Zool Lab Act 1
Zool Lab Act 1
Zool Lab Act 1
SECTION: BS Biology 2-2
With the three preceding phyla, Hemichordates are the sister taxa
to echinoderms, and closely related to chordates.
3. The tunicates or sea squirt are placed in the chordate phylum even
though they look more like some of the invertebrates. Explain why?
Subphylum I. Cephalochordata, Amphioxus and its allies.
Subphylum II. Urochordata, tunicates or sea squirts.
Subphylum III. Hemichordata, Balanoglossus and its allies.
Subphylum IV. Vertebrata, all animals with a vertebral column.
Class 1. Cyclostomata, the cyclostomes or round-mouthed fishes, fish-
like animals without lower jaws or paired fins.
Class 2. Pisces, the true fishes, with jaws and paired fins
Subclass 1. Elasmobranchii, fishes with a cartilaginous skeleton
and exposed gill slits, including the dogfish, skates, sharks, etc.
Subclass 2. Teleostomi, fishes with a more or less bony skeleton
and with gills slits concealed under an operculum.
Order 1. Crossopterygii, paired fins with a basal stalk
Order 2. Chondrostei, paired fins without a stalk, skeleton
largely cartilaginous, with a spiral valve in the intestine, heart
with a conus arteriosus; the sturgeon and spoonbill.
Order 3. Holostei, like the preceding, but skeleton well-
ossified; the gar pike and the river dogfish or bowfin
Order 4. Teleostei, paired fins without a stalk, skeleton well
ossified, without the spiral valve or conus arteriosus; all of
the common fishes. This order is commonly referred to as
the teleosts or bony fishes. The three orders Chondrostei,
Holostei and Teleostei are often grouped as the
Actinopterygii or ray-finned fishes in which the fin rays spring
directly from the body in contrast to the Crossopterygii or
fringe-finned fishes, in which the fin rays spring from a stalk
and form a sort of fringe on the end of the stalk.
Class 3. Amphibia, amphibians, lowest four-legged vertebrates, skins
naked and slimy, living in or near water.
Subclass 1. Stegocephala, extinct amphibia, with tails, and
covered with an armor of bony plates.
Subclass 2. Lissamphibia, present-day amphibia, with naked
slimy skins (a few with minute, concealed scales).
Order 1. Urodela, with tails; the salamanders and newts,
Necturus, Amblystoma, Cryptobranchus, etc.
Order 2. Anura, tailless; frogs, toads.
Class 4. Reptilia, reptiles, air-breathing vertebrates covered with horny
Order 1. Cotylosauria. Most primitive group of extinct
reptiles, resembling Stegocephala in skeletal characters.
Order 2. Chelonia, the turtles, body inclosed in a hard case.
Order 3. Rhyncocephalia, including but one animal, the
Sphenodon (Hatleria) or tuatara of New Zealand, a lizard-like
animal with primitive skeletal characters.
Order 4. Squamata, usually of small or moderate size, and
covered with horny scales.
Suborder 1. Lacertilia, the lizards, nearly always
with limbs, eyelids movable.
Suborder 2. Ophidia, the snakes, devoid of limbs,
eyelids immovable.
Order 5. Crocodilia, the crocodiles, alligators, gavials, and
caimans, large reptiles with both horny scales and bony
plates in the skin.
Class 5. Aves, birds, vertebrates with feathers.
Class 6. Mammalia, mammals, vertebrates with hair and milk glands.
Subclass 1. Prototheria, mammals laying eggs.
Order 1. Monotremata, the monotremes, or egg-laying
mammals, including only the duckbill (Ornithorhynchus) and
the spiny anteaters {Echidna and Proechidna) of the
Australian region.
Subclass 2. Eutheria, mammals bearing the young alive.
Division 1. Metatheria.
Order 1. Marsupialia, the marsupials, mammals bearing the
young in a very immature state, and carrying them in a
pouch formed by a fold of skin on the abdomen, placenta
absent or primitive; kangaroos, opossums, etc.
Division 2. Placentalia, the placental mammals,
without a pouch, young nourished in the uterus by
a placenta, which is produced by a fusion
between certain parts of the embryo and certain parts
of the maternal uterus.
Order 1. Insectivora, walk on sole and heel, have 5 clawed
toes on each foot, nose tends to be pointed and tubular; eyes and
ears are generally small, including shrews, moles, hedgehogs,
tenrecs, otter shrews, golden moles, and solenodons.
