Guidance Counselling in Education - MAEdu
Guidance Counselling in Education - MAEdu
Guidance Counselling in Education - MAEdu
MA [Education]
Second Semester
Neeru Sood
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Meaning Nature Principles, Aims and Objectives, Types and Unit 1: An Overview: Guidance and
Areas of Guidance & Counselling. Difference between Counselling in Education
Guidance and Counselling and Counselling & Psychotherapy. (Pages 3-40)
Needs & Type, Sources, Collection & Dissemination of
Information-educational & Occupational.
Records-kinds, Reliance, Testing Techniques-Intelligence, Unit 2: Testing and Non-Testing
Achievement, Interest, Aptitude, Adjustrnent & Interpersonal Techniques
Relations, Personality (Objective, Self-report, Projective). (Pages 41-89)
Sociometric devices. Non-Testing Techniques-Systematic Case
Study. Interview-counselling interview, Observation-role &
Method. Diagnosis in Counseling. Follow-up.
Organization of Guidance Service at Different Levels of Unit 3: Guidance Services
education. Essentials of Good Guidance Programme. Kinds of (Pages 91-133)
Services-Information, Testing Counseling, follow-up. Role of
Personnel in Guidance Programme.
Psychology of Careers & Dynamics of Vocational Unit 4: Vocational Development
Developments Job Analyses. Job Description & Job (Pages 135-176)
Satisfaction, Work & Productivity. Decision-Making and Group
Counseling. School Guidance Programme. Behavioral
Counseling for vocational Decisions.
Unit 5: Role of Counselling
Counseling & Irter-professional Interaction. Selection & in Education
Training of Counseling. Professional. Issues in Counseling.
(Pages 177-210)
Counseling Process-Relationships & its Characteristics.
Parental Counseling. Student Counseling-High School. Role of
Parent Teacher & Counselor in Guidance Programme.
Guidance and counselling have come to play a significant role in the field of NOTES
education. Guidance, in simple terms means, to direct or provide assistance to
someone who needs help. Counselling refers to professional services provided to
an individual who is facing a problem and needs help to overcome the problem.
Counselling is considered to be an integral and central part of guidance.
With the increased advancement in technology and globalization, several
techniques have been developed to impart guidance and counselling in education.
These techniques are divided into two—testing and non-testing techniques. The
testing techniques include intelligence test, achievement test, interest test, aptitude
test and so on. The non-testing techniques include case study, interview, observation
and so on.
Guidance and counselling is oriented to helping students understand
themselves, become self-sufficient in making realistic and positive selections and
grow in human relationships and concerns. Guidance, hence, should prepare
students for adult life as well as help them acquire appropriate attitudes and values
that facilitate them to become productive and dynamic members of their
communities. Primarily, the guidance programme should help young people and
children to develop a positive self-image and a sense of identity, create a set of
beliefs and a value system that will guide their behaviour and actions.
This book, Guidance and Counselling in Education, has been divided
into five units. The book will enable students to understand the meaning and nature
of guidance and counselling in the field of education, the various testing and non-
testing techniques of guidance and counselling, the organization of guidance service
at different levels of education, the significance of guidance and counselling in
vocational development and the role of parents, teachers and counsellors in
guidance programmes.
Self-Instructional Material 1
An Overview: Guidance and
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Unit Objectives
1.2 Concept of Education
1.3 Guidance
1.3.1 Nature
1.3.2 Types and Areas of Guidance
1.3.3 Aims of Guidance: Kothari Commission
1.3.4 Objectives
1.4 Counselling
1.4.1 Areas of Counselling
1.4.2 Principles of Counselling
1.4.3 Types of Counselling
1.4.4 Theory of Self
1.5 Difference between Counselling and Guidance
1.5.1 Difference between Counselling and Psychotherapy
1.6 Occupational and Educational Information
1.6.1 Sources
1.6.2 Collection
1.6.3 Dissemination
1.7 Summary
1.8 Key Terms
1.9 Answers to ‘Check Your Progress’
1.10 Questions and Exercises
1.11 Further Reading
Guidance and counselling have become an integral part of the education system
because of the changing face of the education across the globe. Guidance and
counselling are essential at educational and vocational levels for students so that
they can choose the right courses and careers. The need of guidance and counselling
can be stated in simple terms to assist and help individuals adjust to their personal,
emotional, educational and occupational environment.
Self-Instructional Material 3
An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education 1.1 UNIT OBJECTIVES
Education in simple terms means learning. Education, more formally, can be defined
as a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, beliefs, values and habits. Education is
essential to live in the society. It is essential for everyone to receive education so
that an individual is aware of his rights, duties and responsibilities. Most people
associate education with what is learnt in school from a young age. However, the
concept of education goes beyond what is learnt within the four walls of a school.
Education can be referred to anything that one learns in an environment. A person
can learn from other people around, from experiences, from interactions and many
other ways. All this adds to what a person learns in school or educational institutions.
Hence, education can be divided into the following types:
Formal education: Formal education is the education that takes place in a
structured environment like a school or an education institution. Formal
education begins at a very young age and usually continues till college. In
most cases, formal education is mandatory till schools while higher education
or education imparted in colleges is considered to be optional. Formal education
is imparted in schools or educational institutions on the basis of a specific or
formal curriculum. The main characteristic of formal education is that it is
imparted by qualified teachers or trainers who themselves have previously
received formal education. Formal education, however, is not limited to only
what is taught in the classrooms but also included activities outside the
classroom. Nevertheless, these activities are concerned with reinforcing what
has been learnt in the classroom. Formal education lays down a strict and
disciplined format of learning.
Vocational education: Vocational education is imparted to teach a specific
art or skill. It is based on practical training and may be imparted in a formal or
an informal manner or a combination of both.
Special education: Special education is education imparted to those who
are disabled in some form or the other. The disabled have special education
needs and cannot learn using the normal methods and formats of teaching.
Therefore, they need to be taught using special tools and techniques and,
therefore, education imparted to them is referred to as special education.
4 Self-Instructional Material
Special education focuses on giving instructions to the disabled in a manner An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education
that would enable them to learn and develop functional skills.
Informal education: Informal education is knowledge that one learns
spontaneously. There is no conscious effort involved in learning when it comes
to informal education. One can learn by observing others, by listening to NOTES
others or by just conversing with someone. Informal education is not imparted
in formal educational institutions and can be learnt anywhere. There is no
prescribed curriculum for informal education. Informal education is ‘the
process, by which a person imbibes attitudes, develops skills, cultivates values
and acquires knowledge, without there being any organization or system about
it. This would include the deliberate attempts of parents and elders in the
family and community to help the young ones grow and adapt themselves to
the environment. Informal education would also include all incidental learning
that takes place while at work or at play and during travels-as well as
spontaneous learning through films, radio and television.’
Self-directed education: Self-directed education involves learning on one’s
own. Self- directed education is basically self-study or education that a person
acquires by observing and reading resources in libraries or even on educational
websites. Self-directed learning does not involve a formal educational structure
and is also not imparted by teachers or trainers. This type of education is a
conscious effort by the learner and may sometimes require the learner to
interact with others to acquire the required knowledge.
K-12 education system is the most widely accepted education system across the
globe, especially, in countries like the India, the United States of America (USA)
and Canada. The K-12 education system is different from the conventional approach
to teaching especially in terms of the student- teacher interaction. This education
system covers education from kindergarten to class 12. The K-12 system has its
premise in the fact that it allows for a lot of student-teacher interaction with the
teacher encouraging question- answer sessions and assignments to encourage learning
among children. The teaching method of this system is different from the conventional
approach wherein the teacher was responsible for making the students learn. In the
K-12 system, the teacher encourages the child to learn on his own by practically
applying the concepts being taught by the teacher. The teacher acts as a guide
rather than a trainer. One of the main features of this system of education is that for
every concept that the students learn, they are encouraged to add value to the
concept in terms of their personal views and ideas and, thus, the system encourages
value-based education as well. The content and learning resources of the K-12
system are created in a manner which facilitates self- learning and development
with little reliance on the teachers. This, however, does not mean that there is no
classroom activity. The teachers do teach in the classroom but in a manner which
enables the students to learn on their own which enables them to develop life skills,
practical skills as well as learning abilities.
The aim of the K-12 education system is to develop students into self-reliable
and independent individuals. The system encourages optimum learning through various
Self-Instructional Material 5
An Overview: Guidance and resources that it has to offer. Optimum learning does not include only curriculum
Counselling in Education
teaching but also enables the students to develop other skills as well that are essential
for life.
1. Define education.
2. What do you understand by the term informal education?
6 Self-Instructional Material
Moser and Moser’s define guidance as a term with many meanings. It is a An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education
point of view on a group of services, a field of study which we should be required to
choose as one of the emphasized service would pre- dominate’.
According to author of Guidance Methods for Teachers, Clarence Clifford
Dunsmoor and Leonard M. Miller, ‘Guidance is a means of helping individuals to NOTES
understand and use wisely the educational, vocational and personal opportunities
they have or can develop and as a form of systematic assistance whereby students
are aided in achieving satisfactory adjustment to school and in life.’
Guidance can, therefore, be considered as a helping service. Guidance
encompasses problem-solving and understanding one’s abilities and environment so
that his development can take place in tandem with the environment. Guidance
involves undertaking multifaceted activities to ensure that the developmental goal is
1.3.1 Nature
The nature of guidance has been defined by Mohein as, ‘Guidance seeks to create
within the child the need and power to explore and understand himself in order to
prepare a balance sheet of his assets and liabilities so that he is able to plan out his
future growth and activities in a manner that offers maximum likelihood of success
and satisfaction.’
Guidance is based on certain basic principles which are described as follows:
Guidance aims at the holistic development of an individual: Guidance
aims at the development of a person as a whole. The aim of guidance is not
just achieving academic excellence for an individual. It focuses on the physical
and social aspects of development of individuals as well.
Guidance recognizes the individuality of every person: Guidance is
based on the principle that every individual is different from the other and that
every person is unique. Guidance emphasizes the fact that every person needs
to be shown respect as the dignity of an individual is supreme. In other words,
the dignity and respect for a person should not be affected by factors like
age, gender and appearance.
Guidance manoeuvres individual behavioural processes: Guidance
affects the behaviour of an individual and enables a person to gain better
control over his behaviour in terms of likes, dislikes, weaknesses and so on.
Guidance is based on cooperation: As a helping service, guidance is based
on cooperation in the sense that the person seeking help must be ready to
cooperate with the one providing help for the best results. Guidance cannot
be forced upon an individual. In addition, if guidance is forced upon someone,
the person may not cooperate and may even become stubborn.
Guidance is a continuous and sequential process: Guidance is a continuous
and sequential process aimed at achieving a single goal that is, overall
development of a person. As a lifelong and continuous process, guidance
begins at home and then is available at school and also in the community.
Self-Instructional Material 7
An Overview: Guidance and In other words, there are several people who guide an individual into imbibing
Counselling in Education
the right values and attitude to develop as an individual.
The authors of An Introduction to Guidance, Lester. D. Crow and Alice Crow
have laid down the following principles of guidance which are accepted, especially,
NOTES when it comes to education.
Principle of all-round development: According to this principle, guidance
must take into consideration the overall development of an individual, when it
aims to bring about developmental adjustment in the individual.
Principle of human uniqueness: According to this principle, guidance takes
into consideration the fact that every individual is unique and his distinct
characteristics facilitate his development. Guidance, therefore, meets the
developmental and help needs of each individual in a different manner.
Principle of holistic development: Guidance must focus on the total
development of the personality of an individual. Guidance must take into
consideration every aspect of the personality of an individual that affect his
Principle of cooperation: According to this principle, no individual can be
forced into guidance. To be guided, the consent and cooperation of the person
seeking guidance is must.
Principle of continuity: According to this principle, guidance must be provided
to an individual needing help in all stages of life and, therefore, is a continuous
Principle of extension: According to this principle, guidance is not limited
to only children who are studying in schools. In fact, guidance must be provided
to people of all ages especially those who need it. The principle of extension
says that guidance must be provided to all people who can benefit from it
directly or indirectly.
Principle of elaboration: This principle states that when guidance is provided
as an integral part of education, the curriculum and teaching techniques must
be elaborated in such a manner that guidance can turn out to be an effective
Principle of adjustment: This principle states that guidance must aim at
helping an individual adjust to his physical, mental and social needs and
Principle of individual needs: According to this principle, the needs of
every individual are different and so guidance must be provided in accordance
with these needs and demands. Guidance must enable an individual to take
decisions that meet his needs.
Principle of expert opinion: According to this principle, serious problems
related to guidance must be directed at people who are experts and can help
an individual with their opinion.
8 Self-Instructional Material
Principle of evaluation: This principle states that guidance programmes An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education
must be evaluated for their effectiveness. If a guidance programme is not
effective, improvements must be brought about to make it effective and
Principle of responsibility: According to this principle, guidance is the NOTES
responsibility of qualified professionals who offer their services to help others.
Principle of periodic appraisal: According to this principle, guidance
programme must be appraised at periodic intervals so that these can be
improved for them to be effective and work in a proper manner.
Guidance is considered important for the following reasons:
It promotes self-understanding and self-direction.
It promotes optimal development of an individual.
It helps an individual solve different problems.
It helps in academic growth and development.
It helps in making vocational choices.
It promotes social as well as personal adjustment of an individual.
It promotes better family life.
It promotes optimal use of resources.
It promotes national development.
Guidance is, therefore, considered important not only for students, but also
for parents, teachers, administrators and community members. When it comes to
education, guidance covers the whole spectrum of the educational world. Guidance
includes all types of education— formal, informal, vocational and special. With relation
to education, guidance can, thus, be viewed as follows:
A specialized service which helps an individual solve his problems by opting
for the right solution to his problem among the various options available.
A general service which is similar to education and the various educational
A sub-process of education which focuses on developmental needs of the
According to Secondary Education Committee (1952–53), ‘Guidance involves
the difficult art of helping boys and girls to plan their future wisely in the full light of
all the factors that can be mastered about themselves and about the world in which
they are to live and work.’
Guidance, as stated, has always been an integral part of education. However,
over the last few years, the need for guidance has increased because of advancement
in technology, social change, globalization, need for outstanding leadership, changes
in morality and integrity, lofty aspirations and so on. Guidance, therefore, needs to be
made available at the very basic and ground level in educational institutions so that
an individual can adjust to his environment socially, physical, mentally and emotionally.
Self-Instructional Material 9
An Overview: Guidance and Considering the fact that guidance is needed by every individual, it has a very
Counselling in Education
wide scope and covers all aspects of an individual.
1.3.2 Types and Areas of Guidance
NOTES The following are the types of guidance and the areas where guidance is needed the
Personal: Personal guidance helps in the emotional, physical, spiritual, social
and mental development of an individual. Personal guidance maybe needed
by students who face personal problems. These problems can be related to
family, friends, parents, teachers and so on. If personal guidance is not provided
to the students at the right time, they may develop low self-esteem which will
eventually make them feel insecure in whatever they do. Thus, personal
guidance helps an individual to understand himself and deal with personal
problems in a mature manner. It enables an individual to take the necessary
decisions based on right judgment. Personal guidance also helps an individual
to view the social world in the right perspective and make the necessary
social and personal adjustments to lead a happier life. Personal guidance is
required in all stages of life and must be furthered by educational institutions
as a mandatory part of education. At the elementary school stage, personal
guidance helps the individual to deal with insecurity, social acceptance and
discipline and enables an individual to be expressive enough to deal with
personal problems.
At the secondary stage, personal guidance plays an important role in the lives
of adolescents who undergo social, physical and attitudinal changes. Personal
guidance at this stage helps the individuals to adjust personally as well as
socially. At the tertiary stage, personal guidance enables an individual to address
personal problems in the context of family. It enables an individual to adjust
mentally, physically and emotionally with various people who form a part of
the family and this in turn helps the individual to adjust with the kinds of
people existing in the society. Thus, the scope of guidance at this stage is the
widest. Personal guidance in essence helps an individual to address the various
problems that are confronted in life at the various stages. It enables an individual
to emerge as a stronger person both physically and mentally.
Educational: Educational guidance addresses the several educational
problems that the students face during the years when they receive education
in educational institutions. Educational guidance is associated with every aspect
of education. It covers curriculum, the methods of instruction, extra-curricular
activities, disciplines, problems with teachers and so forth. Educational guidance
is provided to students so that they can understand their potential with respect
to the various fields of education. Educational guidance also helps the students
to know about the various educational opportunities available to them and
enables them to make the right choices amongst these opportunities.
Educational guidance also plays an important role in helping students make
the right choices when it comes to schools, colleges, courses and the co-
curricular activities.
10 Self-Instructional Material
The main aim of educational guidance is to enable students to make an An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education
educational plan based on their abilities, goals and interests. Educational
guidance also helps students develop good study habits and to adjust to the
school or college environment. This type of guidance also helps the students
to take part in the various educational activities and develop social and NOTES
leadership qualities. Educational guidance also helps the students to keep
track of their progress. At the elementary level, educational guidance enables
students to make a good beginning in the educational field. At this stage,
educational guidance helps to prepare students for secondary education in
schools and helps to identify special needs of the students and also the
difficulties they face. At the secondary stage of education, educational
guidance helps the students to understand the different aspects of the school,
the different courses offered and their implications and also the vocational
implications of the various subjects taught in the school. At the tertiary level,
educational guidance must help students know about the higher study options
available and the scope of these studies. It is, therefore, essential for each
college or university to have a special guidance unit.
Vocational: Technological development has opened the avenues for several
occupations and specialized jobs. This leads to an increased need for vocational
guidance. Vocational guidance deals with assisting an individual opt for the
right occupation or job. Vocational guidance helps an individual choose the
right occupation and then also prepare for it and track his progress accordingly.
The main aim of vocational guidance is to help individuals build a better future
and choose the right career. Vocational guidance helps an individual to realize
his potential and skills and then on this basis decide the right career. It also
helps an individual to develop the right attitude towards work.
Vocational education helps an individual to evaluate every job and career
option available critically and then choose the right one. At the elementary
stage, no formal vocational guidance may be required but training can be
provided to develop skill that are of vocation significance like cooperation,
use of hands, respect for manual work, development of interpersonal
relationships and so on. At the secondary stage, vocational guidance can be
provided to help students identify their areas of vocational interest and to
develop employment readiness. At this stage, vocational guidance can help
the students to take the right decisions related to their career. At the tertiary
stage, vocational guidance must be provided in a more formal manner. At this
stage, guidance must be provided to students to inform them about the various
career options available, the career options that match their skills, the training
facilities available in relation to the various career options and also the various
apprenticeship programmes available. Vocational training must enable the
students choose the right career option and develop the essential skills that
would prepare them to enter the career field opted by them.
Self-Instructional Material 11
An Overview: Guidance and 1.3.3 Aims of Guidance: Kothari Commission
Counselling in Education
Thus, on the basis of the need of guidance at various stages of life and education,
the Kothari Education Commission has specified the following aims of guidance at
NOTES the secondary school level:
It helps the adolescents to know about their skills and abilities and also develop
the same in an effective manner.
It enables the students to understand their strengths and weaknesses. It also
helps the students to do scholastic work as per their abilities and skills.
It helps students in making educational and vocational choices which are
realistic in nature.
It aims at helping students in acquiring information about various educational
To help the students to adjust to their personal as well as social space and
To help the school authorities to understand students so that the educational
programmes can be designed and delivered in an effective manner.
At the higher education stage, Crow and Crow have listed the following aims of
Guidance aims to help the students to choose the curriculum according to
their abilities, interests and future needs.
It enables students to develop work and study habits which guide them towards
It encourages students to understand the purpose and the function of the
school in fulfilling their needs.
Guidance aims to help students in finding out what the school has to offer in
terms of study plans.
It facilitates the students to identify the schools that they may want to attend
to acquire higher education.
It aims to help the students to select and try out the various courses that they
may be interested in.
It aims to help the students in developing leadership qualities by allowing
them to participate in various school activities.
It aims to help the students to develop and maintain fitness levels that can
help them to continue their studies.
Guidance enables students to develop an attitude to continue their studies in
the chosen educational institution.
The aims of guidance can, thus, be summarized as follows:
Guidance aims to help the individual in realizing his potentialities and to make
maximum contribution towards the society.
12 Self-Instructional Material
It aims to help the individual to solve his problems and make proper choice An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education
and adjustment.
It provides help to the individual to lay a permanent foundation for sound and
mature adjustment.
To help the individual to live a well-balanced life in all aspects— physical,
mental, emotional and social.
It has already been said that guidance is integral to education and is needed at all
levels of education. The objectives of guidance, thus, keep changing with each level
of education. At the primary level of education not much formal guidance is needed
by the students. At the secondary and the higher stage, however, students need
formal guidance from peers, teachers and trainers and also professional counsellors.
Aims of Vocational Guidance
Jones summarizes the aims of vocational guidance as follows:
It aims at assisting the student to acquire knowledge of the characteristics
and functions, the duties and rewards of the occupation of his choice.
Vocational guidance enables students to find out about the general and specific
abilities and skills required for a job or a vocation and also acquire information
about the qualifications, age and preparation and other factors required for
the specific job.
To enable students to experience work conditions in and out of school so that
they get practical knowledge about the work environment. This enables the
individual to develop the essential skills and abilities for the job as well.
It aims to help the individual realize the importance of hard work.
It enables an individual to gather vocational information and to analyse the
information in a critical manner so that a final decision about a vocation can
be taken.
It enables the student to identify his skills and abilities related to a specific
vocation or occupation.
It helps the handicapped as well as the economically weak individuals to
develop skills to find a job and make the right vocational choices.
It helps the students in finding out information about vocational training offered
in schools and colleges and also information related to how to enter these
training institutions and what are the outcomes of the same.
It encourages an individual to adjust in his work environment and enables the
individual to understand the relation of workers with the society with regards
to the vocation of his choice and also that of other vocations.
To help the students to be aware of the consequences of making the wrong
vocational choices and choosing the wrong training courses.
Avocational: The time a student spends at home or in other activities other
than the time spent in school needs to be managed in an effective manner so
Self-Instructional Material 13
An Overview: Guidance and that it can contribute to the optimal development of the student. This is where
Counselling in Education
avocational guidance plays an important role. Avocational guidance helps an
individual to manage and use his leisure time in an effective manner. Avocational
guidance is essential as co-curricular activities play an important role in the
NOTES development of the student. It helps the students choose the right activities in
which their energies can be properly channelized. This type of guidance
enables the individual to participate effectively in co-curricular activities and,
thus, helps them to develop interpersonal skills and also widen their outlook.
