Crux v9n08 Oct

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Journal title history:

➢ The first 32 issues, from Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1975) to
Vol. 4, No.2 (February 1978) were published under the
name EUREKA.
➢ Issues from Vol. 4, No. 3 (March 1978) to Vol. 22, No.
8 (December 1996) were published under the name
Crux Mathematicorum.
➢ Issues from Vol 23., No. 1 (February 1997) to Vol. 37,
No. 8 (December 2011) were published under the
name Crux Mathematicorum with Mathematical
➢ Issues since Vol. 38, No. 1 (January 2012) are
published under the name Crux Mathematicorum.
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ISSN 0705 - 0348


Vol. 9 S No. 8
October 1983
Sponsored by
Carleton-Ottawa Mathematics Association Mathematique d'Ottawa-Carleton
Publie par le College Algonquin, Ottawa

The assistance of the publisher and the support of the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad
Committee, the Carleton University Departrent of Mathematics and Statistics, the University
of Ottawa Department of Mathematics, and the endorsement of the Ottawa Valley Education
Liaison Council are gratefully acknowledged.
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CRUX MATHEMATICORUM is a problem-solving journal at the senior secondary and university

undergraduate levels for those who practise or teach mathematics. Its purpose is primarily
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It is published monthly (except July and August). The yearly subscription rate for ten
issues is $22 in Canada, US$2 0 elsewhere. Back issues: $2 each. Bound volumes with index:
Vols. 1&2 (combined) and each of Vols. 3-8, $17 in Canada and US$15 elsewhere. Chraues and
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Editor: lAo Sauve, Algonquin College, 281 Echo Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 1N3.
Managing Editor: F.G.B. Haskell, Algonquin College, 200 Lees Ave., Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada 1C1S 0C5.
Typist-compositor: Nghi Chung.
Second Class Mail Registration No. 5432. Return Postage Guaranteed.
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Boolean Inequalities from Lattices, Arrays, and Polygons . . . . J.L. Brenner 224
Fourth-Order Additive Digital Bracelets in Base Five . . . . Charles W. Trigg 231
Mathematical Clerihews . . . . . . . . Alan Wayne 235
The Olympiad Corners 48 , . . . M.S. Klamkfn 236
Hollywood Arithmetic
Problems - Problernes « . . 241
Introducing Maybe the Next Editor of Crux Mathematieorum 242
Solutions . . . . . . . . 243
The Puzzle Corner . . . . . . . . . . . Alan Wayne 256

- 223 -
- 224 -


1. An improvement from a rectangular lattice.
In a recent article in this journal [1983: 128], we showed how to use a dis-
section of a triangle to obtain the following result:
1.1. THEOREM. If m > 1 and n > 1 are integers3 and if p3q > 0 with p +q < 1,
m n „m
(1.11) (1 - pm) + (1 - qn) > 1.
The proof used only Boolean arguments, such as:
1.2. If two events A and B are mutually exclusive, then PrC4) + Pr(£) ^ l,
with equality if and only if A v B is exhaustive.
Using an idea of the editor, it is possible to o o o o o
sharpen ( l . n ) . Arrange mn beads in a rectangular array o ^ o o o o
of m columns and n rows, with a dogleg of max im9n} o o °v o o
beads stretching from the top left to the bottom right o o o ^ o o n rows
bead. (Figure 1.3 illustrates the case m = 5, n = 7.) o o o o^o
Color each bead randomly with exactly one of three o o o o o
distinct colors: using red with probability p > o, using o o o o o
green with probability q > o, or using blue with pro- m columns
bability r > o. The following three events are mutually Figure 1.3
exclusive, and their union is exhaustive if and only if m = n - l:
1.31. At least one row is entirely red.
1.32. At least one column is entirely green.
1.33. The dogleg is entirely blue.
m ^
It 1s easy to see that Pr(i.3i) is the complement 1 - (1 - p ) of the
probability (l - p ) that none of the rows be entirely red. Similarly,
Pr(i.32) = l - (i-qn)m, and it is clear that Pr(i.33) = P m a x { m ' n } . Assertion
1.2 can be extended to three mutually exclusive events, and gives

{ ! - ( ! - pm)n} + {1 - (1 - qnf} + r
max{m n}
> < 1.

Since r = i-p-q9 we have the following result:

1.4. THEOREM. If 777 > 1 and n > 1 are integers, and if p3q > 0 with p + q < 1,
m l n m
t* \ (A \ ^ A . (* vmax{777,rc}
( 1 - p ) + (1 - q ) >1+ (1-p-q)
with equality if and only if m - n - 1.
- 225 -
Theorem 1.4 can be extended in several ways. One extension, the proof of
which requires calculus, is to let 777 > 1 and n > 1 be real numbers. Another
kind of extension results if, for some given integer k > 2 9 we replace m9n by
k positive integers n.9 and p 9 q by k positive real numbers p.. It will be help-
ful to first state and give a (Boolean) proof of this result for k = 3 9 after
which we will state without proof a far-reaching generalization which encompasses
both types of extensions.
1.5. THEOREM. If n^n^n^ - 1 are integerss and if P1.sP2.9P3 >
° °^e veal
numbers with P1+P2+P3 ^ 1, then

(1.51) (1 - pi x) + (1 - p 2 z ) + (1 - P3 ) ^ 2 + (I-P1-P2-P3) »
where l\ = n2n^ l2 = n^n-y Z 3 = n ^2., witfc equality if and only if nj = n 2 = n 3 = *•
Proof. Arrange n\n2n3 beads in an n^n2xnz rectangular parallelepiped with
n j planes of dimensions n2xn39 n2 planes of dimensions rc3xttl9 n 3 planes of dimensions
n\*n29 and a "fractured" dogleg of max {ni,n 2 ,n 3 } beads extending from one corner
bead in a direction with equal direction cosines 1/^ until i t reaches a face,
proceeding then in that face in a direction with equal direction cosines 1//2 until
i t reaches an edge, and then remaining in t h a t edge until i t reaches the bead in
the corner opposite the s t a r t i n g corner. (Of course, there is no "fracture" if
two of the n, are equal, and the "leg" is s t r a i g h t if all three of the n. are
equal.) Color each bead randomly with exactly one of four d i s t i n c t colors 1,2,3,4:
using color i with probability p . > 0 for i = 1,2,3, and using color 4 with pro-
b a b i l i t y r > 0. The following four events are mutually exclusive, and t h e i r
union is exhaustive if and only if n x = n2 = n3 = 1:
1.52. At l e a s t one of the n\planes of dimensions n2*n3 is e n t i r e l y of
color 1.
1.53. At l e a s t one of the n2 planes of dimensions n 3 x « ! is entirely of
color 2.
1.54. At l e a s t one of the n3 planes of dimensions n\yn2 is entirely of
color 3.
1.55. The dogleg is e n t i r e l y of color 4.
I t is easy to see that Pr(i.52) is the complement 1 - (1 - p j 1) of the
7 l nl
probability (1 - p\ ) that none of the n\ planes of dimensions n 2 >n 3 be e n t i r e l y
of color l , with similar results for PK1.53) and P r ( i . 5 4 ) . Obviously Pr(i.55) =
p max{n l 9 n 2 9 n 3 } 9 SQ t h f t t

V fA tA ln\^\ . max{ni,n 2 ,n 3 } . .
II {1 - (1 - p . i) } + r l z 6
< 1,
- 226 -
and (1.51) follows from the fact that r = I-P1-P2-P3; the inequality degenerates
to equality i f and only i f n 1 = n 2 = n 3 = i . •
Finally, we state the generalization announced earlier.
1.6. THEOREM. Let k £ 2 be a given positive integer, and suppose that, for
i = 1929, we have k veal numbers n. > 1 and k real numbers p. > 0 with
S = I p . £ 1. If N = Jin. and I. = N/n., then

k n
I (1 - pH)l > k -1 + ( i - s ) m a x { ^ } ,
with equality if and only if all the n. = 1.
The proof of this theorem in full generality requires calculus.

