patterned clothes
checked clothes
plain clothes
spotted clothes
striped clothes
baggy trousers
pleated skirt
looking a little dirty
shabby clothes
a smart blue dress
tight-fitting skirt
worn out
a woolen blanket
dress up
get dress
to go with sat
the blue scarf goes well with your dress and you are tasteful
wrinkled faces
tanned , suntanned, tanned, suntanned, tanned, suntanned
round arms
freckle, freckle, freckle, freckle, freckle, freckle, freckle, freckle,
expressive face
sparkling eyes
sparkling wines
piercing look
piercing blue eyes
moustache mustache
beard beard beard beard beard beard beard beard
balding bald
untidy untidy untidy untidy untidy untidy untidy untidy untidy untidy
untidy untidy untidy untidy untidy untidy untidy
thinning thinning thinning thinning thinning thinning thinning thinning
spiky spiky spiky spiky
flowing flowing
dyed dyed
curly curly curly curly curly curly curly curly curly curly curly curly
tolerant tolerant tolerant tolerant tolerant tolerant tolerant tolerant tolerant t
tolerant attitude
tolerant attitude
tolerant attitude
attitude attitude attitude attitude
tolerant attitude a t
a tolerant attitude
tolerant attitude
a tolerant attitude
tolerant attitude
a tolerant attitude\
a tolerant attitude
a tolerant
t attitude
talkative talkative talkative talkative talkative talkative talkative talkative
talkative talkative talkative
sweet temper
sweet temper
stubborn , stubborn, stubborn stubborn stubborn stubborn stubborn
stubborn stubborn
he was too stubborn to admit that he was wrong
shy shy shy shy
selfless, selfless,
selfless, selfless, selfless ,
outgoing, outgoing , outgoing, outgoing , outgoing, outgoing, outgoing
moody teenager
mature, mature, mature, mature, mature,, mature
a mature student
lively ,
the patient seems more lively this morning
easy going
cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, cheerful
caring, caring, caring, caring, caring, caring, caring, caring, caring, caring
recruit recruit
flight attendant
subtitle, subtitle
stuntman, stuntman
cyclist -cyclist
head he ball
head teacher
consecutive მიყოლებით
consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive
consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive
consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive
consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive
consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive
athletics მძლეოსანი
runner up მეორე ადგილოსანი
unreliable unreliable unreliable unreliable
immature immature immature immature
undercooked მოუხარშავი
irresponsibly უპასუხისმგებლოდ
occupy-take up ˈɒk.jə.paɪ
raise-bring up
come out -be sold to the public for the first time
get by -manage to survive or live
seminal-highly important
having a great influence
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frightening expresses the same word like chilling ,
frightening expresses the same contexts like chilling
lofty ideological
lofty აღმატებული,
Lose v
take to-მოწონება
I haven’t taken to my school.
She immediately took to her new colleague
a herd of cattle
a herd of elephants
a herd of deer
vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate
vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate
barbed wire
ˌbɑːbd ˈwaɪə
barbed wire
barbed wire barbed wire barbed wire barbed wire barbed wire
barbed wire barbed
cattle cattle cattle cattle cattle cattle cattle cattle cattle cattle
steep hill , steep hill, steep hill, steep hill, steep hill, steep hill,
steep hill, steep hill, steep hill.
injure v
rattlesnake rattlesnake
to move over
scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene
scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene
scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene
scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene
Harsh harsh
harsh climate
harsh wind
harsh color
private enterprise
კერძო მეწარმეობა
dismissive -უგულებელმყოფელი
a dismissive gesture
objection-საწინააღმდეგო აზრი
make an objection
პროტესტის გამოთქმა
extermination extermination
when I saw the film called ,, schindler’s list , here was the mass
extermination of Jewish people.
when we are talking about apartment it is a self-contained
apartment- separate . Separate separate separate separate
separate separate separate
chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin
chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin
callus callus callus callus callus callus callus callus callus callus
foreign restaurant
one can be very alone in the city and the anonymity which at first
seems to give freedom and protection later leaves loneliness.
