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Volume 6 Number

Counseling 2, Page
Services 164 – Research
Based 171, Desember 2016
GUIDENA | Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, Psikologi, Bimbingan dan Konseling
ISSN : (Print) 2088-9623 – (Online) 2442-7802

Review Article

Counseling Services Based Research to Improve

the Quality of Learning Through Counseling


IAIN Batusangkar, Indonesia


Abstract: The purpose of writing this article is to describe the subject of study and reason as well
as research-based counseling service management. Counseling services based on research carried
out to improve the quality of learning through counseling. The discussion of this article are (1) the
background of the counseling service based research, (2) understanding the tasks and activities of
counseling teacher or counselor, (3) reason for the existence of counseling in education, (4) the
differences and similarities counseling services with research PTK-BK, (5) the motivations and
goals of research-based counseling services, and (6) management of research-based counseling
services. Among the benefits of this article is to (1) raise awareness counseling teacher or counselor
about the importance of developing a counseling service that is integrated with the research, (2)
develop a research culture for counseling teacher/ counselor, (3) encourage educational
institutions both school/ madrasah/ pesantren for developing research-based counseling services,
(4) encourage universities that provide education academic and professional counseling to develop
research activities and community service through mentoring research-based counseling services.

Keywords: counseling services; research; quality of learning; PTK-BK

GUIDENA: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, Psikologi, Bimbingan dan Konseling

Website : http://ojs.fkip.ummetro.ac.id/index.php/bk
Received : 2016-10-09. Published : 2016-12-31.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

INTRODUCTION (2012: 357) asserts that 'research methods

Approaches or techniques used in the necessary for the formation and professional
counseling process is one factor that development'. However, in practice, according
determines the success of counseling services. to Sexton and Whiston, 1996 in Gladding,
To that end, guidance and counseling teacher (2012: 353) 'most counselors do not engage in
/counselor must master a variety of approaches research activities, and there seems to be quite
and/or techniques that can be used in the serious gaps in the integration of research into
counseling process. In addition to the practice counseling'. In fact, studies Robinson,
approaches and techniques of counseling, one 1994 in Gladding, (2012: 353) found a number
approach that can be used by guidance and of practitioners counselor "showed rejection
counseling teachers/counselors to improve the and discomfort to the researchers 'and
quality of the process and results of counseling research'. The study was strengthened by the
services is research. In this case, Gladding, real conditions that occur in the field who


should be recognized that there are many necessity, because Guidance and Counseling /
teachers including Guidance and Counseling counseling is an integral part of education. As
teachers who do research. Sukidjo research affirmed by Prayitno, (2009: 12) that
results, (2014: 373) suggests that as many as 32 'counseling is education. Counselling services
people (58%) of teachers never did PTK and are educational services'. Quality education
only 23 people (42%) have been PTK. Recent services would also reflected from Guidance
studies conducted by Zulfiani, et al. (2016: 276) and Counseling quality services anyway,
The results showed that teachers in 19 schools because in the process of counseling students
(26 respondents) found 42.3% already know learn about themselves and their environment.
and have tried to create PTK PTK. Constraints Integrating research in counseling practice in
when developing PTK is related to the time to an effort to improve the quality of learning
do research, weak research methodology as through counseling services, because "research
tough develop instruments of research, study is indispensable for the development of the
design, as well as the difficulties and the counseling profession. Research provides
availability of a reference to collate literature empirical data that are relevant to the demands
review. From this study, teachers who are of the main; implementation of effective
implementing PTK is still less than 50%. counseling '(Gibson and Mitchell, 2011: 56).
Respondents who do not have a reason PTK In an effort to meet the expectations and
time constraints related to the workload at solve the problem, so in this study the authors
school (43%), no insight PTK and have not would like to emphasize and outlines the need
received training/guidance PTK (50%), and for research-based counseling services in order
states do not have the intention to do (7%). to improve the quality of learning through
Negative views guidance and counseling counseling services in schools/madrasah.
teachers/counselor for research and
unwillingness to take the time and energy to
research precisely would harm guidance and DEFINITIONS, DUTIES AND
counseling teachers/counselors and even be ACTIVITIES GUIDANCE AND
very detrimental to the client/counselee get COUNSELING TEACHERS/
counseling services. Losses for guidance and COUNSELOR
counseling teachers/counselors are guidance
Teacher of Guidance and Counseling is a
and counseling teachers unable to up date
qualified educator minimum academic
scientific information about Guidance and
Bachelor of Education (S-1) in the field of
Counseling and did not explore the experiences
Guidance and Counseling and have competence
for the improvement in the performance of
in the field of Guidance and Counseling
counseling services , so the counseling services
(Permendikbud No. 111 Tahun 2014 Pasal 1,
performed monotonous and even without the
ayat 4). While counselors are highly qualified
innovation and even a good experience and
professional educators minimum academic
valuable though can not be passed on to others
Bachelor of Education (S-1) in the field of
because it is not published in a scientific work
Guidance and Counseling and has passed the
of research reports or scientific articles
professional education guidance and counseling
published in the journal. If so, a career
teacher / counselor (Permendikbud No. 111
counseling teacher / counselor will not increase
Tahun 2014 Pasal 1, Ayat 3). Further affirms
because one of the requirements for promotion
that 'counselors are professional educators who
/ career positions it is to carry out scientific
have completed academic education degree (S-
publications and create innovative work
1) study program of Guidance and Counseling
(Permenpan number. 16 of 2009, article 13
and Professional Education program of the
paragraph 3 points m and n). In addition, the
college counselors procurement program
loss for the client/ counselee is not will be more
providers accredited educational staff
motivated to get service of Guidance and
(Permendiknas No. 27 Tahun 2008).
Counseling, because they do not feel the
From the above quotation can be
understood and developed understanding
Improved quality of learning through
guidance and counseling teachers/ counselor.
research-based counseling service is a
Guidance and counseling teacher educators

