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Sit through-რისამე ბოლომდე დარჩენა, გაძლება, რაიმე მოსაწყენის შესახებს

ითქმის, რომ უნდა გაუძლო ყურებას
comedian -კომიკოსი
bring back-დაბრუნება
banging-უზარმაზარი, ვეებერთელა
mastodon-მასტოდონტი, დიდი ზომის ნამარხი
stands erect-დგას მხრებგამართული
paranoid -per.ə.nɔɪd/ პარანოიით შეპყრობილი
fluff (v)-გააფუმფულებს
ammunition-საბრძოლო მასალა
dread-შიშისგან ძრწოლა
veil- ვუალი, პირბადე
stomp on-ფეხის დაბიჯება
my folks-ჩემიანები, ნათესავები
to steer clear of-რაიმესთვის თავის არიდება
shell of a man-კაცის ჭურვი
cervix-საშვილოსნოს ყელი

patterned clothes
checked clothes
plain clothes
spotted clothes
striped clothes
baggy trousers
pleated skirt
looking a little dirty

shabby clothes
a smart blue dress
tight-fitting skirt
worn out
a woolen blanket
dress up
get dress

to go with sat
the blue scarf goes well with your dress and you are tasteful

who is your competitor?

who are the guest and hosts ?
invigilator is the same as proctor , invigilator, proctors , invigilator,
proctor’s, invigilators, proctor, invigilators, proctors
stocky, a stocky man, a stocky build,
well-built-, a well-built man, we need a well-built men in sports,
my uncle is a little bit stocky man

skinny, skinny, skinny, skinny, skinny,

slim, slim, slim ,slim, slim, slim, slim,
thin. Thin. Thin,

plump,,,,,,plump, plump, plump, plump,

a plump child
a plump face

overweight, overweight, overweight, overweight

fat, fat, fat
overweight, overweight,
a spotty adolescent, a spotty face, a spotty adolescent,
smooth, a smooth face,\
a pale face
a pale face

wrinkled faces
tanned , suntanned, tanned, suntanned, tanned, suntanned
round arms
freckle, freckle, freckle, freckle, freckle, freckle, freckle, freckle,

expressive face

sparkling eyes
sparkling wines

piercing look
piercing blue eyes

hazel ,,hazel, hazel, hazel, hazel

almond almond almond almond almond almond almond almond almond

moustache UK moustache moustache moustache moustache

mustache Usmustache mustache mustache mustache mustache

moustache mustache
beard beard beard beard beard beard beard beard
balding bald
untidy untidy untidy untidy untidy untidy untidy untidy untidy untidy
untidy untidy untidy untidy untidy untidy untidy
thinning thinning thinning thinning thinning thinning thinning thinning
spiky spiky spiky spiky
flowing flowing
dyed dyed
curly curly curly curly curly curly curly curly curly curly curly curly
tolerant tolerant tolerant tolerant tolerant tolerant tolerant tolerant tolerant t

tolerant attitude
tolerant attitude
tolerant attitude
attitude attitude attitude attitude
tolerant attitude a t
a tolerant attitude
tolerant attitude
a tolerant attitude
tolerant attitude
a tolerant attitude\
a tolerant attitude
a tolerant
t attitude
talkative talkative talkative talkative talkative talkative talkative talkative
talkative talkative talkative
sweet temper
sweet temper

stubborn , stubborn, stubborn stubborn stubborn stubborn stubborn
stubborn stubborn
he was too stubborn to admit that he was wrong

sincere sincere sincere sincere sincere sincere sincere sincere sincere

sincere sincere sincere sincere sincere sincere sincere sincere sincere

shy shy shy shy

sensitive , sensitive sensitive

sensible . Sensible, sensible, sensible, sensible, sensible, sensible, sensible

we need sensible people, not shy, not sensitive,

selfless, selfless,
selfless, selfless, selfless ,
outgoing, outgoing , outgoing, outgoing , outgoing, outgoing, outgoing

moody teenager

mature, mature, mature, mature, mature,, mature

a mature student


lively ,
the patient seems more lively this morning


fussy, fussy , to be fussy, fussy

even temper გაწონასწორებული ხასითის

even temper, even temper, even temper, even temper, even temper,

easy going



determined character, determined character , determined character,

determined character შეუპოვარი, მტკიცე


decisive man, decisive man, decisive man, გაბედული

cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, cheerful


caring, caring, caring, caring, caring, caring, caring, caring, caring, caring


calm calm calm calm calm calm calm calm




affectionate , affectionate, affectionate,

affectionate ,
I have a affectionate brother.