Order 2. Camivora, the carnivorous mammals, with claws
and sharp, cutting teeth; the bears, raccoons, minks,
martens, weasels, otters, dogs, foxes, wolves, cats, lions,
tigers, hyaenas, seals, walruses.
Order 3. Perissodactyla, odd-toed hoofed ungulates that
includes the horses, asses, and zebras, the tapirs, and
the rhinoceroses.
Order 4. Artiodactyla, even-toed hoofed ungulates, which
includes pigs, peccaries, hippopotamuses, camels, chevrotains,
deer, giraffes, pronghorn, antelopes, sheep, goats, and cattle.
Order 5. Cetacea, entirely carnivorous, hairs are restricted to
the head, with isolated follicles occurring on the lower jaw and the
snout, use vertical strokes when they swim, they breathe while
moving through the water and spend only a short time at the
surface, where they exhale in an explosive ventilation called
a blow, includes whales, dolphins, and porpoises.
Order 6. Proboscidea, have upper incisor teeth that emerge
from the skull as tusks including elephants, mastodons, and
Order 7. Sirenia, have two front limbs in the form of flippers but
no hind limbs; even the pelvis is vestigial, and there are no
skeletal remnants of leg or foot bones at all, manatee and dugong.
Order 8. Hyracoidea, small hoofed mammals, Hyraxes
and pikas
Order 9. Rodentia, the rodents, with chisel-like front teeth,
and back teeth with flat, grinding surfaces; the hares,rabbits,
squirrels, rats, mice, porcupines, guinea pigs.
Order 10. Xenarthra, have lumbar vertebrae called
“xenarthrous”; for extra contacts (joints, or arthroses) that function
to strengthen the lower back and hips, includes armadillo, anteater
and sloth
Order 11. Pholidota, habit of curling into a ball when
threatened, covered with overlapping brownish scales composed
of cemented hairs, with small thickly lidded eyes and a long
toothless muzzle, pangolin
Order 12. Tubulidentata, piglike face and burrowing habits,
face is narrow with an elongated snout, very reduced eyes, front
foot are equipped with strong, flattened nail-like “hooves”
resembling spades, aardvark
Order 13. Lagomorpha, have long ears, a short tail, and strong
hind limbs that provide a bounding locomotion including rabbits
and hares
Order 14. Edentata, teeth lacking or degenerate; the ant
bears, sloths, and armadillos
Armstrong, D. M. , Wilson, . Don E. and Jones, . J. Knox (2021, February 12). Mammal.
Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/animal/mammal
Clark, M.A., Choi, J.& Douglas, M. (2018) Biology2e. Openstax, 849-885. Retrieved from
Gerhart, J., Lowe, C., & Kirschner, M. (2005). Hemichordates and the origin of
chordates. Current opinion in genetics & development, 15(4), 461-467.
Hyman, L.H. Comporative Vertebrate Anatomy. The University of Chicago Press,
Chicago Illinois
Röttinger, E., & Lowe, C. J. (2012). Evolutionary crossroads in developmental biology:
hemichordates. Development, 139(14), 2463-2475.
Part I. Subphylum 1. Urochordata or Tunicata
Fig. 1.1 Sea squirt
Fig. 1.2 Ampioxus
1 | Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2020, March 4). Sea squirt. Encyclopedia Britannica.
2 | Holland, L., Laudet, V., & Schubert, M. (n.d.). The chordate amphioxus: An emerging model organism for
developmental biology. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. Retrieved March 13, 2015, from
Subphylum III. Vertebrata or Craniata
A. Class Agnatha
1. Order Cyclostomata
Fig. 1.3 Sea lamprey
B. Class Placodermi
Fig. 1.4 Dunkleosteus sp.
3 | https://www.fws.gov/midwest/SeaLamprey/
4 | https://alchetron.com/Placodermi
Class Chondrichtyes
Fig. 1.5 Sharks
2. Order Holocephaii
5 | https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/14/science/great-white-shark.html
6 | https://sharkdevocean.wordpress.com/2014/08/26/introducing-chimaeras/
C. Class Osteichyes
Subclass 1: Choanichthyes
Superorder 1: Crossopterrgii
Superorder 2: Dipnoi
7 | National Geographic. "Coelacanth." (June 5, 2015) http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/fish/
8 | Lüling, K. Heinz (2017, April 9). Lungfish. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/animal/
Subclass 2. Actinoptergii or Teleostomi
Order 1. Chondrostei
Fig. 1.9 Sturgeon
Order 2. Holostei
Order 3. Telostei
9 | Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2019, December 19). Sturgeon. Encyclopedia Britannica.