2. Inequalities from a polygonal lattice.

In the Euclidean plane, there are three regular tessellations: the rectangular
one T\ used in Section 1, the tessellation Tz with equilateral triangles, and the
dual tessellation T3 with regular hexagons. In this section, inequalities are
derived by using T2. See Figure 2.1, in which a regular hexagon is subdivided into
equilateral triangles by 45 lines, 15 (equally spaced) in each of the three prime
directions. A collection of chords adjacent to and symmetrically situated with
respect to a given diagonal is called a set of central lines. Thus, a set of cen-
tral lines consists of an odd number, 2fc+i, of chords, where 0 < k < 1.
Color each of the 169 vertices in or on the hexagon at random with exactly
one of four distinct colors 1,2,3,4: using colors 1,2,3 with probabilities p9q9r > 0,
respectively, and using color 4 with probability s > 0. A line will be said to be
of color i if all the vertices on that line are of color i. For each k9 0 < k < 7,
the events 2.11^-2.14 given below are mutually exclusive and their union is not
2.11k. At least one of the 2k+i central vertical lines is of color 1.
2.12k. At least one of the 15-2*: central NE-SW lines is of color 2.
2.13k. At least one of the 15-2J: central NW-SE lines 1s of color 3.
2.14. Two of the main diagonals are of color 4.
For k = 0 and k = 7, nothing new emerges. For k = 1 (the case illustrated in
Figure 2.1), the respective probabilities are:
Pr( = 1 - (l - p llf ) 2 (i - p 1 5 ) ,
Pr(2.121) = 1 - (1 - <?9)2(1 - ?10)2...(1 - qlk)2(l - q15),
s 2 lk 2
Pr(2.131) = 1 - (1 - r ) (l 10 2
- r ) ...(l - r ) (l - r15),
PK2.14) > s 2 9 .
- 227 -

Figure 2.1

Generalizing from 15 to arbitrary odd integer I > 5, and from k = 1 to arbitrary

integer k9 o <k < i ( l - i ) 9 the usual (Boolean) argument gives the following result:
2.2. THEOREM. Let I > 5 be an odd integers and let p3qsr > 0S s > 0S with
p+q+r+s = 1. Thenj if k is an integer such that 0 < k < \{l"l)s £^e following
inequality holds:
- 228 -
2 2
1 7-1 7-If
L 2 L K
(2.21k) ( 1 - v){l - p ) ...(1 - p )

+ (l-,l)(1-,I-1)f...(l-,1« + 1 ) r t
) a

+ ( l - r l H l - r l - 1
) \ . . a - r i a + 1 ) + k
) Z

> 2 + s2l~\

In particular,

(2.211) ( 1 - pl)(l - p1'1)

+ (l-,I)(l- ?
- 1
) 2
...(l- ?
« t 3 >
) 2

a i ( l + 3 ) 8
+ (l-,«)(l.I.^) ...(l-P )

> 2 + S 2 Z -S
and, if I = l (mod 4) and a = l ( Z - i ) ,
(2.21a) f(p) + /(?) + f(p) > 2 + s2Z""\

where f(p) = (1 - pl)(i - p1'1)2 ...{1 - p*(3Ul))2.

2.22. COROLLARY. 1 / 1 = 1 ted 4 J and p , a , 2 " , e a r e as aboves then

(2.23) (1 - P M ( Z + 1 ) + (1 - qhi(Ul) + (1 - * M ( Z + 1 ) > 2 + a22"1.

Proof. This corollary is just a weaker form of (2.21a), since

1-p I ^
>-1 - pZ-l ^> ... ^£ .1 - p

and the number of factors in each term of (2.23) is the same as in /(p). •
The assertion
1 I 7 I 1 I
(2.24) (1 - y) + (1 - a1) + (1 - r) >2
is valid and is stronger than (2.23). But to obtain it a new type of diagram must
be used. This is discussed in the next section.
3. Special results obtainable from square arrays.
In this section, straightforward applications of the formula for the sum of
the probabilities of mutually exclusive events are used to obtain new inequalities.
3.1. THEOREM. If p^ > 0 for i = 1,2,3,4- and lp^ < 1, then
2 2 2
(3.2) (1 - p\) + (1 - p\) + (1 - p\) > 2,
3 3 33
(3.3) (1 - pi) + (1 - pi) + (1 - p \ ) + (1 - pi) > 3S
(3.4) (1 - pi) + (1 - p 2 ) + (1 - pi) > 2 9
(3.5) (1 - p i ) 5 + (1 - pi)5 + (1 - p s ) 5 + (1 - pi)5 > 3.
- 229 -
Proof of (3.2). Take four beads (numbered 1,2,3,4) and color them (with
probabilities pi, p 2 , P%) with colors <?i, o2, o3. The following events are mu-
tually exclusive:

At least one At least one At least one

of the pairs of the pairs of the pairs
1, 2; 1, 3; 1, 4;
3, 4 2, 4
is monochromatic is monochromatic is monochromatic
of color c\. of color c2* of color 03,

The respective probabilities are

1 - (1 - pi) , 1 - (1 - p|) , 1 - (1 - p 3 ) >

and assertion (3.2) follows.
Proof of (3.3). Take 9 beads, four colors, and events summarized by the arrays:

1, 2, 3; I 1, 4 9 7; 1, 5, 9; 1, 6, 8;
4, 5, 6; 2, 5, 8; 2, 6, 7; 2, 4, 9;
7, 8, 9- 3, 6, 9. I 3, 4 5 8. | 39 5, 7.
The patterns for (3.4) and (3.5) should now be clear. In fact, the idea is
effective for four terms (like (3.5)) when the exponents are odd, and for three
terms (like (3.4)) when the exponents are even. To follow the idea, note three
things: (i) the rows of the second array are the columns of the first array; (ii)
the rows of the third array are the (broken) positive diagonals of the first array;
(iii) the rows of the fourth array are the (broken) negative diagonals of the
first array. D
The results that this method can deliver are limited. The inequality
2 2
2 2
(3.6) (1 - p \ ) + (1 Pi) + (1 P3> + (1 Ph) > 3

"Is true, but not obtainable from a picture with beads. Here is the impossibility
argument. The terms p2. imply that the sets being colored must have two beads each.
The terms (1 - pZ) imply that there are two sets of two beads each. But a total
of four beads can be partitioned into two such sets inonly three ways.

4. Inequalities obtainable from a (nearly) regular oetagon.

The next theorem is proved from Figure 4.1.
4.2. THEOREM. If ppji> > 0 for ii = 1,2,...35 .3 5 and £p.
Zp^ = 1, then

(4.3) (1 p!>* + (1 - pi) + (1 - p|) (1 - pi) + (1 - p$) (1 - pg) > 3 + p \ .

230 -

Figure 4.1 Figure 4.4

Proof. There are 21 intersection points marked with open or solid circles.
Place beads at the 21 points, and color the beads (at random) with colors ^ with
respective probabilities p. (1 * * * 5). The reader is invited to invent five
mutually exclusive events and thus derive (4.3). The fifth event, with probability
p7., is suggested by the seven solidly marked Intersection points. D
In an analogous fashion, Figure 4.4 leads to the next theorem.
THEOBEM 4.5. If pi > 0 for i = 1,2,...,5 and ZPi = 1, then

(4.6) (l - p\Ki - PV" + (i - P?)(i - pi? + <* " P ! > ( I " P S ) 2 ( 1 - P3)2
+ (1 -p&U *plfV -Plf > 3 tps .
This result (4.6) is not a corollary of either of the inequalities j ( i - PiY > 3,
7 7
r d - p .) > 3 of Section 3.
5. Conclusion.
In this set of two articles (the first appeared in [1983: 128]), Boolean argu-
ments are used to derive some inequalities in which the parameters m, », I.. ^ are
Integers. No essentially analytical arguments are used. It is interesting that
the same inequalities are valid when the parameters are real. This extension will
be carried out in a more technical article; in it several other sharp inequalities
are obtained. The article will appear in 1985 in J. Math. Anal. & Appl.
Note that many corollaries of the theorems of this article can be written down
One of them is:
5.1. COROLLARY to ( 3 . 2 ) . If a,b,e > 0, then

(5.2) «a+i+c)2 - a2)2 + {(a + fc + C ) 2 - b*f t {(a + Z> + c) 2 - o ^ > 2(a^e)\

Proof. Set P l = a/(a+b±c), p 2 = b/(a+b+c), p 3 = c/(a+b+c) 1n ( 3 . 2 ) . •

The symbol manipulation required to prove (5.2) directly is rather tedious.
10 P h i l l i p s R d . , P a l o A l t o , C a l i f o r n i a 94303. fl
- 231 -
A bracelet is defined [i] as "one period of a simply periodic series considered
as a closed sequence with terms equally spaced around a circle. Hence a bracelet
may be regenerated by starting at any arbitrary position and applying the generating
law," The distance between terms may be measured in degrees or steps. A bracelet
may be cut at any arbitrary point for straight-line representation without loss of
any properties.
The generating law u n = u A + u 9 where each sum is
n+2 n+1 n
reduced modulo b (the base of the system of numeration),
produces a second-order bracelet. Thus, in base five the
starting pair (1, 3) leads to the four-digit bracelet shown
in the adjoining figure, which in straight-line represen-
tation is
B: 1 3 4 2' 1 3.