Loneliness loneliness loneliness loneliness loneliness loneliness n
one can be very alone in the city and anonymity which at first
seems to give you freedom and protection later leaves loneliness.
the cost of living is high, the cost of living is high, the cost of
living is high
to breed crime
above all, perhaps, it is the daily stresses and strains
it is the daily stresses and strains of the city which make life there
a matter of survival rather than of enjoyment.
supposedly /səˈpoʊ.zɪd.li/
intelligent intelligent
maintain that-ამტკიცებს
superior to-ზემდგომი, უკეთესი
labeled , labelled
second-rate, second-rate
inferiority complex
develop some kind of inferiority
regimentation , regimentation, regimentation, რეგლამენტაცია,
მეტისმეტად მკაცრი კონტროლი
spontaneity , spontaneity
and that these children will be held back if they have to share lessons with
less clever pupils.
simlarly the others may, as aresult of being labelled second rate, develop
some kind of inferiority complex
in a word, in a word, in a word, in a word, in a word, in a word,
divisive, division,
spontaneity spontaneity
purpose- /ˈpɜː.pəs/
What is the purpose of this system? Cram children’s head with facts or to
develop their natural abilities in their own way?
Of education?
Cram children’s heads with facts or to encourage them to develop their
natural abilities in their own way?
Fashion in clothes
slave , slave,
Are you conformist? Are uou conformist? What do you think who aren’t?
Haute couture
haute couture, haute couture, haute couture , haute couture, mature, haute
couture, mature
personal ornaments
most people like to think they are individualist and simply wear whatever
they want.
most people like to think they are individualist and simply wear whatever
they want
however, we are not just talking of the expensive haute couture of the Paris
and Milan fashion hauses which not many people can afford anyway,
however we are not just talking of the expensive haute couture of Paris
and Milan,
dictate -კარნახი
she dictated a letter to her secretary
dictate – მიანიშნებს
on the whole-საერთოდ
at heart -
გულის სიღრმეში
are not we all conformists
the big chain-stores dictate what we wear, but they always offer a choice
and people do, on the whole, like to wear the latest fashion which extends
beyond clothes to make up, personal ornaments and hair styles .
Acid rain
herbicide , pesticide
mass extermination of Jewish
Deforestation, deforestation,
the animal rights should be saved in our country
industrialization /ɪnˌdʌs.tri.ə.laɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/
raw, untreated sewage was allowed to pollute our seas and rivers,
unstable -stable
acid rain caused by the poisonous gases man sent into the atmosphere
chemicals in pesticides killed animals life, herbicides destroyed plants,
the balance of nature was disturbed
legislation controls the disposal of waste products in our air and water,
legislation controls the disposal of waste products in our air and water,
wildlife , wildlife
wildlife organisation are becoming more militant in their fight for animal
plant plant
replanting policy
replanting policies in some parts of the world mean that our forests should
in future sustainableawareness
out-of-town out-of -town
out-of-town , out-of-town, out-of-town,out-of-town
out-of-town, out-of-town
variety variety variety variety variety variety variety variety variety variety
variety variety variety variety variety variety variety variety
you can choose between all the usual well-known brands,or if you prefer,
there are store’s cheaper own brand products
there is a wide range of fresh food and vegetables , meat, fish, and other
particularly -განსაკუთრებით
once I’ve walked down all the isles -როცა ჩამოვიარე ყველა გასასვლელი
selection, selection
to treat someone to something -გაუმასპინძლდე ვინმეს რაღაცით
I will be delighted to treat you to dinner.
treat to
, feta
I treat myself to a selection of feta and manchego.
when I go through the check out I try hard not to look when the amount
I’ve spent is displayed on the till,
v hurry
put away- შენახვა
once I walked down all the isles , filling my trolley with enough food to
last a month , I head for the cheese counter .where I treat myself to a
selection of feta, Roquefort , manchego , when I go through the check out
when I go through the check out I try hard not to look when the amount
I’ve spent is displayed on the till, and I try not to look at it , and I try not
ხმაურიანი, ხალხმრავალი,
bustling shopping street with fantastic amenities
I always refused to set foot in a place and would buy all food further down
the road
however owners were very reasonable when I complained
they sound proofed the ceiling
when I first moved there here I had the peace and quiet
quiet quiet quiet quite quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet
the shop below sold wool and knitting accessories and there was
butcher’s, baker’s and one or two specialist shops in the street . they’ve
all gone now,
compete with
there are chaotic environment and you wouldn’t believe what I have to put
up with .
Volume -vɒl.juːm
if it isn’t loud music , it’s the television at full volume ,..g j
sometimes people are misled , everyone thinks that living above a pub
must be nightmare
apart from , apart from , apart from, apart from, apart from, apart from
apart from the occasional drunk
the occasional drunk singing outside at midnight
after a while, after a while, after a while , after a while, after a while, after
a while
after a while, after a while, after a while, after a while
many of my friends take it for granted that I must spend a lot of time there
but I won’t go into pubs on my way
I’m tired of my friends screwing their faces up and holding their noses
every time they come and visit me,
sports shop
pre-packed meat
დაფასოებული, შეფუთული
historic site
office block
office block