10 | Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2018, January 22). Bowfin. Encyclopedia Britannica.
11 | Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2020, May 3). Anglerfish. Encyclopedia Britannica.
E. Class Amphibia
Order 1. Anura or Salienta
Fig. 1.12 Frog
Order 2. Lepospondyli
Fig. 1.13 Diplocaulus
Fig. 1.14 Salamander
12 | Arvin C. Diesmos et al. 2020. A new forest frog of the genus Platymantis (Amphibia: Anura:
Ceratobatrachidae: subgenus Tirahanulap) from Leyte and Samar islands, eastern
Philippines. Zootaxa 4830 (3): 573-591; doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.4830.3.6
13 | https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/626211523174027320/
14 | https://www.dkfindout.com/us/animals-and-nature/amphibians/how-salamander-moves/
Order 4. Labyrithodontia
15 | Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2007, January 14). Ichthyostega. Encyclopedia Britannica.
16 | https://www.dkfindout.com/us/animals-and-nature/amphibians/wormlike-amphibians/
F. Class Reptilia
Subclass 1. Anapsida
Order: Chelonians
Subclass 2. Lepidossauria
Order 1. Rhynochocephalia
17 | Zug, G. R. (2020, April 30). Turtle. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/animal/turtle-
18 | https://www.wired.com/2013/12/the-creature-feature-10-fun-facts-about-the-tuatara-or-just-the-tuatara-
Order 2. Squamata
Fig. 1.19 Lizard
Subclass 3. Archossauria
Order 1. Crocodilia
19 | https://www.dkfindout.com/us/animals-and-nature/reptiles/lizards/
20 | Wermuth, H. Fritz and Ross, . James P. (2020, May 20). Crocodile. Encyclopedia Britannica.
G. Class Aves
Subclass 1. Archeonithes
Subclass 2. Neornithea
21 | https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/dinosaurs-and-prehistoric-life/dinosaurs/archaeopteryx/
22 | Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2019, July 18). Duck. Encyclopedia Britannica.
H. Class Mammalia
Subclass 1. Prototheria
Order 1. Monotremata
Fig. 1.23 Platypus
Fig. 1.24 Koala
Fig. 1.25 Hedgehog
23 | https://www.britannica.com/story/why-is-the-platypus-a-mammal
24 | https://www.britannica.com/animal/koala
25 | https://kids.britannica.com/students/article/hedgehog/274816
Order 7. Carnivora
Fig. 1.29 Dalmatian Dog
Order 8. Perissodactyla
Order 9. Ariodactyla
29 | https://www.britannica.com/animal/Dalmatian-dog
30 | https://www.britannica.com/animal/horse
31 | https://kids.britannica.com/students/article/hippopotamus/274889
Order 10. Cetacea
Fig. 1.32 Rough-Toothed Dolphin
32 | https://www.britannica.com/list/a-dose-of-dolphin-induced-dopamine-8-species-of-adorable-cetacean24
33 | https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/asian-elephant
34 | http://www.takepart.com/article/2014/10/03/australias-sea-cows-struggle-survive-poachers/
Order 13. Hyracoidea
Fig. 1.35 Hyrax
Fig. 1.36 Mouse
Fig. 1.37 Sloth
35 | https://www.awf.org/wildlife-conservation/hyrax
36 | Musser, G. (2020, April 30). Mouse. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/animal/
37 | Gardner, A. L. (2021, February 9). Sloth. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/animal/
Order 16. Pholidota
Fig. 1.38 Pangolin
Fig. 1.39 Aardvark
Fig. 1.40 Rabbit
38 | Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2020, June 17). Pangolin. Encyclopedia Britannica.
39 | Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2020, February 19). Aardvark. Encyclopedia Britannica.
40 | Smith, A. T. (2020, October 29). Rabbit. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/animal/
Order 19. Edentata
Fig. 1.41 Armadillo
41 | Gardner, A. L. (2020, May 31). Armadillo. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/animal/