In what follows, the degree measures of rotations

and all numbers clearly Identifiable from the context as magnitudes of sets are
given in decimal notation (when they are not spelled out). But all sums and
products of bracelet elements are reduced modulo five. Two digits with a sum
of zero (modulo five) are called complementary.
Fourth-order additive bracelets.
The recursive formula

n+4 n+3 n+2 n+1 n

produces f o u r t h - o r d e r a d d i t i v e d i g i t a l bracelets when each sum is reduced modulo

b. In base f i v e , each of the 625 possible d i g i t quartets appears i n e i t h e r the
a l l - z e r o A or i n one of the 3 1 2 - d i g i t bracelets H and J shown i n Table 1 . Bracelet
H may be c a l l e d the tetranacci bracelet, since i t consists of the u n i t s ' digits
of the t e t r a n a c c i sequence [ 2 ] i n base f i v e . The number of d i g i t s i n t h i s bracelet
is 312^t e n = 2222,,.
In both H and J", the d i g i t s 90° apart are e i t h e r a l l zeros or they form a
c y c l i c permutation of B. I t follows t h a t d i a m e t r i c a l l y opposite elements are com-
plementary, and t h a t the sum of the d i g i t s i n each bracelet is zero. Furthermore,
m u l t i p l i c a t i o n of e i t h e r bracelet by l , 3, 4 , or 2 w i l l r o t a t e the bracelet
through o ° , 9 0 ° , 180°, or 270°, r e s p e c t i v e l y .
- 232 -
Table 1: Fourth-order bracelets

A: 0000''0000

H: 0001 1243 04133 1111 4230 44143

1302 1143 42321 2044 0313 24040
3403 0200 24124 3244 3344 40201
1303 2331 41404 3100 4043 13133
4200 1343 11440 0233 3102 14241
4201 2031 10023 1344 2332 03334

0003 3124 02344 3333 2140 22324

3401 3324 21413 1022 0434 12020
4204 0100 12312 4122 4422 20103
3404 1443 23202 4300 2024 34344
2100 3424 33220 0144 4301 32123
2103 1043 30014 3422 1441 04442

0004 4312 01422 4444 1320 11412

4203 4412 13234 3011 0242 31010
2102 0300 31431 2311 2211 10304
4202 3224 14101 2400 1012 42422
1300 4212 44110 0322 2403 41314
1304 3024 40032 4211 3223 02221

0002 2431 03211 2222 3410 33231

2104 2231 34142 4033 0121 43030
1301 0400 43243 1433 1133 30402
2101 4112 32303 1200 3031 21211
3400 2131 22330 0411 1204 23432
3402 4012 20041'0001 2133 4114 01113'llll

As written, in rows of thirteen elements, the sum of the digits in every column
of the two bracelets is zero. In the successive 78-digit quadrants of H9 the digit
sums are 4, 2, l, and 3, In J9 the successive quadrant sums are 2, 1, 3, and 4.
Two more appearances of the ubiquitous B.
In Table 2 are recorded the frequencies of occurrence of the five digits in
the successive four quadrants of H and J. In each case, like frequencies of non-
zero digits occur on diagonals slanting down toward the right.
In Table 3, the digits of each of n and j are consecutively arranged in
thirteen 24-digit rows. There the sum of the digits in each column is zero.
- 233 -
Table 2: Frequency of digits in fourth-order bracelets

Digits Digits
Quadrants 0 1 3 4 2 Quadrants 0 1 3 4 2

*1 18 17 16 15 12 Jl 13 14 21 20 10
H2 18 12 17 16 15 J2 13 10 14 21 20
#3 18 15 12 17 16 ^3 13 20 10 14 21
Hk 18 16 15 12 17 ^ 13 21 20 10 14
Bracelet H Bracelet J

It follows that the sum of the digits at the vertices of any regular thirteen-
gon inscribed in H or J will be zero.
The persistent B appears in the fifth row of #, and diagonally downward to
the right in alternate columns of J in the form of triads of like digits interwoven
with quartets of the same digits. The fifth row of H also contains two consecutive
sets of four consecutive digits in increasing order of magnitude; and the twelfth
row contains the five consecutive digits in decreasing order of magnitude.
The recordings of the two bracelets in three rows of 104 elements start out as

0 0 0 1 1 2 4 3 0 4 1 3 3
4 2 0 4 0 1 0 0 1 2 3 1 2
1 3 0 0 4 2 1 2 4 4 1 1 0

J: 1 1 1 1 4 2 3 0 4 4 1 4 3
4 1 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 0 1 0 3
0 3 2 2 2 4 0 3 4 1 3 1 4

.The sum of the digits in each of the columns above is zero. I t follows that the
sum of the digits at the vertices of any equilateral triangle inscribed in H or J
w i l l be zero. Indeed, the vertex d i g i t sum w i l l vanish for any inscribed regular
n-gon where n is any factor of 312 = 2 3 -3«i3.
Since a l l possible d i g i t quartets appear in A9 H, and J, in any clockwise
matching of two of these bracelets, the sums of the corresponding digits w i l l form
a bracelet wherein the law of formation holds, so i t must be a repeated A or some
orientation of H or Jo For example, an H (or J) added to another H (or j) that
has been rotated through 180° forms a bracelet of zeros. The operation H + J9
with the f i r s t d i g i t of J matched with the third d i g i t of H (from Table l ) , then
with the fourth d i g i t , and so on, until i t has been matched with every d i g i t of #,
produces a bracelet of 312 bracelets beginning, in order, with

- 234 -
Table 3: Rearranged fourth-order bracelets

H: 0 0 0 1 1 2 4 3 0 4 1 3 3 1 3 0 2 1 1 4 3 4 2 3
2 1 3 4 0 3 0 2 0 0 2 4 1 2 4 1 3 0 3 2 3 3 1 4
1 4 0 4 4 2 0 0 1 3 4 3 1 1 4 4 0 4 2 0 1 2 0 3
1 1 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 3 3 1 2 4 0 2 3 4 4 3 4 0 1 3
3 2 4 2 14 13 4 2 0 4 0 10 0 12 3 12 3 4 0
4 1 4 4 3 2 3 2 0 2 2 1 0 0 3 4 2 4 3 3 2 2 0 2
1 0 3 1 0 4 3 3 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 4 4 3 1 2 0 1 4 2
2 4 2 0 3 4 4 1 2 1 3 2 3 4 2 1 0 2 0 3 0 0 3 1
4 3 1 4 2 0 2 3 2 2 4 1 4 1 0 1 1 3 0 0 4 2 1 2
4 4 1 1 0 1 3 0 4 3 0 2 4 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 2 2 4
3 1 0 3 2 1 1 2 1 0 4 2 2 3 1 3 4 1 4 2 1 3 0 1
0 4 0 0 4 3 2 4 3 2 10 1 4 1 1 2 3 2 3 0 3 3 4
0 0 2 1 3 1 2 2 3 3 0 3 4 0 2 4 0 1 2 2 0 0 4 l'O 0 0 1