Affectionate, affectionate, , affectionate, affectionate,

recruit recruit

take sick leave


monotonous , monotonous, monotonous,

a monotonous job
monotonous , monotonous. Monotonous
resign . Resign, resign from a job, resign from a job


childminder, =babysitter , babysitter, childminder,

flight attendant

subtitle, subtitle

stuntman, stuntman

cyclist -cyclist

head he ball
head teacher

eye of a storm -გრიგალის, ციკლონის თალი

eye of a storm
eye of a storm
cause cause cause

at the foot of the stairs on the ground

at the foot of the stairs on the ground

to foot the bill ხარჯების დაფარვა

to foot the bill
arm the police

consecutive მიყოლებით
consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive
consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive
consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive
consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive
consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive consecutive
athletics მძლეოსანი
runner up მეორე ადგილოსანი

relevant -irrelevant მართებული, შესაფერისი,ˈrel.ə.vənt/

relevant relevant relevant relevant relevant relevant
disagreement უთანხმოება, წინააღმდეგობა.

unreliable unreliable unreliable unreliable
immature immature immature immature

undercooked მოუხარშავი

accuse accuse accuse accuse accuse

irresponsibly უპასუხისმგებლოდ

capable capable capable capable capable capable capable

capable capable
incapable incapable incapable
climb (klaim)

in tune , in tune , in tune , in tune, in tune, in tune ,

until the end, to the end,


occupy-take up ˈɒk.jə.paɪ
raise-bring up

come out -be sold to the public for the first time
get by -manage to survive or live

progress or develop -move on

/ˈprəʊ.ɡres/ /dɪˈvel.əp/

comparative comparative comparative comparative

comparative comparative one syllable adjective will add -er
cheaper, cleaner, darker, thinner

superlative superlative superlative superlative superlative

superlative superlative will add -the est the thinnest
the cheapest
the darkest

double the consonant of adjectives ending in a short vowel and a

by far-

seminal-highly important
having a great influence
9 surprisingly simple tips to improve your communcation - MES049 ...
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Parenting for a Digital Future – Book review: American girls: Social ..
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-showing you think something is not important აგდებული,


frightening expresses the same word like chilling ,
frightening expresses the same contexts like chilling

what can we say about clumsy?

Clumsy is unskillful and careless

what can we say about literate ?

Intelligent and well-educated

trendy is modern and fashionable,

lofty ideological

lofty აღმატებული,

,take offence offense

offense us
offense us
offence uk
offence uk
offence uk
offence uk

take offence at somebody or something


to take pity on me -შემიბრალე

to have pity on me!

Lose v

take care of მიხეედვა,

our neighbour has agreed to take care of dogs neighbor

the doctor told her to eat less, but she didn’t take notice of him,
she still eat far too much

take notice of-ყურადღების მიქცევა ˈnoʊ.t̬ ɪs

take somebody’s advice

take courage -UK

გამბედაობის მოკრება

take a risk – გარისკვა , რისკზე წასვლა


take to-მოწონება
I haven’t taken to my school.
She immediately took to her new colleague

colleague , colleague, colleagues colleagues, colleagues,

colleagues, colleagues, colleagues, colleagues, colleagues,

colleagues, colleagues, colleagues , colleagues,

take over-თანამდებობის დაკავება

john took over after his predecessor left

take after-your brother takes after you,

your mother doesn’t take after you at all

take smb aside

fortunate fortunate fortunate fortunate

reserved reserved reserved reserved adj გულჩახვეული,

what is such a indecisive If we talking about man გაუბედავი

a herd of cattle ჯოგი

a herd of elephants
a herd of deer

a herd of cattle
a herd of elephants
a herd of deer
vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate
vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate

inspect inspect inspect inspect inspect inspect inspect inspect

inspect inspect inspect inspect ყუყრადღებით დათვალიერება,
შემოწმება, გასინჯვა

during covid -19 people had to vaccinate , because everyone feel

safe /

when grandfather was vet, he was inspecting the herd of cattle


Distributor always inspect goods carefully.

