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OM-00002, Rev 0 7-17-12

OM-00002, Rev 0 7-17-12
Table of Contents
1. Initial Guidelines ...........................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Initial Guidelines.............................................................................................................................................. 1
2. Safety...............................................................................................................................................................2
2.1. Safety................................................................................................................................................................. 2
2.2. Recognizing Safety Decal Information............................................................................................................ 2
2.3. Signal Words .................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.4. Decals................................................................................................................................................................ 2
2.5. Operating Safety............................................................................................................................................... 2
2.6. Flowing & Crusted Grain................................................................................................................................. 4
2.7. Bridged & Collapsed Grain.............................................................................................................................. 5
2.8. Falls & Obstructions........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.9. Fall Restraints & Arrest Systems...................................................................................................................... 7
2.10. Sharp Edges & Obstacles ............................................................................................................................... 7
2.11. Entering a Grain Bin...................................................................................................................................... 7
2.12. Lock-Out/Tag-Out.......................................................................................................................................... 8
2.13. Ventilation...................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.14. Moving Parts.................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.15. Top Causes of Bin Failure.............................................................................................................................. 9
2.16. Construction Safety...................................................................................................................................... 10
3. Planning Preparations.................................................................................................................................11
3.1. Site Selection................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2. Selecting Builders & Contractors................................................................................................................... 12
3.3. Foundation..................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.4. Electrical Wire Clearance............................................................................................................................... 14
3.5. Component Location...................................................................................................................................... 15
4. Bin Operations & Management...................................................................................................................16
4.1. Bin Description............................................................................................................................................... 16
4.2. Bin Usage........................................................................................................................................................ 16
4.3. Initial Fill Of The Bin..................................................................................................................................... 17
4.4. Loading The Bin............................................................................................................................................. 18
OM-00002, Rev 0 i 7-17-12
4.5. Unloading The Bin.......................................................................................................................................... 19
4.6. Sweeping The Bin............................................................................................................................................ 20
4.7. Material Stored............................................................................................................................................... 21
4.8. Stirring and Recirculating Augers.................................................................................................................. 24
4.9. Ventilation...................................................................................................................................................... 25
4.10. Temperature Cables...................................................................................................................................... 27
4.11. Loads Concentrated on Roof........................................................................................................................ 28
4.12. Stiffener Loads.............................................................................................................................................. 29
4.13. Side-Draw Flume System............................................................................................................................. 30
4.14. Refilling After Side-Draw System Use.......................................................................................................... 31
4.15. Hopper Bottom Bins..................................................................................................................................... 32
5. Managing Stored Grain................................................................................................................................33
5.1. Basic Principles............................................................................................................................................... 33
5.2. Grain Storage.................................................................................................................................................. 34
5.3. Leveling Stored Grain..................................................................................................................................... 36
5.4. Moisture Migration........................................................................................................................................ 36
5.5. Aeration.......................................................................................................................................................... 36
5.6. References........................................................................................................................................................ 37
6. Troubleshooting...........................................................................................................................................37
7. Maintenance.................................................................................................................................................39
7.1. General............................................................................................................................................................ 39
7.2. Roof, Stairs, and Vents................................................................................................................................... 39
7.3. Ladders, Catwalks, and Supports.................................................................................................................. 39
7.4. Sidewall Sheets, Stiffeners and Doors............................................................................................................ 39
7.5. Foundations and Tunnels............................................................................................................................... 40
7.6. Aeration Systems............................................................................................................................................ 40
7.7. Electrical......................................................................................................................................................... 40
7.8. Site Maintenance............................................................................................................................................ 40
7.9. Replacement Parts.......................................................................................................................................... 41

OM-00002, Rev 0 ii 7-17-12

1. Initial Guidelines
1.1. Initial Guidelines Please read entire the Operation and Erection Manuals
paying close attention to the safety sections. Your failure
1.1.1. Behlen grain bins are designed and manufactured
to read these manuals is a misuse of the product, which
to withstand the constant forces applied when filled with
could result in personal injury or property damage. It is
grain. When properly installed and operated, these
recommended that all personnel associated with the bin
storage structures will provide many years of service to
thoroughly study these manuals as well.
our customers. Contractors who erect the structure must
follow the guidelines listed below. Doing so will ensure the
owner has a properly installed and operating grain bin.
1.1.2. The Erection Manuals and assembly drawings
must be thoroughly studied prior to construction. Proper
knowledge of the individual assembly procedures will aid
in the safety and speed of construction time. Be certain to NOTICE
use the correct bolts for the appropriate hole locations as
specified by the erection manual.
1.1.3. Note: The procedures and guidelines listed in this
manual are recommended as part of specific measures • Coated steel panels are subject to corrosion
and actions established per job. Due to the numerous and discoloration (white rust) if moisture
situations at each site, Behlen Mfg. Co. is unable to provide becomes entrapped between sheets.
a specific procedure checklist for each individual location.
Owners/Operators are responsible for developing specific
• Panels should be inspected for entrapped
procedures or guidelines based on equipment, conditions, moisture upon arrival at the job site and
and situations at their individual locations and incorporate properly protected and stored in order to
them into their technical data. prevent accumulation of moisture between
1.1.4. The contractor and owner should follow
erection manuals and assembly drawings supplied with the • In addition to moisture due to rainfall,
products. IMPORTANT: Keep galvanized sheets dry before moisture can also form between panels due
erecting (see insert to right). to condensation.
1.1.5. If any questions arise about the instructions and/ • When panels are not expected to be
or assembly drawings, before or during construction, immediately installed, inside storage is
contact Behlen engineering. They will assist you to clarify recommended.
any questions about the instructions and/or drawings and
resolve any problem(s) you may have during assembly. • It is also recommended that panels never
be covered with plastic as ground moisture
1.1.6. Failure to follow any installation, operation, or
can collect under the plastic and lead to
maintenance instructions established by Behlen Mfg.
Co. or failure of the product resulting from exposure
entrapped moisture.
to corrosive materials, misuse, accident, normal wear • Behlen Mfg. Co. shall accept no responsibility
and tear, unauthorized modification(s), improper for stains, corrosion, or other damage
maintenance, improper storage procedures prior to occurring to panels while stored on the job
erection, or improper storage of grain will void the site.
manufacturer’s warranty and may result in structural
damage, serious injury, or DEATH. • For details see the document: “Planning
For The Receipt And Erection Of Your Behlen
Although every effort is made to ensure the erection
manual and assembly drawings are written without
Grain Storage Bins.” This document is sent
errors, they may happen. Therefore, if any concerns arise with the order shipment.
regarding any instructions or assembly drawings, please
contact Behlen Mfg. Co. immediately for clarification prior
to proceeding with the construction process.

OM-00002, Rev 0 1 7-17-12

2. Safety


2.1. Safety 2.4. Decals
2.1.1. Behlen Mfg. Co. strives to incorporate safety in 2.4.1. Several decals are attached to the equipment
its products, be it during handling, erection or operation. at various places to call your attention to messages
Safe working conditions, safe working methods and safe concerning your personal safety. Read and heed the
products should always be of prime concern to contractors, message and be alert to the possibility of personal injury
erectors and manufacturers. or fatality. Decals are placed according to Figure 1.
2.1.2. Federal safety standards (O. S. H. A.) have been IMPORTANT: TO PREVENT SERIOUS
established by the Department of Labor. Employers are INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU OR
obligated to familiarize themselves with the requirements SOMEONE ELSE, IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT
of the standards and put them into practice. Also follow THESE SAFETY DECALS ARE MOUNTED
state or local safety codes.
2.4.2. It is your responsibility as an owner, operator or
supervisor to know what hazards exist and to make these
known to all other personnel working in the area, so that
2.2. Recognizing Safety Decal Information
they too may take any necessary safety precautions that
2.2.1. The safety-alert symbol above means Attention! may be required.
Be Alert! Your personal safety is involved! This symbol
2.4.3. Decals are attached to equipment at various
draws your attention to important instructions concerning
locations with specific messages. Pay attention to
your personal safety. Read the message carefully to avoid
messages and always be alert to the possibility of personal
personal injury or death.
injury or death.
2.3. Signal Words
2.4.4. If the decal(s) become damaged or detached,
These are words that indicate an estimate of likelihood contact your Behlen representative or Behlen Mfg. Co. for
of exposure to a hazard and the probable consequences replacement decals.
of exposure to the hazard (reference: ANSI/ASABE
Indicates an imminently hazardous
situation that, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury. This signal word is to be IS WARNING INFORMATION!
used sparingly and only for those situations presenting the
most serious hazards. 2.5. Operating Safety
Indicates a potentially hazardous • Before you perform any service on the equipment,
situation that, if not avoided, could or enter the bin, make certain that the main power
result in death or serious injury. This signal word presents disconnect switch is locked in the “off’ position.
a lesser degree of risk of injury or death than those
• Guards and Shields are provided for your protection.
identified by the signal word DANGER.
Keep them in place and secure while machine is in
Indicates a potentially hazardous operation.
situation that, if not avoided, may
• Replace safety shields that may have been damaged
result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to
or removed for servicing purposes and fasten securely
warn against unsafe practices associated with events that
before operating machinery.
could lead to personal injury.
• Keep all persons away from any hazard areas.
Is the preferred signal word to
address practices not related to • Keep hands, feet and clothing away from moving parts.
personal injury. The safety alert symbol shall not be used Loose clothing can become entangled in rotating parts
with this signal word. and cause serious injury.

OM-00002, Rev 0 2 7-17-12

• Be aware of the danger that is present when loading hazards.
or unloading a grain bin. Grain that has bridged or
• Learn how to use controls and operate equipment
tunneled may suddenly break loose and trap a person
correctly. Do not let anyone operate equipment
who may be inside the bin. Death by suffocation
without thorough training of basic operating and safety
can result. Avoid entering the bin until the grain is
• Periodically check all mechanical and electrical
• Ladders and walking and working surfaces should have
components to keep them in good working condition.
safety cages and handrails for safe use. Use a lifeline
Make no unauthorized modifications to the equipment.
and harness when the danger of falling exists.
Doing so may endanger function and safety of the
• Proper operational procedures must be followed to equipment.
ensure the safety and well being of all persons working
• Be aware of weather-related safety hazards. Icicles
near or on grain bins when inspecting grain, conducting
and snow falling from bin eaves are dangerous and can
maintenance, and spraying insecticides.
cause serious injury or even death. Ice or moisture on
• Hazards associated with grain bins include engulfment ladders can cause slippery conditions that may result in
and burial, falls from heights, dust and mold inhalation, life-threatening falls.
pesticide exposure, electrocution, and injuries from
• For added security and safety, attach a padlock to
augers. Take precautionary steps to avoid these
sidewall door latch.

1 DANGER DECAL - 1688_251

2 DANGER DECAL - 1688_706

1 2 3 4

3 WARNING DECAL - 1688_332 5 CAUTION DECAL - 1688_443


Figure 1. Safety decal placement.