Social: Most students face a lot of problems when it comes to social
relationships. Students develop their social interactions and social relationships
in schools where they meet others from different backgrounds, different
economic and social status and, therefore, some students may face problems
adjusting to the environment. Social guidance plays an important role here as
it helps the individuals to develop feelings of social acceptance and social
adjustment. Social guidance teaches individuals to be tolerant towards others
and helps them to develop a feeling of social security. Social guidance can be
provided formally in educational institutions whereas informal social guidance
can be provided by the family, media and so on. Social guidance must be
provided at the very basic level in the family so that individuals learn to adjust
with various people in the society.
Moral: Moral guidance plays an important role in shaping the ideals and
beliefs of the students. Moral guidance prevents students from being affected
by factors that lead them to indulge in undesirable practices. This type of
guidance must be provided at all stages of life so that an individual remains on
the right path and also facilitates the all-round development of the individual.
Health: Health guidance aims at preventive and curative health of individuals.
Health guidance is essential for students as it enables them to develop healthy
eating habits and for them to know about various diseases including HIV/
AIDS. Health guidance must be provided at all stages of life to students and
must form a part of education right from the elementary level. Imparting
education and information relating to health must be made mandatory in schools
for proper and healthy development of the students. Health guidance given to
students must be a cooperative effort on the part of principals, doctors and
1.3.4 Objectives
At the primary education stage, the objective of guidance can, thus, be summarized
as follows:
It assists the students in developing a better attitude towards school activities.
It enables the children to adapt to the school traditions and regulations of the
It assists the students in developing their physical and emotional stability in a
balanced manner.
14 Self-Instructional Material
It enables the students to identify their problems regarding adjustment with An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education
the school environment.
To make the students independent.
It ensures cooperation among the students. NOTES
It facilitates the transition of students from primary to high school.
It provides information to children regarding high school.
At the secondary stage, the objectives of guidance are listed as follows:
Its main objective is to familiarize the students with their school environment
and enables them to cooperate with their classmates.
It enables the students to critically analyse the subject options and to help
them choose the best according to their aptitude.
It encourages the students to participate in co-curricular activities according
to their skill set for their overall development.
To ensure that the students grow in a healthy environment and have a healthy
mind and body.
To meet the individual and social needs of adolescents.
Guidance endeavours to create an environment feasible for the healthy growth
and development of the students.
The objectives of guidance at the higher level of education include the following:
It aims to inform the students about the process of admissions to colleges and
It provides information to students about the co-curricular activities they can
participate in their college or university.
It aims to help the students choose subjects and programmes that can help
them build a bright future.
Guidance aims to help the students get vocational advice so that the students
can choose a career for themselves.
It aims to develop an environment conducive to the educational and social
needs of the students.
Guidance plays an important role in the development of an individual. Guidance,
thus, has a developmental function associated with it which helps in self-realization
and self-development of an individual. Guidance also helps in national development.
Another important function of guidance is adjustive function. Guidance helps
individuals to adjust to their environment which can be their school, college, workplace
or even home. Hence, by helping individuals to adjust, guidance works to ensure that
an individual can live peacefully in his environment. Oriental function of guidance
enables the students to be oriented with the required information that can help solve
various problems that they may face. Guidance orients an individual to career planning,
educational, personal and social aims.
Self-Instructional Material 15
An Overview: Guidance and Guidance services, therefore, today form an important part of schools, colleges
Counselling in Education
and universities across the globe. These services help the students to adjust to all
aspects of their life and development and develop into responsible citizens of society.
These guidance services undertake guidance programmes based on the unique needs
NOTES of the students and take into consideration the fact that each individual has different
social, personal and emotional needs. These programmes basically aim at the complete
adjustment and overall development of an individual which is the basic aim of
education and guidance.
Example: Providing guidance to child care providers
Here are some basic guidance tips for child care providers for guiding the behaviour
of the children.
The child care providers must keep the rules simple and easy to understand
for the children. They must discuss the rules with the children and repeat them as
often as possible so that the students follow the said rules. A few rules that work
well with children include the following:
The children must help each other.
The children are required to take care of their toys.
The children must say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.
The children must be kind to each other.
The child care providers must say what they mean and use ‘do’ instead of
‘do not’ as this inculcates positive behaviour among the students. The day care
providers must not make use of negative sentences but must use sentences like the
‘Slow down and walk’ instead of ‘stop running’
‘Come hold my hand’ instead of ‘don’t touch anything’
‘Keep your feet on the floor’ instead of ‘don’t climb on the table’
‘Use a quiet voice inside’ instead of ‘stop shouting’
The child day care providers must make sure to keep the sentences simple
and short. They must also make sure to talk to the children rather than shouting at
them. When talking, the day care providers must maintain eye contact with the
children and should not lecture them at length. They must give the children time to
respond and their views should not be overlooked.
Children at day care learn by observing. They observe the behaviour of the
day care providers and, therefore, it is essential that the day care providers set good
examples by using the right words and behaving in the right manner. The children
must also be encouraged to set a good example for each other since a lot of learning
takes place by observing each other at the day care.
At the day care, to inculcate good behaviour in the children, the children must
be given simple and clear choices and must not be forced to do something. When
children are forced to do a thing, they generally respond in a negative manner and do
not behave in a positive manner.
16 Self-Instructional Material
The children must be shown respect and must not be punished for their An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education
misbehaviour in front of everybody. Instead, the day care providers can talk about
the behaviour of the child in isolation and guide him to behave in the right manner.
The day care providers must always appreciate the children when they are
good rather than just punishing them for their naughty acts. This will further encourage NOTES
the children to behave in the right and positive manner.
The day care providers must act like good coaches and guides and guide the
children as to what is right and what is wrong. The providers must appreciate the
children when they are good and must encourage the children to do the same often.
At the day care centre, the children must be taught social skills and good
manners in a play way method. The providers must think of games that enable the
children to learn good manners and identify the feelings of others. This enables the
children to apologize easily and say sorry when required. This is something that
cannot be taught forcefully.
The children must be taught as to how they can change their behaviour and
behave in the right manner. When a child does not behave in the right manner or
misbehaves, the providers must make sure to talk to the child and guide him not to
misbehave. However, the provider must make sure that he does not make use of a
negative tone and instead helps the child to change his behaviour to a positive one.
18 Self-Instructional Material
and the student with the focus upon self-classification and self-determination by the An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education
Hence, the characteristics of counselling can be summarized as follows:
Counselling is a mutual relationship between two people. NOTES
It involves discussion.
Counselling is a face-to-face relationship.
It has a professional aspect to it.
1.4.1 Areas of Counselling
There are several spheres of life in which people need counselling. The following
are the areas where counselling is needed the most:
Education: Students during their school and college years may face several
problems related to education, learning and teaching. Such problems are
addressed by educational counselling and by counsellors who are experts and
experienced in this specific area.
Marriage: Marital counselling is often required by those who face problems
in their married life. These problems may begin as soon as the question of
spouse selection comes to the fore. Marriage counsellors handle such problems
and provide the necessary solutions to the problem.
Personal: Many people face several problems in their life which bring about
changes in their attitude and are often considered a hindrance in leading a
normal life. Personal counselling looks into the personal problems of an
individual and enables an individual to overcome these problems.
Social: Social problems may be faced by individuals wherein they are unable
to maintain social relationships and fail to adjust to the society and its ways
and norms. Social counselling is provided to such people so that they can
develop the skills of social acceptance, tolerance towards others and are able
to lead a life in tandem with the society.
Rehabilitation: Sometimes, the life of an individual is disrupted because of
accidents, mishaps and so on. Such people often develop depression, low
self-esteem and in most cases are unable to get over the disruption of life.
Rehabilitation counselling is provided to such people so that they can develop
life skills that can enable them to lead a normal life.
Vocational: Most people face problems in deciding about the right career
option and are unable to adjust to their work area, the people around and also
the work environment. Such people are not able to work productively.
Vocational counselling is made available to such people so that they can make
the right career choices and are able to adjust to their work environment so
that they are able to work productively.
Self-Instructional Material 19
An Overview: Guidance and 1.4.2 Principles of Counselling
Counselling in Education
According to authors McDaniel and Shaftal, the following are the basic principles of
NOTES Principle of acceptance: This principle says that every person seeking
counselling must be treated as an individual who has unique needs. In other
words, no two people in general seek counsel for the same reason and this
fact must be accepted by the counsellor.
Principle of permissiveness: According to this principle of counselling, the
process of counselling must permit the environment to be developed as per
the individual’s needs. Also the process of counselling must develop optimism
in the individual.
Principle of respect: This principle states that counselling must respect an
individual’s feelings. In other words, respecting the feelings of the person
seeking a counsellor must be integral to the process of counselling.
Principle of thinking with the individual: Counselling as a process
emphasizes on thinking with the individual. In other words, a counsellor must
be able to think in a manner that matches the thought process of the individual
because only then can the counsellor work collectively with the individual to
find a solution to the problem.
Principle of learning: As per this principle, counselling as a process entails
learning and is also based on learning and several elements associated with
Principle of consistency with ideals of democracy: Counselling and all
its other principles are associated with the ideals of democracy. The ideals of
democracy basically emphasize on accepting an individual and showing
respect. In fact, respect is considered to be the right of an individual when it
comes to the ideals of democracy. Counselling as has already been stated
accepts and respects an individual and his unique needs and, thus, is based
upon the ideals of democracy. Counselling also respects the different needs
and behaviours of the various individuals who seek counselling.
Counselling as has been stated is a professional service and, therefore, must
be governed by certain ethical principles as well. The following are the ethical
principles of counselling:
Being Trustworthy: According to this principle, a counsellor must be
trustworthy in the sense that he must act in accordance with the client’s trust
shown in him. Since during counselling, a client reveals details to the counsellor,
the counsellor must regard the confidentiality of the client as an obligation
and, therefore, must not share any information about the client with anyone.
Autonomy: This principle emphasizes the client’s right to be self-governing.
In other words, the principle of autonomy says that the client must be willing
to participate in the counselling process. The client must voluntarily participate
in the process and the counsellor has no right to manipulate his clients.
20 Self-Instructional Material
Beneficence: This principle says that the counsellor must carry out counselling An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education
that promotes the well-being of the client. The counsellor must work in the
best interests of the client and for this must make use of the available resources
in the best possible manner.
Non-maleficence: This principle states that the counsellor must ensure that NOTES
the client is not harmed in any manner. Non-maleficence basically suggests
that the client must not be exploited in any manner— financially, emotionally
and sexually. This also implies the fact that the counsellor must avoid indulging
in any kind of malpractices.
Justice: The principle of justice says that the counsellor must provide the
best services to the clients based on their different needs. The principle also
emphasizes fair and impartial treatment of all clients in the most competent
manner by the counsellor. It also entails the counsellor providing adequate
services to all clients based on the different needs and reasons for counselling.
Self- respect: According to this principle, the counsellor must foster self-
respect by imbibing sufficient and significant knowledge about profession
and also by caring for self. This is essential to boost the confidence of the
counsellor and for enabling him to indulge in the profession in the best possible
The aims of counselling can be summarized as follows:
It aims to help clients manage their problems effectively.
It enables clients to make efficient use of unused or underused opportunities.
1.4.3 Types of Counselling
Counselling can be categorized into the following three types based on the role of
the counsellor and the nature of the counselling function.
1. Directive counselling: The chief exponent of directive counselling is B.G.
Williamson. Directive counselling is counsellor oriented as the counsellor plays
a major role in solving the problem. The counsellor identifies, defines, diagnoses
the problem and then provides a solution. The counsellor has a major role to
play in directive counselling as he directs thinking by informing, explaining,
interpreting and advising the client. The counsellor in directive counselling
performs the following activities:
The counsellor conducts an analysis, which entails collecting data from
various sources so that the problem of the client can be understood.
He puts together data which involves interpreting and organizing the data
collected to know about the client’s strengths, weaknesses and so on.
He identifies the nature of the problem and also what causes the problem.
He conducts a prognosis which involves predicting the development of
the problem in the future.
Counselling which involves taking steps to help the client adjust to the
problem and eventually overcoming it.
Self-Instructional Material 21
An Overview: Guidance and He conducts a follow-up which involves helping the client time and again
Counselling in Education
or when the client faces the same type of problem again.
The merits of the directive counselling process are as follows:
It is economical and does not take much time.
The client gets a solution to the problem for sure.
The method focuses on intellectual adjustment of the client rather than
emotional adjustment.
The following are the demerits of this approach:
The process is counsellor oriented and, therefore, the client becomes
dependent on the counsellor.
The approach is undemocratic as it does not give any rights to the client.
The client in most cases becomes helpless and waits for the counsellor to
provide a solution.
2. Non-directive counselling: Carl Rogers, an American psychologist, is the
chief exponent of this type of counselling. Non-directive counselling is client-
centred counselling where the client is allowed free expression and the
counsellor only directs and guides. The counsellor asks a few questions to the
client so that he can think of the possible solutions. The counselee is an active
participant, who discusses his problem with the counsellor, and with the help
of the counsellor arrives at a solution and takes a decision. The role of the
counsellor is a passive one. The main role of the counsellor is to create an
atmosphere where the client is able to work on his own and find solution to
the problem. This approach focuses on the emotional aspect of the client
rather than the intellectual one.
The merits of the non-directive counselling approach are the following:
This approach provides freedom to the person seeking counselling.
It provides a tension free and stress free environment wherein the client
can work at ease.
The counsel seeker is not dependent on the counsellor for finding solution
to the problem and, therefore, works towards self-acceptance.
Since the counsel seeker gets a positive atmosphere, he can confront his
weaknesses easily.
The demerits of non-directive counselling are the following:
It is a time-consuming process as the counselee is not a professional who
can quickly find a solution.
Since the process is client-centred, the solution to the problem may not be
accurate because the judgment and wisdom of the client cannot be relied
upon entirely. This is because the client is the one facing the problem and
he may be under stress and tension and, therefore, may arrive at the
wrong solution.
Non-directive counselling relies on discussion of the problem with the
counsellor and then finding a solution through discussion. However, all
22 Self-Instructional Material
problems cannot be solved simply by discussion and may need other An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education
techniques and tools as well.
3. Eclectic counselling: The chief exponent of eclectic counselling is F. C.
Throne. Eclectic counselling revolves around the use of coordinative methods.
The client and the counsellor cooperate and work actively in finding a solution NOTES
to the problem. The process focuses on the personality and the needs of the
client and then finds techniques that can be used to find a solution to the
problem faced by the counselee. Some techniques that can be used in this
process may include reassurance, testing, case history and providing the
essential information to the client so that the problem can be solved. The
steps involved in eclectic counselling are the following:
The counsellor studies the needs and personality of the client.
The counsellor selects the appropriate techniques after consulting the
The techniques are applied to solve the problem.
The techniques and the counselling process are evaluated to know whether
it has been effective or not.
Counselling is then done by the counsellor.
The counsellor seeks the opinion of the client on whether the technique
and counselling provided have been of help or not.
The merits of eclectic counselling are as follows:
The counsellor as well as the counselee is active and so a more practical
solution can be arrived at.
The approach is applicable practically in most cases.
The approach enables the counselee to get a better insight of his strengths
and weaknesses.
The demerits of eclectic counselling are as follows:
The approach is considered to be vague and opportunistic.
There is no rule that states the extent of freedom that can be given to the
client when it comes to finding a solution to the problem.
Many people are of the view that both the counselee and counsellor cannot
be given equal rights and cannot be active at the same time in finding a
solution to the problem.
1.4.4 Theory of Self
The ‘theory of self’, put forward by Carl Rogers, is a theory applied to counselling
and revolves around the following concepts:
The theory states that the counselee has the ability to determine the problem
and the underlying cause of the problem. The counselee also has the ability to
solve his own problem.
The theory states that for counselling, a comfortable and acceptable
atmosphere needs to be set so that the counselee is at ease in discussing his
problem and working towards solving the problem.
Self-Instructional Material 23
An Overview: Guidance and The theory also states that the counselee is mature enough to understand his
Counselling in Education
personality and is also able to identify his strengths and weaknesses.
The theory states that the counsellor’s intervention is minimal when it comes
to finding a solution for the problem.
According to the theory of self, the role of the counsellor can be outlined in the
following ways:
The counsellor should present himself as an open, genuine and consistent
He should respect the client.
He should be able to understand the client’s viewpoint and adapt to his process
of thinking.
Carl Rogers’s theory is based on nineteen propositions which are as follows:
1. All individuals are the centre of a changing world and, therefore, continually
keep evolving along with their environment.
2. Every individual reacts to a field or stimulus as it is perceived and experienced.
This field is what is called reality for the individuals.
3. The individual or an organism reacts as an organized whole to the reality.
4. When a person reacts to the reality, a part of the reality becomes a differentiated
part of the person or the individual.
5. An individual forms a structure of the self when he interacts with the reality
and with others. This self, therefore, plays an important role in forming the
pattern of relationships and interactions with others.
6. Every individual or organism has the basic tendency to strive and actualize.
The organism does this to maintain and enhance itself in the changing
7. The best manner in which the behaviour of an individual or an organism can
be understood is by understanding the internal self of the individual.
8. Behaviour is nothing but the goal-directed attempt of an individual or an
organism to satisfy its needs.
9. Behaviour is always accompanied by an emotion which further facilitates the
maintenance and enhancement of the organism.
10. Every individual experiences values. These values may be experienced directly
or by taking over or observing the values of other organisms.
11. Experiences are a part of the life of an individual and as these occur, they are
symbolized, perceived and organized into some relation to the self, or ignored
and denied symbolization because the experiences are considered inconsistent
with the structure of the self.
12. Organisms adopt a specific behaviour that becomes consistent with the concept
of the self of an organism or individual.
24 Self-Instructional Material
13. Sometimes, an individual may behave in a specific manner because of certain An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education
experiences and this behaviour is not consistent with the self.
14. Every individual needs psychological adjustment especially when all
experiences of an individual are consistent with the concept of the self of the
individual. NOTES
15. Psychological maladjustment may also take place when an individual denies
all the experiences that take place around him as not being related to or
consistent with the concept of self. This leads to psychological tensions which
an individual may often experience.
16. When an experience is not considered consistent with the concept of the self
of an individual, it is considered to be a threat. These threats make it difficult
for an individual to maintain his self-esteem.
17. When threats are absent, certain experiences that were previously considered
inconsistent with the concept of self can be revised and assimilated as an
experience of the self.
18. An individual after perceiving and accepting all consistent and inconsistent
experiences as a part of the self-concept can understand the fact that he is
different from other individuals and also understands the fact that all individuals
are separate and unique.
19. When an individual assimilates several experiences in his concept of being,
he undergoes a change in the system of values acquired by him.
The theory was basically developed as the foundation of therapy which involved
the emotional state of an individual. According to Carl Rogers, the attitude and the
contribution of the counsellor plays an important role in making a therapy effective.
Example: Need of counselling for students
Counselling services in schools and colleges need to be administered to meet the
administrational and educational needs of the students. Counselling is needed by
students for the following reasons:
Counselling helps in the overall development of the student.
It ensures that the students make proper choices of courses.
It ensures that the students make proper career choices and do not go wrong.
It facilitates the students in their vocational development.
It motivates the fresh graduates to carve a niche for themselves in society.
Guidance and counselling services are necessary to help students face the
situations of life and adjust to their environment physically, mentally as well
as emotionally.
It motivates students from weaker sections of the society to perform well at
the educational and vocational levels.
It encourages the students to take the right decisions in case of confusion
and turmoil.
Self-Instructional Material 25
An Overview: Guidance and To prevent wastage and stagnation of educational and vocational resources.
Counselling in Education
To identity the students who need special help and assistance.
Counselling ensures that students spend their leisure time and time spent
NOTES outside the classroom in a productive manner.
It helps to minimize indiscipline among students.
Example: School guidance and counselling in Manitoba
The guidance and counselling of students is an integral component of the educational
mission of the school in Manitoba (Canadian province). Guidance and counselling
services and programmes promote the personal, social, educational and career
development of all students.
Information for schools, students and families
In school, the school counsellors have specific duties and responsibilities and carry
out several activities that address the needs of the following:
Colleagues and professional associates
School and community
Working with students
The main responsibility of the school counsellor is towards the students in the school.
The school counsellors offer their professional services to meet the educational,
academic, career, personal and social needs of all students within the school setting,
from kindergarten to class XII. The school counsellors develop and deliver a guidance
and counselling programme.
School counsellors need to address the diverse needs of the students for
which they require specific expertise. Moreover, they need to work within their
defined school and professional boundaries of competencies by providing only those
services for which they are qualified by training or experience. When the school
counsellor feels that he cannot meet the needs and demands of the students or come
across students who need special services, they refer such students to the appropriate
outside counsellors.
Working with parents/guardians
The role of parents/guardians is important in the life of their children. School
counsellors, therefore, need to collaborate with the parents in the best interests of
the students. However, the role of school counsellors is not to provide family
counselling. The main motive of school counsellors is to help in the personal, social,
educational and career development of the student. The school counsellors provide
parents with the necessary information related to education and careers of their
children. The school counsellor may, however, not share personal or confidential
information of the student with the parents unless required.
26 Self-Instructional Material
Working with colleagues and professional associates An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education
The main aim of guidance and counselling services is to enhance the success of all
learners keeping the broader perspective of the society in mind. The school counsellor
is responsible for maintaining and establishing relationships with school staff and
several other service providers who work with students of the school. The school
counsellors share student information with these professionals to promote the overall
development of the students.
The information shared, however, follows the principle of confidentiality and
is for the betterment of the students. The school counsellors are required to work
within the limits of the law and professionals ethics.
Working with the school and community
The school counsellors act as educators as well as counsellors. They help students
in guidance activities and also offer counselling services. The counsellor must,
however, keep the counselling services separate from those dealing with promoting
education of the students. The school counsellor on one hand may offer personal
counselling to the student and, on the other, may teach certain skills to the students
that may help the students to face the educational challenges. The role of the school
counsellor is, thus, also to integrate guidance and counselling services to address
school and community needs.
The school counsellor coordinates with the school team to develop a
comprehensive guidance and counselling programme so that the programme so
developed is in alignment with the goals and mission of the school. During the
development of the counselling and guidance plan, the school counsellor identifies
needs, implements and monitors the programmes and adjusts the programme as per
the developmental needs of the students. Regular evaluation of the plan is also
carried out.