Conduct, conduct, conduct, conduct, conduct, conduct, conduct,


to inspect somebody’s conduct

my mom always inspect my little brother’s conduct, because he is

far naughty, naughty, naughty, naughty, naughty

naughty, naughty naughty

my mother is the head of school. Her main duty is to inspect every
child’s conducts

miles and miles , same as a large area

fence fence fence fence fence fence ღობე, მესერი

my mother colored the fence blackly

barbed wire

ˌbɑːbd ˈwaɪə

a barbed wire fence ,

barbed wire


barbed wire barbed wire barbed wire barbed wire barbed wire
barbed wire barbed

barrier barrier barrier barrier barrier barrier barrier barrier

barrier barrier

western western western western western western western western

western western

thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand

expert expert expert expert expert expert

horseman horseman horseman horseman horseman

ranch -ranches ranch ranch

hectare hectare hectare hectare hectare hectare hectare

cattle cattle cattle cattle cattle cattle cattle cattle cattle cattle

steep hill , steep hill, steep hill, steep hill, steep hill, steep hill,
steep hill, steep hill, steep hill.

Stream stream stream, stream, stream, stream, stream, stream,

stream, stream

forest, forest, forest, forest, forest, forest, forest, forest, forest

rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock rock
rock rock rock rock rock

pick-up. Pick-up, pick-0up

shortage , shortage , shortage shortage shortage shortage,

shortage , shortage, shortage, shortage, shortage ნაკლებობა

profession, profession, profession . Profession, profession,

profession, profession, profession, profession, profession,
profession, profession

reputation, reputation, reputation

it is important in your life to save your reputation, don’t let

anyone to ruin it.
Dangerous dangerous dangerous dangerous dangerous dangerous
dangerous , dangerous , dangerous

if you ask me what was the dangerous period in my life I don’t

have answer on this question.

I believe that your performance will be excellent and exciting.

There are injured people in hospital.

Injured injure injured

injure v

when we traveled in china , we encountered a number of

difficulties in the first week.

Rattlesnake rattlesnake rattlesnake rattlesnake rattlesnake ,

rattlesnake , rattlesnake

bears bears bears bears bears bears bears bears

rattlesnake rattlesnake

wolf wolf wolf -wolves \

usually usually usually

attack attack attack attack attack

nevertheless, nevertheless, nevertheless, neverthelessm
nevertheless, I won’t give up and get to my aims.

Useful useful useful useful useful useful

to move over

please move over

refrigerator refrigerator refrigerator refrigerator refrigerator

refrigerator refrigerator refrigerator refrigerator

please move over refrigerator , refrigerator that is useless for me

cowboys are working men

imperialism imperialism imperialism imperialism imperialism

imperialism imperialism imperialism

explore explore explore explore

the best way to explore the countryside is on foot

scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene
scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene
scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene
scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene scene

torture torture torture torture torture torture torture torture

half of the prisoners died after torture and starvation

cruelty to, cruelty to. Cruelty to, cruelty to, cruelty to, cruelty to,
cruelty to, cruelty to, cruelty to, cruelty to, cruelty to, cruelty to

the farmer was accused of cruelty to animals.

Harsh harsh
harsh climate
harsh wind
harsh color

enterprise v რისკიანი საქმის წამოწყება

private enterprise
კერძო მეწარმეობა

benevolent adjective კეთილგანწყობილი, მოწყალე, კეთილი

benevolent benevolent benevolent benevolent benevolent
benevolent benevolent

a benevolent attitude , a benevolent attitude, a benevolent attitude

benevolent attitude
not dismisive
a benevolent organization

dismissive -უგულებელმყოფელი

a dismissive gesture

this policy is dismissive of the need to control spending/

ivory, ivory, ivory, ivory, ivory, ivory, ivory

suppression suppression suppression suppression suppression

suppression დათრგუნვა, ჩახშობა

the suppression of a rebellion rɪˈbel.i.ən/

the suppression of a rebellion

the suppression of emotion

objection-საწინააღმდეგო აზრი
make an objection
პროტესტის გამოთქმა

extermination of extermination extermination extermination

მოსპობა, განადგურება
mass extermination

extermination extermination

when I saw the film called ,, schindler’s list , here was the mass
extermination of Jewish people.

Intimidation intimidation intimidation დაშინება , მუქარა

My brother kept me from smoking by intimidation.