OM-00002, Rev 0 3 7-17-12

2.6. Flowing & Crusted Grain to fill the void. Flowing grain is like a fluid; objects on
the surface sink and heavy objects sink faster than lighter
2.6.1. People can become caught or trapped by grain
in several ways: entrapment by flowing grain, collapse of
bridged grain, and collapse of a vertical wall of grain. To 2.6.4. Flowing grain is like water in that it will exert
better understand why grain flow is so dangerous, you pressure over the entire area of any object that is
must understand how grain flows when it is unloaded. submerged in it. However, the amount of force required
Grain bins are first emptied through center sumps (bins to pull someone up through grain is much greater than in
erected with a side-draw are the only exception). When a water because grain exerts no buoyant force and has much
center sump is opened and the auger is started, grain flows greater internal friction.
from the top surface down a center core to the center
2.6.5. Even if grain has stopped flowing, submerged
sump. This is called funnel flow and is illustrated in Figure
objects or people are difficult to extract. Victims with
2 below.
tremendous upper body strength cannot pull themselves
2.6.2. Grain across the bottom and around the sides out if they are buried to the chest. The force required to
of the bin does not move. The speed at which grain is remove someone buried below the surface of grain can
removed makes the funnel flow very dangerous. A worker easily exceed 2,000 pounds, which is about the same as
in the bin will be carried to the center, quickly drawn lifting a small car.
under, and suffocated. An 8” auger can transfer 3,000
2.6.6. If you do become trapped in a bin of flowing grain
cubic feet of grain per hour (50 cubic feet per minute).
with nothing to hold onto, but you are still able to walk,
A person about 6’ tall displaces about 7.5 cubic feet,
stay near the outside wall. Keep walking until the bin
assuming an average body diameter of 15 inches. This
is empty or grain flow stops. Also, if you are covered in
means the entire body could be submerged in funnel in
flowing grain, cup your hands over your mouth and take
about 8 seconds. Even more importantly, you could be up
short breaths. This may keep you alive until help arrives.
to your knees and totally helpless to free yourself in less
Additional help should call for an emergency rescue team
than 4 seconds.
or fire department immediately. Ventilate bin with an
2.6.3. A grain surface may appear solid but not be. A aeration system but DO NOT activate the heat source.
small opening in the unload gate gives the entire surface Wait for emergency crews to arrive before attempting the
the quality of quicksand. When a single kernel is removed rescue. Offer assistance to rescuers, and follow only the
from the bottom of the bin, kernels directly above it rush directions given to you by the incident commander.



From time auger starts, you In four (4) seconds, you are After eight (8) seconds, you are
have two (2) seconds to react. trapped. completely covered.

Figure 2. Time to take to completely be entrapped by flowing grain.

OM-00002, Rev 0 4 7-17-12

2.7. Bridged & Collapsed Grain hazard is that, if grain is wet enough to mold and bridge
across bin, there may be little oxygen present in the cavity
2.7.1. Spoiled grain tends to clump together and grain
due to microbial gases. A person falling into a cavity will
that is stored in cold temperatures can appear to have
be forced to breathe toxic gases, even though his head is
a solid surface while, in reality, it may collapse if walked
above surrounding grain. From outside the bin, use a pole
upon. Be aware of a potential engulfment hazard when
or other object to break bridge, causing it to collapse.
walking on surface crust. Never enter a bin unless you
know the nature of previous grain removal, especially if 2.7.3. Grain can also form in a large mass against wall,
any crusting is evident and proper safety precautions have see Figure 4, when it has been stored improperly or in
been taken. After grain has been removed, look for a poor condition. The mass of grain can cause engulfment or
funnel shape at surface of grain mass. If grain appears to crushing hazards to workers who attempt to break it loose
be undisturbed, then it has bridged and created a cavity. with shovels or other objects.
2.7.2. Bridging grain may create air spaces in a partially 2.7.4. This risk increases as the capacity of bins increase.
unloaded bin, see Figure 3. As grain is removed from a bin, A person lying prone and covered by one (1) foot of grain
a cavity develops under the crusted surface. This situation will be subjected to a force of more than 300 lbs. Be alert
presents several dangers. First, the person may break while working with grain that has gone out of condition.
through the surface and be trapped instantly in the flowing Entering a bin when there may be molds, blocked flow,
grain. Another danger is that a large void may be created cavities, crusting, and possible cave-ins can cost you your
under the bridge by previous unloading so that a person life. When you are breaking up large masses of vertically
who breaks through the crust may be buried under grain crusted grain, do so with a long wooden pole from
and suffocate, even without an auger running. The third manhole above grain.


Figure 3. Dangers of bridged grain.


Figure 4. Dangers of grain massed on a sidewall.

OM-00002, Rev 0 5 7-17-12

2.8. Falls & Obstructions
2.8.1. Falls from grain bins at any height can cause
injury. Ladders on bins can become very slippery or icy in
inclement weather. Maintain a secure hand-hold and foot-
hold when climbing on the bin. Metal is slippery when
wet. Never carry items while climbing on bins. Also, be
certain no obstacles are in front of ladder.
2.8.2. Slippery metal, broken or loose ladder rungs
and loose hand-holds can be very dangerous. Repair
loose ladder rungs and hand-holds as soon as they are
discovered. Follow maintenance guidelines listed at the
back of the operation manual to prevent serious injury.
2.8.3. Make sure there are no obstructions near ladder
rungs which could cause a fall.
2.8.4. When ladders are used to ascend heights
exceeding 20’, the American Society of Agricultural and
Biological Engineers (ASABE) standards state that landing
platforms shall be provided at each 30’ of height. Center
of the outside ladder must be at least 7” from sidewall.
2.8.5. NOTE: Failure to purchase ladder and safety
cages and use of fall restraints and arrest systems
correctly may cause serious injury or even death. Contact
your dealer if proper ladder and accessories are not

OM-00002, Rev 0 6 7-17-12

2.9. Fall Restraints & Arrest Systems to be done on portions of the sidewall, proper equipment
such as lifts or cranes should be used. When working
2.9.1. When working on a bin at a height where
inside the bin, appropriate connections should be made to
fall hazards exist, always use a fall restraint or fall the rafters, peak ring or sidewall.
arrest system. Inspect fall restraint and arrest
components before each use for wear, damage and 2.10. Sharp Edges & Obstacles
other deterioration. Remove defective components 2.10.1. When working on
from service according to manufacturer instructions. or near a bin, remember
Failure to heed this warning may cause serious injury that metal edges are sharp.
or death. Care must be taken when
handling or working near
2.9.2. A fall restraint system consists of a body belt various pieces of the grain
or harness, lanyard and anchor. The system is arranged bin. To avoid injuries,
so the individual is prevented from falling. Fall restraint wear protective clothing
systems should be used in accordance with manufacturer’s and handle equipment
recommendations and instructions. and parts with care. An
2.9.3. A fall arrest system consists of a harness, lanyard excellent safety practice is
and anchor. The system exposes a worker to a fall, but to keep the bin sites clear of scrap iron and other foreign
stops the fall within specified parameters. Fall arrest materials that may get covered up by snow or tall grass.
systems should be used in accordance with manufacturer’s Any item or debris left near bin site will interfere with safe,
recommendations and instructions. unobstructed movement around bin.
2.9.4. Lifelines and 2.10.2. Be aware of trucks, tractors, wagons, augers,
safety harnesses hoppers and pits, etc. Never allow anyone to ride
are used with both on trucks equipped with grain beds or gravity dump
systems. A lifeline is a wagons. Keep children off of grain vehicles and out of
component consisting bins while loading and unloading. Always know where all
of a flexible line (rope employees or family members are (especially children) at
or cable) for connection all times when grain is being loaded, unloaded, moved, or
to an anchorage at one otherwise handled.
end to hang vertically 2.11. Entering a Grain Bin
(vertical lifeline), or
for connection to
anchorages at both
ends to stretch horizontally (horizontal lifeline). Lifelines
also serve as a means for connecting other components
of a fall protection system. A safety harness has straps
that wrap around an individual in a manner that will
distribute the fall arrest forces over thighs, pelvis, waist,
chest, and shoulders with a means of attaching it to 2.11.1. Individuals should never enter a grain bin while
other components of a fall protection system. Follow the bin is being loaded or unloaded. This involves a risk
manufacturer’s instructions when using a lifeline and of being crushed or suffocated by flowing grain. Entering
safety harness. a bin that has bridged grain is very dangerous. Working in
grain bins without following proper operational procedures
2.9.5. Individuals who enter a grain storage structure increases an individual’s chance of being suffocated. If
from a level at or above stored grain should be equipped stored grain is peaked close to the roof, be extremely
with a lifeline and harness. When entering any bin or cautious. Crawling between the roof and the peaked grain
storage unit, have multiple people outside and one inside. can cause grain to cave and block the exit.
A single person cannot go for help and give first aid
simultaneously. 2.11.2. When entering a bin, owners/operators are
responsible for following site-specific confined space entry
2.9.6. Connections outside the bin on the roof should procedures. OSHA’s confined space entry procedures
be made to the peak ring. Lifelines should not let an (29CFR 1910.146) can be obtained at
individual extend past the eaves of the roof. If work needs