J: 111 2 0 4 2 3 4 3 2 2 1 3 3 4 1 1 4 0 1 1 1 3
1111 4 2 3 0 4 4 1 4 3 2 0 4 4 0 3 1 3 2 4 0
4 0 3 2 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 0 2 0 1 3 1 0 0 4 0 4 3 1
3 13 3 0 2 3 3 3 1 0 2 1 4 2 4 1 1 3 4 4 2 3 3
2 0 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 4 0 2 2 3 2 4 1 0 2 2 0
4 3 4 1 2 0 2 0 4 1 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 0 1 0 3 4 3 0
0 2 0 2 4 3 4 3 4 4 0 1 4 4 4 3 0 1 3 2 1 2 3 3
4 2 2 1 4 4 1 0 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 1 3 2 0 1 1 4 1
2 3 0 1 1 0 2 4 2 3 1 0 1 0 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 0
3 0 4 2 4 0 0 1 0 1 2 4 2 4 2 2 0 3 2 2 2 4 0 3
4 1 3 1 4 4 2 1 1 3 2 2 3 0 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 4
1 0 3 3 2 3 1 4 0 3 3 0 1 2 1 4 3 0 3 0 1 4 3 3
1 1 3 3 3 0 4 0 2 1 2 0 0 3 0 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 0 4'1 1 1 2

In order to compress the sequence of bracelets, the notation EF has been

employed to indicate that m bracelets H have been produced in succession, and J
to indicate that n bracelets J have been produced in succession. In this notation,
the entire bracelet of 312 bracelets becomes
H lJ2H2J2H l
JsH lJ2HlJ i# lJkH V iH lJ iH2J3H2JiH V tf 3J # l

J2H2J3HkJiH2J iH2JiH2J2H V iH2J iH2JhE lJ3E lJ$EkJ iH2J i

E lJ 3 # 3J XH lJ2H lJhEsJ iH 3J \EhJ2E lJ2H V XE2J2E lJ2E l


JhE3J2E2J x# lJ3H lJ XH lJ2H 3J2E lJ $ V iHkJ iH V a # 2 J -ft3J l

- 235 -

H2J2H2<LiH3J ! # 2 J x# lJ iH lJ XH lJ ?jR lJ XH lJ YEkJ XH2J i# 2 J 3 # 5

J^ J ^ J ^ J !# V jff V jtf \T iH 1J3HSJ2HBJ3H1J5H3J2H l


H lJhH lJ iH V jff V jtfV jET V ji7 lJ2H l


The cyclic sequence of the frequencies of H is

12111 11122 13124- 22212 21142 13115 34112 11132

11131 14123 22321 11114 22532 31111 56131 11131 lll'l2.
This is the reverse of the cyclic sequence of the frequencies of J beginning with
the frequency of the second J in the fifth line of the bracelet of bracelets.
The longest palindromes imbedded in the fourth-order bracelets are in J. In
order of appearance as underscored in Table l, they are
3334333, 1+442444, 2221222, and 1113111.

The leading d i g i t s , as well as the central d i g i t s , reproduce bracelet B.

Fourth-order bracelets in the decimal system have been discussed previously
[ 3 , 4 , 5 ] , and a discussion of second- and third-order bracelets in base five
appears in [ 6 ] ,

1. William L. Schaaf, A Bibliography of Recreational Mathematics, Volume 3,

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Reston, Virginia, 1973, p. 124.
2. Mark Feinberg, "Fibonacci-Tribonacci", Fibonacci Quarterly, 1 (October 1963)
3. Charles W. Trigg, "A Digital Bracelet for 1967", Fibonacci Quarterly,
4 (December 1967) 477-480.
4. _, "A Digital Bracelet for 1968", Journal of Recreational Mathe-
matics, 1 (April 1968) 108-111.
5. _, "A Digital Bracelet for 1971". Mathematics Teacher,
64 (October 197l) 567-571.
6. __, "Additive Digital Bracelets in the Quinary System", Crux
Mathematicorum, 9 (August-September 1983) 200-204.

2404 Loring Street, San Diego, California 92109.

* * *

William Rowan Hamilton, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll)
A toping and untrammelled son Gave lectures in a clerk's apparel,
Of the Hibernians, Was fond of logic, pun and riddle,
Devised quaternions. And also Alice Pleasance Liddell.
ALAN WAYNE, Holiday, Florida
- 236 -
Later on in this column I will give solutions to several problems proposed
here earlier. But first I give two new problem sets. The first consists of
the problems set at the final round of the 1982 Swedish Olympiad. The second
is a set of problems proposed in the March 1983 issue of Kozgpiekolai Matematikai
Lapok (Hungarian Mathematical Journal for Secondary Schools). As usual, for all
of these problems I solicit elegant solutions, which should be sent directly to
me at the address given at the end of this column.


1, Let N be a positive integer. How many solutions to the equation

x2 - lx2l = (x - Car])2
are there in the interval l < x < Nl
2, Let a9b9a be positive numbers. Prove that

aba > (b+c~a)(c+a-b)(a+b-a).

3, Suppose one can find a point P in the interior of the quadrilateral ABCD
such that the four triangles PAB, PBC, PCD, and PDA have the same area.
Show that P is on one of the diagonals AC or BD.
4, In the triangle ABC the sides are AB = 33 cm, AC = 21 cm, and BC = m cm,
where m is an integer. It is possible to find a point D on AB and a
point E on AC such that
AD = DE = EC = n cm,
where n is an integer. What values can m take?
5, In an orthonormal coordinate system one considers the points (x9y)9
where x and y are integers with l < x < 12, l < y < 12. Each of these
144 points is coloured red, white, or blue. Show that there is a rectangle with
sides parallel to the axes and having all its vertices the same colour.

6, If o < a < l and o < x < TT, prove that

(2a-l)sinx + (l-a)sin(l-a)# > 0.
- 237 -


F. 2 4 1 0 , Solve the system of equations
x +y +z =5
x2 + y 2 + z2 - 9
xy + u + vx + vy = 0
yz + u + vy + vz = 0
zx •+ u + vz + vx = 0.
Fi 2 4 1 1 , Show that there is no party of 10 members in which the members
have 9, 9, 9, 8, 8 S 8, 7, 6, 4, 4 acquaintances, respectively,
among themselves. (Acquaintances are supposed to be mutual.)

F, 2 4 1 2 , We have d cartons and one box. The cartons are numbered from 1
to d and some of them (maybe all) contain balls. We want to
collect the contents of all the cartons in the box. Carton i may be emptied
if it contains exactly i balls, and this is done in such a way that one ball is
placed into the box and the remaining i-\ balls are placed one by one into the
cartons l, 2, ..., i-i, respectively. For which n is it possible to place n balls
into an appropriate number of cartons so that they all could be collected?

F, 2 4 1 3 , Given is a square ABCD. Find the locus of the points P for which
PA + PC = /2 max {PB, PD}.

F, 2 4 1 4 , We have two regular octagons Nl = A ^ . ..Hx and N2 = A 2 B 2 ...H 2 .

The sides AjBx and A 2 B 2 lie on the same line, and also the sides
DxEa and D 2 E 2 lie on the same line. Furthermore, G 2 coincides with C l 9 and
A 2 B 2 < l\iBi> The regular octagon N. is in the same relation with N. as N2 is
with Ni (i = 2,3,...). Assuming that all octagons N. have been constructed, show
that the sum Ri + R2 + ... of the radii of their circumcircles converges to the
length of the segment AiM, where M = AiCi n D ^ and 0 2 is the center of N2.

F, 2 4 1 5 , Choose 400 different points inside a unit cube. Show that 4 of

these points lie inside some sphere of radius 4/23.

P, 375, Does there exist a function f:B + R such that 11m fix) = °° and

^1n(1n(.f!?L)...)r °
holds for all n (where n is the number of logarithm functions in the denominator)?
- 238 -
P, 376, Determine the sizes of those circles whose interior points can be
painted with two colours in such a way that the endpoints of all
line segments of unit length have different colours.

9, C1981: 236; 1982: 45] Let P be a polynomial of degree n satisfying

P(fc) = CI1)'1, fc = 0,1,...,n.

Determine P(n+l).