Consultation support provided
School counsellors are professional school staff members who work with other
teachers and professionals to help learners succeed and adjust to their learning
environment. School counsellors provide education, guidance and counselling to all
students and carry out activities such as the following:
Direct instruction
Guidance education
Team teaching
Group and individual counselling
Student support team planning
NOTES Guidance and counselling are both involved with the development of an individual.
Both help an individual in facing and solving the problems and moving towards self-
realization and self-empowerment. However, despite the fact that both guidance
and counselling are aimed at helping an individual in finding solution to his problems,
there are some differences between the two, especially in terms of how the processes
are carried out and implemented.
Counselling as a process involves a lot of sessions wherein the counselee and
the counsellor talk to each other, discuss the problem and share information to find
the best possible solution to the problem. In counselling, the individual is allowed to
understand the problem and find a solution and take decision about the course of
action that best solves the problem. At the end of the counselling session, the counselee
has gained a better perception about his problem and is able to take better decisions
to solve the problem. The counselling process gives the counselee or the client the
upper hand and makes the counselee strong enough to tackle his future problems as
well. The role of the counsellor is limited to providing assistance.
Guidance is a process that involves listening to the problems that an individual
faces. In this process, the professional discusses and suggests possible ready-made
solutions to the problem that the individual faces. It is up to the individual whether he
wants to adopt the solution provided and get over with the problem. The process of
guidance can be repeated several times so that the individual can understand the
problem at hand and then decide whether to opt for the solution or not.
While many people view guidance as an integral part of counselling, there are
others who consider counselling to be a vital part of guidance. In fact, guidance and
counselling often go hand-in-hand.
The differences between guidance and counselling can, thus, be summarized as
Counselling is an inward analysis of the individual whereas guidance involves
an external analysis of the individual and his problems.
Counselling in an in-depth analysis and has a narrower perspective wherein
the individual understands his problems in depth whereas guidance is a broader
and a more comprehensive approach.
Counselling is generally provided for personal and social issues whereas
guidance is usually provided for education and career related problems.
Counselling focuses on making the individual understand the problem and,
therefore, brings about behavioural changes in the individual so that he can
adjust to the problem. On the other hand, guidance focuses on finding a solution
to the problem whereby the solution may bring about a change in the attitude
of the individual.
28 Self-Instructional Material
In counselling, the counsellor is not the decision maker while in guidance the An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education
professional who offers guidance services is the decision-maker.
While counselling lays emphasis on both learning as well as feelings, guidance
gives no place to feelings and is more of an intellectual process.
Counselling leads to what may be termed as self-discovery of the individual
whereas guidance does not lead to self-discovery of an individual.
1.5.1 Difference between Counselling and Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy basically focuses on helping and treating people who have mental
and emotional problems. The person who faces the problem consults a psychotherapist
who after discussing the problem with the individual tries to find a solution.
Psychotherapy is basically talk-therapy which involves the application of validated
scientific procedures to help people develop healthier habits so that they can lead a
healthier life. It is a collaborative treatment that is based on the relationship of an
individual and a psychotherapist.
There are several approaches that can be used in psychotherapy to help an
individual improve his life. The various approaches to psychotherapy include cognitive-
behavioural approach, interpersonal approach and talking therapy. Psychotherapy
focuses on working with an individual as long as the person does not feel mature
enough to face his problems.
Counselling and psychotherapy are often used interchangeably and counselling
may be offered as a part of psychotherapy. However, there are a few differences
between counselling and psychotherapy. Counselling is short-term treatment that
enables a person to overcome his problems. Psychotherapy, on the other hand, is a
long-term process.
Psychotherapy enables an individual to examine the feelings, actions and
thoughts and then make adjustments wherever necessary. Counselling, however,
enables an individual to explore personal development and bring about adjustments
in the life so that the problem can be overcome.
Counselling enables people to identify their problems and take positive steps
to resolve such issues. Psychotherapy basically helps people to identify and solve
psychological problems that they have developed over a long period of time.
Counselling is, thus, a therapeutic treatment for people who already have an
understanding of their well-being. Psychotherapy focuses on helping people develop
habits that will promote their well-being.
Counselling as a short-term process encourages behavioural changes so that
a person can make adjustments to overcome problems. Psychotherapy as a long-
term process enables a person to understand his feelings, actions and thoughts in a
better manner and helps the individual to face his emotional issues and problems.
Counselling focuses on the problem and then on the basis of the problem will
look for a solution, while psychotherapy focuses on the reason and causes that
underlie the problem and focuses on changing the thought process of the individual
so that the problem can be faced.
Self-Instructional Material 29
An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education
8. Mention the various approaches that can be used in psychotherapy to
NOTES help an individual improve his life.
9. List two differences between guidance and counselling.
Self-Instructional Material 31
An Overview: Guidance and Field trips: Field trips provide first-hand and practical information about
Counselling in Education
an occupation as it involves the interested people to visit the industries
and offices. Field trips are considered an enjoyable and interesting method
of gaining the relevant occupational information.
NOTES Career exhibitions: Career exhibitions are considered to be most
effective techniques of disseminating occupational information related to
several vocations at the same time. A wide variety of information materials
are used for providing the relevant occupational information.
School assemblies: In schools, assemblies are a regular feature and so
these can offer an avenue to effectively disseminate occupational
information to students at the secondary and higher level of education.
Subject teaching: At the secondary school level, subject teaching can
be one of the most effective techniques of disseminating occupational
information wherein the information provided by the teacher motivates
the students to explore the various avenues and gather more information.
Publications: Publications can be published periodically to provide
occupational information relevant for the students and those seeking an
entry into an occupation.
2. Individual techniques: Individual techniques of disseminating occupational
information helps individuals to make career related decisions in the right
manner. Individual counselling sessions can be arranged to provide the
necessary information to the person seeking the information. However, the
person disseminating the information must be an expert and must have the
essential knowledge and skills to provide the relevant information. Individual
counselling sessions are usually one-to-one sessions and, thus, may or may
not be successful depending on whether the person seeking information found
the information useful or not. The process is also a time-consuming and an
expensive one.
Educational information is information related to educational courses,
graduation, education administration departments and other related aspects
of education. Such information is essential for students at all ages and even
for the working people who want to pursue their studies along with a career.
Educational information is collected and provided by the educational institutions
that offer the specific educational course. Such educational institutions have
special cells that work to acquire all essential information related to the course
and other associated aspects. These cells ensure that only relevant information
gets collected so that the information is of help for the students.
1.6.3 Dissemination
Educational information can be disseminated in different ways. Some of these include
the following:
Talks and lectures: Talks and lectures can be organized for students who
are interested in a specific educational course. Such talks and lectures provide
information regarding the requirements of the course, the institutions offering
32 Self-Instructional Material
the course, fee structure and any other relevant information.
Education exhibitions: Education exhibitions and fairs are important means An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education
of disseminating educational information. Generally, such fairs and exhibitions
provide information about several courses and other educational information
under one roof and so cater to the needs of a large number of people.
Publications: There are several educational institutions that take out NOTES
publications related to the various courses offered by them. Such publications
offer the most relevant educational information.
Schools and colleges: Schools and colleges are avenues that can be used
to provide educational information to students who need it. Seminars and
assemblies can be arranged in schools and colleges to help disseminate
educational information required by the students.
Individual counselling: Educational information can also be disseminated
by individual counselling of students where they are provided information
about educational courses that best match their skills, abilities and knowledge
Apart from the above mentioned techniques, teachers, parents and peers can
also provide relevant educational information to the students who need it.
Example: Occupational Outlook Handbook
The Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) is a career resource which offers
information related to hundreds of jobs and occupations in the United States of
America (USA). Each occupation has with it associated an occupation profile that
describes the duties, work environment, education and training needed for the job
and the salary associated with the job. The profile for each occupation is stated in a
very simple manner which makes it easy for the job searchers to understand the job
Sections of occupational profiles
What they do
Work environment
How to become one
Job outlook
State and area data
Similar occupations
More information
Summary: The summary section contains facts about the job. These facts
are presented in a tabulated manner and pertain to:
Median pay: This is the median pay which the workers earned while working
on the job. This tells the information seeker about the salary that he can
expect from the job.
Self-Instructional Material 33
An Overview: Guidance and Typical entry-level education: This information pertains to the educational
Counselling in Education
qualifications needed for the job by most workers to enter into the occupation.
Work experience in a related occupation: Some employers may give
preference to workers who have already worked in the same or related
NOTES occupations. This is preferable so that the job providers can save on training
and education.
On-the-job training: This section provides details about the on-job training
that may be provided to the job seekers when they take the job so that the
necessary skills and abilities can be developed and promoted in the individual..
The summary section briefly describes all of the sections included in each
occupational profile.
What they do: This section basically gives basic information on what an
individual is required to do in the job.
A list of all duties and tasks to be performed in the job are specified for all
jobs in the OOH. This section also provides information related to the
equipment, tools, software, or other items that may be used. The section also
lists the people with whom the individual is required to interact while working.
Work environment: This section provides information related to the work
environment or the work conditions that will be available for the person to
work. The section provides details related to the workplace, the amount of
time to be spent working and also the physical activity involved in the work.
The section also states whether the employees are required to travel at some
time or not. The section may even list activities that may be considered
hazardous. It even lists the types of equipment and gear that the workers
may be required to wear when working.
Work schedules: This section provided detailed information about the
schedule of the workers during the working hours. The section states whether
the employment is full-time or part-time. It also states whether the work is
seasonal or whether the work is continuous in nature. The section also states
the amount of time that the workers need to spend in a week at work.
How to become one: This section typically lists how an individual can enter
into the job. The section lists the essential education requirements for a specific
type of job. The section also provides the qualities and the skills that the
workers must possess to get entry into the desired job. The section also
provides details about work experience, certifications as well as registrations
required to be able to enter the job.
Education: The education section gives a detail of the educational
requirements for a job. Some jobs require formal education while others do
not require formal education. There are some occupations that need people
from different educational background coordinating and working together.
This section provides all such details. The section may even list details about
the subjects that most people study to get into a particular occupation. The
section may even list special courses and training programmes that the workers
34 Self-Instructional Material
can opt for before entering the job to refine their abilities and skills.
Work experience in a related occupation: This section provides details An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education
of work experience required for a specific occupational profile. Some jobs
require an individual to have prior work experience in the same or related
field while others may take fresh graduates who do not have any work
experience. All such details and years of experience are all listed in this NOTES
Training: The training section provides information related to on the job
training that the individuals may have to go through so that they can develop
the requisite skills and abilities to work in an effective manner. On the job
training may be essential to improve the productivity of the workers.
This section also provides information about apprenticeships, internships, and
residency programmes that the workers may require taking up before or
during their job tenure.
Other experience: This section provides information related to other types
of experiences and works that may be helpful in performing well at the present
job. Sometimes, some occupations require vocational training or voluntary
work to be an added advantage for the job and any such extra experience
also adds to the resume of the job seekers.
Licenses, certifications and registrations: This section provides
information related to licenses, certifications, and registrations that may be
needed for a specific job or a specific type of an occupation. The section also
describes how a job seeker can earn these credentials.
Licenses may be issued to some people by the State so that they can continue
practicing their profession. Most workers to become licensed need to appear
for an exam and qualify in it. The workers may also need to have basic
educational qualifications and may even need to follow some eligibility criteria.
The requirements to obtain a license may vary from one State to another and
may be different for even the same occupation.
For some occupations, it is essential for the worker to have a certificate. In
other words, a person must be certified to work in the specific job or
occupation. The certification may require the workers to demonstrate how
they perform the said task or job. Sometimes, the workers may need to show
that they possess the required skills and may even need to pass an examination
for the certificate. Certain educational requirements also need to be met for
a worker to get the required certification.
The section provides details of requirements that are essential for obtaining
the license and certificates. The section also provided information on how a
worker can obtain the specific license or certificate and the exams that need
to be cleared for the same.
Important qualities: This section defines the essential characteristics and
qualities that a worker must possess to work in the specific occupation or job.
The section also describes as to why these qualities would be useful in the
specific job. The qualities may specify the requisite skills, the personal traits
Self-Instructional Material 35
An Overview: Guidance and of the worker essential for the job and also specific technical or other skills
Counselling in Education
that the worker must possess to work in a particular vocation.
Advancement: The advancement section describes any advanced skills or
certifications or education that may be required for the job. It also describes
NOTES the advancement opportunities that the workers may get when working with
the chosen organization. The opportunities for advancement may come from
within the job or occupation or when a person becomes self-employed.
Pay: Almost all occupational profiles in the OOH show median wage data
for wage and salary workers in the occupation. The data are obtained from
the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)— Occupational Employment
Statistics (OES) program. Profiles typically include median wages and the
wages earned by the top 10 per cent and bottom 10 per cent of workers in the
occupation. Many profiles also include wages earned by workers in selected
industries—those in which most of an occupation’s workers are employed.
The wage data by industry also are from the OES survey.
The Pay section also provides information related to the work schedule and
the work environment and may even provide information is essential about
worker unions.
Job outlook: This section provides information related to how the job or
employment is expected to grow or decline and the factors that affect the job
outlook. The section may also provide details about the job prospects and the
changing business practices that can help a job seeker to decide the job which
suits him the best in the long run.
State and area data: This section provides links to sources for employment,
wages, and projections data by State and area. Included are links to data
maps from the BLS Occupation Employment Statistics (OES) program for
the occupation(s) covered in the profile. External links go to Projections Central,
which contains state employment projections developed by Labor Market
Information (LMI) or by individual State Employment Projections offices;
and to Career InfoNet, which includes occupational profiles and tools to find
employment and wage data by State and metro area.
Similar occupations: This section provides links to jobs that are similar in
nature especially in terms of the skills and duties.
Some occupations have similar job duties or similar required skills. This section
provides links to those occupations.
More information: This section provides information about associations
and organizations that provide job seekers with additional information related
to the various jobs and occupations.
The section also includes links to the Occupational Information
Network (O*NET) system for the occupation or occupations included in the
profile. State employment service offices use O*NET to classify applicants
and job openings. For each occupation, O*NET lists a number of descriptors,
including common tasks, necessary knowledge and skills, and frequently used
36 Self-Instructional Material
An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education
10. What does occupational information deal with?
11. Mention the group techniques of disseminating occupational information. NOTES
Guidance and counselling have become an integral part of the education system
because of the changing face of the education across the globe.
Education in simple terms means learning. Education more formally can be
defined as a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, beliefs, values and habits.
Education is essential to live in the society.
K-12 education system is the most widely accepted education system across
the globe especially in countries like India, United States of America (USA)
and Canada.
Guidance in simple terms means to direct or providing assistance to someone
who needs help. In the broader perspective, guidance is provided at all levels
to human beings by one person or the other.
When it comes to education, guidance covers the whole spectrum of the
educational world. Guidance includes all types of education— formal, informal,
vocational and special.
Avocational guidance helps an individual to manage and use his leisure time
in an effective manner. Avocational guidance is essential as co-curricular
activities play an important role in the development of the student.
Guidance plays an important role in the development of an individual. Guidance,
thus, has a developmental function associated with it which helps in self-
realization and self-development of an individual. Guidance also helps in national
Counselling refers to professional services provided to an individual who is
facing a problem and needs help to overcome the problem. Counselling is
considered to be an integral and central part of guidance.
Guidance and counselling are both involved with the development of an
individual. Both help an individual in facing and solving the problems and
moving towards self-realization and self-empowerment.
However, despite the fact that both guidance and counselling are aimed at
helping an individual in finding solution to his problems, there are some
differences between the two, especially in terms of how the processes are
carried out and implemented.
While many people view guidance as an integral part of counselling, there are
others who consider counselling to be a vital part of guidance. In fact, guidance
and counselling often go hand-in-hand.
Self-Instructional Material 37
An Overview: Guidance and Psychotherapy basically focuses on helping and treating people who have
Counselling in Education
mental and emotional problems. The person who faces the problem consults
a psychotherapist who after discussing the problem with the individual tries to
find a solution.
NOTES There are several approaches that can be used in psychotherapy to help an
individual improve his life. The various approaches to psychotherapy include
cognitive-behavioural approach, interpersonal approach and talking therapy.
Counselling and psychotherapy are often used interchangeably and counselling
may be offered as a part of psychotherapy. However, there are a few
differences between counselling and psychotherapy.
Occupational information refers to information about work. Occupational
information, therefore, includes information related to various jobs available,
training and preparation for jobs available, entry into an occupation, salaries,
work conditions, emoluments, employee outlook and prospects.
Individual techniques of disseminating occupational information helps individuals
to make career related decisions in the right manner. Individual counselling
sessions can be arranged to provide the necessary information to the person
seeking the information.
Guidance and counselling are provided by most schools and colleges these
days as these services help students to adjust to their educational and
vocational environment. These services are also provided at an individual
level to people so that they can make the necessary adjustments to their
environment. Guidance and counselling enable individuals to understand
themselves better and identify their problems and the causes and solve them
with the help of professionals.
38 Self-Instructional Material
An Overview: Guidance and
1.9 ANSWERS TO ‘CHECK YOUR PROGRESS’ Counselling in Education
Self-Instructional Material 39
An Overview: Guidance and
Counselling in Education 1.10 QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES
Short-Answer Questions
1. Write a short note on the K-12 education system.
2. What are the principles of guidance?
3. What are the types and areas of guidance?
4. Mention the aims of guidance as stated by the Kothari Education Commission.
5. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Non-directive Counselling
(b) Avocational Guidance
6. Briefly discuss the difference between counselling and psychotherapy.
7. How is occupational information collected?
8. What are the ways of disseminating educational information?
Long-Answer Questions
1. Explain the concept and system of education?
2. ‘Guidance covers the whole spectrum of the educational world.’ Discuss.
3. Describe the areas of counselling where it is needed the most.
4. Discuss the principles of counselling.
5. Explain the difference between counselling and guidance.
40 Self-Instructional Material
Testing and Non-Testing
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Unit Objectives
2.2 Records
2.3 Testing Techniques
2.3.1 Psychological Tests and their Types
2.3.2 Socio-metric Devices
2.4 Non-testing Techniques
2.4.1 Diagnosis and Follow-up in Counselling
2.5 Summary
2.6 Key Terms
2.7 Answers to ‘Check Your Progress’
2.8 Questions and Exercises
2.9 Further Reading
Self-Instructional Material 41
Testing and Non-Testing
Techniques 2.2 RECORDS
Guidance and counselling are considered important as they help individuals in facing
NOTES and overcoming their problems. The main aim of providing guidance and counselling
services is to enable individuals to make adjustments in their life and bring about
behavioural changes so that the individual can lead a happier and a healthier life.
Records and record-keeping are central to guidance and counselling programmes
as they help the counsellor and the guidance professionals to get access to important
and reliable information.
Guidance and counselling practitioners maintain records of their clients for
the benefit of the clients. In fact, to maintain records of clients is one of the main
duties of the practitioners. The following are the reasons why maintaining records is
considered important:
Records help the practitioners to document and review the counselling and
guidance services provided.
Records protect the practitioners from legal liability especially in the event of
the practitioners becoming the subject of legal proceedings.
Records provide relevant information that the practitioners utilize when
providing counselling and guidance services.
The records maintained by the practitioners are confidential and are available
only to the client. The clients need to be informed about the fact that their records
are being maintained for the purpose of record-keeping. In effect, practitioners in
most cases need the consent of the clients so that they can maintain records. The
counselling and guidance professionals may also not withhold records, if the client
does not want them to do so.
Client records may contain any information that can help to document the
nature, delivery, progress and results of the guidance and counselling services
provided. Records typically contain the following:
Data about the client
Referral information
Date and types of services provided along with the fee
Details of the services provided
Details of the counselling or guidance contract
Consultation notes
Assessment and other tests and their reports
The responsibility of creating and maintaining client records is that of the
practitioner. The counselling and guidance professionals may create and maintain
records using different media. However, it must be ensured that the records are
maintained in a manner that ensures their confidentiality. The records should be so
maintained that timely retrieval is possible. The maintenance of the records should
be done in such a manner which facilitates the guidance and counselling services in
42 Self-Instructional Material
an effective manner. The security of client records is also the responsibility of the Testing and Non-Testing
counsellor. The practitioner may make use of several security techniques to limit
access to the records.
The client records happen to be the most reliable information about the client.
These records provide the essential information about the progress of the guidance NOTES
and counselling sessions and how these have helped the client. The practitioner
must ensure to create and maintain the records in an unbiased manner.
Example: Types of records maintained by a school counsellor
Cumulative record folder: The cumulative record folder is the most important
type of record maintained by a school counsellor. A single record id maintained per
student and all information related to the student is available in this record. The
cumulative record also holds all other records and any data that is considered important
for the welfare of the students.
Report sheets/card: This report card or sheet is basically a detail of scores of the
students in various exams, assignments, projects and tests. The report card also
contains the marks of the examination conducted at the end of the year. The report
card is, thus, a record of the academic performance of a student.
Transcript: The transcript is another important type of record maintained by the
school counsellor. The transcript records the student’s behaviour, performance and
development during the period of his stay in the school. Most schools offer this
record at the end of a session or sometimes in the middle so that remedial measures,
if essential can be taken to bring about a change in the behaviour or the performance.
The transcript may even be provided to the students when they are transferring
from one school to another.
Health record: The health record provides information related to the student’s
health, the physical fitness level and also the physical appearance of the student.
Attendance record: The attendance record gives information about the student’s
attendance i.e. how many days a student was present in the class and how many
days he was absent. The attendance record also gives a record of the punctuality of
the student.
Use of school records: The school records maintained by the school counsellor
can be reliably used for the following purposes:
School records give the necessary information about the student’s performance
and progress in the school.
The counsellor can use the data to help the students to adjust to the school
environment. The counsellor, thus, helps the students to learn in an effective
The information from the records can be used to help the students understand
their intellectual abilities and skills and also understand their behaviour for
social development.
Self-Instructional Material 43
Testing and Non-Testing The information from the records can be used by the teachers and parents so
that they can understand the students and their needs and help in the overall
development of the students.
The records maintained by school counsellors can help the students to take
NOTES decisions about the future. The information helps the students to take the
right decisions.
The records also provide information about the school and its functions and
how these functions can help the students to fulfil their needs.
