The number of advisors was limited to 100. Tradition sug-
gests that the initial selection of the senators was made by the king, who chose
individuals from the families who had supported his rise to the throne (Stave-
ley 1988: 495). The Senate at this time lacked formal ability to legislate; law was
the domain of the king. The Senate was more influential in matters of adminis-
Comitia Curiata
Another component of monarchical government was the comitia curiata (see
below). The exact function of this body during this period is not known, but
information about its internal organization does exist. This assembly was com-
posed of ten subdivisions, one representing each of the three tribes, making a
total of thirty curiae. It seems that the membership of an individual was based
on his birth, but it is not clear how these divisions were originally established
(Cornell 1995: 116). The origins of the comitia curiata are obscure and con-
tested. Roman traditions suggest that it was established by Romulus at the in-
ception of the monarchy. Many scholars do not trust these sources and suggest
that the comitia curiata was formed toward the end of the monarchical period.
Scholars are divided on this issue. Even in the same encyclopedia, Civilizations
of the Ancient Mediterranean, two scholars (Ferguson and Staveley) offer oppos-
ing viewpoints. Comparative study of ancient state formation has shown that
when political divisions are justified as representing preexisting lineages,
those claims should not be trusted without close investigation. Claims for the
antiquity of lineage often cannot be trusted because lineages are such mal-
leable categories. For example, often there is a person in one’s family who is
not recognized as part of the family tree. Or even more simply, some people
take their name from their father’s side of the family, some from their mother’s
side, some from their spouse’s side, and still others from somewhere else en-
tirely. It would be hard to imagine trying to piece together a family’s heritage if
it was recorded only in ancient documents.
The King
The origin of kingship is ascribed to the founding of the city by Romulus, and
he is considered by tradition to be the first king. But the exact nature and ori-
gin of early kingship has been obscured by time. There is a strong ancient tra-
dition that the king and Senate came into existence together, but the exact na-
ture of the relationship between the two in early times is unclear.
Kingship in Rome was not hereditary (Cornell 1995: 141). That is to say,
kingship did not pass from father to son because of the blood connection be-
tween the two. However, a king could appoint men to powerful positions—in
essence giving them assistance on the road to kingship. Succession at this time
was theoretically very orderly. The first step, after the previous king was no
longer able to govern, was that the Senate nominated an interrex (interim
king), who would be the leader of Rome for five days (Ferguson 1988: 649).
During these five days, the interrex would choose a king. This choice probably
had to be ratified by the comitia curiata (although scholars disagree on this),
and the interrex would continue to make suggestions until the curiae affirmed
one of his choices.
The king was the head of state and held the office for a life term. He was re-
sponsible for the finances of Rome, for lawmaking, and for the armed forces
Politics 155
(Ferguson 1988: 649). The king was also the religious head of Rome, with vari-
ous cultic staff reporting to him.
gon 1973: 152–153). Many modern scholars follow the ancient historians, who
claim that Servius Tullius divided Roman territories into twenty tribes (Fergu-
son 1988: 650). This is not likely, since this was well before the period of Roman
expansion, when Rome started gaining territory (Cornell 1995: 174). Many of
the regions where these twenty tribes supposedly originated were not even
controlled by Rome at this time! Most scholars, however, accept that the re-
form involved the reorganization of Rome into four tribes, each of which con-
sisted of a quarter of the city and some surrounding land (Cornell 1995: 176).
No matter how the tribes were divided, it is most important to note that the
tribes were reorganized. As Last suggested, this reform altered the very way in
which Romans came to identify and organize themselves (Last 1945).
Another major reform that had a lasting effect was the creation of the comitia
centuriata. Landowners were divided into five classes, based on wealth. Land-
holders who did not hold enough land were called proletarri. Each of these
classes was divided into groups of 100 men, hence centuries. Fraccaro noticed
that these divisions corresponded with the division of the Roman legion (Frac-
caro 1931). Note that each of the classes was responsible for providing 1,000
men for military service. This organization lasted into the Republican period.
The expulsion of Tarquin (see chapter 4) marked the end of the monarchy and
the beginning of the republic. The nomenclature refers to a shift in form of
government, but the nature of this transition is unclear. Was it a smooth
change from a single leader with a life term to two leaders elected annually?
Was there an interim form of government? How rapidly did the change
progress? All of these questions are asked and debated by Roman scholars.
The foundation for much of the discussion on these issues lies in Polybius’s
description of the republican government. This foundation is discussed on
page 168.
It can be stated for certain that at some point after the expulsion of the
monarchy, the leadership of the state was invested in the office of praetor (later
consul), which was held by two individuals, elected for a year’s term. The
praetors held symbols of leadership that were different from (although related
to) the monarch’s, but they did have the king’s power of imperium (the power
to command).
Although the powers of the head of state were curtailed with the beginnings
of the republic, the powers of the aristocracy grew (Crawford 1988: 19; Wal-
bank et al. 1990: 179). The gradual growth of aristocratic power led to what
scholars call the “Conflict of the Orders” (see chapter 6). The conclusion of this
conflict led to new powers for various institutions in the political life of Rome
(Crawford 1988: 18). The nature of these institutions is described in the sec-
tions that follow.
The Senate
When the monarchy was driven out of Rome, the body of elders who advised
the king remained in the form of the Senate. Senators were responsible for ad-
Politics 157
A procession of Roman senators, along the side of the Ara Pacis Augustae. (Araldo de Luca/
vising the two consuls (elected annually) on which legislation of the proposals
submitted by the consuls should be submitted to the popular assemblies for
voting. Although the Senate itself could not pass laws, it strictly controlled
which legislation reached the assemblies and was, therefore, one of the most
powerful political institutions within the republic (Crawford 1982: 34; Jolowicz
1967: 27; Starr 1953: 21). The Senate could also issue decrees that had “the force
of law,” if not an actual designation as law (Shelton 1988: 226). The Senate was
also responsible for governing the provinces and senators were often sent as
governors to the provinces. The Senate usually met at the Forum, in the north-
west corner known as the Curia Hostilia. However, Senate meetings theoreti-
cally could be held in any public place within a certain distance of Rome.
The Senate was composed of men who had once held an elected position as
a magistrate (see page 164). At the beginning of the republic, the Senate was
limited to 300 men, but by the time of Julius Caesar there were 900. Once the
man’s term of service came to an end, he became a senator and remained a
senator for life, although he could be expelled for misconduct (Cornell 1995:
364; Staveley 1988: 509). So, unlike modern American senators (but much like
Canadian senators), Roman senators were nonelected officials serving life
terms. These men were not paid for their work as senators, but it was an av-
enue through which prominent Roman families sought political gain.
Indeed, participation in the Senate was a luxury of the wealthy (see Schatz-
man 1975 for a description of senatorial wealth). Because one had to have held
office to become a senator, it was necessary to have amassed enough wealth to
pay for an expensive election campaign (Gelzer 1969: 110). The interests of the
Senate corresponded with the interests of the wealthy and well-established
families of Rome. But class-based self-interest cannot be seen as the sole moti-
vating force of the Senate. There were senators whose actions in government
were based on ideals rather than on personal political achievement (Shelton
1988: 228). And at certain periods, senators would work on behalf of the
masses to sway their votes in the assemblies (Shelton 1988: 228). It was espe-
cially important to have the support of the assemblies when running for a po-
litical position.
The Assemblies
There were two main areas of civic life that were voted upon during the Re-
publican period. Citizens voted on legislation, and they also elected govern-
ment officials (Shelton 1988: 206). Legislation was never debated or discussed
at an assembly, only voted upon. Unlike American representative democracy,
in which citizens vote for politicians to represent them at legislative assem-
blies, the Romans engaged in direct democracy, in which the voters themselves
were in attendance at legislative assemblies.
Although the issues could not be discussed at the assembly, often a few days
before the assembly was to meet, informal meetings called contio were held
(Taylor 1966: 2). Anyone could attend these meetings, including foreigners,
women, and slaves (although none of these categories of people could vote).
Normally a contio was held to familiarize the general public with an issue that
was to be voted on, or to introduce the candidates for election (Taylor 1966:
Voting was organized by assembly. Eligible voters met with their assembly
outdoors and voted there. In order to vote, the citizen had to physically attend
the assembly and, by extension, had to be in Rome. It is difficult to know how
many Italian citizens actually made the journey to Rome to vote after they
gained the right in the Social War (see chapter 4). Certainly this hampered the
voting ability of many citizens who lived outside of the capital. Until 139 B.C.E.,
votes were cast aloud; after 139 B.C.E., secret ballots were used (Taylor 1966: 15).
There were four different assemblies in the Republican period: the comitia
curiata, the comitia centuriata, the comitia tributa, and the concilium plebis.
Remember that comitia does not have the same meaning as the English word
committee. It is better translated as “assembly.”
Comitia Curiata. Dating from the period of the monarchy, the comitia curi-
ata reflected the ancient tribal divisions of Rome (Crawford 1988: 17). Each of
the three tribes was divided into ten wards (curiae). In the Republican period,
this assembly ceased to have a practical function. Its role was ceremonial, con-
ferring imperium on some elected officials (Botsford 1909: 189).
into units of 100 men; this is where the name centuriata derives from. But
throughout the Republican period, the actual number of members varied
greatly. At the Campus Martius, each century had its own meeting enclosure.
During the monarchy it was a military assembly, but by the republic it had be-
come a general assembly. There were 373 centuries. As with the comitia tributa
(assembly of tribes), voters voted as a block, meaning that if the majority of
votes within a century were “yes,” then that would be considered one “yes”
vote and tallied along with the 372 other possible votes (Crawford 1982: 17;
Staveley 1988: 489). The division into century was based on age and property
value (Heurgon 1973: 147). Because there were fewer centuries of the poorer
classes, the wealthier classes could vote as a block against the poor (Crawford
1982: 17; Staveley 1988: 489). At the beginning of the Republican period, this
was the major assembly, voting on whether to go to war, electing magistrates,
and acting as an appeal court for capital cases (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 39).
As the Republican period progressed, more and more power was in the hands
of the comitia tributa and the concilium plebis.
Comitia Tributa. This was the assembly of the tribes. The name derives from
the division of voters into thirty-five tribes, based on the supposed origins of
one’s ancestors and/or one’s own geographic origin. Voting occurred at the
Forum in Rome, with basically the same system as the comitia centuriata,
when summoned by a consul, praetor, or tribune. The function of this assem-
bly was to vote for some magistrates, vote on some legislation (legislation put
forward by a magistrate), and act as a court of appeal in noncapital cases (Ad-
kins and Adkins 1994: 39).
Magistrate refers to an elected governmental office in Rome (Schiller 1978: 172).
Two individuals filled each office—individuals holding the same office were
called collegae (Schiller 1978: 176). Most of these positions were held for one-
year terms. Once an individual had been elected a magistrate for the first time,
that citizen was eligible to be a senator, a nonelected position (Shelton 1988:
After 180 B.C.E., the offices for which a citizen was eligible to run were deter-
mined by his age and which offices he had previously held (Schiller 1978: 178).
This was called the cursus honorum (the course of honors). The course of hon-
ors (in this usage the word honors is best rendered in English as “political of-
fices”) was a legalized system, but occasionally an individual would advance
Quaestors. This was the lowest level of magistrate, and ideally the first step
in the cursus honorum. A man could be elected quaestor at the age of 27 (true
of most of the Republican period) and at this time would be able to gain entry
into the Senate. The number of quaestors varied along with the size of
Rome’s external holdings (Schiller 1978: 187). Serving a variety of functions,
quaestors were responsible for both public records and the treasury (Adkins
and Adkins 1994: 42; Schiller 1978: 187). Outside of Rome, they were responsi-
ble for paying the army and administering finances for the governor (Jolowicz
1967: 49).
Aediles. There were usually four aediles at a given time, serving a one-year
term. Elected by the comitia tributa, two were plebeians, and two were curule
(officials with state authority). These individuals were in charge of much of the
Roman infrastructure. From the maintenance and building of public works
(e.g., aqueducts) to the regulation of weights and measures, the aediles kept
the city of Rome running smoothly (Schiller 1978: 186). Until the reign of Au-
gustus, the aediles were also responsible for public games (Schiller 1978: 176).
This responsibility placed aediles in a very public setting and provided them
with much exposure. Throwing expensive games was a sure way of attracting
votes, so even though the position of aedile was not a mandatory position
along the cursus honorum, it was a useful political stepping-stone.
Consuls. This is the Roman office after which the American office of president
is modeled. The consul was elected for one year. The exact regulations concern-
ing who was eligible for election to this office changed throughout the Republi-
can period. Two consuls served at a time; this acted as a balance and check on
their individual authority. Citizens had to be thirty-six years old (later forty-two
years old) to be elected consul. Until 150 B.C.E., consuls could not be reelected
until a ten-year span had elapsed. After 150 B.C.E., reelection was banned out-
right, although in fact, many consuls were reelected after this ban. Nominated
by the Senate, consuls were elected by comitia centuriata (Jolowicz 1967: 44).
The consul chaired Senate meetings and ensured that the decisions the Sen-
ate made were carried through. Primarily, though, the consul was the com-
mander of military forces (Jolowicz 1967: 45; Schiller 1978: 182). In this role, the
consul would lead the Roman military on foreign campaigns.
Censors. Censor was the highest position that could be held by a magistrate
in a nonemergency situation. The office was held for an eighteen-month pe-
riod, and was elected by the comitia centuriata (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 43;
Jolowicz 1967: 50; Schiller 1978: 183). The specific responsibilities of the censor
made it a very powerful position in Rome. The censor registered all citizens,
ensuring that they were classified properly for tax and voting purposes
(Jolowicz 1967: 50). He was also responsible for commissioning public works
and the use of public land (Schiller 1978: 183). As a moral authority in Rome,
the censor could expel senators from the Senate (Jolowicz 1967: 50).
tor or consul (Ferguson 1988: 652). Usually this extension was made for the
purpose of a military campaign. It was an important innovation that allowed
the republican form of government to still govern effectively over an ever-in-
creasing territory (Ferguson 1988: 654).
When Augustus became the first emperor (see chapter 4), the Roman political
system underwent another massive transformation. Authority was fully cen-
tralized in the figure of the emperor, who was emperor for life. Augustus mod-
ernized, clarified, and restructured much of the Roman political system.
Through a series of carefully calculated steps, Augustus built upon republican
principles to centralize leadership in one personality.
The Emperor
The emperor was the supreme commander of the empire, with authority de-
rived from popular support and most importantly, his complete authority over
the military (Campbell 1984: 25; Salmon 1966: 39). In Rome, the emperor’s mil-
itary authority was displayed through the Praetorian Guard. Popular support
came from the holding of games, the presiding over of public functions, and a
variety of other means. Imperial patronage curried and reinforced popular
support. His role as a legislator must not be overlooked, because the emperor
was the main source of law. The emperor chose which of his sons would suc-
ceed him, and if he had no sons, would designate a successor by adopting him
and declaring his adopted son the next emperor.
The Senate
Theoretically, under the empire, the Senate’s powers were extended. Its de-
crees came to have the rule of law behind them and did not require ratification
by a popular assembly (Goodman and Sherwood 1997: 94). However, in prac-
tice, the powers of the Senate were drastically reduced, beginning with the
granting of increased powers to Augustus (Staveley 1988: 524). Augustus re-
duced the Senate—which had grown to more than 1,000 members—to 600
members. It remained at around this number until the last years of the impe-
rial period. Furthermore, Augustus added a property qualification. Individu-
als had to possess a certain amount of land before being eligible for senatorial
The Senate did retain a certain number of powers. It retained control over
the state treasury, and individuals sent by the Senate governed some of the
provinces (Goodman and Sherwood 1997: 95). Certain legal proceedings were
enacted in the Senate (usually proceedings that involved one of its members or
an upper-class family). Various matters of infrastructure were controlled by
the Senate, and the occasional foreign embassy was received. But for the most
part, the Senate as a body had lost much of its power. Individual senators,
however, could gain a great deal of power through their relationship to the
emperor (Goodman and Sherwood1997: 96), although depending on the em-
peror, this was not always a safe venture.
Politics 163
The emperor, technically, received his power as a gift from the Senate. Al-
though Augustus and the first emperors after him attempted to demonstrate
some deference (though only in speech) to the Senate, later emperors lost the
sensibility that deference to the Senate was a political necessity. Indeed, as the
Senate became increasingly less important as a political body, the disdain of
the emperor only grew. Furthermore, the Senate lost much of its influence to
the class directly below it (Staveley 1988: 524)—the equine (see chapter 6).
More and more, positions that previously had been senatorial jobs went to the
equites, further undermining senatorial authority and power.
In the imperial period, the cursus honorum grew even more and the number
of magistrates was greatly increased (Bowman et al. 2000: 227). Election to
magistrate was no longer a responsibility of the comitia. This body ceased to
have an effective function. Rather, the Senate gained control of the power to
elect magistrates, many of whom came from senatorial ranks.
Magistrates after Augustus officially shared their power with the emperor.
And the emperor had the power to appoint magistrates. This power was fun-
damental in retaining the emperor’s absolute control over the Senate. The in-
stitution of the office of city prefect was an important imperial appointment to
this end (Staveley 1988: 523). The city prefect had many responsibilities that
overlapped with the other magistrates’, but its authority superseded all of the
other magistrates’. In many ways, these other magistrate offices became more
honorific than politically effective.
One of the fundamental developments in the history of governance that oc-
curred during the imperial period was the transference of administrative pow-
ers from the hands of elected magistrates to nonelected government officials
(Staveley 1988: 523). At this time, a true institutionalized bureaucracy arose.
Many of these new, permanent bureaucrats came from the house of the em-
peror or from the equine class. Although technically the equine class was be-
low the senatorial, this group gained in power through the patronage of the
will deal with the second use of empire and explain how Rome administered
areas outside of Rome proper.
The origin, nature, and aims of Roman imperialism are issues of controversy
among modern scholars. It is safe to say that after the defeat of the Latin
League in 338 B.C.E., Rome took a new position in relation to its neighbors. The
Latin cities became municipia (municipalities) of Rome. The municipia had dif-
ferent statuses in relation to Rome. Some were fully incorporated into the Ro-
man government and were granted all the rights and obligations of citizen-
ship. However, this was more of a theoretical granting of rights than a practical
one. Because all governance took place in Rome, citizens who lived away from
Rome were not able to participate in governance as fully. Other municipia did
not gain the rights of citizenship, but were still incorporated into Roman gov-
ernance. The population of the municipia had the right (and was encouraged)
to engage in business with Romans as well as to marry them. This was ar-
guably the most effective means the Romans had of ensuring stability and loy-
alty to Rome. By tying local elites’ social and economic welfare to the welfare
of greater Rome, it ensured that the local elites would remain loyal.
Another means Rome used to expand into new territory under the republic
was through the creation of coloniae (colonies). Colonies were cities built by the
Romans and settled with people brought from other parts of the empire. These
cities were built in astonishingly uniform fashion, mirroring Rome on a
smaller scale, but in faraway locations. These “mini-Romes” were usually es-
tablished in locations of strategic importance, ensuring that Roman values per-
meated throughout the Mediterranean.
As Roman power expanded beyond Italy, new systems of administration
had to be incorporated. Larger territories were divided into provinces. The
provinces were placed under the authority of a governor. Governors with the
rank of pro-consul were elected from the senatorial ranks for a one-year term.
During the imperial period, governors could be appointed directly by the em-
peror, with no fixed-term limit. These governors were called imperial legates. A
permanent, professional staff did not assist governors. Rather, they brought an
entourage, which included assistants, advisors, junior senators, and a military
detachment with them to the province. During the imperial period, the eques-
trian class (now no longer responsible for providing cavalry) would provide
fiscal procurators who were responsible for taxation and similar matters in the
periphery. Taxation is discussed in more detail in chapter 5. The main respon-
sibilities of the governors were to defend the frontiers and to maintain order
within the province.
The Roman military has been a subject of great interest to historians. In fact,
military history is well recognized as a subset of history in general. What fol-
lows is a brief overview of the organization of the Roman military, divided
into two discrete periods—the army of the republic and the army of the impe-
rial period. Even though there is evidence for the army of the regal period, it is
assumed that there were strong similarities between the regal and republican
with introducing the Greek hoplite system into the Roman army (Cornell 1995:
183–186). Associating these innovations with Servius Tullius may, however,
just reflect attempts by later Roman historians to identify the origins of institu-
The ten-year siege of Veii (captured in 396 B.C.E.) is said to have been the im-
petus for the introduction of payment for soldiers (Grant 1974: 51; Watson
1987: 78). Previously, service had been compelled by the obligations of
landownership. During the Veii siege, the length of campaigning became too
great for landholders to be involved and still maintain economic security. The
institution of payment allowed longer campaigns and campaigns that ex-
tended through the winter. It is arguable whether paying troops was meant to
be a permanent feature of the Roman military when it was first brought into
practice at Veii. But it certainly became a permanent feature from that point on.
Concomitant with this innovation, the phalanx formation was abolished and
replaced with the maniple (Parker 1958: 26–27; Webster 1988: 710). In addition,
new weapons and defensive equipment were introduced. The combination of
technological and organizational innovations and an army that could cam-
paign for longer periods of time greatly strengthened the Roman military.
The reforms traditionally associated with Marius were reactions to changing
social and economic conditions in Rome (Parker 1958: 21–23). Land had in-
creasingly been concentrated in the hands of a few wealthy landholders. The
large number of poor landholders were unable to shoulder the military bur-
dens. At the same time, landless, or poor-landed individuals, moved into the
city in hopes of finding work. In response to these related situations, service in
the military was opened to the poor, greatly extending the manpower base of
the Roman army.
At the same time that enlistment was opened to a larger group of men, the
terms of enlistment changed. Rather than enlisting for a particular campaign,
men enlisted for a certain period. The legions that men joined also started tak-
ing on independent identities. Legions gained names and symbols and became
recognizable as discrete organizations.
With the stationing of legions in the provinces, auxiliary forces were better
able to organize and were included in campaigns (Grant 1974: 58). The re-
gional nature of these military forces eventually worked against a unified
Rome. When centralization broke down, the stronger provincial armies were
in a position to raise up their men as contestants for the throne. The period of
the barracks emperors (235–284 C.E.) represents the apogee of this trend.
The Organization of the Legion. The legion (from the word legio, which
means “levying”) was one of the fundamental organizing principles of the Ro-
man army (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 51). Originally the term legion referred to
the entire army, but after the fourth century B.C.E., it was used to designate a
regiment of infantrymen. The number of legions varied through Rome’s his-
tory. Each legion had a number, and after the reforms of Marius, many had
names or nicknames. The numbers were given based on the order of formation
(Adkins and Adkins 1994: 55). Titles were based on several criteria, including
the geographic region of combat (for example, the Parthica legion fought the
Parthians), or were used to describe a quality of that legion (for example, the
legion name Felix means “lucky”).
The members of the legion were supplied by a system established during
the regal period. Each tribe was responsible for providing 1,000 men, consist-
ing of ten subdivisions called centuries. The equites class was responsible for
providing the cavalry.
Polybius provides information about the makeup of a Roman legion. It must
be kept in mind that the legion Polybius described reflects legions as they were
during the second Punic War. An ideal legion consisted of 4,000 infantry and
200 cavalry. Before the Marian reforms, these men were divided into thirty ma-
niples, reflecting the wealth of the various members. There were four classes of
soldiers (based on their wealth, and therefore on the equipment they owned).
In descending order they were the triarii, the principes, the hastati, and the
velites (cloak-wearers) (Parker 1958: 31). After Marius, the legion was divided
into ten cohorts (rather than maniples) and the fourfold class distinction disap-
peared (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 52). However, the most skilled cohort was al-
ways the first, and the skill level decreased from there (Adkins and Adkins
1994: 52; Parker 1958: 31).
In the republic, a legion was under the direct control of a consul, a praetor,
or in times of crisis, a dictator. Below this leader each legion had six tribunes
(ruling in pairs for two months at a time), who each had ten centurions be-
neath them (one centurion for each centurie). Each centurion designated a
partner—prior centurion (Parker 1958: 31). This system was changed under Au-
gustus (Anderson 1987: 94–95). The legions were moved to the direct control of
Politics 169
a princeps rather than a consul or pro-consul. The six tribunes were placed un-
der the authority of the legatus legionis (legion commander). And below the
tribunes was the praefectus castorum (camp prefect), a senior military man who
had once held the position of chief centurion. Below him, the ranks remained
very similar to those instituted during the republic.
The Cavalry. The cavalry consisted of the horse warriors of the legion, and it
was a powerful military force. Of varying size throughout the regal and Re-
publican periods, it could be anywhere from 300 to 1,800 members strong. The
role played by the cavalry in combat was taken over by the auxiliary forces in
the imperial period (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 68). The cavalry consisted solely
of members from the equite class, who were wealthy enough to afford the ex-
pensive equipment.
The Auxiliaries. Although the infantry was the backbone of the Roman fight-
ing force, it lacked specialization (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 67–68; Anderson
1987: 100; Bowman et al. 2000: 332). Frequently, forces from the region in which
the campaign was being fought (normally groups previously conquered by the
Romans) were called up as an added force to assist the Roman army (Grant
1974: 57). Julius Caesar gained most of his victories through the successful use
of auxiliaries (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 67). In the period of the empire, these
forces were used to great effectiveness. And at this time, they were used in
place of the cavalry for horse-based combat (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 68).
The Navy. Rome was late to develop a naval tradition. Because of its inland
position, a strong navy was not central to an effective defense of the city. It was
not until the first Punic War that Rome was forced to create a large navy. Once
it gained a navy, Rome did not sustain its sea forces in the way it sustained its
ground forces. Rather, navies were built in response to specific situations (Starr
1953: 36). The objectives of the Roman navy were threefold. First, the navy was
responsible for controlling the seas during a battle—particularly important in
the Punic Wars and the civil wars. Second, international commerce could be
threatened by piracy, so the policing of waters was an important role. Third,
the navy moved people and goods around the empire.
Ships were divided into fleets. Under the republic these fleets were overseen
by senators; under the empire they were the responsibility of prefects. Prefects
also commanded naval bases and outposts. Squadron commanders led the
ships at sea, and each ship had a captain who reported to that squadron com-
mander. Sailors were considered low-class soldiers. The Hollywood image of
ships powered by slave labor is probably inaccurate. It seems that most sailors
enlisted of their own free will but came from the lower ranks of society.
The Urban Forces. Under Augustus, the city of Rome was fortified by a num-
ber of entities. The most powerful of these was the Praetorian Guard (see page
164). Similarly, Augustus established a personal bodyguard consisting of Ger-
man soldiers known as the Germani corporis custodes. The city also had a vary-
Rome is often characterized as a militaristic society. Indeed, the governing sys-
tem and social order of Rome seem to have evolved out of the need for mili-
tary organization. The art of war under the Romans reached high levels of
strength and efficiency. The strategies and tactics of the Roman military and
the Roman generals have provided inspiration and ideas for many later gener-
als, and until very recently, the study of Roman warfare was an important part
of an American military education. Much has been written on the art of war in
Rome. The following provides a basic orientation to this subject.
War in the Roman period was based on principles that were very different
from warfare after the Industrial Revolution. Indeed, to a modern witness, Ro-
man warfare would have seemed very orderly. Under ideal circumstances, bat-
tle would take place in an open area. The combatants would line up against
one another and rush to attack in the center. One of the strengths of the Roman
army was that it was very ordered and disciplined. The Romans would create
three lines (one behind the other) lengthwise to the opposition. The lines
would advance one at a time, fight, and then retire. When the first line would
retire (and regroup), the second would move up to take its place, and so on,
until a victor was decided. However, this was the ideal situation and the un-
derlying principle. Actual battles were much more chaotic and complicated,
also involving cavalry attacks and other special forces. Indeed, the enemies of
Rome did not always operate under the same principles, and Roman battle
tactics developed in response.
Maniples. To make the phalanx more maneuverable, at the time of the siege
of Veii, the hoplites were divided into smaller groups called maniples (Watson
1987: 86). These troops were also equipped with javelins to attack the opposi-
tion from a distance. In essence, the defensive nature of a phalanx tactic was
replaced with a very offensive one. In fact, though, the defensive capabilities of
a maniple were not great. One of the major weaknesses of the maniple system
was the front line. Between each maniple was a gap (equally as wide as a ma-
niple). This provided a space for enemy troops to move through and attack the
Politics 171
interior of the army before the first assault was finished. This led to the inno-
vation, under Marius, of the cohort system.
Cohort. Marius brought the cohort system into full effect in the Roman mili-
tary (Watson 1987: 86). However, this was not an entirely original innovation.
According to Polybius, Scipio Africanus used the cohort system to defeat Han-
nibal (see chapter 4). The cohort system solved the problem inherent in the ma-
niple system by increasing the number of men in the combat unit. By increas-
ing the number of men, the gap in the front lines between the units decreased,
forcing enemy combatants to engage the front line directly. This was an effec-
tive strategy, combining the defensive strength of phalanx tactics with the mo-
bility of the maniples.
Siege Warfare. The siege of cities was another important component of Ro-
man warfare. In the Mediterranean, cities were often built on raised ground
and walled. Rome used two basic strategies to break the city and gain control:
attrition and the building of siege equipment. Both of these techniques were
used at the site of the most infamous Roman siege—Masada in Israel (see side-
bar on page 172). By encircling a city, the Roman army prevented the move-
ment of supplies. Eventually a city would be forced to surrender, after having
run out of food and possibly even water. Ramps would be built that would
lead directly up to the city wall. These ramps were used to bring battering
rams up to the city wall. They were constructed by infantrymen who held up
their shields and marched in a tortoise formation, which protected them from
attacks from the city walls (Parker 1958: 15). When a breach was made in the
wall, the Roman army managed to gain entrance to the city and finish off the
enemy combatants. Sometimes, instead of a rampart, the Roman forces would
create a double line of earthworks to keep troops in the city, and to prevent re-
inforcements from entering the city. Towers were also built, from which
archers could fire projectiles over the city walls.
Weapons and armor, before the army was professionalized, were the property
of the individual soldier, and brought by him to battle (see Adkins and Adkins
1994: 81–89 for more detailed descriptions of the following weapons and ar-
mor). The type of weapon and armor used by the individual reflected his posi-
tion in the military. The triarii were equipped with long spears and wore full
armor. The principes were also fully armored but carried javelins. Also wear-
ing armor were the hastati, who carried a shield, a sword, and two javelins.
The lowest class of soldier, the velites, wore no armor and used a sword, light
javelins, and light shields. After the reforms of Marius, all soldiers wore armor
and carried a shield and javelin. Normally, the heavy javelin used by the Ro-
man forces was called a pilum. It was designed to break on impact. This was of
great benefit; once it was thrown, the enemy could not pick up the javelin and
throw it back against the Roman troops (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 86).
Beyond the infantry, other weapons were used. Archers used bows and
arrows. Usually the bow was a composite bow (wood reinforced by animal
horns and sinew). Arrows were made of wood, with iron or bone tips. Cross-
bowlike devices that could propel bolts or stones at the enemy from a great
distance were used. In addition, ballistae were used, which were stone-throw-
ing machines that were effective at great distances and against walls. Catapults
(called onagers) had an even greater range and power than ballistae.
Examples of various weapons and devices of war used by the Romans. (Pixel That)
Naval Warfare
Naval warfare was very different from land combat. The heart of Roman naval
combat was the warship (although there were actually a variety of ship types
in the Roman fleet). The Roman warship was based on Greek designs and
shipbuilding traditions (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 72). Warships were built by
first laying out the keel, then adding the hull planks. The hull planks were fit-
ted together with mortise and tenon joints, which kept the planks firm against
one another. Frames were added after this to provide strength. There were
three major types of warships, trireme, quadrireme, and quinquereme (Adkins
and Adkins 1994: 72). These names likely derived from the number of men
who worked each oar—the more men needed, the larger the ship. Warships
were propelled mainly by oarsmen during battle; the sails were stowed when
in combat.
During the Punic Wars, when Rome was forced to take to the seas for battle,
one particular innovation called the corvus (crow) gave the Romans an edge
over the Carthaginians. The corvus was basically a drawbridge fitted with an
iron spike. A Roman ship could pull up next to an enemy vessel and lower the
drawbridge (which would be secured with the iron spike) onto it. Roman sol-
diers could run across the corvus and slaughter the sailors on the enemy ves-
sel. Not only would this disable an enemy vessel, but it also provided another
ship for the Roman navy!
Military Life
The duration of service required of conscripts and volunteers varied through-
out Roman history. Under Augustus, the typical term was sixteen years; later
this was extended to twenty years. Auxiliary forces had longer terms, and
Praetorian guards had shorter terms of service. Men between the ages of sev-
enteen and forty-six were eligible for military service (Adkins and Adkins
1994: 76; Webster 1988: 705). Soldiers were forbidden to marry while in the ser-
vice (Parker 1958: 237–238). Training, according to Josephus, was also a part of
everyday life for the soldier. Josephus contrasts this with the armies of other
peoples, who trained only before battle. Under the monarchy and the republic,
soldiers were not paid for their services. Military service was an obligation for
landholding. The long siege at Veii changed this, and soldiers began to receive
payment. Beyond the structured payments provided to soldiers, military men
expected to share in the booty of any campaigns. Often this was the most sig-
nificant method of wealth accumulation available to the troops. Later in the
imperial period, veterans could expect to receive land grants for services ren-
dered—often in the provinces in which they had served.
when off duty, and towns with billeted troops would often suffer as though
they had been besieged. But by not keeping Roman soldiers in the towns,
Rome could engage in warfare without unduly disrupting the life of the com-
munities nearby.
To the Romans, order and discipline were virtuous. The layout of a military
camp was fairly standard, although it varied over time. It consisted of tents,
laid out like a small city, on level ground and in an orderly fashion. There were
specific sections designated for equipment and animals. Defenses were laid
out around the perimeter, and guards were stationed.
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One of the most important schools of thought in religious studies that has
influenced Roman studies is what is known as the “myth and ritual school.”
This is a school of thought that developed out of Victorian-era comparative
folklore/mythology studies, especially the work of Sir James Frazer (most fa-
mous for his work The Golden Bough). The myth and ritual school sees myth
as inherently related to cultic practices and looks to understand mythology
by its place in ritual contexts. Although not very prominent today, this was
one of the dominant ways of thinking about ancient religion.
Religion and Ideology 179
One of the most important archaeological discoveries of all time, the Dead
Sea Scrolls are documents written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek that came
to light on the black market in 1947. They were first discovered by Bedouin,
and other documents later appeared in controlled archaeological excavations.
All of these documents came from sites near the Dead Sea, but the principal
location was Qumran, where many scholars believe that a group called the Es-
senes lived (but this is just a hypothesis). The documents are important for
many reasons. Some are copies of biblical texts and are actually the earliest
preserved biblical manuscripts. These are very important for biblical scholar-
ship, especially as a means of understanding the transmission history of the
Bible. But there are also many texts that are unique to Qumran, and as such,
are evidence of a religious community not known from other sources.