Counseling Services Based Research

who are qualified minimum academic Bachelor and counseling teacher/ counselor in
of Education (S.1) in the field of Guidance and connection with a research-based counseling
Counseling and Guidance and Counseling have services are counseling teacher/ counselor also
competence in the field and has the duties and should implementing self-development,
functions as the services of a professional implementing scientific publications, and
Guidance and Counseling mainly on formal create innovative work.
education. While counselors are highly
qualified professional educators minimum
academic Bachelor of Education (S.1) in the EXISTENCE AND REASON
field of Guidance and Counseling and has EXISTENCE GUIDANCE AND
passed the professional education counseling COUNSELING/COUNSELING IN
teacher/ counselor as well as competence and EDUCATION
experience in the field of Guidance and Guidance and Counseling or counseling is
Counseling and has duties and functions as the one part of the national education system,
services of Guidance and Counseling in formal because education as a system organized
education and in society. through service-learning subjects/fields of
Among the tasks and activities of study, management, special assistance services
Guidance and Counseling teacher/counselor is: through the service of Guidance and Counseling
a. develop curricula guidance and counseling; /counseling, and other activities. Therefore, it
b. develop a syllabus guidance and can be confirmed that Guidance and
counseling; Counseling/counseling is an integral part of the
c. develop a SATLAN guidance and educational process (Permendikbud No. 111
counseling; Tahun 2014 Pasal 5 poin g).
d. implement guidance and counseling each Some reasons and arguments as well as
semester; runway shows the existence of Guidance and
e. develop instruments / worksheets guidance Counseling / counseling in the educational unit
and counseling program; can be seen below.
f. evaluate the process and outcomes of First, ... guidance and counseling is
guidance and counseling; always a moment of pedagogy ... Science
g. analyze the results of the guidance and education and counseling as things that are
counseling; essential to human beings of the present and
h. implementing learning / improvement of the future. In the frame of mind that can be
the follow-up guidance and counseling to emphasized that disciplines educating and
utilize the results of the evaluation; counseling have a place that is not only normal,
i. be the supervisor the assessment and but even essential in education (Dahlan, 1988:
evaluation of the learning process and 26-27).
results of the school and national level; Secondly, counseling is education.
j. guiding of beginning teachers in the Counseling services is the ministry of education
induction program; (Prayitno, 2009: 12). Furthermore, Prayitno,
k. guide students in extracurricular activities (2015: 119) explains that 'in the form of
learning process; practice, counseling services integrated into
l. implementing self-development; education through the use of the term, that is
m. implementing scientific publications; and learning. When the educational efforts
n. create innovative works. (Permenpan No. implemented through the process of learning
16 Tahun 2009, Pasal 13 Ayat 3). activities as well as counseling. All educational
efforts, including counseling services is
Viewed from the perspective of teachers implemented through learning activities.
Guidance and Counseling as one type of According Neviyarni, (2009: 5) learning by
educators, it is professional duties and activities counselors offered through various types of
of guidance and counseling teacher/ counselor counseling services (service orientation,
is to plan and implement the learning process information, placement and channeling,
in the form of a curriculum preparing Guidance mastery of content, individual counseling,
and Counseling. Among the activities guidance group counseling, group counseling,


consultation and mediation, as well as a conferences, home visits, literature display, and
number of supporting activities hand over the case).
(instrumentation applications , datasets, case