ხელი შემიშალა მუქრით მოწევისას

perverse perverse perverse perverse გარყვნილი, უზნეო

percept აღქმა

keep your honesty in your life is not easy


threaten threaten threaten threaten

expose expose expose expose expose expose to

რისამე რაიმე ზემოქმედების ქვეშ მოქცევა

when we are talking about apartment it is a self-contained
apartment- separate . Separate separate separate separate
separate separate separate

with people it means independent , independent , independent,

independent, independent, independent,

installment installment – by installment by installment ნისიად

to pay by installment -გადაიხადო განვადებით

chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin
chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin chin

angular angular angular angular


twinkle twinkle twinkle twinkle ციმციმი

deduce deduce deduce deduce deduce deduce deduce deduce
callus callus callus კოჟრი

callus callus callus callus callus callus callus callus callus callus

innovation innovation innovation innovation innovation

innovation innovation innovation
სიახლე, ინოვაცია
cosmopolitan , cosmopolitan, cosmopolitan , cosmopolitan,
cosmopolitan, cosmopolitan, cosmopolitan, cosmopolitan,

city-dwellers city dwellers city dwellers

Most people in developed countries are city-dwellers,

lure lure lure lure lure lure lure lure

the lure of fame
the lure of money
the lure of power

irresistible irresistible irresistible irresistible irresistible

irresistible irresistible irresistible irresistible

irresistible lure , irresistible lure , irresistible lure , irresistible

lure, irresistible lure. Irresistible lure, irresistible lure

metropolis metropolis metropolis metropolis metropolis metropoli

many drawn by irresistible lure of the metropolis .

Attraction -მიმზიდველობა,მომხიბლაობა
attractions -ცდუნებანი

attractions of a big city,

the attractions of a city are many

sphere sphere -atmosphere , atmosphere , atmosphere,

atmosphere, atmosphere, atmosphere,
the cosmopolitan atmosphere
the cosmopolitan atmosphere , the cosmopolitan atmosphere
foreign foreign foreign, foreign, foreign, foreign, foreign,

foreign restaurant

different , different, different, different, different, different,

different,different different, different,
different languages
international companies

stimulation stimulation stimulation stimulation stimulation

culture culture culture culture -cultural
the stimulation of cultural events or the simple hope of finding
work ,

the stimulation of cultural events or the simple hope of finding

work. All too many find
glamorous glamorous glamorous glamorous glamorous ,

All too many find , however, that glamorous facade is false.

მომხიბვლელი, მომაჯადოებელი.

Anonymity , anonymity , anonymity anonymity anonymity

anonymity anonymity anonymity anonymity anonymity anonymity

one can be very alone in the city and the anonymity which at first
seems to give freedom and protection later leaves loneliness.
Loneliness loneliness loneliness loneliness loneliness loneliness n

to suffer from loneliness , to suffer from loneliness , loneliness

one can be very alone in the city and anonymity which at first
seems to give you freedom and protection later leaves loneliness.

There is a lot to do but everything is expensive, there is a lot to do

but everything is expensive ,

the cost of living is high, the cost of living is high, the cost of
living is high

environment environment environment

env iron ment
environment , environment , environment
various , various various various various various various various

various various various various various various

there is pollution not only of the physical, there is pollution not

only of the physical, but also of the moral environment and the
various pressures ˈpreʃ.ər of urban life cause cities to breed crime

to breed crime
above all, perhaps, it is the daily stresses and strains

it is the daily stresses and strains of the city which make life there
a matter of survival rather than of enjoyment.

It is the daily stresses and strains which make life a matter of

survival rather than of enjoyment .
Commuter commuter commuter commuter commuter commuter

struggle struggle stuggle struggle struggle struggle struggle

struggle struggle struggle struggle struggle struggle struggle

many a commuter struggling to work through the rush hour

congestion უძრაობა

congestion of population , congestion of population დიდი


most people in developed countries are city-dwellers, many drawn

by the irresistible lure of the metropolis,the attractions of the city
are many, cosmopolitan atmosphere , foreign restaurant , different
languages ,international companies, stimulation of cultural
events or the simple hope of finding work, All too many find,
however, the glamorous facade is false. One can be very alone in
the city and anonymity which at first give you freedom and
protection later leaves just loneliness, there is a lot to do but
everything is expensive, everything is expensive, the cost of living
is high, there is pollution not only of physical but also of moral
environment and the various pressures of urban life cause cities to
breed crime. Perhaps , it is a daily stresses and strains of the city
which make life there a matter of survival rather than of
enjoyment , many a commuter struggling to work through the rush
our congestion, and is it worth it,