The school records also act as reference points. These are used when a
student has to be referred to another counsellor or another school when the
student is being transferred.
The following are the essential elements and attributes of a good record so that they
can be used in an effective manner to extract the required information.
Good records must be easy to keep in the sense that the record-keeping and
maintenance must take less time of the teacher’s busy routine.
An important quality of a good record is that it must maintain the information
in the right manner and must be informative even years later when it is retrieved
for use.
The records must be easy to explain to teachers and so must be based on
knowledge and procedures that all teachers are aware of and can relate to. A
record is said to be effective only if the teachers and the record users can
easily understand them. If the records are stored in such a manner that they
are not understood by the teachers, then they are of no use.
Records must be constructive in nature and must provide all the necessary
details pertaining to the student and his development. The records should
provide enough details about the strengths and weaknesses of the student,
social behaviour, the manner in which he uses the abilities and skills and also
the cognitive aspect of the student. The record can only then be used for
judgment by the teachers.
Good records must be versatile. One must be able to use these records in an
easy manner whenever required. Also a versatile record is the one that can
serve more than one objectives so that it can save time and energy.
One main feature of records is that every record must have a purpose. The
records are maintained for specific purposes and these must fulfil the specific
purpose in an effective manner.
Records must always be cross-indexed. An overall record pointing to the
various records must be maintained for easy retrieval and access. Cross-
indexing provides a quick reference about the record in a brief manner and so
it can be known what the record was about and how the conclusions were
arrived at.
44 Self-Instructional Material
Example: American Association Code of Ethics related to Record- Testing and Non-Testing
Keeping and Maintenance
Confidentiality of records
The counsellors who maintain the records must ensure that the records are kept NOTES
secure. The counsellors must keep the records at a safe location and ensure that
only authorized people have access to the records. Unauthorized access to records
must not be allowed as it breaches the confidentiality of the records.
Permission to record
While maintaining records, it is the duty of the counsellors to obtain permission from
the clients to maintain the record of the sessions. The session may be recorded
using various media but the client must be aware of the same.
Client access
The counsellors must provide the client access to the records when asked for the
same. In most cases, the counsellors provide complete access to the records. However,
if the counsellors feel that the information in the records can harm the clients, they
may allow only partial access to the records. When counsellors are working with a
group of clients, they provide the individuals only the records pertaining to them and
not the entire group. The records are confidential and so their access is limited.
Disclosure or transfer
When the records have to be transferred to a third party or another counsellor, the
counsellors need to obtain the permission for the same from the clients beforehand.
Since the records carry sensitive information, the counsellors must ensure that the
record transfer takes place in a sensitive manner so that no unauthorized access
takes place.
Self-Instructional Material 45
Testing and Non-Testing Counselling and guidance professionals make use of several tests for the
assessment, guidance and appraisal of clients. Using these techniques also increases
the confidence of the client. Moreover, it also helps the clients in improving their
behaviour and adjusting to their problems and leading a healthier life.
Process of Testing
The process of testing includes the following steps:
Selecting the test: Once it has been decided that the client needs to undergo
a test, the counsellor or the practitioner finds out about the various possible
testing options that can be used. For this, the practitioner may make use of
test manuals and other information resources that provide details on how to
perform the test, what does the test do and how to analyse the results of the
Administering the test: Test administration can be done using the standard
norms that require the practitioner to follow the specific manual steps to
carry out the test. A practitioner may even carry out the test in a non-
standardized format wherein the practitioner can experiment with the client
and, therefore, the test becomes an internal norm of the practitioner. The
tests can be administered either in groups or individually. The administration
of the test also depends on the client taking the test and the purpose for which
the test is being conducted.
Scoring of test: In the most general cases, machine based test scoring is
carried out. Machine based scoring is considered better than manual scoring
since it is not biased. The scoring of the tests must be carried out on the basis
of instructions provided in the manual of the tests.
Interpreting the test: Interpretation of the test is based on the instructions
provided in the manual guide for the test. Based on the type of the test carried
out, the interpretation of the test may be brief and superficial or it may be
detailed and theory based. Interpretation of the test is best carried out by the
practitioner. Interpretation may be carried out by a machine as well but this
type of interpretation is too rigid.
Communicating the test result: The process of testing ends in providing
the test results to the client. The test results can be communicated using
verbal and non-verbal techniques by the practitioner. The practitioner also
has to ensure that the test results are understood by the client.
The main issue in testing is that of confidentiality. When a test is conducted
by guidance or a counselling practitioner, it must be ensured that the test is conducted
in complete confidentiality and that the test results must be communicated only to
the client and no one else. In addition, if the information about the tests needs to be
shared then it must be done with the consent of the client. The issue of confidentiality
needs to be discussed with the client before the test is administered. When the
confidentiality issue has already been discussed with clients, they take part in the
tests more actively and are also more open to undergo counselling services.
46 Self-Instructional Material
Before a test can be administered, it is also essential for the counsellor or the Testing and Non-Testing
practitioner to be prepared for the test. The counsellor must have a detailed know-
how about the tests. The counsellor must make sure that he knows how the test is to
be conducted, how the results have to be interpreted and to understand the reliability
of the test. It is always better if the counsellor has already conducted the test NOTES
beforehand or has supervised the administration of the test. This will help the
counsellor to gain exact knowledge about how to conduct a specific test.
2.3.1 Psychological Tests and their Types
Psychological tests are tests that are conducted to know about the abilities, attitudes,
motivations and needs of individuals. According to Anne Anastasi, a famous
psychologist, ‘Psychological test can be defined as a sample of an individual‘s,
behaviour, obtaining under standard conditions and scored according to a fixed set
of rules that provide a numeric score.’
In a standardized psychological test, the scores of the individual are compared
with test scores obtained from samples of tests that were conducted when the test
was first developed. Psychological tests can be conducted in various ways. These
may require the individual to answer in Yes/ No or Right/ Wrong or in some cases
these tests may require the individual to give detailed information about their tendencies
and dispositions. Generally, psychological tests are conducted and interpreted on the
basis of a manual that gives detailed information regarding the test, its accuracy and
Psychological tests can be used to assess various behavioural traits of a person.
On the basis of the behavioural trait being assessed, psychological tests can be
categorized into several types of tests. These include the following:
Tests of intelligence
Tests of abilities
Tests of interests
Tests of personality
Tests of achievement
Each of these tests has a defined purpose and assesses different traits and
attitudes of the individual.
Any psychological test to be of use to the counsellor as well as the client must
have the following characteristics:
The test must be reliable in the sense that it must give accurate and consistent
results every time it is used.
The test must be valid in the sense that it measures exactly what it is intended
to measure.
The test must be practical and usable in the sense that it can be easily
administered in a cost- effective manner. The test must also be conducted in
such a manner that it takes very less time.
Self-Instructional Material 47
Testing and Non-Testing According to Lee Joseph Cronbach, an American educational psychologist,
psychological tests are undertaken for the following purposes:
Prediction: The various psychological tests that the individual undertakes
provide a basis for predicting the decisions that the individual will take at a
NOTES later stage in order to overcome the problem.
Selection: Psychological tests are often administered by various organizations
and institutions to know the skills and abilities that an individual possesses. On
the basis of these skills and abilities, the individual may be selected for a job
or a course.
Classification: Psychological tests are used to classify individuals on the
basis of their aptitude and attitude. For example, students may need to undertake
psychological tests to classify those with high aptitude levels as one group.
Evaluation: Psychological tests are also undertaken to assess and evaluate
programmes, methods and techniques to know whether these are effective in
application or not.
1. Intelligence tests
Intelligence is one of the most commonly used psychological term that has been
used to distinguish people. Intelligence is basically an understanding of how well the
individual understands a complex process and learns from it and other experiences.
On this basis, a person who is able to understand the complex processes well and
use them equally well is considered to be an intelligent person.
Intelligence, however, cannot be measures only on the basis of a single entity.
In fact, intelligence tests measure a variety of mental functions and abilities of the
individual. Intelligence tests are, thus, based on nine different and independent
intelligences. These multiple intelligences have been proposed by Howard Gardener,
an American developmental psychologist, in his Theory of Multiple Intelligences.
According to Gardener, these nine different and independent intelligences interact
and work together to enable the individual to find a solution to his problems. Thus,
the Theory of Multiple Intelligences states that intelligence is not a single entity and
a person’s intelligence cannot be measured on the basis of excellence at a specific
The following are the nine types of intelligences as described by Gardener in
his Theory of Multiple Intelligences:
Linguistic intelligence: Linguistic intelligence refers to the ability of the
individual to make use of language he knows in expressing his thoughts and in
understanding others.
Logical mathematical intelligence: Logical mathematical intelligence refers
to the ability of the individual to think logically and critically to manipulate
symbols and solve mathematical problems.
Spatial intelligence: Spatial intelligence refers to the ability of a person to
form, transform and use mental images. It is spatial intelligence that enables
a person to understand relationships of objects in space.
48 Self-Instructional Material
Musical intelligence: Musical intelligence is the capability of the individual Testing and Non-Testing
to create, produce and manipulate musical patterns.
Bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence: Bodily intelligence refers to the
individual’s ability to make use of his body structure and muscles in a
coordinated manner to facilitate movement and to do various tasks in a routine NOTES
Interpersonal intelligence: Interpersonal intelligence is the ability of the
individual to relate with other people and understand the behaviour, attitudes
and emotions of other people. This type of intelligence enables a person to
find out why the other person behaves in a specific manner.
Intrapersonal intelligence: Intrapersonal intelligence is the individual’s
ability to understand his inner self. It enables a person to identify his strengths
and weaknesses so that the person can relate with others on this basis.
Naturalistic intelligence: Naturalistic intelligence refers to the ability of a
person to understand the nature and the environment that surrounds the person.
It enables a person to identify the beauty of the nature and also makes a
person aware of the importance of environment to lead a healthy life.
Existential intelligence: This intelligence refers to the ability of a person to
understand the basics of human existence and answer several questions about
the existence of mankind.
With the emergence of the concept of multiple intelligences, the intelligence
tests today require a person to perform several tasks. There are four basic intelligence
tests that are used to measure the intelligence of a person. These are as follows:
Binet-Simon scale: The Binet-Simon intelligence test was first devised in 1905
and then revised in 1908 and 1911. The test was developed by psychologists, Alfred
Binet and Theodore Simon, who believed that intelligence, was a learned entity. The
test was basically formulated to test the intelligence of children according to their
age. The test was conducted on children in the age group of three to twelve years to
measure their intelligence. The original test devised in 1905 included the following:
‘Le Regard’
Prehension provoked by a tactile stimulus
Prehension provoked by a visual perception
Recognition of food
Quest of food complicated by a slight mechanical difficulty
Executing simple commands and imitating simple gestures
Verbal knowledge about objects
Verbal knowledge of pictures
Naming of designated objects
Immediate comparison of two lines of unequal lengths
Repetition of three figures
Self-Instructional Material 49
Testing and Non-Testing Comparison of two weights
Verbal definition of known objects
NOTES Repetition of sentences of fifteen words
Comparison of known objects from memory
Exercise of memory on pictures
Drawing a design from memory
Immediate repetition of figures
Resemblances of several known objects given from memory
Comparison of lengths
Five weights to be placed in order
Gap in weights
Exercise upon rhymes
Verbal gaps to be filled
Synthesis of three words in one sentence
Reply to an abstract question
Reversal of the hands of a clock
Paper cutting
Definitions of abstract terms
The child was requires to take several tests and his score was based on the composite
score across the various tests. The Binet-Simon Scale basically measured the mental
age of the child against the chronological age. Chronological age of the child is the
age that corresponds to a specific level of performance. Based on this, the results of
the tests were classified as follows:
Average: An average score meant that the mental age and the chronological
age match each other.
Advanced: An advanced score meant that the mental age was higher than
the chronological age.
Retarded: A test score of retarded meant that the mental age was lower than
the chronological age.
Stanford-Binet scale: The Stanford-Binet scale was developed in 1916 by an
American psychologist, Lewis Terman. Lewis Terman revised the Binet-Simon scale
and expanded it to formulate the Stanford-Binet scale. This scale gave the test
scores in terms of intelligence quotients. Intelligence quotient is calculated by dividing
the mental age by the chronological age and then multiplying the result by 100. This
test allowed children of different age groups to be compared on the basis of their IQ
scores. The Stanford-Binet scale measured the factors in different test categories
as shown in Table 2.1.
50 Self-Instructional Material
Table 2.1 Factors Measured by the Stanford-Binet Scale Testing and Non-Testing
Fluid Quantitative Visual-spatial Working
reasoning reasoning processing memory
Non-verbal Form board NOTES
quantitative and form
Early reasoning Vocabulary response
reasoning (non- patterns
verbal) (non-verbal)
Verbal Verbal quantitative Position and Block span
absurdities reasoning direction (non-verbal)
Verbal Memory for
absurdities (non-
analogies sentences
Object series
matrices (non- Last word
The Stanford- Binet scale has emerged as a standard test for measuring intelligence.
However, the approach does have some problems. One problem is that IQ for
different age groups is different and so people from different age groups cannot be
compared or it would be wrong to compare people of different age groups. The IQ
system and the scoring system did not work well for adults. In fact, the test works
best for people ranging between two to thirteen years of age. To overcome these
shortcomings, the test was revised in 1937, 1960, 1973 and 1986.
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS): American psychologist David
Wechsler published the first test to assess the intelligence of adults in 1939. This test
is designed to assess the non-verbal reasoning abilities of adults. This scale indicates
the scores separately for verbal intelligence, non-verbal intelligence and also scores
of the overall intelligence of a person. In this test, the IQ curve of a person represents
the area in which the person falls in the normal distribution of IQ scores. The latest
edition of this test released in 2008 is composed of ten core subtests and five
supplementary subtests that indicate the overall IQ of a person. These tests basically
test the following attributes of the individual’s intelligence:
Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI)
Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI)
Working Memory Index (WMI)
Processing Speed Index (PSI)
Self-Instructional Material 51
Testing and Non-Testing Table 2.2 shows the subtests that are carried out under the Wechsler Adult Intelligence
Table 2.2 Subtests under the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Verbal Description Proposed abilities measured
Similarities The participants are The test is a measure of abstract verbal
given two words or reasoning.
concepts. The
participants then
have to find the
similarities between
the concepts or the
Vocabulary In this test, different The test measures how well one has been able
tasks may be to learn, comprehend, use and express the
assigned to the vocabulary taught.
participant. The
participants have to
name the objects and
pictures that are
given to them.
Information In this test, the The test measures how much general
participants are information a person has acquired from
questioned about culture.
general knowledge.
(Comprehension) This text measures a person’s ability to deal
with abstract social conventions, rules and
52 Self-Instructional Material
Working Memory Description Proposed abilities measured Testing and Non-Testing
Digit span forwards In this test, the The abilities measured by the test
participants are include learning, memory, attention,
required to recall encoding and auditory processing.
a series of
numbers in order. NOTES
Digit span backwards The participants The test measures an individual’s
have to recall the working memory. It also measures how
numbers in a effectively an individual can transform
backward fashion information and the visual and spatial
or series. imaginary skills.
Digit span sequencing In this test, the
participants are
required to retain
a sequence and
then later recall it
in an ascending
Arithmetic This test is a measure of the quantitative
aptitude and the concentration and
mental manipulation abilities of an
Self-Instructional Material 53
Testing and Non-Testing Bug search
Picture memory
NOTES Picture concepts
Zoo locations
Object assembly
Animal coding
Receptive vocabulary
Picture naming
The results of this test are categorized in the following manner:
Below 70 is extremely low
70-79 is borderline
80-89 is low average
90-109 is average
110-119 is high average
120-129 is superior
130+ is very superior
The advantages of intelligence tests are as follows:
These tests are the best tests that have been developed to test a variety of
human behaviours in the most effective manner.
These tests offer a standard and uniform means of comparing the intelligence
levels of people.
These are excellent predictors of academic performance.
These tests effectively outline the strengths and weaknesses of people.
Intelligence tests provide information on cultural and biological differences
among people.
The disadvantages of intelligence tests are as follows:
Most intelligence scores provide a single score which cannot be used to
measure the multidimensional facets of intelligence.
These tests cannot predict or evaluate non-academic intellectual abilities.
The tests may not always be relevant to people of all classes and backgrounds.
54 Self-Instructional Material
Example: Types of questions that can be found in general intelligence tests Testing and Non-Testing
The following are the types of questions that are generally found in an IQ test:
Analogies (mathematical and verbal)
Pattern driven (spatial and mathematical) NOTES
While those are the general areas that an IQ test might examine, it is useful to see
more specific questions. Here are a few test questions that one comes across in an
IQ test:
1. Which number comes next in the following pattern?
37, 34, 31, 28
Answer: 25, the numbers are decreasing by 3
2. Choose the correct analogy:
Book is to Reading as Fork is to:
a. drawing
b. writing
c. stirring
d. eating
Answer: d.
3. Two groups of words are given. Find two words – one from each group
which are closest in meaning:
Group A
talkative, job, ecstatic
Group B
angry, wind, loquacious
a. talkative and wind
b. job and angry
c. talkative and loquacious
d. ecstatic and angry
Answer: c. Talkative and Loquacious
4. Point out the correct option that can be arranged as a 5-letter English word?
a. H R G S T
b. R I L S A
c. T O O M T
d. W Q R G S
Self-Instructional Material 55
Testing and Non-Testing Answer: b. rails and c. motto
5. Find the number that completes the ratio:
8:4 as 10:
NOTES a. 3
b. 7
c. 24
d. 5
The answer is 5 because 4 is half of 8, and 5 is half of 10.
Other types of questions could be encountered as well. These questions could be
any of the following:
Questions related to pictures. For example, a picture of dice and ask which
one is different.
Questions related to picture shapes and asking the tester to point out the
different one.
Questions with pictures of unfolded cubes with designs on each cube face.
The participant may be required to point out which image would be the right
choice if the cube was to be folded.
Questions related to finding the missing numbers. This requires the test taker
to analyse logically to find the missing number.
Questions related to images of folded shapes and identifying which shape
does not belong to the given shapes.
Questions asking the test taker to unscramble the words and identify the
category to which the word belongs.
Questions related to the identification of missing pieces of a diagram or a
Questions related to series of figures and finding which figure comes next in
the sequence.
The number of questions you answer correctly is then used to score the test
and provide a measure of your intelligence.
Example: Practice of intelligence testing in India
Intelligence testing in India has been the premier testing strategy for most educators
and psychologists. Almost 40 per cent tests that are developed in India are related to
intelligence. Till 1988, 42 per cent tests were related to academic intelligence whereas
only 2 per cent were related to social intelligence.
The use of psychological tests in India was first initiated by Christian
missionaries. It was Dr. Rice who first attempted the standardization of the Binet-
Simon Test in India in Urdu and Punjabi.
In 1934, Mahalanobis (an Indian scientist and applied statistician) was the
first one to attempt to devise and administer a group test of intelligence tests in
Bengali in India.
56 Self-Instructional Material
The National Library of Educational and Psychological Tests (NLEPT) at Testing and Non-Testing
the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) aim at collecting
Indian and foreign tests. They also bring out periodical publications that give
information about the various Indian tests. The NLEPT also works at critically
reviewing the intelligence tests and publish these reviewed tests in the bulletins. NOTES
The NLEPT has also published Indian Mental Measurement Handbook; Intelligence
and Aptitude Tests. The NLEPT provides information on forty-three published
intelligence tests in India and five unpublished tests. Out of these tests, the maximum
number of tests (51 per cent) was available in Hindi, followed by non-verbal (19 per
cent) and English (14 per cent) tests. Only 5 per cent of the tests were available in
Guajarati and 2 per cent each in Bengali, Marathi and Tamil. Further, the majority of
tests (81per cent) were administrable in group settings.
School counsellors in India do the job of both school psychologists and
vocational counsellors. The following have been reported with regard to the particulars
of intelligence tests used in their day-to-day practice:
The school counsellors mentioned only four tests— Raven’s Standard
Progressive Matrices (SPM) (96 per cent), the test of General Mental Ability by
Jalota (27 per cent), Bhatia’s Performance Battery (22 per cent), and an Indian
adaptation of the Stanford-Binet test by Kulshrestha (4 per cent).
However, the counsellors did not feel very satisfied with the performance of
the tests. Additional efforts were made to develop more dependable measures of
intelligence. In this pursuit, more than one intelligence test was used. The counsellors
also suggested the use of scholastic achievement tests, teacher’s rating, students’
interview, observation of students’ behaviour and parental interview to measure the
intellect of a person.
Example: Intelligence tests
Children’s pictorial measure of social cognitive abilities (CPMSCA) by Dr. Kiran
Kumar A Salagame (Retired Professor, Department of studies in Psychology,
University of Mysore) and Archana Bhat Kallahalla (Department of studies in
Psychology, University of Mysore) (English): This test measures social cognition
abilities of the children from Ist to VII class through ten different pictures. This test
consists of a series of eleven pictures (one sample picture and ten test pictures).
Each picture is shown to children and they asked to report the event in it and, the
responses are systematically analysed and the social cognitive abilities are measured.
Group test of intelligence by Pramila Ahuja (English): This 110 items questionnaire
measures general mental ability of nine to thirteen years aged students. This test
consists of seven subtests: scrambled words, analogies, classification, disarranged
sentences, same-opposite, series and best answers. Total time required is twenty-
five minutes.
Test of General Intelligence for College Students by S. K. Pal and K. S
Mishra (Hindi/English): This test is designed to measure the intelligence of graduate
and postgraduate students. It consists of six sub tests i.e. word meaning, analogy,
classification, number series, code transformation and syllogism. Total time required
is forty minutes.
Self-Instructional Material 57
Testing and Non-Testing Mixed Type Group Test of Intelligence by P.N. Mehrotra (Hindi/English): The
verbal and non-verbal test items will measure the IQ of ten to eighteen year
adolescents for a time limit of twenty minutes. Verbal items contain; analogy, number
series, classification, vocabulary and reasoning, whereas non-verbal part contains
NOTES analogy, arrangement, classification, digit symbol and part fitting test.
2. Achievement tests
Achievement is what one accomplishes in a specific field, area or domain in which
one is considered to be an expert. Achievement tests assess the knowledge and
skills that a person has gained. Typically, achievement tests are taken by students to
assess how well they have been able to acquire skills and knowledge that have been
taught to them. There are several types of achievement tests that are carried out
and each of these tests is used for a different purpose and to assess a different skill
of a student. Most of the achievement tests provide information about academic
proficiency of a student.