Table 1. Differences and Similarities Counselling Service Research (PTK-BK)

No. Basic Differences Counseling Services Research (PTK-BK)
1. Basic Theory Psychological theories, theories of Theories of psychology, educational
education and theory/ counseling theory and the theory/ counseling
approach approaches and theories of action
research methodology (especially PTK-
2. Execution Time Continuous career counseling Depending on the interest and
teacher (at least until retirement) commitment of guidance and
counseling teacher or counselor while
researching and rarely do on an ongoing
3. Implementer A person or group of guidance and Guidance and Counseling Teachers
counseling teacher/ counselor collaborate with other teachers
implement the service in the same Counseling/ lecturer or teacher
class guidance and counseling alone or
lecturer themselves (recommended
better collaboration).
4. Purpose Improve the knowledge, skills, values Improving the quality of the process and
and attitudes towards learning results of counseling services through
materials for meeting the research-based counseling services
educational goals practice.
5. Function Guidance and Counseling teachers/ Guidance and Counseling teachers/
counselors as educators (tutors and counselors as an educator and as a
coaches) researcher
6. Method Selected and used for the Selected and used as an alternative
achievement of counseling services measure in the counseling process as a
solution to develop the potential and
overcome previous problems
7. Implementation Not cyclical/ cycle, but designed Cyclical/ cycle: plan, execute, observe,
Phase what will be given and performed at reflect, plan again, and so on
every counseling services.
8. Demands Lifelong for improving the quality of Supposed to be lifelong, but the time is
Commitment counseling services to students / now only done for no money and/ or
clients there is a commitment of guidance and
counseling teacher/ counselor
9. Result A report on the results obtained PTK-BK report outlining the
counseling services clients through implementation of actions and
laiseg/ laijapen/ laijapang. outcomes of the application in order to
improve the quality of learning through
counseling services.
10. Report Reports the value of the counseling Research reports on the condition of
service (more dominant quantitative learning/ counseling services and
value/ number). counseling service results quantitatively
and qualitatively).

Thirdly, for the development of specialized support services that are more
competencies life, students need a system of psycho educational services through Guidance
education services in the education unit which and Counseling (Permendikbud no. 111 Tahun
does not only rely on service-learning subjects / 2014: 1).
fields of study and management, but also

Counseling Services Based Research

Fourth, that every student is different services (PTK-BK) is as follows Table 1. In