OM-00002, Rev 0 7 7-17-12

2.12. Lock-Out/Tag-Out 2.13.2. Owners/Operators are responsible for developing
site-specific personal protective equipment standards.
2.12.1. Lock Out/Tag Out refers to specific practices
OSHA’s personal protective equipment standards (29CFR
and procedures to safeguard unexpected energization
1910.134) can be obtained at
or startup of machinery and equipment, or release
of hazardous energy during service or maintenance 2.14. Moving Parts
activities. This requires, in part, that an authorized
2.14.1. When the bin is nearly empty, the sweep (floor)
individual isolate machinery or equipment from its energy
augers travel at faster speeds around the bin. The danger
source(s) before performing service or maintenance. It
of the auger lies with how the auger works to move the
also requires authorized individual(s) to either lock or tag
grain. If caught in the rotating shaft, a body part can be
energy-isolating device(s) to prevent release of hazardous
pulled along with the grain, cutting and tearing the flesh.
energy, and take steps to verify energy has been isolated
Also, remember that an exposed auger in the sumps can
cause serious injury if stepped or fallen into. All shields
2.12.2. Grain storage structures and handling equipment should be in place to prevent body parts from getting
may create hazardous work areas. Individuals should make caught. NEVER ENTER A BIN WHEN IT IS BEING LOADED
sure they take proper steps to prevent injuries, illness, or OR UNLOADED!
even death. Be certain proper lockout/tag-out procedures
2.14.2. In order to help prevent any tragedy, SAFETY
are followed before performing any service on equipment
SHOULD BE THE TOP PRIORITY. Preparation is the first
or entering bin.
and most important step. Failure to follow the precautions
2.12.3. Lock-Out refers to a device that uses a lock, listed below may cause serious injury or even death.
either key or combination type, to hold an energy-
isolating device in a safe position and prevent energizing
of a machine or equipment. This device ensures that
equipment being controlled cannot be operated until
the lockout device is removed. Tags must be used with
all locking devices. Tags should be affixed in such a
manner that clearly identifies the individual servicing the
2.12.4. Tag-Out refers to placement of a tag on a
device that is not capable of being locked out, to indicate • Keep hands, feet and clothing away from moving
equipment may not be operated until tag device is parts. Loose clothing can become entangled in
removed. These tags are singularly identified with rotating parts and cause serious injury or death.
the individual applying the device and servicing the
• Guards and shields are provided for your protection.
equipment. These tags do not provide physical restraint
Make sure they are all secure and in place while the
on those devices that require a restraint.
machine is in operation.
2.12.5. Owners/Operators are responsible for
• Replace safety shields that may have been damaged
developing site-specific Lock Out/Tag Out procedures
or removed for servicing purposes and fasten
based on equipment, conditions, and situations at their
individual locations. OSHA’s Lock Out/Tag Out procedures
(29CFR 1910.147) can be obtained at • Be sure to wear tight-fitting clothing when working near a grain auger. Loose, floppy clothing, long
shoestrings and drawstrings on hooded jackets can
2.13. Ventilation
easily become entangled in rotating parts. Entangled
2.13.1. When entering an clothing will pull the body into moving machinery and
inadequately ventilated area, individuals severe injury or death will result.
may be at risk of being overcome by
• Limit the number of people around augers when in
respiratory hazards (gases, fumes and
use. Only those who are essential to job should be
dust) that can cause permanent lung damage or even
death. Working in grain bins without proper respiratory
protection increases a person’s chance of developing a • Watch children closely. Keep them away from
respiratory disease. vehicles, flowing grain, and moving parts. Small

OM-00002, Rev 0 8 7-17-12

hands and feet can penetrate even properly shielded • Simultaneous loading and unloading
augers, belts, and PTO’s. Teach them which areas are
• Settling of foundation (uneven pad)
safe and which are not.
• Improper storage and aeration
• Be certain all machinery is in good working condition.
• Storing wet and dry grain in the same bin without
2.15. Top Causes of Bin Failure
• Off-center (eccentric) unloading and/or loading
• Neglect of bin maintenance
• Non free-flowing grain (spoiled, frozen, crusted, etc.)
• Modifications made during installation or assembly
• Door panels not tightly secured against inner door
• Incorrectly installed sidewall sheets and/or stiffeners
• Blocked roof vents cause excessive pressures on roof
• Augers, spouts, or conveyors improperly attached to
(overfilling, frosted vents, etc.)
• Improper temperature cable support and/or
• Sidedraw improperly installed and/or operated
• Rusted wall sheets


Damage from one of the
issues listed above may cause
sudden structural failure and
collapse, which may result
in personal injury or even
death. Frequently monitor and
inspect bin and foundation
for any deflections, cracks,
or deviations that may
occur. Follow operation and
maintenance instructions
described in this bin manual.

OM-00002, Rev 0 9 7-17-12

2.16. Construction Safety • Tools – Hand and Power
2.16.1. To avoid serious injury or even death, it • Welding and Cutting
is important that the owner/operator becomes
• Electrical
knowledgeable of operational procedures of a grain bin.
Carefully review detailed information presented in this • Ladders
grain bin operation manual. Following proper operational • Scaffolds and Working Platforms
procedures will not only ensure safety of owner/operator,
but will give many years of extended service from the • Fall Protection
product. • Steel Erection
2.16.2. On grain bin construction sites, carelessness • Center Pole (Roof) Jack*
and/or operator error may result in serious injury or
even death. Hazard control and accident prevention are • Bin Jacks*
dependent upon awareness, cautiousness, and proper • Powered Equipment
training of personnel involved in construction of the
product. Be certain all crew members are properly trained • Trenchers
and thoroughly familiar with all aspects of grain bin • Forklifts
• Skidsteers
2.16.3. Listed below are items construction crew
• Telehandlers
members should be knowledgeable of to minimize risk
of injury to personnel and damage to equipment. Note: • Boom Lifts
the following items are examples taken from a broad list
• Cranes and Hoists
of OSHA’s Safety and Health Regulations for Construction.
Generally, these are common requirements/items • Signs and Signals for Use of Powered Equipment
necessary on grain bin construction sites. 2.16.4. *NOTE: Be certain to read and fully understand
• Personal Protective Equipment correct operating procedures for bin jacking equipment.
This equipment is provided with the understanding that
• Head Protection
the purchaser/operator are thoroughly familiar with
• Hearing Protection correct applications and proper usage techniques. Jack
manufacturers will assume no responsibility for damage to
• Eye and Face Protection
equipment or any injury resulting from operation of their
• Steel Toed Boots/Shoes equipment.
• Gloves 2.16.5. When constructing a grain bin, erectors/
• Breathing Protection contractors are responsible for developing site-specific
construction guidelines and procedures based on
• Concrete Construction equipment, conditions and situations at their individual
• Material Handling & Storage location. OSHA’s Safety and Health Regulations for
Construction (29CFR1926) can be obtained at www.osha.

Please call your state’s “Call Before You Dig” one-
call notification system to have local utilities locate
their underground facilities before any excavation
or digging. To not do so could result in injury or
death and can be a criminal offense.

OM-00002, Rev 0 10 7-17-12

3. Planning Preparations

3.1. Site Selection 3.1.3. Future site expansion should be factored into the
site selection process and careful consideration must be
3.1.1. When selecting a grain storage and handling site,
paid to the electrical and gas supplies, as well as keeping
many factors need to be considered. The site should allow
safe distances from power supply sources. Be certain that
convenient access for loading and unloading as well as
suitable soils surround the area in all directions for possible
workability if the site is to become a grain system center.
expansions. Also, the site’s environmental conditions
Positioning and placement of handling equipment, fans,
should be tested before a site is considered as a suitable
heaters, ladders, stairways, etc. must be predetermined.
grain storage location.
Also, be aware of any underground electrical cables or gas
pipes before digging. 3.1.4. Crop yields, acreages, and equipment sizes will
continue their upward trend, so allow plenty of room for
3.1.2. Figure 6 below shows an example of a bin site
vehicles and for expansion. It may be necessary to plan
expansion project. Future grain bin locations are also
for high capacity grain movement. Include large dump pits,
shown. Although not all storage systems look like the one
holding bins, and conveyers.
below, expansion projects should start with a top layout
view of existing storage bins and components. When
considering future expansion or updating a grain drying,
storage, and handling system, think long-term.








BIN 9 BIN 10 BIN 11

BIN 12


Figure 6. Example of a bin expansion project.

OM-00002, Rev 0 11 7-17-12

3.2. Selecting Builders & Contractors 3.3. Foundation
3.2.1. Initial cost is important, but selecting reliable 3.3.1. Damage to a bin can result from factors including
builders and suppliers that promptly service equipment poor soil, the wrong type of concrete, and construction
when required is even more important. Purchases are method used. The strength and stability of a footing or
often based on initial cost only. However, more expensive foundation depends on factors such as (1) climate, (2)
equipment that performs well is better than less expensive subsidence, (3) elastic and/or plastic deformations, (4)
equipment that breaks down frequently. Check the shear deformation, and (5) soil consolidation. Any number
performance of builders and equipment suppliers with of these factors may be present on a given foundation
other owners. project, and each is relatively independent of the other;
that is to say, each must be considered and dealt with
3.2.2. To select a consulting engineer, consider
separately. To be safe from one stand-point does not
technical qualifications, reputations with previous clients,
necessarily ensure one’s being safe from any of the others.
experience on similar projects, availability to the project,
and registration. All states certify and license engineers 3.3.2. Behlen Mfg. Co. recommends the following:
of proven competence. Practicing consulting engineers Soil-boring tests shall be performed by a competent,
must be registered professional engineers in their state of independent geotechnical engineering firm.
residence and be qualified to obtain registration in other
3.3.3. The foundation shall be designed by an
states where their services are required.
independent professional structural engineer.
3.2.3. Problems often result in poor communication.
3.3.4. Finally, the concrete foundation construction shall
Verbal communication is easy to misinterpret. Put
be constructed by a knowledgeable concrete contractor.
agreements in writing and have it signed by both parties.
Important points to be agreed upon in writing are: 3.3.5. Wall loads and floor pressure for Behlen grain
equipment and when it will be installed; construction bins are available from Behlen Mfg. Co. to the structural
and when the site will be up and running; insurances; engineer upon request.
warranties; and payment procedures. 3.3.6. Check for any local or regional building codes and
regulations to ensure compliance.
3.3.7. It is customary for the bin owner to provide a level,
clean, compacted site before concrete work begins.
3.3.8. Fill earth shall contain no rocks, vegetation or
foreign material. Fill shall be added in layers not to exceed
4 in. (100 mm) and thoroughly compacted. Continue until
finished grade is reached.
3.3.9. Proper drainage of the immediate area is
3.3.10. A “floating slab” design is more susceptible to
settlement. Therefore, local conditions may not lend
themselves to use of a floating slab.
3.3.11. If an unloading tube or aeration system is to
be used with the grain bin, necessary provisions shall be
made. The unloading tube must not interfere with the
anchor bolts or aeration tunnel.

OM-00002, Rev 0 12 7-17-12

3.3.12. The concrete finished surface shall have the • Maximum uneven settlement (deviation) after filling
following design parameters. the grain bin (includes overall concrete deviation before
bin erection) (see figure 26):
• Maximum deviation over any 10 ft. (30.5 m) span of
foundation surface: ¼ in. (6 mm) MAX. • For 60 ft. (18.3 m) diameter and smaller: 1 ½ in. (38
mm) MAX.
• The maximum overall deviation of the grain bin
foundation (concrete), before grain bin erection (see • For larger than 60 ft. (18.3 m) diameter: 2 in. (51
figure 26): mm) MAX.
• For 60 ft. (18.3 m) diameter and smaller: ½ in. (13 • The concrete floor shall have a 1 to 24 slope from the
mm) MAX. bin wall to the outside edge of the footing. This allows
water to drain away from the bin wall.
• For larger than 60 ft. (18.3 m) diameter: ¾ in. (19
mm) MAX. • If the concrete floor should “slope in” from the bin
walls, outside water may seep into the bin and cause
grain spoilage. Extra care in the final finish cannot be

1 12" (38 mm) Max.

Uneven Settlement
for 60' (18.3 m)
(13 mm) Max. Dia. & Under.
Deviation for 2" (51 mm) Max.
60' (18.3 m) Dia. Uneven Settlement
& Under. for Larger Than
4" (19 mm) Max. 60' (18.3 m) Dia.
Deviation for (Settlement includes
Larger Than deviation before
60' (18.3 m) Dia. erection.)