II. Second solution by Noam D, Elkies3 student9 Columbia University,

I (-lft^PC*)
is the (n+i)st f i n i t e difference of the nth-degree polynomial P, this sum must
vanish. Thus

I i-i)k + (-i) n + 1 P(rc+D = o,

and i t follows that
P(ntl) = i(l1 ii ff nn iis
<0 i f n is odd.
1, (Second Round) [1982: 12] The sequence ( a i , a 2 s a 3 s . . . } is defined as
follows: a\ is an arbitrary positive integer and, for n > i , a =[3a /2]+i,
Is i t possible to choose a ! such that aiooooi i s odd and a
1S e v e n
f°r a
n < 100000?
Solution by John Morvay3 Dallas. Texas,
* * 100000
The answer is yes. Just choose a\ = 2 - 2. It then follows easily that
a - ^-1.2100001^I . f n , 100000
,«««„1, = 6 Q 100000 _- Io,

2, [1982: 270] Let (a\9 a2, ..., a , ..,) be a sequence of positive real num-
bers such that a < a - a ^ for all n. Show that a < l/n for all n.
n n n+1 w
Solution by K.S, Murray3 Brooklyn, N.Y.
The defining relation shows that we must have a2 < aid-ai). Thus
- 239 -
0 < ai < l and a2 ^ n < J.

We now use a „ < a (±-a ), n = 2,3,4,... and proceed by induction. Assume that
n+l n n
a^ < i/fc for some & > 2. Since #(!-#) is increasing in the interval [o,J], we have

and the induction is complete.

3, C1982: 270] A round track has n fueling stations (some possibly empty) con-
taining a combined total of fuel sufficient for a car to travel once around
the track. Prove that, irrespective of the initial distribution of fuel among the
stations, it is always possible for a car with an empty tank to start from one of
the stations and complete a round trip without running out of fuel on the way.
See Crux 354 [1979: 57] for a solution and for references to other appearances
of this problem by various proposers. However, the version given here, from a 1964
Peking Mathematics Contest, predates all the other references known to us at this
I, [1983: 137] Which of (17091982! ) 2 and 17091982 1 7 0 9 1 9 8 2 is greater?
Solution by Noam D. Elkies3 student, Columbia University,
The result follows by setting n = 17091982 in the inequality
(n\)2 > nn9 n > 2, (1)

which itself follows from

n n
(n!) 2 = n j(rc+l-j) > n n = nne
J=l J=l
Comment by M.S„K.
Inequality (1) was also established nicely by Peter Ross (University of Santa
Clara) by using the concavity of 1r\x, and by Lones Smith (Nepean, Ontario) by means
of the A.M.-G.M. inequality.

18-3, C1983: 107, 141] Show how to construct a triangle having its vertices
on three given skew lines so that the centroid of the triangle coincides
with a given point.
II. Solution by Howard Eves, University of Maine.
Denote the three mutually skew lines by Z, m, n, and the given point by G, as
shown in the figure. Let i' be the map of I under the homothety of center G and
- 240 -
ratio - 1 . Let p be the plane midway between the plane through m parallel to n and
the plane through n parellel to m\ this plane is the locus of midpoints of a l l

segments joining points of m to points of n. Let p cut V in A'. Let A'G cut I
in A. Let the line of intersection of the plane determined by A* and m with the
plane determined by A' and n cut 777 in B and n in C. Then ABC is the sought
I f V lies in p, any point on V may serve as point A ' , and the problem has
i n f i n i t e l y many solutions. I f V is parallel to p, the problem has no solution.
Comment by M.S.K.
I also received a solution equivalent to the above from Esther Szekeres (New
South Wales, Australia). These two solutions were submitted in response to my
request for a synthetic solution, following an analytic solution I had given
earlier [1983: 14-1].
Editor's note. All communications about this column should be sent to Pro-
fessor M.S. Klamkin, Department of Mathematics, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada T6G 2G1.

Item by Leonard Lyons in the September 1976 Reader's Digest, page 90: An
actress who was offered a co-starring role with Zero Mostel declined, because
Mostel is too overwhelming. "I'd be lost working with him. One plus Zero would
still be Zero."
& ft :'c
- 241 -

Problem proposals and solutions should be sent to the editor, whose address
appears on the front page of this issue. Proposals should, whenever possible, be
accompanied by a solution, references, and other insights which are likely to be
of help to the editor. An asterisk (*) after a number indicates a problem submit-
ted without a solution.
Original problems are particularly sought. But other interesting problems
may also be acceptable provided they are not too well known and references are
given as to their provenance. Ordinarily, if the originator of a problem can be
located, it should not be submitted by somebody else without his permission.
To facilitate their consideration, your solutions, typewritten or neatly hand-
written on signed, separate sheets, should preferably be mailed to the editor before
March 1, 1984, although solutions received after that date will also be consid-
ered until the time when a solution is published.

871, Proposed by Allan Wm. Johnson Jr., Washington, D.C.

In each of the following four (independent) cryptarithms, assign each
X a different decimal digit to obtain decimal integers that make the cryptarithm
arithmetically true.
(a) X-X-X-X = XX = X-X,
(b) X-X-X-X = XX simultaneously with X-X = X,
(c) X-X-X-X = XX simultaneously with X-X = X + X,
(d) X-X-X-X = XX = (X + X)-(X + X ) .

8721 Proposed by George Tsintsifas, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Let T be a triangle ABC with sides a9b9o and circumradius i?, and let P
be a point other than a vertex in the plane of T. It is known (M.S. Klamkin,
"Triangle inequalities from the triangle inequality", Elemente der Mathematik,
Vol. 34 (1979), No. 3) that there exists a triangle T0 with sides a-PA, &-PB, and
e-PC. If i?0 is the circumradius of T0, prove that

PA-PB-PC < R'R0.

When does equality occur?

873, Proposed by W.R. Utz, University of Missouri-Columbia.

Show that the sequence {3rc2 + 3n + l}, n an integer, contains an infinite
number of squares but only one cube.

874, Proposed by the COPS of Ottawa.

Let s be the sum of the first n primes. Show that for every n there
is at least one square between s and s ..
^ n n+1
875? Proposed by Stanley Rabinowits, Digital Equipment Corp., Nashua, New
Can a square be dissected into three congruent nonrectangular pieces?
- 242 -
876, Proposed by J.T. Groenman, Arrihem, The Netherlands.
Let ABC be a triangle with sides a9b9c9 and l e t K 9K.9K be the c i r c l e s
' ' ' a b9 c
with centers A,B,C, respectively, and radii \yfbo~y \/ca9 \/ab9 respectively, where
X > o. Find the locus of the radical center of K , K, , K as X ranges over the
a b a
nonnegative real numbers.
8771 Proposed by Charles W. Trigg, San Diego3 California.
Prove or disprove the following statement: Every prime which is the re-
verse of a square integer is congruent to 1 modulo 6.
Examples: 61 = io-6 + l is the reverse of 4 2 , and 12391 = 2065-6 + l is the
reverse of 139 2 .
878 i Proposed, by Kent D. Boklan, student3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
let A be a real n*n matrix with nonzero e n t r i e s . If A is singular
( i . e . , det>5 = o ) , does there always e x i s t a real nw matrix B such that
detUB+BA) * o ?

879 • Proposed by Leroy F. Meyers, The Ohio State University.

The U.S. Social Security numbers consist of 9 digits (with inital zeros
permitted). How many such numbers are there which do not contain any digit three
or more times consecutively?
880, Proposed by Clark Kimberling, University of Evansville, Indiana.
For a given triangle ABC, what curve is formed by all the points P in
three-dimensional space satisfying
/BPC = /CPA = /APB?
sV * *


After the second round of crossword competition, Stanley Newman jumped up
and said: "The Wicked Wasp of Twickenham! That's Alexander Pope! With a mathe-
matics background, I'm not supposed to know such things, but I do. I picked them
up from doing puzzles."
From a news item in the New York Times, Sunday, August 21, 1983, about the
Second United States Open Crossword Puzzle Championship, which took place at the
Loeb Student Center at New York University on August 20. One of the four puzzles
everyone had done by mail to qualify them for the event had a mathematical clue
that stumped a lot of people. It was "Kilenc plus kilenc". Paul Erdos will con-
firm that the correct answer is "Tizennyolc".
s'« »'« ;'c
- 213 -

No problem is ever permanently closed. The editor will always be pleased
to consider for publication new solutions or new insights on past problems.