from one another intelligence, talents, interests, addition, more specifically viewable analogy
personality, physical condition and family stages of counseling practice and research
background as well as a learning experience, process, namely:
which describe the differences in the problems
facing learners and require service Guidance Table 2. Analogy Phases Counseling Practice
and Counseling (Permendikbud No. 111 Tahun and Research Process
2014: 1). Fifth, the competence of learners
Stage in Stage in
should be developed through service Guidance
Counseling Research Counseling
and Counseling / counseling is the competence
1. Identify a 1. Identify a research
of independence to achieve self (self- problem or question
actualization) and development capacity difficulty 2. Formulate research
(capacity depelopment) which can supporting 2. Formulating design
the achievement competencies of graduates. objectives 3. Determine methods to
(Permendiknas No. 23 Tahun 2006). 3. Determine ensure the integrity of
Sixth, that the 2013 curriculum requires intervention the treatment and
learners determine the specialization of 4. Apply counseling outcome measurements
academic, vocational, and a choice of cross- 5. Assess and 4. Collect data
specialization and the deepening specialization evaluate progress 5. Analyze the data
requiring guidance and counseling services 6. Ending 6. Interpret and concluded
(Permendikbud No. 111 Tahun 2014: 1). Source: ACA, quoted by Gladding, (2012: 354).
Seventh, quality education is integrating the
three main areas of activity in synergy, namely In contrast to the above concept, the
in administration and leadership, instructional counseling services in Indonesia, especially in
and curricular field, and the field of student formal education means a systematic, objective,
guidance (guidance and counseling) (Yusuf LN logical, and sustainable programmatic
and Nurihsan, 2006: 4). conducted by counselor or teacher guidance
and counseling to facilitate the development of
the learner/counselee to achieve independence
SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES in their lives (Permendikbud No. 111 Tahun
WITH COUNSELING SERVICES 2014 Pasal 1, Ayat 1). From the definition
RESEARCH implicitly at which stage in counseling is not
At first glance does not seem the always started from identifying any problems or
difference between counseling practice with difficulties. Identifying done in a broader scope
PTK-BK research process, as carried out which starts with identifying the potential and
simultaneously in the process of counseling problems or difficulties learners. Identify and
services by counselors. PTK-BK is not just a facilitate equally important to identify potential
'brand' is different with the same content with problems or difficulties experienced learners,
the process of counseling services. PTK-BK because counseling is the relief efforts in order
made when counselors carry out the process of to develop effective daily living/ “kehidupan
counseling services in an atmosphere of efektif sehari-hari” (KES) and the handling
learning with systematic measures like a effective daily life disrupted “kehidupan efektif
cyclical spiral. Such steps are operationally sehari-hari yang terganggu” (KES-T).
prepared in advance before carrying out
counseling service that comes with the
approach, strategy, media, and even the MOTIVATION AND OBJECTIVES OF
instruments that will be used for the process COUNSELING SERVICES BASED
and the results of counseling services. While the RESEARCH
tasks and activities of counseling services There are several factors that motivate
without doing PTK-BK do not require cyclical. people to do research in the field of counseling,
When examined in depth the namely: (1) test the validity of the theory; (2)
fundamental differences between counseling evaluate the effectiveness of different
services with research-based counseling approaches and techniques; (3) demonstrate to


funders third parties (eg, government counseling services reflect on the quality of
departments, insurance companies, private counselors referring to all the criteria of
companies) will cost effectiveness of counseling excellence which include personal, knowledge,
or psychotherapy; (4) allows individual insight, skills, and values that had to be makes
practitioners to monitor their work; (5) allows it easier to run the service processes so as to
individual practitioners to solve the "burning achieve objectives by successfully (effectively) '.
question"; (6) to obtain a master's or Ph.D. In addition, the experience is believed to be the
level; (7) make colleagues aware of the case or best teacher. Experience reinforced by
interesting innovations (8) establish credibility academic studies are complemented by custom
as a subject of academic counseling courses at to write what he thinks, experienced, felt, and
the university; and (9) improve the status of done in everyday tasks will strengthen the
professional counselors in conjunction with academic identity and professionalism of
other professional groups (McLeod, 2006: 511- teachers in their duties. On that basis, a
512). research-based counseling services is a strategic
In addition, between nature and purpose approach to combine and integrate the practice
of the research is based counseling services; (1) of counseling services in line with the research
encourage guidance and counseling teachers/ activities conducted in a systematic and
counselor conducts research and constantly integrated and work together in the process of
update their knowledge by reading and utilizing counseling services.
the results of research and the work of others as The application of research-based
study materials, (2) encourage clients / counseling services need to be managed in a
counselees to actively and pro-actively create an systematic, planned, organized and controlled
atmosphere of learning and learning in an and sustainable to improve the quality of the
atmosphere counseling, (3) encourage clients / process and results of counseling services.
counselees to actively read, discover and Management of research-based counseling
explore the information and identify their services following the four steps of activities,
potential and overcome his problems, (4) namely: (1) plan, (2) do, (3) check, and (4)
encourage clients/ counselees for critical action. Applicative research-based counseling
thinking, creative and innovative in dealing service management is. First, plan (planning).
with everyday life both in the development of At this stage, plan and write out what will be
personal, social, learning, career and done and desirable guidance and counseling
development of religious life, and (5) teacher/ counselor in the process of counseling
encourages the client / counselee to be able to services. This planning activity begins with
reflect on their knowledge and experience in formulating objectives programmed counseling
learning and behave and act honestly in services. Plan objectives counseling services for
learning activities and in everyday life. each meeting which is equipped with study
materials / content services supported by
strategy and method of service is right for the
COUNSELING SERVICE establishment of a learning experience for the
MANAGEMENT BASED RESEARCH client in the process of counseling services, plan
The learning process through counseling forms of assessment that is supported by
services need to be prepared in a planned, appropriate instruments and reference material
organized, and controlled systematically, support counseling services. All of them
collectively and comprehensively to achieve the contained in the program of counseling services
learning outcomes/ counseling services. Good is equipped with a Service Implementation
planning will greatly assist the implementation Plan/ “Rencana Pelaksanaan Layanan” (RPL)/
of the counseling services to be better carried “Satuan Layanan” (Satlan). In this plan, the
out by guidance and counseling teachers/ daily program, RPL, materials, media and
counselors who have the commitment, process and outcome assessment instruments
personality, and competent in their duties. counseling services need to be prepared from
According Sukiman (2013: 7) 'personality scratch before carrying out counseling services.
counselor is associated with roles and The instrument will be used to assess process
responsibilities in implementing the range of and outcomes of counseling services should