Maximum overall deviation of the concrete Maximum uneven settlement after filling the
foundation before grain bin erection. grain bin (includes overall concrete deviation
before bin erection).
Figure 7. Concrete foundation maximum deviation and maximum settlement.

IMPORTANT! Once the grain bin is up, check
regularly to ensure anchor bolts are properly
installed so the grain bin will be able to withstand
high winds.

OM-00002, Rev 0 13 7-17-12

3.4. Electrical Wire Clearance 3.4.2. When constructing a new grain bin or grain
storage system, please contact your local electric utility.
3.4.1. When selecting a site for grain storage and
It will provide assistance in planning a safe environment
handling or for a future expansion project, careful
for everyone working around grain bins. States require
consideration must be paid to electrical and gas supplies,
specific clearances for electric lines around grain bins.
as well as maintaining safe distances from power supply
Be certain your local electric utility regulations are
sources. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
in compliance with the state regulations. To prevent
provides safety recommendations for grain bins in (ANSI)
overhead safety issues, bury electrical lines.
C2-2007 “National Electrical Safety Code, Rule 234. Figures
8 and 9 show recommended distances for grain bins and 3.4.3. Figure 8 shows specific clearances required
grain handling equipment around power lines. when portable equipment is used. Grain bins filled by
permanently installed augers, conveyors, or elevators (see
Figure 9 as a guide) have specified clearances that require
contacting local electric utilities for information.

Figure 8. Electrical wire clearance for grain bins filled by portable augers, conveyors, or elevators. Source: American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) C2-2007 “National Electric Safety Code,” Rule 234.

Figure 9. Electrical wire clearance for grain bins filled by permanently installed augers, conveyors, or elevators. Source:
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) C2-2007 “National Electric Safety Code,” Rule 234.

OM-00002, Rev 0 14 7-17-12

3.5. Component Location
NOTICE 3.5.1. It is important that all components of the grain
bin be properly located to maximize efficiency and
An electric utility may refuse to provide effectiveness of equipment. Most factors should be
service to any grain bin built near an considered before the foundation is poured. Double
existing electric line that does not provide check the desired location of the side entry door, roof
the clearance required by the American door, sidewall and roof ladders, fan and/or heater(s),
unloading tube, eave platform(s), walkway(s), and venting
National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the equipment. If there is a peak lid, it should slide away from
National Electrical Safety Code. the roof ladder (if there is one). Figure 10, is a suggested
typical layout.

Figure 10. Typical component location. Note: Hopper bottom bins may not include side entry doors, fan(s), and/or
heater(s), unloading tubes, and venting equipment.

OM-00002, Rev 0 15 7-17-12

4. Bin Operations & Management
4.1. Bin Description • Stiffened Series: Bin models M9 through M15 (29’6”
4.1.1. Behlen grain bins are designed to meet different through 49’3” diameter), 9 through 24 rings tall (29’8”
applications. Engineers considered customer needs, through 78’11” eave height).
efficiencies in design, production technology, ease of • Commercial Series: Bin models M15 through M32
construction and longevity. Listed below are the different (49’3” through 105’0” diameter), 13 through 30 rings
grain bin series provided by Behlen Mfg. Co. Check to be tall (42’10” through 98’6” eave height), depending
certain what type of bin you ordered and received. The upon bin model.
bin model number is described in the following example.
• Big Bin™Series: Bin models M40B and M48B (131’3”
and 157’6” diameter respectively), maximum 26 and 24
rings tall (85’6” and 78’11” eave height respectively),
depending upon bin model. Maximum capacity for this
series is 1.5 million bushels.
• Commercial Hopper Tanks: Models M5 through M11
(16’5” through 36’1” diameter), 4 through 17 rings tall
(maximum eave height varies with diameter).
4.2. Bin Usage
4.2.1. Behlen Mfg. Co. grain bins are used for grain
storage, handling, and conditioning systems. These
• Unstiffened Series: Bin models M5 through M15 (16’5” facilities process a wide variety of products including:
through 49’3” diameter), 4 through 9 rings tall (13’3” corn, oil seeds, rice, wheat, and coffee beans. Behlen grain
through 29’8” eave height). bins are shipped worldwide and all of these products are
designed to meet specific, individual requirements.


Do not enter this bin while it is being
loaded or unloaded!

OM-00002, Rev 0 16 7-17-12

4.3. Initial Fill Of The Bin 4.3.2. Maximum uneven settlement (deviation) after
filling the grain bin (includes overall concrete deviation
Inspection Checklist Before First Operational Use before bin erection) (see figure 7):
• Bin has been properly anchored to foundation.
• For 60 ft. diameter and smaller: 1 ½ in. MAX.
• All bolts are in place and properly tightened.
• For larger than 60 ft. diameter: 2 in. MAX.
• All guards and shields are in place. Safety decals are
legible and in correct locations.
Behlen Mfg. Co. requires stage loading to prevent excessive
• Ladders, handrails, platforms, stair and steps are uneven differential settlement after first initial fill. Behlen
securely in place. Mfg. Co. recommends that for first stage, the grain bin be
filled to 1/3 of eave height. It would then take 10 days for
• The unloading equipment and unload gates function
desired consolidation to occur. For the second stage it is
correctly and are closed.
recommended that the grain bin be filled to 2/3 of eave
• The working areas surrounding the bin are clean and height. It would then take another 10 days for the desired
clear of clutter. consolidation to occur. Then the final 1/3 may be filled
• Check electrical performance and install lockouts (if (see Figure 11).
needed) on equipment. 4.3.4. IMPORTANT FARM BIN INFORMATION: If the
• Any temperature cables, if used, must be eave height is greater than bin diameter, the bin should be
fastened to floor according to the manufacturer’s filled in two stages. The first stage should be to the height
recommendation to prevent displacement during of the bin’s diameter. Take 10 days for consolidation to
filling. occur, and then continue to fill the rest of the bin. If the
height is not greater than the bin diameter, the initial fill
• Know who or where to call for immediate help in can be completed in a 24-hour period.
case of an emergency or injury.
4.3.1. On larger bins, filling in several stages as described
in Figure 11 is required to prevent uneven settlement.
These instructions are general guidelines. Follow the civil
engineer’s instructions on initial filling.




Initial Fill

Filling taller larger bins with 1 stage only Filling taller larger bins in multiple stages
may cause uneven soil bearing pressures will allow proper settlement.
and off-centered settlement of bin.
Figure 11. Initial fill on taller larger bins.

OM-00002, Rev 0 17 7-17-12

4.4. Loading The Bin • Shut the sidewall door(s) properly. The inner door
panels must be closed, sealed, and latched.
• Fill only through center peak ring.
• Check that the bin has been cleaned after the last
filling. • Know the maximum capacity of your bin. Overfilling
may cause bin failure. Use spout /chute lengths to
• Check that unloading equipment is functioning
prevent overfilling.
• Grain must be center filled and not allowed to be
• Close all intermediate gates.
pushed horizontally to one side of the bin or filled off
• Place power sweep auger, if so equipped, over center (see Figure 12).
intermediate sumps.
• Continue to fill the bin to the desired level based on
• If temperature cables are used, attach them its use.
to the floor as specified by the manufacturer’s
• Fill to the roof eave level.
• Make certain that everyone is out of the bin before
filling the bin.

Figure 12. Loading grain bins.

OM-00002, Rev 0 18 7-17-12

4.5. Unloading The Bin personnel injury will increase by simultaneously loading
and unloading.
4.5.1. To maintain uniform loads on the sidewalls, grain
must be unloaded from the center of the bin. The center 4.5.3. Do not empty the bin through sidewall door or
sump must be opened first. Intermediate sump(s) must not cut a hole in the bin sidewall. This will cause uneven load
be used until all grain is completely emptied through the distribution and excessive down pressure that may result
center sump (see Figure 13). in grain bin failure.
4.5.2. IMPORTANT: DO NOT Simultaneously Fill and 4.5.4. Make certain there are adequate vents installed
Discharge. Simultaneous filling and unloading results in on the bin to prevent a vacuum from forming in the upper
grain behaving more like a fluid than granular material. portion of the bin during unloading. The pressures on
Increased fluidic behavior of grain can cause increased the roof caused by such a vacuum could damage or cause
sidewall loads. Service life of the bin can be drastically structural failure to the grain bin roof.
reduced and risk of structural failure, economic loss and

The following safety decal must be

affixed next to the gate controls of
all unloading sumps. WARNING
WARNING: Never vacuum out of the sidewall
door unless all grain has been emptied,
by gravity, through the center sump first,
followed by intermediate sump(s)



Off center (eccentric) unloading at floor or Behlen grain bins must be unloaded through the center
wall can cause excessive down pressure sump until all grain has emptied through this sump. Then,
and can result in sidewall buckling. and only then, can auxiliary sumps be utilized.

Figure 13. Unloading grain bins.

OM-00002, Rev 0 19 7-17-12

4.6. Sweeping The Bin 4.6.2. STEPS TO SWEEPING THE BIN
4.6.1. When inside the grain bin, performing cleaning or • Be certain that no bridged grain or vertical crusting is
maintenance, perform LOCK-OUT and TAG-OUT procedures evident.
to disengage power to all unloading equipment power
• Start to sweep the bin after all grain has flowed by
and to prevent reenergizing. NEVER enter a bin when
gravity through center and intermediate sumps.
unloading equipment is operating, as you may become
entangled in the sweep or the unloading auger! Failure • If you have a multiple-pass sweep auger, lock out the
to heed this warning may result in serious personal injury inner sweep system before adding the outer sweep
or death! section (see figure 14). Have another person present.
• If the sweep auger fails to operate, call the sweep
auger manufacturer.
• Return the sweep to original position over
intermediate sump gates.

Never enter bin while equipment is operating.
Augers travel at increasing speed when bin is
emptied. Failure to heed this warning may cause
serious injury or death.
• Lock-Out/Tag-Out all equipment.
• Use a safety harness and safety line.
• Wear a dust respirator.
• Avoid the center of the bin.
• Station a person to help from the outside of the bin.