Achievement tests are categorized as follows:
Formative and summative tests: Formative tests are the tests that assess
the knowledge and skills gathered before and during instructions. Summative
tests are usually given at the end of training or course instruction to assess
the outcome of the instructions. In other words, these tests assess how much
knowledge has been gained once the course has been completed.
Prognostic tests: Prognostic tests are also called readiness tests. These
tests basically assess as to how much the individual will gain from the training
that will be provided related to a specific area.
Diagnostic tests: Diagnostic achievement tests measure the performance
of a student in different subjects thereby identifying the strong and the weak
areas of the students. Typically, these tests assess students in arithmetic,
language ability and reading.
In general, achievement tests are criterion referenced or norm referenced.
The criterion referenced and norm referenced tests differ on the basis of their
intended purpose, the manner in which a test is selected and how the results are
assessed and evaluated. Criterion referenced achievement tests determine the
strengths of the test taker. These tests basically assess what a person taking the test
can do and his knowledge. These tests are not comparison tests. These tests inform
as to how well the individual is performing with respect to pre-determined performance
Norm referenced tests are the achievement tests that are designed to compare
achievement differences among people. The main aim of these tests is to rank
achievers from high achievers to low achievers and compare how well the individual
performs in comparison to others.
Achievement tests can be teacher made tests and standardized tests. A
teacher made test is an evaluation technique used in classrooms. These tests are
designed by teachers to measure the outcome and content of the local curriculum
58 Self-Instructional Material
that the teachers impart to the students in the class room. A teacher made test can Testing and Non-Testing
be easily developed and can be adapted to any subject or material. In teacher made
achievement tests, the materials of the test, the time limit and the scoring procedure
vary from one test to the other. In other words, no two teacher made tests are the
same. Such tests also do not require sophisticated techniques for development. NOTES
Standardized tests are the achievement tests that are developed using a specific
procedure. In standardized tests, there is uniformity with respect to scoring procedures,
administration of the tests and also interpretation of the test results. C.V. Good has
described a standardized test is that ‘for which content has been selected and checked
empirically for which norms have been established, for which uniform methods of
administering and scoring have been developed and which may be scored with a
relatively high degree of objectivity.’
Standardized tests are developed by experts and so have high technical
standards. These tests are highly reliable as compared to other tests of the same
type and nature. The results and data obtained from achievement tests can be used
to promote, classify, diagnose and evaluate students.
The advantages of achievement tests are as follows:
These tests provide information regarding the extent of learning and the rate
of learning.
These tests highlight the relative performance of the individual or a student.
Achievement tests help to identify the strengths and weaknesses of students
in specific subjects.
The disadvantages of achievement tests are as follows:
Achievement tests are not reliable in assessing job satisfaction and job success.
These tests often fail to provide the correct information.
These tests do not take into account factors like mood, fatigue and so on that
can affect the performance in these tests.
Achievement tests typically focus on cognitive development and do not indicate
anything about emotional and personality traits.
Example: Peabody individual achievement test
The peabody is a standardized, nationally norm referenced achievement test. It is
individually administered by a trained examiner. The assessment takes place in the
following fields: general information, reading recognition, reading comprehension,
mathematics and spelling. The assessment is based on the scores of each subtest
and the composite score indicates the grade level and percentile ranking of a test
taker in relation to the several other test takers. The test is not a written but an oral
one and is in a conversational format so that the students find it easy to take the test.
The duration of the test is between sixty to ninety minutes. However, the subtests
and the exam in general are not timed. The test can be administered all through the
year to assess K-12 grade levels.
Self-Instructional Material 59
Testing and Non-Testing Individual testing
Individual tests are administered in a non-bracketed fashion. This means that the
students can take the test as per their abilities and skills. The students are not required
to answer questions that are fixed as per the grade level. The assessment of the
child takes place using materials relevant to the age and the grade of the child. The
students are required to take the test of a higher level only when he answers at least
five out of seven questions in a correct manner.
Peabody subtests and scoring
General information: The general information subtest tests the student’s
general information and knowledge related to fields like science, social science,
history and humanities. As has already been mentioned, the test is an oral one
and so the questions are read out loud and the student answers them. The
child’s factual and reasoning knowledge are assessed in this subtest.
Reading recognition: Reading recognition is an oral test of the reading
skills of the students. The test assesses the student’s ability to recognize
sounds of words and alphabets and also the vocabulary of the student.
Reading comprehension: Reading comprehension is a subtest that
measures the student’s ability to understand what he has read. The child
develops his vocabulary through this test. Usually, a student reads out a
sentence and then chooses the picture that relates to the sentence in the best
Mathematics: This subtest assesses the mathematical ability of the students.
The test may assess the number recognition skills, the clarity of concepts
related to geometry and trigonometry. Most of the questions are simple and
do not require the students to do a lot of calculations. However, students are
allowed to make use of paper and pencil to answer the questions.
Spelling: The spelling test is a multiple-choice question type test wherein
the student is required to choose the correct spellings. The examiner speaks
aloud various spellings of a particular word and the student is required to tell
the correct spelling of the word.
Scoring: The scores of each subtest are calculated instantaneously and are
combined to give a cumulative score for the student. This indicates the grade
level and the knowledge of the student.
3. Interest tests
Interest tests are tests that assess the interests of the individual. It has been proved
that interests are related to academic success and also job satisfaction. Therefore, it
is essential to know the interests of the individual or a student. Interests basically
refer to activities that a person enjoys and likes to indulge in. Interest tests are
classified into formal assessment techniques and informal assessment techniques.
60 Self-Instructional Material
Formal assessment techniques: Interest inventories are the formal tools that Testing and Non-Testing
are used to identify the interests of the individual. The Strong Vocational Interest
Bank is an interest inventory that is based on the assumption that the individual with
interest in an occupation will find satisfaction and will also enjoy success in that
specific occupation. In this interest inventory, a test taker has to differentiate between NOTES
different activities as L(Like), I (Indifferent) and D (Dislike). Thus, this interest
inventory is termed as category-response type assessment. Kuder Preference Record
is an interest inventory developed by G. Frederick Kuder, a pioneer in vocational
guidance. The Kuder Preference Record enables one to assess preferences for
specific activities. Each activity listed in the records has three choices and the test
taker has to select one of the three choices as the first choice and another as the
third choice. This type of assessment is also called forced choice pattern type as the
test taker is required to specify which activity he likes the best and which he likes
the least and the reason for disliking that activity.
The most common type of interest test that is conducted is career test. This
test helps people find careers that match their interests. The career test typically
asks a few questions about the career interests of the individual and the results of
the test point out, as to whether the career is right for the person or not. The test is
based on the premise that a person should opt for a career that interests him because
only then can one enjoy the work and achieve success in that field.
Interest tests are typically carried out for the following reasons:
This test provides teachers, parents and counsellors information related to
the preference and aversions of the students so that they can be understood
It enables the parents, teachers and counsellors to assist the student in a
better manner in terms of his educational and vocational interests.
This test also helps in selecting the right person for the right task and, hence,
increasing the productivity.
Interest tests simply show what interests a person and not the strengths of a
person. As such, interest test results should not be used alone to decide which
vocation or educational field is best suited for a person. Interest tests on their own
have very less significance and so their results must be combined with other tests
like achievement and aptitude tests to help a person to make the right educational
and career choice.
Example: HOPE test of interests
Online HOPE Interest Tests are field-tested, reliable and valid. These tests have
been developed by a trained psychometrician of Boston University. These tests are
duly copyrighted with the Government of India. These tests are now available online,
not only in English but also in Hindi and Tamil and can be administered anywhere in
the world. Students, therefore, have the option to take the online tests in their preferred
language. These tests are designed for individual students who want to know about
their level of intelligence, vocational aptitude and personality. These tests are specially
Self-Instructional Material 61
Testing and Non-Testing recommended for students in the X class to help them select proper course groups
in XI class and for students in the XII class to select appropriate courses in higher
studies. The tests are also recommended for undergraduate and graduate students
and students pursuing professional degrees. These tests help these students in
NOTES identifying careers in which they will be successful. These tests help educational
and vocational institutions, to identify careers/vocations in which the students would
4. Aptitude tests
Aptitude is considered as the natural tendency of a person to do something. Aptitude
is also sometimes known as the special ability or a cluster of abilities of a person. It
is on the basis of the aptitude that a person is considered to be good at something.
Aptitude of the individual is the natural ability that can be extended and improved by
learning and experience but cannot be extended beyond a limit. An aptitude test
assesses the potential of the individual to achieve or excel in a given activity.
The reasons why aptitude tests are conducted are as follows:
Aptitude tests help to bring to fore potentials and abilities that the individual is
unaware of.
These tests encourage the development of a specific ability.
These tests provide information that can be used by the individual in deciding
about an educational field or a specific career.
These also help in predicting and evaluating academic and vocational success.
Aptitude tests are available to test almost anything and everything. These are
of various types which include the following:
Verbal Tests: These are the most basic types of aptitude tests that assess
logical reasoning of the individual. Verbal tests may involve spelling tests,
identifying antonyms or synonyms, identifying analogies, filling words to
complete sentences or interchanging words in a given sentence. Example:
The relationship between WORD and SENTENCE is best expressed similarly
by which of the following pairs of words?
Numerical Tests: These aptitude tests assess numeracy and logical thought
of the individual. The test may typically involve completing a number series,
simple arithmetic calculations, interpreting charts, diagrams or graphs.
62 Self-Instructional Material
Example: Testing and Non-Testing
What is the sum of the following? 5/9 + 3/4 + 5/7 =
A. 1
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
Non-Verbal Tests: The non-verbal aptitude tests assess the memory, thinking
and reasoning abilities of a person. Such tests typically include diagrammatic
reasoning, memory tests and inductive and abstract reasoning.
Accuracy, Speed and Attention Tests: These aptitude tests require data to be
organized and compared so that the objects can be placed in the right order.
These usually test the speed, attention and accuracy of the individual in relation
to the various aspects.
Spatial Tests: These are tests that assess the awareness of 3-dimensional
and 2-dimensional spaces.
The advantages of aptitude tests are as follows:
These tests provide a uniform and standard quantitative metric for objective
comparison of individuals.
These are by far the most efficient and effective tools to assess the aptitude
of the individual.
The disadvantages of aptitude tests are as follows:
Aptitude tests do not measure all areas of intelligence and ability.
These tests do not fairly assess intelligence levels.
Example: Differential aptitude test
Differential Aptitude Test (DAT) is an aptitude test that can be used to assess the
general cognitive abilities and aptitudes across a wide range of occupations. DAT
tests also serve as assessment tools to predict success in a training programme and
overall job performance. The use of DAT reveals the following:
General cognitive abilities
Perceptual abilities
Clerical and language skills
Each DAT test is used to assess aptitudes suitable for various occupations.
Self-Instructional Material 63
Testing and Non-Testing
Techniques Test What It Does J obs/Fields Max Time
Space relations is a test which is used to Architecture,
assess the individual’s ability to identify Die-making,
Space and visualize 3-D objects, figures and Carpentry,
15 minutes
Relations patterns and identify how the objects Clothing, Design,
would look if these are rotated, flipped or Art,
moved in some manner. Decorating,
64 Self-Instructional Material
each section is twenty and so the candidate has to answer a total of sixty questions Testing and Non-Testing
in the test. The questions are multiple-choice questions. Each section has twenty
questions making a total of sixty questions. The maximum marks in the test are 600
if answers are wrong, negative marking also takes place. On the basis of the
performance in the test, average and percentile scores of a candidate are calculated. NOTES
The test can be administered especially for candidates who have little
experience and the questions are based on topics like General Mental Aptitude,
English Communication, Behavioural Skills and Domain Knowledge.
AMCAT stands for Aspiring Mind’s Computer Adaptive Assessment. The
test is considered as one of the best employability tests in India. The test is
administered to choose the right candidates for the right jobs. The test assesses the
candidates in subjects— English, Quantitative Ability and Logical Ability. The test
also assesses personality and behaviour of a candidate.
Example: Academic Aptitude and Achievement Test (AAT)
The Academic Aptitude and Achievement Test (AAT)is India’s largest and most
popular scholastic aptitude test. The test is aimed at assessing over 1,50,000 students
from all across the world. Since the last twelve years, the exam has been used by
top companies and organizations to hire the right talent. The AAT is a cost-effective
test and has been devised after proper research in a scientific manner. The test is
also offered as a student guidance service by the IPEM (Institute of Psychological
and Educational Research), the pioneer in the field of psychometric and educational
research in India. This test is specifically meant for the students of classes VI to XII
of all CBSE and CISCE Schools. The test can be administered in English and Hindi.
The Institute of Psychological and Educational Measurement (IPEM),
Allahabad developed the test to help the parents and the students to choose the right
educational courses by assessing the area in which the child can perform the best.
The test basically assesses the scholastic abilities of students. The information and
score of the test helps the students to get information that can help the students,
teachers and parents to decide about the academic future of the students.
The academic aptitude and achievement tests are designed to measure three
important aspects of a student’s academic life:
The student’s potential for academic work
The knowledge of the student in different subject areas
The ability of the student to make use of that knowledge
Parts of the test:
The AAT is an objective test with multiple-choice answer questions. The test is
diagnostic and holistic in nature. The various sections of the AAT are as follows:
Aptitude test: The aptitude test is a test of two hours duration. The aptitude
test assesses the verbal and quantitative reasoning abilities of students. Verbal
and quantitative reasoning are considered as important tools that can determine
the success of a student at a higher level of education.
Self-Instructional Material 65
Testing and Non-Testing Achievement test: The achievement test is a test of two-three hours
duration. The aim of the test is to determine the student’s achievement and
performance in the subjects learnt in school. The test assesses the
comprehension abilities and analytical abilities of a student learnt in the school
NOTES rather than just theoretical knowledge.
Interest test: The interest test is a separate test and is more like a value
added test. The test is meant for students of classes VII to XII. The aim of
the test is to assess the areas of interest of the students. This information is
then used to decide the future course of action for the students in terms of
academic and career plans. The students are assessed in the following six
areas— literary, social, numerical, mechanical, life sciences and art & musical.
The test scores and results help the counsellors and parents to know the
interest of the students and so help them to decide about the right course of
action and offer them proper educational and career guidance.
Example: Aptitude test questions
1. Which of the following is least like the others?
A. Cube
B. Sphere
C. Pyramid
D. Circle
2. Consider a language which uses the following set of characters:
Small set: { a b c }
Large set: { A B C }
Punctuation set: { x y }
This language must follow the following rules:
1. A punctuation character must end all series.
2. A series can have up to but no more than 4 characters, including
punctuation characters.
Does the following series follow all the rules of the language defined above?
A. Yes
B. No
66 Self-Instructional Material
3. Consider the following flow chart for a customer: Testing and Non-Testing
Self-Instructional Material 67
Testing and Non-Testing To test the attitude of a person, various scaling techniques have been developed.
One such technique is known as equal-appearing intervals. This method was
developed by Thurstone and Chave( scaling theorists). The scale consists of several
statements. The score of a person is calculated based on the psychological continuum
NOTES of the scale value. If the score falls in the middle range of the psychological continuum,
the person’s attitude to a statement and, thus, a concept is regarded as neutral. If the
score falls towards the favourable end of the psychological continuum, the attitude
is considered favourable and unfavourable otherwise.
The other method is that of summative ratings. As per this method, each
statement has arbitrary weights associated with it, which are as follows:
5 strongly agree (SA)
4 agree (A)
3 undecided (U)
2 disagree (D)
1 strongly disagree (SD)
The individual who shows favourable attitude for the statement uses this
weight series. On the other hand, the weights 1,2,3,4,5 are used by people who
oppose the statement or who show unfavourable attitude. The score is then determined
by summing up the ratings of all items.
Attitude tests are used to assess the level of adjustment of the individual with
the people around him. These tests are also used to assess how good a person is at
developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships.
6. Personality tests
Personality can be defined as a unique pattern of traits that the individual possesses.
It is these unique traits that distinguish the person from others and provide a consistent
way in which the person interacts with the environment. Personality is the sum total
of emotional, motivational, interpersonal, attitudinal and even moral aspects of a
person. Personality tests are tests which are conducted to assess the personality of
the individual.
It is important to conduct personality tests due to the following reasons:
Personality plays a vital role in determining the vocational and educational
success of a person. It is, therefore, essential to know the personality traits so
that the individual can make educational and occupational adjustments as
Personality tests help the individual to overcome emotional conflicts. When
personality tests are conducted, the individual gets to know what traits are
becoming a problem in managing emotional issues and, so can work on
improving them thereby resolving emotional issues.
Personality tests are also important for social counselling.
68 Self-Instructional Material
There are several tools and techniques that are used for testing the personality. Testing and Non-Testing
Some of them are as follows:
Self-report measures: Self-report measures are personality tests that require
the individual to answer a series of questions regarding his characteristic
behaviour. During these tests, a person answers several questions about NOTES
himself in a true/ false manner. These tests can be used to measure several
personality traits including attitude, emotions, feelings and so on.
Projective techniques: The projective techniques help to focus on the
personality of the individual as a whole. When taking these tests, a person
needs to project his personality in the test exercise. The idea behind projection
of personality in these tests is to unearth the inner motives and personality
traits that are otherwise hidden. These tests, therefore, make the individual
aware of whatever he does not know about himself.
To take the test, the individual has to respond to several stimuli like a series of
pictures, ink-blots, or other such stimuli. The interpretation of such results is
carried out by professionals who are trained to do so. The interpretation also
takes a long time.
Behavioural assessment: Behavioural assessment is a personality test tool
that assesses the way the individual behaves under certain conditions. This
behaviour is an indicator of the personality of a person.
Advantage of personality tests:
These tests help to understand the individual and acquire information about
him in detail.
The disadvantages of personality tests include the following:
Personality tests are not based on adequate norms.
The information and results of the test can be interpreted only by skilled and
trained professionals.
Example: Personality test
Personality questionnaires are used to assess the personal behavioural preferences.
The questionnaire helps a person to know how he likes to work. The test is not
aimed at assessing the abilities of a person but the aim of the test is to enable a
person to see how he relates to others, when it comes to solving problems and
dealing with emotions and feelings. In a personality questionnaire, there are no right
or wrong answers. The only thing he has to do is to choose the option that best
describes the person’s feeling or his liking and disliking for a particular thing or
Personality questionnaires can be in two formats. In one type, a person is
required to rate himself and in the other format, the person is required to choose
statements that he feels relate to his personality.
Self-Instructional Material 69
Testing and Non-Testing Rating statements
In this format of personality test, a person may be asked to rate himself on a number
of phrases or statements. After reading each statement, the person may mark the
answers as follows:
Select circle 1 If you strongly disagree with the statement
Select circle 2 If you disagree with the statement
Select circle 3 If you are unsure
Select circle 4 If you agree with the statement
Select circle 5 If you strongly agree with the statement
In the following example, the first statement has been completed; the person has
agreed that ‘I enjoy meeting new people’ is an accurate description of himself. Try
rating yourself on the other example questions. Remember there are no right or
wrong answers.
1 I enjoy
meeting new
2 I like helping
3 I sometimes
4 I'm easily
5 I enjoy
Making choices
In this format of personality questionnaires, a person is given several blocks of
statements. The person has to choose the block of statements that best describe his
behaviour. A person is required to choose one of the columns marked ‘M’ for most
and ‘L’ for least.
The first statement below has been completed; the person has indicated that
he likes most trying out new activities and does not like at all understanding the
underlying theory. Try choosing which statements are most and least liked by you in
the following example questions. Remember there are no right and wrong answers.
70 Self-Instructional Material
M L Testing and Non-Testing
1 A I try out new
B I consider other
people’s NOTES
C I like to
understand the
2 A I have highly
original ideas.
B I am prepared
to tell people if
they are
C I am modest
about what I
have achieved.
3 A I conceal my
B I am nervous
before big
C I review work
4 A I like meeting
new people.
B I enjoy setting
C I usually feel
Self-Instructional Material 71
Testing and Non-Testing
Techniques A Sometimes it is better to lose than to risk hurting someone.
B I am generally good at making ‘small talk’.
C Established practices and/or standards should always be followed.
1 D I sometimes lose control of my workday.
A I think managers worry too much about the feelings of other people and not enough about the bottom
B I work best in situations where I am in control.
C Even when winning might be at stake, it is better not to be too forceful.
3 D I sometimes worry about things that I cannot control.
A When I am with people who I do not know, making small talk is quite difficult.
B People who act too slowly are an annoyance to me.
C I have no regrets about things that I have done.
7 D Even if something new sounds good, I tend to prefer what is already established.
72 Self-Instructional Material
According to (Professor of Education, Butler University) John W.Best, Testing and Non-Testing
‘Sociometry is a technique/or describing the social relationships among individuals in
a group. In an indirect way, it attempts to describe attractions or repulsions between
individuals by asking them to indicate whom they would choose or reject in various
situations. Children in a school classroom may be asked to name in order of preference NOTES
(usually two or three) the child, children that they would invite to a party, eat lunch
with, sit next to, work on a class project with, or have as a close friend. Although
some researchers object to the method, it is also common to ask the children to
name the children, again in order of preference, that they would least like to invite to
a party, eat lunch with, sit next to, and so forth.’
American developmental psychologist, Urie Bronfenbrenner states that,
‘Sociometry is the method for discovering, describing and evaluating social status,
structure and development through measuring the extent of acceptance or rejection
between individuals in groups.’
In a socio-metric test, every student in a group is required to write about his
first, second and sometimes, even the third choice about a significant social setting
and pick out a name from the group itself.
For example: A student may be asked questions such as the following:
Who would you like to be the president of your dramatic club?
Whom would you like to sit next to you in the class, in the bus or while going
for a picnic?
With whom would you like to work in the science laboratory?
With whom do you enjoy most in a social gathering?
To administer the socio-metric test, the following must be kept in mind:
Before the test is administered, it is required to build a relationship with the
class which will improve the usefulness of the test.
The information to be gathered from the test must be decided beforehand.
The questions must be framed in an easy and clear manner.
The advantages of socio-metric techniques are as follows:
This technique helps to identify patterns of choice and rejection among students
who make up the group.
It helps in the appraisal of the adjustment level of students in a classroom
It helps to identify leaders, isolates, mutual choices, rejections and so on.
These techniques help to form a group of students to carry out specific
activities in a classroom.