Counseling Services Based Research

first be validated by an expert or experienced that the client/ counselee learning through
practitioners in the field of counseling. counseling services.
Second, do (do what you have written). Thirdly, the management of research-
Pree run through the tests before the process of based counseling services following the four
counseling services. After Pree test, activity steps of activities, namely: (1) plan, (2) do, (3)
planning counseling services in accordance check, and (4) action. Fourth, in the nature and
with the method/ service strategy has been to purpose of the research is based counseling
achieve the goal of counseling services. Make services; (1) encourage teachers guidance and
observations using the observation formats counseling / counselor conducts research and
during the process of counseling services. This constantly update their knowledge by reading
observation should be done with the help of an and utilizing the results of research and the
observer in the process of counseling services. work of others as study materials, (2)
Next do a test to measure the success of encourage clients/ counselees to actively and
counseling services using instruments that have pro-actively create an atmosphere of learning
been prepared. and learning in an atmosphere counseling, (3)
Third, check (check what has been done). encourage clients/ counselees to actively read,
Do reflection on what has been done, the discover and explore the information and
identification of the perceived advantages and identify their potential and overcome his
also the identification of shortcomings still problems, (4) encourage clients/ counselees for
encountered in both the process and results of critical thinking, creative and innovative in
counseling services. Check the completeness dealing with everyday life both in the
and accuracy of the strategy and the media development of personal, social, learning,
used, the depth and actuality to shine career and development of religious life, and (5)
discussed, and the achievement of the encourages the client/ counselee to be able to
objectives of counseling services. This activity is reflect on their knowledge and experience in
conducted as a basis to formulate the next learning and behave and act honestly in
counseling services to realize the process and learning activities and in everyday life.
results of counseling services more effectively In order to develop research-based
and efficiently. counseling services, it is necessary to follow up
Fourth, action (follow up what has been some of the following suggestions: First,
done). Formulate advanced planning and guidance and counseling teachers / counselors
penyempurnakan practices to improve need to improve knowledge and understanding
counseling services so that the learning about the latest developments in the fields of
environment and learning process through the education, psychology and counseling. Second,
counseling services to be better than the guidance and counseling teachers/ counselors
process and the results obtained previously. need to understand and explore various
Then execute according to plan with the device methods of research, especially research action
supporting counseling services already (action research), for example PTK-BK. Third,
established in the RPL with material support guidance and counseling teachers/ counselors
and adequate media. need to extend the exercise to design research
proposals and instruments to be used in
conducting counseling research. Fourth,
CONCLUSIONS guidance and counseling teachers/ counselors
Several conclusions can be extracted need to work with colleagues who have
from the foregoing description, namely; First, experience doing research counseling or get
the research-based counseling services is assistance in designing and implementing
indispensable for improving the competence of research counseling from professors who are
guidance and counseling teachers/ counselors experienced in conducting research. Fifth, the
and counseling services as well as improving education department or ministry of religion
the quality of professional development through the Principal/ Principals need to
counseling. Second, the process of counseling facilitate guidance and counseling teachers/
services need to be creative and innovative so counselors in carrying out research, especially


research counseling for guidance and Sukiman. (2013). Penelitian Tindakan Kelas
counseling teacher/ counselor. untuk Guru Pembimbing (Bimbingan dan
Konseling). Yogyakarta: Paramitra
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