The next stage in the evolution of religion was seen as the worship of anthro-
pomorphized deities—gods that acted like humans, as in Greek religion. The
culmination of the evolution of religion, while not usually stated, is often pre-
supposed to be monotheistic theological systems, like Christianity, Judaism,
and Islam.
The descriptions that the earliest types of Roman religion revolved around
the worship of numinous forces are mostly based on these notions. These sug-
gestions cannot be completely discounted, but it is important to understand
that such ideas are not based on evidence, but on preconceptions. In religious
studies in general, evolutionary models of religious development have mostly
been discredited. These kinds of theoretical frameworks presuppose that
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are “more advanced” religions. Mixed in with
these problems is the more general issue of scholars giving priority to Greek
traditions. Therefore, it will be useful now to discuss the ways in which Greek
and Roman religions interacted.
Etruscan Elements
Studies in Roman religion usually detail the aspects of Etruscan religion that
were preserved in later traditions. Indeed, the importance of Etruscan religion
for Roman civilization cannot be overstated. What is problematic is that we
know much less about Etruscan religion than Roman religion, so it is impor-
tant to be careful when reading about this subject to determine why scholars
Religion and Ideology 181
have come to the conclusions that they have. Often the modern scholarly as-
sumptions made about Etruscan religion are based on uncritical readings of
Roman accounts of Etruscan religion. This is not methodologically sound, es-
pecially because many of the later Roman writers who discussed the Etruscans
actually knew very little about them. In ancient times, new concepts were of-
ten justified by claiming even older origins for them. Older was better, and
more authoritative, and new things (especially religion) were not trusted. So
sometimes these authors claimed Etruscan roots just to appear more legiti-
Most later Roman sources emphasize that Etruscan religion centered on
written knowledge and books of wisdom (Ferguson 1988b: 951). Unfortu-
nately, the Etruscan language has yet to be deciphered. Classical authors did
preserve Latin translations of fragments of these works, however, and they are
important sources of information on Etruscan religion. Especially important
for later Roman traditions were Etruscan techniques of divination. It is possi-
ble to speak confidently about Etruscan skills in the study of weather-related
omens, especially those of thunder and lightning (Ferguson 1988b: 951). But
this is not really “religious.” The ancient omen readers treated this form of in-
quiry as more of a science. The discussion on divination in this book can be
found in chapter 10.
It is somewhat arbitrary to separate out religious aspects of domestic life in an-
cient Rome. But there are many elements of ancient home life that modern
people would recognize as religious, rather than just another aspect of daily
life. Many day-to-day activities could be considered religious or cultic. The
home was an area in which nonvisible forces were at work, and important
chores involved pacifying these forces.
The most important deity of the household was Vesta, who was the goddess of
the hearth. The hearth was central to the life of the family. It provided warmth
for the house and fire for cooking food and warming water (Fowler 1922: 73).
The hearth was an important life-giving force, and so was Vesta. Every day, of-
ferings were made to her, in the form of salt cakes or other foodstuffs (Fergu-
son 1988e: 921). Each family member was responsible to make daily supplica-
tions to Vesta. Her prominence in Roman state religion should be understood
as an extension of this protective household role to the entire state of Rome
(see Shelton 1988: 361). Her only known temple was located in the Roman Fo-
rum. The vestal virgins were responsible for keeping the fires continuously lit
in the temple.
have children (Ferguson 1988e: 921). It was seen as the connecting force be-
tween family members and an important link to male ancestors who came be-
fore. The major celebration for the genius was held on the birthday of the pa-
ter familias. Genii were also associated with specific areas of the house, and
eventually with groups of people and cities. The symbol for the genius, if
used, was the snake (Ferguson 1988e: 921). The female equivalent of the ge-
nius was the juno. It played a similar role in domestic cult, but was not con-
sidered as important as the genius, especially as a binding force between fam-
ily members.
The pater familias was responsible for the upkeep of the lares, who were pro-
tective deities. They seem to have originated in one of the earliest periods of
Roman religion, and it is not certain what their original role was. It is often
suggested that these spirits were originally related to agriculture but eventu-
ally came to reside in the house (see Ferguson 1988e: 921). There is not much
evidence for this, even though the agricultural origin of the lares is stated as
fact in numerous books. One of the most important responsibilities of the pater
familias was to keep a shrine to the lares, called a lararium, in the house, most
often in the atrium (Shelton 1988a: 363). Lares outside of the household were
thought to dwell on roads, especially at crossroads (Ogilvie 1969: 101).
Household Locations
Many of the divine or semidivine forces that resided within the household
were associated with specific locations within the house. These locations were
ones of particular danger or need for the family (Fowler 1922). Vesta and her
association with the hearth, as well as the hearth’s essential power in the
house, have already been discussed. Other household locations had similar
(although less powerful) protective deities and semidivine creatures. Particu-
larly important locations were areas where food was kept, or liminal areas.
Liminal areas are dangerous areas that border two distinct locations. The first
of these forces is the one associated with doorways. The god most associated
with thresholds and doorways in Roman times was Janus. It is not clear when
Janus came to be associated with all thresholds. He was certainly the deity re-
sponsible for a gate located at the Roman Forum from early times. Another
semidivine force associated with specific household locations was the penates.
These spirits protected the food storage areas (Ferguson 1988e: 921; Fowler
1911). The penates required daily offerings, usually given to them by throwing
food or salt on the fire. These offerings were normally presented at mealtimes.
Ideally, some food offerings were left on the tables for these spirits as well
(Ogilvie 1969: 102). Images of the penates were kept in the atrium. Also related
to household locations was Termina, who was associated with property bound-
aries, especially in rural areas (Fowler 1922: 82). Each boundary stone had its
own divine force related to Termina. These forces were worshiped in the Termi-
nalia festival, celebrated every February 23 (Perowne 1969: 23).
An engraving of a household shrine found at Pompeii. (Pixel That)
fluence the everyday world, they were not assumed to have direct contact with
humans in the same manner as Greek gods. Roman gods could be contacted
through specific media, most commonly through ritual and divination. These
indirect methods of communication allowed humans to influence the gods.
Within this general framework, the Romans had many gods. Both temporally
and geographically dispersed, the gods of the Romans varied considerably in
time and place. It is beyond the scope of this book to detail all of the Roman
gods. What follows are brief discussions of some of the more prominent Ro-
man deities.
Jupiter was the supreme god of the Romans and was of considerable impor-
tance in Roman religion from earliest times until the rise of Christianity. Jupiter
was a god associated with weather, and lightning especially was considered a
mark of Jupiter (Adkins and Adkins 1996: 119). Very early on, Jupiter was
equated with the Greek god Zeus. Likewise, in other parts of the empire,
Jupiter was equated with local supreme gods, such as Amon, in Egypt (Per-
owne 1969: 17). The study of the many epithets of Jupiter is an area of research
unto itself. Books have been written on the hundreds of titles associated with
Jupiter, or forms of Jupiter, throughout Roman history. His main temple in
Rome was located on the Aventine Hill. Much is recorded about the cultic
practices of this temple, including the interesting restrictions on the flamines
(chief priests) of this temple (Ferguson 1988e: 911).
Mars was the Roman god of war and agriculture (Perowne 1969: 19) and was
much more important in Roman religion than his Greek counterpart Ares was
in Greek life. As the god of war, Mars was offered sacrifices before battles to
ask for victory, and after battles in thanks for victories. The Campus Martius,
named after Mars, was the field in which the Roman army practiced. As an
agricultural deity, Mars is associated with the month of March, and is related
to spring and regeneration (Perowne 1969: 19). This season was one for which
many festivals were offered in honor of Mars. The Romans associated him
with the woodpecker and the wolf (Adkins and Adkins 1996: 141). Much ink
has been spilled on the discussion of whether Mars was first an agricultural
god and then a war god, or vice versa. Neither side of this debate has been able
to offer conclusive arguments. A notable worshiper of Mars was Augustus,
who established many temples to this deity.
The third member of the Archaic Triad, Quirinus was a Sabine god who ex-
isted long before the founding of Rome (Perowne 1969: 21). Despite the impor-
tance of this deity, not much of certainty can be said about Quirinus. Most
scholars see some evidence that Quirinus was a war god (Perowne 1969: 21).
More concrete is the fact that in later times Quirinus was associated with the
divine form of Romulus (see Dumézil 1970). His Sabine origins provide evi-
dence of the importance of this population group in the early formation of Ro-
man civilization.
Jupiter’s consort, Juno, was a member of the Capitoline Triad. She came to be
associated with the Greek goddess Hera, and it is likely that this Greek associ-
ation caused her to be considered the consort of Jupiter. However, her exis-
tence independent of Jupiter was quite important, especially for Roman
women. From earliest Roman times, Juno was associated with childbirth and
marriage (Perowne 1969: 18). The festival of Matronalia, in which only women
could participate, involved Juno. Another important festival involved hus-
bands giving wives presents. As with Jupiter, Juno had many epithets, and dif-
ferent forms of Juno played different roles throughout Roman society. From
the late republic on, she was often referred to as a queen. The Temple of Juno
Moneta at Rome was associated with weights and measures, and records of
standards for measurement were kept there.
The third member of the Capitoline Triad, Minerva was also sometimes seen as
the consort of Jupiter (Perowne 1969: 18). She came to be associated with the
Religion and Ideology 187
Greek goddess Athena, and therefore had some warlike characteristics (Ad-
kins and Adkins 1996: 153). But in Roman religion, Minerva’s influence over
issues of the mind and intelligence were more important (Perowne 1969: 19).
She seems to have originally been the patroness of crafts and the creative arts.
Later in Roman times, Minerva came to be prominent for her wisdom and in-
spirational powers. She eventually surpassed Mars as the most important mil-
itary deity.
Janus was the god of beginnings, and as such, his name is usually the first spo-
ken in Roman prayers (Adkins and Adkins 1996: 111). The month January gets
its name from this deity. Related to this role, he was also the god of thresholds
and doorways, and because of this he was worshiped at both the household
and state levels. He was also associated with bridges, and there were at least
five shrines to Janus located throughout the city, near bridges. Janus was de-
picted as a two-faced individual, with one face looking forward and one look-
ing behind.
The origins of Saturn are obscure, but he came to play an important role in Ro-
man religion. Some Roman writers claim that Saturn was originally a Greek
god, but the reasons for this claim probably stem from the Greek-seeming wor-
ship practices used in Saturn’s cult. He seems to have been an agricultural de-
ity, and some scholars have argued that the festival of Saturnalia, held in De-
cember, was originally related to winter sowing (Adkins and Adkins 1996:
200). His temple was at the foot of the Capitoline Hill. During the Republican
period, Saturn’s temple functioned as the state treasury.
Vulcan was the Roman god of fire and industry. He was associated with the
Greek deity Hephaestus. Vulcan’s associations with fire were both destructive
and productive. The importance of fire in smelting and metal production ex-
plains Vulcan’s importance for metalsmiths (Adkins and Adkins 1996: 245).
There was an important cult of Vulcan in the town of Ostia. His main festival
was the aptly named Volcanalia.
Venus was an important early deity, but unfortunately not much is known of
her. She was likely a goddess of fertility and vegetation but was associated
with the Greek goddess Aphrodite from very early on (Adkins and Adkins
1996: 232). This association was so strong that she eventually took over the
mythology of Aphrodite in its Roman incarnations. At the state level she was
important because Aphrodite was the mother of Aeneas, one of the legendary
founders of Rome (Adkins and Adkins 1996: 232). Important political figures
took her as a patron, including Pompey and Sulla. These traditions have ob-
scured her original role, but this is also characteristic of her popularity in Ro-
man society. Roman women were often depicted as Venus in funerary art as a
means of demonstrating their virtue.
Mercury was the Roman god of communication and trade. He was associated
with the Greek god Hermes, and was frequently depicted wearing a winged
hat and shoes. Mercury, while having his own temple in Rome, was never as-
signed a flamines (Adkins and Adkins 1996: 152), indicating that his worship
in Rome never reached levels of substantial importance. But there is evidence
for organized worship of Mercury among elites outside of the official state
structures (especially among groups of investors). Outside of Italy proper,
Religion and Ideology 189
Mercury was a very popular deity. According to Julius Caesar, worship of Mer-
cury was prominent in the western empire (Adkins and Adkins 1996: 152).
Diana was a very popular goddess among Roman women and is often assumed
to have originally been Etruscan. She was a hunter and was associated with the
woods as well as with the moon (Adkins and Adkins 1996: 60). Diana was a vir-
gin, but also a deity that could be invoked for assistance in childbirth (Adkins
and Adkins 1996: 60). Her Greek counterpart was Artemis. But it was her role as
a defender of women that made her popular with that demographic. Servius
Tullius, it is said, built a temple for her on the Aventine Hill in the regal period.
Ceres was a grain goddess in Rome and a popular goddess in Sicily. Very little
is known about this deity, who was also associated with nature and regenera-
tion (Adkins and Adkins 1996: 44). She was associated with the Greek goddess
Demeter, and had an important cult center in Rome. She was worshiped in a
festival that occurred annually from April 12 to April 19. The importance of
grain for basic subsistence underscored the importance of Ceres, and implor-
ing her favor was a way for farmers to attempt to gain control over something
that they in fact had very little control over.
Foreign Cults
In general, however, the Romans were tolerant of other religious traditions
(Ferguson 1988c: 856). This might seem strange given the traditions in Chris-
tianity and Judaism of Roman intolerance, and it is an important issue to ad-
dress. To the Romans, the problem with Judaism and Christianity was that
both of these traditions did not allow worship of other deities. Because of this,
Christians and Jews were frequently accused of atheism, and for that they
could be sentenced to death. However, for the worshipers of other, non-Roman
deities, the Romans were usually tolerant as long as the worship remained
within the limits of civic taste.
Isis. The cult of Isis was very popular among the elite of Rome. Isis was an
Egyptian deity, worshiped in that country from early times. She was both the
wife and sister of Osiris, and mother of Horus. In Egyptian myth, Isis was a
powerful protective force, and stories of her protecting her infant son Horus
were popular. During the Ptolemaic period in Egypt, Isis became an almost
universal goddess of feminine power. By the time Isis became popular in
Rome, her cult had been greatly influenced by Greek ideas and concepts. Some
scholars believe that images of Isis holding Horus as an infant were influential
in early Christian images of Mary holding the infant Jesus.
Apollo. Apollo was a Greek god and was always recognized as such in Ro-
man times. He was never associated with a different Roman deity. Apollo was
introduced into Rome in the early Republican period but became especially in-
The Aeneid
The Aeneid is one of the great classics of world literature. It is an epic poem,
written in Latin, and composed by Virgil in the years 29 B.C.E.–19 B.C.E.Virgil
tells the story of the foundation of Rome (giving credit to Aeneas, a hero
from the Trojan War). Using structures and narrative devices similar to those
used by Homer,Virgil glorifies the history of Roman civilization, especially the
interactions between human and divine, through Rome’s past.Written during
the reign of Augustus, the Aeneid is consistent with the general artistic pro-
gram under Augustus of celebrating Rome through literature.
fluential under Augustus. This deity’s influence in Rome was first felt as a
healing god and as an oracle. Apollo was also associated with poetry, and Vir-
gil wrote much about him. There is a rich mythological tradition surrounding
Apollo, perhaps enhanced by his relationship to poets.
Cybele. In 204 B.C.E., a consultation of the Sibylline Books concluded with the
suggestion that the worship of Cybele be brought to Rome from Phrygia. A Ro-
Religion and Ideology 191
man emissary traveled to Asia Minor and returned with the black stone that
became the centerpiece of the worship of Cybele (Perowne 1969: 64). Cybele,
also known as magna mater, was a goddess of the earth and fertility. But her
worship was a bit wilder than Roman manners preferred. We are not certain
how much of what was written about these worshipers is true, but it was said
that the men castrated themselves and the women slashed their arms (Shelton
1988: 402). Suffice it to say, the Roman government soon restricted the nature
of this deity’s worship.
Roman-period Judaism is a well-studied subject and is a discipline in its own
right. Only cursory mention can be made of Judaism in this volume, but there
is a considerable amount of scholarly literature on this subject. This is a period
of many remarkable moments in Jewish history. On the one hand, it was in the
Roman period that the Hebrew Bible (what Christians call the Old Testament)
reached its final form, and it is the period of the latest biblical writings. Two
important Jewish historians, Josephus and Philo, wrote during Roman times.
And two other works, still important today, were completed—the Mishnah
and the Talmud. On the other hand, this was also the period in which the
Jerusalem Temple was destroyed. This event had a profound effect on the de-
velopment of Judaism, and it was one of the contributing factors in the rise of
the synagogue as the dominant location for worship and for the rise of rab-
binic thought as a prominent locus of authority. Much of modern Judaism has
its roots in Roman-period Judaism.
As with Judaism, Christianity in the Roman period is a subject too large to be
dealt with in this volume and is actually a discipline in its own right. Unlike
Judaism, Christianity can be said to have begun in Roman times. As a fringe
the augurs, the sacris faciundis, and the epulones. The Romans themselves saw a
distinction between these four colleges and the other colleges, and these four
were perceived as the most important in cultic life (Beard 1988: 372). In the Re-
publican period there is much evidence for public discussions of the nature of
these institutions (North 2000: 26). An issue of great importance in Roman
civic life was the method of determining who would become cultic officials
(Beard 1988: 934; North 2000: 26). In the earliest phases, it seemed that the col-
leges themselves selected new members. But eventually the system of internal
selection was modified so that the citizens of Rome voted on membership
(North 2000: 27; Shelton 1988: 386). It is interesting to note the prominence of
the day-to-day running of these colleges in Roman public debate.
Pontifices. The collegium pontificum was the highest ranking of the Roman
colleges. The members (pontiffs) were responsible for the overall maintenance
of the state cult (Ogilvie 1969: 107). Festivals and other state-sponsored wor-
ship were under the control of these officials. They acted as advisors to the
Senate on religious issues and oversaw some matters, including adoption and
inheritance (Beard 1988: 935). Rules and regulations involving burials were
also included among their responsibilities (Beard 1988: 935). In earliest times,
the Pontifices may have had some responsibilities for bridge building, as the
name of the organization had some linguistic connection to bridges (Ferguson
1988e: 910; Ogilvie 1969: 107). There were three pontiffs at a given time, and all
had to be patricians. But by the end of the republic, the restriction on patrician
membership was lifted, and the number of pontiffs increased to sixteen.
The highest-ranking cultic official in Rome was the pontifex maximus (Ogilvie
1969: 108). This was the chief pontiff, who also had a supervisory role over the
vestal virgins. He was the major public face of the Pontifices, responsible for
publishing the decrees of that body. The responsibilities of the pontifex max-
imus included cultic roles originally held by the king during the regal period.
But along with the rex sacrorum, the pontifex maximus took over these respon-
sibilities. The pontifex maximus dwelt in an official residence throughout the
Republican period. In the empire period, however, the emperors filled this po-
sition until the reign of Gratian.
Augurs. The augurs were the state body responsible for asking for and inter-
preting omens (see chapter 10). The main method for gaining signs was by tak-
ing an auspice (or a sign) from the behavior of birds. The movements and ac-
tivities of birds were one of the major methods used by the Roman gods to
make their will known to their human subjects. It was very important to ask
for signs before major events (such as a military campaign) to make certain
that the gods favored the action (Beard 1988: 935; Ferguson 1988e: 911). Signs
could also come unsolicited, and it was the responsibility of the augurs to rec-
ognize such signs and report them to the Senate.
Sacris Faciundis. The major responsibility of this college was to keep and
protect the Sibylline oracles (North 2000: 54). If requested by the Senate, this
group would consult the Sibylline oracles, but most of the daily activities of
The emperor as pontifex maximus: relief of Augustus as a priest on the Ara Pacis Augustae. (Ar-
aldo de Luca/Corbis)
this group were simply maintenance. Usually they were consulted only in
emergencies (Ferguson 1988b: 953). The Sibylline oracles were a collection of
books that, according to legend, had been acquired during the regal period.
The Sibyls were ten female prophets, one of whom tried to sell books of the
oracles to King Tarquinius Priscus. The king refused, so the prophet began de-
stroying the nine books. According to legend, when only three books re-
mained, the king broke down and bought the remainder, paying the price she
had originally asked for all nine (Ferguson 1988b: 953–954). Thus went the leg-
end of the Sibylline oracles. They remained the preserve of the sacris faciundus
until they were destroyed in a fire in 83 B.C.E. (Ferguson 1988b: 954).
Epulones. Arguably the least prestigious of the four colleges was the epu-
lones, whose main responsibility was to administer feasts and games (Beard
Religion and Ideology 195
1988: 935). This was the least prestigious college for a citizen attempting to
make a name for himself, but it was nonetheless important. And because of the
public role of the epulones in game and feast settings, it was a way to make a
name for oneself. The number of epulones changed through Roman history.
Originally three, then seven, the eventual size of the college was ten.
Vestal Virgins. One of the most widely written about groups of cultic officials
is the vestal virgins. As the name suggests, this organization consisted of
women responsible for the public worship of the goddess Vesta. This was the
same goddess that was worshiped in every Roman home as the goddess of the
hearth, but in the case of the vestal virgins, Vesta was associated with the pub-
lic hearth. It was important to keep the fires of this hearth burning and to keep
Vesta properly supplied to ensure the continued success of Rome (Beard 1988:
935; Shelton 1988: 387).
The members of this order were more set off from regular society than the
members of other Roman religious organizations. They lived in an official resi-
dence, were materially supported through state funding, and wore clothing
that distinguished them from the rest of Roman society (Beard 1988: 934, 936).
Originally four and later six women formed the college (Ogilvie 1969: 108).
Membership was selected by the pontifex maximus from girls of patrician
families, ages six to ten. These girls had to take a vow of chastity and remain
virgins for thirty years, after which they were released from service (Beard
1980). After thirty years, the woman could choose whether to continue in ser-
vice, and it is assumed that most did. The punishment for breaking the
chastity vow was death, and there are some gruesome accounts of vestal vir-
gins actually having being killed for breaking their vows. The method of exe-
cution was to be buried alive, as it was prohibited to strike a priestess of Vesta
(Beard 1988: 935; Ferguson 1988e: 911). But this aspect should not be overem-
phasized. Membership in this organization was a powerful way for women to
take an active role in Roman public life, in a context other than that of wife or
mother (Beard 1988: 935).
Flamines. The flamines were the cultic officials appointed as leaders of wor-
ship for specific deities (Beard 1988: 936). There were ideally fifteen flamines at
all times, each regulating the worship of different deities, although only the
specifics about the flamines for three deities are known (Ferguson 1988e: 911).
They were supervised by the Pontifices, but unlike the pontiffs, the work of a
flamen was a full-time occupation (Beard 1988: 936; Ogilvie 1969: 109). As such,
these priests wore distinctive clothes (including a white conical hat called an
apex) and were barred from certain activities (Beard 1988: 936). We know of
many of these taboo activities for the flamen of Jupiter, who could not ride
horses or wear knots on his body (Ferguson 1988e: 911). We assume that there
were similar (and to us, seemingly arbitrary) taboos for the other flamines that
marked them off as sacred individuals, but concrete evidence is lacking.
Arval Priests. The Arval Priests, it has been argued, were the oldest Roman
religious organization. They performed cultic acts for the goddess Dea Dia
(Fowler 1911: 435). Other activities involved making sacrifices and performing
duties that would make the agricultural fields productive. There were a total
of twelve of these priests, and the individuals were elected for life. The oldest
example of Latin poetry is the carmen arvale, which is a song of these priests
(Fowler 1922: 78).
Fetiales. The fetiales were responsible for the religious components of rela-
tionships with other states and foreign peoples (Ferguson 1988e: 911). These
cultic workers were responsible for ratifying treaties and declaring war against
other nations. There were twenty members at a given time, and they worked
in pairs (Ferguson 1988e: 911). One half of the pair was responsible for carry-
ing the sacred herbs (the verbenarius). The other half of the pair (the pater patra-
tus) was responsible for the oral pronouncements.
Haruspices. Strictly speaking, the haruspices were never a college per se, but
by the time of the imperial period, they were a formal organization that was
consulted by both the Senate and the emperor. The haruspices were, like the
augurs, responsible for interpreting signs and omens. There were two common
methods for this—the examination of the entrails of animals and the observa-
tion of meteorological phenomena. Although the Romans considered the
haruspices to be experts in Etruscan divination arts, there were, in fact, direct
connections between the activities of the haruspices and similar activities in
ancient Mesopotamia.
Rex Sacrorum
One of the most important religious functionaries in republican times was the
rex sacrorum. This cultic position was created to fill in the gap caused by the ex-
pulsion of the kings (Beard 1988: 936; Ferguson 1988e: 910; Ogilvie 1969: 109).
The king (in the regal period) had been responsible for a variety of religious
obligations. After the expulsion of the king, the king’s responsibilities were di-
vided up between the pontifex maximus and the rex sacrorum. The rex sacro-
rum was appointed for life and could not hold other civic positions. He, along
with his wife, was responsible for enacting various rituals and sacrifices.
public holidays or private celebrations. Every day of the year was designated
as either fasti or nefasti (Ferguson 1988e: 912; Fowler 1911: 2). Fasti days were
days on which business could be engaged in (Ferguson 1988e: 909). Nefasti, by
contrast, were days on which business could not be conducted because of the
solemnity of the religious festival. But feriae were not always fasti or nefasti; it
depended on the situation. It was important to be aware of whether a holiday
was fasti or nefasti, because the obligation not to work (if nefasti) was a legal
one held by all citizens. Otherwise, individuals were not obligated to partici-
pate in the festivities.
This is probably the best known of Roman festivals, as Shakespeare described
it in detail in his play Julius Caesar. But at the same time, the significance of this
celebration is not clear, and numerous ideas about its social role have been of-
fered (North 1988b: 983). The origins of this ritual had been forgotten by the
Republican period, and the deity associated with it (Lupercus) was likely a
later imposition (Fowler 1969: 311; North 1988b: 984). There were two minor
colleges of priests associated with this festival. On February 15 of every year,
the luperci (as these priests were known) gathered on the Palatine. The cere-
mony began with the sacrifice of goats and a dog and an offering of cakes pre-
pared by the vestal virgins (Fowler 1969: 311). Two prominent youths then had
their foreheads rubbed with blood (Fowler 1969: 311). But the majority of the
festival involved the luperci, who, wearing only parts of the recently sacrificed
goats, ran through town slapping people with strips of skin cut from the goats
(Fowler 1969: 311; North 1988b: 983).
One of the most important Roman festivals (and the basis of the Christian hol-
iday of Christmas), Saturnalia officially occurred on December 17, but in actual
practice the celebrations could last until December 25 (Fowler 1969: 268). This
roughly coincided with the winter solstice, and the principal focus of the cele-
bration was the god Saturn. The festivities commenced with a sacrifice at the
Temple of Saturn, followed by a large public feast (Fowler 1969: 271). At home,
celebrants were expected to treat each other well, and slaves expected to be
treated like equals for the duration of the celebrations (Fowler 1969: 272; Shel-
ton 1988: 385).
This festival commemorating the dead was an annual event that lasted from
February 13 to 21 (Fowler 1969: 306). Quite a bit is known about the actual cel-
ebration of this festival from the writings of Ovid. Over the course of this cele-
bration, civic structures were mostly closed, as were temples. In general, al-
though it was a state-sanctioned festival (with the vestal virgins performing
some rituals), most of the celebration of parentalia was a private affair (Fowler
1969: 307). Most of the cultic acts of Parentalia were performed at home. But
one aspect of this festival involved bringing food to the tombs of the deceased
Like the Aeneid, Metamorphoses was written during the Augustan Age and is a
Latin epic poem. But unlike the Aeneid, the author of Metamorphoses, Ovid,
fell out of favor with Augustus and was banished from Rome. The work re-
volves around the theme of transformation, which is also the meaning of the
title. Ovid collected numerous myths from Greece and the ancient Near East
and reworked them in Metamorphoses. It is excellent literature, although
scholars often suggest that the literary quality of the individual sections is
(North 1988a: 997). Family members brought these offerings to the tombs of
their ancestors. The last day of the Parentalia festival was marked by a public
celebration called feralia. On feralia, offerings were brought to the tombs of the
deceased in a much more public manner than throughout the earlier days of
the festival (Fowler 1969: 308). The next day of the festival was a day for cele-
bration among living family members, culminating in a large meal at home.
Another festival for the dead was Lemuria, but the dead of this festival were
not the benign past ancestors of Parentalia. During Lemuria, it was the ghosts
of the dead who were pacified—ghosts who could haunt the household and
cause serious problems for the families (Fowler 1969: 108–109). Not much is
known about state activities during this festival, but Ovid has described the
private ceremonies. It was conducted over three days, on May 9, 11, and 13
(Fowler 1969: 106–107). The ritual observance of this festival centered on the
performance of apotropaic magic by the pater familias at set times. The pater
familias made ritualistic gestures, walked backward barefoot, and cast beans
for the lemures (Fowler 1969: 109; North 1988c: 998). This would hopefully keep
the lemures at bay.
The cult of the emperor was a cult begun after his death. Emperors were de-
ified after they had passed away. Theoretically, if, during the cremation of the
emperor’s corpse, the Senate witnessed the rising of the spirit of the emperor,
then that emperor was decreed divine, and a mortuary-cultic service system
was established (Fears 1988: 1014–1015). Not all emperors were deified, and
not all deified emperors were worshiped uniformly across the empire.
The earliest deified emperor was Julius Caesar, his status encouraged by his
adopted son Augustus. This was most probably a blatant political act on the
part of Augustus, because this made him, by proxy, the son of a god (Fears
1988: 1014; Taylor 1975: 181). Emperor cults were of varying popularity in dif-
ferent areas. In the Near East, these were extremely popular cults (including
even the worship of living emperors) because of the long traditions of ruler
worship (Taylor 1975: 145–148, 205). A more general emperor cult was the wor-
ship of Roma, which was a powerful means of centering religious power in
Rome (Shelton 1988: 389; Taylor 1975: 147).
The cult of the emperor was a popular phenomenon. In many ways, the em-
peror came to be viewed as a mediating force between the people and the gods
(Fears 1988: 1020). There were two specific aspects of the imperial cult that are
important to mention. As with every pater familias, the emperor had a power
called genius (Taylor 1975: 191), which was procreative in nature (Fears 1988:
1015). Likewise, the numen of the emperor was a power worshiped by the
everyday Roman (Taylor 1975: 182–183). Numen was the power of divinity,
and in the case of the emperor, the power was related to his imperium.
applied directly to the walls. Sometimes Roman temple cellas were completely
round; the Pantheon was the most famous example of this architectural style
(Adkins and Adkins 1994: 296; Nash 1944: 27).
The Afterlife
There are a number of problems reconstructing what the Romans believed hap-
pened to a person after death. The major problem is a problem of sources—
Religion and Ideology 201
Roman descriptions are sorely lacking. Those descriptions that are available,
especially in Golden Age poetry, are very problematic. They tend to reflect the
tripartite afterlife that was imagined by the Greeks (North 1988a: 999). These
three main areas in Greek thought concerning where the dead dwelt were the
Elysian Fields, Limbo, and Hades. All of these places appear in Roman litera-
ture, but they may be just literary references or conventions, not reflecting ac-
tual Roman beliefs in the afterlife. Toynbee has demonstrated, however, that
the Romans certainly believed in the survival of the individual in some form
after death (1971: 38).
Another method that scholars have used to attempt to reconstruct Roman
attitudes toward the afterlife is studying changes in burial strategies. The
prominence of cremation in early Roman times (as well as some isolated tex-
tual references) has suggested to some scholars that the Romans saw the dead
as a collective group, undifferentiated as individuals (North 1988a: 998). A
movement toward the use of inhumation indicates a change in these attitudes,
since inhumation preserves the body (North 1988a: 998). These arguments are
not based on very strong evidence, but they are frequently repeated in the
scholarship on ancient Rome. One aspect of Roman belief is certain, however.
Some part of the individual survived after death (North 1988a: 1006), whether
it survived as an individual or as some sort of collective being. The proof for
this lies in the prominent role of festivals honoring the dead in Roman tradi-
When a Roman was near death, the close relatives would remain by the per-
son, with the goal of kissing the dying family member and catching his or her
last breath (Ferguson 1988e: 922). After the last breath had been taken, the
name of the deceased was pronounced and vocal lamentations for the recently
departed began (Ferguson 1988e: 922). The body was cleaned, dressed, and
stretched out, ideally with the feet facing the door (Ferguson 1988e: 922). The
body was left in display like this for a set period. After the time elapsed, the
body was processed to another location, outside of the city walls (Ogilvie 1969:
104). There, ceremonies were conducted and the body was either inhumed or
cremated (Ogilvie 1969: 104). After this final disposal of the body, the individu-
als who had shared the household with the deceased were compelled to ritu-
ally clean themselves and the house to remove the impurities caused by death.
The James Ossuary is an artifact, dating from Roman times, that has been
newsworthy recently. An antiquities collector had purchased this ossuary (a
funerary container for human skeletal remains) but had not realized its signif-
icance until scholars translated the Aramaic inscription on its side. The in-
scription reads,“James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus.” Controversy erupted
soon after the preliminary publication of this find. Was this evidence for the
existence of Jesus of Nazareth? Was it a fake? Did it refer to another James,
Jesus, and Joseph, not of biblical fame? None of these questions has been an-
swered yet. The box itself certainly dates to Roman times and is authentic.
The inscription is more difficult. Scholars are divided on whether the whole
inscription is genuine or whether just part of the inscription is authentic and
a modern forger added on the mention of Jesus to raise the market value of
the ossuary. As of the writing of this book, the Israel Antiquities Authority
(IAA) has officially deemed the artifact a forgery; however, the criteria used
by the IAA are not universally accepted as accurate without doubt.
A less normative location for burials is associated with the Jewish and Chris-
tian communities of the Roman Empire. Catacombs refer to belowground
burial complexes. They are usually quite large and very winding. Human re-
mains (sometimes in ossuaries and sometimes in sarcophagi) were placed into
carved-out niches or benches in the underground complexes. The catacombs
were a method of burying large groups of people in close proximity, in much
larger numbers than could be accommodated by family tombs (Toynbee 1971:
234–235). Catacombs are best known from the city of Rome itself and from Ro-
man Palestine.
Tombs. In Roman times there was such a large number of tomb types that it
is impossible to detail all of them here. Some of the more important types are
mentioned here, as well as some of the important concepts. For the Romans, an
important component of the care of human remains was burial. Even cremated
bodies were preferably interred in some form or another. This concept lies at
the heart of the most basic type of tomb—the simple pit burial (Toynbee 1971:
101). On a slightly more complex scale were unroofed enclosure tombs. In
these kinds of tombs, a small area was set off from the rest of the cemetery by
walls. Within the walls, the ashes of the deceased were interred, and various
mourning rituals took place within the enclosed area (Toynbee 1971: 80). Both
of these types of inhumations were intended for one person at a time. A mau-
soleum was a tomb for a single person that was built on a huge scale and was
frequently circular in shape (Nash 1944: 41).
