GS501 Lecture-14 Coal and Environment
GS501 Lecture-14 Coal and Environment
GS501 Lecture-14 Coal and Environment
Jahangirnagar University
(Lecture – 14)
Gas in Coal
• The CH4 content of the coal can be regarded as a significant source of energy.
• CH4 is usually referred to as coal-bed CH4 (CBM) in most literature; however, in
Australia, CBM is known as coal seam gas.
• CBM is similar to conventional natural gas in composition, but it has a different
accumulation mechanism, enrichment process, gas reservoir features, and fluid
occurrence state.
Formation of coalbed
methane with different
origins during the
processes of coalbed burial
and uplifting.
Coal-bed Methane
• Exinites can generate a great deal of hydrocarbon, particularly oil, since they
have a high ratio of H/C atoms, a low ratio of aromatics to carbon, a high ratio
of lipid to carbon, and high percentages of methyl, a-methylene, methylene, and
• In the initial
production stage of
coalbed methane,
the wells produce
mostly water.
• Eventually, as the
coal beds near the
pumping well are
dewatered, the
volume of pumped
water decreases
and the production
of gas increases.
Coal-bed Methane Production
• CBM wells are drilled with techniques similar to those used for conventional
• In some regions where the coal beds are shallow, smaller, less expensive rigs,
such as modified water-well drilling rigs, can be used to drill CBM wells.
• As with conventional gas wells, hydraulic fracturing is used as a primary means
of stimulating gas flow in CBM wells.
Coal-bed Methane Production
• a coal seam between 200m and 1200m depth from the surface
Produced Water
• Underground gasification could potentially allow the use of coal that is currently
uneconomical to mine.
• Underground Coal
Gasification involves
igniting a coal seam
underground and pumping
out the partially burned
gases that result.
Underground Coal Gasification (UCG)
• Conventional coal mining is eliminated with UCG, reducing operating costs
and surface damage and eliminating mine safety issues.
• Coals that are unmineable (too deep, low quality, too thin) are exploitable
by UCG, thereby increasing domestic resource availability.
• Surface transportation of coal is eliminated, thus reducing cost, coal
stockpiling, and shipping.
• No surface gasification facilities are required, reducing capital costs.
• Ash in coal remains underground, avoiding ash disposal at the surface.
• A reduction in sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and other pollutants.
• UCG produces less GHGs than conventional mining and surface combustion
do. The well infrastructure for UCG can be used subsequently for CO2
sequestration operations.
• Coal seam gas technology can extract 3–5% of the energy (as CH4) in the
coal, whereas UCG extracts more than 80% of the coal’s energy.
Underground Coal Gasification (UCG)
• UCG can have serious environmental implications, particularly aquifer
contamination and ground subsidence.
• Even when UCG may be technically feasible, the selection of a number of
coal deposits may be limited due to geological and hydrogeological factors
that increase environmental risks to unacceptable levels.
• UCG operations cannot be controlled to the same extent as surface gasifiers
can. Water influx, distribution of reactants in the gasification zone, and the
growth of the cavity can only be estimated from measurements of
temperatures and product gas quality and quantity.
• Until a reasonable number of UCG-based power plants are built and
operated, the economics of UCG has major uncertainties.
• UCG is inherently an unsteady-state process, and both the flow rate and
heating value of the product gas will vary over time.
Climate Change and Global Energy Security
• Electricity
• Transportation
• Forestry and
• Waste and Water
• Climate Change
Climate Change
The consequences of climate change are severe and increasingly certain. According
to the IPCC, its impacts will include the following:
• global warming (already 0.6C higher than before the Industrial Revolution)
• rising sea levels (a minimum of 0.3 – 0.6 meter, or 1 – 2 feet, by 2100)
• intensification of tropical cyclones
• decreases in meridional overturning of the Atlantic Ocean
• declining ocean pH (by 0.14 – 0.35 — already down 0.1)
• decreasing snow cover, permafrost, and sea ice
• more frequent and more intense extreme weather events
• increasing rainfall in high latitudes and decreasing rainfall in the subtropics
• changing micro-climates that will affect food production.
Climate Change
• Thomas, L., 2020. Coal Geology (3rd edition). Wiley Blackwell, 513p.
• Zou, C., Zhu, R., Tao, S., Hou, L., Yuan, X., Song, Y., Niu, J., Dong, D., Liu, S.,
Jiang, L., Wang, S., Zhang, G., 2013, Unconventional Petroleum Geology.
Elsevier, 373 p.
• Brown, M.A. and Sovacool, B.K., 2011. Climate Change and Global Energy
Security: Technology and Policy Options. The MIT Press, 416p.