These help to identify the characteristics of an individual who is liked or
disliked in a group.
Self-Instructional Material 73
Testing and Non-Testing Example: Socio-metric test for assessing acceptance of students with
respect to their seating, work and playing companions
Name: _______________________
NOTES Some new arrangements will be made for sitting, working in small groups and playing
group games. I would like to know the names of those children you would like to sit
with, to play with you and to work with you. You may choose anyone in your class
you wish, including those students who are absent. Your choices will not be seen by
anyone else. Make the choices carefully so that the groups can be arranged the way
you really want them. At times, it is not possible to give everyone their first choice so
make sure you give three choices for each question. I would choose to sit with those
I would choose to sit with these children.
1. ___________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________
I would choose to work with these children.
1. ___________ 2. _____________ 3. ____________
I would choose to play with these children.
1. ___________ 2. _____________ 3. ____________
The socio-metric data so collected is provided in the form of a sociogram which
shows attractions and repulsions within a group and helps the teacher and the
counsellor in discovering the problems of students in relation to the group.
Guidance and counselling are concerned with the individual and, therefore, for guidance
and counselling programmes to be carried out successfully, it is essential to gather
information about an individual using various techniques. Non-testing techniques are
techniques used in guidance and counselling to collect information about an individual.
These techniques are also used for the appraisal of an individual.
The following are the various non-testing techniques used in guidance and
Case study
74 Self-Instructional Material
Cumulative record Testing and Non-Testing
1. Interview: It is one of the most reliable non-testing techniques that can be
used to collect information about the individual. Interview is also referred to
as ‘conversation with purpose’. An interview establishes a direct relationship
between an interviewer and an interviewee. In guidance and counselling,
interviews can be of several types such as the following:
Diagnostic interview is used to secure information about the individual.
Administrative interview is used for self-explanation, warning, punishing
or for modifying the behaviour of the individual.
Employment interview is used to determine whether the individual is fit
for a specific job or not.
Admission interview is used to determine whether the individual is fit for
a specific course or not.
Informative interview aims at imparting information to the interviewee.
Research interview aims at discovering facts and figures about a topic.
Counselling interview is used to help the individual solve his problems.
A counselling interview is an interview of a counselee by the counsellor.
According to an American psychiatrist and psychologist, Milton H. Erickson,
‘A counselling interview is a person-to-person relationship in which one
individual with problems and needs turns to another person for assistance.’
The main functions of a counselling interview include the following:
It facilitates the counsellor to have face-to-face contact with the counselee
and assisting him.
It assists in collecting information from the counselee.
It enables the counselee to identify his interests and other personality
traits which he is unaware of.
To help the counselee solve vocational, educational and psychological
problems faced by him.
Before a counselling interview can take place to explore the problem of the
counselee and to assist the counselee to face and overcome the problem, the
counsellor needs to prepare himself. The counsellor must have a clear picture and
idea about the counselee including his background, environment, strengths and
weaknesses. The counsellor must also be clear about the method to be used for the
interview and the purpose of the interview. In addition, the counsellor needs to
ensure that the confidentiality of the interview is maintained.
For a counselling interview, the counselee must be willing to take part in the
interview voluntarily else the interview cannot be successful. Steps of a counselling
interview include the following:
Preparation of the interview and building a rapport: To prepare for the
interview, the counsellor must plan the schedule of the interview in advance.
The counsellor also needs to decide about the physical setting of the interview
and ensure that all the necessary material is properly organized. The physical
Self-Instructional Material 75
Testing and Non-Testing setting of the interview must be such that it makes the counselee feel
comfortable. To establish a rapport with the counselee, the counsellor must
conduct a pre-interview conversation. This will help in developing friendliness,
respect and sincerity between the counsellor and the counselee.
NOTES Arrive at the problem: To arrive at the problem that the counselee faces,
the counsellor can make use of methods like observation, talking and listening.
These methods will help the counsellor to know the problems that the counselee
is facing and the underlying causes of the problem.
Working jointly on the problem: The counsellor and counselee must work
jointly on the problem to find a solution to the problem. While working together
in solving the problem, the counsellor can make use of techniques like
sympathy, assurance, humour, personal references, non-personal references,
threat and approval.
Closing the interview: A counsellor must never end an interview abruptly.
In fact, the counsellor must ensure that the counselee is satisfied and then
end the interview. At the end of the interview, the counsellor must possess all
the information for which the interview was conducted.
Evaluation: A counselling interview is often evaluated on the basis of the
physical setting, the counsellor, the counselee and the outcome of the interview.
Follow-up: Follow-up must be initiated by the counsellor to know whether
the counselee’s problem has been solved or not. Follow-up also helps to
improve the interview techniques.
A counselling interview should typically cover the following areas:
The reason for conducting the interview
Previous work history
Educational history
Family situation and background
Social Activities
Physical conditions
Self-evaluation of appearance, abilities and personality
The advantages of a counselling interview are as follows:
It is the best technique using which information about the individual can be
It is more like a conversation and so the counselee feels comfortable.
It is very easy to conduct.
It helps the counselee to get an insight and solve his problems.
76 Self-Instructional Material
The disadvantages of the counselling interview are as follows: Testing and Non-Testing
It is subjective and time-consuming.
The interview needs to be conducted by experts.
In some cases, it is difficult to interpret the results. NOTES
It may not always produce the desired results.
Example: Questions asked in initial counselling interview
The following are typical questions that may be asked by a counsellor when the
counselee first requests for a counselling interview:
Interviewer ______________________ Date______________
Note the identified problem:
Is the student seeking help? Yes / No
If the student has not come for help, what were the circumstances that brought the
student to the interview?
Questions for student to answer:
Student’s Name _______________________________
Age _____
Birthdate ___________
Sex: M/F Grade ________
Current placement ______________________
Ethnicity __________
Primary language ____________________
We are concerned about how things are going for you. Our talk today will
help us to discuss what is going OK and what is not going so well. If you want me to
keep what we discussed as confidential, I will do so except for those things that I
need to discuss with others in order to help you.
(1) How would you describe your current situation? What problems are you
experiencing? What are your main concerns?
(2) How serious are these matters for you at this time?
a) Very serious
b) Not too serious
c) Not at serious
(3) How long have you been facing these problems?
a) 0-3 months
b) 4 months to a year
c) more than a year
Self-Instructional Material 77
Testing and Non-Testing (4) What do you think originally caused these problems?
(5) Do others (parents, teachers and friends) think there were other causes? If
so, what causes do they term as real reasons for the problem?
NOTES (6) What other things are currently making it hard to deal with the problems?
(7) What have you already tried in order to deal with the problems?
(8) Why do you think these things did not work?
(9) What have others advised you to do?
(10) What do you think would help solve the problems?
(11) How much time and effort do you want to put into solving the problems?
a) Not at all
b) Not much
c) Only a little
d) More than a little
e) Quite a bit
f) Very little
If you answered 1, 2, or 3, why don’t you want to put much time and effort
into solving problems?
(12) What type of help do you want?
(13) What changes are you hoping for?
(14) How hopeful are you about solving the problems?
a) Very hopeful
b) Somewhat hopeful
c) Not too hopeful
d) Not at all hopeful If you’re not hopeful, why not?
(15) What else should we know so that we can help? Are there, any other areas
which need to be discussed as well?
Example: What happens at an initial counselling interview?
How is the session structured?
The counsellor must structure the counselling interview session in a proper manner.
The aim of the counsellor is to establish and build a strong relationship with the
counselee. The first session of a counselling interview is aimed at finding the issues
that the client is facing. It is in the first session that the role of the counsellor is also
defined and the client and the counsellor establish a confidential relationship. The
counsellor listens to the client and then tries to react in a proper manner. The counsellor
then proceeds with the interview with what the client wants to talk about.
During the structuring of the counselling interview, the counsellor also has to
decide about the time limit. The length and time of the interview usually depends on
the age of the client and the issue that the client is facing. For example, when a
78 Self-Instructional Material
counsellor is interviewing school children aged 12 and above, the interview generally Testing and Non-Testing
takes place for an hour. For young adults, the counselling interview may last for two
Before starting the counselling interview, the counsellor must tell the client
about the length of the interview. This is essential so that the client can prepare NOTES
himself and set the pace for the interview to ensure that he is able to discuss all his
problems with the counsellor. This also helps the client to collect enough personal
details and information relevant for the interview and discussion. If the time limits
are not specified by the counsellor, the client may hold back some information,
making it difficult for the interview to go on at a smooth pace. To ensure that the
client is not able to manipulate the interview, the counsellor also has to tell the client
about how much time is left by the end of the interview, so that the client and the
counsellor can also raise unfinished questions or issues that are considered important.
The counsellor, therefore, often keeps a track of the time when the counselling
session is under progress.
The duration of the counselling interview or the number of sessions is also
usually defined in the first sessions. However, this decision may be taken even after
one or two sessions depending on the type of help the client is in need of.
How to start the session?
Once the counsellor and the counselee are familiar with each other after the first
session, the counsellor tries to talk about various social topics so that the client feels
comfortable while discussing the same with the counsellor. This also helps the
counselee to remain at ease and tension free. However, this does not allow the
counsellor to spend too much time talking about casual things. Usually, a counsellor
begins a session differently for clients who are self-referred and for clients who
have been referred by someone else. When a counsellor is dealing with a self-
referral client, the counsellor can begin the session with the following.
‘We have about a half hour to talk and I would like to ask you what brings you
to counselling.’
‘We have an hour and I would like to listen to issues or anything you would
like to share.’
The counsellor must make sure that he conveys to the client that the time
limit set would be used in a meaningful manner.
Counselees are often referred for counselling by parents, teachers and other
counselling therapists. When clients are referred by a third party, the clients are
usually resistant to counselling and are more difficult to handle. This is why the
counsellors need to structure the sessions for these clients in a very careful manner.
The counselling session must be thoroughly planned and structured to deal with such
The counsellor must always come across as a warm and accepting person to
the client for whatever reason the client may come to the counsellor. The counsellor
must always ask the client about his reasons for attending the counselling session,
Self-Instructional Material 79
Testing and Non-Testing but should never be judgemental. The counsellor must, therefore, never choose
what to discuss in the counselling session. The topics to be discussed should be put
forward by the client.
80 Self-Instructional Material
The following steps are taken when preparing a case study: Testing and Non-Testing
Locating the case
Forming a hypotheses
Collecting the essential information NOTES
Identifying the factor that create the problem
Application of remedial measures and treatments to solve the problem
Follow-up to check the effectiveness of the remedial measures
The main elements of a case study are diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Diagnosis
refers to identifying the problem by collecting the essential information. Treatment
involves application of remedial measures and treatments. Follow-up is done in a
case study to know the effectiveness of the measures used to solve the problem.
The characteristics of a good case study are as follows:
A case study must be complete which means that it must collect complete
information about the individual.
A case study must use reliable and valid data and information.
A case study must be dynamic and not static. It should also not be cross-
sectional and must provide complete information about the person.
A case study must keep the information confidential.
A case study must use scientific techniques for analysis of the information.
Advantages of a case study are as follows:
It can be used as a basis for diagnosis and treatment of the individual.
It gives in-depth information about the individual.
It enables a person to make suitable adjustments for overall development.
Disadvantages of a case study are as follows:
It is a very time-consuming process.
A case study is a subjective technique.
It is a difficult method that can be carried out by experts and professionals.
Interpreting the results of a case study is also a tough task.
Example: Dropout student
The case study is about a drop out student with the following details:
Name of the student: G. Sathish (Dropout class VIII)
Father’s name: Bengalurappa
Occupation: Tea Stall (Business)
Now passed: Class X (First Division) (Marks: 362/600) (2009/2010)
Siblings: The student has two brothers. His elder brother is currently doing his
B.Ed and younger brother is physically handicapped.
Self-Instructional Material 81
Testing and Non-Testing Family background: Sathish’s father studied up to class III and his mother is
uneducated. Since the family is very poor cannot it is unable to provide education to
all children. The father runs a tea stall at Gudupalli cross. The shop is the only
source of income and the land they own is very small and the earning from the land
NOTES is not sufficient enough to support the family.
Motivation: Agastya, a foundation that helps to guide students and parents in poor
families to take up education because of the several advantages sent its volunteers
to request Sathish’s parents to send Sathish to school. However, his parents did not
want to do so because they were already spending huge money on the education of
their eldest child. Also, since the younger brother of Sathish was handicapped, the
parents were unable to support education of Sathish. Sathish had to discontinue his
studies after class VIII so that he could manage the tea stall and earn to support the
At Agastya, a drop-out in-charge pursued Sathish’s father to let him attend night
dropout classes after finishing his work at the tea shop. Sathish was given basic
training so that he could build his confidence at the Agastya Kodathanapalli dropout
centre. Sathish was able to join ZPHS, Kodathanapalli and complete his class X.
Help of agastya: Agastya— whose volunteers made Sathish study, provided him
with the required notebooks and also paid his school fees amounting to ‘ 775/. The
volunteers helped Sathish to learn subjects like Mathematics, Science, English and
other basic fundamental principles in different subjects. Sathish learnt a lot of new
things about life and also attended regular school as well as dropout night classes to
learn in a more effective manner.
Opinion of the school teacher: The school teachers and authorities also
appreciated the fact that the Agsatya volunteers helped Sathish and also visited the
school regularly to know about the progress of Sathish.
Villagers: The village to which Sathish belongs has appreciated the help of the
Agastya dropout facility centre that also helps other students realize their dreams of
studying and completing school.
3. Observation: It is one of the most effective methods of collecting information
about the individual. Observation is the most commonly applied technique for
information collection in guidance and counselling. Observation basically entails
observing the behaviour of the individual. Behaviour is considered to be reflection of
the personality and so when the behaviour of an individual is observed, a counsellor
or a practitioner can learn a lot about the personality of the individual. The following
are the two types of observations:
Natural observation: In natural observation, the specific behavioural
characteristics of the individual in a natural setting are observed. This means
that during observation, the individual does not get conscious of someone
observing his behaviour. Thus, this type of observation can help to observe
the real behaviour of the individual and, hence, brings out the hidden aspects
of his personality.
82 Self-Instructional Material
Participant observation: In this type of observation, the observer becomes Testing and Non-Testing
a part of the group which he wants to observe. The observer builds a rapport
with the group and the group members are not aware of his intentions and so
behave in a natural manner.
Observation to be done in a systematic and objective manner must be done with NOTES
proper preparation and training. Training for observation includes training in writing
the observation descriptively, recording field notes and validating the observations.
Preparation for observation requires mental, physical, intellectual as well as
psychological preparation.
A god observation must, therefore, have the following characteristics:
It must be planned: For an observation to be of help, it must be planned.
The observer must know what has to be observed and the purpose of
observation. The observer must also decide about the time of observation,
the tools and techniques to be used for observing as well as recording of the
It must be properly executed: An observation must be properly executed
in the sense that the observer must ensure that the physical settings are
accurate. An observer must have sufficient skills to carry out the observation
discreetly for its proper execution.
It must be recorded: An observation is of use only when it is recorded.
Recording of the observation can be done simultaneously with observation or
it may be done after the observation is over. In both cases, proper recording
devices and techniques must be used.
It must be interpreted: The results of the observation must be interpreted
using the appropriate tools and techniques.
Rules for making observation
When making observations, a counsellor or a practitioner must follow the following
The observer must be descriptive in taking notes.
The observer must gather information from different perspectives.
The information collected must be validated and triangulated.
The observer must separate description from judgement.
The advantages of the observation method are the following:
These are reliable, valid and scientific.
Observations are the most economical method of data collection.
Observations can be flexibly used in various situations.
Observations can be applied to people of all ages.
Observations can be applied to groups as well the individual.
These do not require much training.
Self-Instructional Material 83
Testing and Non-Testing The disadvantages of the observation method include the following:
Observations are subjective.
These can be used to observe the external behaviour and not the internal
NOTES feelings.
The observation records many not be accurate and may be biased.
Sampling and observer error may take place in observations which make the
information invalid and unusable.
2.4.1 Diagnosis and Follow-up in Counselling
Counselling is a process wherein the counselee and the counsellor talk to each other
to discuss the problem that the counselee is facing. The process of counselling
requires the active participation of the counselee to find the causes of the problem
and through discussions with the counsellor bring about changes in his or her behaviour
to overcome the problem for healthy development. The main aim of counselling is to
help the individual solve his problems.
Diagnosis is a process wherein the counsellor and the counselee try to identify
the problem and the underlying causes of the problem. Diagnosis typically requires
the counselee to focus on the following:
How the counselee views himself
The counselee’s perception of the world around him
The process of diagnosis helps the counsellor and the counselee to identify
the strengths and weaknesses of the counselee. The counselee and the counsellor
arrive at the decision by discussion and talking. This enables the counselee to
understand himself better. It is through the process of diagnosis that the counselee
assisted by the counsellor can find a solution to the problem on his own. Diagnosis
helps a counselee in the following ways:
It helps the counselee in understanding himself.
The counselee gains an insight into his strengths and weaknesses.
He becomes conscious of his character and feelings.
It further enables the counselee to use the knowledge acquired to bring about
changes in his life.
On the basis of the diagnosis, the counsellor suggests remedial measures and
treatments so that the individual can overcome his problem.
Follow-up in counselling is done to verify how effective the remedial measures
have been. Follow-up is always done by the counsellor to know whether the remedy
or treatment he suggested has been effective or not. If the measures are not
considered to be effective, the counsellor and the counselee again go through the
diagnosis process and find other measures.
84 Self-Instructional Material
Testing and Non-Testing
7. Name the non-testing techniques used in guidance and counselling.
8. What are the essential areas which should be covered by a counselling NOTES
9. List the essential characteristics of the observation method.
The central focus of all guidance and counselling programmes is the individual.
Testing and non-testing techniques are used in guidance and counselling to
gather the required information about the individual so that the individual may
be assisted in the required manner.
Records and record-keeping are central to guidance and counselling
programmes as they help the counsellor and the guidance professionals to get
access to important and reliable information.
The client records happen to be the most reliable information about the client.
These records provide the essential information about the progress of the
guidance and counselling sessions and how these have helped the client.
There are several techniques that can be used by the practitioners to know
their clients in a better manner.
Psychological tests are tests that are conducted to know about the abilities,
attitudes, motivations and needs of individuals. On the basis of the behavioural
trait being assessed, psychological tests can be categorized into several types
of tests. These include the following:
o Tests of intelligence
o Tests of abilities
o Tests of interests
o Tests of personality
o Tests of achievement
With the emergence of the concept of multiple intelligences, the intelligence
tests today require a person to perform several tasks. There are four basic
intelligence tests that are used to measure the intelligence of a person. These
are as follows:
o Binet-Simon Scale
o Stanford-Binet Scale
o Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
o Wechsler Primary and Preschool Scale of Intelligence
In general, achievement tests are criterion referenced or norm referenced.
Achievement tests can be teacher made tests and standardized tests.
Self-Instructional Material 85
Testing and Non-Testing Interest tests are tests that assess the interests of the individual. It has been
proved that interests are related to academic success and also job satisfaction.
Therefore, it is essential to know the interests of the individual or a student.
Aptitude is considered as the natural tendency of a person to do something.
NOTES Aptitude is also sometimes known as the special ability or a cluster of abilities
of a person. An aptitude test assesses the potential of the individual to achieve
or excel in a given activity.
Attitude tests are the tests that assess the attitudes of people with respect to
other people and society. These tests assess how well the individual adjusts
to the social norms and how he manages interpersonal relations.
Personality is the sum total of emotional, motivational, interpersonal, attitudinal
and even moral aspects of a person. Personality tests are tests which are
conducted to assess the personality of an individual.
Socio-metric devices are qualitative tools used for measuring the nature of
social relationship of a person within a group. The socio-metric technique is
based on the premise that the individual’s functioning is affected by the way
his peers view and influence him.
Non-testing techniques are techniques used in guidance and counselling to
collect information about the individual. These techniques are also used for
the appraisal of the individual. The following are the various non-testing
techniques used in guidance and counselling:
o Interview
o Case Study
o Observation
o Cumulative Record
o Questionnaires
The main aim of counselling is to help the individual solve his problems.
Diagnosis is a process wherein the counsellor and the counselee try to identify
the problem and the underlying causes of the problem.
86 Self-Instructional Material
Differential Aptitude Test (DAT): This is an aptitude test that can be used Testing and Non-Testing
to assess the general cognitive abilities and aptitudes across a wide range of
Short-Answer Questions
1. Why is maintenance of records considered essential in providing counselling
and guidance services?
2. Name the various kinds of psychological tests that are conducted to understand
3. Briefly discuss the nine types of intelligence tests outlined by Gardener in his
theory of multiple intelligences.
4. Why is it considered essential to conduct interest tests?
5. Give examples of the various types of aptitude tests.
6. Write a short note on the use of socio-metric devices used measuring the
nature of social relationship of a person within a group.
7. What is a case study? Mention the essential information required for conducting
a case study.
88 Self-Instructional Material
Long-Answer Questions Testing and Non-Testing
1. Discuss the process of testing.
2. Explain the factors measured by the Stanford-Binet scale.
3. What is an achievement test? Describe its categories. NOTES
4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of personality tests.
5. Analyse the steps involved in conducting a counselling interview.
6. ‘Observation is the most commonly applied technique for information collection
in guidance and counselling.’ Elucidate.
7. Evaluate the importance of diagnosis and follow-up in counselling.
Self-Instructional Material 89
Guidance Services
Guidance and counselling services are integral part of the education system and are
provided in schools and colleges for the academic, personal and vocational
development of the students. Most schools and colleges these days implement a
guidance programme with help of experts so that they can cater to the needs of all
students laying emphasis on the fact that each child is unique and has needs different
from another one. In this unit, you will study about the organization of guidance
services at different levels of education, guidance programmes, kinds of guidance
services and the role of personnel in guidance programmes.
Self-Instructional Material 91
Guidance Services problems. Guidance services typically entail helping such students to face and
overcome their problems so that they can attain holistic development in their
educational environment
Guidance provided to students can be classified into the following kinds:
Educational guidance
Vocational guidance
Personal guidance
1. Educational guidance: It is concerned directly with the student or the pupil.
Educational guidance is very important and an integral part of a student’s life. The
aim of educational guidance is to enable a student to adjust to the educational
environment in an effective manner. Educational guidance enables students to
coordinate with the school or college environment and also develop the necessary
awareness and sensitivity that is required for the overall development.