Inhumations for more than one person were typically built on a grander
scale than the previously mentioned tombs. Family tombs are perhaps the
most notable Roman type, in which, as the name suggests, an entire family
would be interred within the complex. Larger multiple burial complexes were
called columbaria (Toynbee 1971: 113–110). A columbarium was a large tomb that
could accommodate the ashes of literally hundreds of individuals. Normally
urns or ossuaries were placed into niches carved into the walls. These were the
basic types of multiple individual tombs, but it is important to be aware that
there was considerable variation in style, and there were many other types of
tombs not mentioned here.
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MacMullen, Ramsay. 1981. Paganism in the Roman Empire. New Haven: Yale University
Nash, Ernest. 1944. Roman Towns. New York: J.J. Augustin Publisher.
North, John. 1976. “Conservatism and Change in Roman Religion.” Papers of the British
School at Rome 44.
———. 1988a. “The Afterlife: Rome,” pp. 997–1008 in Civilization of the Ancient Mediter-
ranean: Greece and Rome. Michael Grant and Rachel Kitzinger (eds.). New York:
Charles Scribner’s Sons.
———. 1988b. “Sacrifice and Ritual: Rome,” pp. 981–986 in Civilization of the Ancient
Mediterranean: Greece and Rome. Michael Grant and Rachel Kitzinger (eds.). New
York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Material Culture
One of the most recognizable achievements of Roman civilization is the archi-
tecture. Probably most people have a vague idea of what Roman architecture
looks like (although they may confuse it with Greek architecture), as the visual
power of these monuments is so effective. The modern city of Rome still incor-
porates ancient monuments directly into urban life. And wherever the Romans
went, they left Roman-style buildings, which still dot the landscapes of Eu-
rope, Africa, and Asia. The monumental size and durable construction of Ro-
man buildings resulted in wide-scale preservation of Roman buildings in
modern times. A great deal is known about Roman architecture because so
much of it has survived.
It is also lucky that Roman writings about architecture have survived, which
means that we can understand what the Romans thought about their build-
ings. One of the most important sources is On Architecture, written by Vitru-
vius, in the period of the late republic (Ellis 2000: 14). Pliny the Younger also
wrote about architecture in two letters (Ellis 2000: 14). Satyricon by Petronius is
a satire, but because it describes domestic activities (albeit from an exagger-
ated perspective), it provides important evidence for the use of household
space (Ellis 2000: 15).
One of the key concepts to understand about Roman architecture is stan-
dardization. The same types of buildings were supposed to look the same and
function the same in every city in every province. Think of how recognizable
American fast-food restaurants are wherever they are located, and how mini-
mal local variation is. Although the Romans certainly did not operate on the
same scale, it is still a useful analogy. Any Roman could, ideally, enter any
house and know what the rooms were used for. Likewise, a Roman should
have been able to recognize the baths in any city, and expect to find consistent
Public Architecture
In the imperial period, public construction was highly organized. Under the
supervision of an imperial office devoted to public works, numerous bureau-
crats commissioned construction projects (MacDonald 1982: 141). Often pri-
vate companies were involved, but some areas always remained under the
control of the imperial government. So for example, although the imperial
Vitruvius was an architect and military engineer under Julius Caesar, who
wrote extensively during the reign of Augustus. His writings are among the
most important sources on Roman architecture and construction tech-
niques. His treatise, De architectura, is well preserved and is a valuable re-
source for modern scholars.Although somewhat dependent on earlier archi-
tectural treatises (especially Greek), his work was original and in-depth.
Vitruvius believed that architects had to be knowledgeable about all aspects
of human life, as architecture affected and was affected by all aspects of life.
So his treatise includes discussions of issues that would not be included in ar-
chitectural manuals today.
government was solely responsible for brick making, private companies were
able to construct roads (Packer 1988: 307).
Construction crews worked directly under the supervision of one individ-
ual—the architect. For this reason, much of Roman architecture can be attrib-
uted to historical individuals—an uncommon kind of knowledge in ancient
studies. The craftsmen who worked beneath the architect were organized ac-
cording to specialized tasks. Often scholars call these organizations “guilds.”
This is not the best term, because it refers to a historically specific kind of me-
dieval organization, but it is a useful way of thinking about Roman profes-
sional organization.
The Walls of Rome. The construction of the first city wall is attributed to the
second-to-last king of Rome, Servius Tullius. Excavations of the Servian wall
suggest that it was actually built much earlier. About 7 miles in length, the
stone wall surrounded the earliest settlement. But Rome’s growth soon spread
beyond the confines of this wall. In 271 C.E., Emperor Aurelianus built a new
wall to enclose the extended city of Rome (Lanciani 1967: 66). About 12 miles
in length, this wall acted as a fortification for the city of Rome well into the
nineteenth century. Unfortunately, this has meant that the wall has been con-
tinuously renovated, and not much of the actual ancient wall remains.
Fora. The fora were open areas within Roman cities, akin to the agora of
Greek times (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 134). Used as markets as well as meet-
ing areas for entertainment and religious functions, the forum was the center
of the Roman city (Boëthius 1978: 145; Woloch 1983: 40). In fact, in planned
cities, the forum lies at the very center, and the rest of the city radiates out from
this point (Boëthius 1978: 146). In Roman cities, fora were structured axially,
usually surrounded by monumental architecture (Adkins and Adkins 1994:
134; Boëthius 1978: 146). They were often colonnaded as well. Fora at both
Casa and Pompeii are extremely well preserved and follow this pattern.
Material Culture 209
The most famous of these was the Forum Romanum, which was the center of
Roman religious and commercial life. Legend has it that this was the area des-
ignated by Romulus as a meeting center for the Romans. It probably became
the central meeting place at some time in the sixth century B.C.E., when the
marshes in the region were drained (Woloch 1983: 35). Built on a level, rectan-
gular space at the foot of the Capitoline and Palatine Hills, the Forum Ro-
manum was approximately 520 feet by 150 feet in size. Starting sometime in
the second century B.C.E., the Forum Romanum became the meeting place of
the various comitia (Boëthius 1978: 48). It was renovated frequently and was
gradually surrounded by monumental architecture. Some of the more impor-
tant monuments associated with this forum are the Black Stone, the Arch of Ti-
tus, the Temple of Venus, and the Severan Arch.
Basilicas. The word basilica has many connotations. In the strictest sense
(and the sense in which it is used here) a basilica is a particular kind of build-
ing. The basilica is defined by particular architectural characteristics. The most
important is the peristyle—an open central space (Boëthius 1978: 149). The
peristyle of a basilica is roofed. On the other side of the columns that line each
side are four aisles (called ambulatories). Basilicas were often attached to fora
and used as public structures. Merchants could conduct business within if the
weather was not suitable for outdoor trade (Woloch 1983: 45). They were fre-
quently used as temples and in later times were important in Christian archi-
Baths. An important aspect of Roman life was the public bath (see also chap-
ter 10). Baths originated in the Greek world and are still found in modern-day
Turkey. By the first century C.E., baths were found in every major Roman city,
usually near the forum. Roman baths had consistent architectural features
(Woloch 1983: 70). Each had a changing room (apodyterium). The bathrooms
were organized according to temperature (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 138).
There was an unheated room with a cold-water basin (frigidarium). Of middle-
temperature range was the tepidarium, which was indirectly heated, and as the
name suggests, provided tepid water. The hottest room was the caladarium,
which had a hot pool and water basins. Frequently associated with baths were
palaestra, which were essentially exercise yards (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 138;
Boëthius 1978: 197).
plex was the raceway, divided into two tracks by a long barrier (Boëthius 1978:
198). Audience members sat on either side of the circus.
Theaters were semicircular structures in which dramatic performances were
staged. Roman theaters, while inherently derived from Greek theater architec-
ture, were novel in a number of ways. Unlike Greek theaters, Roman theaters
were not cut out of the hillside but were entirely freestanding architectural
units (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 140; Woloch 1983: 58). This contributed to the
isolated and closed-off feeling of Roman theaters; the Roman theater was sepa-
rate from the rest of the world. Also adding to this feeling was the back wall of
the stage (the scaenae frons), which rose to the full height of the theater, as did
the sidewalls (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 140; Woloch 1983: 60). Smaller theaters
were roofed as well (Woloch 1983: 61). The seats of the theaters were sectioned
off according to social rank (Boëthius 1978: 202). The best seats in the house
were the two balconies over the cavea (orchestra pit), in which the emperor and
his retinue, as well as the vestal virgins, could sit. Rome did not have a perma-
nent theater until 58 B.C.E., when Aemilius Scaurus built one of wood that
seated about 80,000 people (Boëthius 1978: 202–203). In 55 B.C.E., Pompey had a
theater built in stone (Boëthius 1978: 205–206). Later, Augustus built the The-
ater of Marcellus as a memorial to his dead nephew.
Amphitheaters should be distinguished from theaters, both structurally and
functionally. Amphitheaters were oval (sometimes circular) in shape and were
the site of spectacles like gladiatorial combat. Almost every Roman city had an
amphitheater, but many of the older Greek cities did not. Unlike theaters, am-
phitheaters were an entirely Roman innovation. The first amphitheaters were
Material Culture 211
made of wood and were located outside of Rome, in Campania (Woloch 1983:
64). Usually amphitheaters were situated on the outskirts of the city, unlike
most public architecture, which was more central (Woloch 1983: 66). The center
of the amphitheater was called the arena, where the spectacle took place.
Awnings separated the audiences from the arena, protecting them from the vi-
olence below.
Roads and Streets. Urban streets were very narrow in Rome, often no more
than alleyways cramped between towering insulae and gigantic monuments
(Cowell 1980: 15; Chevallier 1976: 67). By the time of the later republic, most of
the streets were made of stone or volcanic rock; previously the city streets had
been dirt or gravel (Cowell 1980: 15; Chevallier 1976: 71). After the great fire of
64 C.E., Nero is said to have widened the streets considerably (Cowell 1980: 16;
Chevallier 1976: 72). But two centuries later, Juvenal complained about the
narrow streets of the city of Rome. Roads in cities founded later in Roman his-
tory (such as those in colonies) tended to be wider and followed a more regu-
lar plan (Carcopino 1940: 45).
“All roads lead to Rome” is the famous maxim, and, as maxims go, it is
fairly accurate. From Rome, it was very easy to travel throughout Italy. The Via
Aurelia led north along the western coast, and the Via Salaria linked up with
that same road after traveling through the Italian interior (Chevallier 1976: 67).
Both the Via Flaminia and the Via Salaria led north from Rome to the east coast
(Chevallier 1976: 67). One could move straight to the east coast from Rome on
the Via Tiburtina (Chevallier 1976: 67). The Via Casilino led south to the west
coast. But perhaps most famous was the Via Appia, which, for 650 km, headed
southeast to the Mediterranean coast (Chevallier 1976: 67). Once out of Rome,
funerary monuments lined the Via Appia as tributes to the wealthy dead.
Milestones were set along these roads that indicated distances. The network of
roads linked people in other cities to Rome, both in the ability to travel to
Rome and in a feeling of connectedness to Rome (see Laurence 1999).
Roads were built through a combination of public and private organiza-
tions. Although the Roman government (usually a consul or censor) decided
what roads needed to be built, state officials contracted out the construction to
private organizations that managed the work. The distinction between public
and private becomes confusing because these “private” organizations fre-
quently used armies and Roman military crews (Chevallier 1976: 84–85). The
money for the construction of roads also came from a combination of public
A bird’s-eye view of ancient Rome, showing the road system. (Library of Congress)
and private sources. Although the Roman government frequently paid a sub-
stantial portion of the cost, private individuals, especially the people who ac-
tually used the road, contributed to the fund (Laurence 1999: 46). In the earlier
periods of expansion, Roman roads were built one at a time. But beginning
with the Flavian emperors, entire networks of roads were planned and con-
structed in tandem (Carcopino 1940: 51; Laurence 1999: 47–48).
Roads in the countryside were constructed mostly from locally available
materials. Construction began by digging a large roadbed, in the best circum-
stances about 15 feet wide and 3 feet deep (Chevallier 1976: 83). The bed was
filled with very tightly compacted stone and gravel. Above this, a layer of sand
or some other soft material was added. The pavement was placed on top of
this softer material and consisted of a variety of materials. Sometimes gravel
was used; other times, stones were cut to fit one another and firmly placed
without mortar, as the street surface. From very early on, the Romans were
aware of the importance of draining water from the roads (Chevallier 1976:
Material Culture 213
83). Because water can create a number of problems if not removed, a variety
of drainage systems (dependent on the type of construction) were used to re-
move water and lengthen the life of the road.
Bridges. Because bridges were built to be very strong in order to support the
heavy traffic, they tended to survive in the archaeological record. Roman
bridges were especially well built and some are still in use today! Bridges were
used over rivers and in certain dryland areas that were too hilly or depressed
to allow for an even road to be built. There were three major types of bridges
employed by the Romans: wooden bridges, pontoon bridges, and stone
bridges (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 180–182). Each of the different kinds of
bridges was based on different technological and engineering principles.
Wooden bridges were probably the earliest type of bridge built by Roman en-
gineers. The bases of these bridges were composed of many wooden poles sunk
into the bottom of the river (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 180; Boëthius 1978: 94).
Looking directly down upon one of these bridge bases, one would see what
looked like a bed of nails. Flat pieces of timber were then laid across the tops of
these wooden poles. Because the top levels of the poles would have been even
with one another, the wooden beams laid on top created a flat surface. The
sheer volume of poles beneath the planks made the bridge relatively stable.
Pontoon bridges were a more temporary transportation solution. The basic
concept of a pontoon bridge was to lay boats side by side across a river (Ad-
kins and Adkins 1994: 180). Although the boats were side by side, people could
move from boat to boat, leading from one bank of the river to the next. This
kind of bridge was used only as a temporary means of moving across rivers,
and usually only in military contexts. A notable pontoon bridge was that cre-
ated by Emperor Caligula in 39 C.E.
Stone bridges were the strongest type of bridge, but they also required a
considerable labor and material investment. Roman stone bridges are distinct
because of the use of arches as the major source of support. The first stone
bridge on the Tiber was built in 142 B.C.E. (Cowell 1980: 15). But these were not
the only kinds of bridges used by the Romans, and often these technologies
were used in combination with one another, especially in areas like marsh-
lands, where variable techniques were more appropriate (e.g., wooden poles
were used as the base, but limestone paving stones were used as the platform).
And in some places where the river was too wide, ferries were used.
The Pont du Gard, Nîmes, France: an aquaduct constructed during the time of Agrippina. (Li-
brary of Congress)
135). Surprisingly, the other uses of aqueducts were secondary. Since it is very
difficult to block an aqueduct once it is built, these secondary uses of aque-
ducts (like public fountains and private water supplies) were actually mecha-
nisms for draining water (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 136). An aqueduct began
at a water source outside of the city and ran downhill to the highest point of
the city, usually the center. The tunnels ran as close to the ground (ideally un-
derground) as possible (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 135). The volcanic material
around Rome (tufa) was quite easy to dig through, making underground tun-
nels very easy to construct. Sometimes, if the topographical levels varied be-
tween the water source and the city, pipes were used to siphon water uphill
(Adkins and Adkins 1994: 136). Shafts were installed along the length of the
aqueduct to allow repair crews to inspect and fix the aqueducts on a regular
basis (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 136).
The Romans were able to provide central heating for some of the public
buildings and houses through hypocausts.This system of heating was remark-
ably simple and sophisticated at the same time. In the basement of the struc-
ture, a fire was lit when heat was desired. The heat from the fire would rise
and fill the rest of the building.The movement of the heat was controlled by
openings in the floor and hollowed-out walls, forcing heat to specified areas.
The stone benches were heated by a hypocaust system. Throughout Rome, uri-
nal pots were also set up on street corners. The contents of these pots were
kept for use in textile manufacturing.
When visiting a Roman archaeological site, one of the striking features one
sees is the quantity of structures that have been preserved. The Romans were
so skilled at building that not only do their monuments survive to the present,
but everyday buildings have survived as well. Advances in architecture, engi-
neering, and construction are some of the most important contributions that
the Romans made to Western civilization, so it is worth looking at these as-
pects of Roman life in depth.
The Arch
The quintessential Roman architectural feature was the arch. But it is inaccu-
rate to suggest that it was the Romans who invented the arch, because there
is evidence for arches in much earlier architecture in the Levant and
Mesopotamia. The principle behind the arch is relatively straightforward.
Arches, by definition, are a means of spanning an open area without using a
single, flat block.The arch can hold much greater weight than the single block
(usually called a lintel) because the downward weight of the arch’s compo-
nents and the materials set above the arch are redirected upward by the ma-
terial on the side of the arch. In essence, the arch creates an upward-moving
pressure rather than a downward-moving pressure.There are many different
types of arches, and the Romans used many types of arches in their buildings.
tion here. The earliest Roman construction was simple, and like most of Bronze
Age Europe, the dominant architectural style in early Roman periods was the
wattle-and-daub hut (Boëthius 1978: 34; Packer 1988: 299). Wattle refers to a
wall built of interlocking branches. Daub is the mud mix that is plastered over
the wooden frame. These houses typically had a thatched roof and mud floors.
Also used in the regal period were mud-brick structures with wooden roofs
and ceramic tiles (Boëthius 1978: 34–35, Packer 1988: 299).
The Romans are actually best remembered for their skills in building with
more permanent materials, such as stone. Construction in stone was based on
the principle of cutting even-sized, rectangular stone blocks. The cut stones
were lain in regular courses, although the exact design of the courses varied
considerably. The Romans did not invent this technique; it can be found in
much earlier Greek architecture. But it was certainly one of the more important
methods of construction.
Roman architecture advanced beyond anything that had come before in the
ancient world with the integration of concrete and arches (Boëthius 1978: 144).
Concrete allowed roofed buildings to reach unparalleled sizes and extremely
high shapes (MacDonald 1982: 153). Concrete was cheap and easy to form into
the shape of arches. And arches were strong enough to allow monumental-
sized roofs to survive.
Building Materials. Rome had access to what was, until that time, unsur-
passed quantity and variety of building materials. Not only was Italy wealthy
in natural resources, but the expansion of the empire also gave access to
tremendous amounts of new materials. Wood was also an important material
in Roman construction. Especially in the apartment complexes, wood was
used in the frames of larger structures (MacDonald 1982: 147–148). Some of the
smaller architectural components were ceramic (MacDonald 1982: 150). Pipes
within houses were frequently made of clay, and roof tiles were also ceramic.
Material Culture 217
Similarly, bronze and other metals were used as components of larger architec-
tural features (MacDonald 1982: 146–147).
But stone was the most important material in Roman construction (Packer
1988: 300). The wide use of stone is one of the primary reasons that so many
Roman remains are preserved today. Quarried from many locations, the major
drawback of using stone was that it was difficult to transport. From about 50
B.C.E. onward, local stone (called tufa) was employed (Packer 1988: 300). After
about 100 C.E., travertine (a type of limestone formed in hot springs) was used
in construction (Boëthius 1978: 139; Packer 1988: 301). Travertine had to be
brought from far away.
Marble, probably the material most associated with Roman construction,
was used widely beginning in the first century B.C.E. (Packer 1988: 300). The
closest source of white marble was the Colony of Luna (Packer 1988: 301; Wil-
son 1986: 368). Marble was sent from Luna to Rome over water (Packer 1988:
301). Colored marble was sent to Rome from all over the empire, often at great
expense (Packer 1988: 301). Marble was quarried in the shape of rectangular
blocks, which could then be used for either architectural construction or sculp-
ture. Often, though, marble simply served as the façade for what were mostly
concrete-based structures.
Concrete is often cited as a Roman invention. This is not technically true;
there are much earlier examples of concrete use. But it is accurate to state that
during Roman times, concrete took on a much more prominent role in con-
struction contexts. Beginning with the reign of Nero, concrete was used in all
kinds of building contexts, not just utilitarian contexts (Ling 1988a: 1677).
Concrete, in ancient contexts, is a substance composed of mortar and larger
aggregates (Packer 1988: 302; Ward-Perkins 1977: 65–66). Roman mortar was
typically made by combining lime and volcanic sand (Wilson 1986: 364).
These components distinctly set Roman concrete apart from earlier types of
concrete, as both are well suited for this kind of use (Ward-Perkins 1977: 68).
When water was added to this combination, the new substance would
harden, creating a very strong but malleable building material. It would take
the form of whatever mold surrounded it, making it cheaper and quicker to
use than stone (MacDonald 1982: 154). Usually this concrete was faced with
another material, and some scholars have suggested that the facing was the
stronger structural component. This is incorrect; the concrete, after hardening,
was the strongest component (Wilson 1986: 364). The facing was merely deco-
rative or aesthetic.
Monumental Architecture
Monumental architecture is architecture built on a larger scale than most other
buildings. Usually monumental architecture does not have just a functional
purpose but is also deeply symbolic and meaningful. The Romans were great
builders, and some of these buildings are particularly noteworthy. It would be
impossible to describe all of the major Roman monuments, so a few that are
particularly illustrative of Roman monumental architecture in general are pre-
sented here.
Column Types
Many have read about Aeolic, Doric,Tuscan, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite
orders, or capitals.These terms refer to styles of columns, and the names re-
flect the areas in which the styles supposedly originated.All but the Compos-
ite style originated before the Roman period, but all were used in Roman ar-
Interior of the Pantheon, Rome, showing the coffered dome and the oculus. (Library of
Perkins 1981: 114). The inside feels like a wide-open space. This effect was pur-
posely planned (MacDonald 1982: 115; Ward-Perkins 1981: 116). The interior
walls are constructed of many niches, which add to the feeling of vastness.
Hadrian’s Wall. Built by Hadrian (as can be guessed from the name) be-
tween 122 C.E. and 128 C.E., Hadrian’s Wall is about 120 km long. It is com-
posed of rubble and concrete, faced with stone, and follows the topography of
the land. Ditches were dug both in front of and behind the wall. A steep bank
behind the wall also allowed the sentries to see for long distances. This wall
marks the boundaries of the Roman Empire in Britain, roughly separating
Britain and Scotland. In antiquity this wall did not act as a defensive fortifica-
tion. Rather, it was a vantage point from which to watch the northern tribes, as
well as a border checkpoint allowing unarmed northerners to come and go. It
represented a massive investment of manpower, around 11,500 men.
tural styles. Some of the sections of the complex were named after various
places that Hadrian had visited (Ramage and Ramage 1996: 184). So, for exam-
ple, there was a section named the Accademia after the school in Athens
founded by Plato. This villa was actually a unique fusion of many architectural
traditions, which was unusual in Roman times.
Nero’s Golden House. The domus aurea was a monumental palace built by
Nero after the Great Fire of Rome. Nero annexed fire-devastated land in order
to build this structure, and it may have been this act that led to the rumors that
the emperor started the fire (Ellis 2000: 55). Essentially, the Golden House was
in the style of a country estate but was located in the center of the city. The cen-
terpiece of the complex was a large artificial lake, which later became the site
of the Colosseum (Ward-Perkins 1981: 61). It was a striking structure not just
for its size (Nero’s contemporaries were appalled by what they considered a
waste of space), but also for its many breaks with Roman architectural tradi-
tions (Boëthius 1960: 96–97, 128). For example, the octagonal rooms in the
Golden House were a radical departure from the rectangular rooms typical of
Roman buildings (Wilson 1986: 379).
Material Culture 221
Domitian’s Palace. Before this palace was built, the eastern half of the Pala-
tine Hill (about 440,000 square feet) was leveled (Ellis 2000: 56). Once this was
accomplished, marble from Egypt and Libya was imported, and construction
was led by the architect Rabirius (Ward-Perkins 1981: 78, 80). The palace was
grouped into two main sets of buildings. The domus Flavia was the official area,
where matters of statecraft were engaged in (MacDonald 1982: 49; Ward-
Perkins 1981: 80–82). The domus Augustana was the private residence of the
royal family (MacDonald 1982: 49; Ward-Perkins 1981: 82–83). Although only
rubble remains of the palace today, descriptions of it are preserved in the po-
etry of Statius.
Narrative relief sculpture on the Column of Trajan, showing episodes from the Dacian War. (Ali-
nari Archives/Corbis)
Trajan. The column still stands today, but the statue of Trajan that was once
atop the column was replaced by a statue of St. Peter in 1588.
Domestic Architecture
The homes in which ancient Romans lived are a fascinating subject, and there
is much excellent scholarship on this subject. Not only does the study of an-
cient household architecture provide insight into the daily life of the average
Roman, it can also tell us a lot about Roman social relationships and identities.
Andrew Wallace-Hadrill has made some very important arguments about the
centrality of the Roman house and domestic space in the social relationships of
the ancient Romans (see Wallace-Hadrill 1994). To simplify his argument con-
siderably, Wallace-Hadrill suggested that the house was designed and deco-
rated as a way of communicating status and identity to the rest of the commu-
nity (Wallace-Hadrill 1994). Where one lived, as well as how one lived, was a
primary means of situating oneself within the larger structure of Roman soci-
ety. There is much evidence for Wallace-Hadrill’s interpretations. For example,
in the discussion that follows, the reader will note that the reception and din-
ing facilities in Roman houses were located at the back of the house. Guests
had to traverse the entire household to reach the receiving area (Zanker 1998:
13). Along the way, these visitors were shown the entire household, which
communicated messages about the owners and residents. It is possible that un-
invited guests could often see far into the house from the street and view mes-
sages about the status of the house’s owner. However, scholars vehemently
disagree on the degree and nature of privacy in the Roman home. Some of the
written accounts suggest that guards were posted at doors to help keep the
residence separate from the rest of the city (Cowell 1980: 20).
Elite Homes. Elite homes—the homes of the wealthy and higher classes—un-
derwent many changes in style over the course of Roman history. Although in-
dividual houses were unique, it is often possible to talk about “ideal types” of
houses. Indeed, although houses had generally regularized divisions of space,
there was a considerable degree of difference in terms of size and luxurious-
ness. An ideal type of household is a hypothetical house that incorporates all
possible features of a house in all of the right combinations of layout and size.
Because of the rich archaeological and written record of Roman elite housing,
scholars have been able to identify ideal types of houses in different periods.
The house was referred to as the domus, although it should be noted that this
word can also be used to describe buildings with a public function.
In the period of the republic (at least from about the third century B.C.E., al-
though possibly earlier), the ideal elite house of a Roman was the atrium
house (Ellis 2000: 26). Although there are many variations of the atrium house,
some underlying principles have been identified by modern scholars. The
name of this type of house is derived from the central feature of the structure—
the atrium. In a Roman house, the atrium was square or rectangular, and it was
located in the center of the building. In the earliest houses, this was the loca-
tion of the family hearth, but later homes lacked this feature. Most of the
Material Culture 223
One of the most amazing examples of an elite Roman home is the structure
known as the House of the Faun, found in Pompeii. Excavations at this house
began in 1830 by the German Archaeological Institute. These archaeologists
erroneously named the structure “The House of the Faun” because of the
statue of a satyr found in the atrium of the house. It is also known as “The
House of Goethe,” because excavations on the structure began while the son
of the famous poet was visiting the site.The house, while inhabited during the
final days of Pompeii, preserved the styles of the period of its initial construc-
tion in the second century B.C.E. The walls are decorated in the First style,
long out of fashion by the time of the house’s destruction.The mosaics of the
house are well preserved. At the entrance, the Latin word for “welcome” was
tiled. But more remarkable was the amazing mosaic depicting the battle be-
tween Alexander the Great and Darius, found in the exedra of the house. One
of the most fabulous Roman mosaics ever discovered, this mosaic suited the
large and majestic home now known as “The House of the Faun.”
atrium was roofed over, but the very center was left open. Directly beneath
this opening, and embedded in the floor of the building, was a small pool
called an impluvium. The impluvium was where rainwater collected as it en-
tered the atrium through the opening in the roof directly above. The atrium
ideally was the center of the household, with other rooms surrounding it on all
sides. The main household entrance (the vestibulum) led to the entrance hall
(the fauces), which led directly to the atrium (Boëthius 1978: 185; Ellis 2000: 27).
The main reception room of the house, the tablinum, was found at the other
end of the atrium (Ellis 2000: 27). The tablinum was flanked on both sides by
rooms called alae, and both the tablinum and the alae were open to the atrium
(Ellis 2000: 27). Another important room in the atrium house was the dining
room. The dining room was called the triclinium, after the dining couches ide-
ally found within. Most scholars stress the importance of the axial nature of
private homes. By this they mean that, within the layout of the house, there
was a straight line from the vestibule, through the fauces and atrium, culmi-
nating in the tablinum. Scholars used to believe that this kind of house was
found only in Italy, but recent excavations have demonstrated that there may
be some atrium-style houses in the western provinces (Ellis 2000: 28–31). In the
east, no houses have been found so far that can confidently be described as
atrium houses (Ellis 2000: 28). But remember, it is often very difficult to iden-
tify specific rooms from archaeological evidence, so these kinds of reports have
to be carefully evaluated.
Gradually supplanting the atrium-style house as the most popular in Rome
was the peristyle house (Elllis 2000: 31). This style of architecture was related
to Greek styles, but scholars are divided about the exact relationship between
The peristyle courtyard of the House of the Two Brothers, Pompeii. (Richard T. Nowitz/Corbis)
Greek and Roman peristyle architecture (Cowell 1980: 19; Ellis 2000: 34–35).
This ideal type of house has also been found throughout the western
provinces, but each province developed its own unique interpretations of peri-
style architecture. The term peristyle refers to a particular room of the house.
The peristyle was an area enclosed on four sides (but still open-air), often cen-
tering on a garden. Columns surrounded the interior of the enclosure. Some
scholars have seen similarities between these columns and monumental archi-
tecture in the public areas of the city. Related to the peristyle was the oecus,
which was a dining and reception area adjacent to the peristyle (Ellis 2000:
35–37). In Rome, older atrium-style houses were not usually demolished and
replaced by peristyle houses. Rather, a peristyle was added to the garden of an
already-standing atrium house (Ellis 2000: 32). But throughout the period of
the empire, the peristyle was the elite type of house (Ellis 2000: 41).
Rental notices that had been painted on the walls of buildings in Pompeii have
been found. One is presented here in translated form, taken from Shelton’s
anthology (Shelton 1988).The notice reads:
The Arrius Pollio Apartment Complex
owned by Gnaeus Allius Nigidius Maius
FOR RENT from July 1
streetfront shops with counterspace,
luxurius second-story apartments,
and a townhouse.
Prospective renters, please make arrangements
with primus, slave of Gnaeus Allius Nigidius Maius.
There are a number of interesting features about this rental ad. It shows
that apartment complexes had proper names, and could be owned by an indi-
vidual.There are sections with different functions available for rent, including
commercial space and domestic space. Note, too, the prominent role of the
slave in the business transaction.
of habitation (Boëthius 1978: 183; Ellis 2000: 73). Between archaeology and an-
cient writings, it has been possible to reconstruct (somewhat) the architecture
of the less-privileged ancient Romans.
These apartments were part of three- or four-story buildings. Before Augus-
tus legislated height limitations, some of them reached heights of eight or nine
stories (Cowell 1980: 19). Often these apartment complexes took up entire
blocks. In these situations, the blocks are called insulae. According to Cowell, in
350 C.E., Rome had 44,173 insulae, as opposed to 1,782 private houses (Cowell
1980: 21). The disparity between these numbers (although they are not as exact
as Cowell argues) shows that the apartment complex was the dominant living
quarters in Rome. Sometimes the inhabitants of the apartment complex would
buy the entire floor on which they lived, but most often they would simply
lease the space from a landlord.
The most common type of apartment found at Ostia is the cenaculum (Ellis
2000: 73; Frier 1980: 6). This kind of apartment would take up an entire floor of
a building. The residents entered through a shared staircase, into a long hall-
way called a medianum (McKay 1988: 1378). The medianum ran the entire
length of the apartment and was the primary entrance for the three to five
other rooms in the complex (Ellis 2000: 74; Frier 1980: 5). The medianum was
also the room with windows to the outside, and these windows provided air
and light to the other rooms in the residence (Ellis 2000: 74). It is easy to imag-
ine how stuffy it could become, especially in the hot Mediterranean climate.
The room farthest from the staircase entrance was the dining and reception
room (Ellis 2000: 74). But it should be mentioned that it is not as easy to deter-
mine room functions in apartments as it is in elite houses (Ellis 2000: 73–74).
Related to the apartment complexes, and sometimes incorporated into the
insulae, were store residences. These were areas that functioned both as a store
and as a residence (Ellis 2000: 78). Although there were many shops that did
not function as a residence, it is important to remember that commercial and
domestic spaces were not as sharply differentiated in ancient Rome as they are
in North America and Europe today. Many shopkeepers (or shop workers)
lived in their place of business. Most frequently, a store residence was formed
from a two-room apartment (Ellis 2000: 78). The front room (the room that
opened into the street) was the main commercial space, where people bought
and sold goods and services (Ellis 2000: 78). The other room (either behind or
above the shop room) could function as residence, storage area, workshop, or
any combination of these (Ellis 2000: 78).
Villas. Another kind of house often found within the urban environment
was the villa. Most commonly, however, villas were associated with rural sites
and it is likely that when they were incorporated into urban environments,
they represented a conscious attempt to capture rural life (Boëthius 1978: 195).
The villa urbana was a kind of house modeled after opulent country homes.
These urban households attempted to capture elements of Greek and learned
culture within the decor of the house and to create a luxurious living environ-
ment (Zanker 1998: 17, 136). Villas could be found within the city (villa ur-
bana), on the outskirts of the city (villa suburbana), on the coast (villa maritimae),
and in the countryside (villa rustica) (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 148).
There were many varieties and styles of villas, and it is difficult to precisely
define a villa in the same way that other household types can be defined (Ad-
kins and Adkins 1994: 148; Ellis 2000: 13). Commonly employed in the identifi-
cation and definition of villas is the concept of Romanization, in which the ar-
chitecture and décor have closer ties to Rome than those of the local
architectural culture (Ellis 2000: 54). But there are many problems with using
this concept; see chapter 11 for more on the debate about Romanization. In
general, the Italian villa consisted of the pars urbana, which was the structure in
which the owner lived; the pars rustica, which were the farmhouses used by the
agricultural workers; as well as various storage buildings (Ellis 2000: 13–14).