721, [1982: 77; 1983: 87] Proposed by Alan Wayne, Pasco-Hernando Community
College, New Port Rickey, Florida.
A propos of the editor's comment following Crux 611 [1982: 30], verify that,
with decimal integers,
(a) uniquely, TRIGG is three times WRONG;
(b) independently, but also uniquely, WAYNE is seven times RIGHT.
I l l , Letter to the editor by Stewart Metchette, Culver City, California.
Per your comment to Problem 721 [1983: 89]:
I hope digitomaniacs continue their e f f o r t s , even at the risk of repeating
what has been done before. For example, you quote Victor Thebault's work [1] on
the 2-factor digital products: i f your quote is accurate, his solution l i s t for
the i o - d i g i t case is incomplete; i f inaccurate, you have done him a disservice.
There are an additional 9 and 6 solutions (for a total of 13 and 9) for

respectively. These are listed by Madachy [2] and attributed by him to Charles
L. Baker.
You go on to say that "finding all products containing each of the digits
exactly once... has already been done." In Madachy's book, he mentions that
some 3-factor solutions might be possible, but knew of none.
Inspired by Madachy's comment, I ran a computer check and reported the results
in [ 3 ] :
A-BC-DE = FGHI, 12 solutions;
A«BC«DE = FGHIJ, lo solutions;
A«BC«DEF = GHIJ, 2 solutions.

There is s t i l l much work for digitomaniacs to perform. All problems requiring

solutions using the nine nonzero digits can be redefined in terms of nine distinct
d i g i t s , which need investigation.
I wish them good hunting!
Editor's comment.
In his earlier comment, the editor meant and should have written "finding all
two-factor products... has already been done." The italicized qualifier was un-
fortunately l e f t out. The editor then went on to give Thebault's solutions, which
- 244 -

were quoted c o r r e c t l y and completely from [ 1 ] . However, a more c a r e f u l reading

o f C i ] shows t h a t Thebault wrote: " I n t h i s case [ t h e t e n - d i g i t case] the inves-
t i g a t i o n i s s t i l l more complicated, and the f o l l o w i n g s o l u t i o n s are s u b m i t t e d . . . " .
Thebault then l i s t e d the 7 s o l u t i o n s given e a r l i e r . But he does not a c t u a l l y
claim t h a t these are the only s o l u t i o n s .
The e d i t o r , no digitomaniac, thanks reader Metchette f o r the c l a r i f i c a t i o n ,
and apologizes to V i c t o r Thebault's angry shade.


1. V. Thebault, Solution to Problem E 13 (proposed by W.F. Cheney, Jr.),

American Mathematical Monthly, 41 (1934) 265-266.
2. Joseph S. Madachy, Mathematics on Vacation, Charles Scribner's Sons, New
York, 1966, pp. 183-185.
3. Stewart Metchette, "A Note on Digital Products", Journal of Recreational
Mathematics, 10 (1977-78) 270-271.
s'« s's s'c

755 • C1982: 174] Proposed by Laszlo Csirmaz, Mathematical Institute, Hungarian

Academy of Sciences,
Find the locus of points with coordinates
(cos A + cosB + cosC, slnA + sinB + sinC)
(a) if A,B,C are real numbers with A + B + C = TT;
(b) if A,B,C are the angles of a triangle.
Solution by Jordi Dou, Barcelona, Spain.
(a) Let A = 2co and B = t, so that C = TT-2<U-£. A point (x9y) lies on the
locus if and only if
X - COS 2(0 + COS t + COS(7T-2C0-t) = COS 2(0 + 2 s i n 0) Sin(0)+i)


y = sin2o) + s i n t + sin(Tr-2o)-t) = sin2oj + 2cos (osin(co+t).

The r e s u l t i n g

* ~ s i n f = cota
X - COS 2w

{x - cos 2co)2 + {y - s i n 2o>)2 = 4sin 2 (o)+£)

show that, for fixed co and variable t , the locus of (x9y) is a segment PQ of
- 245 -

length 4 whose midpoint (cos 2OJ, sin 200) lies on the unit circle y with centre at
the origin 0. The endpoints of PQ correspond to t = -OJ±|; their coordinates are

Xp = cos 2o) - 2sino), z/p = sin 203 - 2 cos 03

x~ = cos 203 + 2sino), z/g = sin 203 + 2 cos 03.

Since PComr) = Q(cu), i t follows that, as 03 varies, P and Q describe the same curve.
This curve, shown in the figure, is a 3-cusped hypocycloid, or deltoid, generated
by a fixed point on a circle y of radius 1 which rotates without slipping inside a
circle $ of radius 3 with centre at the origin 0. The interior and boundary of the
deltoid constitute the desired locus. Its area is 2TT and i t s perimeter is 16.
(b) I f A,B,C are the angles of a triangle (possibly degenerate), then we have
the additional restrictions
- 246 -

o < A=2co £ TT and o < B=t < TT-2CO.

With these restrictions and for fixed cu, the segment PQ is either vertical or else
i t has a positive slope cotco. The coordinates of the lower endpoint P are obtained
by setting t = o. They are

# p = cos 20D + 2 sin2co = i and 2/p = 2 sin 2ar>

so, as co varies, P describes the segment RT shown in the figure. The coordinates
of the higher endpoint Q are obtained by setting t = -OJ+|. They are

XQ - cos 2oj + 2sinco and z/Q = sin2co + 2 cos co.

As co varies, Q describes the arcs RS and ST of the deltoid. The required locus
consists of the interior and boundary of the mixtilinear triangular lamina RST
(shaded in the figure). The segment RT contains the images of a l l degenerate
triangles, the arcs RS and ST the images of a l l isosceles triangles, the point S
is the image of the equilateral triangle, and a l l scalene triangles are mapped
into the interior of the lamina.

Also solved by HENRY E. FETTIS, Mountain View, California; J.T. GROENMAN,

Arnhem, The Netherlands (partial solution); VEDULA N. MURTY, Pennsylvania State
University, Capitol Campus; KESIRAJU SATYANARAYANA, Ga^an Mahal Colony, Hyderabad,
India (partial solution); and the proposer.

Editor's comment.
Referring to the figure, suppose the tangent to the deltoid at T meets the
arc RS in U. The proposer showed that the segment TU contains the Images of a l l
right-angled triangles, so U is the image of the isosceles right-angled triangle;
and that the parts of the shaded lamina above and below TU contain the images of
a l l acute-angled and a l l obtuse-angled triangles, respectively.
Suppose a l l triangles are labelled so that A £ B < C, and suppose the tangent
to the deltoid at S meets the segment RT in V, As Murty showed earlier in this
journal [1982; 64-65], the points of segment VS correspond to triangles in which
B = TT/3; the points of the shaded lamina above and below VS correspond to the
triangles with B > TT/3 and B < TT/3, respectively; and the point V corresponds to
the degenerate triangle with angles o, TT/3, and 2TT/3,
I f TU n VS = W, then W corresponds to the triangle with angles TT/6, TT/3, and
TT/2. Finally, R and T correspond to the degenerate triangles with angles o, o, TT
and o, TT/2, TT/2, respectively.
s'« * &
- 217 -
760, C1982: 175] Proposed by Jordi Dou, Barcelona, Spain,
Given a triangle ABC, construct with ruler and compass, on AB and AC
as bases, directly similar isosceles triangles ABX and ACY such that BY = CX.
Prove that there are exactly two such pairs of isosceles triangles.

Solution by F.G.B. Haskell, Algonquin College, Ottawa.

We introduce a rectangular
coordinate system such that the
vertices of the triangle have
coordinates A(o,2a), B(2& 9 0), and
C(2e,o), as shown in the figure.
The midpoints of AB and AC are
then M(b9a) and H(c,a). It is
easy to verify that ABX and ACY
are directly similar isosceles
triangles if and only if the
coordinates of X and Y are

X(£+2ap, a+2bp)
Y(c+2ap9 a+2cp)9
where p is an arbitrary constant. (As a check, we find that each of the angles
BAX and CAY then equals Arccos l / / l + 4 p z . )
Now BY = CX i f and only i f
(-2&+c+2ap)2 + (a+2cp)2 = (-2c+b+2ap)2 + (a+2bp)2,

an equation equivalent to
4(£+c)p2 + 16ap - 3(b+c) = 0.