supposedly /səˈpoʊ.zɪd.li/

supposedly supposedly supposedly supposedly supposedly

supposedly supposedly supposedly
therefore therefore therefore therefore
classless classless classless classless society

intelligent intelligent

maintain that-ამტკიცებს
superior to-ზემდგომი, უკეთესი

similarly , similarly , similarly

labeled , labelled

second-rate, second-rate

inferiority complex
develop some kind of inferiority
regimentation , regimentation, regimentation, რეგლამენტაცია,
მეტისმეტად მკაცრი კონტროლი
spontaneity , spontaneity

it is interesting that in some countries which are socialist and therefore

supposedly supposedly supposedly supposedly supposedly supposedly
supposedly supposedly classless , the educational classless

the educational system is based on streaming,

children are educated according to their ability , children are educated
according to their ability. The more gifted children separated from the

the more gifted children separated from the others,

also, there are supporters and opponents of this system, /səˈpɔː.tər/


supporters say that more intelligent , more intelligent, more intelligent,

supporters say that more intelligent children will be helped to achieve

their full potential, potential, potential. Potential, potential,potential,
potential, potential,in this way and that

hold back- დაყოვნება, შეფერხება /həʊld/

and that these children will be held back if they have to share lessons with
less clever pupils.


we can talk about opponents of this system,

opponent of this system , on the other hand, maintain that it creates an

educated elite,a special class of privileged

privileged privileged, privileged, privileged, privileged, privileged,

opponents of this system, on the other hand, maintain that it creates an

educated elite , a special class of privileged people who are encouraged

they are people who are encouraged to think of themselves as superior to

the others

superior superior superior superior superior superior superior superior

superior superior superior superior superior to, superior to, superior to,
superior to, superior to

superior to the others-ზემდგომი, უფროსი

opponents of this system , on the other hand, maintain that it creates an

educated elite, a special class of privileged people, who are encouraged to
think of themselves as superior to the others.

Opponents of this system, on the other hand, maintain that it creates an

educated elite, a special class of privileged people who are encouraged to
think of themselves as superior to the others,
similarly similarly similarly similarly similarly similarly similarly
similarly similarly similarly similarly similarly
as a result of being , as a result of being, as a result of being, as a result of
being, as a result of being

as a result of being labelled second rate

as a result of being labelled second rate,and develop some kinf of
inferiority complex
inferiority complex, inferiority complex, inferiority complex

as a result o being labelled second rate, develop inferiority complex

simlarly the others may, as aresult of being labelled second rate, develop
some kind of inferiority complex
in a word, in a word, in a word, in a word, in a word, in a word,

such a system is divisive , divisive, divisive divisive,

such a system is divisive
division division

divisive, division,

such a system is divisive since it creates division between people ,

another important question in education

what is the another important question in education?

The amount of freedom and choice,

the amount of flexibility,

such a system in education is the amount f freedom and choice children

should given at school.

Conservative, conservative, conservative, conservative, conservative,

conservative, conservative, conservative, conservative, conservative,

the conservative view is that a conventional system of strict rules,

however, critics of this attitude say

however critics of this attitude say it causes

regimentation, regimentation, regimentation, regimentation,

regimentation, regimentation regimentation, regimentation, regimentation,
regimentation, regimentation

critics of this attitude say it causes regimentation , as in the army,

discourages children’s natural imagination, natural imagination , natural,
imagination , natural imagination,

discourage -დაბრკოლება ხელის შეშლა,

spontaneity spontaneity

critics of this attitude say it causes regimentation, regimentation,

regimentation, regimentation

critics of this attitude say is causes regimentation , as in army , and

discourages children’s natural imagination and spontaneity,

we must ask ourselves what the purpose of

purpose- /ˈpɜː.pəs/

what is the purpose of education,

cram children’s heads with facts or to encourage them to develop their

natural abilities in their own way?

What is the purpose of this system? Cram children’s head with facts or to
develop their natural abilities in their own way?

Of education?
Cram children’s heads with facts or to encourage them to develop their
natural abilities in their own way?
Fashion in clothes

slave , slave,

slavishly , slavishly, slavishly. Slavishly, slavishly, slavishly, slavishly,

slavishly, slavishly, slavishly

individualist , individualist, individualist, individualist,, individualist,


conformist, conformist, conformist, conformist

are you conformist, are you conformist,

are you conformist?