Villas of many architectural styles have been identified both archaeologi-
cally and through art-historical sources. There were very small villas, called
cottage villas, which consisted of a small rectangular building. There were also
larger types of villas. Peristyle villas were architecturally consistent with peri-
style houses in the city (Boëthius 1978: 192). Basilica farmhouses were a later
innovation in the western provinces, defined by the two post rows running
through the center of the main building. Courtyard villas had an inconsistent
number of buildings constructed around a central courtyard (Adkins and Ad-
kins 1994: 149). Other than the villas built entirely for the luxury of the owner,
such as those along the seacoast and within the city, the villa was part of a
larger farming complex. But even as parts of a farming complex, the villa
lifestyle was associated with luxury.
Material Culture 227
The study of ancient urban planning can be very helpful in reconstructing the
way space and relationships were viewed in the past. The layout of the city
usually reflects how elite members understand the relationships of the various
components of city life. In North American urban planning, there is generally
a tendency to separate residential, industrial, and commercial spaces. Like-
wise, within the modern city, these zones are further subdivided by class divi-
sions. Usually it is obvious which are the wealthy parts of town and which are
the less privileged. Historians and archaeologists of Roman civilization are
very lucky that there is evidence for Roman urban planning in a variety of
temporal and geographic contexts. What follows is a discussion of urban plan-
ning, first in the city of Rome, and second outside of Rome. Keep in mind the
points made in chapter 6 about settlement patterns.
Construction in Rome lacked an overall scheme like that employed in the con-
struction of colonies (Boëthius 1960: 33). The massive public works projects for
which Rome is so well known were built on a case-by-case basis. The rationale
behind the earliest urban planning of the city of Rome has been lost, although
scholars often assume it was based on Greek and Etruscan principles of how a
city should look (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 131). The earliest writings tell us
that Rome consisted of four major subdivisions, or urban zones. These zones
were the suburbana, esquilina, collina, and palatina (Cowell 1980: 13). Augustus
later reorganized the city into fourteen regions (Cowell 1980: 15).
This is not entirely consistent with what we know of Etruscan town plan-
ning, but then again, the information about Etruscan town planning is contra-
dictory. On the one hand, Vitruvius tells us that the Etruscans built towns on a
regular plan. According to Vitruvius, this plan consisted of three main streets,
with three main gates. On the other hand, the Etruscan cities of Veii and Vetu-
lonia, which have been excavated, bear no resemblance to Vitruvius’s descrip-
tion (Boëthius 1978: 65). These cities appear to have developed haphazardly
(Adkins and Adkins 1994: 131; Boëthius 1978: 65) in what some scholars call an
Islamic city model, but this chapter will refer to it as a segmentary town
model. In a segmentary town, the city is not planned according to even distri-
butions of space and overarching strategies, but it is still ordered. The ordering
comes from the social relationships of the various kin groups that inhabit the
city. Kinship and relationships, not city planners, determine where houses are
built and what the urban layout looks like. Other early cities bear a closer re-
semblance to Greek urban centers (Wilson 1986: 363). The city of Marzabotto
has an identifiable, rectangular grid (Boëthius 1978: 69; Ellis 2000: 24). It seems
very similar to earlier Greek cities, which used an urban planning model that
scholars call orthogonal.
What all of these early cities have in common is that they are defined by the
topography of the area (Boëthius 1960: 36). Rather than altering the environ-
ment, early Roman and Etruscan cities used the natural landscape as a guiding
force. Indeed, the environment played an important role in urban planning
Outside of the city of Rome, there were varying degrees of urban planning, de-
pending on the circumstances of each particular city. It is obvious that many
cities were not directly planned. Ostia, for example, had the same kind of hap-
hazard development as earlier cities (Boëthius 1978: 181–183). The planning
principle apparent for those cities that were planned was the conscious at-
tempt to integrate them directly into the fabric of Roman civic life. The Ro-
mans made very conscious decisions in regard to the establishment of new
towns or the methods of incorporating preexisting towns into the empire.
Preexisting towns incorporated into the empire could not be extensively re-
organized without massive destruction. So overall urban plans were not used
in this process. But Roman construction projects were still an important part of
the process of incorporating these cities. Constructing Roman public and civic
buildings in these newly conquered cities was a powerful means of directly ty-
ing the inhabitants of these cities to Roman lifestyles. The construction of
buildings that were distinctly Roman helped make these cities Roman. So, al-
though it was not urban planning per se, these kinds of construction projects
were powerful means of reinforcing Roman civic identity in areas that lacked
Roman civic traditions.
Colonies were cities or towns established by the Romans in a location where
no settlement previously existed. Under the republic, during the period of ex-
pansion, colonies were founded in areas of weaker Roman power to shore up
power in that region. Similar principles were enacted under the empire.
Colonies were founded where no previous settlement existed. The principles
of the urban planning were based on the same principles that underlay Roman
military camps (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 131). The colony, ideally, was
square-shaped and surrounded by fortifications. Within the square, the city
was divided into quadrants (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 131–132). Two main
roads divided the city into these quadrants; the streets were perpendicular,
ideally meeting in the center of the city. Within each quadrant, roads ran paral-
lel to the two main streets, creating blocks usually called insulae (Boëthius
1978: 183). Ideally, each insula was equipped with a public fountain that sup-
Material Culture 229
plied running water. Civic structures were located in the center of the colony;
however, those buildings related to entertainment (for example, theaters and
amphitheaters) were placed on the outskirts of the settlement (Adkins and Ad-
kins 1994: 131).
Ceramic artifacts are among the most frequent finds at any Roman archaeolog-
ical site. Ceramics are objects made of clay that have been shaped and then
fired in a kiln (a pottery oven). A ceramic object can be broken, but the pieces
(called sherds) do not decompose like other materials. Only bone, depending
on the alkali levels of the soil, can appear in more frequent quantities. This
makes the study of Roman pottery important in any study of Roman material
culture. Pottery and ceramics are virtually indestructible in the archaeological
Form. The form of the vessel is its shape. There are standardized terms that
refer to specific parts of the pot and that are used frequently in pottery analy-
sis. Since most excavated pottery is found broken, archaeologists often initially
categorize the finds based on these terms for pot parts. Sections of the pot that
have identifiable features are considered diagnostic. A skilled ceramicist can
recognize a pot based on a single diagnostic sherd.
The basic components of ceramic vessels are usually referred to using the
following terminology. Most frequently found are body sherds. These are
sherds that come from the side of the vessel but do not have any identifiable,
morphological features (although they may be decorated). More important ar-
chaeologically are the diagnostic sections of the vessel. The base refers to the
bottom of the vessel and is usually quite easy to identify. Usually the base is
also classified according to its shape (such as flat or ring-shaped). On the other
end of the pot is the mouth—the opening of the vessel. The edge of the vessel’s
mouth is called the lip. This is easy to remember; just like a face, the mouth is
surrounded by lip. Immediately beneath the lip is the rim, which is often quite
distinctly shaped. Technically the lip and rim are separate parts of the vessel,
but more often than not the terms are used interchangeably. Other diagnostic
parts of pottery are handles and spouts. These basic terms are used in most
treatments of Roman pottery.
It is also important to know how to describe the overall shape of the vessel.
The most important overall distinction is whether the vessel is open or closed.
Open vessels have a mouth at least 50 percent of the size of the maximum di-
ameter of the vessel. Closed vessels are those whose mouth is less than 50 per-
cent the size of the maximum diameter. For example, a modern Coke™ bottle
is a closed vessel, but a modern kitchen bowl is an open vessel.
Ware. Ware (also called fabric or paste) is the material the pot is made of. It
always includes clay, and it often includes other elements used as temper (a
strengthening component). Temper can be sand, dung, chaff, or any number of
materials. There are a number of significant classifications that can be made
based on ware. Generally, however, most Roman pottery is divided into coarse
or fine ware. Coarse ware often feels very rough to the touch and is very
porous, because larger nonclay elements were not removed when the clay was
initially mixed with water (levigation). The pottery is porous because some of
these nonclay elements burned away completely in the heat of the kiln, leaving
only a hole or pockmark. On the other hand, fine ware does not have many in-
clusions, feels smooth, and looks quite well made. There are many other cate-
gories, but these two are the most important for non–pottery specialists.
Decoration. Decoration describes how the outside of the vessel has been ma-
nipulated for aesthetic reasons. If the outside has been manipulated for func-
tional reasons, the decoration is better referred to as surface treatment. Because
it is often difficult to determine why a potter chose to make the vessel in a par-
ticular way, it can be hard to determine whether surface treatment or decoration
is the better term to use. The term decoration will be used for simplicity’s sake.
There are many ways to describe the decoration of the vessel. Appliqué is any
part of the vessel that was constructed separately and then attached to the ves-
sel just before firing. Paint is just what it seems it would be—a painted decora-
tion on the vessel. Slip is similar, but the “paint” used is made out of a thin
layer of wet clay. Wash is a kind of slip, but much thinner. It is so thin, in fact,
that you can see the original clay beneath the wash. There are many other
terms that can be used, but most of them are quite self-evident, and one can
understand them when encountering them.
tery production. Ceramicists are interested in the minor variations in this pro-
cedure and classify the pots accordingly.
Fine Wares. One of the primary divisions scholars use when studying Roman
pottery is the distinction between fine ware and coarse ware. Although this
may seem like a subjective distinction (and technically it is), in actual practice
the difference is very obvious. Fine ware is pottery of high quality, usually
highly fired, thin-walled, and often covered with a slip. There are a few impor-
tant subtypes of Roman fine ware that are important to be familiar with.
Campanian ware is one of the earliest types of Roman fine ware (Greene
1986: 158). Campanian ware (which is named after its location of production)
is derived from Greek and Near Eastern forms. Notable for its reddish slip, this
ware occurs in many forms. Chronologically, Campanian ware lasted from
about 200 B.C.E. until the beginning of the common era (Hayes 1997: 37). This
category of pottery is subdivided into three major phases: Campana A, Cam-
pana B, and Campana C (Hayes 1997: 37–39). Campana A is the earliest form
and Campana C is the latest. Although related to each other, each subgroup of
Campanian ware is easily distinguished from the others.
Perhaps the most typically Roman fine ware is terra sigillata ware. This pot-
tery has a glossy red surface (created by the red slip). The pottery is usually
quite thin-walled. There were many forms of terra sigillata pottery; the princi-
pal forms were cups and bowls (suitable for fluids), plates of various sizes, and
bowls with molded designs (Greene 1986: 159; Hayes 1997: 43–44). It is as-
sumed that terra sigillata pottery often represented attempts to render more
expensive forms of metal vessels in clay (Hayes 1997: 42). The term for repre-
senting one item in another medium is skewomorph. Terra sigillata pottery is of-
ten also called Arretine pottery, because there was a large production center
(which exported throughout the Roman world) in Arretium, but technically
not all terra sigillata pottery is Arretine ware (Hayes 1997: 42). This was also
the term used in ancient texts to describe this kind of pottery. Terra sigillata
pottery has been widely studied. The earliest studies are by Dragendorff and
Oswald and Pryce, but much has been learned since these scholars established
the initial groundwork.
Related to terra sigillata ware is African red slip ware, most of which was pro-
duced in North Africa, rather than in Italy (Hayes 1997: 59). These forms ap-
pear later than terra sigillata, and their categorization is based on region of
production. Hayes (1980) has established the major framework used by schol-
ars; however, he acknowledges that more excavations and studies are needed.
Hayes’s major categories are fourfold (Hayes 1997: 59). Terra sigillata African
A and D were produced in Carthage, with D a later variation of A (Hayes 1997:
59). Terra sigillata African B was not actually made in Africa, but rather in the
south of France (Hayes 1997: 62). Terra sigillata African C originated in Tunisia
(Hayes 1997: 59). The basic forms of all of these categories of red slip pottery
are similar to terra sigillata.
Relief ware is a more general term for fine ware pottery with relief decora-
tions. These are very distinctive kinds of ceramics. Knidian relief ware (dating
from 70 C.E. to 250 C.E.) is mold-made (Hayes 1997: 70). The forms are very in-
teresting and include ornamental jugs, zoomorphic jugs, and phallus-shaped
vessels (Hayes 1997: 72–73). Corinthian relief ware (dating roughly to the third
century C.E.) tend to be small, straight-sided bowls (Hayes 1997: 73). On the
walls of the vessels are reliefs of various figural images (Hayes 1997: 73).
Coarse Wares. Coarse wares are not as easy to study as fine wares. There are
a number of reasons for this. First, there is not as much secondary literature on
coarse wares because they are not as aesthetically pleasing as fine wares. The
forms and materials are, generally speaking, of lower quality and are less
likely to interest art historians (who tend to study these materials). Second, be-
cause coarse ware was more functional than stylish, it did not change as rap-
idly or consistently as fine ware (Greene 1992: 31). It is much more difficult to
make chronological distinctions in regard to coarse ware. Third, coarse ware
varied considerably at the local level (Greene 1992: 31–32). So even if someone
is an expert in Roman coarse ware at Pompeii, that scholar has to relearn the
corpus for Roman Britain.
There are a few major types of coarse ware that are important to become fa-
miliar with. One of the major categories is buff ware (Hayes 1997: 75). This kind
of pottery is made of clay fired to a cream color (hence the name buff). It is usu-
ally very porous, meaning that the vessels, when filled with liquid, sweat con-
siderably. Buff ware is, counterintuitively, very good for serving liquids, be-
cause it helps cool down the liquid. I have done some experimental
archaeology with Egyptian pottery and found that porous vessels actually cool
off liquids quite well. When this kind of pottery was transported, a resin (often
of bitumen) could be added to seal the liquid inside and stop it from sweating
(Hayes 1997: 75–76).
Another important group of coarse ware ceramics is vessels used in food
preparation. Cooking pots usually have rounded bottoms, sometimes with
small handles near the rim (Hayes 1997: 76). These handles were used to fix the
pot above a fire or to tie a lid on top, not to carry the vessel (Hayes 1997: 76).
Pompeiian red ware are types of cooking vessels that usually have flat bot-
toms. They are named Pompeiian red ware not because they were found at
Pompeii, but because the clay was the same color as the wall plaster in some
Pompeiian houses (Hayes 1997: 78). Also used in Roman food preparation was
Material Culture 233
the mortarium. Mortaria are large, flat bowls used for grinding food. Ridges or
slits in the interior of the vessel would help grind or husk food, when the food
was rubbed or pounded inside the mortarium. These vessels have very thick
walls, making them easy to hold. They were probably mass produced in molds
(Hayes 1997: 80), because from an aesthetic point of view, the quality of these
vessels is never very high.
Amphorae. Amphorae are not easily described as either fine or coarse ware. In
a sense, they straddle those two categories and are usually considered a sepa-
rate category of pottery. These vessels are descendants of Syro-Palestinian ves-
sels, dating from as far back as the middle Bronze Age. The clay of amphorae is
yellowish, brown, or red. Amphorae are large-capacity vessels with a pointed
base. In Roman times, they usually had two handles (Hayes 1997: 27), but in
other periods, four- and three-handled forms were also known. The shape of
these vessels is designed for maritime transport. Excavations of numerous
shipwrecks and various artistic representations (especially earlier Egyptian
tomb reliefs) show that the vessels were stacked vertically, in layers on top of
one another within the ship. The pointed bottom allowed the vessels to be
jammed between the necks of the vessels below, making the whole shipping
area quite secure (Hayes 1997: 27). Essentially locked together, the amphorae
would not break or shift with the rolling of the sea. The high number of am-
phorae that are found intact within excavated shipwrecks attests to the success
of this strategy.
Roman art has been an important subject within Roman studies for a long
time. The study of Roman art is a discipline in its own right and only some
comment can be made here. No matter what kind of background one has in art
history, it is probably easy to recognize Roman art or references to it. There is
something very powerful and distinctive about Roman art that makes it (or its
influences) easy to identify. This quality makes Roman art very powerful. Even
centuries later it is still possible to understand and be influenced by Roman
artistry, even though the culture is long gone.
Paintings from Rome are very important in the wider field of art-historical
study because of the large volume preserved (Charles-Picard 1968: 8). Com-
pared with the relative paucity of surviving Greek examples of painting, Ro-
man painting is the major source of our understanding (other than literary de-
scriptions) of Classical painting (Ling 1991b: 5). This art form is usually
considered in two major categories. The first is painting on moving tablets
(Ling 1988a: 1771; Ling 1991b: 1). The second is painting directly on walls
(Ling 1988a: 1771). Because of the nature of preservation, the wall paintings in
the Vesuvian cities have been studied in the greatest detail. Also well studied
are tomb wall paintings from the beginning of Roman civilization. The first
category, movable painting, has not been preserved to nearly the same extent
as wall painting, and as such, it is treated in far less detail in the secondary lit-
erature. Because wall painting was related to architecture, the forms of wall
painting are discussed in more detail in the section titled “Decoration” on page
241 of this chapter.
The techniques and materials used for Roman painting depended on the type
of painting. In the first category of Roman art, the paint was applied directly to
a wooden (or sometimes stone) plaque (Charles-Picard 1968: 47). Wall art in-
volved painting directly upon a layer of plaster stucco that had been directly
applied to the wall (Pratt 1976: 227). The paint itself was derived from natural
sources (Pratt 1976: 224). Minerals provided pigments for earth colors (i.e.,
browns and dark reds). Vegetable and animal sources provided other colors
(Pratt 1976: 224). Worth mentioning is the famous purple dye, well associated
with Roman royalty, that came initially from Phoenicia. Purple dye was derived
from murex shells that were found off the coast of modern-day Lebanon.
Many themes were explored in Roman painting. One of the most important
was portraiture. Roman portraiture was quite striking in its attention to real-
ism. Roman portraits can be eerie to view, because one is truly looking at the
image of a person from centuries ago. This was a unique feature in the ancient
world, because most ancient art attempted to portray ideal visions of the hu-
man form (e.g., strength, youth, beauty) or very schematized aspects of the in-
dividual. But in Roman portraits, even the wrinkles were painted in close de-
tail. This attempt to faithfully reproduce the image of an individual is called
veristic style, from the word veritas, which means “truth” (Strong 1976: 44).
Landscapes were also an important component of Roman painting (Ling
1991b: 142). At times realistic and at times whimsical, landscape paintings
brought the tranquillity of the natural world to the interior of Roman struc-
tures (Charles-Picard 1968: 98; Ling 1991b: 143). Similarly, mythological scenes
or images of daily life were important themes in Roman painting (Charles-Pi-
card 1968: 98; Ling 1991b: 101). These paintings were often very lush, and all
tended to be romanticized representations rather than realistic depictions—ex-
actly the opposite of the intentions behind portraiture.
Mosaic is an art form, incorporated directly into architecture, that archaeologi-
cally survives much better than wall painting. The reason for this is that the
primary components of a mosaic are the pieces of stone that make up the de-
sign. Even if the mosaic was broken or damaged, skilled restorers frequently
could put it back together again, almost like a jigsaw puzzle. When traveling
in the Mediterranean, if one visits a Roman archaeological site, one is bound to
see a mosaic reconstructed by archaeologists. This is true of floor mosaics; pre-
served wall mosaics are much rarer (although there are exceptions; the Vesu-
vian wall mosaics have survived virtually intact).
Roman mosaics developed out of Hellenistic traditions of art in this medium
(Charles-Picard 1968: 97). But the Romans really took the art of mosaic crafting
to a higher level by attempting to create designs specifically for this medium,
rather than simply reinterpreting artwork previously conceived of as a paint-
ing (Strong 1976: 236). By the empire period, mosaics were quite popular, but
they also had become mass produced and of lower quality (Strong 1976: 236).
There were a variety of types of mosaics, based on the different construction
techniques. Both Vitruvius and Pliny record the methods ancient artists used
to create this kind of artwork. The most well-known kinds of mosaics are those
composed of tesserae, small stone cubes (Neal 1976: 241). But there are other
kinds of mosaics as well. Signinum consist of colored mortar and chunks of
stone and other materials (Strong 1976: 101). Opus sectile are mosaics that use
large pieces of stone that are cut in different shapes from one another and are
assembled to form the design (Neal 1976: 241).
Mosaics had numerous kinds of designs. Often scholars divide mosaics into
two major categories—black and white mosaics and polychrome mosaics
(Strong 1976: 101). Certainly the most common kind of mosaics were those that
depicted simple geometric images or designs. Unlike Hellenistic mosaics, the
geometric or abstract designs lacked a focal point. There were also nongeomet-
ric images. Mythic themes were often employed, especially myths appropriate
to the type of room (Ling 1991b: 136; Strong 1976: 236). So, for example, water
scenes were often found in baths. Human figures were also depicted. How-
ever, these figures were not historic individuals, but rather personifications of
cities, seasons, months, and other abstract concepts. In the western provinces,
scenes taken from daily life—appropriate to the kind of activities that took
place in the particular room—were also employed.
Numerous examples of Roman sculpture have survived to the present, and
clearly sculpture was a vibrant form of art in Roman times. The subject of Ro-
man sculpture is usually explored alongside Greek sculpture. The relation-
ship of Roman sculpture to Greek sculpture traditions is particularly prob-
lematic. The earliest examples of Roman sculpture seem more related to
Etruscan artistic styles; funerary masks are especially indicative of this (Bo-
nanno 1983: 82; Ramage and Ramage 1996: 40). But when, in the Republican
period, Rome began to expand into Greek regions, Greek artistic influence be-
came very strong (Brilliant 1974: 200). Much of this influence came directly
from the Greeks, because Greek artists were brought to the city of Rome. By
the imperial period, Greek styles and types of sculpture predominated, but
the subject matter had become very Roman. In the provinces, a similar phe-
nomenon occurred in that Roman subjects were sculpted in local styles and
materials (Strong 1976: 217).
Like Greek sculpture, Roman sculpture tended to be very naturalistic, mean-
ing that the Roman artists attempted to render the sculpture to look like the
Material Culture 237
One of the most important pieces of Roman sculpture that illustrate how
scholarly categories are not always so clear-cut is the masterpiece Ara Pacis
Augustae (the Altar of Augustan Peace).This was a monumental version of an
altar, probably based on Greek models in a much smaller scale.The reliefs as-
sociated with the altar carry a novel kind of imperial image. It is an example
of historical relief sculpture, commemorating a procession and sacrifice that
actually took place in 13 B.C.E. The altar was atop a stepped platform, sur-
rounded by screens. On the east and west sides were doorways, and associ-
ated with the doors were panels sculpted with reliefs of mythological scenes.
subject in form (Strong 1976: 44). Sculptures were made in many materials
(Brilliant 1988: 1729). Stone and marble sculptures are the best-known types of
Roman statuary in modern times, but this is probably because stone lasts so
long in the archaeological record. In fact, many Roman statues in modern mu-
seums did not come from archaeological excavations; Roman statues were of
such a high quality that they were kept for centuries.
Roman sculpture was created for many reasons and fulfilled many artistic
roles. Scholars generally divide Roman sculpture into three categories: com-
memorative, funerary, and religious (Bonanno 1983: 70–71), but these cate-
gories should be considered very loose classifications. Commemorative art
tends to be reflected in portraits (Strong 1976: 44). Busts (sculptures of an indi-
vidual from the shoulders up), statues in the round (statues of an individual’s
entire body), and equestrian statues (individuals riding horses) are the most
common types of commemorative works. Religious sculpture can come in
many forms. Cult statues are statues of deities, religious figures, or personified
forces. Sculptural decoration is also an important component of religious
sculpture traditions. In funerary contexts, sculptured sarcophagi were impor-
tant in Roman elite funerary culture, even within the context of a tradition of
Glassmaking was not a Roman invention, although this mistake is made in
many museum displays. Glass had already been manufactured for centuries in
Mesopotamia and Egypt. The Romans initially used Hellenistic glassmaking
techniques, and after glass blowing was invented in Syria in the first century
B.C.E., this technique was also incorporated (Price 1976: 114). By about 100 C.E.,
blowing glass became the dominant method of manufacturing within the Ro-
man Empire (Price 1976: 111). This new technology allowed glass to be made
cheaply and quickly, enabling mass production and shipping throughout the
Glass was very widespread in the Roman world and was used in a variety of
contexts. In architectural contexts, glass was used in windows and as a means
of decoration. Glass was used for tableware, especially as drinking imple-
ments. Luxury items in glass are also attested to. Cameo glasses were very
common. This was a kind of decorative art in which two layers of different col-
ored glass (frequently white on blue) were pressed together (Price 1976: 123).
The top layer was carved, leaving a design in relief in the color of the lower
layer. Cage glasses were later luxury items (Price 1976: 123). These looked like
modern drinking glasses, except that the outer layer of glass was carved in
what looked like a cage or net design.
Gems were an important category of Roman art. Gems could be embedded in
settings to make jewelry. Of more interest to scholars are those gems that were
engraved (called intaglios). Roman gems are based on Greek and Etruscan
styles (Henig 1983: 153). But unlike Greek and Etruscan scholarship on gems
(which is quite advanced), scholarship on Roman gems has only just begun
(Spiers 1992: 73). Much of the problem with the study of Roman gems comes
from the fact that gems were remarkably similar throughout the duration of
Roman history and across the many lands under Roman dominion (Spiers
1992: 75; but see Henig 1974: 43). So it has been impossible to create useful
chronological and typological categories for Roman gems. A variety of factors
have constrained the development of the study of this artifact category. For ex-
ample, there is a large temporal gap in the study of Roman gems, because var-
ious sumptuary laws limited their use in the early Republican period. More
problematic is the fact that most Roman gems do not come from controlled ar-
chaeological investigations. They are more frequently purchased illicitly, and
there are quite a few in the hands of private collectors (for more on the contro-
versies of collecting, see chapter 11).
Scholars study Roman gems in terms of certain stylistic criteria, often di-
vorced from chronology and geography. These criteria include engraving
style, iconography, and any settings in which the gems were placed (Spiers
1992: 76). Often these settings are much easier to date or to place in historical
context than are gems on their own. The type and shape of gemstone are also
important criteria for study. Gems in Roman times were frequently made of
types of quartz, including carnelian, chalcedony, agate, and sardonyx (Spiers
1992: 5). Jaspers, especially red, green, and yellow jaspers, became popular
from the second century C.E. in Rome (Spiers 1992: 5). Garnet was also fre-
quently used for gems (Spiers 1992: 5).
every day. This kind of deposition is very unusual because most archaeological
finds are the purposefully discarded remains of the ancient world. From an
art-historical perspective, there is a rich tradition of visual depiction of every-
day life. And especially with the prominence of veristic styles, this information
can be very helpful. Textually, because of the encyclopedic tendencies of Ro-
man writers, there are very good written accounts of everyday life.
Household Artifacts
It may be somewhat misleading to include only one section on household dec-
oration, because there were so many different types of houses, and because
class and taste were important carriers of difference. But some general com-
ments can nonetheless be made if these problems are kept in mind. Especially
in terms of technology and style, household artifacts reflected the values of Ro-
man society. So some standardization was present; just keep in mind that in
general, the discussion that follows centers on elite households.
Furniture. The Roman household was furnished but certainly not to the ex-
tent that North American and European homes are furnished today. Furniture
was extremely expensive relative to other products available in Rome, and
space was limited (Cowell 1980: 24–25). So even the wealthy were more likely
to concentrate on acquiring better-quality furniture than on greater numbers of
furniture (Cowell 1980: 24). As was discussed in the first section of this chapter,
Roman homes had rooms that were, at least ideally, divided according to func-
tion. Sometimes the furniture of specific rooms reflected these divisions. But
consider your own house as an analogy. You might have rooms that are desig-
nated for particular functions (dining room, bedroom, etc.), and have appro-
priate furniture (dining table, beds, etc.), but in actual daily practice a wide va-
riety of activities take place in the rooms. The same was likely true for the
Romans. So do not consider these distinctions about rooms and furniture as
hard-and-fast rules about how Romans behaved in the home. Rather, consider
them in terms of underlying principles that may or may not have been fol-
lowed by the residents.
The atrium of the house was an ever-changing space that fulfilled a variety
of functions and housed a wide variety of furniture. But it is also the easiest
space to recognize archaeologically because of its distinct architectural fea-
tures. There are at least ten examples of Pompeiian homes in which chests
were found in the atrium (Ellis 2000: 146). In addition, some Pompeiian atri-
ums contained pottery that was quite large and normally associated with stor-
age (Ellis 2000: 146–147). It is likely that the atrium was used as a storage area,
as well as an area of the house in which domestic tasks were performed, be-
cause of the open space and open roof (Ellis 2000: 147). Also found in atriums
were marble tables called cartibulum (Ellis 2000: 146).
Most often associated with the furniture kept within the house was the tri-
clinium, named after the couches typically associated with the room. This was
the main dining and reception room of the household. In elite houses, diners
would recline on couches to eat meals rather than sitting upright (although
this was considered a luxury even in Rome and may have been the ideal rather
than the typical method of eating). Three couches were placed in a semicircle,
probably fitting about seven or eight diners (Ellis 2000: 148). The diners would
recline with their heads toward the center of the circle and their feet toward
the walls (Ellis 2000: 148). Tables were very small and close to the ground (Ellis
2000: 148). Usually courses were served one at a time, so the small serving
space was not a hindrance to dining. But there were no large dining tables
such as the kind that would be found in a house today. Sometimes cupboards
were placed in the triclinium, in which serving equipment was probably
stored, although this is not known for certain (Ellis 2000: 152).
Although it may seem odd to modern readers, beds were not found in great
quantities in the Roman household. Slaves were unlikely to have beds, and
even children were not necessarily provided with them. Although beds did
not survive particularly well in the archaeological record, educated guesses
can be made about where they would have been placed in some homes. The
basis for this is the of mosaics in rooms assumed to be bedrooms. If the bed-
room had a mosaic, there was frequently an undecorated, rectangular segment
of the mosaic placed along the rear wall (Ellis 2000: 156). It is assumed that the
reason this part of the mosaic lacked decoration was that it would have been
covered by furniture.
Kitchens are also difficult to identify archaeologically, a fact that has led
scholars to suggest that Roman homes often did not have kitchens, and that
food was either eaten cold or acquired from local taverns (Ellis 2000: 159). If a
kitchen is identifiable archaeologically, the furniture is usually of two types.
The first is the oven and related cooking equipment (Ellis 2000: 158). The sec-
ond is the domestic shrine or cultic equipment, which seemed to be placed in
the same area as food preparation (Ellis 2000: 158).
There were also types of furniture not specific to particular rooms. Chairs
were not common in Roman houses in the way that they are today. Wealthier
homes did have chairs, and these would have been offered to guests out of re-
spect or used by the higher-status household members (Cowell 1980: 24–25).
Folding stools would have been used more frequently due to their ease of stor-
age, mobility, and inexpensive price (Cowell 1980: 25). Portable wooden
screens were also used in the household to subdivide space on a more tempo-
rary basis than walls (Ellis 2000: 147).
Lighting. The most important source of light for Roman homes was the sun.
Windows were strategically located throughout the house to give access to
sunlight. This made lighting quite uneven, not only from room to room, but
also within individual rooms. But after the sun went down, it was, of course, a
useless source of light. Oil lamps were one means of lighting the home (Cowell
1980: 28). Found all over the Roman Empire, oil lamps are instantly recogniza-
ble. They are ceramic and seem to be typologically based on the oil lamps used
in the Near East from as long ago as the early Bronze Age. There are more lux-
urious versions of oil lamps, made out of different kinds of metal, but the ce-
ramic lamps are the type found most frequently in excavations. Oil was
Material Culture 241
poured into the lamp, and a wick was inserted. The oil burned slowly, giving
off a soft glowing light. These lamps were placed on tables and stands
throughout the Roman home. Oil was very expensive, however, so these
lamps would not have been used in the poorer homes without consideration of
the cost (Cowell 1980: 28). Similarly, braziers were used to burn charcoal, not
only for light, but also to heat the home (Cowell 1980: 26). Remember, though,
that all of these technologies involving fire were not as easy to use in the an-
cient world as they would be in modern times. Without matches, creating a fire
was a very time-consuming task; there were likely some fires burning all day
in order to facilitate the nightly lighting of lamps.
Clothing. Roman clothing did not vary substantially throughout Roman his-
tory. Indeed, there is a remarkable conservatism in Roman dress that spans the
Republican and imperial periods (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 344). Although it
is possible to make some observations about changing styles, these changes
are in the details; the overall nature of Roman clothing was relatively consis-
tent. Clothing also reflected some of the same attitudes that Romans had to-
ward architecture, in terms of standardization (Bonfante and Jaunzems 1988:
1401). Clothing was not a statement of individuality in Roman times; it did not
(for the most part) reflect personal tastes and preferences (Bonfante and Jaun-
zems 1988: 1401). Rather, clothing was functional and standardized. Particular
clothes were appropriate for certain people in certain situations (Bonfante and
Jaunzems 1988: 1401). Deviation from these norms was not acceptable in Ro-
man society. Clothing directly indicated one’s social status and occupation. Al-
though this may be somewhat true of today’s fashion (we have clothes that are
appropriate for formal occasions, for work, and for the gym), there is still a de-
gree of choice in fashion today that was not available to the ancient Roman.
Textiles in the Republican period were manufactured at home (Bonfante and
Jaunzems 1988: 1401; Cowell 1980: 68). Although this continued to some extent
in the imperial period, textile factories came into existence at that time as well
(Bonfante and Jaunzems 1988: 1402). The most common fabrics were wool and
flax, and most fabrics were white in color (Cowell 1980: 68). Most garments
were created from one large piece of fabric, rectangular or oval in shape (Cow-
ell 1980: 68). More elaborate garments could involve stitching more than one
piece of fabric together (Bonfante and Jaunzems 1988: 1401). Clothes repre-
sented a considerable investment of time and resources, and as such were a
Material Culture 243
so when out in public (Cowell 1980: 73). Cloaks were also worn over the regu-
lar ensemble, depending on the weather (Cowell 1980: 74).
Personal Hygiene. Hygiene and grooming were very important to the Ro-
mans. There is a lot of evidence (more so than for most ancient cultures) for the
methods and styles of hygiene. Women wore makeup and perfumes. They
plucked their eyebrows and removed unwanted hair by rubbing the area with
pumice stones (Cowell 1980: 64). Men kept their beards until Scipio Africanus
made it fashionable for men to be clean-shaven (Cowell 1980: 66). Shaving was
considered too difficult a task for men to do themselves, so a barber or slave
would have to assist (Cowell 1980: 67). Hairstyles in general varied with
changing tastes (Cowell 1980: 65). There is much evidence, especially from art-
historical recordings, for different hairstyles. Perhaps the best-known type of
Roman hairstyle was what is known today as a “Caesar cut,” although this
was not the name of this style in antiquity. Dental care was just as important as
hair care; white teeth were the expected norm of the upper classes (Cowell
1980: 64). Bathing was perhaps the most important element of personal hy-
giene, but more is said on that topic in chapter 10.
Adkins, Lesley, and Roy Adkins. 1994. Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Boëthius, Axel. 1960. The Golden House of Nero. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan
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Bonanno, Anthony. 1983. “Sculpture.” In A Handbook of Roman Art. M. Henig (ed.).