There are times when students may not understand what is being taught in
the class. Sometimes, students fail to do well in examinations, suffer from lack of
concentration and may not perform well in the academic sphere. These problems
may also lead to the unhealthy development of the students and may hamper their
growth in several ways. Therefore, it is imperative that students be assisted in
overcoming and solving these problems.
According to author Arthur A. Jones, ‘Educational guidance is concerned
with assistance to be provided to the pupils which is expected for their adjustments
in the schools, selection of curricula and school like.’
To be able to provide the right kind of educational guidance, it is important
that the guidance provider knows about the students, his interests, abilities and study
The objectives of educational guidance in the sphere of education are as follows:
To know about the academic progress of the students.
To enable the students get acquainted with the curriculum.
To identify students who are academically strong, backward, weak and
To help the students get information about further education i.e. a level higher
than their present level.
To identify the learning difficulties and disabilities of the students.
To help the students to overcome the problems they face in their educational
environment at home as well as the educational institution.
The need for educational guidance at the various levels of education can be
attributed to the following:
Diversified courses: Education has now changed from including a simple
course to several diversified courses. Often students, get confused as to
which course to choose. This is typically true for schools or colleges that are
multilateral. For students who are being taught only a single curriculum,
92 Self-Instructional Material
educational guidance may not be required. Educational guidance is, thus, Guidance Services
provided to students so that they can choose the right type of educational
Failure: Students may fail at a specific course or may not perform well
academically. Educational guidance must be provided to these students so NOTES
that they do not dropout from school and also to ensure that they do not
develop depression. Such students often need the sympathy of their parents
and teachers who can guide and motivate them to perform better at their
studies. If educational guidance is missing in such cases, the students may
tend to develop negative attitude towards their study material, their teachers
as well as parents.
Unsatisfactory progress: Educational guidance is needed more by students
who do not show satisfactory progress in academics and related activities.
To ensure that such students perform well and do not develop a complex of
being poor at a specific course, educational guidance must be provided by
teachers and sometimes also experts.
Undesirable behaviour: Sometimes, students develop undesirable behaviour
in a particular course. Such students may not be interested in the course and,
thus, develop undesirable behaviour. In doing so, the students may even become
the cause of distraction for others in the class and, thus, hamper the learning
process of others as well. Educational guidance may be provided to such
students to alter their behaviour and to ensure that they learn in an efficient
and effective manner.
Individual differences: In a classroom, there are several students in a class
who differ in their abilities as well as interests. Educational guidance enables
students to choose a course according to their abilities. Educational guidance
also ensures that the students perform to the best of their abilities in the
selected course.
Adjustment of students: When entering school or college, many students
have problems adjusting to the new environment. One of the main reasons
for this maladjustment is that the students are not properly oriented towards
the school or college. Educational guidance enables students to adjust to the
school or college as it provides complete orientation to the students about
their educational institution. Sometimes, students also fail to adjust because
they are not treated properly when they enter their school or college. The aim
of educational guidance in such cases is, thus, to ensure that the students can
adjust to their environment.
Guiding gifted and academically backward students: Educational
guidance is also essential for students who are gifted or perform academically
well. Educational guidance in this case motivates such students to perform
even better. For the academically backward students, educational guidance
is essential because it enables them to perform better at academics.
Educational guidance enables the students to cope up with academics
according to their abilities.
Self-Instructional Material 93
Guidance Services Check dropouts: Educational guidance is essential to check the number of
dropouts from school or college. Several times, students face numerous
problems in their educational environment and tend to avoid going to school
or college and may dropout. Educational guidance, if provided to such students
NOTES can guide them to overcome and prevent failures and, thus, it prevents them
from dropping out of school.
Educational guidance at the different levels of education:
Elementary stage: At the elementary stage, the student is just a beginner
and, therefore, may not need any specialized educational guidance services.
The aim of educational guidance at this stage is to ensure that the students
develop a healthy and a positive outlook. Educational guidance at this stage
prepares the students for the secondary stage of education.
Secondary stage: At the secondary level of education, educational guidance
is mandatory for the students. It is essential for all schools to offer educational
guidance services at this level. The main reason why educational guidance
must be provided at this level is that the students can think and are aware of
their surroundings and the environment. The aim of educational guidance at
this level is to help students to select the right curriculum. Educational guidance
is also required to motivate the students so that they can make progress in
their studies in the right manner.
Higher stage: At the higher educational level, educational guidance is
mandatory. At this stage, college students and those in universities often need
guidance as to which course to choose so that they can perform well in
Example: Education at higher level at the Indian School, New Delhi
At the Indian School, the aim is not only to prepare the students academically but
also at guiding them towards a rewarding and satisfying career. The school
understands how imperative it is for students to identify their aptitudes, interests,
career goals and aspirations in order to make well-informed decisions regarding
their higher education. To help students in this task, the student counsellor, Ms
Sukhmeen Kaur (part of the school faculty) guides and counsels students in the field
of higher studies.
Additionally, the schools has also tied up with a university—a Singapore
based organization that mentors students to ensure that they have multiple higher
study options (both domestic and international) to choose from. The university provides
a support system to the school counsellor to manage all the senior students in a
systematic manner. The students and the parents can interact with the team of
experts at the university through an online system linked to the school’s website to
get the required counselling and guidance.
94 Self-Instructional Material
Students are typically counselled in the following arenas: Guidance Services
Students are counselled about the various career options available to them.
Counselling enables the students to finalize a course and a country of study
which could be in another country as well (USA, UK, Canada, Singapore and NOTES
other popular destinations).
It helps the students to prepare for the various tests.
It assists in interpreting the deadlines related to admissions and tests.
It provides guidance about scholarships.
With the help of the university, the school also started the higher education
support system in the academic year 2013–14. In this programme, several sessions
were organized to guide the students on how to utilize the online support system and
to create profiles, ask questions and seek the guidance of the counsellors.
Example: Educational guidance in government schools in Delhi
A study was conducted to find out the status of guidance and counselling programme
running in various secondary and the senior secondary schools under Directorate of
Education, Delhi. In this study, a self- constructed questionnaire was given to every
EVGC (Educational Vocational Guidance Counsellors) appointed in the different
schools. The aim was to get all the necessary information about the availability of
various resources and the duties performed by the EVGs. The questionnaire also
required the EVGs to tell what problems they faced in administering the programme
and also about the effectiveness of guidance services provided by them. According
to the results of the study, the EVGs said that they were provided with the necessary
resources to perform their duties and also the services they offered were effective
in spite of the fact that they had shortage of time and were over-burdened with
work. The EVGs tried to provide guidance and counselling to maximum number of
students they could reach out to. The study also concluded that that the guidance
and counselling services need to be improved so that maximum students could be
2. Vocational guidance: This entails providing assistance to students so that they
can opt for the right vocation or career. Vocational guidance helps students to make
decisions related to future career plans. Vocational guidance also enables the students
to adjust to the vocational environment. According to the authors of An Introduction
to Guidance, Lester. D. Crow and Alice Crow, ‘Vocational guidance usually is
interpreted as the assistance given to the learners to choose, prepare for and progress
in an occupation.’ According to Professor Emeritus of Education, University of
Michigan, G. E. Myers, ‘Vocational guidance is the process of assisting the individual
to do for himself certain definite things pertaining to his vocation.’
The objectives of vocational guidance for students include the following:
To help students to get the right information about all aspects of the vocation
of their interest.
Self-Instructional Material 95
Guidance Services To help students understand their own abilities and skills and to help them fit
these to their chosen vocation.
To help students develop an attitude towards work.
NOTES To teach students the importance of cooperation and its necessity to adjust in
a group with other co-workers.
To help the students to become proficient in the vocation of their choice.
To assist students to critically analyse the various vocations they can opt for
to take the right decision.
The need of vocational guidance:
Choosing the right profession: When a person chooses the wrong
profession, he cannot succeed in it, which eventually leads to economic as
well as psychological loss. Therefore, vocational guidance must be provided
so that the right profession can be chosen for economic as well as personal
Personal and social values: Vocational guidance has with it associated
several personal and social values. Right vocational guidance helps to achieve
happiness of the student, professional as well as personal development and is
also helpful in building social relationships.
Maximum utilization of human potentialities: Vocational guidance
motivates workers to perform better and thereby coerces them to use their
potentialities to the best extent. This leads to personal as well as professional
Vocational guidance at different levels of education:
Elementary level: At the elementary level, not much formal vocational
guidance is needed by the students. In fact, at this level the teacher can act
as a guide and help the students to develop respect for work and develop a
positive attitude towards work. The teacher can help the students to learn
how to use hands, develop eye-hand coordination, encourage the students to
do neat and systematic work and also develop coordination among themselves.
Secondary level: At the secondary level of education, vocational guidance
can be provided to students to develop familiarity with the nature of work and
make the right choice. It also helps the child to identify his abilities so that the
right career choice can be made at a later stage.
Higher level: At the college level of education, formal vocational guidance
must be provided to the students. Vocational guidance aims at helping students
to relate their studies to the vocation they may choose later. Vocational guidance
can also be used to help the college students to analyse the various career
options they have and also helps them to make the right career choice.
96 Self-Instructional Material
Example: A comparative study of vocational guidance services in various Guidance Services
The expert services also help the students to choose the right college in terms of the
rank and courses available there.
Choose the correct country NOTES
The guidance services also help the students to choose the right country for pursuing
their education. The students are often advised to opt for countries which permit
working along with pursuing their studies.
The central focus of the education system is the student. Every student faces some
problem or the other during his years of education in school or college. This is where
guidance services play a significant role. Guidance services must form an integral
part of the education system. Guidance services must be provided to students as
and when they need them to help solve their problems. Guidance services help
students to develop their potential so that they can be successful in their studies and
career. There are several types of guidance services that are required by the students
at various levels in school and college.
The guidance services can be categorized as follows:
1. Pre-admission services: Pre-admission services are typically provided to
students who have appeared for their class X and XII board exams or their college
exams and are waiting for their results and want to know about the admission process
to various colleges. Pre-admission services are provided to students so that they can
learn about the various high schools, colleges and universities and the various courses
offered by these institutions. Such services help the students to know the various
options available to them. The aims of pre-admission services include the following:
The main aim of colleges to start orientation is to familiarize the newcomers with the
college and to ease the tension of transition from school life to college life. Orientation
sessions are ways in which students meet other students, get familiar with what the
college campus has to offer and also to register for different classes and activities
that the college has to offer.
Generally, most colleges earlier conducted orientation only for students.
However, off late the need for orientation of parents is also considered essential.
This enables the parents to know what the college has in store for their children and
how the college can help in shaping the future of their children.
Student orientation is, in fact, a student’s first experience of the college wherein
the student gets to know about college life and prepares for the same.
Preparing for the orientation sessions:
To be ready for the orientation sessions, the parents as well as the students must
read all the information that the college has provided or sent online. The students
and parents must make efforts to read about the college and its facilities from online
publication and college magazines or periodicals. Though the parents and students
are made aware about all facets of the college during the orientation, it is better for
them to know a little beforehand prior attending the orientation session. When coming
to attend the orientation session, the parents and the students must carry all the
necessary documents that have been asked for.
Many times, colleges ask the students to register for extra-curricular activities
or other courses at the orientation. It is, therefore, important for the parents and
students to be aware of the courses that are offered by the college. This saves time
and effort for both the college as well as the students.
What happens during an orientation session?
At the orientation session, the students and the parents get to know about the life in
the selected college. The session also includes ‘getting to know you’ session wherein
the students are encouraged to share information about themselves and, thus, get to
know about other students as well. Sessions are also conducted on providing
information about various courses and other facilities in the college and may also
attend advisory sessions wherein counsellors advise the students as to the right
course options. During the orientation sessions, the students get to know about the
ethics and codes of conduct adhered to in the college, the mission and vision of the
college and, also the sports and extracurricular activities that are conducted by the
college for the students. Once the students attend orientation, they usually do not
have problems navigating the campus.
During the orientation, information is also provided regarding any organizations
and clubs that the college is running for the leisure of the students. At the orientation,
the students are encouraged to register in some organization or club so that they can
attain all round development. Students can opt for anything they feel is of their
interest and matches their attitude and aptitude.
There are different personnel roles in guidance and counselling services. With the
assistance of the teachers of the school, the guidance personnel make it possible to
implement guidance and counselling programmes in an effective and efficient manner.
Guidance personnel need to carry out different activities at different levels during
the guidance programme. They also need to make sure that they possess the essential
skills and abilities and have complete information and knowledge on how to help
those who seek their assistance. The following personnel are integral to a guidance
and counselling programme:
Guidance director
Guidance counsellor
Auxiliary personnel
Guidance director is responsible for the overall implementation of the guidance
programme. The guidance director guides and assists all the other personnel to
perform their activities for the effective implementation of the guidance programme.
Guidance directors need to have strong work ethics, organizational skills and must
126 Self-Instructional Material
have knowledge of computers as well. The guidance directors must be able to work Guidance Services
with ease and flexibility and also coordinate the efforts of all the other personnel.
The main responsibilities of the guidance director include the following:
He reviews the guidance programme and makes necessary changes and
adjustments to improve the guidance programme at the end of each year. NOTES
He conducts meeting with parents, students and heads of institutions as well
as teachers to guide and inform them about the guidance programmes.
He establishes a mutually beneficial and cordial relationship with other
He attends various conferences at various levels related to guidance and
He organizes and attends administrative meetings and prepares reports
regarding the effectiveness of the guidance programmes.
He provides counselling to personnel and advisers who meet the needs of the
He prepares and approves the guidance programme budget.
Guidance counsellor assists the individual to identify and solve the problem
that he faces. The guidance counsellor does not solve the problem but assist the
individual in finding the apt solution to the problem. The guidance counsellor performs
the following activities:
Individual counselling is offered to students to offer personal, educational and
vocational guidance.
Group counselling is provided to a group of students to help them solve their
problems and in educational planning.
Group guidance is provided by counsellors to a group of students so that they
can know themselves better. Group guidance mainly focuses on self-concept,
study skills, friendship and related issues.
Student appraisal is done by the guidance counsellors so that they can get
information about the students’ interests, abilities, behaviour and achievements.
Counsellors also act as referral agents and help parents and students to get
assistance from other programmes and services.
Consultation is also provided by the guidance counsellors to students and
parents so that the right counselling services can be chosen from and planned.
Coordination is practiced by the counsellors so that the guidance programme
can take place in a smooth and efficient manner.
A guidance counsellor must have intellectual competence and knowledge
about various areas so that they can guide the students and the parents in the right
direction. Guidance and counselling is an emotionally demanding field and so guidance
counsellors must be full of energy so that they can provide the necessary support
and promote the goodwill of the students as well as the parents.
Guidance and counselling services are integral part of education system and
NOTES are provided in schools and colleges for the educational, personal and vocational
development of the students.
Guidance is an integral part of education these days. Guidance is provided at
all levels of education—schools, colleges and universities.
Guidance provided to students can be classified into the following kinds:
o Educational guidance
o Vocational guidance
o Personal guidance
Guidance programmes are needed by people belonging to various backgrounds
so that they can adjust to their personal, emotional as well as social
environment. Guidance plays an important role in the lives of students in
schools and colleges.
The main aim of school counselling programmes is to provide all students
with academic, career and personal counselling so that they can develop the
required skills to learn in a proactive and effective manner.
The central focus of the education system is the student. Every student faces
some problem or the other during his years of education in school or college.
This is where guidance services play a significant role.
The main aim of colleges to start orientation is to familiarize the newcomers
with the college and to ease the tension of transition from school life to college
Orientation sessions are ways in which students meet other students, get
familiar with what the college campus has to offer and also to register for
different classes and activities that the college has to offer.
Remedial services are offered by school counsellors with the assistance of
teachers to enable students to develop their full potential. Sometimes, students
face problems in reading and mathematics.
Follow-up services begin before the students leave the school or college. The
aim of follow- up services is to check the effectiveness of educational and
vocational adjustment of the students.
There are different personnel roles in guidance and counselling services.
With the assistance of the teachers of the school, the guidance personnel
make it possible to implement guidance and counselling programmes in an
effective and efficient manner.
Guidance counsellor assists the individual to identify and solve the problem
that he faces. The guidance counsellor does not solve the problem but assist
the individual in finding the apt solution to the problem.
Short-Answer Questions
1. State the objectives of educational guidance.
2. Write a short note on personal guidance.
3. Mention the essentials of a good guidance programme.
4. Briefly discuss the role of follow-up services in schools.
Long-Answer Questions
1. What is the need for providing educational guidance at the various levels of
2. ‘Counselling services are considered an integral part of guidance services in
schools and colleges.’ Give reasons for your answer.
3. Analyse the significance of remedial services.
4. ‘Guidance director is responsible for the overall implementation of the guidance
programme.’ Elucidate.
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Unit Objectives
4.2 Psychology of Careers and Dynamics of Vocational Development
4.2.1 Career Development Theories
4.2.2 Career Burnout
4.2.3 Importance of Career Development
4.3 Job Analysis, Job Description and Job Satisfaction
4.3.1 Job Analysis
4.3.2 Job Description
4.3.3 Job Satisfaction
4.4 Decision-Making and Group Counselling
4.5 School Guidance Programme
4.6 Behavioural Counselling for Vocational Decisions
4.7 Summary
4.8 Key Terms
4.9 Answers to ‘Check Your Progress’
4.10 Questions and Exercises
4.11 Further Reading
With the changing technology and the availability of more jobs in a wide range of
fields, it becomes quite confusing for the individual to choose a specific career.
Psychology of career deals with finding out which career suits ones abilities the best
or, in simple terms, which career one must choose. Psychology of careers is directly
influenced by the psychology of individuals in the sense that the careers that people
choose often depends on what they think and expect from a career. Different people
have different psychology when it comes to careers. While some people choose
careers that offer them job satisfaction, there are others who choose careers wherein
they can earn a lot of money irrespective of their working hours or the fact that they
get job satisfaction or not.
There are several things that come to mind when a person thinks of a career
like required education, job description, the salary, personal outlook and so on. The
following factors influence the career choices of the individual:
Abilities and skills: When it comes to choosing a career, the skills and
abilities that one possesses play an important role. It has been generally
observed that when job profiles are created, there are certain specific skill
and abilities associated with it. Therefore, an individual must make sure to
choose a career which matches his skills and abilities as only then can a
person perform well in his career. It is also essential to choose a career that
matches ones skills and abilities so that one can enjoy his work and gain
satisfaction from it.
Personality type and interest: The personality and interests of the individual
also influence the career choices of the individual. The individual must always
choose a career which satisfies his interest. When the individual is not interested
in something which he is pursuing, then he does not perform that task up to
the mark.
Life roles: The individual’s role as a worker is a part of his life roles. The
way one perceives his role as a worker also influences the career decision.
For example, if one considers himself as a person who is fit for odd jobs, then
Less stressed
Open to new opportunities
Well- informed and successful
Example: Career development programmes at Dell, India
Just as you work hard every day to provide technology and solutions that give people
the power to do more, Dell provides programmes to power your career growth and
development. Their programmes help team members emerge as leaders through
mentorship, encouragement and opportunities that are just the right blend of rewards
and challenges. The organization invests in its people and has developed a series of
special programmes that enables an employee to pursue a career that fulfils his
ambitions and potential. From one-on-one meetings with mentors to regular 360-
degree feedback and routine check-ins with a long-term career plan, these
programmes give an employee ample opportunity to climb the path towards leadership.
Example: Career development centre
Career Development Centre (CDC) is a joint initiative of Hindustan Coca-Cola
Beverages Pvt. Ltd (HCCBPL), NIIT Foundation and Gram Niyojan Kendra. The
aim of the CDC is to provide vocational training to educated, unemployed and
undertrained youth. The CDC carries out job oriented training so that the right person
can get the right job. The CDC uses a curriculum that aims at helping those looking
for jobs to gain skills that can increase their employability potential. Once the people
finish their training, they are offered job interviews for entry levels. The youth are
also given an option to start their own entrepreneurial ventures. The CDC offers
complete facilities to the young trainees who are provided training by NIIT certified
trainers. The CDC offers job oriented and training courses in basic IT, service
industry and soft skills. The mode of training involves classroom training as well as
practical training.
In the first year of its operation, the CDC provided jobs to more than 158
students. The CDC has collaborated with well-known and prominent employers
including EasyDay, Big Bazaar, McDonalds and KFC.
Example: Career development at Nestle, India
Nestle values its employees the most because it believes that it is the employees that
play a vital role in the success of the company. The company has fostered an
environment that puts emphasis on diversity, innovation and growth of the employees
which ultimately helps in the growth of the company. At Nestle, three factors play
an important role in the career growth of its employees.
These factors are as follows:
Core factors: Core factors are the qualities that the employees of Nestle must
possess, if they have to explore the opportunities that Nestle has to offer. These
qualities include the performance of the employees which must be sustainable in
nature, the knowledge, the leadership and work skills that employees have and the
manner in which they can handle critical experiences and situations at work.
Self-Instructional Material 145
Vocational Development Accelerators: Accelerators are the qualities in an employee that determine how
fast and how far employees can grow. These qualities determine how flexible the
employees are to sustain the job, if necessary. Accelerators also include how quickly
employees can establish their networks.
NOTES Opportunities: Opportunities are the factors that are provided within the functional
roles and the jobs of the employees within the company. Opportunities can arise in
any manner—from new projects, from promotions, from outside clients and so on.
Talent assessment and succession planning
Talent assessment and succession planning is carried out by Nestle so that the
employees who have the talent can be nurtured in a proper manner. Nestle always
provides opportunities to talented employees who work well within the organization.
The talent assessment and succession planning is a process that is carried out at
Nestle to identify the talented employees. This identification is done by assessing
their talents and then providing the necessary plans for the success of these
employees. Succession planning is carried out by Nestle for the career development
of the employees. The talent assessment and succession plan is carried out by the
organization in a very planned manner. The succession plan helps Nestle choose the
right employees for the various roles in the organization. With this plan, the successors
for key positions are also identified and the management keeps a track of the
performance and the progress of such employees. The process is an internal one
and helps to identify the best people according to the business needs.
The succession plans are created with care and with the help of inputs from
a large number of sources. The talent reviews of the employees help the senior
management as well to know about employees who have the potential. Based on
this review, the management carries out development of such employees. The aim
of succession plans is to ensure the continuity of business so that the company has
employees always ready to take the key positions and roles.