Are you conformist? Are uou conformist? What do you think who aren’t?
Haute couture

haute couture, haute couture, haute couture , haute couture, mature, haute
couture, mature

haute couture fashion week

trend , trendy ,slave to fashion, slave to fashion, slave to fashion,\\\

slave to fashion. Slave to fashion, slave to fashion, slave to fashion, slave

to fashion slave to fashion
fashion house
the latest fashion

personal ornaments
most people like to think they are individualist and simply wear whatever
they want.

most people like to think they are individualist and simply wear whatever
they want
however, we are not just talking of the expensive haute couture of the Paris
and Milan fashion hauses which not many people can afford anyway,

however we are not just talking of the expensive haute couture of Paris
and Milan,

haute couture of Paris , haute couture of Paris, haute couture of Paris ,

and Milan hauses which not many people can afford anyway

we are talking of fashions and trends in everyday clothes,

you know, we are talking of fashions and trends I in everyday clothes, we
wear we say that we wear jeans and sweaters because they are cheap
and practical,
we say we wear jeans and sweaters because they are far cheap and

everyone else , everyone else, everyone else, everyone else, everyone

else,everyone else, everyone else, everyone else, everyone else. Everyone
else, everyone else, but isn’t it true our jeans and sweaters tend to be the
same as everyone else wears?

doesn’t that mean that we like to be trendy ?

Of course, a big chain stores,

to some extent, to some extent, to some extent , tent

to some extent- გარკვეულწილად

to some extent, to some extent,

to some extent, to some extent, to some extent, to some extent,

dictate -კარნახი
she dictated a letter to her secretary
dictate – მიანიშნებს
on the whole-საერთოდ

at heart -
გულის სიღრმეში
are not we all conformists

the big chain-stores dictate what we wear, but they always offer a choice
and people do, on the whole, like to wear the latest fashion which extends
beyond clothes to make up, personal ornaments and hair styles .

It is easy to declare that we do not slavishly follow the dictates of

fashion . But aren’t we all conformist at heart,

sew, sewage, sewage, sewage, sewage, sewage, sewage, sewage, sewage,

sewage, sewage, sewage, sewage

organic , organic, organic, organic

disposal , disposal, disposal, disposal,

Acid rain

enlightened enlightened enlightened enlightened enlightened

herbicide , pesticide

ecological ecological ecological ecological ecological.

mass extermination of Jewish

There are an environmentally sustainable society in Germany.

Deforestation, deforestation,
the animal rights should be saved in our country

industrialization /ɪnˌdʌs.tri.ə.laɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/


to be given to sth -ყურადღების დათმობა

little thought was given to its ecological affects

allow -ნების დართვა, დაშვება

raw, untreated sewage was allowed to pollute our seas and rivers,

the point of extinction -გადაშენების ზღვარი

animals were killed for profit to the point of extinction,

animals were killed for profit to the point of extinction.


erosion erosion erosion -erosion

soil erosion , soil erosion, soil erosion, soil erosion, soil erosion, soil
erosion , soil erosion, , soil erosion, soil erosion , soil erosion

unstable -stable

unstable climate, unstable climate, unstable climate,

the loss of trees through uncontrolled

uncontrolled uncontrolled uncontrolled

the loss of trees through uncontrolled deforestation caused erosion and

unstable climate,

acid rain caused by the poisonous gases man sent into the atmosphere
chemicals in pesticides killed animals life, herbicides destroyed plants,
the balance of nature was disturbed

walk up -მისვლა, მიახლოება

it is only now that we are walking up to the problem,

advocate advocate advocate advocate advocate advocate advocate

advocate advocate


legislation controls the disposal of waste products in our air and water,

legislation controls the disposal of waste products in our air and water,

wildlife , wildlife

more militant , more militant more militant

wildlife organisation are becoming more militant in their fight for animal

plant plant

replanting policy

replanting policies in some parts of the world mean that our forests should
in future sustainableawareness

we can only hope that growing awareness and enlightened legislation

produce the world which is safe at first for us and will provide a good
quality of life for future generations.