Figure 14. Sweep Auger Use in Grain Bins

OM-00002, Rev 0 20 7-17-12

4.7. Material Stored 4.7.3. High moisture grain (over 15-16%) will go out of
condition quickly. Grain that is out of condition can spoil
4.7.1. Storage bins are designed to store only dry,
and will not flow freely and may cause other problems.
free-flowing grain, with a density of up to 52 lbs/ft3, and
Only bins designed for drying may hold high moisture grain
that has been cooled. Do not put grain exceeding 16%
for a short period of time. No Behlen grain bin is designed
moisture in a storage bin. Only drying bins using a stirring
to hold wet grain for long periods of time.
machine can hold a mix of wet and dry grain for a limited
amount of time. Note: Buckling of sidewall sheets can 4.7.4. To guard against excess sidewall loads caused by
occur due to grain on the bottom of the bin drying and grain kernel expansion, grain bins must be managed to
shrinking. This allows wet grain above to be supported prevent grain moisture from increasing above 16% during
only by the bin sidewall. Failure generally develops in the storage. In addition, do not have grain moisture content
area of drying front (see Figure 15). variations of more than 2 moisture points in a storage
bin (see Figure 16). See the following warning discussing
4.7.2. Do not mix quantities of wet grain with dried grain
frozen grain in bins.
unless it’s in a bin with an operating stirring machine.
Partially dried grain shrinks and causes voids. Sidewall and
stiffeners can buckle under immense pressure. Standard
storage bins are not designed for storage of high-moisture


Mixed Grain
Grain partially dried, shrinks and causes a Behlen storage bins are designed to store
void. Buckling can occur within the dry, free-flowing grain with a density of up to
sidewalls and stiffeners. 52 lbs/ft³. They are not designed for storage
of high moisture grain.
Figure 15. Mixed Grain

OM-00002, Rev 0 21 7-17-12

Figure 16. Grain Expansion
4.7.5. DO NOT FREEZE GRAIN due to problems it cause sudden bin failure and collapse due to expansion
can create, particularly during warming in larger bins. of kernels. If grain does freeze, begin thawing it once the
Condensation during aeration can be a problem in grain average outdoor temperature is 10° to 15° degrees F (6°
cooled below freezing. It will be difficult to warm grain to 8°C) above grain temperature. Follow steps outlined in
in the spring without condensation forming and freezing segment below. Failure to follow instructions for thawing
into ice. Frozen chunks block aeration warming cycles and frozen grain may result in sudden bin collapse and failure
grain unloading. Condensation also re-wets grain and can (see Figure 17).

Figure 17. Frozen Grain

Damage from frozen grain may cause sudden structural failure and collapse, which
may result in personal injury or even death. Frequently monitor and inspect bin.
Follow operation and maintenance instructions described in this bin manual.

OM-00002, Rev 0 22 7-17-12

4.7.6. Managing Grain in Spring and Summer - Start 4.7.7. Filling grain up against roof sheets may cause the
the fan when the average outdoor temperature is within roof to expand outward and fail. Opening a roof door
10° to 15° F (6° to 8° C) above the grain temperature. when a the bin is overfilled will cause grain to spill out,
Once the warm-up cycle is started, do not turn the fan off. possibly resulting in someone being caught in grain flow
Stopping the warming front before a cycle is completed (see Figure 18). Check for overfilling by tapping against
encourages condensation of moisture and spoilage. As roof door cover before opening. A hollow sound means
outside temperatures continue to warm, repeat this cycle it’s acceptable to open the door. A solid sound means
as often as needed until average grain temperature is 50° grain is against it. DO NOT OPEN roof door when there is
to 60° F (10° to 16° C). Maintain the grain temperature grain against it. Unload the bin to get grain away from the
within 15° F (8° C) of the average monthly temp. Do not roof. Be certain ladder cages and platform handrails are in
warm the grain to summer temperatures above 60° F (16° place and correctly installed. See the Spout/Chute Lengths
C) in the southern U.S. or 50° F (10° C) in the northern U.S. section of this manual.
due to insect infestation and other storage issues. In some
instances it may be desirable to fumigate the stored grain.
Consult your local extension service for proper and safe
fumigation techniques.

Figure 18. Bin overfilled with grain.

OM-00002, Rev 0 23 7-17-12

4.8. Stirring and Recirculating Augers





Stirring Machine

Figure 19. Overfilling with stirring augers.

4.8.2. When using stirring augers, do not operate them
4.8.1. Stirring augers should be run continuously while or start them near the bin sidewall (see Figure 20). Stirring
filling. Do not fill bin with grain above stirring auger. Grain augers must be kept at a safe distance from the bin
should be level 30” below the eaves. Roof peak ring failure sidewalls. Contact you Behlen Mfg. Co. Engineering to see
can occur, especially during unloading (see Figure 19). if additional wall stiffeners or floor supports are required.
Down augers should be free prior to start-up. Please read
the stirring auger manufacture’s operation manual before

Figure 20. Staring stirring augers.

OM-00002, Rev 0 24 7-17-12

4.9. Ventilation This may occur when high relative humidity, high grain
temperatures, or high grain moisture levels are combined
4.9.1. Grain bin roofs are not designed to withstand
with freezing or near freezing temperatures. Running
excessive air pressure differentials. General ventilation
fan(s) during these conditions can create frost build-up and
recommendations are 1 ft2 (0.093 m2) of vent area for
airflow blockage causing the roof to dome. Precautionary
every 1,000 cfm (28.3 m3/min). Maximum recommended
measures must be taken to prevent this condition.
pressure differential in the roof area is 1” w.c. (water
column) Be alert to the possibility of frost build-up on
air passage screens to a point of complete blockage.

Positive Air Fan Positive Air Fan

Positive Air

When internal air pressure is higher than the Behlen grain bin with an adequate area of
outside air pressure, then the grain bin roof roof openings.
may possibly "Dome".
Figure 21. Positive air pressure.

Negative Air Fan Negative Air Fan

Negative Air

When internal air pressure is lower than the Behlen grain bin with an adequate area of
outside air pressure, then the grain bin roof roof openings.
may possibly "Cave-in".

Figure 22. Negative air pressure.

OM-00002, Rev 0 25 7-17-12

4.9.2. Do not pile grain against the roof. Grain piled too 4.9.3. If negative air roof fans are used in the roof vents,
high will block the roof vents. Blockage of the roof vents they must operate simultaneously with the positive air
will restrict the effective vent area by 95-98%, virtually fans at the base of the bin. They need to be wired so that
eliminating the vent area. The area above the surface negative air fans start a few seconds after the positive air
of the grain must allow for free movement of air to the fan. This is done so the air has enough time to be pushed
vents (see Figure 23). Be aware of the possibility that the through grain to replace the air that leaves through the
screens of the roof vent may collect moisture and freeze roof. Failure to do this could result in roof failure (see
shut. This can happen when high relative humidity, high Figure 24).
grain temperatures, or high grain moisture levels are
combined with freezing or near freezing temperatures. Do
not run the fan(s) during these conditions. Running the
fan(s) during these conditions can create frost build-up and
airflow blockage causing the roof to dome.

Figure 23. Blocked vents.

Negative Air Negative Air

Roof Fan Roof Fan

Positive Positive
Air Fan Air Fan

Fan Interlocked

To prevent roof cave-in, fans should be wired The Negative Air Roof Fans start within a few
so that Negative Air Roof Fans start within a seconds after the Positive Air Fans.
few seconds after the Positive Air Fans.
Figure 24. Interlocking fans.

OM-00002, Rev 0 26 7-17-12

4.10. Temperature Cables cables may cause damage to roof due to down-pull when
filling, settling, and emptying of grain. Tie cables to the
4.10.1. Refer to the Behlen erection instructions
floor or concrete with breakable filament (fishing line), if
for support requirements and necessary items for
a sweep auger is in use. Refer to the cable manufacturer
temperature cables. Depending upon the series and
installation instructions to see other methods of
model of bin you have, temperature cables are attached
attachment of the cable to the floor of the bin (see Figure
to the appropriate roof attachment bracket designed for
that type of bin. Improper installation of temperature

Figure 25. Temperature cable attachment.

OM-00002, Rev 0 27 7-17-12

4.11. Loads Concentrated on Roof All concentrated loads on roof must be UNIFORMLY
DISTRIBUTED to the peak ring. Use of separate support
4.11.1. IMPORTANT: Loads created by additional
towers may be needed to properly distribute overhead
components must not exceed the design ratings for the
loads. Please contact Behlen Mfg. Co. Engineering for
specific Behlen bin. Load ratings for standard Behlen
specifically designed sidewall supports (see Figure 26).
bins are listed in the grain structure specifications
and the Behlen quote. Ratings for special Behlen bin
roofs are specified on the quotation form and erection
instructions. Peak loads are designed to handle loads
in excess of the roof snow loads. These include spouts,
catwalks, conveyors, spreaders, stirring augers, and other
equipment. If multiple items are supported by the roof
the sum of their weights must be used to check capacity.

C-00027 Roof

Unevenly placed roof peak loads and loads External loads shall be uniformly loaded
concentrated on the roof other than the roof onto the peak roof ring and towers or
peak could cause roof failure. sidewall supports.

Figure 26. Roof load placement and support.

OM-00002, Rev 0 28 7-17-12

4.12. Stiffener Loads 4.12.3. The stiffeners carry the vertical wall loads on the
bin, therefore serving as columns for the structure. They
should be attached to the sidewall and each other exactly
• Gaps between the stiffeners as described in Behlen’s Erection Instructions. They must
• Sidewall buckling form a continuous column from the eave to the concrete
floor. Do not cut stiffeners for any reason. The stiffeners
• Stiffeners not resting on the concrete footing shall rest firmly against each other at all splice joints and
• Concrete not level shall also rest firmly on the floor (see Figure 27).

4.12.2. CORRECTLY INSTALLED 4.12.4. If a situation occurs where a stiffener rests over
a tunnel, or a fan transition is too large to fit between
• No gaps between the stiffeners two stiffeners, adequate support must be provided
• No buckling that will continue to support the stiffeners through the
tunnels. Contact Behlen Mfg. Co. Engineering for support
• Stiffeners resting flat on the concrete footing recommendations. It is very important that the bottom
• Level concrete stiffener rest on a concrete pad.

C-00028 Stiffener

Gaps between stiffeners, stiffeners not Stiffeners shall rest firmly against each other
resting on the floor, and uneven floors could at all splice joints and shall also rest firmly
cause buckling of the walls. on the concrete footing.

Figure 27. Stiffener installation.

OM-00002, Rev 0 29 7-17-12

4.13. Side-Draw Flume System
4.13.1. Side-Draw Installation
• Side discharge is only permitted in Behlen commercial
• Intended for use with dry flowable grain only. Do not
bins when a Behlen manufactured side-draw flume
use a side-draw system with poorly flowing and dirty
system has been installed. No corrugated steel bin
grain products.
should be unloaded through the sidewall without
installation of a side-draw system and the permission of • Side-draw systems are not to be considered
the manufacturer (see Figure 28). the primary outlet. Standard center sumps and
conveyors should be installed. A side-draw system is
• Interior baffles channel grain from the top storage to
not intended to be used as a continuous fill/empty
the discharge chute because grain flows off the top of
the grain surface when withdrawn from below (funnel
flow). • Filling should not be occurring at the same time as
grain is being withdrawn through the side-draw flume
• The use of a flume system should be reviewed with
a geotechnical or foundation engineer. Geotechnical
investigations or past experience may indicate • In multiple side-draw systems, only one side-draw
significant foundation level soil variations or a site system may be used at a time.
propensity toward differential settlement, under these • Side-draw systems will leave grain in a sloped
conditions side-draw usage may be prohibited or position, creating off center loads. NOTE: Before
severely restricted. refilling, unload through center sump so that the
• Installation of a flume system may require installation grain reaches equal wall heights around entire
of additional wind rings and larger diameter anchor bin. Grain must be level or in a cone down position
bolts. Installation of multiple systems requires approval before adding more grain. See the following section.
of Behlen engineering. • Prolonged storage of grain in the sloped condition
• A side-draw system should not be the only discharge produced by the side-draw discharge may accelerate
system available. A standard center discharge and differential settlement resulting in deformations of the
conveyor must be installed. A side-draw system is not bin/silo.
intended to be used as a continuous fill/empty system. • After using the side-draw system, the sloped
• NEVER add a side-draw to existing bins without grain should be returned to near level by use of a
consulting a Behlen engineer. Also, consult a Behlen center discharge. This will help prevent differential
engineer before installing on M-24 and larger bins. foundation settlement and bin deformations.