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Intellectual Accomplishments
A common theme will become apparent in this chapter: the claim that the
Romans were relatively impoverished in comparison with the Greeks in
terms of intellectual accomplishment. This belief is widely held by classicists
(especially by those who specialize in Greece) but it is not accurate. Although
it is easy to disparage the Roman intellectual heritage when comparing gladia-
tors with Plato, it is more difficult to justify this attitude toward Rome when its
cultural achievements are considered. If the Romans really were as intellectu-
ally deprived as scholars often suggest, how did they build the Pantheon? And
how did they manage an empire of such incredible size and diversity for so
Roman intellectual accomplishments have to be considered on their own
terms. It is true that in terms of science and philosophy, the Romans borrowed
heavily from the Greeks. But at the same time, Romans adapted and used
Greek concepts in very distinct ways. The Romans were much more prag-
matic—intellectual thought was put into actual, practical use. The Roman
writings that have been preserved do not concentrate on speculative intellectu-
alism in the same ways that preserved Greek writings do. But the Romans
were familiar with those Greek traditions and attempted to preserve and dis-
seminate Greek science and philosophy. That should be considered an intellec-
tual accomplishment in and of itself.
Roman science was dominated by scholars who researched and compiled in-
formation from other authorities (Stahl 1962). The expert in Roman science was
ideally the individual who could compile as many different sources on a sub-
ject as possible, and by so doing, gain mastery of that subject himself (Stahl
1962). Although some of these authors (such as Varro and Pliny the Elder) pro-
duced massive tomes on these subjects, perhaps the most popular Roman sci-
entific works were handbooks (Potter 1996: 93; Stahl 1962). A book like the one
you are reading right now would have been very suitable to Roman scientific
tastes. Handbooks and abridgments of larger treatises were common tools for a
Roman scholar. Not only did they facilitate reading, but they also lowered the
cost of copying and purchasing the volumes (Stahl 1962). These kinds of works
were produced for practically all subjects, and this trend should be seen as one
of the guiding principles behind Roman science. What follows is a discussion
of some of the more prominent aspects of Roman science.
Intellectual Accomplishments 249
seem to be any concern with divisions of time that were smaller than hours
(e.g., minutes).
Divination, the art of predicting the future based on observations and ritual
practices, was an important Roman science. Some might cringe at categorizing
divination as a science, but for the ancients this was appropriate. From the ear-
liest evidence of divination (in Mesopotamia), it is clear that ancient divination
was based on careful and rigorous observations of the natural world and his-
torical events. It was not a charlatan’s art; it was a legitimate attempt by the an-
cients to understand the connection among various elements of the world.
But the religious basis of divination should not be neglected. For many di-
viners, these arts were a primary medium of contact between gods and hu-
mans. The various divinatory practices allowed humans to find out the will of
the gods and to gain messages from the gods. Sometimes humans initiated this
kind of communication, when diviners performed in a ritual to ask the gods a
question. Other times, the gods initiated the communication system by send-
ing messages in the form of signs, which it was the responsibility of the divin-
ers to interpret. What follows are brief discussions of the major kinds of Ro-
man divination other than astrology.
Haruspices. The haruspices in Roman times were diviners who studied partic-
ular phenomena in order to understand the will of the gods. The term haruspex
refers to diviners who used any number of techniques. Only the most promi-
nent will be mentioned here. These traditions in Rome stem originally from the
omen literature of Mesopotamia and may have been transmitted to the Ro-
mans through Etruscan culture. There were direct connections between these
Mesopotamian arts and the Roman arts of the haruspex. Hepatoscopy, the
study of animal entrails, was another science that originated in Mesopotamia
and lasted through the Roman period. The trained diviner learned the will of
the gods through the examination of a slaughtered animal’s entrails (in
Mesopotamia the liver was the most important organ for this information).
This may seem horrifying to a modern reader, but it is important to remember
that slaughtering animals was a daily activity in the Roman world. There was
not the same kind of disassociation with food production in the ancient world
as there is now, so the slaughtering of an animal would not have been shock-
ing to a Roman. Related to hepatoscopy was the study of unusual natural phe-
nomena—deformed births, strange growths, or anything that in modern times
would be found in a Ripley’s Believe It or Not® museum. These phenomena
were signals from the gods and were deeply meaningful. Weather phenomena
were similarly important; thunder and lightning were usually bad omens (Pot-
ter 1996: 93). Especially given Jupiter’s connection to thunder and lightning,
these weather omens were of primary importance.
Augury. Augury was a method for learning whether the gods approved of
certain actions (like battles) before they were begun (Ferguson 1988b: 911).
This involved the careful observation of the habits of birds, referred to as “tak-
ing the auspices.” Although the Greeks knew this kind of divination, the Ro-
mans transformed augury into a rigorous science. Roman augurs followed
Intellectual Accomplishments 253
Aelius Aristides
Born in 117 C.E., Aelius Aristides is known from his autobiography, The Sacred
Tales. He was a man plagued by illnesses that first struck him in about 142 C.E.
These illnesses were debilitating (although some scholars have called Aris-
tides a hypochondriac). Whatever the nature of his illnesses, they were very
real to him. The Sacred Tales recount his healing, granted by the god Asclepius.
Asclepius communicated to Aristides through dreams, giving him advice on
methods of healing. These methods involved fasting, vomiting, and various
types of physical shock using extremes of temperature. Asclepius also com-
manded Aristides to record the advice-bearing dreams, which he did in his
very careful rules in performing the rituals and receiving answers to questions.
The system was too complicated for the general public, and eventually a col-
lege was established. Augurs were elected for life, and were responsible not
only for asking questions of the gods, but also for watching for unsolicited
messages from the gods.
Natural Sciences
It is difficult to discuss Roman scientific inquiry into the natural world in de-
tail. It is often stated that the Romans were not very interested in the natural
sciences, or that they never achieved the level of knowledge that the Greeks
were able to achieve. These kinds of claims overstate the situation, and in fact,
there is evidence for the work of some Roman scientists. The problem is that
the work of these scientists has not been preserved in written accounts.
Physics was a subject of great importance to the Romans. The most obvious
manifestations of this interest are the massive feats of engineering and technol-
ogy that would have been impossible without some knowledge of physics.
True, this is applied science, but that does not make it any less rigorous or ac-
complished than theoretical science. For those people who put theoretical sci-
ence on a higher level, though, there are Roman examples even of this, particu-
larly among the Epicureans. Lucretius’s poem, De Rerum Natura, is a poem
about atomic theory (Potter 1996: 92). In verse, Lucretius expounded on the ba-
sic constituent elements of the natural world and commented about quantum
Similarly, the biological and geographical sciences were also of interest to
the Romans. Perhaps the best-known example of this kind of literature is the
encyclopedia written by Pliny the Elder, called Natural History. In this thirty-
seven-volume work, Pliny has compiled Greek and Latin learning on subjects
such as zoology, botany, mineralogy, astronomy, mathematical geography, and
topographical geography. The work relies heavily on Greek sources, but its
popularity in Rome was surely indicative of Roman interests in the more theo-
retical aspects of the natural sciences.
people who acted in historically important events could provide the greatest
insight and instruction based on their participation. The causes of historical
events were particularly important. Understanding why things happened as
they did was one of the best means of learning from the past.
Another major theme in Roman historical writing was recounting the stories
of great people. Autobiographies were written to justify the individual’s own
actions to future readers (Lintott 1988: 231; Mellor 1988: 1557). Biographies
were written as models for good and bad behavior (Lintott 1988: 23; Mellor
1988: 1554). These biographies were not always glowing praise of past figures.
Suetonius compiled imperial biographies, filled with both the achievements
and the scandals of the emperors. Plutarch compiled a work that compared the
lives of various Roman and Greek individuals to demonstrate particular as-
pects of humanity.
Roman philosophy has been consistently underrated by later critics. However,
it is true that philosophy was not well received in the Republican period. In
fact, in 161 B.C.E., the Senate allowed philosophers to be expelled from the city
(Shelton 1988: 426). And compared with Greek accomplishments in this area of
intellectual activity, Roman accomplishments were less obvious, often based
directly upon earlier Greek schools of thought. However, it is important to rec-
ognize that the Romans contributed substantially to the history of the disci-
pline of philosophy. Even when using Greek models, Roman philosophers
adapted these schools of thought in particularly Roman ways.
Before specific individuals and schools of thought are described, some obser-
vations about ancient Roman philosophy in general should be made. For ex-
ample, to the Roman, philosophy was an important guide to how one should
conduct oneself and how one should live. It was more than just an intellectual
pursuit; it had direct application to everyday life. Morality and the relationship
between humans and gods were important subjects of inquiry. Also of impor-
tance to Roman philosophers were the subjects of physics and metaphysics.
The very nature of the composition and functioning of the universe was di-
rectly tied to “right living” in the Roman mind. Although it might seem un-
usual to the reader that philosophy and physics should be so connected, that
connection is still quite strong today. In the sections that follow, some of the
specific schools of thought prominent in Roman times are addressed.
Arguably the most influential philosophical school in Roman times was Sto-
icism. Founded in Athens by Zeno, the name Stoic is derived from the colon-
nade where Zeno lectured, called the Stoa. Originally from Cyprus, Zeno lived
from about 333 to 262 B.C.E. He should not be mistaken for the Zeno written
about by Aristotle. At the basis of Stoic philosophy was the concept of logos, of-
ten translated into English as “logic” (Hayes 2002: xx). True knowledge in-
volves understanding logos. All knowledge is a process based on perception
Intellectual Accomplishments 257
by the senses (Hayes 2002: xxvii). These perceptions were then evaluated by
the mind, according to Stoic logic. Physics was equally important in the quest
for wisdom. Zeno’s Stoic school had a distinct view of the makeup of the uni-
verse. All things had some sort of bodily substance, and this bodily substance
was unified and connected (Shelton 1988: 432). Unlike the Epicureans, Stoics
did not believe in atoms, and they did not believe that individual components
made up the greater whole (Shelton 1988: 432). Yet the Stoics did believe that at
the same time that everything is physically connected, everything is also ever-
changing. These basic notions of the physical world lie at the heart of Stoic
thought. In addition, ethics, which had as its goal the attainment of happiness,
was also important (Shelton 1988: 432).
The popularity of Stoicism in Roman society made sense for a number of rea-
sons. It was possible to study ethics from a Stoic perspective, without studying
logic and physics, if the individual was not interested in the latter subjects
(Shelton 1988: 431). And indeed, many Romans were not very interested in
studies that did not lead to tangible, practical results. Since Stoicism was a very
adaptable philosophy, it was easy to pick and choose the parts of the doctrines
that were desirable—a particularly Roman approach to philosophy. Many of
the specific features of Stoic philosophy were also well suited to Roman values.
In general, the Stoics praised discipline and steadfastness as virtuous ways of
life (Shelton 1988: 431). The very meaning of the word stoic in modern English
well suits the Roman Stoic ideals, which also well suits Roman values derived
from other areas of life. And because Stoicism did not require withdrawal from
public, civic, or familial life, it was easily incorporated into Roman society
(Clarke 1956). Stoicism was also more easily compatible with Roman religion
(Clarke 1956). The stories of the gods were useful as a means of describing the
human condition. But more useful was divination, which allowed the diviner
direct access to the rhythms of the world and nature.
Of tremendous importance in Stoic thought was the idea that happiness was
best attained by living in harmony with nature (Clarke 1956). However, this
was not the kind of harmony with nature, or the simple life, that was espoused
by American transcendentalists like Ralph Waldo Emerson. To the Stoics, “na-
ture” meant the material substance that was manifest in all that exists (Shelton
1988: 432). For humans, reason was the embodiment of this concept, and as
such, the happy person was the one who lived according to reason. Part of this
process was the deprivation of or control over emotion. Remember, in Stoic
logic, information is first gained from the senses and then evaluated by the
mind. This is the stage when the virtuous individual had the possibility to fol-
low reason and decide not to react emotionally to a situation. Choice was para-
mount; if you followed Stoic teachings, nothing could affect you unless you al-
lowed it to do so.
Although the exact teachings of Stoicism varied considerably, the foregoing
descriptions represent the general gist of the teachings. Although many Ro-
mans followed Stoicism, we know about the philosophy through the writings
of only a few individuals. Seneca the Younger is an important source on Sto-
icism, as he wrote so voluminously. Seneca lived from around 4 B.C.E. to 65 C.E.
and argued that it was important to put oneself in difficult situations to test
one’s ability to endure and apply reason (Shelton 1988: 435). Suicide was an
appropriate response to unbearable hardship (Shelton 1988: 435), and Seneca
chose this route, killing himself rather than suffer after being implicated in a
conspiracy to kill Nero.
Perhaps the most famous Roman Stoic is Marcus Aurelius. Emperor of
Rome from 161 to 180 C.E., Marcus Aurelius has gained modern-day popular-
ity with various editions of his Meditations. Like The Art of War by Sun Tzu,
these ancient writings speak vividly to modern readers. People have regarded
it as an ancient kind of Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. So it is important
to be careful about which edition you read, because the commentaries often
have more to do with current publishing trends than with Roman civilization.
Meditations was written while Marcus Aurelius was campaigning against the
barbarians and is an eclectic collection of thoughts. He was not particularly
Intellectual Accomplishments 259
Also imported from Athenian tradition was Epicureanism, which, although
not as popular in Rome, was still quite important. Epicureans were disciples of
Epicurus, who taught in Athens and lived from 341 to 271 B.C.E. Most of our
knowledge of him comes from the poet Lucretius, who lived in Rome from 99
to 55 B.C.E. At the outset of this discussion it is important to clarify that the En-
glish word epicure (meaning a person wholly devoted to sensual pleasure)
does not reflect Epicurean thought, but rather the hostile reaction of later writ-
ers to Epicurean thought. In many ways, this was actually the opposite of what
Epicureans believed.
Sensual pleasure was not real pleasure. Happiness, according to the Epicure-
ans, was attained by becoming free of stress (Shelton 1988: 427). Things that
caused sensual pleasure were dangerous because they could lead to pain. Lux-
ury did not increase happiness; it was best to satisfy needs as simply as possi-
ble (Clarke 1956: 7; Shelton 1988: 427). Desire, which was related to luxury, was
a kind of mental illness (Clarke 1956). Desire for anything—power, wealth,
love—would lead to pain eventually (Clarke 1956). True happiness was gained
by withdrawing completely from life; marriage and civic participation were
not approved of in Epicurean thought (Clarke 1956). Friendship, on the other
hand, was healthy and led to increased happiness. Sexual activity was also
beneficial, so long as it was unencumbered with obligation (Clarke 1956).
Fear, like desire, was another hindrance to happiness. One of the chief are-
nas in which fear was created was religion. Humans feared the gods, and this
fear led to a loss of happiness. Although the gods did exist, according to the
Epicureans, they were remote beings that did not participate in human life in
any way (Asmis 1988: 1640). So it was senseless to attempt to involve oneself
with the gods through religion. Fear could be vanquished through physics and
scientific knowledge (Shelton 1988: 427). To the Epicureans, knowledge of the
world made the world a less fearful place. Although the soul did not survive
death, the constituent elements of the self—atoms—were eternal (Shelton
1988: 427–428). All things were composed of atoms or void, according to the
Epicurean physicists. Death was the process of atoms disassembling from their
current state (Shelton 1988: 428).
Much of this philosophy did not fit well with Roman ideals. The idea that
civic and familial life should be avoided was anathema to the Romans (Clarke
1956). Civic and familial life were the cornerstones of Roman society. More-
over, the belief that the gods did not participate in human life was also difficult
for the average Roman. But even with its lack of fit in normative Roman soci-
ety, Epicureanism played an important role in the philosophical development
of the civilization.
The Gnostics were a sect of Christianity with very distinctive philosophical un-
derstandings. They were the subject of scorn and attack from other Roman
Intellectual Accomplishments 261
Roman law was dynamic and complex. It is impossible to give a complete
overview of Roman legal practices and philosophy here. Rather, specific
themes of importance will be singled out. The evidence for Roman law is quite
uneven. There is much information from the later imperial periods, as well as
much writing by individuals who were interested in law. On the other hand,
there is very little information on how law affected the underprivileged, or
what the social basis for law was. The actual practice of law is also not as clear
as some scholars suggest.
Modern scholars tend to write glowing accounts of Roman law. It was de-
scribed as one of humanity’s greatest intellectual achievements and was seen
as the basis of continental Europe’s modern legal system (Watson 1973: 3). One
of the key points often suggested by scholars of Rome is that Roman law was
the first legal system divorced from religion. Often this is viewed against our
most familiar ancient legal source—the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. The
context of the rich legal material found in the Bible is a series of commands
given by God. For that very reason, Roman scholars saw Roman law, which
was not thought to be divinely inspired, as a step beyond biblical law. Even if
this argument could be considered valid (as it is an extreme oversimplification
of the biblical material), Rome nonetheless was not the earliest society with
laws based in human activities and divorced from the divine. Mesopotamia
had a rich legal tradition and survives in many sources. Moreover, in the early
years of the Roman republic, the responsibility for the interpretation of law
was held by the College of Pontiffs—a religious institution! Roman law was
not the clear break with the past that many Roman scholars claim. When read-
ing accounts of Roman law, be careful to separate the author’s enthusiasm for
the subject from the considerable data available for its study.
The Twelve Tables. A demand made by the plebs during the Conflict of the
Orders (see chapter 6) was that laws be written down (Jolowicz 1967: 11). In
451 B.C.E., according to ancient sources, ten patricians (called the decemviri)
were commissioned to record a series of laws (Jolowicz 1967: 11). These laws
came to be known as The Twelve Tables. Tablets were set up in the Forum so
that all could read these laws (but see Schiller 1978: 146–147). The Gauls de-
stroyed the original tablets in 390 B.C.E., but their contents were preserved in
numerous copies (although no complete edition exists today). Even after their
destruction by the Gauls, these laws were perceived as the basis of subsequent
Roman law (Jolowicz 1967: 106). An important part of Roman education was
the study of these original Twelve Tables or editions of them (Jolowicz 1967:
106; Schiller 1978: 148).
Because a complete edition of the laws is not available, it is impossible to be
certain about their contents and format (Cornell 1995: 278). Many scholars
have attempted to reconstruct the order of the laws and their overall format,
but these attempts can only be considered interpretations (see Schiller 1978:
Intellectual Accomplishments 263
149–151). The form in which the laws survive is often puzzling. Without con-
text, the fragments of the laws are often very strange and difficult to under-
stand. Sometimes the law was in the form of an “if-then” statement (Cornell
1995: 279; Jolowicz 1967: 107). Other times it was in the form of prohibitive
statements (“you shall not”) (Cornell 1995: 279).
Scholars have been able to identify some of the issues dealt with by the laws
(Cornell 1995: 280–292). Regulations on treatment of slaves and debt-slaves
was a theme (see chapter 6). Family law was also included, giving the husband
the same rights over his wife as over his children. At the same time, obligations
and the rights of other family members were also listed. Regulations on the ob-
ligations between individuals of different status were also included (see chap-
ter 6 for a discussion of status).
Edicts. Legal edicts tended not to be long lists of rules and regulations in the
Roman world. Rather, the form of a legal edict was a statement of intent
(Jolowicz 1967: 95). The author would attempt to convey a general statement
of principle. In the Republican period, the praetors would issue edicts that
would stand during their year-long term in office (Watson 1988: 609). By the
imperial period, praetorial edicts were no longer an important component.
The comitia tributa became more responsible for the issuing of legal edicts
(Watson 1988: 610). Any edict issued by the emperor was, of course, binding
(Watson 1988: 611). By 230 C.E., the Senate had become the dominant source of
legal edicts (Jolowicz 1967: 372–373).
Legal Practices
The actual practice of law in Rome is not completely clear. The records tend to
illustrate the legal mechanisms in place for the wealthy and from the perspec-
tive of those heavily interested in the law. There is not much information on
how an everyday person encountered Rome’s legal apparatus.
There seem to have been two major types of legal action that could be taken
by a Roman. One was the drawing up of forms (legis actio), which involved the
writing of complex legal documents that properly fit into traditional formulas
(Jolowicz 1967: 87; Watson 1988: 612). The document’s consistency with tradi-
tion was one of the primary criteria for evaluating its merit (but, see Watson
1988: 612). The second kind of legal action was the drawing up of a formal
claim, which the plaintiff attempted to prove against the defendant (Watson
1988: 613).
Courts existed in numerous forms in Rome. In the Republican period, mag-
istrates were responsible for trying cases (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 47). At
Intellectual Accomplishments 265
some point in the second century B.C.E., permanent courts were established
(Adkins and Adkins 1994: 47). Often these courts were dedicated to specific
kinds of legal issues, such as inheritance or property cases (Adkins and Adkins
1994: 47). The Senate held power over criminal cases (Adkins and Adkins 1994:
47). In the Roman provinces, legal issues were tried by the governor, who
toured the province under his control (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 42).
The literature of the Romans is one of that civilization’s great contributions to
world heritage. The Romans produced beautiful and innovative works of
prose and poetry. Often Roman literature is unfairly maligned by scholars who
put primacy on Greek writing, but much of Latin literature is of the highest
quality. In terms of the study of Roman civilization, literature receives the most
attention, because the study of classics revolves around the study of those an-
cient writings. Because of the huge amount of scholarship that has been cre-
ated through the study of Roman literature (which began in the Roman pe-
riod!) it would be impossible to survey it here. Rather, the following is a sketch
outline of the major periods of Roman literature (as defined by modern schol-
ars). This is only a starting point, but it should help the reader become familiar
with the concepts used by scholars of Roman literature.
Cicero was one of the major intellectual figures of Roman civilization. Living
from 106 B.C.E. to 43 B.C.E., Cicero was a master of many arts, including law,
rhetoric, and philosophy. More than 800 of his letters survive, as do numer-
ous examples of other kinds of prose. His writing became a model of prose
for later Latin writers, and it is still viewed as some of the most technically
superb Latin writing. His philosophical writings were not particularly novel,
and according to him, they were more a means of participating in public life
after he had been banned from public service. Cicero desired to bring Greek
philosophical writing to Rome and attempted to summarize it for the Ro-
mans. In his account of philosophy, Cicero purposely avoided taking a stance
in regard to the philosophical traditions because he did not want his author-
ity to decide the matter for the reader. Although Cicero’s importance in Ro-
man philosophy has been emphasized in earlier chapters of this book, his po-
litical contributions should not be ignored. He was an expert statesman and
one of Rome’s most influential individuals.
Intellectual Accomplishments 267
Eclogue the First, an eighteenth-century English engraving of the Eclogues of Virgil. (Library of
Roman Libraries
Libraries were known from the Greek and Hellenistic periods; the library in
Alexandria was the most famous. In Rome, libraries were of two types—pri-
vate and public. Private libraries developed first. Often these libraries, as was
the case with the library of Lucullus, were composed of books looted after
attacks on Greek cities. Other private libraries, like Cicero’s, were created by
purchasing books and borrowing books to have them copied. Bookstores
were essentially scriptoria, businesses that would copy books for a fee. How-
ever, among the elites it was just as common to borrow books and have
clerks copy them. Julius Caesar announced the construction of the first public
library in Rome in 44 B.C.E. Unfortunately, Caesar was killed before construc-
tion could begin.A colleague of his,Asinius Pollio, followed through with Cae-
sar’s idea, and after a military campaign in 39 B.C.E., in which he gained enough
booty to pay for a library, he founded Rome’s first public library. No remains
of this library have been preserved. Augustus, in 28 B.C.E., added a library to
the Temple of Apollo on the Palatine Hill.This library consisted of two cham-
bers, side by side. One chamber held Latin books and the other held Greek.
Niches in the walls held wooden bookshelves that stored the manuscripts.
Another important library was the one built by Trajan.Trajan’s library also had
separate Greek and Latin chambers, but these faced each other, with Trajan’s
Column (which still stands today) in between.The major innovation of Roman
libraries was the space dedicated to reading. Greek libraries were essentially
storehouses. But Roman libraries left the center of the rooms open as read-
ing space.There is evidence that individuals could borrow books from the li-
brary, but it is not clear to what extent this was allowed.
Like many components of Roman life, education was a practical matter. Skills
and knowledge were taught to children to prepare them for later life. Educa-
tion was not for the sake of education; not everyone in Rome needed to under-
stand physics. So education in Roman times concentrated on instilling in chil-
dren the information needed for participation in Roman life. Education first
took place in the home and, from the third century B.C.E. on, took place in
schools as well.
Home Education
Most of what we know about Roman home education in the earlier periods is
derived from the writings of Cato the Elder. Cato was very conservative and
argued for a return to the “good old days.” Education was one of Cato’s inter-
ests. Children’s education was the responsibility of the pater familias (Wiede-
mann 1989: 143). In the earliest periods of Roman history, the education given
at home was relatively informal. Boys (and, less frequently, girls) learned
enough information to conduct simple business transactions (Cowell 1980: 38).
This involved some degree of literacy as well as rudimentary mathematics
training. The father in the home also taught Roman traditions, laws, and other
social information (Wooten 1988: 1109). Boys learned physical skills necessary
for military life. Girls accompanied older female household members on their
daily routines to learn appropriate domestic skills (Cowell 1980: 39; Wooten
1988: 1110).
Formal Education
Sometime in the third century B.C.E., more formal educational institutions be-
came normative in Rome. Wealthy families could purchase slaves (or hire
freedmen) for the job of teaching their children (Shelton 1988: 106). But most
Romans chose a less expensive option—sending their children out to a school
(Shelton 1988: 107). These schools were privately funded institutions (Shelton
1988: 108), either endowed by wealthy patrons or kept afloat by the sole
teacher. Teachers’ salaries were very low (Cowell 1980: 41). Some schools were
located in rented rooms, in a variety of types of buildings (Cowell 1980: 41).
Other schools, to avoid the costs of facilitating a structure, taught outside in
open areas (Shelton 1988: 108). The school day began at dawn and normally
ended sometime around midday (Cowell 1980: 40; Shelton 1988: 108).
There were three levels of Roman schooling. The lowest level of schooling
was open to both boys and girls, and was taught by a magister or litterator
(Cowell 1980: 44; Shelton 1988: 107). Sometime between the ages of ten and
twelve, girls would stop their education, but some boys would continue on to
the grammaticus (Shelton 1988: 107). This level of schooling was mostly in lan-
guage skills; boys learned writing, speaking, and Greek (Cowell 1980: 44; Shel-
ton 1988: 107). Other topics (such as astronomy) were covered, but they were
discussed only to allow the students to better understand literature, not out of
a value held for the subject itself. The highest level of schooling was the rhetor,
to which only the wealthiest boys progressed, at about the age of fifteen (Shel-
ton 1988: 108). This kind of education was geared toward careers in public of-
fice through the teaching of rhetoric (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 211; Wooten
1988: 1115).
Derived from the Greeks, rhetoric (along with literature) was the major goal of
a young Roman’s education (Clarke 1956). Rhetoric was the art of speaking
(but see Kennedy 1972: 3–4), and was a necessary component of education for
an individual pursuing a career in public life (such as law or politics). There
were five main types of training involved in the study of rhetoric (Wooten
1988: 1114). First, it was necessary to decide what information was appropriate
for speaking and what kinds of information needed to be included. Second,
the student needed to learn how to structure that information into a coherent
whole (Wooten 1988: 1114). Third, stylistic and technical details of composition
were elaborated upon (Wooten 1988: 1114). The fourth area of work was learn-
Intellectual Accomplishments 271
ing to memorize the material; a good speaker had to be able to command large
amounts of material in his head (Wooten 1988: 1114). And fifth, public speak-
ing techniques were taught; the actual delivery of the speech was just as im-
portant as the contents (Wooten 1988: 1114). Other, less directly related subjects
were also studied, because a public orator should command a wide variety of
information. For example, morality was an important subject, because a good
speaker had to have a strong understanding of those issues.
The image of Rome held by many people doubtless includes some sense of
sumptuous and indulgent feasts and banquets. This is not an entirely unfair
image of Rome, at least not for one small segment of society. The writings of
Martial, Pliny, and Petronius (especially his Satyricon) describe these feasts in
great, although highly exaggerated, detail. But for most Romans, hosting a
banquet was not a feasible economic possibility. The poor had other options
available to them. Clubs of various sorts allowed members to participate in
feasts (Shelton 1988: 315–316). Likewise, the many taverns in the city provided
similar social outlets related to eating (Faas 1994: 41–45).
Ideally every Roman ate two or three meals a day. The Roman equivalent of
breakfast was a very small meal, called the jentaculum, with the main dish usu-
ally a small pancake sometimes dipped in wine (Faas 1994: 38). During the Re-
publican period, the main meal of the day was the midday meal, called the
cena (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 343; Faas 1994: 40). The evening meal (vesperna)
was taken just before bed, and was quite light. In the empire, the midday meal
was lighter, and the major meal was left for the evening. For the vast majority
of Romans, the staple of the diet was wheat-based, usually boiled into a por-
ridge-like mix (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 343).
The elites of Rome, however, engaged in feasting and banqueting on a regu-
lar basis. Feasts were large dinner parties; guests brought their own napkins,
but the host provided food, wine, and entertainment (Shelton 1988: 317). This
could be a remarkable economic burden, but hosting feasts was an important
way of building up social capital. People of all social classes and ranks partici-
pated in these banquets. Although table manners were not nearly as formal as
they are today, the position of individuals around the table was strictly deter-
mined by rank (Faas 1994: 58–60). Slaves waited hand and foot on all guests
(Faas 1994: 68). The meal began with small appetizers (called gustatio or pro-
mulsio), which consisted of salads, oysters, and especially eggs (Faas 1994: 76,
78). After the appetizers, a drink of wine was provided (Faas 1994: 77). After
the wine interlude, the main courses were served—about six or seven (Faas
1994: 77). These were the main dishes and were brought out one at a time. The
tables were not large enough to accommodate many dishes, so only one or two
dishes could be eaten at once (see chapter 9). These courses consisted of a vari-
ety of meats, especially fish, poultry, and pork. A common culinary technique
of the Roman chef was to attempt to disguise the food, shaping it into other
forms (like a bird) before serving it (Ling 1988: 330). The ingredients were not
supposed to be discernible. After these main courses, “second tables” were
served (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 343; Faas 1994: 81). This was dessert, consist-
ing of sweetened cakes or fruit. After dessert, the banquet proper began, in
which wine consumption was the culinary focus.
The social aspects of feasting were just as important as, if not more than, the
food. Entertainment was provided in a number of forms. Sometimes the host
would arrange for musicians, dancers, or other performers to entertain guests
(Faas 1994: 97–98, 101). Recitations took place at banquets, and learned guests
were often invited to present on various subjects (Faas 1994: 96). Guests, espe-
cially during the banquet, were expected to discourse on a wide variety of sub-
jects. All the while, slaves would serve the guests and hosts, perfuming them
and anointing them with oil.
A distinctly Roman leisure activity was to visit the public baths. Ideally, every
Roman town had a public bathhouse, in which Romans could relax, bathe, ex-
ercise, and socialize. Architecturally, Roman baths were standardized (see
chapter 9). These structures were incredibly luxurious yet all classes were able
to use the baths. The admission price to the baths was quite low, so in practice,
most people really could use the facilities. The normal admission price, when
not remitted by an emperor culling favor with the populace, was one quadran,
the lowest denomination of currency, and next to worthless (the equivalent of
a penny nowadays). Both men and women used the facilities. Sometimes
Intellectual Accomplishments 273
centers of Roman social life. At the baths, with one’s clothes off, all signs of sta-
tus and rank were missing as well. This allowed Romans of various classes
and wealth to mingle and socialize, without economic-based visual indicators
creating the first impression. D. Bruce MacKay has suggested that this was a
liminal space; the luxury of the baths and the ethereal feeling of being cleaned
in extreme temperature, but at the same time in a tranquil setting, took people
out of their everyday lives. The relaxing and harmonious atmosphere conjured
up feelings of goodwill not only toward fellow Romans, but to the emperor as
well. Because mosaics with rulership themes and the opulence of the structure
itself were very subtle forms of imperial propaganda, the baths functioned not
just as a place to cleanse oneself, but also as a place where Roman identity was
Perhaps the most “Roman” of all Roman leisure activities was the viewing of
spectacle. Spectacles were held for various purposes. Ludi were games held on
religious holidays (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 347; Shelton 1988: 332). These re-
ligious holidays originated for a number of purposes. Sometimes they were
based on older, religious festival days. Other times they honored the gods, per-
haps after an important military victory (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 347). The
ludi were state-run events, using public money. Aediles were responsible for
organizing them, and often paid considerably out of their own pockets in or-
der to curry favor with the public before elections (Shelton 1988: 333). Another
occasion for spectacle was a funeral. Private spectacles were funded to honor a
recently deceased ancestor. These spectacles were called munera and were an
Etruscan tradition (Adkins and Adkins 1994: 347). There were a variety of
types of spectacles. So much has been written on this topic, and it is so easy to
find good information on it, that it will only be cursorily examined here.
Chariot Racing. Chariot racing was extremely popular in the Roman period.
This kind of game had a long history—it was an Olympic event in Greek times.
In Roman times, chariot racing was a commercial enterprise in which citizens
did not participate (Shelton 1988: 350). It was mere entertainment, not a reli-
gious demonstration (but see Auget 1994: 122). Chariot drivers were profes-
sionals, usually slaves owned by one of the companies (Humphrey 1988: 1156).
In Rome there were four chariot-racing companies, called factio, that wore ei-
ther red, white, blue, or green (Shelton 1988: 350). Wealthy businessmen
owned these factio; it was an expensive venture (Humphrey 1988: 1156). The
owners negotiated rental fees with the aediles, who offered a substantial prize
to the winners (Shelton 1988: 350).
The races themselves took place at one of the many circuses, the arenas built
specifically for them (see chapter 9). The driver stood in the chariot, with the
reins wrapped around his body, which was very dangerous if the chariot
crashed (Auget 1994: 129). The chariot was attached to a team of two, four, or
six horses (Cowell 1980: 171). The number of competitors racing at one time
depended on the size of the circus. The sport was a full-contact sport; drivers
purposely crashed into one another and attempted to throw off the other rac-
Intellectual Accomplishments 275
ers (Shelton 1988: 357). The chariot race in the film Ben Hur is actually fairly ac-
curate on that account. The audience could also get out of control; a British
football type of hooliganism was not unknown in the Roman circuses (Auget
1994: 135–136, 141–142). Betting also took place, and placards with chariot
drivers’ statistics were available to the audience (Cowell 1980: 172; Humphrey
1988: 1154). Chariot drivers who were successful could become celebrities of
great renown within the city of Rome (Cowell 1980: 173; Shelton 1988: 355,
Other Events. There were other types of spectacles within the Roman world.