Nausea nausea nausea amnd vomit

nausea and vomit



foodstuff foodstuffs foodstuffs foodstuffs foodstuffs foodstuffs foodstuffs

out-of-town out-of -town
out-of-town , out-of-town, out-of-town,out-of-town

out-of-town, out-of-town

variety variety variety variety variety variety variety variety variety variety
variety variety variety variety variety variety variety variety

corner shop , corner shop, corner shop,

I prefer a trip to a large out-of-town supermarkets to shopping in the local

corner shop because there’s so much more variety

I prefer a trip to a large out-of-town supermarkets to shopping in the local

corner shop because there’s so much more variety

usual usual usual usual usual usual usual usual usual

you can choose between all the usual well-known brands ,

you can choose between all the usual well-known brands,

you can choose between all the usual well-known brands,or if you prefer,
there are store’s cheaper own brand products

if you prefer , there are store’s cheaper own brands products,

as well as tinned and frozen, convenience food

convenience food, convenience food,

convenience food, convenience foods, convenience, convenience food
as well as tinned and frozen convenience food

there’s a wide range of fresh fruit and




there is a wide range of fresh food and vegetables , meat, fish, and other

the household goods

household stuff- საოჯახო ნივთები household goods,

household goods -საოჯახო საშუალებები

good value for the money -თანხის ეკონომია, დაზოგვა

particularly -განსაკუთრებით

once I’ve walked down all the isles -როცა ჩამოვიარე ყველა გასასვლელი

filling my trolley with enough food

to last a month -ერთი თვის სამყოფი

head for -პირისპირ დგომას რაღაცის წინ

I head for the cheese counter

where I head for the cheese counter

selection, selection, selection, selection, selection, selection

selection, selection
to treat someone to something -გაუმასპინძლდე ვინმეს რაღაცით
I will be delighted to treat you to dinner.

After the play, they treated themselves to pie and coffee

coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee

treat to
, feta
I treat myself to a selection of feta and manchego.

I treat myself to a selection of feta and manchego

when I go through the check out,

when I go through the check out

when I go through the check out I try hard not to look when the amount
I’ve spent is displayed on the till,

and I try not to listen as the cashier reads it out,

I try not to listen as cashier reads it out

hand over, hand over , hand over, hand over

I hand over my credit card , take the receipt

receipt receipt receipt receipt receipt receipt receipt

I hand over my credit card , take the receipt and hurriedly

v hurry


put away- შენახვა

take the receipt and hurriedly put it away in my purse

preferring preferring preferring not to look at it

preferring not to look at it until I get home

I prefer a trip to a large out-of-town supermarkets to shopping in the local

corner shop because there’s various options , you can choose between all
the usual well-known brands, or if you prefer , there are store’s cheaper
own brand products . As well as tinned and frozen convenience food,
there is a wide range of fresh products, fresh meat, fresh fruit and also
fresh vegetables, meat , fishes , and other foodstuffs,

what can we say about household stuff?

What can we say about household stuff?

The household goods are particularly good value for money,compared to

other shops

once I walked down all the isles , filling my trolley with enough food to
last a month , I head for the cheese counter .where I treat myself to a
selection of feta, Roquefort , manchego , when I go through the check out
when I go through the check out I try hard not to look when the amount
I’ve spent is displayed on the till, and I try not to look at it , and I try not

I try not to listen as the cashier read it out

I hand over my credit card, take the receipt

I hand over my credit card , take the receipt and hurriedly put it away in
the purse

preferring not to look at it until I get home.


I bought my flat in Chelsea with some money I inherited

bustling with

ხმაურიანი, ხალხმრავალი,
bustling shopping street with fantastic amenities

amenity -სიმშვენიერე, სილამაზე

nuisance -საწყენინ რამ , უსიამოვნება

nuisance nuisance nuisance nuisance nuisance nuisance nuisance

living above a shop was a nuisance at first

because I was regularly woken up by people stacking shelves at night , and

the , of course , there were the early morning deliveries ,

I always refused to set foot in a place and would buy all food further down
the road
however owners were very reasonable when I complained
they sound proofed the ceiling

ceiling ceiling ceiling ceiling ceiling ceiling

this method really cut down the noise

now I shop there every day, almost every day

when I first moved there here I had the peace and quiet


quiet quiet quiet quite quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet

I needed to write novel I was working on.

Wool knitting

accessories accessories accessories accessories accessories accessories

accessory accessory accessory accessory accessory
\accessory accessories

the shop below sold wool and knitting accessories and there was
butcher’s, baker’s and one or two specialist shops in the street . they’ve
all gone now,


compete with

what was the main reason /?

they’ve gone because they

could could could could could could could could could

they couldn’t compete with the out-of-town shopping malls

spring up- უეცრად წარმოქმნა , გამოჩენა

they couldn’t compete with the out-of-town shopping malls and

supermarkets which were springing up everywhere ,
I think this type of shops may call corner shops which can’t to compete
with the out-of-town supermarkets and shopping malls, centers , which are
springing up everywhere.