Figure 28. Sidedraw unloading.

OM-00002, Rev 0 30 7-17-12

4.14. Refilling After Side-Draw System Use 4.14.3. Before a grain bin can be refilled, it should be
completely emptied. Total clean-out of the bin prevents
4.14.1. Before a bin can be refilled after being even
build-up of compacted grain, which cannot be emptied
partially unloaded with a side-draw system, grain needs to
by gravity flow. Also, be certain no grain is matted to the
be leveled or completely emptied through center sump. It
sidewall. If matting occurs, remove moldy grain with a
is important that sidewall pressure is equal before refilling.
wire brush and repaint. Since grain cannot be completely
Behlen Mfg. Co. recommends unloading grain through
emptied using a side-draw, grain must be emptied through
center sump until grain reaches equal wall heights so that
center sump to form an inverted cone (cone-down
an inverted cone is formed in the remaining grain. Once
position) in the remaining grain. Formation of inverted
an inverted cone is achieved and sidewall pressures are
cone will help evenly distribute lateral forces on bin
equal, it is safe to refill bin through center peak ring (see
Figure 29).
4.14.2. Note: The design of baffles can be used only
with a side-draw system. Intermediate sumps located near
side-draw flumes cannot be used as the primary outlet.
Unloading must be done correctly through side-draw,
center sump, and then intermediate sumps. Never use
intermediate sumps until all grain has flowed by gravity
through center sump. Unloading through intermediate
sump initially will cause uneven load distribution that
may cause bin failure.

Figure 29. Grain bin re-filling after side-draw use.

OM-00002, Rev 0 31 7-17-12

4.15. Hopper Bottom Bins the hopper bottom after each use and be certain the
bottom unload gate is completely closed. Keep all persons
4.15.1. IMPORTANT: Hopper bins are not intended
out of bin except when absolutely necessary. Refer to
for drying. Grain should be dry and cool when put in
the safety section for general guidelines on entering bins,
a hopper bin for storage. Maximum allowable storage
ventilation, and using safety harnesses.
time for wet grain (over 16%) in a hopper bin may be only
one to two days. Storing high-moisture or spoiled grains 4.15.3. Loading must be done through the peak ring.
may deteriorate the galvanized coating of the bin. High- Off-center filling may cause excessive loads, which may
moisture grain may also cause grain to crust. Probe the result in the bin leaning and/or sidewall stiffener buckling.
stored grain regularly to check its quality. Store only free- Unloading must be done through the outlet of the cone
flowing material. Do not store hard-to-flow material such only. Note: Never cut holes in the bin sidewall. Off-
as soybean meal or other materials that will cake or crust. center unloading will result in excessive down pressure and
Unloading spoiled grain at a high rate of speed, that is uneven load distribution that may cause sidewall buckling.
bridged or vertically crusted, may cause uneven pressures Also, if the hopper-bottom bin is sealed tight at the eave,
resulting in hopper tank failure. Check the inside of the bin the peak ring cap and manhole must be opened when
while unloading to ensure no vertical crusting is evident. unloading grain. Lack of proper roof openings for rapid
unloading can cause the roof to be pulled down.
4.15.2. Before filling the hopper-bottom bin, be certain
no objects or old grain remain inside. Thoroughly clean

Figure 30. Hopper bins.

OM-00002, Rev 0 32 7-17-12

5. Managing Stored Grain
5.1. Basic Principles 5.1.4. Under certain conditions (see Table 2), no matter
how long the fan is operated, grain may not reach the
5.1.1. Grain will deteriorate faster as temperature and
desired moisture content that will allow it to be stored
moisture content increase. Using corn as an example,
without spoilage. Keep in mind, air temperature and
Table 1 illustrates how fast grain can spoil even with proper
relative humidity are not constant. Use daily average for
determining final moisture content.
5.1.2. Corn can only be stored for a limited time which
5.1.5. Table 3 shows the recommended aeration when
depends on the moisture content and temperature of
storing grain for short periods in a wet holding tank at
the grain. The allowable storage time is based on the
various moisture contents. This will only hold grain for a
length of time corn can be stored before losing 0.5% of
length of time shown in Table 1. If no aeration is provided,
dry mater (see Table 1). With this amount of dry matter
grain may deteriorate much faster due to regions of higher
decomposition, it is assumed that the corn loses some
temperatures that may begin to develop, producing heat
quality, but maintains its market grade. For each 10° F (5°
and moisture that accelerate deterioration. The purpose
C) increase in temperature, storage time is cut in about
of aeration is to reduce high temperature areas and to
half when held at a given moisture content.
keep all grain at a constant temperature.
5.1.3. Grain moisture content will change with relative
humidity of the surrounding air and the grain temperature.
Table 2 shows the equilibrium moisture content of corn
at various temperatures and relative humidities. Contact
your local extension office for information on other grains.

“Approximate” Allowable Storage Time (Days) for Cereal Grains

30o 40o 50o 60o 70o 80o
Temp (oF)
-1o 4o 10o 16o 21o 27o
Temp (oC)
14 * * * * 200 140
15 * * * 240 125 70
16 * * 230 120 70 40
17 * 280 130 75 45 20
18 * 200 90 50 30 15
19 * 140 70 35 20 10
20 * 90 50 25 14 7
22 190 60 30 15 8 3
24 130 40 15 10 6 2
26 90 35 12 8 5 2
28 70 30 10 7 4 2
30 60 25 5 5 3 1
Based on composite of 0.5 percent maximum dry matter loss calculated on the basis of USDA research at Iowa State
University; Transactions of ASAE 3330337, 1972; and “Unheated Air Drying,” Manitoba Agricultural Agdex 732-1, rev. 1986.
* Approximate allowable storage time exceeds 300 days.

Table 1. Allowable storage time for shelled corn with aeration: oFahrenheit (F) & oCelsius (C)

OM-00002, Rev 0 33 7-17-12

Equilibrium Moisture Content, Corn, Yellow Dent (Wet Basis)

Relative Humidity (%)

Grain Grain
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Temp ( F) Temp (oC)

Equilibrium Moisture Content (%)

35 2 11.0 11.6 12.3 12.9 13.5 14.2 14.8 15.6 16.3 17.2 18.2 19.5 21.1
40 4 10.6 11.3 11.9 12.5 13.1 13.8 14.5 15.2 16.0 16.9 17.9 19.1 20.8
45 7 10.2 10.9 11.5 12.2 12.8 13.5 14.1 14.9 15.7 16.6 17.6 18.8 20.5
50 10 9.9 10.6 11.2 11.8 12.5 13.1 13.8 14.6 15.4 16.3 17.3 18.6 20.2
55 13 9.6 10.2 10.9 11.5 12.2 12.8 13.5 14.3 15.1 16.0 17.0 18.3 20.0
60 16 9.3 9.9 10.6 11.2 11.9 12.6 13.3 14.0 14.8 15.7 16.8 18.1 19.7
65 18 9.0 9.7 10.3 11.0 11.6 12.3 13.0 13.8 14.6 15.5 16.5 17.8 19.5
70 21 8.7 9.4 10.0 10.7 11.4 12.0 12.7 13.5 14.3 15.3 16.3 17.6 19.3
75 24 8.5 9.1 9.8 10.4 11.1 11.8 12.5 13.3 14.1 15.0 16.1 17.4 19.1
80 27 8.2 8.9 9.6 10.2 10.9 11.6 12.3 13.1 13.9 14.8 15.9 17.2 18.9
Iowa State University Extension Grain Management Team; Hurburgh, C., S. Shouse, G. Brennenman, K. Leibold, S. Johnson, M.
Licht, & A. Robertson.

Table 2. Equilibrium moisture content for corn.

Wet Holding Tank Air Flow Requirements

Relative Humidity (%) CFM/BU. m3/hr/MT
Corn Soybeans Wheat Rice Airflow Airflow
14% 10 - 11% 12 - 13% 10% 1/10 - 1/8 8 - 10
15 - 17% 12 - 13% 14 - 15% 11 - 12% 1/7 - 1/5 11 - 15
18 - 20% 14% - Max 16 - 17% 13 - 14% 1/4 - 1/2 19 - 38
Table 3. Wet holding tank air flow requirements.

5.2. Grain Storage 5.2.2. Moisture Content of Grain Storage - The length
of time grain can be stored without aeration and the
5.2.1. Grain spoilage can occur due to improper storage
moisture content at which it is stored determine whether
and management. Most common problems are:
there will be significant deterioration. Short-term storage
• Improper grain management. generally refers to winter storage. Long-term storage
• Grain moisture content is too high for the storage spans more seasons. Table 4 shows recommended
period. maximum moisture contents for safe grain storage. The
values shown in this table are for good quality, clean grain,
• Grain deteriorating because it was held too long and aerated storage. Reduce moisture content 1% for poor
without adequate aeration prior to drying. quality grain resulting from drought, frost, blight, harvest
• Improper cooling of the grain after drying. The grain damage, etc. Contact local elevator or your local extension
must be dry and cool before storing. office for recommended moisture contents and storage
• Not using aeration to control grain temperature.
5.2.3. Grain should be dried to the moisture content
• Poor initial grain quality which includes, pockets required for the intended storage period. Aeration is used
of fines (broken kernels, weed seeds, and trash) to control the grain temperature and to prevent grain loss.
restricting airflow and providing food for insects and (See the Aeration section).
5.2.4. For best results in storing dried grain, an accurate
• Improper insect control within the grain. moisture test is needed to determine if the grain is dry.
• Inadequate observation of the grain during storage. An aeration system is necessary for controlling grain
The grain must be checked on a periodic basis. temperature. Aeration is not drying. A drying fan can be
used for cooling if grain is stored in the bin in which it is
dried. If grain is to be placed into a different bin, it should