If b+c * o, this is a quadratic equation with a positive discriminant, so

there are exactly two distinct satisfactory values of p. Those values are con-
structive, so are X and Y, and there are exactly two pairs of satisfactory tri-
angles ABX and ACY.
If b+c - o, the only acceptable value is p = o. In this case AB = AC, and
the only solution to the problem consists of the pair of degenerate triangles ABM
and ACN.
Also solved by KESIRAJU SATYANARAYANA, Gagan Mahal Colony, Hyderabad, India?
and the proposer. One incorrect solution was received.
- 248 -
761, C1982: 209] Proposed by Allan Wm. Johnson Jr.3 Washington, D.C.
Solve the following independent base eight alphametics, each of which
has a unique solution and is doubly-true in (a) EINS (b) EINS
I. Solution to part (a) by Kenneth M. Wilke, Topeka, Kansas.
For ease of comprehension, we carry out all our calculations in base ten.
Immediately E = l; and since 4# = 4 or o (mod 8 ) , N is even and o < 4S < 16. Hence
(S,R) = (2,0) or (3,4). If (S,R) = (2,0), then N = 4 or 6 and no valid choice of I
is possible. Thus (S,R) = (3,4) and N = 2 or 6. But only N = 2 permits a valid
choice for I, which is I = 5, and V = 6 follows. The unique solution is

II. Solution to part (b) by the proposer.
The alphametic is equivalent to the following system of equations, which are
written in base ten:
2S + I = R + 8 e l f (1)
2N + o1 = So2, (2)
I + W + o2 = 8c? 3 , (3)
2E + Z + o3 = V. (4)

By ( 2 ) , ai i s even, so c\ - o o r 2. Also by ( 2 ) , c2 ^ 2 , so by (3) we have

o3 = l . R and I have the same p a r i t y by ( l ) . We tabulate solutions o f

2E + Z + l = V; (4')

then f o r c2 = 0,1,2 we enumerate solutions o f

I + W + c2 = 8; (3')

then we determine the possible R by p a r i t y w i t h I ; and f i n a l l y we compute S by

S =^ " + 4*1. (!')

remembering that, by (2), (a29H9oi) is one of (0,0,0), (1,4,0), (1,3,2), or (2,7,2).

This work [the details are omitted (Editor)] leads to the unique solution
5016 "
- 219 -
Also solved by the COPS of Ottawa; CLAYTON W. DODGE, University of Maine at
Orono; MEIR FEDER, Haifa, Israel; J.A.H. HUNTER, Toronto, Ontario (part (b) only);
J.A. McCALLUM, Medicine Hat, Alberta; STANLEY RABINOWITZ, Digital Equipment Corp.,
Nashua, New Hampshire; CHARLES W. TRIGG, San Diego, California; KENNETH M. WILKE,
Topeka, Kansas (also part (b)); ANNELIESE ZIMMERMANN, Bonn, West Germany; and the
proposer (also part (a)). In addition, one incorrect solution to part (a) and one
to part (b) were received.

Editor's comment,
Feder noted that part (a) also has a unique solution in base ten:
5316 *

762, C1982: 209, 278] (Corrected) Proposed by J.T. Groenman3 Arrihem, The
ABC is a triangle with area K and sides aJb9o in the usual order. The i n -
ternal bisectors of angles A,B,C meet the opposite sides in D,E,F, respectively,
and the area of triangle DEF is K\
(a) Prove that
3abc < K^_ < 1
hia^b'^o6) " K " 4'

(b) I f a = 5 and 3abe/n(a3+b3+c3) = 5/24, determine b and a9 given that they

are integers.

I. Solution to part (a) by M.S. Klamkin, University of Alberta.

We have AF/FB = b/a and AE/EC = a/a; hence, with brackets denoting area,

K " AB^SC ~ (a+b)(a+c)'

With this and two similar results, we obtain

hc 2ahc
Kl _ r -
K K- (a+b)(a+c) ~ (b+c)(e+a)(a+b)'
and we have to show that

3abo < 2abo < 1

^(ad+b'6+c'6) ~ (b+e)(e+a)(a+b) ~ 4*

The f i r s t inequality w i l l follow from

3(b+c)(c+a)(a+b) < Q(a3+b3+o3) (1)

and the second from

- 250 -

Sabc < (b+c)(c+a)(a+b). (2)

Now ( i ) and (2) are both known to hold for a l l nonnegative ajb9a9 with equality
in each case i f and only i f a = b - c. According to Bottema [ l ] , the f i r s t is due
to A. Padoa (1925) and the second to E. CesaYo (1880). D
Proofs for ( l ) and (2) are not given in [ l ] . The proof of (2) is nearly t r i v i a l
[2&c < b+e, e t c . ) , so for completeness we give here only a proof of ( l ) , for which
the Padoa reference is not easily accessible.
From the A.M.-G.M. inequality,

6abc < 2(a 3 + b3 + c3)\ (3)

and from Problem 6-3 in this journal [1979: 198],

3(b2c + c2a + a2b) < 3(a 3 + b3 + c3) (4)

3(bc2 + ea2 + ab2) < 3(a 3 + b3 + a3). (5)

Now adding ( 3 ) , ( 4 ) , and (5) yields ( l ) .

The inequality K%/K < 5 of part (a) was already known. I t is included in the
following more general r e s u l t : if AD, BE, and CF are three concurrent interior
cevians of a triangle ABC, then the area of triangle DEF is a maximum if and only
if the point of concurrency is the centroid of ABC. (See the end of solution II
of Crux 323 [1978: 256] and the end of the solution of Crux 585 [1981: 304].) So
here we have K%/K < J with equality if and only if the incenter coincides with the
centroid, that i s , if and only if ABC is e q u i l a t e r a l .

II. Solution to part (b) by W.J. Blundon, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

The equation we must solve for positive integers fcandc is equivalent to
182?<? = 125 + b3 + c3,
which is i t s e l f equivalent to

3bc = (b+c)2 - 6(b+c) + 36 - ^ .

Since fc+t?+6|9i, we have b+c+6 = 13 or 91, so b+c = 7 or 85, and the corresponding
values of be are 12 and 2250. Only the pair (b+c9 be) = ( 7 , 12) is s a t i s f a c t o r y ,
and i t leads to the unique solution {b,<?} = {3,4}.
Also solved by W.J. BLUNDON, Memorial University of Newfoundanld (part (a)
also); JORDI DOU, Barcelona, Spain; G.C. GIRI, Midnapore College, West Bengal,
India (part (a) only); RICHARD I. HESS, Rancho Palos Verdes, California (part (b)
only); ROBERT S. JOHNSON, Montreal, Quebec (part (b) only); M.S. KLAMKIN,
- 251 -
University of Alberta (part (b) also); KESIRAJU SATYANARAYANA, Gagan Mahal Colony,
Hyderabad, India; and the proposer.


1. 0. Bottema et a l . , Geometric Inequalities , Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen,

1969, pp. 12-13.
" « ii

764, C1982: 209] Proposed by Kent Boklan, student, Massachusetts Institute

of Technology.
Find all positive integer pairs im,n} such that

1 1 q
m n p

where p and q are consecutive primes with p > q.

Solution by Friend H. Kierstead, Jr., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.
It is known [i] that, if p and q are positive integers, then q/p can be ex-
pressed as l/w + i/n if and only if there exist divisors pi and p2 of p such that
<7|pi+p2. But if p is prime, its only divisors are l and p. Thus <?|p+i.
Now by Bertrand's postulate, if q > 3 then p+i < 2q9 and so qlfp+i. Thus there
are no solutions with q > 3. If q = 2 or 3, i t is easily shown that the only solu-
tions are
i + i=2 1 . i - 2 I . JL = 2 .
3 3 39 2 6 3' 210 5;
so the required pairs are {m,n} = {3,3}, {2,6}, and {2,10}.
Also solved by the COPS of Ottawa; CLAYTON W. DODGE, University of Maine at
Orono; MEIR FEDER, Haifa, Israel; ERNEST W. FOX, South Lancaster, Ontario; J.T.
GROENMAN, Arnhem, The Netherlands; KELVIN MACBETH, Queensland Institute of Tech-
nology, Brisbane, Australia and DAVID R. STONE, Georgia Southern College, Statesboro,
Georgia (jointly); BOB PRIELIPP, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh; STANLEY RABINOWITZ,
Digital Equipment Corp., Nashua, New Hampshire; LAWRENCE SOMER, Washington, D.C.;
DAVID STEINSALTZ, Hewlett Harbor, N.Y.; RAM REKHA TIWARI, Radhaur, Bihar, India;
KENNETH M. WILKE, Topeka, Kansas; and the proposer (two solutions).