Large naval battles, called naumachiae, were staged on artificial lakes (Adkins
and Adkins 1994: 349). Similarly, historic battles or mythological battles were
also staged (Grant 1967: 88–91). In these events, people actually died, build-
ings were destroyed, and ships sank. Also popular were wild animal hunts
(Auget 1994: 99). Large numbers of animals were killed this way, and the more
exotic the better, as hunts were performed in front of an audience (Adkins and
Adkins 1994: 348; Auget 1994: 81). Similarly, animals would be put into arenas
to fight each other; for example, lions fighting elephants. Executions were also
held in entertainment venues. Convicted criminals would be set, without
weapons, against animals or gladiators and killed, to the crowd’s amusement
(Auget 1994: 93–95). Nero’s execution of Christians by feeding them to the li-
ons is a famous example.
Music was not particularly popular in the city of Rome. Organized concerts
and performances were not popular (Cowell 1980: 161). And a free Roman
would never have lowered himself or herself to play a musical instrument
(Cowell 1980: 159–160). This tendency of the Romans to hold musicians in low
esteem should be remembered when considering the rumors that Nero played
his harp as Rome burned. This was the pursuit of slaves and professional mu-
sicians. Music could be heard in a number of contexts. Street performers were
common, and the choral interludes in the theater also provided public music
displays (Cowell 1980: 161). Slaves would also perform within the home, espe-
cially as after-dinner entertainment. Dancing was not approved of (Cowell
1980: 158). Skilled dancing was discouraged (it might make the dancer look
like a professional), although it was taught (Cowell 1980: 158). In the early em-
pire period, dancing had less of a stigma and became a more popular pursuit.
One of the primary sources for the study of ancient Rome is the many writings
that have survived. This means that the study of ancient languages is ex-
tremely important for anyone who wants to thoroughly understand ancient
Rome. So much of the evidence comes from these ancient texts that it is diffi-
cult to meaningfully study Rome without some knowledge of these languages.
Most university programs require specialized study of at least one of the lan-
guages used in Roman times, even when students are strictly archaeology or
art history majors.
Rome at its height incorporated numerous regions with various languages.
Language is one of the primary ways in which communication occurs and
through which knowledge is transmitted. Understanding these various lan-
guages provides one with greater accessibility to the mindset of the ancient
people. To be able to think in the words and language structures that the an-
cient people used allows a better understanding of them. What follows is a dis-
cussion of the languages used in the Roman world and the various ways in
which they were recorded.
The language most associated with the Romans is Latin. The Latin language
has had a long history and has been very important in European history. Its use
began before the Roman period, and is, in some contexts, still with us today. It
has been prominent in a number of different contexts. It was the dominant lan-
guage of European Christianity until very recently, and is still an important part
of many faith traditions. Latin is also used in scientific contexts, as exemplified
by taxonomical categories, usually using Latin terminology as a means to cross
language boundaries. Until very recently, Latin was an important part of grade-
school curriculum, but this has become less common in recent years.
Latin is an Indo-European language. This means that it comes from the fam-
ily of Indo-European languages, so named because the earliest examples of
this language were found in India and Europe. Other Indo-European lan-
guages are Sanskrit, Greek, Russian, and English. These languages are all cog-
nate to one another, meaning that they are related to one another but are not
derived from one another. Latin is the parent language of the Romance lan-
guages, which include Italian, Spanish, and French, and all of these languages
are derived from Latin.
Latin is one of the dialects of the Italic branch of the Indo-European family,
and its origins are still controversial today. The name Latin comes from the
name of the group of tribes called Latini who lived in the Latium area. Some
have suggested that these tribes came from central Europe, but it is difficult to
say with certainty where these tribes originated. Whatever the origins, the ear-
liest inscriptions date to the sixth century B.C.E., and the earliest Latin literature
dates to the third century B.C.E.
Although Latin was the language of Rome and its people, Greek played a very
important role in Roman society. After the third century B.C.E., when Rome’s
contact with Greece had grown, Greek played an important role in the intellec-
tual life of Rome. Greek language was studied by schoolchildren (if they got
that far in school), and ideally, Roman men were able to read the masterworks
of Greek literature. Latin remained subordinate to Greek in the Greek areas of
the empire, never supplanting Greek as the dominant spoken language.
Greek is also an Indo-European language, but other than that, it is not re-
lated to Latin. Like Latin, Greek is an inflected language, meaning that the
form of words is usually more important than word order in a sentence. There
are many stages of the Greek language. The earliest certain evidence for Greek
language is Linear B, which was first discovered on the island of Crete. In Ro-
man periods, the Greek commonly spoken is called koine—this is the language
in which the New Testament was written. Attic Greek is the kind of Greek that
developed in the fourth century B.C.E. and was the dominant form of literary
later, the scripts diverged considerably. And by adding letters to stand for vow-
els, Greek innovated beyond Phoenician, which did not have written vowels.
The Latin alphabet is a combination of the Greek version of the alphabet and
the Etruscan alphabet. The alphabet did not remain entirely stable throughout
Roman history. There were changes in letterforms, and for brief periods, new
letters were added. But for the most part, the Latin alphabet remained remark-
ably stable throughout its long history. Latin used essentially the same alpha-
bet as English, with the exception of there having been no j, u, or w in Latin.
Both Latin and Greek also have different styles of script depending on the
medium used. Generally the kinds of script can be divided into monumental
and cursive. Monumental, as the name suggests, is the style of letters used in
monumental art, especially when carved into hard materials like stone. Cur-
sive writing is less formal and more suited for writing with ink than for en-
graving. Another style of writing to be aware of is called uncial, which was a
later form of writing. Uncial writing is purposely very easy to read in cursive,
as it uses all capital letters, with all the letters rounded. The shapes of letters
change over time and can be an important way of dating artifacts if no other
dates are given.
Other Languages
There were many other languages that were important in Roman times. Ro-
mans did not enforce the use of Latin when they took over a region. However,
local elites were encouraged to learn and use Latin, which was essential if they
wanted to participate in any form of governance. So Latin gradually spread
and became the dominant language in Europe. But it did not usually com-
pletely supplant other language traditions. Although the following is not
meant to be exhaustive, some of the more important languages are discussed.
Etruscan. Etruscan was the language spoken by the Etruscans (see chapter
4). It was not an Indo-European language, but beyond that, it is difficult to say
anything for certain about it. Although we know that there was Etruscan liter-
ature (later authors comment on this), none of it has survived to the present. In
fact, of the inscriptions in Etruscan that have survived, many are unreadable.
Only a few words of Etruscan have been translated. Latin was influenced by
Etruscan, but also supplanted it; Etruscan did not survive very long under the
Aramaic. Aramaic is a Semitic language, with a long history of use and de-
velopment. It is closely related to Hebrew; in fact, the Hebrew alphabet used
today is actually the Aramaic alphabet. Aramaic developed at some time in the
second millennium B.C.E., in the Fertile Crescent (the region from modern-day
Israel to modern-day Iraq). By about 1000 B.C.E., Aramaic was spoken com-
monly throughout Mesopotamia, although writing was still primarily in
Akkadian. Aramaic became the official language of the Persian Empire, and
from this point it spread throughout the Near East. In Roman times, Aramaic
was the language spoken in the Levant. Many important Roman-period Ara-
Latin script: Roman funerary stele depicting an innkeeper, found near Isernia. (Araldo de
maic documents have been preserved in Egypt and Israel. It is an essential lan-
guage for anyone wanting to study Roman-period Palestine, Roman-period
Judaism, or Roman-period Christianity.
Intellectual Accomplishments 281
Writing Materials
Most of Roman writing has not been preserved in its original form, meaning
that classical writings are preserved in later copies. Unlike cuneiform tablets,
which survive well in the archaeological record, Roman writings were not
written on materials that preserve well, except of course, inscriptions. Inscrip-
tions were usually intended to be enduring, and were inscribed into materials
that endured well. Other media were not intended to survive in the same way.
From the third century B.C.E., the Romans used papyrus from Egypt as paper.
Wooden rollers were often attached to the papyrus and were preserved as
rolled scrolls. Writing tablets were also used. Sometimes these took the form of
thick wood blocks that were hollowed out and filled with wax. Writing was in-
scribed into the wax. Similarly, in places too remote to be supplied easily with
papyrus, leaf tablets were used. Leaf tablets were tablets made of very thin
pieces of wood; the wood was malleable and could be bent and formed. Com-
binations of writing tablets and papyrus were used as the predecessors of
modern books. Eight sheets of papyrus were bound together in the middle
(making sixteen pages). Covers were created by adding pieces of wood to the
front and back. These nonmonumental types of writing are preserved in arid
locations, such as Israel and Egypt, but do not survive well in a climate like
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the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece and Rome. Michael Grant and Rachel Kitzinger
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Current Assessments
Origins of Rome
Two different presentations of the origins of Rome have previously been dis-
cussed. In chapter 3, mythological stories about the foundation of Rome were
explored, and in chapter 4, some of the archaeological and historical evidence
related to Roman origins were discussed. In general, scholarly controversy re-
volves around the basic question of what constitutes a source of information
and how those sources should be used. What follows is a discussion of some of
the dominant schools of thought within the community of Roman scholars in
regard to Roman origins. You may want to refer to chapters 3 and 4 to remind
yourself of that evidence.
The ruins of ancient Rome depicted in the late eighteenth-century by Piranesi. (Library of Con-
Rome and Urbanism. Most of the scholarly community assumes that the
chronologies presented in the ancient sources are roughly accurate. However,
a Swedish scholar, Einar Gjerstad, rejected the ancient chronologies in the form
in which they have been passed down. Gjerstad, writing after World War II,
saw a substantial break in the archaeological remains of Rome that represented
a shift from preurban to urban society. It was at the moment of urbanization
that Gjerstad placed the foundation of Rome. He suggested that the first king
of Rome was Numa Pompilus, and that, in a deliberate act of unification, this
first king brought together a number of small villages into a unified political
entity—the city of Rome. The argument he made is much more complex than
Major Controversies and Future Directions 289
that; it involves pushing down the chronology of the regal period into the time
in which the republic was thought to have been founded.
As the study of urbanism became a prominent topic in the discipline of an-
thropology, Gjerstad’s opinions began to seem less probable. Scholars became
less likely to view ancient accounts of a city’s foundation as historically accu-
rate. Rather, they began to understand that these stories were purposely sim-
plified accounts. Close reading of foundation accounts suggest much more
complicated situations. The German scholar Hermann Müller-Karpe was the
first to contrast notions of what he called Stadtgründung (city foundation) and
Stadtwerdung (city development). Müller-Karpe’s view was that Rome devel-
oped gradually from one village on the Palatine to the other spurs, gradually
becoming a large city.
Early Rome in Its Italian Context. The current trend in the study of early
Rome is not to view the development of Rome as a unique phenomenon.
Rather, the development of Roman society should be viewed from its broader
Italian context. Scholars such as Giuseppe Micali and Theodor Mommsen sug-
gested this approach long ago, but only recently has that approach come to
dominate the field. There has been an increased recognition that the study of
other areas contemporaneous with early Rome can shed light on Rome’s
founding. Archaeology has proved to be the most useful tool for this endeavor.
It allows scholars to gain access to evidence that did not survive in classical ac-
counts and likewise is not biased from the perspective of those later classical
writers. This is a productive approach to the study of early Rome, and the
prominence of Etruscan archaeology in Italy attests to the growing recognition
by scholars that it is an important approach to the study of antiquity.
Decline, Fall, or Continuation of Rome? Where did the Roman Empire go?
This is a very difficult question. There is no single event that can be singled out
as the cause of Rome’s end. Numerous ideas have been put forward to explain
the incredibly complex reasons why the glory of Rome vanished. No single
theory has appealed to a majority of scholars; however, many can be ruled out.
Most scholars would argue that there were a number of factors that con-
tributed to the decline of Roman civilization and that no simple answer could
ever be valid. This section illustrates some of the more important conceptions
about the end of Rome, and those that are most frequently referred to in schol-
arly literature. You may want to refamiliarize yourself with the historical
events mentioned in chapter 4 to better understand where these theories came
Edward Gibbon. The single most important work on this topic is The Decline
and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon. Although much of this magiste-
rial work is out-of-date and problematic, there has never been a historical work
that can rival it. As a piece of scholarship, it stood out from the time of its com-
position. And as prose, the work stands out as a classic of the English language.
Major Controversies and Future Directions 291
Archaeologists excavating the Appian Way near Minturno, 70 miles southeast of Rome, 1956.
Most later readers suggest that Gibbon’s main argument for the cause of the
fall of Rome was the internal weaknesses caused by the rise of Christianity
(especially in terms of military sensibilities) and the barbarian pressures on the
frontier. But this is an oversimplification. Gibbon goes to great lengths to
describe in detail the various events and circumstances that led to the fall of
Rome. The work has to be read in its entirety to get a good sense of Gibbon’s
understanding. The fall of the Roman Empire seems to be one event in the
long, narrative thrust of history. From this perspective, many elements
contributed to the fall of Rome, but certainly the rise of Christianity and the
barbarian invasions are offered as the most prominent causes in Gibbon’s dis-
Ecological Disaster. There is evidence that the Roman Empire brought sig-
nificant environmental destruction with it. Both environmental disasters
caused by the Romans and climatic changes have been offered as explanations
for the end of Roman dominance. Deforestation, for example, went hand-in-
hand with Roman expansion. Deforestation increases soil erosion, which leads
to poor conditions for farming. The extensive deforestation that went with Ro-
man expansion certainly had an impact, at least at the local level.
Ellsworth Huntington has used the redwood trees in California to make ar-
guments about the collapse of the Roman economy. He has argued that there
was a significant climatic change from the fourth to sixth centuries C.E. that
would have had an environmental impact. This climatic change was recogniz-
able from the comparison of relative sizes of the tree rings of the California
redwoods. In the period that Huntington recognized, the tree rings appear to
have been much thinner, indicating a decrease in the amount of rainfall. This
decrease in rainfall, according to Huntington, would also have affected the
Major Controversies and Future Directions 293
area of the Roman Empire and caused famine and crop failure throughout the
Roman world.
Vladimir Simkhovitch made another important ecological argument.
Simkhovitch suggested that soil degradation was one of the primary causes for
Roman economic collapse. Basing his arguments on textual accounts of Roman
agriculture, Simkhovitch stated that although the Romans had advanced agri-
cultural techniques, they did not always practice the most effective types of
soil management. This led to the eventual exhaustion of the soil and an inabil-
ity to grow crops.
Did these environmental problems cause the collapse of Roman civilization?
Probably not. The evidence for the widespread effects of these changing condi-
tions is not strong. Environmental problems were a concern throughout the
Roman period and seem to have been no worse in the latter years of Roman
rule. Certainly environmental issues were matters of life and death for local,
small-scale farmers and producers. But in terms of the empire as a whole, these
ecological problems do not seem to have been that destructive.
Class Conflict. Another type of explanation for the decline of Rome is rooted
in the notion of class conflict. These theories have not been popular in the
United States because of their strong association with Marxism. However, the-
ories of decline because of class conflict have been very important in Roman
scholarship outside of the United States and should be addressed. Indeed, one
of the earliest commentators on the subject, Salvian the Presbyter, wrote in 440
B.C.E. that the Roman Empire was doomed in the west because the tax burden
on certain segments of the population was too high to allow these individuals
to feel any loyalty to the empire. More recently, Geoffrey de St. Croix has made
similar arguments. Evidence comes from the various forms of legislation writ-
ten at the end of the Roman period that attempted to rein in unfair taxation
Frank Walbank has similarly suggested that most of the Roman population
had no access to the wealth of Rome. This prevented the primary producing
force from being motivated to produce to capacity. As the empire grew, the pri-
Major Controversies and Future Directions 295
Military. Most scholars, no matter what they view as the primary cause of
the decline of Roman civilization, agree that the barbarian invasions certainly
played a part in the fall of Rome. The question, then, is not whether invading
forces played a role in Roman decline, but rather why in the fifth and sixth
centuries these invasions affected Roman civilization so severely.
Arther Ferrill has made the argument that Rome collapsed because of a shift
in emphasis within Rome’s military strategy. A number of factors relating to
the Roman approach to the military changed, which eventually caused Rome
to lose its military advantages. After Constantine, according to Ferrill, the Ro-
man military depended more on cavalry and less on infantry. This was neces-
sary to facilitate the use of the army as a personal security force for the emper-
ors. But infantry was a more appropriate attack force against the barbarian
hordes. Similarly, the increasing tendency to use barbarian soldiers rather than
trained Roman soldiers, although not weakening the army, nevertheless meant
that there was no Roman tactical advantage against barbarian foes. These wars
became wars between two barbarian armies, and as such, Rome was not guar-
anteed victory as it was in the early years of the empire.
Ramsay MacMullen made similar arguments. The later Roman army, ac-
cording to MacMullen, had become less of a military force and more of a bu-
reaucratic force. The Roman army was in charge of many more aspects of
provincial administration, especially those related to infrastructure, than it had
been before, a fact that weakened the military edge. These soldiers did not live
the same regimented lives as soldiers working under Marius and were not
nearly as well trained for combat. Edward Luttwack has made a related argu-
ment that the frontiers were less militarily secure because the emperors re-
quired military security in the heart of Roman territory, a previously unneces-
sary military expense.
An extremely important contribution to the study of this question came
from A. H. M. Jones in his book The Later Roman Empire, 294–602. In this vol-
ume, one of the themes Jones addressed is not why the western empire fell, but
why the eastern empire did not. This is an important approach to the issue of
the fall of Rome. This kind of comparison cannot provide certain answers, but
it provides useful analogies. So although the two situations were not exactly
the same, learning what happened in one situation can suggest new ways of
looking at events in the other situation. One of Jones’s major conclusions was
that the east was strategically less vulnerable than the west. The eastern em-
pire was geographically more secure. Similarly, the east was more populated
and more developed. The eastern economy was much stronger than the west-
ern economy, so funding the military was not as burdensome. Furthermore,
the eastern empire was much more politically secure. It did not suffer from
civil wars as the west did, meaning that the military could be used primarily
for external security rather than for internal security, and that the east was a
more unified political and social body than the west.
guage, and architecture. Peter Brown has also been influential in this line of
thought. He has downplayed the role of barbarian invasions and emphasized
intellectual and conceptual transformations of Roman civilization into Byzan-
tine civilization. One argument of his that is very compelling is that the shift
from Roman to Byzantine civilization represents a shift away from the
Mediterranean Sea as the center of international civilization. But the dominant
transformation was, of course, the advent of Christianity. Other scholars have
made the argument that Christian ways of thinking were not fully compatible
with Roman civic virtues. Michael Grant (who should not rightly be included
in this category, as he does suggest that Rome fell) has argued that, especially
in the writings of St. Augustine, secular and worldly rulers become less impor-
tant authorities as divine and religious leaders become more important au-
thorities. This marks a radical transformation from previous Roman ideology.
Greece and Rome are intrinsically linked, but at the same time it has also cre-
ated a situation in which the relative merits of both cultures are compared. It is
quite shocking that scholars still believe that it is appropriate to make value
judgments about Roman intellect. Imagine someone trying to compare the in-
telligence levels of the Mesopotamians with the Mayans. It would be ridicu-
lous. So why continue to do so with Greece and Rome?
Captives brought before a victorious Roman general. From a relief on a Roman sarcophagus.
(Pixel That)
though the amount of taxes collected from the conquered was not stable, the
revenue received by the state was, because of the structure of the publicani and
Roman taxation (see chapter 5). But this was not just an economic benefit; it
was an ideological benefit as well. The ability to exempt all Roman citizens
from taxation and to force the taxation burden upon provincial populations
was a powerful force of state power. But certainly the economic benefits were
Direct resource extraction was likely an important component of Roman im-
perialism. Certainly in the early years of expansion in Italy, colonies were pur-
posely established in areas that could provide resources desired by the elite of
Rome. Similarly, the incorporation of Egypt into the Roman Empire was char-
acterized by massive grain imports from Egypt to Rome. These imports were
extremely valuable to urban populations and certainly became an economic
Security was an important economic consideration that should not be ig-
nored in a discussion of Roman imperialism. Pompey’s eradication of Mediter-
ranean pirates facilitated economic growth on an international scale. Similarly,
conquests in western Europe and the policing of the frontiers could not help
but increase economic productivity in those regions, and from them, to the em-
pire as a whole. It was much easier to conduct trade if one did not have to
worry about running into a barbarian army.
through which non-Romans were integrated into or excluded from Roman so-
ciety. Be aware that this is a modern scholarly abstraction, which originated in
the works of Theodor Mommsen; it is not an ancient concept.
Perhaps the strongest argument for the utility of Romanization as a cate-
gory of modern scholarship is the homogeneity of Roman material culture.
Every area where the Romans expanded has archaeological material that is
easily identifiable as Roman. Some scholars have argued that there are signif-
icant local variations in the material culture and that the same kind of objects
can have different meanings in different contexts. Although both of these
statements are true, it is undeniable that the Romans achieved a degree of ma-
terial culture continuity throughout their empire. It is obvious that an artifact
is Roman.
On the other hand, Romanization as a concept is often misused. Perhaps the
most egregious examples of this are lists of “Roman” traits that have been
identified in provincial cultures. Earlier scholars of the Roman periphery
would often attempt to identify elements of Roman culture that were “success-
fully” incorporated into other cultures and those elements that were not suc-
cessful. This overly simplistic use of the concept of Romanization led to a back-
lash against it. The best way to understand Romanization is to recognize that
the Romans were aggressive in exporting aspects of their culture, but at the
same time to understand that this process differed in different times and
places. One scholarly method that can be successfully employed in the study
of Romanization is postcolonial discourse.
man culture. Think about the literature of the New Testament. These books
were written from a distinctly non-Roman voice, and yet they have become
some of the most influential writings in history. The Book of Revelation is per-
haps the most obvious response to Roman imperialism, but much of Paul’s
writing discusses how Christians should live within the context of Roman civ-
ilization. But remember, imperial discourse is not simply acceptance or resis-
tance of a dominant culture but is the whole series of attitudes, beliefs, and
systems of change involved in the interaction of different cultures from un-
even levels of power.
At the same time, it is important to recognize that the Roman Empire was
very real to the ancients. Some scholars writing from a postcolonial discourse
perspective have gone too far, and in trying to illuminate the multifaceted as-
pects of ancient life have obscured the realities of the ancient situation.
Hadrian’s Wall really exists and marked a real boundary. Likewise, Roman im-
perialism was a real historical process; it is only the nature of that process that
should be questioned. Indeed, it is important for scholars working from a dis-
course perspective to have a firm control over the ancient evidence, rather than
to make vague, theoretical statements. Ignoring the ancient evidence to sup-
port modern generalization simply substitutes one monolithic preconception
for another.
Perhaps the most important early challenge to the argument that the ancient
economy differed from the modern economy came from Michael Rostovtzeff, a
name that has figured prominently in other discussions of Roman controver-
sies. Rostovtzeff’s main contribution to this debate was to claim that there was
no meaningful difference between ancient and modern economy. The appear-
ance of difference existed only because of the different scale of economic ac-
tion. In ancient times, economic activity occurred at much lower levels, and in-
volved much lower quantities than economic activity after the Industrial
The most influential figure in this entire debate, however, is Karl Polanyi.
His writings took a central position in this discussion, and most scholars take a
stance in reference to Polanyi. Polanyi argued that the economy should be
viewed as an embedded process, directly integrated into the social structure of
the society. People who take this approach are normally referred to as “sub-
stantivists.” Those who disagree with this approach and see the economy as a
distinct sphere of life are often referred to as “formalists.” More specifically,
formalists who use modern economic models to study the ancient world are
often called neoclassicists, a term derived from economics, but with a much
more specific meaning in that discipline. This is where the argument stands to-
day. There has been no resolution, and for the most part scholars do not explic-
itly argue about this matter in print anymore. But most scholars who study the
ancient economy do so from a formalist or substantivist view, and this should
be considered in any further studies of Roman economy and society.
the issue. What is worse: never to study antiquities that are already in private
collections and lose the information they can provide, or to study the objects at
the potential expense of the loss of many more objects over time?
Another issue that has become even more important in the aftermath of the
Iraqi museum tragedies is repatriation. Should respected museums like the
British Museum, the Louvre, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art be expected
to return artifacts from their collections that were gained through unscrupu-
lous or imperialist means? This is another moral question with no easy an-
swers. On the one hand, the loss of a nation’s cultural heritage is very sad, es-
pecially if that heritage was lost through morally unacceptable behavior. On
the other hand, the issue of the Baghdad Museum has shown that artifacts
housed in volatile regions can be in grave danger and cannot always be as-
sumed to be protected with the same infrastructure that institutions like the
British Museum can provide. And similarly, does modern Italy really have
more claim to Roman artifacts than the United States? Although geographi-
cally the center of ancient Roman culture, modern Italy bears little resem-
blance to ancient Rome, and there are many people of Italian descent living in
other parts of the world today.
The study of ancient Rome should involve integration at different levels—the
integration of the large amount of evidence available about Rome and the inte-
gration of a variety of disciplines into the field of Roman studies. One of the
major problems with Roman studies today is that scholars gain expertise in the
interpretation of only one kind of evidence. This is understandable, as it takes
years of training to become comfortable working with these data at a scholarly
level. But it is unfortunate nonetheless. Archaeological and textual evidence
are better served when used in tandem with each other. Volumes written about
Rome should involve both kinds of data sets, not just texts or archaeology. The
field is better served by building on the works of all kinds of scholars, not just
those who have done the same type of work before.
Another form of integration that is becoming more prominent in Roman
studies and likely will continue to do so is the implementation of advances
from other disciplines. The study of Rome has always been multidisciplinary,
in that it has incorporated history, archaeology, and art history as interpretive
tools. But today, it is important to open up even more and use methods de-
rived from other fields. At the theoretical level, this means integrating the
work of scholars in fields such as anthropology, sociology, and philosophy. Ro-
man studies have been particularly bad at involving theory in the interpreta-
tion of data. This is mostly because so much data are available for the study of
Rome that theory is not needed as desperately as it is for the study of other an-
cient cultures. But Roman studies can only benefit from a greater exposure to
Major Controversies and Future Directions 305
theoretical issues. From a more practical standpoint, the hard sciences also
have much to offer to the study of Rome. The earth sciences have already pro-
vided valuable tools (e.g., geographic information systems) that have been
successfully implemented in Roman archaeology. If these trends continue, it
can only be beneficial.
The other main theme in the future of Roman studies is best described as syn-
thesis. Roman archaeology especially has been notorious for creating regional
syntheses, but not grander scales of synthesis. It is often difficult to compare
material from Roman Britain and Roman Africa, even though such compar-
isons would be of tremendous benefit. The problem, of course, is that synthesis
is very difficult. But by creating larger syntheses of the huge amount of avail-
able data, the data become more manageable. So much information is now
available about Roman civilization that it is no longer possible for a scholar
like Theodor Mommsen to control all of the data. But creating synthetic analy-
ses of the data can help manage the huge variety of available material.
One approach that can assist in synthesis is to make sources for study read-
ily available to anyone who is interested in it. The Internet and Web-based data
services will be key in the dissemination of new information. There are several
reasons why this is so. The Internet removes the geographical barrier of li-
braries. Do not misunderstand: this author loves libraries and probably always
will. But Web-based libraries will make sources available all over the world. So
even if one does not live in close proximity to a research institution specializ-
ing in Roman studies, it is still possible to have access to the scholarly materi-
als. Another benefit of Web-based publication is that it is far less expensive
than publishing a book. Archaeologists are notorious for not publishing final
reports of archaeological excavations. Web-based publications allow lower
publication costs and quicker dissemination. Related to this, Internet-based
forms of data management can be especially useful in the publication of pre-
liminary reports. An exceptional innovator in this kind of information sharing
is Ian Hodder, with his Web-based publication of the Neolithic site of Çatal
Höyük ( Hopefully, Roman archaeologists can
follow this example of Web-based publication.
Boak, Arthur. 1955. Manpower Shortage and the Fall of the Roman Empire in the West. Ann
Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Brown, Peter. 1971. The World of Late Antiquity. London: Thames & Hudson.
Bücher, Karl. 1902. Arbeit und Rhythmus. Leipzig: Teubner.
Chambers, Mortimer. 1970. The Fall of Rome: Can It Be Explained? 2nd ed. New York:
Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
Cornell, T. J. 1995. The Beginnings of Rome. New York: Routledge.
de St. Croix, Geoffrey. 1981. The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World: From the Ar-
chaic Age to the Arab Conquests. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Dumézil, Georges. 1948. L’Héritage indo-européens. Paris: Gallimard.
308 Glossary
BARRACKS EMPERORS: from 235 C.E. until 284 C.E., at least twenty-five emper-
ors were selected from within the ranks of the military (hence barracks), nor-
mally quickly killed and replaced by a new emperor.
BASE: term used in ceramic analysis to denote the bottom of a vessel.
BASILICA: distinct type of building, characterized by a peristyle with an open
central space.
BATHS: public complexes for bathing, found in most Roman cities, and open
to all who could afford the inexpensive entrance fees.
BATHS OF CARACALLA: a very large bathing complex (over 11 hectares in
area) that was used from 211 C.E. until 537 C.E.
BESTIARII: gladiators who fought wild animals.
BOETHIUS: philosopher and Christian theologian who lived from about 476
C.E. to 524 C.E.
BONA DEA: goddess worshipped exclusively by women and celebrated in a
biannual feast called the PAX DEORUM.
BOUDICCA: woman who led a revolt against the Romans in Britain in 61 C.E.,
also known as Boadicea.
BRUTUS: one of the murderers of Julius Caesar, immortalized as such by
BUFF WARE: pottery made of clay fired to a cream color.
BUSTS: sculptures of an individual depicting the parts of the body from the
shoulders up.
BYZANTIUM: the city of modern-day Istanbul, once the capital of an empire
that lasted from 330 C.E. to 1453 C.E.
CAESAR: originally the family name of Julius Caesar; it was assumed by Oc-
tavian after his adoption and was subsequently used by other emperors, gain-
ing the title on their accession or upon their appointment as heir.
CAESARION: the nickname for Ptolemy XV, who was a son of Cleopatra and
was rumored to have been fathered by Julius Caesar.
CALADARIUM: the hot room in a Roman bath.
CALIGULA: emperor from 41 C.E. to 54 C.E.
CAMENAE: goddesses associated with water.
CAMPANIAN WARE: one of the earliest types of Roman fine ware ceramics and
notable for its reddish slip.
CAMPUS MARTIUS: located outside of the city of Rome; the initial meeting
place of the Roman army and the comitia centuriata and in English called the
Field of Mars.
CAPITAL: an architectural term for the top part of a column.
CAPITOLINE: one of the hills of Rome.
CAPITOLINE TRIAD: group of gods consisting of Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva.
CAPTIVI: a comedy by Plautus.
CARACALLA: emperor from 211 C.E.–217 C.E.
CARDO: one of the cardinal lines of the sky and one of the cardinal lines laid
out in land surveying.
CARMEN ARVALE: the oldest surviving example of Latin poetry and a song of
the Arval Priests.
Glossary 311
CIRCUS: track for chariot racing, semicircular in shape, with a field divided
into two sides; spectators sat in stands on either side.
CIRCUS MAXIMUS: the largest and most famous chariot-racing track, located
in Rome.
CISTELLERIA: a Roman comedy by Plautus.
CLAUDIAN: Latin poet who died in 404 C.E.
CLAUDIUS: emperor from 41 C.E. to 54 C.E.
CLEOPATRA VII: commonly considered the last queen of Egypt and romanti-
cally linked with Julius Caesar and Marc Antony.
CLIENT: a lower-status individual who was supported, in a variety of ways,
by a patron.
CLOACA MAXIMA: the major Roman sewer, first constructed in the regal pe-
riod and still in use today.
COARSE WARE: cheaper kind of pottery, usually used for utilitarian purposes
rather than decorative purposes.
COGNATES: languages or words that are related to one another but not de-
rived from one another.
COLLEGE: not postsecondary school, but rather state organizations of cultic
COLLINA: one of the four major zones of the city of Rome until Augustus re-
organized the city.
COLONY: type of Roman city founded by the Romans in newly conquered
territories, often settled by veterans.
COLOSSEUM: the large structure (more properly called the Flavian Am-
phitheater) inaugurated by Titus in 80 C.E. and still one of the most prominent
monuments in Rome.
COLUMBARIUM: large tomb that accommodated the remains of hundreds of
(usually cremated) individuals.
COMITIA: Latin term for assembly; should not be confused with the modern
word committee.
COMITIA CENTURIATA: the assembly of centuries, a Republican assembly of
373 centuries (groups of 100 men) who voted on legislation and the election of
upper officials.
COMITIA CURIATA: the assembly of wards; each of the three tribes was further
divided into ten wards, who voted as a block during the period of the monar-
chy on approving the king or any other magistrate with imperium.
COMITIA TRIBUTA: the assembly of tribes, this republican assembly func-
tioned like the comitia centuriata but was divided into thirty-five tribes and
generally voted on less important issues.
COMITIUM: enclosed building used for assemblies, the most famous located
in the forum Romanum.
COMMODUS: emperor from 180 C.E.–192 C.E.
COMPLUVIUM: the open section in the roof of an atrium that leads to the im-
CONCILIUM PLEBIS: structured similarly to the comitia tributa, this assembly
consisted only of plebeians.
Glossary 313
EPIC: a literary genre that usually involves accounts of the past involving hu-
mans and gods.
EPICUREANISM: an Athenian philosophical tradition that promoted the study
of physics and the withdrawal from civic life.
EPICURUS: the founder of Epicureanism.
EPIDICUS: a comedy by Plautus.
EPIGRAPHY: the study of inscriptions.
EPISTLES: the scholarly term for letters or literature written in the form of let-
EPITHETS: words or phrases describing the attributes of a person, usually as-
sociated with their name or titles.
EPULONES: the college of cultic officials responsible for administering feasts
and games.
EQUESTRIAN STATUES: statues of individuals mounted on a horse, but not
necessarily statues of equestrians.
EQUITES: a status group consisting of property holders who were wealthy
enough to afford the equipment for horse-based warfare.
ESQUILINA: one of the four major zones of the city of Rome until Augustus
reorganized the city.
ESSEDARII: gladiators who drove chariots.
ESSENES: a particular Jewish sect, infamous from the New Testament, whom
most scholars associate with the Dead Sea Scrolls.
ETRUSCANS: the dominant cultural group that lived in central Italy prior to
the rise of Roman civilization.
EUNUCHUS: a Roman comedy by Terence based on an earlier play by Menan-
EUSEBIUS: a Christian writer who lived from about 260 C.E. to 340 C.E., and
one of the most important sources for early Christianity.
EVANDER: a Greek god, who in some Roman legends was the founder of
EXEDRA: a recess in the wall of a Roman house.
FACTIO: the four chariot-racing companies in Rome that rented out chariots
and drivers for events.
FAIYUM MUMMY PORTRAITS: realistic paintings of human faces, found on
mummified bodies in Egypt during the Roman period.
FASCES: an important symbol of power in Rome, consisting of a bundle of
rods, and infamous because of its associations with Mussolini’s Fascist party
(and the source of that party’s name).