OM-00002, Rev 0 34 7-17-12

• Repair cracks, holes, and crevices where moisture
Maximum Moisture Content of Grain Storage and insects may enter.
Grain Type & Storage Time Maximum
Moisture Content • Clean and check aeration systems, which can create
for Safe Storage places for insects to live.
Shelled Corn & Sorghum (%)
Sold as #2 grain by spring 15 1/2 • Avoid filling the bins with a new crop where the old
Stored 6-12 months 14 crop exists.
Stored more than 1 year 13
Soybeans • Depending on the length of time for storage and
Sold by spring 14 the stored moisture content, treat the bin and grain
Stored up to 1 year 12 appropriately. Please contact your local or state
Stored more than 1 year 11 extension office for proper treatment requirements.
Wheat, Oats, Barley
• Dry and cool grain as soon as possible to the
Stored up to 6 months 14
appropriate storage moisture percent and
Stored more than 6 months 13
temperature to reduce insect and mold growth.
Temperatures below 50oF will limit insect growth.
Stored up to 6 months 10
Stored more than 6 months 8 5.2.7. Grain Condition - Grain is stored best if it is cool,
Flaxseed dry, and clean. Insect and mold growth is dependent on
Stored up to 6 months 9 both temperature and grain moisture content. Grain that
Stored more than 6 months 7 has considerable foreign material or broken kernels will
Edible Beans be more susceptible to mold and insects. Insects and
Stored up to 6 months 16
mold grow better on broken grain. Make sure to do the
Stored more than 6 months 14
McKenzie , B. A., L. Van Fossen. Managing Dry Grain in Storage. following:
Agricultural Engineers’ Digest AED-20. • The grain should be clean and without damage to
Table 4. Maximum moisture contents for safe grain reduce potential mold and insect growth. Otherwise
storage. grain that is severely cracked or damaged should
have the moisture content 1 percentage point lower
be equipped with an aeration system to control the grain
than clean, undamaged grain.
temperature during storage. It is imperative that the grain
be cooled during storage to control insects and reduce • Clean out all grain handling equipment such as
moisture migration. Moisture content of grain for safe combines, trucks, wagons, and augers.
storage depends upon the grain and length of time stored. • Adjust the combine settings to minimize grain
5.2.5. Grain Temperature - It is important to manage damage and maximize clean-out of fines.
grain temperature to prevent spoilage. Some important • Bin loading augers should be operated at full capacity
points to keep in mind are: to minimize grain damage.
• Moving air through grain can control the • Make sure that the grain going into storage is clean.
5.2.8. Checking Grain - All stored grain needs to be
• Aeration is used to keep the grain temperature checked on a regular basis. Check stored grain biweekly
equalized thus preventing convection currents within during critical fall and spring months when outside air
the grain and creating wet spots. temperatures are changing rapidly. Check at least every
• Maintain the grain mass temperature to within two weeks during the winter, but more often if there are
10 to 15oF (6 to 8oC) of the average outside air problems. Search for small changes that are indicators of
temperature. potential problems, such as crusting or condensation on
bin roof. It may also be necessary to check moisture of
• Make sure to keep grain temperatures at or below
grain with a moisture meter. Any increase in temperature
60oF to limit insect activity.
indicates a problem, unless outdoor temperatures are
5.2.6. Insect and Mold Control - Insects can already warmer than the crop. Check and record temperatures
be in the bin before filling or enter later. A few special at several points in bin. Testing weight of crop is another
precautions should be taken to prevent or impede insects evaluation to ensure it is at its best quality.
from entering the grain.
• Thoroughly clean the bin and surrounding area of
grain, dust and debris prior to filling.

OM-00002, Rev 0 35 7-17-12

5.3. Leveling Stored Grain
5.3.1. The best storage results are obtained when the
grain is level in the bin. Peaked grain can make it difficult
and unsafe for proper grain observation if entry into the
bin is required. Uniform aeration is harder to achieve
with a peak grain pile. Also, leveling grain can help in
the control of grain fines. Grain fines can be a problem
especially when they concentrate in pockets. Fines, or
broken kernels, are more susceptible to spoilage. Pockets
of fines can also impede air flow which develop into
hot spots. Leveling grain can be done with one of two
• Use of a grain spreader.
• Withdrawing grain from center after filling. This is
known as filling and coring the bin.
5.3.2. The use of a spreader creates a level surface that Figure 31. Filling and corning.
is safer and easier for entry into the bin for observation. Crusting, wet, slimy grain, ice or frost accumulation is an
It also distributes grain fines and thus minimizes any indication of moisture accumulation and mold growth.
concentration of grain fines. An aeration system is important because it cools grain
5.3.3. Coring the bin is done by unloading grain through uniformly, limiting moisture migration.
the center sump at regular intervals while the bin is being 5.4.3. In the spring and summer months when outside
filled. The peak is pulled down after several feet of new air gets warmer, moisture migration can occur the opposite
grain is added (see Figure 31). Coring during the initial way and moisture will accumulate at the bottom of bin.
filling will remove a major portion of the fines and foreign
5.5. Aeration
material. Another benefit of filling and coring the bin is
that it will loosely distribute the grain and thus
allow for better aeration. If no inverted cone is
created during withdraw, bridging of grain has
taken place and a very unsafe condition has
been created. No one should enter bin until the
situation has been safely corrected.
5.4. Moisture Migration
5.4.1. Crops are normally placed in storage
at temperatures much warmer than winter
temperatures. Since crops are good insulators,
grain in the center of the bin will be the same
temperature at harvest even after the outside
temperatures have dropped well below freezing.
This temperature differential causes moisture
5.4.2. When warmer fall outside temperatures Figure 32. Moisture migration.
change to cool winter temperatures, air near the bin wall
cools and sinks to bottom of bin. As air moves toward the 5.5.1. The objective of aeration is to get airflow through
floor and center of the bin it warms up and rises through the grain to maintain uniform temperature and to prevent
the center mass of the grain. This movement of air is hot spots that accelerate spoilage. Aeration is also used
called convection currents. The warm air picks up moisture to cool the grain after drying. Aeration is used to cool
as it rises up through the grain. When the grain nears the the grain when transitioning from fall to winter. Then it is
surface, it cools the warm air and thus moisture in the aerated to warm the grain when transitioning from winter
air condenses. Cool air cannot hold as much moisture as to spring and summer. Be sure airflow rates for aeration
warm air. As this circulation continues, moisture begins (storage) are 1/20 to 1/5 CFM/Bu., usually 1/10 CFM/Bu.
to accumulate near top center of the bin (see Figure 32). (4 to 15 m³/hr/MT, usually 8 m³/hr/MT).

OM-00002, Rev 0 36 7-17-12

5.5.2. Cooling Grain for Winter Storage - Grain should Stopping the warming front before a cycle is completed
be kept near the average outdoor temperatures during encourages condensation of moisture and spoilage. As
the fall. Modern grain management uses airflow to outside temperatures continue to rise, repeat this cycle as
control the grain temperature. Increasing the airflow often as needed until average grain temperature is 50° to
rate reduces the time needed for cooling or warming 60° F (10° to 16° C). Maintain the grain temperature within
but also increases power requirements. Begin aeration 10° to 15° F (5° to 8° C) of the average monthly temp. Do
to reduce grain temperature when the average outdoor not warm grain to summer temperatures.
temperature is about 10° to 15° F (6° to 8° C) lower than
5.6. References
grain temperature. You can estimate when a cooling or
warming cycle has passed through the crop by measuring 5.6.1. Grain management information in this section
the temperature. Repeat this cycle as often as necessary, of the manual are general guidelines and are from the
checking temperature at several locations, until grain has following listed sources. Consult your local extension
cooled to 35° to 45° F (2° to 7°C). offices or consulting engineer for information specific to
your facility.
Approximate Times for Grain Cooling or Warming
• Grain Drying, Handling and Storage Handbook,
Air Flow Rate Fall Winter Spring
Cooling • Managing Dry Grain in Storage, AED-20.
Cooling Cooling
cfm/bu. m3/hr/mt Hours Hours Hours • Ladders, Cages, Walkways and Stairs, ASABE S412.1,
March 1990 (R2008).
1/20 4 300 400 240
1/10 8 150 200 120 • University Extension Offices
1/5 15 75 100 60 • North Dakota State University
1/4 19 60 80 48
1/3 25 45 61 36 • Purdue University
1/2 38 30 40 24 • Iowa State University
3/4 57 20 27 16
1 76 15 20 12 • University of Nebraska - Lincoln
1 1/4 95 12 16 10
1 1/2 114 10 13 8
Table 5. Length of time to change grain temperature.
5.5.3. For positive pressure systems, check temperature
at top of grain. For negative pressure systems, check
temperature coming out of fan. Be sure to continue
each aeration cycle until cooling front has moved
completely through grain. This minimizes the chance for
a moisture front within the grain mass to cause spoilage.
Table 5 shows length of time required to change grain
temperature. To be sure the cooling front has passed
through grain, check grain and air temperature.
5.5.4. DO NOT FREEZE GRAIN due to problems it can
create, particularly during warming and in larger bins.
Condensation during aeration can be a problem in grain
cooled below freezing. It may be difficult to warm grain
in spring without condensation immediately freezing into
ice. Frozen chunks block aeration warming cycles and
grain unloading. Condensation also re-wets grain and can
cause sudden bin failure and collapse due to expansion of
5.5.5. Managing Grain in Spring and Summer - Start
fan when average outdoor temperature is 10° to 15° F (6°
to 8° C) above grain temperature. Continuously run the
fan until the warming front has moved through the grain.
6. Troubleshooting
OM-00002, Rev 0 37 7-17-12
Observation Probable Cause Recommended Action
Musty or spoiled grain Heating moisture accumulation in Run the fan. Smell the exhaust while in the bin or in front of the
odor. one spot. exhaust fan. Run the fan to cool any hot spots. If damage is severe,
remove the grain.
Hard layer or core below High moisture or spoiled, caked Run the aeration or drying fan. Check to see if caked or compacted
grain surface. grain mass. mass blocks airflow. Cool and dry if airflow is adequate, otherwise
unload to remove all spoiled grain.
Warm grain below top Moisture content too high. Run the fan regardless of weather conditions until the exhaust air
surface. temperature equals the desired grain temperature.
Surface grain wet or Early signs of moisture migration, Run aeration fan. Cool grain until exhaust temperature equals
slimy. Grain is sticking or often noticeable only 1-2 weeks desired grain temperature or outside air temperature.
frozen together. after binning.
Hard surface crust, caked Severe moisture migration and Remove the spoiled layer. Wear a dust mask to filter mold spores.
and blocking airflow. condensation in the top surface. Run the fan to cool grain after spoilage is removed. Sample grain
Possibly strong enough with probe to determine condition throughout center mass below
to support a man. the crust. Consider marketing grain to arrest further spoilage.
Under-roof condensation Warm grain in cold weather, severe Aerate until exhaust air temperature equals outdoor air temperature
dripping onto surface. convection circulation and moisture at beginning of aeration cycle.
Wet or spoiled spots on Condensate drip from bolt ends Check grain for heating. Check roof under surface at night. Check
grain surface outside or under roof fixture that funnels for caulking around roof inlets and joints.
center point. condensate flow; possible roof leak.
Wet, spoiled spot Leaking roof cap or condensed Check bin cap seal and hold down. Block or disconnect gravity
directly under fill cap. water from gravity spout. spout so air from bin and grain cannot flow up tube. Marginal
solution: hang bucket under spout inlet and check bucket for water
No air flow through Moldy, caked grain mass blocking Try to determine location and scope of spoilage. Unload storage and
grain with aeration fan flow; possible moldy grain layer market or re-bin good grain.
running. immediately above aeration duct or
perforated floor on suction system.
White dust visible Mold on grain but not sufficient Wear dust mask in working grain. Evaluate grain condition
whenever grain is stirred. spoilage to seal top surface. throughout bin where possible. Observe caution in continued
storage because grain condition has deteriorated to some degree.
Cooling time required Increased fines in grain resisting Run the fan longer time. Operate fan until grain and exhaust air
much longer than usual. and reducing airflow; increased temperature readings indicate grain is at desired temperature,
fines can cause airflow resistance to regardless of fan time required.
increase as much as 2-4 times over
that of clean grain.
Exhaust air temperatures Fine material accumulation in Run the fan sufficient time to cool the center irrespective of the
in center of bin surface storage center resisting airflow; outside grain temperatures. Draw down the bin center to remove
warmer than those away airflow through center mass grossly fines and decrease the grain depth for easier air passage in the
from center. reduced compared to relatively center core.
clean grain around outside of
Unknown grain Too deep to probe; bin too full to Withdraw some grain from all bins to feed or market. Observe
conditions in the bin access; no temperature sensing (look, feel, smell) first grain to flow with each withdrawal, since it
center cables installed. was in the center core. Withdraw any storage filled above level full,
as soon as possible following harvest, to reduce moisture migration
tendencies and permit access for observation and sampling.
McKenzie, B. A., L. Van Fossen, 1995, “Managing Dry Grain In Storage”, Agricultural Engineers’ Digest-20.