Revealing the potential
Nestle provides a learning environment to its employees. To ensure that the employees
learn at each stage, Nestle provides learning opportunities to its employees and
encourages its employees to actively participate in these opportunities. Learning is
offered in the form of on-the-job training to the employees. Learning is both
relationship and education based. Nestle follows the 70/20/10 model to provide the
essential learning opportunities to its employees. This model is based on the premise
that on-the-job training has the highest impact on the performance of the employees,
the relationship of the employees and also the personal development of the employees.
Keeping this in mind, the learning programmes are developed to explore the potential
of the employees.
Experience-based development
Nestle also carries out experienced based development of its employees. The
employees gain experiences through assignments that are to be carried out within
the company or in the field. The employees are also assigned projects, assignments
146 Self-Instructional Material
and overseas missions so that they can progress and develop in their roles. At Nestle, Vocational Development
job rotations are also carried out so that the employees get exposure as to how
others work and carry out their jobs and respective roles.
Relationship-based development NOTES
Nestle also runs the Corporate Mentoring Programme. This programme aims to
helping employees develop on the basis of their relationships and the support that
they get from others in the organization. This programme also helps the employees
to experience the roles that are not in their current line of action.
SPARKZ is the development centre that has been established at Nestle. The centre
carries out talent assessment of the employees and also provides feedback so that
the high performing employees can be identified. Once such employees have been
identified, the centre nurtures and develops the employees to handle the roles meant
for their talent. The employees also have to undergo battery assessment in which
employees are required to work in an environment simulated on the real-life
experiences. The performance of the employees in these assessments provides a
basis for the developmental plans of the employees.
Education-based development
Education based development is also carried out at Nestle. The education based
development programmes are based on international standards and are delivered
through Rive Rein and internationally recognized business school, IMD. Nestle
provides its employees with education based developments and has collaborated
with London Business School for the same.
Nestle also has collaborated with Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kolkata
so that the high performers can achieve academic success and progression. Nestle
also offers distance learning programmes like Executive General Management
Programme (EGMP) and Advanced General Management Programme (AGMP)
for the growth of its employees at different levels.
Example: Inalsa—Why career development for our employees?
Inalsa believes that there are several advantages of career development. Therefore,
Inalsa provides career development opportunities to its employees so that the
employees can progress within the organization and can reap the benefits of the
programme which include the following:
Retain top talent: Inalsa understands that it is important to retain the top talent of
the organization. However, for most companies the cost of retaining top employees
is a lot. There are other several costs involved with retention of employees. When
companies do not retain employees of the organization and look elsewhere to give
key roles to outsiders, the employees of the organization lose the motivation to work.
Career development programme conducted at Inalsa aims at retaining employees in
an organization especially when the employees desire job shift.
Boost engagement and productivity: Career development programmes at Inalsa
ensure that the employees can achieve their personal as well as career goals in a
productive manner. Employees who have access to career development opportunities
Self-Instructional Material 147
Vocational Development within the organization are more indulged and engaged in working for the organization.
Career development plans boost the morale of the employees to work in a more
productive manner.
Strengthen the succession pipeline: Inalsa believes that it is important for the
NOTES organization to identify the successors for various jobs and roles from within the
organization. Career development programmes help the organization to create a
pipeline of successors for a given job or vacant posts and jobs at Inalsa.
Generate knowledge transfer and retention: It is important for Inalsa to retain
its seasoned and talented employees and to do so career development plans play an
important role. Career development programmes help the organization to share
information and knowledge about the talented employees and ensure that information
and knowledge is used by the organization to retain its best employees.
Fill internal skill and role gaps: Career development helps the organization to
identify the employees who have the talent and skills to perform at high level and
critical posts. Career development programmes help the organization to fill key roles
and gaps in the organization with the most skilled employees and create internal
mobility. This helps the organization to save on costs of hiring and training employees
from outside the organization.
Create positive employer branding: Career development for its employees makes
Inalsa an organization that truly cares for its employees. Inalsa ensures that career
development programmes are carried out for employees at all levels and that the
employees can perform roles that they are desirous of and are capable of handling.
Job evaluation is the process that determines the comparative worth of a job in a
systematic and analytical manner. The worth of a job is determined in relation to
other jobs in terms of the skills needed, the responsibility level involved, efforts
required and also the environment in which the job is performed. Job evaluation
attempts to measure these requirements for jobs and place them in a relative order.
Job evaluation is concerned with only the evaluation of jobs and not the human
resources who perform the jobs. It is also not concerned in quantitative or qualitative
aspects of the output or the performance of the workers. However, job evaluation
does have its benefits. One of the main benefits of job evaluation is the fact that it
helps to develop a rationale wage structure. This in turn reduces the grievances
relating to wages and improves the industrial relations. Job evaluation can also be
used to write a job description which can then be used with the objectives of
recruitment, training, promotion and so on.
148 Self-Instructional Material
4.3.1 Job Analysis Vocational Development
Job analysis is a step of the job evaluation process. Job analysis is the process of
analysing the job in detail. The idea of job analysis is to find out all relevant facts
about the job through various tools and techniques. The information gathered in job NOTES
analysis includes information related to skills in performing the job, responsibilities
involved in the job and the environment in which the job is performed. While most of
the information is collected through interviews and questionnaires, observation is
also a tool used to gather the required information. The information so collected is
recorded in what is known as a job analysis sheet. American organizational theorist,
Ordway Tead, defines job analysis as, ‘The scientific study and statement of all the
facts about a job which reveals its content and modifying factors which surround it.’
Job analysis is a systematic process of collecting, evaluating and analysing
information about a job. Job analysis basically provided information on the following:
Educational qualifications, training, experience, skills, traits, aptitudes required
to perform a job. This information is essential so that the right person can be
placed at the right job.
Structure and design of job to make it meaningful and enhance the job holder’s
performance. Job analysis provides information that helps to design the job in
a logical manner.
Plans for future human resource requirements and career planning. In fact,
information provided through job analysis provides a basis for recruitment in
an organization for various jobs.
Placement of the right person on the right job to utilize the skills and abilities
of the person. Job analysis provides all the facts about a job and so it becomes
easy for an organization to match the job with the skills of the personnel and,
therefore, utilize human resources in the right manner.
Performance standards are established by the information provided by job
analysis. Job analysis provides in-depth information of how the job will be
performed to achieve the required goals and targets. The proficiency with
which one works to achieve the goals and targets determine the standards of
performance of the person and for the job as well.
The job analysis process: The steps involved in the job analysis process are as
Determining how each job fits in the organization: Before a job analysis
can be carried out, it is essential to understand the organizational structure.
Organizational structure refers to the placement of people within an organization
and the reporting relationships that exist among people. It is also essential to
understand the various processes of an organization as this gives information
related to the importance of every job in an organization which is essential for
carrying out job analysis.
Determining how job analysis information will be used: The information
collected in job analysis can be used for several purposes and this purpose
Self-Instructional Material 149
Vocational Development has to be determined. Job analysis may be necessary due to the following
i) The jobs are not clearly defined
ii) The jobs are not logically grouped together
iii) The reporting relationships are not clear
iv) There is an overlap of responsibilities
v) There are salary or wage grievances
Carrying out the analysis: The purpose of analysis must be clear. It is also
not easy to analyse all jobs at the same time as it is a time-consuming process.
When carrying out job analysis, critical and specific jobs are picked up. To
gather information about job analysis, a questionnaire must be prepared. The
data so collected is used to prepare the job specification and the job description.
A questionnaire which is used to collect the information in job analysis must
contain questions related to the following aspects:
The type of job and its work history.
The relevance and significance of the job for the society.
How many people are engaged in this particular job as workers?
The current trends of the need of more workers and personnel.
The nature of work of the job and the duties and tasks involved along with the
tools, machines and materials used.
What qualifications are needed by the workers in terms of the physical, mental,
educational and social qualities including age, level of physical fitness, prior
experience and so on.
How the workers must prepare to get the job and then to retain it. This may
include preparation related to education, training, physical fitness, technical
training and other aspects.
The ways in which people can make use of the several employment agencies
to get their desired job.
How long does it take for workers to get accustomed to the job and acquire
the necessary skills?
What opportunities do workers have for advancement and promotion in their
The earnings that a worker can expect.
The number of hours a worker needs put in on a daily basis, shifts available
for work and policies related to overtime work.
The associated health and accidental hazards.
Details of the organization including its employers and employees.
The areas where employees are required to work.
Any other information related to the job.
The aim of this job description questionnaire is to help in the description of the
current roles so that the duties and responsibilities of the person can be defined
accurately and in a precise manner. The questionnaire must be filled by those
people who understand the roles and responsibilities of the position and also the
person who currently holds the job in consultation with their Director/Principal/
The following must be kept in mind when answering the stated questions:
i. It is important to concentrate on the job being described and not the person.
ii. The answers must be helpful and provide necessary information to the
evaluators related to what roles, duties and responsibilities are involved in the
Questionnaire about the new role/proposed upgrade to a role:
i. What is the level of knowledge and the skills that are required to fulfil the
duties related to the positions?
(For example: formal training, work experience, mandatory or desired tertiary
ii. What is the relation of the position to the level of knowledge and skills required?
(For example: Is the position focused on a single goal of the organization,
does the person who has the position perform tasks in isolation or in relation
to others, how can the person function to achieve the broad objectives of the
iii. What are the various inter-personal skills required to perform the tasks of the
(For example: What level of communication is required, negotiation and
iv. Does the position have an effect on the various methods, standards, systems,
policies and procedures of the organization?
(For example: The extent to which position must modify or develop existing
Summary: The finance manager is responsible for planning and directing the activities
related to the finance department of the organization. The manager must perform
the following duties directly or through a team of subordinates.
Essential duties and responsibilities
The finance manager develops and implements goals related to financial
management, budget, accounting and payroll.
The finance manager is responsible for preparing various financial reports
and statements.
The finance manager has to maintain a record of all receipts and expenditures
of the organization.
The finance manager is responsible for maintain accounting books, ledgers,
accounts of operating expenses and other expenses.
The finance manager is responsible for carrying out cost and financial analysis.
The finance manager is responsible for preparing reports related to future
costs and revenues of the organization.
The finance manager is responsible for conducting internal audits.
The finance manager controls the financial systems and also defines
procedures to improve the established financial systems and even introduces
new ones.
The finance manager is responsible for reviewing the financial statements.
Competency: A person must be competent in the following areas, to be able to
perform the role of a finance manager:
Analytical skills: The person must be able to collect and analyse data related
to finance of an organization. The person must be able to make use of the
data for the right purposes in the organization.
Problem-solving: The person must be able to identify and solve problems in
a timely manner. The person must also be able to devise alternative solutions
in a skilful manner.
Project management: The person who is appointed as a finance manager
must be able to develop and implement projects within timeline and budget
and also manage and coordinate the activities of the project.
Interpersonal: The person must have inter-personal abilities so that he can
resolve any conflicts faced by him. The person must be open to new ideas
and must listen to the opinion of his employees.
Communication skills: The person must have good communication skills
both verbal and written. He should be able to communicate with the employees
and the top management in a positive manner. The person must have good
writing skills and must be able to write reports in a clear and error free
Self-Instructional Material 157
Vocational Development Teamwork: The person must be able to manage a team and coordinate the
working of the team so that the organizational goals can be achieved in the
desired manner. The person must put the success of the team above his own
NOTES Change management: The person must be able to implement change plans
effectively in the organization. He must seek cooperation from the required
people to bring about the necessary changes.
Delegation: The person must be able to delegate work to the employees as
per their skills and abilities. The person must make sure that the employees
can work independently and in cooperation with each other.
Leadership: The person must also exhibit leadership qualities. As a finance
manager, the person must be able to provide inspiration and motivation to
employees to work to achieve the goals of the organization.
Managing people: The person must be able to manage people or employees
directly under him. The person must be able to help the staff work in an
environment feasible for more productive results. The person must evaluate
the performance of the employees and give them the necessary feedback as
Quality management : The person must assure that the quality of work is
not compromised in any manner and that the work done is thorough and
Diversity: The person must have knowledge of various financial concepts.
The person must also be able to clear the doubts of the employees, if necessary
about the various concepts.
Ethics: The person who works as a finance manager must follow the work
ethics. He must treat the employees with respect and ensure the dignity of all
employees working under him.
Organizational support: The person must be able to get the support of the
organization while preparing policies. He must follow the organization
procedures when functioning and must always work for the benefit of the
Adaptability: The person must adapt to changes as and when required. The
changes may take place in the work environment or sometimes, in the duties
and responsibilities as well. The person must be able to accept these changes
with a positive frame of mind.
Dependability: The person working as the finance manager must follow the
instructions of the management. He should be able to take responsibility for
his actions and must be committed to working in alignment with the policies
of the organization.
Innovation: The person must be innovative and must be able to display his
creativity and innovative thinking. The person must give creative and genuine
suggestions and must bring about new ideas and implement them in a
successful manner.
158 Self-Instructional Material
Judgment: The person must be able to take decisions on his own. The person Vocational Development
must be able to exhibit accurate judgement skills and must be able to make
timely decisions.
Motivation: The person who works as a finance manager must demonstrate
the ability to motivate the employees to achieve the set goals. NOTES
Professionalism: The person must exhibit professionalism in all aspects. He
must be able to work in a tactful manner and approach and communicate
with all others especially under pressure. The person must be accountable
for his actions.
Quality: The person must be able to suggest ways in which the quality of the
work can be improved so that the work can be done in an accurate manner.
Safety and security: The person working as finance manager must observe
all the safety and security procedures. The person must be able to work
within the stated guidelines and must be able to make use of equipment in the
right manner.
The person must have specific qualifications to ensure that he can perform the job in
a satisfactory manner.
To work as a finance manager, the person must have at least a Master’s degree of
Management (M.B.A.) or equivalent.
Four to ten years of experience is required. However, training in the specific field is
always an added advantage for the job.
Computer Skills
The person must be able to exhibit computer skills to perform the job well. He
should be proficient in using Microsoft Word, Excel, Platinum accounting software,
ADP payroll systems and Explorer or Netscape internet software. The person must
also be able to make use of the Internet.
4.3.3 Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction basically means that a person must be happy with his job. Job
satisfaction, in simple terms, is the attitude of the individual towards the job. When a
person exhibits a positive attitude towards his job, it leads to job satisfaction whereas
a negative attitude can lead to job dissatisfaction. Robert Hoppock, recognized as a
pioneer in the field of vocational counselling, has defined job satisfaction as ‘any
combination of psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances that
causes a person truthfully to say I am satisfied with my job’.
System support works to integrate the guidance and counselling programme in the
school. The aim of the system support is to enhance the learning of the students
while providing support to the counsellors to improve the manner in which the
curriculum is imparted. The system support services also work to improve the
content that forms an integral part of the curriculum. The various activities involved
in system support include communication, programme coordination, programme
review, staff instruction, consultation and feedback.
4. Individual student planning
The individual planning system involves assisting every student to review his academic,
social, personal and career plans, developments and achievements. The individual
planning system begins at the elementary level of school and continues till the high
school level. The students can even review their own progress and evaluate their
own progress and academic developments.
5. Student advocacy
Student advocacy basically focuses on enabling all students to access facilities that
can help them achieve high standards of education. Since the counsellors know that
there are various barriers to learning of the students, the counsellor must make sure
to help students overcome these barriers.
Example: Influence of guidance and counselling programme on academic
performance of selected public secondary school students: A case of
bahati division, Nakuru district
Guidance and counselling programme in a school assist students to harmonize their
abilities, interests and values and thereby develop their full potential. All this is geared
towards improving the self-image of the students and facilitating better achievement
in academic performance. This study sought to establish the influence of guidance
and counselling programme on academic performance of secondary school students
in Bahati division of Nakuru district. A random sample of 196 students, ten teacher
counsellors and ten head teachers were selected from the ten schools. Data was
collected through administration of questionnaires with the selected respondents.
The collected data was then processed and analysed using descriptive and inferential
The study established the following findings:
Secondary schools in the study area differed in the number of guidance and
counselling services that they had implemented.
Teacher counsellors had little training in guidance and counselling.
Stakeholders adequately supported guidance and counselling programme in
the schools.
Students were aware of the role and importance of career counselling in their
Short-Answer Questions
1. Write a short note on career development.
2. What are the six stages in career development?
3. List the functions that are fulfilled using job description tool.
4. Define group counselling.
Self-Instructional Material 175
Vocational Development 5. Who are the key players in a school guidance programme?
6. Briefly discuss the various techniques used in behavioural counselling.
Long-Answer Questions
NOTES 1. Discuss the career development theories.
2. Analyse the importance of career development.
3. Discuss the application of job analysis.
4. Give an example of the use of group counselling in schools.
5. ‘Behavioural counselling deals with identifying the undesirable behaviour of a
person and helping the person get rid of such behaviour.’ Elucidate.
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Unit Objectives
5.2 Counselling and Interprofessional Interaction
5.3 Selection and Training of Counsellors
5.3.1 Professional Issues in Counselling
5.4 Counselling Process
5.5 Parental Counselling
5.5.1 Student Counselling-High School
5.5.2 Role of Parents, Teachers and Counsellors in Guidance Programme
5.6 Summary
5.7 Key Terms
5.8 Answers to ‘Check Your Progress’
5.9 Questions and Exercises
5.10 Further Reading
NOTES Counselling is a process which provides assistance to people who need help to solve
their problems. Counselling can be offered in various areas like education, healthcare,
workplace and so on. This also implies that counsellors cannot work on their own
and need to collaborate and interact with several other people from different
professions. For example, to provide effective counselling to students in schools, the
counsellors may need to interact with the teachers and other staff of the school who
play a significant role in providing and furthering counselling to students in the school.
Counsellors may need to work with psychiatrists, psychotherapists, healthcare
providers, educational experts and several people from different professions leading
to what is called interprofessional interaction. This also implies the fact that
interprofessional interaction must be effective as it may directly or indirectly impact
the client who is being counselled. Interprofessionality has been defined by D’Amour
(Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing at University of Montreal, Canada) and
Oandasan as, ‘the process by which professionals reflect on and develop ways of
practicing that provides an integrated and cohesive answer to the needs of the
client/family/population… [I]t involves continuous interaction and knowledge sharing
between professionals, organized to solve or explore a variety of education and care
issues all while seeking to optimize the patient’s participation… Interprofessionality
requires a paradigm shift, since interprofessional practice has unique characteristics
in terms of values, codes of conduct, and ways of working. These characteristics
must be elucidated.’
Interprofessional interaction in counselling focuses on the following aspects:
Interprofessional values and related ethics that focus on the individual being
counselled. These values and ethics are based on the premise that the
professionals work for the common good of the person being counselled and
reflect a shared commitment towards creating a safer, more efficient and
more effective system of counselling the clients. Teamwork adds value by
promoting the overall development of the person being counselled in all areas
of life.
Learning to be interprofessional also requires professionals to understand
how the different professionals and their roles complement each other during
counselling. ‘Variety diversity’ which refers to differences that exist between
the team members is both a source as well as a problem when it comes to
working as a team in counselling. An effective team has professionals with
diverse expertise. Since professionals are from different cultures, this adds to
the sources of the team working towards counselling. When professionals
do not know about the roles and responsibilities of the other professionals in
the team, there is bound to be problem working as a team. The role of every
professional is limited to legal boundaries of the work and may even change
depending on what type of service is needed from the professional. Sometimes,
Parents develop skills to manage and understand their children over time. They do
this through an on-going process of learning and observing others around them. As
children grow up, there are several changes that are observed by parents. There are
different ways in which the children require their parents to interact with them.
Parents, therefore, are always under pressure to modify their parenting techniques
so that they can cope up with the needs of their children and are able to maintain a
healthy relationship with the children.
The role of the parents is always changing in relation to how their children
grow. Parental counselling is basically a method wherein the parents work with
196 Self-Instructional Material
counsellors to find out whether the changes that they bring about in themselves are Role of Counselling in
beneficial for their children or not. Parental counselling, therefore, helps parents to
cope up with the ever changing needs and demands of their children. Parental
counselling offers a safe space to parents where they can talk about the problems
they face in raising their children. Parental counselling, therefore, helps parents to NOTES
bring up their children in the most effective manner.
Parental counselling may also be important when the parents and the children
do not see eye-to-eye regarding a specific situation. Counselling can help parents to
discuss how to bring the children to the right track. Many a times, parental counselling
is also required when children move from school to college and the parents are over
protective about their children and are afraid of sending their children to college.
A typical parental counselling session involves the following steps:
The counsellor obtains details about the current concerns regarding the child
from the parents.
The counsellor also obtains background information and family history.
The counsellor discusses the goals for therapy with the parents.
The counsellor discusses various counselling approaches and consequently, a
plan of action is determined.
Example: Counselling the parents of handicapped children
Parents who have handicapped children have to adjust to several emotional and
psychological problems that they face because their children are unable to meet
their expectations. Parents of handicapped children often need counselling, so that
they can deal with such problems. Counselling in this case, is formal process wherein
the counsellor and the parents find a manner in which, the handicapped children can
perform well and adjust to their physical limitation. Parents are often counselled on
how to support the children in a manner wherein their inadequacies do not hamper
their development. In such a case, counselling must be a continuous process that
focuses on the overall growth and development of the children and adjustment of
the children as well as the parents.
Example: Indian Institute of Counselling: Counselling for parents and
Children and adolescents go through different behavioural, emotional and
psychological stages as they grow. Each stage has its own needs and problems to be
resolved. Parent-child relationship can face problems at any stage of life.
Some of the common problems encountered in child, adolescent and parenting
counselling are as follows:
Bullying and peer pressure in school/colleges
Aggression and violence from adolescents and children
Unhealthy habits like excessive viewing of television and phone usage
Sibling rivalry and unhealthy competition
Short-Answer Questions
1. Give examples to depict the application of collaboration between classroom
teachers and school counsellors.
2. What are the essential skills of a good counsellor?
3. What are the counselling techniques that a counsellor must be trained to use?
4. Briefly discuss the professional issues in counselling.
5. Write a short note on parental counselling.
Long-Answer Questions
1. Discuss interprofessional interaction in counselling.
2. Describe the various stages of the counselling process.
Self-Instructional Material 209
Role of Counselling in 3. Explain the concepts associated with the process of counselling.
4. Analyse the importance of student counselling at high school level.
5. Discuss the role of counsellors and parents in the implementation of guidance
NOTES programmes.