FASTI: the name of Ovid’s poem about the Roman calendar, derived from the
same term used to describe days of the year in which business could be con-
FAUCES: the main hall of an atrium-style house that connected the VESTIBULUM
with the ATRIUM.
FAUSTULUS: the shepherd who supposedly found Romulus and Remus.
FELICITAS: the goddess of luck.
316 Glossary
ISIS: Egyptian goddess who became quite popular in Rome during the impe-
rial period.
IUS DIVINUM: the proper relationship between gods and humans.
IUS RESPONDENDI: the right to give a legal opinion.
JANUS: god of thresholds and doorways, commonly depicted with two faces.
JENTACULUM: Roman breakfast, usually just a very small meal.
JEROME: one of the early Christian church fathers, who lived from about 347
C.E. to 420 C.E.
JOSEPHUS: Jewish historian and one of the best sources on Roman-period Ju-
JUGURTHA: Numidian king who was defeated by Marius in 104 B.C.E.
JULIAN: emperor from 360 C.E. to 363 C.E.
JULIUS CAESAR: brilliant general who became dictator of Rome, but was as-
sassinated in 44 B.C.E.
JUNIAN LATINS: slaves who were unofficially manumitted and allowed to
live like freedmen but whose children were still slaves and whose property
still belonged to the master.
JUNO: wife of Jupiter, identified with the Greek goddess Hera and also the
name for female procreative power.
JUPITER: the supreme god of the Romans, associated with weather.
JURISTS: legal intellectuals who worked in Rome, wrote on issues of law, and
participated in legal cases.
JUSTIN: a Roman historian.
JUTURNA: goddess associated with fountains.
JUVENAL: Roman satirical poet.
KALENDAE: the name of the first day of the month.
KNIDIAN RELIEF WARE: mold-made pottery often found in very interesting
shapes, dating from 70 C.E. to 250 C.E.
KOINE: the common dialect of Greek and the language of the New Testa-
LACONIUM: the sauna room in a Roman bath.
LARARIUM: the shrine for the household lars, kept in the atrium, which was
the responsibility of the pater familias.
LARES: protective household deities, cared for by the pater familias.
LARS: singular form of the word lares.
LATE LATIN PERIOD: a broad period of Latin literary output, usually under-
stood as beginning in 138 C.E.
LATIFUNDIA: large agricultural estates, worked by slaves.
LATIN: an Indo-European language and the most prominent language in
LATIN LEAGUE: association of Latin towns (probably originating in the sev-
enth century B.C.E.) for the joint worship of deities and mutual protection, led
by Alba Longa until Rome defeated the city, and made itself a dominant part-
ner (in the foedus Cassianum) until its dissolution in 338 B.C.E..
LATINI: tribes living in Latium before the Roman period.
320 Glossary
LATINS: people who lived in Italy between the Tiber River and the Northern
Etruscan settlements during the Iron Age; the term later took on a broader
LATIUM: an area in western Italy between the Apennines and the Tyrrhenian
LEAF TABLETS: writing tablets made out of very thin sheets of wood.
LEGATI: various officials in Roman provincial governance, including legion
commanders, ambassadors, and governors.
LEGIS ACTIO: legal action that involved drawing up forms and legal docu-
LEMURES: hostile ghosts who could be dangerous forces within the house-
LEMURIA: the festival held to satiate the LEMURES.
LEVANT: general geographic term for the regions of land on the east side of
the Mediterranean Sea.
LIBATIONS: liquid offerings, usually poured.
LICTORS: the attendants who carried the fasces before certain administrative
and cultic officials.
LIMBO: in Greek and Roman literary traditions, one of the locations where
the dead dwelled.
LIMES: either fortified military roads or permanent borders like Hadrian’s
LIMINAL: describing areas and/or times of transition.
LIMITES: frontier districts.
LINEAR B: earliest certain Greek language, well known from Bronze Age
LIP: the edge of the mouth of a pot.
LITTERATOR: the lowest level of public schooling, attended by both boys and
LIVIUS ANDRONICUS: Roman playwright also known for his translation of the
Odyssey into Latin.
LIVY: Roman historian who lived from 59 B.C.E. to 17 C.E., whose work is one
of the most important sources of Roman history.
LOST WAX: method of casting metal in which the mold was carved out of
wax, which was destroyed after the metal was cooled.
LUCAN: poet who lived from 39 C.E. to 65 C.E.
LUCIAN: an important writer who was born in 115 C.E.
LUCIUS VERUS: coemperor from 161 C.E. to 169 C.E., along with Marcus Aure-
LUCRETIUS: an important Stoic who wrote De Rerum Natura.
LUDI: games held on religious holidays.
LUPERCALIA: the festival in which the Luperci ran through the streets slap-
ping bystanders with strips of goat-skins.
LUPERCI: the priests in charge of the festival of Lupercalia.
MACRINUS: emperor from 217 C.E. to 218 C.E.
Glossary 321
MAGISTER: the lowest level of public schooling, attended by both boys and
MAGISTRATE: an elected official in the Republican period who served in of-
fice for one year.
MANES: benevolent spirits of dead ancestors.
MANUMISSION: the act of freeing a slave, who, once manumitted, became a
MANUS: literally means “hand” but is a type of marriage in which the hus-
band gains complete control over the wife’s property.
MARCUS AURELIUS: emperor from 161 C.E–180 C.E.; wrote Meditations.
MARIUS: influential Roman general who introduced numerous military re-
forms and is widely credited with professionalizing the army.
MARS: Roman god of war and agriculture.
MARSIAN WAR: another name for the Social War.
MARTIAL: Roman poet who lived from 40 C.E. to 104 C.E.
MASADA: the site of a Jewish stand against Rome, which was not captured
until 73 C.E., well after the Jewish Revolt had been suppressed elsewhere in Ro-
man Palestine.
MATRONALIA: festival in which only women were allowed to participate.
MAU, AUGUST: renowned Roman art historian who identified the four styles
of wall paintings at Pompeii still used as categories in scholarship today.
MAUSOLEUM: tomb for a single individual built as a commemorative area.
MAUSS, MARCEL: gifted anthropologist and student (and nephew) of Emile
Durkheim, whose study on gift-giving revolutionized the way scholars under-
stand this phenomenon.
MEDIANUM: the long hallway in a Roman apartment complex that functioned
both as the primary entrance and the primary source of light.
MENAECHEMI: a Roman comedy by Plautus.
MERCATORES: Roman merchants who traded specific goods.
MERCURY: god associated with communication and trade.
MESOPOTAMIA: the Greek word for the region and civilization that flourished
between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers (basically modern Iraq).
METALLURGY: the art of gaining metal from ore and fashioning that metal
into tools and other objects.
METAMORPHOSES: written by Ovid; one of the world’s greatest literary
achievements, brilliantly connecting Near Eastern and classical traditions
through the theme of transformation.
METER: the rhythm of a poem; in classical works it is based on the number of
syllables in a line and their respective length.
MIDDLE PLATONISM: a philosophical school of thought founded by Anti-
ochus, which saw connections between the thought of Plato and Aristotle.
MILES GLORIOSUS: a comedy by Plautus.
MILLE PASSUS: Roman distance measurement, equivalent to 1,480 meters.
MINERVA: goddess associated with crafts and creative arts as well as intelli-
322 Glossary
NOVUS HOMO: term used to describe a man who was the first member of his
family to be elected consul, which made his family noble.
NUMA POMPILIUS: the legendary second king of Rome.
NUMEN: term used to describe divine power.
NUMINA: impersonal, semidivine forces, usually associated with a particular
area or item.
NUMISMATICS: the study of coins.
OCTAVIA: name of the sister of Octavian and wife of Antony, and also the
name of the daughter of Claudius and first wife of Nero, about whom a
tragedy, named after her, was written.
OCTAVIAN: the man who defeated Antony and Cleopatra and became Au-
gustus, founder of the Principate.
ODOACER: the barbarian who became king of Rome in 476 C.E. and whose as-
cension is often considered to mark the end of the Roman Empire.
OECUS: the dining area associated with the peristyle in a peristyle house.
OIKOS: the Greek word for house, but often used to describe economies re-
lated to household-level production.
OPUS SECTILE: mosaics that consist mainly of large pieces of cut stone,
carved to fit together to form one design.
ORACLES: shrines or people through which gods could communicate with
humans; the term can also refer to the actual answers given by the gods.
ORATORY: the art of public speech, which was the forum for the practical ap-
plication of the skill of rhetoric.
ORCHESTRA: the semicircular section in the front of a Roman theater.
ORDERS: formally defined categories of people, of which the most notable in
Rome were the PATRICIANS and the PLEBEIANS.
ORIGEN: an early Christian scholar of Alexandria who lived from 185 C.E. to
254 C.E., most known for his work the Hexapla.
ORTHOGONAL: an orderly type of town planning common in Greek cities.
OSCANS: a group of people who lived in Italy and spoke a language related
to but distinct from Latin.
OSIRIS: an important Egyptian deity, but in Roman times was more impor-
tant as the husband of Isis.
OSSUARIES: rectangular boxes in which the bones of the dead were stored.
OSTIA: a port city with well-preserved apartment complexes that have been
substantially excavated.
OSTRACA: broken fragments of pottery or stone with writing or drawings on
OSTROGOTHS: the eastern Gothic tribes.
OTHO: emperor in 69 C.E.
OVID: one of the greatest Roman poets, author of Metamorphoses, who lived
from 43 B.C.E. to 17 C.E.
PAGAN: originally meant an inhabitant of a small hamlet, but with the rise of
Christianity came to be used to describe people who were not Christians or Jews.
PAGANALIA: celebration, associated with Ceres, celebrating the sowing of
324 Glossary
PRAETORS: replaced the king after the monarchy came to an end, and came
to take on a judicial role in Roman political life.
PREFECT: the head of a military unit or an upper-level administrator in the
Roman government.
PRIAPEA: poems written during the reign of Augustus to celebrate the god
PRIAPUS: Greek god adopted into Roman culture, usually appearing as a
statue placed in gardens, with a frightening face and large phallus.
PRINCEPS: the name used by Augustus to describe his position as head of the
Roman government, and is the word from which principate is derived.
PRINCIPATE: the name generally used to refer to the transition period be-
tween the republic and the empire in which Augustus ruled as princeps (first
citizen), but can also be used to refer to the period from Augustus until Dio-
PROCURATOR: government official in charge of financial issues.
PROLETARII: the lowest property class of citizens who were not obligated to
render military service.
PRO-MAGISTRATES: officials appointed to fulfill the functions of the consul or
praetor in place of these officials, usually for military purposes.
PROMULSIO: the appetizers at a Roman feast.
PROPERTIUS: a Roman poet who was associated with Ovid and wrote four
books of elegies.
PROSCRIPTIONS: under Sulla, men were declared outlaws, listed by name,
and could be hunted down and killed for a reward, while the man’s sons
would lose citizenship and all property was confiscated.
PROSODY: the study of verses in poetry, especially prominent in the study of
Greek and Latin.
PROVINCE: an administrative unit of the Roman Empire.
PSEUDOLUS: comedy written by Plautus.
PTOLEMAIC PERIOD: the designation given for the period of history when
Egypt was ruled by the house of Ptolemy, the most famous of these rulers be-
ing Cleopatra VII.
PTOLEMY: lived in Egypt from 100 C.E.–178 C.E.; was one of the most influen-
tial astronomers.
PUBLICANI: private individuals who purchased government contracts at auc-
tions and performed government designated tasks for profit.
PUDICITIA: a kind of virtue a Roman woman could be described as having,
best understood as devotion (especially sexual) to her husband.
PUNIC: the name given to the version of the Phoenician language that was
spoken and written in Carthage.
PUNIC WARS: the wars that the Romans fought against Carthage during the
period of the republic.
PYRRHIC VICTORY: a victory gained at a very high cost.
PYRRHUS: Greek king who went to war with both the Romans and Carthage.
Glossary 327
SARCOPHAGUS: type of coffin used for inhuming the remains of the dead,
even if the body had been cremated.
SATIRES: a name of two separate collections, one by Horace, and the other by
SATURN: an important Roman god, probably associated with agriculture,
who had a temple on the Capitoline Hill.
SATURNALIA: the Roman festival from which the Christian holiday Christ-
mas is derived.
SATYRICON: a novel, written by Petronius, that did not fully survive, but has a
long section describing a feast.
SCAENA: the stage of a Roman theater.
SCAENAE FRONS: the back wall of the stage of a Roman theater.
SCIPIO AFRICANUS: Roman general who defeated Hannibal and conquered
North Africa for Rome.
SCRIPTORIA: institutions that copied manuscripts.
SECOND SOPHISTIC: revival of Greek rhetoric in the second century C.E.
SECOND STYLE: style of wall painting and interior decoration found at Pom-
peii that typically incorporated landscape art into the decorative scheme.
SECOND TABLES: the course of the Roman meal that we think of as dessert.
SECOND TEMPLE PERIOD: the period of Jewish history that ranges from the re-
building of the temple in Jerusalem until its destruction by the Romans in
70 C.E.
SEED THEORIES: theories that explain the fall of Rome through internal, sys-
temic problems, also known as “germ” or “decay” theories.
SEGMENTARY CITY: type of city also known as an Islamic city that was laid
out primarily according to kinship.
SELEUCIDS: one of the ruling dynasties that took over parts of Alexander the
Great’s kingdom after his death.
SEMIS: a unit of Roman coinage.
SENATE: an important political institution throughout Roman history, the
Senate acted in an advisory role first to the kings, then elected officials, and fi-
nally the emperor.
SENECA THE YOUNGER: lived from 4 B.C.E. to 65 C.E. and was an important
proponent of Stoicism.
SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS: emperor from 193–211 C.E.
SERVIAN WALL: a wall constructed in 378 B.C.E. in the aftermath of the Gallic
sack, which surrounded the city proper and still survives in part today.
SERVIUS TULLIUS: one of the early kings of Rome.
SESTERTIUS: a unit of Roman coinage.
SIGNINUM: a type of mosaic made up of colored mortar and large chunks of
different kinds of materials.
SILVER AGE: a period of Latin literature, usually understood as ranging from
14 B.C.E. to 138 C.E.
SKEPTICISM: Greek philosophical tradition that struggled with the impossi-
bility of attaining true knowledge.
Glossary 329
SKEWOMORPH: the attempt to make an item in one medium look like an item
in a different medium (e.g., a ceramic bowl made to look like a metal bowl).
SLIP: a kind of paint, made out of clay, used to decorate ceramics.
SOCIAL WAR: lasted from 90 B.C.E. to 88 B.C.E. when Rome’s allies revolted.
SOCIETAS: organizations of investors.
SOCII: the name given to allies of Rome.
SPARTACUS: a slave who led a major slave revolt against Rome from 73 B.C.E.
to 71 B.C.E.
SPORTULAE: a payment given to a client by a patron.
STADIUM: a Roman unit of measurement for nautical distances that was
equivalent to about 187.5 m.
STATUE-IN-THE-ROUND: statue that is carved on all sides and intended for
viewing from 360 degrees.
STATUS: the perceived prestige of an individual that can be signified in many
STICHUS: a comedy written by Plautus.
STOICISM: a Greek philosophical school founded by Zeno that became very
popular in Rome.
STOICS: individuals who followed Stoicism.
STRIGILIS: a stick used in a Roman bath to remove dirt from and exfoliate the
STROPHIUM: a Roman brassiere.
SUBURBANA: one of the four major zones of the city of Rome until Augustus
reorganized the city.
SYBILLINE ORACLES: a collection of books in the charge of the sacris faci-
undis, which were based on the knowledge of ten prophets.
TABERNA: chamber opening directly onto the street in a Roman city that was
used as commercial or industrial space.
TABLELARII: hired messengers during the Republican period.
TABLINUM: the main reception room of a Roman house, often flanked by ALAE.
TACITUS: historian whose works Annals and Histories are important sources
on Roman history.
TALMUD: collection of rabbinic writings that center on commentary on the
TARQUIN: one of the family names of early Roman kings, traditionally
thought to be Etruscan.
TEMPLUM: the area an augur marked off to take an auspice.
TEPIDARIUM: the room in a bath complex with tepid water facilities.
TERENCE: a comedy writer whose works won ancient critical acclaim.
TERMINA: deity associated with property boundaries.
TERMINALIA: the festival devoted to the divine forces in boundaries, cele-
brated on February 23.
TERRA SIGILLATA: one of the most important types of Roman pottery, easily
recognizable because of its glossy red surface.
TERTULLIAN: an early Christian apologist and theologian who lived from 160
C.E. to 225 C.E.
330 Glossary
ZEUS: the supreme god of the Greeks, who came to be associated with
ZOOMORPHIC: something that is not an animal, crafted to look like an ani-
ZOROASTRIANISM: the major religion of the Persians, supposedly based on
the teachings of Zarathustra.
334 Chronology
Adcock, F. E.
1940 The Roman Art of War under the Republic. New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc. (Ad-
cock provides a good, general introduction to the Roman military. The writing style
is a bit old-fashioned, and the information is slightly out of date. But because it is es-
sentially a collection of lectures, it is quite easy to read.)
1996 Dictionary of Roman Religion. New York: Facts on File. (This is another good ref-
erence tool by Adkins and Adkins. The entries are arranged alphabetically and are
trustworthy. The only complaint is that the bibliographies accompanying each entry
are relatively sparse.)
Andrae, Bernard
1977 The Art of Rome. R. Woolf (trans.). New York: H.N. Abrams. (This is an easy-to-
read one-volume overview of Roman art with good illustrations.)
Auget, Roland
1994 Cruelty and Civilization: The Roman Games. New York: Routledge University
Press. (Auget’s book is a good introduction to the Roman games in all their forms. It
begins with a discussion of the concept of cruelty in Roman games, and what it re-
flects about Roman society and modern society.)
Badian, E.
1958 Foreign Clientelae. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Although outdated, this book is
still useful as a source on Rome’s relationship to client states.)
1968 Roman Imperialism in the Late Republic. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (Argu-
ing against economic motivations for Roman imperialism, Badian analyzes this sub-
ject and scholarship on Roman imperialism in general in this volume.)
1972 Publicans and Sinners. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (This is a discussion of
340 Sources for Further Study
the nature of the publicani; the name of the book is derived from the negative image
of the publicani in the New Testament.)
Bailey, Cyril
1932 Phases in the Religion of Ancient Rome. Westport: Greenwood Press. (This is an
important work but is very flawed in its interpretive framework. The major problem
is that it presents a unilinear cultural evolutionary model of Roman religion. If the
reader can ignore these interpretations, then some of the hard data can still be use-
Balsdon, John
1967 Julius Caesar and Rome. London: English University Press. (Geared towards the
lay reader, this generally follows Gelzer’s work, but at a simpler level.)
Beard, Mary
1980 “The Sexual Status of Vestal Virgins.” Journal of Roman Studies 70. (Very worth
reading, this journal article presents an interesting discussion of the vestal virgins
and is almost always cited in discussions of this religious group.)
Bloch, Raymond
1960 The Origins of Rome. London: Thames & Hudson. (Bloch describes the origins
of Rome from the perspective of both texts and archaeology. Most important is
Bloch’s argument that early Roman history should be understood within the context
of other events in Italy rather than as an isolated phenomenon.)
History of the Classical World. Directly relating to Roman studies is the chapter on the
republic and early empire and the chapter on the late Roman Empire).
Boëthius, Axel
1960 The Golden House of Nero. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. (This book
is not just about Nero’s Golden House, although there is a good chapter on it. There
are also chapters about Iron Age architecture, domestic architecture, and other top-
1978 Etruscan and Early Roman Architecture. New Haven: Yale University Press.
(Originally published as one volume with Ward-Perkins [1981], this is the only com-
prehensive book on this subject. The book has been revised in its second edition,
with material added after the author’s death. The illustrations are very good.)
Bowder, Diana
1978 The Age of Constantine and Julian. New York: Barnes & Noble. (The political and
religious events of the late Roman Empire are described in detail.)
Bowersock, Glen
1965 Augustus and the Greek World. Westport: Greenwood Press. (The adoption and
integration of the Greek world into the Roman sphere of influence are the subject of
this detailed, text-based study.)
1969 Greek Sophists in the Roman Empire. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Based on a series
of lectures, the relationship of Sophistic thought in Rome is well described here. This
is probably the best entrance into this subject if the reader wants to approach it from
a Roman perspective.)
Bradford, Ernle
1981 Hannibal. New York: Barnes & Noble Inc. (Another older volume that has been
reissued by Barnes & Noble, this is an easy-to-read account of Hannibal’s life, focus-
ing mostly on military affairs. Unfortunately, there is only a brief chapter devoted to
Hannibal’s life after the Battle of Zama, which was a very interesting time.)
Brendel, O.
1979 Prolegomena to the Study of Roman Art. New Haven: Yale University Press. (First
published in the Memoirs of the American Academy at Rome, because Brendel’s essays
have been so influential, that they were reprinted. This book is only sparsely illus-
trated and is not an overview of Roman art. Rather, it tackles questions of what
makes art Roman and establishes many of the definitions and questions that are still
asked in the field of Roman art history.)
Brilliant, R.
1974 Roman Art. London: Phaidon. (There are two distinct sections in Brilliant’s
342 Sources for Further Study
book. The first section [and the largest] is a discussion of various themes of Roman
art. The second section provides a chronological analysis of Roman art.)
Brown, Frank
1961 Roman Architecture. New York: G. Braziller. (Brown’s discussion of Roman ar-
chitecture is very brief, but because more than half of the book consists of illustra-
tions, it is still a useful treatment on architecture. It is a very easy read and discusses
the issue from a chronological perspective.)
Brown, Peter
1971 The World of Late Antiquity, A.D. 150–750. London: Thames & Hudson. (This is a
good introduction to the intellectual world of the later Roman Empire and early
Byzantine period. Brown’s conceptions of this period are very important, especially
for scholars of early Christianity.)
Brunt, Peter
1971a Italian Manpower. London: Oxford University Press. (This is a thorough exami-
nation of Roman census documents.)
1971b Social Conflicts in the Roman Republic. London: Chatto & Windus. (Chronologi-
cally oriented discussion of various elements of social conflict throughout Roman
history. It also includes two background chapters, including one on economics.)
Buckland, W. W.
1975 A Text-book of Roman Law from Augustus to Justinian. 3rd ed. Revised by Peter
Stein. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Written from the perspective of a
lawyer, this very dense and difficult work attempts to list Roman laws, even using le-
gal language. It is thorough but methodologically flawed in its use of sources.)
Burnett, Andrew
1991 Roman Coins. Berkeley: University of California Press. (Intended as an intro-
duction for nonspecialists, this book deals with coins in primarily classical and me-
dieval contexts. It is a useful introduction to how archaeologists can use ancient coins
to reconstruct the past.)
Campbell, J. B.
1984 The Emperor and the Roman Army. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Not only describ-
ing the imperial army, this book discusses in detail the importance of the army for
the political support of the emperors, going so far as to argue that the army was the
primary force behind the later emperors.)
Camps, William
1969 An Introduction to Virgil’s Aeneid. London: Oxford University Press. (Specifi-
cally geared toward students and first-time Virgil readers, this book provides excel-
lent commentary and discussion on The Aeneid.)
Carcopino, Jérôme
1940 Daily Life in Ancient Rome. Henry Rowell (ed.). New Haven: Yale University
Press. (An overview of Roman life, the first part of the book describes various aspects
Sources for Further Study 343
of Roman social history, such as population, urbanism, family, class, religion, and ed-
ucation. The second part describes a typical day in the life of the average Roman.)
Carson, A. G.
1978 Principal Coins of the Romans. 3 vols. London: British Museum Publications.
(Each volume discusses a different period of Roman coinage—the republic, the prin-
cipate, and the dominate, respectively, and provides ample illustrations and discus-
Casson, Lionel
1974 Travel in the Ancient World. London: Allen and Unwin. (Casson discusses the
nature of travel in antiquity.)
Caven, Brian
1980 The Punic Wars. New York: Barnes & Noble Inc. (This book provides a compre-
hensive narrative of many of the events of the Punic Wars. It also provides analysis of
the key players and some of the social setting of the wars. The book is chronologically
organized, which gives the reader a good sense of the historical flow of the conflict.)
Chambers, Mortimer
1970 The Fall of Rome: Can It Be Explained? 2nd ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and
Winston. (This is an anthology of the works of important modern scholars on the fall
of Rome. It is a good place to begin one’s study on this subject, although Kagan’s vol-
ume [1992] is similar and more up-to-date.)
Charles-Picard, Gilbert
1966 Living Architecture: Roman. London: Oldbourne. (There are useful illustrations
and plans in this overview, although some of the plans are missing scales. Charles-
Picard singles out some of the most important monuments, but his categorizations
are not very helpful.)
1970 Roman Painting. Greenwich: New York Graphic Society. (This is the most com-
prehensive English-language treatment on this subject. There are many illustrations
but most are black-and-white.)
Charleston, Robert
1955 Roman Pottery. London: Faber and Faber. (This book has excellent photographs
of many types of Roman pottery and provides a thorough introduction to red-gloss
ware, glazed ware, and coarse ware.)
Chevallier, Raymond
1976 Roman Roads. Berkeley: University of California Press. (Chevallier presents an
overview from both an archaeological and inscriptional perspective of the evidence
for Roman roads.)
Clark, M. L.
1956 The Roman Mind. London: Cohen & West Ltd. (This is one of the few good
books about Roman philosophy. It is outdated, but unfortunately nothing has sur-
passed it.)
344 Sources for Further Study
Cornell, Tim
1995 The Beginnings of Rome. New York: Routledge. (This is arguably the best
overview of early Roman civilization available, and the sections where Cornell departs
from more traditional scholarly conceptions of Rome are particularly noteworthy.)
Cowell, F. R.
1980 Life in Ancient Rome. New York: Perigee Books. (This book can be found in
most large bookstores. It is very outdated but is very easy to read and relatively com-
prehensive in its coverage of everyday life. The sometimes inappropriate pictures
can be quite amusing.)
Crawford, Michael
1982 The Roman Republic. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. (One of the better
discussions of the history of this period, Crawford’s book is particularly useful for
learning about the sources of Roman history.)
Crook, John
1977 Law and Life in Rome. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (Crook gives a general
discussion of Roman law, but it is more a discussion of the social role and social prac-
tice of law in Roman society than a discussion of laws per se.)
1995 Legal Advocacy in the Roman World. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (This vol-
ume describes how advocacy worked, what the sources are for this aspect of legal
life, and its wider social setting.)
D’Ambra, Eve
1998 Roman Art. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Quite easy to read, the
book begins with a discussion of what the study of art can contribute to one’s under-
standing of Roman social structure. The first chapter is followed by more traditional
discussions on art history.)
d’Arms, John
1981 Commerce and Social Standing in Ancient Rome. Cambridge: Harvard University
Press. (The relationship between attitudes and actions, specifically in relation to no-
tions of commerce, is discussed here. Also helpful are the author’s explanations of
the practical aspects of commerce and investment in Rome.)
de Coulanges, Fustel
1864 The Ancient City. New York: Doubleday Books. (A classic work on the concept
of the city in the ancient world; even though it is outdated, it is still a useful read.)
Sources for Further Study 345
de Franciscis, Alfonso
1978 The Buried Cities: Pompeii and Herculaneum. Napoli: Interdipress. (This is a
glossy, popular book on Pompeii. It basically consists of paragraph-long treatments
on the various monuments. It has excellent color photos, and although not very
scholarly, it’s a useful book for travelers to Pompeii or for people who are just look-
ing for an easy overview.)
Deiss, J. J.
1966 Herculaneum: Italy’s Buried Treasure. New York: Crowell. (Here is a popular ac-
count of Herculaneum, which gives information on both the site and its excavations.
There are many pictures but all are in black and white.)
Dilke, Oswald
1971 The Roman Land Surveyors: An Introduction to the Agrimensores. Newton Abbot:
David and Charles. (A good study with a lot of technical details about many aspects
of land surveying.)
Dixon, Suzanne
1992 The Roman Family. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. (In one of the
best treatments of the subject, Dixon discusses the practices involved in marriage
and family life as well as the social meaning of the institution of the family.)
Dodds, Eric
1965 Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety. Cambridge: New York: W.W. Norton.
(Dodds’s volume is an influential and controversial work that argues for similarities
between Roman religion and Christianity. Dodds approaches religion using Freudian
and Frazerian interpretative categories. See the response to Dodds in the volume ed-
ited by Smith and Lounibos [1984].)
1967 Latin Biography. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. (Each chapter in this col-
lection of essays is devoted to a particular Roman biographer.)
Duckworth, George
1952 The Nature of Roman Comedy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Written
specifically for students, this is essentially a book on Greek New Comedy, and espe-
cially about Plautus and Terence. It includes discussions on the background and his-
tory of comedy, the presentation of comedy, an analysis of various plays (as well as
brief summaries of the plays), and a discussion on the relationship between Roman
and Greek comedies.)
346 Sources for Further Study
Dudley, Donald
1960 The Civilization of Rome. New York: The New American Library. (This is a
slightly out of date, but good survey of Roman history. Only 256 pages, it can be con-
sidered only an outline of Roman history—but sometimes outlines can be useful.)
Duff, A. M.
1926 Freedmen in the Early Roman Empire. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (An authorita-
tive although outdated overview of many aspects of the lives of freedmen in ancient
Rome, with thematically organized chapters.)
Dumézil, Georges
1970 Archaic Roman Religion. 2 vols. Philip Krapp (trans.). Chicago: University of
Chicago Press. (This work has been very influential in Roman scholarship on religion.
It is an important work but probably not the best book with which to begin one’s stud-
ies. This is the easiest English version of Dumézil’s important but flawed Indo-Euro-
pean hypothesis. His conclusions and viewpoints are not necessarily trustworthy.)
Duncan-Jones, Richard
1982 The Economy of the Roman Empire: Quantitative Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. (Presented here is an attempt at quantitative methods of investiga-
tion of the Roman economy. Noteworthy are the lists of prices in various regions, al-
though there are a lot of problems with the techniques of analysis and the conclu-
sions drawn from those techniques. Nonetheless, this work has been important in
modern research on the Roman economy.)
1990 Structure and Scale in the Roman Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press. (Duncan-Jones provides a less quantitatively oriented discussion of Roman
economy in this volume than in his 1982 work. Included are important discussions of
transportation, labor, agriculture, urbanism, and taxation.)
Dupont, Florence
1989 Daily Life in Ancient Rome. Christopher Woodall (trans.). Cambridge: Basil
Blackwell Ltd. (While discussing many aspects of everyday Roman life, Dupont pro-
vides insightful analysis of the social meaning of the habits of daily living.)
Earl, Donald
1967 The Moral and Political Tradition of Rome. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (Earl
considers the morality of the Roman nobility through Roman philosophical writings,
although he has a shockingly positive bias about the nature of the Roman nobility.)
Ellis, Simon
2000 Roman Housing. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd. (This is a good discus-
sion of Roman housing from both an architectural perspective and a social perspec-
tive. Chapters on decoration and furniture are quite good. Especially notable is the
integration of both archaeological and textual data.)
Errington, Robert
1972 The Dawn of Empire: Rome’s Rise to World Power. London: Hamish Hamilton.
(Oriented toward nonspecialist readers, this book discusses Roman expansion sur-
rounding the second Punic War.)
Sources for Further Study 347
Fagan, Garret
1999 Bathing in Public in the Roman World. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
(This volume concentrates on the social role of the baths but also includes a collec-
tion of inscriptions related to bathing.)
Ferguson, John
1970 The Religions of the Roman Empire. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (This book
studies Roman religion from a comparative-religion framework.)
1973 The Ancient Economy. Berkeley: University of California Press. (Finley’s classic
statement on the nature of ancient economies; scholars of ancient Rome are familiar
with this work, although the conclusions are certainly controversial.)
Fowler, William
1911 The Religious Experience of the Roman People. London: Macmillan. (Published in
this book are a number of lectures given by William Fowler on many aspects of Ro-
man religion. It is an exhaustive work. Although it is out of date, it is still an impor-
tant work and is frequently cited.)
Fraenkel, Eduard
1957 Horace. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Fraenkel attempts to understand Horace’s
poetry entirely from a literary perspective and tries to understand the poetry as a Ro-
man was supposed to understand it.)
Frank, Tenney
1927 An Economic History of Rome. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University. (Before ed-
iting his five-volume, comprehensive survey of Roman economic issues, Frank pub-
lished this shorter, preliminary account. It is good to read through this volume before
tackling his larger series.)
1933–1940 (ed.) An Economic Survey of Ancient Rome. 5 vols. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press. (This is a comprehensive, edited series, detailing various aspects of
the Roman economy. Although outdated, it is still a worthwhile source and probably
the most inclusive.)
Freeman, Charles
1993 The World of the Romans. New York: Oxford University Press. (Readers will
find this popular account of Roman civilization easy to read and well written.)
348 Sources for Further Study
Friedländer, Ludwig
1910 Roman Life and Manners under the Early Empire. London: Routledge & Sons,
Ltd. (This is a four-volume encyclopedia on Roman social history. Although very
outdated, much of the information is difficult to find elsewhere, and there is nothing
available that is more current with a similar scope.)
Frier, Bruce
1980 Landlords and Tenants in Imperial Rome. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
(This is an interesting study of real estate in Roman times, especially rental issues. It
includes a discussion of the apartments at Ostia, the rental market, and legal issues
relating to rental property.)
Futrell, Alison
1997 Blood in the Arena. Austin: University of Texas Press. (This is an easy-to-read,
semipopular account of gladiators and Roman arena culture. In terms of the arena,
Futrell discusses matters of its origins, religious events, amphitheater construction,
and human sacrifice.)
Gardiner, Jane
1993 Roman Myths. Austin: University of Texas Press. (This is a well-illustrated vol-
ume, intended for general audiences.)
Garnsey, Peter
1980 Non-slave Labour in the Greco-Roman World. Cambridge: Cambridge Philologi-
cal Society. (This is a collection of essays by prominent scholars on the topic of labor.
The importance of this question in studies of ancient economy is clear from this
work. It is a bit technical, however, and not all of the essays are in English.)
Garzetti, A.
1974 From Tiberius to the Antonines. J. R. Foster (trans.). London: Methuen. (This is a
detailed reign-by-reign account of the period noted in the title.)
Gelzer, Matthias
1968 Caesar, Politician and Statesman. Peter Needham (trans.). Cambridge: Cam-
Sources for Further Study 349
bridge University Press. (Although out of date stylistically, this is still one of the clas-
sic accounts of Caesar.)
1969 The Roman Nobility. Robin Seager (trans.). New York: Barnes & Noble. (Origi-
nally published as two separate volumes in German, this work, geared toward stu-
dents, describes various aspects of the lives of the nobility in the republic, including
patronage and political influence.)