Table 6. Troubleshooting issues.

OM-00002, Rev 0 38 7-17-12

7. Maintenance
7.1. General or stairs to the roof ribs and, if necessary, install
handrails to increase worker safety and prevent
7.1.1. Proper grain bin and equipment maintenance
accidents. Also, be certain the roof guard rail is secure.
before and during harvest season will help ensure that
Because of workers being at extensive heights, it is
good quality grain will be stored and preserved. The
important that all roof components be rigid.
grain bin will provide many years of extended service if
properly maintained. Information listed below outlines • Whenever on the roof, inspect all roof panels,
maintenance inspections that should be performed on a supporting ribs, stairs, steps, vents, and especially all
regular basis. Use this list as a maintenance checklist. connections to be certain accidents do not occur. Roof

Damage from lack of maintenance may
cause sudden structural failure and collapse,
which may result in personal injury or death.
Frequently monitor and inspect the bin and
foundation for any deflections, cracks or
deviations that may occur. Follow operation
and maintenance instructions described in this

7.2. Roof, Stairs, and Vents

vents should be checked for blockage caused by dirt,
• NOTE: Clean debris off of bin roof, peak ring, roof dust, debris, frost, ice, bird nests, etc. Clean any debris
vents, and stairs at the end of each harvest season. to allow free airflow and to prevent damage to roof.
Dust and debris can cause damage to roof as well as
7.3. Ladders, Catwalks, and Supports
make steps/rungs slippery and unsafe to walk on. Not
cleaning debris above roof vents can cause white and • Be certain that access ladders, catwalks and platforms
brown rust to develop on galvanized metal. are complete and securely fastened to the grain bin.
• If an excessive amount of heavy snow accumulates • Catwalks are often supported by steel structures
or builds up unevenly on one side of roof, it must be bolted to the grain bin sidewall stiffeners. Make sure
removed immediately. to perform frequent inspection on all connections
between catwalks and supports. Bent braces, loose
• Important: Inspect the grain bin roof and sidewall
bolts and sidewall damage are all extreme situations
for leaks, loose or sheared bolts, and rust or other
that could put someone’s safety in serious danger.
corrosion. Caulk any cracks, replace and tighten all
missing bolts and nuts with the correct type and size, • While climbing a ladder, check for any worn-out or
and remove rust or corrosion with wire brush and paint loose rungs, loose or missing bolts, and dangerous
over the area. Contact Behlen Mfg. Co. if there is a jagged edges protruding from the ladder or safety cage.
problem. Determine the cause and fix or replace the item. If a
sheared bolt is discovered, contact Behlen Mfg. Co. It
• Ensure proper function of attachments to all grain bin
may be an indication of a more serious problem.
openings such as roof doors and roof caps. Be sure
all latches and hold-down clips are used as intended. 7.4. Sidewall Sheets, Stiffeners and Doors
Also, make certain the roof cap has a tight weather
• Periodically inspect the exterior of the grain bin.
seal and is in the correct position if an overhead
Check for sheared or missing bolts, buckled or torn
conveyor is mounted. Spouts require the roof cap to be
sheets, sidewall bulges, or any unusual changes in bin’s
permanently fixed.
appearance. Pay particular attention to bolted joints,
• Tighten any loose bolts used to attach the roof ladder noting any waviness along the edges, elongated bolt

OM-00002, Rev 0 39 7-17-12

holes, or cracks, all of which are signs of over-stress. If repair if required.
a problem is detected, contact Behlen Mfg. Co.
• Check fans, heaters, transitions, and ducts for
• Ensure each stiffener base is correctly anchored to corrosion. Remove any accumulated dust and dirt that
foundation. If the base plate is not bearing uniformly will reduce operating efficiency. Be sure all wire and
on the concrete foundation, buckling of the stiffener pipe connections are tight and in place.
somewhere above the base could occur.
• Inspect aeration system by looking for grain leaks and
• Visually inspect stiffeners and splices to ensure there grain remaining in the trenches. Find the source and
are no gaps. Improperly connected stiffeners will cause remove any grain in the way. Caulk any holes or cracks
sidewall and stiffener buckling. Be certain the stiffener to prevent insects or water from getting in and grain
base is level on the concrete pad, all bolts and nuts are from getting out.
tight, and stiffeners are supported through an aeration
• Grease motor bearings (if required) per the
manufacturer’s recommendations. Operate fans per
• Before filling, be sure doors are shut and seal against the manufacturer’s operations manual.
the frame. Remember to lock the inner doors tight
7.7. Electrical
against the frame to ensure no structural damage
occurs or leakage of water into the grain. • Wiring for fans and other electrical components
should be inspected for corrosion and cracked, frayed,
7.5. Foundations and Tunnels
or broken insulation. Exposed wiring should be run
• Inspect the grain bin foundations for structural through waterproof, dust-tight conduit. Make sure all
problems. Uneven foundation settlement can cause connections are secure.
gaps at the bottom of the bin, resulting in spilled grain,
• Check control boxes for rodent damage. If found
entry points for water, insects, rodents, and allow
have a licensed electrician, clean and repair or replace
forced air to escape, reducing efficiency and increasing
broken wiring, relays, and other components and seal
over openings that allowed rodent entry.
• Inspect concrete routinely for exposed rebar, unusual
7.8. Site Maintenance
cracking, or spalling of concrete.
• Remove any spilled grain from the grain bin site. Mow
• Be sure all anchor bolts are tightened and
around the bins to reduce likelihood of insect or rodent
undamaged. Cracks that develop around anchor
infestation and to make certain water drains away from
bolts result in the grain bin being susceptible to wind
the bin foundations. Items or debris left near the bin
damage. Be certain the base of the bin is uniformly
site may interfere with safe, unobstructed movement
resting on the foundation and sealant is intact. If gaps
around bin.
occur, caulk between the bottom of the bin and the
foundation. • Treat the outside of the grain bin at the foundation
and around doors, ducts, and fans with insecticide if an
• Sidewall and tunnel failure may occur if the tunnel is
insect problem arises.
not correctly constructed or supported at the tunnel
outlet on the stem wall. If cracks or breaks occur in the • Thoroughly clean all bins by removing all old grain. Do
stem wall, contact the structural engineer immediately not put new grain on top of old. This will help prevent
for proper instructions and measures to correct mold and insect infestation of the new grain. Remove
damage. all traces of old grain from combines, truck beds,
grain carts, augers, or any other equipment used for
• Inspect the tunnel roofs on a regular basis for cement
spalling, cracks, and deflections. Inform the concrete
contractor of appearance of cracks or impending • Remove all rust and cover with rust-inhibiting primer or
failure of the tunnel roofs. Removable conveyor cover paint. It is better to take care of problems in the early
plates must be fitted, flashed, and sealed to prevent stages of corrosion.
accidental leakage into the conveyors, which could
result in eccentric discharge of grain from bin. NOTICE
7.6. Aeration Systems
If for any reason you find buckled sheets, sidewall
• Periodically remove fan transitions and check beneath bulges, or any changes in the grain bin’s appearance,
the floor for condition of the supports, presence of please contact Behlen Mfg. Co. engineering to
pests, dust buildup, and foreign material. Clean and determine if there is a problem and to find a solution.

OM-00002, Rev 0 40 7-17-12

7.9. Replacement Parts 7.9.4. Prior to equipment use, please check that all
decals are in place according to this manual and in
7.9.1. Modifications and repairs are often needed due
good, legible condition. Safety decals are available for
to weather, deterioration, usage, and mishaps. The key to
replacement at no charge for Behlen grain storage bins.
constantly having your grain bin in first-rate condition is to
Refer to Safety Section of this manual and please specify
frequently review the maintenance checklist on the pages
decal number.
in this section and repair any problems promptly.
7.9.2. Wiring for fans and other electrical components
should be inspected for corrosion, cracks, and frayed
insulation. Exposed wiring should be routed through a
waterproof, dust-tight conduit. Avoid kinks in conduit and
make sure all connections are secure. Procure the services
of a licensed electrician if any electrical components or
wiring requires repair or replacement.
7.9.3. To replace any deteriorated parts, contact your
local dealer/distributor. Note: Do not substitute materials
for replacement parts. Your grain bin is assembled with
certain materials at specific thicknesses. Do not replace
parts without contacting your local dealer/distributor.

In Case of an Emergency
Have emergency telephone numbers near telephones and written directions to your location. Provide
an emergency action plan as specified by OSHA 1910.38 and train employees on this safety plan. Have
posted floor plans or workplace maps that clearly show emergency escape routes assignments, location of
exits, designated safe areas, and emergency equipment locations such as fire extinguishers, shut-off valves,
disconnects, etc.







HAZARDOUS MATERIALS:_____________________________________

OM-00002, Rev 0 41 7-17-12

OM-00002, Rev 0 42 7-17-12
Behlen Mfg. Co.
Box 569 • 4025 E. 23rd St. • Columbus, Nebraska 68602-0569
PH: 402/564-3111 • FAX: 402/563-7405
Website: • Email:

OM-00002, Rev 0 7-17-12

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