Wool shop turned into a hairdresser’s and,

there are chaotic environment and you wouldn’t believe what I have to put
up with .

Volume -vɒl.juːm
if it isn’t loud music , it’s the television at full volume ,..g j

they were watching a television at full volume

also, everyone there’s shouting

above above above above /əˈbʌv/


there’s everyone shouting above the noise of hairdryer moan -ჩივილი,

მთავარი; კვნესა ჩუმი ოხვრა.

I had a moan at them about it

sometimes people are misled , everyone thinks that living above a pub
must be nightmare

considerate considerate considerate considerate considerate considerate


the landlord of the pub is considerate, apart from

apart from , apart from , apart from, apart from, apart from, apart from
apart from the occasional drunk
the occasional drunk singing outside at midnight

so are the people who drink there

a few years ago landlord and I came to an agreement

I and my flatmate came to an agreement that he wouldn’t play a music

above a certain volume after 10 o’clock

after a while, after a while, after a while , after a while, after a while, after
a while
after a while, after a while, after a while, after a while

altogether altogether altogether

after a while he decided to cut out a music altogether

hum, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum. Hum, hum,

the hum of conversation

the hum of conversation, Is the gentle hum of conversation coming up

through the floor

many of my friends take it for granted that

many of my friends take it for granted that I must spend a lot of time there
but I won’t go into pubs on my way

the smell has forced me to put my flat up for sale

there’s no point complaining

I always preferred places where people coming and going

I’ll be sad to move out

to screw one’s face up- სახის შეჭმუჭვნა,

I’m tired of my friends screwing their faces up and holding their noses
every time they come and visit me,

I’ve got my eye on houses in wkneti


please don’t interrupt baby’s sleep დროებით შეწყვეტა , შეჩერება JUST

YOU CAN to interrupt a lecture with a question.

assumption assumption assumption assumption assumption assumption

assumption assumption
get on with people
unit 7 words
hardware shop ˈhɑːd.weər ტექნიკის მაღაზია

local corner shop ბუტკასავით მაღაზიაზე ვამბობთ

newsagent /ˈnjuːzˌeɪ.dʒənt მეკიოსკე, ჟურნალ გაზეთებიის

sports shop

hypermarket ˈhaɪ.pəˌmɑː.kɪt/ ქალაქის გარეთ განლაგრბული დიდ


aisle aisle aisle aisle aisle

receipt /rɪˈsiːt

confectionery /kənˈfek.ʃən.ər.i/ საკონდიტრო ტკბილეულობის


pre-packed meat
დაფასოებული, შეფუთული

Convenience food იოლად მოსამზადებელი საკვები, ნახევრ

ფაბრიკატები /kənˈviː.ni.əns ˌfuːd

Toiletry-toiletries ˈtɔɪ.lə.tri სატუ

ალეტო ნივთები, საპონი, კბილის პასტა, სავარცხელი

Bargain-მორიგება,ნ სავაჭრო შეთანხმებაˈbɑː.ɡɪn

იაფადა ნაყიდის ნივთი

Guarantee ˌɡer.ənˈti guarantee guarantee guarantee guaranrtee
guarantee guarantee guarantee guarantee

Ask for a refund -კომნპენსაცცის მოთხოვნა , ანაზღაურება

Faulty faulty faulty ნაკლის ზადის, დეფექტის მქონე

Sell-by date პროდუქტის გაყიდვის რეალიზაციის ვადა

Impulse , buy sth on impulse ˈɪm.pʌls იმპულსურად,


Charge somebody 10-დაკისრება

Apartment block კორპუსი

Building site მშენებლობის მიმდინარეობის ადგილი

Caravan ˈker.ə.væn/ site ადგილი სადაც ქარავანები დგას

conservation area kɒn.səˈveɪ.ʃən ˌeə.ri.ə/ დაცული ზონა, ნაკრძალი

historic site

housing estate საცხოვრებელი კვარტალი, საცხოვრებელი

სახლების რაიონი ˈhaʊ.zɪŋ

industrial estate= industrial park) ɪnˌdʌs.tri.əl ɪˈsteɪt სამრეწველო

leisure centre დასასვენებლი ცენტრი /ˈleʒ.ər/

local amenities ადგილობრივი კეთილმოწყობილობა/ˈloʊ.kəl/

office block
office block

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