Gibbon, Edward
1776–1788 The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. (Available in many
editions, many of which are abridged, this classic of English-language writing is a
necessary read for anyone interested in Rome.)
Gjerstad, Einar
1962 Legends and Facts of Early Rome. Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup. (Gjerstad argues for a
different chronology of early Rome and for a substantially different early history
than more traditional accounts.)
Grant, Frederick
1957 Ancient Roman Religion. New York: Liberal Arts Press. (This anthology of ancient
literature is arranged and selected to present a general overview of Roman religion.)
Grant, Michael
1958 Roman History from Coins. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(This is a small book [less than 100 pages] that demonstrates how you can study his-
tory through coins.)
1971 Roman Myth. New York: Charles Scribner and Sons. (This is a readable discus-
sion of Roman myths. Most of the myths are those recounting the foundation of
Rome. Grant does a good job of describing the political uses of myth.)
1974 The Army of the Caesars. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. (This is a good his-
torical study of the army in the empire.)
1978 History of Rome. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. (This is a good, but brief,
overview of Roman history from the Etruscan period until the fall of the western em-
pire and is more comprehensive than most one-volume books on the subject.)
1999 The Collapse and Recovery of the Roman Empire. New York: Routledge. (This vol-
ume tackles the question of why the Roman Empire survived through the troubled
260s–270s C.E. A pretty detailed discussion of a very interesting period, but Grant in-
sists that it is surprising that Rome survived this period.)
popular audiences, that provides a good overview of classical civilization and a use-
ful bibliography for selected topics in ancient studies.
Greene, Kevin
1986 The Archaeology of the Roman Economy. Berkeley: University of California Press.
(This book is geared toward specialists and nonspecialists and provides an excellent
discussion of how archaeology can contribute to the study of the Roman economy. It
includes sections on transportation, coinage, agriculture, industry, and settlement
survey data.)
1992 Roman Pottery. Berkeley: University of California Press. (This book is a good
introduction to the study of pottery in general and Roman pottery in particular. It is
easy to read and emphasizes how archaeologists study Roman pottery more than
pottery itself.)
Griffin, Jasper
1985 Latin Poets and Roman Life. London and Chapel Hill: University of North Car-
olina Press. (The interconnectedness of poetry and daily life is the main focus of this
study. Griffin demonstrates how Roman literary conventions, which seem artificial
to modern readers, were very powerful to ancient readers.)
Grimal, Pierre
1983 Roman Cities. G. Michael Woloch (trans.). Madison: University of Wisconsin
Press. (Grimal describes Roman urban planning as well as the important, typical
structures within a Roman city. The book contains a descriptive catalogue of Roman
cities, listing city names (modern and ancient), dates of occupation, locations, and
descriptive elements.)
Gruen, Erich
1968 Roman Politics and the Criminal Courts, 149–78 B.C. Cambridge: Harvard Univer-
sity Press. (This is an interesting study of Roman political systems through the legal ev-
idence, especially through trials. The way rival Roman families and factions used crim-
inal trials as public forums for disputes and attacks is made clear in Gruen’s study.)
1984 The Hellenistic World and the Coming of Rome. 2 vols. Berkeley: University of
California Press. (Gruen analyzes the institutions of Roman imperialism and pro-
vides a historical account of the development of Roman imperialism in the East.)
1995 The Last Generation of the Roman Republic. Berkeley: University of California
Press. (The period surrounding the end of the republic is discussed in detail.)
Hadas, Moses
1956 A History of Rome. New York: Garden City Press. (The history of Rome is re-
counted in this volume by presenting selections from classical sources. An interest-
ing method of presentation, but the uncritical presentation of sources can be some-
what problematic.)
Hardie, Philip
1998 Virgil. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (A brief but very good introduction to
Virgil and his poems.)
Sources for Further Study 351
Harris, W. V.
1979 War and Imperialism in Republican Rome, 327–70 B.C. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
(This book discusses imperialism, its aims, and attitudes toward war and the nature
of conquest in the Republican period.)
Hart, B. H. Liddell
1994 [1926]. Scipio Africanus: Greater Than Napoleon. New York: Da Capo Press. (Writ-
ten from the perspective of a military historian, this is a study of Scipio Africanus
and his military strategy, with detailed descriptions of battles.)
Hayes, John W.
1980 Late Roman Pottery with Supplement. London: British School at Rome. (Not an
easy read, but it is the most important book on this topic and the most thorough pre-
sentation of Hayes’s ceramic typology. The 1980 edition has a valuable supplement.)
1997 Handbook of Mediterranean Roman Pottery. London: British Museum Press. (Per-
fect for the beginner, this book discusses specific forms and more general issues in
Roman ceramic studies.)
Healy, John
1978 Mining and Metallurgy in the Greek and Roman World. London: Thames & Hud-
son. (For an overview of mining in the classical period, this is the best work. It tells
what was mined and how it was mined.)
Heurgon, Jacques
1973 The Rise of Rome to 264 B.C. James Willis (trans.). Berkeley: University of Cali-
fornia Press. (Major issues in the study of Rome are presented here, especially those
that have been prominent in non-English-speaking scholarly circles.)
Higgins, Reynold
1966 Greek and Roman Jewelry. Berkeley: University of California Press. (Although
there is only one chapter explicitly devoted to Roman jewelry, the first half of the
book treats important technological issues.)
Holmes, T. Rice
1928–1931 The Architect of the Roman Empire. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (The
first volume is a detailed narrative of events leading up to the establishment of the
principate. The second volume is centered on Augustus, the architect of the Roman
Hopkins, Keith
1978 Sociological Studies in Roman History I: Conquerors and Slaves. Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press. (Discusses issues of slavery and imperial domination using
sociological methods. The important contribution of this book is the models for so-
352 Sources for Further Study
cial change Hopkins suggests and his demonstration of the applicability of sociology
to ancient studies.)
1983 Sociological Studies in Roman History II: Death and Renewal. Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press. (Another series of sociological studies; the topics in this vol-
ume are all somewhat related to death, including games, succession, and mortuary
Hunter, Richard
1985 The New Comedy of Greece and Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(Specifically geared toward undergraduates, most of this book is about Greek mani-
festations of Greek New Comedy. But because Roman adaptations of Greek New
Comedy are very heavily based on the Greek prototypes, this book provides a very
useful account of the genre in Roman times as well.)
Huskinson, Janet
2000 Experiencing Rome. New York: Routledge. (This book was written with upper-
level undergraduates in mind. It contains eleven essays on Roman culture, all with a
heavy emphasis on analysis.)
Jashemski, W. F.
1979 The Gardens of Pompeii, Herculaneum and the Villas Destroyed by Vesuvius. New
York: Caratzas Brothers. (This is probably the most thorough account of gardens in
ancient Rome. It is well illustrated, and most of Jashemski’s arguments are based on
archaeology and art history.)
1993 The Gardens of Pompeii, Herculaneum and the Villas Destroyed by Vesuvius: Appen-
dices. New York: Caratzas Brothers. (Not as explicitly related to the first volume as
one might think, this book contains three appendices. The first describes every exca-
vated Vesuvian garden. The second is a catalogue of Roman garden paintings. And
the third includes evidence of Roman flora and fauna.)
Jolowicz, Herbert
1954 Historical Introduction to Roman Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(A very dense discussion of the history of Roman law, this is a thorough work. It pro-
vides much of the historical context for Roman law that is lacking in other works on
the subject.)
Jones, A. H. M.
1964 The Later Roman Empire, 294–602. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Jones suggests
that it is useful to compare the eastern and western empires. The contrasts and com-
parisons he draws are instructive.)
1974 The Roman Economy: Studies in Ancient Economic and Administrative History. Pe-
ter Brunt (ed.). Oxford: Blackwell. (Collected here are some important essays by
Jones on major issues in Roman economy. Some of the articles are general, but most
are geared toward scholars. This is an important collection because of Jones’s contri-
bution to the subject.)
Kagan, Donald
1992 The End of the Roman Empire: Decline or Transformation? 3rd ed. Lexington: D.C.
Sources for Further Study 353
Katz, Solomon
1955 The Decline of Rome and the Rise of Mediaeval Europe. Ithaca: Cornell University
Press. (Katz describes how much of Roman civilization [law, art, language] contin-
ued into medieval civilization. This was a very important work when it first came
out, basically instituting a new field of study and integrating medieval and classical
Kennedy, George
1972 The Art of Rhetoric in the Roman World. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
(Written with students in mind, this is a thorough account of rhetoric from a chrono-
logical perspective.)
Keppie, Lawrence
1983 Colonisation and Veteran Settlement in Italy 47–14 B.C. London: British School at
Rome. (Colonies and their impact are the key issues addressed by Keppie. Most of
the volume is concerned about those colonies settled by veterans and the nature of
that relocation.)
2000 I Claudia II: Women in Roman Art and Society. Austin: University of Texas Press.
(This book, while ostensibly a companion volume to I Claudia, is not an exhibition
catalogue but a series of articles on women in Rome, with somewhat of an emphasis
on art-historical evidence.)
Klingaman, William
1986 The First Century. New York: HarperCollins Publishers. (This book encom-
passes the entire first century C.E., including the Roman world. It is interesting to put
Roman civilization in context with other civilizations. The prose is very readable,
but sometimes contains unreliable information. Klingaman frequently makes asser-
tions that cannot be backed up from a scholarly standpoint, so use this book with
Kraus, Theodore
1975 Pompeii and Herculaneum: The Living Cities of the Dead. New York: H.N. Abrams.
(Kraus’s book is very large, not in page numbers but in the size of the book. The
354 Sources for Further Study
chapters are arranged according to various subjects, such as “Man,” “Gods,” and
Laurence, Roy
1999 The Roads of Roman Italy. New York: Routledge. (Laurence provides good infor-
mation on the Roman-period roads in Italy. He puts the issue of transportation into
the social context of Roman civilization and illustrates the connection between roads
and Roman ideas of territory.)
Lawrence, Arnold
1972 Greek and Roman Sculpture. New York: Harper & Row. (There are five chapters
in this book specific to Roman sculpture, but the first three provide important infor-
mation on the study of ancient sculpture in general.)
Levick, Barbara
2000 The Government of the Roman Empire: A Sourcebook. 2nd ed. New York: Rout-
ledge. (This is a thematically organized anthology of translated ancient texts relating
to Roman governance, economy, and law.)
Ling, Roger
1991 Roman Painting. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Actually a discus-
sion of wall painting, this book provides the easiest introduction to Mau’s categories
of Pompeiian wall paintings; probably easier than reading Mau’s book. It also has
chapters on aspects of wall painting, including mythological/historical paintings,
techniques, and patrons.)
Lot, Ferdinand
1961 The End of the Ancient World and the Beginnings of the Middle Ages. New York:
HarperTorch Books. (This is a good study, because it encompasses both the fall of
Rome and the early medieval period. It illustrates how Roman institutions were
transformed in medieval times.)
Luttwak, Edward
1976 The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
Press. (Written from the perspective of a military historian and strategist, this book
details the development of imperial military strategy and warfare, tying these devel-
opments to specific historical situations.)
Lyne, R.O.A.M.
1980 The Latin Love Poets from Catallus to Horace. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(Designed for students, Lyne’s introduction to love poetry includes theme-based dis-
cussions as well as sections devoted to particular poets.)
MacDonald, William
1976 The Pantheon. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. (Although this is prima-
Sources for Further Study 355
rily a discussion of the Pantheon [with a description, study of its meaning, and prin-
ciples of its design and construction], MacDonald uses other Roman architecture to
better understand his subject, making the book relevant beyond just the Pantheon.)
1982 The Architecture of the Roman Empire I. New Haven: Yale University Press. (Not
an overview of the subject, but this book includes interesting chapters on Nero’s
palace, Domitian’s palace, Trajan’s markets, and the Pantheon. There are also more
general discussions of construction and design as well as individual architects.)
1986 The Architecture of the Roman Empire II. New Haven: Yale University Press.
(Very different from MacDonald’s first volume, this book discusses imperial perspec-
tive from the context of its urban environment.)
MacMullen, Ramsay
1963 Soldier and Civilian in the Later Roman Empire. Cambridge: Harvard University
Press. (The novelty of this book is that it discusses the lives and roles of soldiers
when not at war.)
1966 Enemies of the Roman Order: Treason, Unrest, and Alienation in the Empire. Cam-
bridge: Harvard University Press. (MacMullen’s book details many important as-
pects of the decline of Rome as well as Roman military history and techniques in the
imperial period.)
1976 Roman Government’s Response to Crisis, A.D. 235–337. New Haven: Yale Univer-
sity Press. (Good description of the events of the period presented from a social-his-
torical point of view.)
1981 Paganism in the Roman Empire. New Haven: Yale University Press. (Provided in
this volume is a discussion of Roman religion from what is essentially a philosophi-
cal perspective. It has a very good discussion of paganism as a category and how it
can be a useful category for understanding Roman religion.)
Mau, August
1982 [1902] Pompeii: Its Life and Art. F. W. Kelsey (trans.). 2nd ed. New York:
Caratzas Brothers. (Mau’s work is one of the most important works on Roman art
history ever written. Although there has been much more excavated at Pompeii since
the time this book was written, the art-historical categories Mau recognized are still
used in Roman studies today. This book is worth reading; it is one of those books that
is talked about more than it is actually read.)
McKay, Alexander
1975 Houses, Villas and Palaces in the Roman World. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
(Domestic housing is the major theme of this book. But the reader should be careful
when using it, as it is filled with errors. Unfortunately, there is no book that covers
the same ground that this book does.)
356 Sources for Further Study
Meier, Christian
1982 Caesar. David McLintock (trans.). New York: Basic Books. (This is an influen-
tial biography of Caesar, to which many of the other biographies on the man refer.
There is a heavy emphasis on the military campaigns. The English translation is
geared toward a popular audience, so there is no bibliography or footnotes.)
Meiggs, Russel
1973 Roman Ostia. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (This is the classic account of
Ostia. It is a very substantial book, discussing the history of Ostia, aspects of urban
life at Ostia, and elements of urban planning.)
Millar, Fergus
1977 The Emperor in the Roman World. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (Millar’s
book is an exhaustive overview of the role of the office of emperor in Roman times.
Not a discussion of specific emperors, this book examines the social and political
roles of emperors.)
Mommsen, Theodor
1871 History of Rome. 4 vols. New York: Scribner. (This is one of the masterpieces of
Roman scholarship. Originally intended as a five-volume work, this book is one of
the platforms on which modern Roman scholarship is based.)
Nicolet, C.
1980 The World of the Citizen in Republican Rome. P.S. Falla (trans.). Berkeley: Univer-
sity of California Press. (The concept of the citizen and issues related to citizenship
are discussed in this volume. Nicolet’s book is a very useful study on this topic.)
North, John
1976 “Conservatism and Change in Roman Religion.” Papers of the British School at
Rome: 44. (This is one of the most cited articles on the subject of Roman religion. It is
crucial to read it to be able to understand much of the current scholarly work on this
2000 Roman Religion. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (This is a short monograph
on major issues in the study of Roman religion with useful discussions on ap-
proaches to the study of Roman religion.)
Norwood, Gilbert
1923 The Art of Terence. New York: Russel & Russel. (Although Norwood para-
phrases and comments on Terence’s plays, unfortunately he does not translate Latin
phrases, making this book difficult for a beginner.)
Ogilvie, R.M.
1969 The Romans and Their Gods. London: Chatto & Windus. (This is a classic
overview that is still frequently cited. It is not a bad source of information, although
it should be read alongside more recent accounts.)
1976 Early Rome and the Etruscans. Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press. (The tex-
tual evidence for early Roman and Etruscan civilization is presented, but because the
Sources for Further Study 357
book does not consider the archaeological evidence, the accuracy of the conclusions
is questionable.)
Pallotino, Massimo
1991 A History of Earliest Italy. Martin Ryle and Kate Soper (trans.). Ann Arbor: Uni-
versity of Michigan Press. (The early history of Italy, not just Rome, is presented in
this volume, but most important are the historiographic issues that Pallotino dis-
Parkin, Tim
1992 Demography and Roman Society. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. (A
good introduction to the methodology of Roman demography and the evidence that
is available.)
Percival, John
1975 The Roman Villa: An Historical Introduction. Berkeley: University of California
Press. (This general survey of the Roman villa describes the physical manifestations
of the villa as well as its social and economic role in Roman times and has an espe-
cially good discussion of regional variations.)
Plass, Paul
1995 The Game of Death in Ancient Rome. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
(There are two main sections in this book. The first centers on gladiatorial combat
and the second discusses the phenomenon of political suicide. The link between
these two seemingly unconnected subjects is Plass’s discussion of the social role of
violence in Roman civilization.)
Quinn, K.
1969 Latin Explorations. 2nd ed. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. (Quinn’s book
is essentially a discussion of six major Roman poets. It is not a good introduction, as
358 Sources for Further Study
Quinn primarily deals with issues that he believed had not been dealt with well in
previous scholarship. It has been an influential work, and for that reason may be
helpful in one’s continued studies of Rome.)
1999 [1959] The Catullan Revolution. 2nd ed. London: Bristol Classical Press. (Al-
though not well regarded when it first appeared, this has been a very influential
book. It argues that Catullus led a new literary movement in Rome.)
Rawson, Elizabeth
1975 Cicero: A Portrait. London: Allen Lane. (Rawson provides a good overview of
Cicero and especially brings out his place within Roman traditions.)
Rickman, Geoffrey
1980 The Corn Supply of Ancient Rome. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Rickman’s study is
the authoritative work on the history of cereal crops in the city of Rome. It is struc-
tured along chronological lines and gives a good historical account of the city’s
changing relationship to this important type of crop.)
Rodgers, William
1964 [1937] Greek and Roman Naval Warfare. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press. (This
is a thorough overview of Greek and Roman naval warfare. Written from the per-
spective of a U.S. Navy vice admiral, the description of military strategy and tactics
is truly informative. There are some factual errors, but these are more than made up
for by the insight into how naval combat plays out.)
Rose, H.J.
1948 Ancient Roman Religion. New York: Hutchinson’s University Library. (Rose’s
volume is a classical account of Roman religion that has not stood the test of time.
Arguments made by Rose are often directly attacked by later scholars and usually for
good reason. Comments such as “the Romans were a much slower-witted people”
should make modern readers uncomfortable.)
Rostovtzeff, Michael
1957 Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire. Oxford: Oxford University
Press. (This is one of the most important works on Roman history and economy. The
author is one of the most well-respected scholars and this work is still widely quoted
Saller, Richard
1982 Personal Patronage under the Early Roman Empire. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
Sources for Further Study 359
1994 Patriarchy, Property and Death in the Roman Family. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
versity Press. (This is an excellent study of demographic issues related to Roman
families. There are three major sections in this work: a demographic study, a discus-
sion of family, and property issues within the Roman family. The true strength of this
work lies in its ability to integrate statistical evidence with discussion of Roman fam-
ilies and come to interesting conclusions about social history.)
Scarre, Chris
1995 Chronicle of the Roman Emperors. New York: Thames & Hudson Ltd. (Scarre’s
book provides information about each of the emperors. The book was written for
general audiences, and Scarre is sometimes not critical enough in his use of ancient
historical accounts, but the book is full of information and is very easy to use and
Schatzman, Israel
1975 Senatorial Wealth and Roman Politics. Bruxelles: Latonus. (This is an important
work investigating the economic circumstances and motivations of senators. Part 3
lists senators by name and discusses each individual, a useful tool for more ad-
vanced study.)
Scullard, H. H.
1961 A History of the Roman World 753 to 146 B.C. London: Methuen. (This is a tradi-
tional political and military history of Rome—dependable, but out of date.)
1976 From the Gracchi to Nero. 4th ed. London: Methuen. (This is a traditional, politi-
cal-military history, with extensive notes. It is well organized and has clear discus-
sions of the complicated political situations of this period.)
1981 Festivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
(This is the best source on Roman festivals available in English. It is most valuable as
a reference tool, as the majority of the book is a day-by-day guide to all of the most
important festivals of the Romans. The appendixes include valuable information
about festivals unavailable elsewhere.)
360 Sources for Further Study
Seaford, R.
1978 Pompeii. New York: Thames & Hudson. (Seaford’s book is not geared toward
specialists. It is well illustrated and contains sections on economy, politics, villas [and
their paintings], religion, and the destruction of Pompeii.)
Sear, Frank
1982 Roman Architecture. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (This introduction to the
subject consists of two types of chapters: chapters about particular periods and chap-
ters about particular architectural concepts.)
Shelton, Jo-Ann
1988 As the Romans Did. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Shelton’s book is a col-
lection of translations of ancient sources, thematically arranged. It is a staple of uni-
versity classrooms. The translations are good and the commentary is engaging. It is
an excellent teaching and learning resource.)
Sherwin-White, Adrian
1963 Roman Society and Law in the New Testament. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Here is
an interesting book about the legal and institutional settings of the New Testament.
Because this book was written from the perspective of a Roman scholar and not a bib-
lical scholar, it gives a very different [and useful] take on the New Testament, provid-
ing a lot of background that was assumed knowledge by New Testament authors.)
1973 The Roman Citizenship. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (This is a classic ac-
count of the issue of citizenship, although it is now outdated. This book is pretty
dense reading. The first half of the book deals with the period of the republic, and the
second half deals with the period of the principate.)
1984 Roman Foreign Policy in the Greek East. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
(Rome’s military and political relationship to Greece is explored in this monograph.)
Stahl, William
1962 Roman Science. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. (This is the standard
account of Roman science and is a necessary read if one is interested in this subject. It
describes the development of Roman science from what is essentially a chronological
Stockton, David
1971 Cicero: A Political Biography. London: Oxford University Press. (This biography
concentrates on Cicero’s role in political life, rather than his many other contribu-
tions. By singling out this aspect of Cicero’s life, Stockton is able to explore a number
of interesting issues about Roman society.)
1979 The Gracchi. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (This is a good discussion of the politics
and laws during the time of the Gracchi.)
Strong, Donald
1988 [1976] Roman Art. Hammondsworth: Penguin Books. (Strong provides a brief
overview of Roman art from a chronological perspective. With the exception of the
first two chapters, the book is organized by groups of emperors. This can be rather
misleading, because art does not always change with regime.)
1958 Tacitus. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Syme’s biography of Tacitus is a clas-
sic work. It provides a comprehensive biography of Tacitus and a substantial discus-
sion of his works and history writing in general.)
1978 History in Ovid. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Another classic work of Syme’s, this
book provides an ample discussion of the historical context of Ovid. It is difficult
reading, with untranslated Latin passages and many sentence fragments, but is a rel-
atively important work.)
Toynbee, Arnold
1965a Art of the Romans. London: Thames & Hudson. (The amount of illustrations in
this volume is unfortunately low. Even though the discussions are wide ranging,
they can be difficult to follow without images.)
1965b Hannibal’s Legacy. 2 vols. London: Oxford University Press. (This is an ex-
tremely detailed study of the setting and aftermath of the second Punic War.)
Toynbee, Jocelyn
1971 Death and Burial in the Roman World. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (This is
the best English source on Roman mortuary traditions. It is cited frequently and is
362 Sources for Further Study
well respected. It discusses the beliefs and rituals behind burial, cemetery types, and
grave goods. It integrates archaeological and textual data in a very useful fashion.)
Treggiari, Susan
1969 Roman Freedmen during the Republic. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (This is a thor-
ough discussion of all aspects of the lives of freedmen during the Republican period,
including legal aspects, careers, politics, religion, family, and children.)
Turcan, Robert
2000 The Gods of Ancient Rome. Antonio Nevill (trans.). New York: Routledge Press.
(This is a general introduction to Roman religion, although the title is somewhat mis-
leading, as it has only minimal discussion of Roman gods per se. The translation is
very readable, and it has good discussions of domestic religion, state religion, and
imported religious traditions.)
Vag, David
1999 Coinage and the History of the Roman Empire. 2 vols. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn
Publishers. (The first volume provides biographies of Roman officials and historical
summaries, and the second volume provides an introduction to numismatics and a
catalog of coins with their relative ancient values.)
Wallace-Hadrill, Andrew
1994 Houses and Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum. Princeton: Princeton University
Press. (This is a very influential study of the household in Roman times, based
mostly on the evidence from the Vesuvian cities. Wallace-Hadrill sees the household
as socially meaningful space and attempts to understand these meanings. His analy-
sis is very good, but it is often repeated in shorter form in other articles. However,
this is the most complete account of his ideas.)
Walsh, Patrick
1970 The Roman Novel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Written for stu-
dents, this book traces the development of Roman novels from their origins in other
Walters, Henry
1905 History of Ancient Pottery. 2 vols. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. (This was a
Sources for Further Study 363
pioneering work on the subject, though now very out of date. The second volume de-
scribes Roman pottery and has valuable information on production and styles.)
Ward-Perkins, John
1977 Roman Architecture. New York: Electa/Rizzoli. (With beautiful illustrations
and top plans, there are chapters on the Republican period, the Augustan Age, and
concrete architecture, among other topics.)
Watson, Alan
1970 The Law of the Ancient Romans. Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press.
(Here is a brief, easy overview of Roman law, organized into discussions of the his-
tory of law and the types of law that existed in Rome.)
Webster, Graham
1969 The Roman Imperial Army. Totowa: Barnes & Noble Press. (Here is a sound
presentation on all aspects of the imperial army, with chapters on the frontier and
borders, camps and forts, combat, and peacetime activities.)
West, David
1967 Reading Horace. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Press. (This is a small book that pro-
vides a good introduction to Horace and his works, specifically designed for non-
Wheelock, Frederic
1995 Wheelock’s Latin. 5th ed. R. A. LaFleur (trans.). New York: HarperCollins.
(Wheelock’s is the Latin grammar textbook. It is probably the most used introductory
Latin textbook. You can use this book as an aid for classroom study, or the very moti-
vated can use this book for self-study.)
White, Keith
1967 Agricultural Implements of the Roman World. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press. (This is very similar to White’s Farm Equipment of the Roman World, but geared
toward terms relating to the raising of crops.)
1970 Roman Farming. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (This is the classic study on
Roman farming. It deals with many aspects of Roman agriculture in technical detail
[but not unreadable technical detail]. For questions about Roman agriculture, go here
364 Sources for Further Study
1975 Farm Equipment of the Roman World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(The goal of White’s book is to identify the names of various kinds of farm equip-
ment, and that is precisely what he does, using textual and archaeological data. This
is more of a reference book than the kind of book that one would sit down and read.)
Whittaker, C. R. (ed.)
1993 Land, City and Trade in the Roman Empire. Brookfield: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
(This is a collection of fifteen important essays on Roman economy by prominent Ro-
man scholars. None of the essays was written for this publication. They have been
collected from other publications and confusingly retain the same formatting [in-
cluding page numbers!] of their original sources.)
Wiedemann, Thomas
1989 Adults and Children in the Roman Empire. New Haven: Yale University Press.
(Using textual data, Wiedemann traces the changing attitudes toward children and
about childhood through the first four centuries C.E. He studies the issue from a
number of perspectives—demographic, legal, etc.)
1995 Emperors and Gladiators. New York: Routledge Press. (Although a good general
introduction to gladiatorial combat is not provided by this volume, I think it is an im-
portant book for beginners to read nonetheless. Wiedemann discusses the social sig-
nificance of gladiators, avoiding the kinds of disparaging commentary provided by
most writers on this topic. In other words, he attempts to understand gladiators from
a Roman perspective, not a modern perspective.)
1997 Slavery. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (A brief monograph on the subject of
slavery in Greek and Roman society. The individual chapters are good, and espe-
cially noteworthy are Wiedemann’s comments on the problems of studying ancient
slavery, given American historical circumstances.)
Wilkinson, L. P.
1955 Ovid Recalled. Portway: C. Chivera. (Written for a nonspecialist but Latin-
reading audience. Wilkinson provides a biography of Ovid as well as literary com-
Williams, Gordon
1968 Tradition and Originality in Roman Poetry. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (This book
was written with the goal of situating Roman poetry within its historical context.)
1983 The Nature of Roman Poetry. London: Oxford University Press. (This is a simpli-
fied version of Tradition and Originality in Roman Poetry.)
Wiseman, T.P.
1985 Catullus and His World: A Reappraisal. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(This is a mixture of biography and literary criticism and is a useful introduction to
the setting of Catullus.)
Sources for Further Study 365
Wiseman, Timothy
1971 New Men in the Roman Senate. London: Oxford University Press. (Wiseman at-
tempts to identify all of the senators of municipal or equestrian origin in the period
139 B.C.E. to 14 C.E. As well as a discussion on the subject, Wiseman also lists all of the
names of these identified senators with some biographic information.)
Yavetz, Zvi
1969 Plebs and Princeps. London: Oxford University Press. (The relationship be-
tween the plebs and nobility in the principate is the primary topic of Yavetz’s book. It
includes a good discussion of the ways in which the urban crowd could affect the Ro-
man political scene.)
1983 Julius Caesar and His Public Image. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (A good
study of Caesar, but what makes this volume noteworthy is the first chapter, which
discusses the history of scholarship on Julius Caesar.)
Zanker, Paul
1998 Pompeii: Public and Private Life. Deborah Schneider (trans.). Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press. (Zanker’s book is an excellent study on understanding the
social meaning of Roman architecture—both state architecture and the architecture
of the home. The descriptions of how space and design affect the individual are an
important contribution. This book, however, is not an overview of Pompeii or its ar-
368 Index
Greek religion, 178, 180 Imperialism, origin, nature, and aims of,
Greek science and philosophy, 248 165
Gregorian calendar, 249 Incrustation style, 241
Gregory XIII, Pope, 249 India, Roman coins in, 107
Groma, 215 Indictio, 46
Guilds, 208 Industries, 101–105
mining and quarrying, 101–103
Hadrian, 85, 218, 219 pottery manufacture, 104
Hadrian’s Villa, 219–220 textile production, 104–105
Hadrian’s Wall, 85, 123, 124, 219 woodworking, 104
Handbooks, 248 See also Agriculture; Pottery; specific
Hannibal, 66–68 crafts or industries
Harbors, 118 Infant exposure, 136
Haruspices, 196, 252 Infant mortality, 132–133
Harvesting machines, 99 Infrastructure, 211–213
Hastati, 171 aediles and, 160
Hepatoscopy, 252 Inheritance, 137
Hera, 186 Inscriptions, 281
Herculaneum, 19, 24, 38–39, 84 Institutes (Gaius), 263
Herodotus, 55–56 Insurance, 113
Hills of Rome, 20–21 Integration of Roman studies, 304–305
Historians, Roman, 48–49 Intellectual accomplishments, 248
History, Roman study of, 254–256 education, 269–271
History of research. See Roman studies, Greek versus Roman, 248, 297–298
history of research philosophy, 256–261
History of Rome. See Roman history Roman study of history, 254–256
Hoplites, 167, 170 science, 248–256
Horace, 267 See also Leisure and entertainment
House of the Faun, 223 Interior decoration, 241–242
Household architecture, 222–226 International trade, 106–108
Household artifacts, 239–244 Internet resources, 14–16
adornment, 244 Interrex, 154
clothing, 242–244 Intricate style, 242
decoration, 241–242 Iron-Age Rome, 54–55
furniture, 239–240 Islamic civilization, 32
hygiene and grooming, 244 Italian nationalism, 40–41, 43–44
lighting, 240–241 Italy
Household deities, 182 environmental settings, 23–25, 28–29
Huns, 90 population in Roman times, 131
Huntington, Ellsworth, 292 Roman development context, 290
Hygiene and grooming, 244 settlement patterns, 125
Hypocausts, 215
James Ossuary, 202
Iliad, 50–51 Janus, 182, 187
Illyrian Wars, 69 Javelin, 171
Imperial government, 162–164 Jewelry, 238, 244
administration of empire, 164–166 Jewish revolts, 171, 172
army of the empire, 167–168 Jones, A. H. M., 296
emperor, 162 Josephus, 172, 174, 191
magistrates, 164 Journals, 10–11
Senate, 162–164 Jovian, 93
Imperial Rome, 45 Judaism, 5, 8, 189, 191
Imperialism, economic benefits of, Jugurtha, 72–73
298–300 Julian, 93
Index 373
Julius Caesar, 75–77, 169, 199, 249, 269 class conflict, 294–295
Severans, 87–88 decline and fall of Rome, 290–297
See also specific emperors environmental changes, 292–293
Roman historians and historical writing, Greco-Roman relationships, 297–298
48–49 Indo-European origins, 289–290
Roman history, 53–94 Roman origins, 287–290
chronological framework, 45–48 Roman imperialism, 165
Etruscans and, 55–57 Romanization, 300–301
fall of the Roman Empire, 93–94 Roman studies, history of research,
integration of, 304–305 32–45
Iron Age and Latial culture, 54–55 Enlightenment era, 36–37
regal period (seven kings of Rome), medieval era, 32–33
57–58 Mussolini and fascism, 43–44
rise of Roman city-state, 58–59 19th century Italy, 40–42
Roman history writing, 254–256 professionalization of archaeology, 42
synthesis of, 305 Renaissance era, 33–36
Veientine Wars, 60 World War II to present, 44–45
Roman history, Roman empire, 78–94. Roman studies, sources of information
See also Roman emperors for, 8–16
Roman history, Roman republic, 59–78 academic and research programs,
Antony versus Octavian, 77–78 13–14
conquest of Greece and Macedon, anthologies of classical sources, 12
69–70 archaeological sites, 16
fall of the republic, 70–78 journals, 10–11
landless poor and, 71 museums, 16
Latin League and Latin Wars, 59–60, mythology, 49–51
62–63 online resources, 14–16
Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar, 74–77 organizations, 14
professionalization of the military, reference works, 11–12
72–73 Roman historians, 48–49
Punic Wars, 65–69 Roman literature, 8–9
Pyrrhic Wars, 64–65 series, 12–13
sack by the Gauls, 60 Romanization, 226, 300–301
Samnite Wars, 62–64 Rome, decline and fall of, 93–94,
Social War and Sulla dictatorship, 290–297
73–74 ancient Roman commentary, 293
Spartacus and slave revolt, 74–75 Christianity and, 292, 297
Roman imperialism class conflict, 294–295
economic benefits of, 298–300 decay theories, 293–294
origin, nature, and aims of, 165 depopulation, 294
postcolonial discourse, 300–301 environmental change and, 292–293
Roman law. See Law Gibbon on, 93, 290–292
Roman literature. See Literature military considerations, 295–296
Roman religion. See Religion racial theories, 294
Roman studies, controversial issues in, transformation into Byzantium,
287 296–297
ancient versus modern economic Rome, great fire of 62 C.E., 228
perspectives, 301–302 Rome, location of, 20–22. See also
antiquities market and private Environmental setting
collectors, 302–303 Rome, origins and foundation of, 54–59,
artifact repatriation, 303–304 287–290
benefits of Roman imperialism, accuracy of ancient chronologies, 288
298–300 Dumézil on Indo-European origins,
Christianity, 291, 297 289–290
378 Index