1. Problem E 2875 (proposed by David Singmaster, solution by Daniel A.

Rawsthorne), American Mathematical Monthly, 89 (1982) 501.

765, C1982: 210] Proposed by K.P. Shum and R.F. Turner-Smith, The Chinese
University of Bong Kong.
- 252 -
If n is a given positive integer, find all solutions 6 e [O,2TT) of the equa-
cosne + sinne = 1.
(The trivial case n = 2 may be omitted.)
Solution by M.S. Klamkin, University of Alberta (revised by the editor).
For n = l, we have

cose + sine = /2sin(e+^) = l <=> e = o or |.

For n > 3, we will use the fact that, for every e,

cosne + sinne < cos2e + sin2e (= i). (D

Now e is a solution of the given equation if and only if equality holds in (1),
that is, if and only if
cosne > o and sinne > o, (2)
|cos e| = l or |sin e| = l. (3)
The values of e satisfying (2) and (3) are easily found to be

( o, | 5 for odd n;
= (^
7r 9 for even n 2
' °' 1' ' T **
Combining the cases n = l and n > 3, we find that (4) gives all the solutions
for all n * 2. D
As a generalization, we will characterize all r-dimensional unit vectors
tt = (tti, w 2 , ..., u ) and ^ = (i?i, t>2. ...» ^ )>

where r > 2, whose components satisfy the equation

I UV. = 1, (5)

where m > o and n > l are integers. (The proposed problem corresponds to the case
r = 2, m = 0.)
Case 1: m - o. Here, of course, the pair (#,£) satisfies (5) if and only
if -t satisfies
- 253 -

H=l. (6)

We consider several subcases.

Case 1.1: m = o9 n = l. It is easy to see that there is an infinite class
of vectors £ satisfying (6) (for which a more precise characterization depends
upon the value of r)9 except in the case r = 2, where

v\ + v2 = l = > (v\ + v2)2 = l = > V}V2 = o = > ? = (±l9o) or (o,+i),

but only (l,o) and (o,i) satisfy (6) . (This suggests an alternative proof for
the case n - l in the original problem.)
Case 1.2: m = o, n - 2. It is clear that (6) holds for all unit vectors £.
Case 1.3:m=o9n>3. Here we will use the fact that, for every $9

l Vn. S f v\ (= 1). (7)

i-1 i-1
Now $ satisfies (6) if and only if equality holds in (7), that is, if and only if

y" > 0 for t = l,2,.,,sr (8)

\v. | = 1 and v. = o for i * io (9)

for some i0 e {i,2,...,r>. The vectors £ whose components satisfy (8) and (9) are
characterized by

v. = 1 and v. = o for £ * -£0 , if n is odd;

v- = ±1 and u . = o f o r t * £n» i f i s even.

Case 2: m = 1, w = l . Cauchy's i n e q u a l i t y g i v e s , f o r aZZ vectors ti and £ *

i v) c= i). do)
\t=l / t=l £=1

If the pair ($9$) satisfies (5), then equality must hold in (10), and hence
u.^ = kv.t and u.v.
t -z,
= kv»9i i = l,2,...,r,

for some constant k. But (5) holds only for k - i, so the only solutions are the
pairs ($$) with £ = £.
- 254 -
Case 3: m > l, n > 2. Here we will use the fact that, for a l l vectors ft and £,
r r
l ufjl
^ ^ s I v (= 1) (ID
i~-± *=1
Now the pair (#,£) satisfies (5) if and only if equality holds in (11), that is,
if and only if
u.vt > o for i = 1,2,...,v (12)

i and U. = v. = o for i * i§ (13)
for some £ 0 e U,2,...,r}. The vectors £ and £ whose components satisfy (12)
and (13) are characterized by
u. = v. - 0 for i * i0 and

u. ~ v. = ±l, if m and n are both odd;

•z-o H

u. = 1 and t>. = ±1, if m is odd and n is even;

u. - ±1 and u. 1, if m is even and n is odd;

_ u. = ±1 and v. = ±1, if 777 and n are both even.

Also solved by HIPPOLYTE CHARLES, Waterloo, Quebec; CURTIS COOPER, Central

Missouri State University; CLAYTON W. DODGE, university of Maine at Orono; J.T.
GROENMAN, Arnhem, The Netherlands; J. WALTER LYNCH, Georgia Southern College; and
the proposers. Three incorrect solutions were received.

766, [1982: 210] Proposed by Stanley Rabinowitz, Digital Equipment Corp,,

Merrimack, New Hampshire.
Let ABC be an equilateral triangle with center 0. Prove that, if P is a
variable point on a fixed circle with center 0, then the triangle whose sides have
lengths PA, PB, PC has a constant area.
Solution by George Tsintsifas, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Let T denote triangle ABC, and let y, R9 K be its circumcircle, circumradius,
and area, respectively. Now let P be any point on a circle y' with center 0 and
radius p, for some p > 0. Applying the ptolemaic inequality [11 to the quadruple
of noncollinear points (P,B,C,A), we obtain, in magnitude only,
PB'CA + PC-AB > PA*BC, whence PB + PC > PA;
- 255 -
and PC + PA > PB and PA + PB > PC follow likewise from the quadruples (P,C,A,B)
and (P,A,B,C). Each inequality is strict if P does not lie on y (i.e., p * i?)9
and equality holds if P lies on y (in one or two of the three cases, depending
on the position of P on y ) .
So there is a triangle (possibly degenerate) with sides PA,PB,PC. If this
triangle is Tx , we must show that its area, Kx , is independent of the position
of P on y'. We already know that this is true if p = i?, when Tx is degenerate
and Kx = o for all positions of P on y. We will henceforth assume that p * R.
If T\ = AxBiCi is the pedal triangle of P with respect to T (with PA! i BC,
etc.), then it is known [2, p. 1393 that its area K\ satisfies
I??2 - n 2 I
*1 =
' ^ ' K' (1)

It is also known [2, p. 136] that

BiCi = ~ P A , C^a = ^PB, AaB! = ^ P C ,

from which follows

Kx = §K\ (2)

Finally, from (l) and (2),

which is independent of the position of P on y'.

Also solved by O. BOTTEMA, Delft, The Netherlands; JORDI DOU, Barcelona, Spain?
HOWARD EVES, University of Maine; HENRY E. FETTIS, Mountain View, California; J.T.
GROENMAN, Arnhem, The Netherlands; M.S. KLAMKIN, University of Alberta; KESIRAJU
SATYANARAYANA, Gagan Mahal Colony, Hyderabad, India; DAN SOKOLOWSKY, California
State University at Los Angeles (three solutions); and the proposer. A comment was
received from DAN PEDOE, University of Minnesota.

Editor's comment.
Several solutions involved lengthy calculations (some with complex numbers)
resulting from the use of Heron's formula. And several solvers, trusting souls
that they are, blithely set out to calculate Kl without first assuring themselves
that there was a triangle Tx .
An interesting fact brought out by the above solution is that Tx is similar
to the pedal triangle T\. Eves noted the following special results: if p = 2i?,
then K* = K; and if p = r, the inradius of T, then Kl = iff. Finally, Klamkin
showed that Rx, the circumradius of T\ is not constant for all positions of P
- 256 -
on y', but that

r>» = J?2 - i?p + P 2 . , _ R2 + RQ + P 2

max 3|i? - p| min " 3(2? + p) *


1. David C. Kay, College Geometry, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York,
1969, p. 270.
2. Roger A. Johnson, Advanced Euclidean Geometry (Modem Geometry) , Dover,
New York, i960.
* ft ft


Puzzle No. 42: Rebus (14 2 8 8)

1 = 2

Poor Cinna's slain

In Shakespeare's play.
Alas! I t ' s plain—
Puzzle No. 43: Phonetic Rebus (3 14)
At logarithms, though you're able,
You'll never find THIS in the table.
Puzzle No. 44: Enigmatic rebus (*3 *8 *6)

By Robert Frost, an essay you must see;

Its t i t l e , clearly pictured, is MY KEY.
Puzzle No. 45: Rebus (7 4 5)
Y = HS

The manufacturer has made his will

To put his REBUS that have shown their skill.
Puzzle No. 46: Rebus (10)
The THESE are used, you see,
In trigonometry.
ALAN WAYNE, Holiday, Florida

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