LecturePlan AE201 23CSH-103
LecturePlan AE201 23CSH-103
LecturePlan AE201 23CSH-103
Mission of the To produce intellectual engineers with strong analytical, modelling, designing, experimental and teamwork skills
Department To provide innovative teaching practices, through excellent laboratory infrastructure and exposure to recent trends in the
automotive industry
To ensure that students are molded into competent automotive engineers to meet the growing challenges of the future
To provide industry oriented skills and guidance to students for conducting research and educating them with futuristic skills
Vision of the “To be a Center of Excellence in Automobile Engineering through research and innovation in emerging fields for providing globally
Department competent Engineers equipped with the technology of the future.”
Program OutComes(POs)
PO1 Disciplinary Knowledge -Automobile engineering is a discipline that focuses on the design, development, and production of
automobiles. It involves the study of various aspects of Automobile and mechanical systems.
PO2 Complex Problem-Solving-Complex problem-solving is a crucial skill in Automobile engineering due to the intricate nature of
Automobile systems and the challenges associated with designing and operating automobiles. Automobile engineers encounter
various complex problems throughout their work, and they employ systematic approaches to analyze, identify, and solve these
problems effectively.
PO3 Critical Thinking-Critical thinking is a fundamental skill in the Automobile industry as it allows Automobile professionals to analyze
complex situations, evaluate information, and make well-reasoned decisions. In Automobile engineering, critical thinking is applied
in various aspects of design, analysis, testing, and problem-solving.
PO4 Creativity-Creativity plays a significant role in Automobile engineering, as it drives innovation, fosters the development of new
technologies, and enables engineers to find unique solutions to complex problems.
PO5 Communication Skills-Communication skills are essential in the Automobile industry as they facilitate effective collaboration,
information exchange, and understanding among Automobile professionals. Strong communication skills enable Automobile
engineers to convey complex technical information, work in multidisciplinary teams, and interact with stakeholders.
PO6 Analytical reasoning/thinking-Analytical reasoning and thinking are critical skills in Automobile engineering as they allow engineers
to systematically analyze complex problems, evaluate data, and make informed decisions.
PO7 Research-related skills-Research-related skills are essential in Automobile engineering to stay updated with the latest
advancements, contribute to scientific knowledge, and drive innovation in the field.
PO8 Coordinating/collaborating with others-Coordinating and collaborating with others is a crucial aspect of Automobile engineering as
it involves working in multidisciplinary teams, coordinating efforts across different departments, and collaborating with various
PO9 Leadership readiness/qualities-Leadership readiness and qualities are important in the Automobile industry as they contribute to
the success of projects, the development of teams, and the advancement of the Automobile field as a whole.
PO10 Learning how to learn skills-Learning how to learn is a valuable skill in Automobile engineering as it enables professionals to adapt
to new technologies, keep up with advancements, and continuously improve their knowledge and skills.
PO11 Digital and technological skills-Digital and technological skills are becoming increasingly important in the Automobile industry as it
undergoes rapid advancements in areas such as automation, data analytics, simulation, and digital connectivity.
PO12 Multicultural competence and inclusive spirit-Multicultural competence and an inclusive spirit are important in the Automobile
industry as it is a global field that involves collaboration among professionals from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and
PO13 Value inculcation-Value inculcation in Automobile refers to the process of instilling and upholding core values and ethical
principles within the Automobile industry. These values guide the behavior and decision-making of Automobile professionals,
promote responsible practices, and ensure the industry's long-term sustainability.
PO14 Autonomy, responsibility, and accountability-Autonomy, responsibility, and accountability are important principles in the
Automobile industry, especially in roles that involve decision-making, operations, and safety.
PO15 Environmental awareness and action-Environmental awareness and action in the Automobile industry have become increasingly
important in recent years. The Automobile industry, which includes exhaust emissions study, has a significant impact on the
environment due to exhaust gases and greenhouse gas emissions.
PO16 Community engagement and service-Community engagement and service in the Automobile industry can take various forms, and
it can have a significant positive impact on society.
PO17 Empathy-Empathy is an important aspect of any industry, including Automobile. While Automobile may seem like a highly
technical field, it still involves interactions with people and communities.
Text Books
Sr No Title of the Book Author Name Volume/Edition Publish Hours Years
1 Data Structures Lipschutz, Seymour 4th Edition Tata McGraw Hill 2000
2 Data Structures Through C++ Yashavant P. Kanetkar 3rd Edition BPB Publications 2003
3 Object Oriented Programming in C E. Balaguruswamy 2nd Edition Tata McGraw Hill 2017
Reference Books
Sr No Title of the Book Author Name Volume/Edition Publish Hours Years
1 C++- The Complete Reference Herbert Schildt 4th Edition Tata McGraw-Hill 2003
2 Data Structures and Algorithms in Goodrich, Michael T., Tamassia, 3rd Edition Wiley 2000
C++ Roberto, and Mount
3 Data Structures using C and C++ Augenstein,Moshe J, 2nd Edition Prentice Hall of 2001
Tanenbaum, Aaron M India
4 The C++ Programming Language Bjarne Stroustrup 4th Edition Addison-Wesley 2013
Course OutCome
SrNo OutCome
CO1 Understand the concepts of object-oriented programming including programming process and
compilation process.
CO2 Apply different techniques to decompose a problem and programmed a solution with various concepts of
object-oriented programming language.
CO3 Analyse and explain the behaviour of linear data structure operations using the programming addressed
in the course.
CO4 Implement and evaluate the programs using the syntax and semantics of object-oriented programming.
CO5 Design the solution of real-world problems in order to determine that the program performs as expected.
3 27 Queue Linear Queue, Sequential and Linked ,T-Data Structures,T-Data PPT CO5
Representation of Linear Queue Structures Through C++,T-Object
Oriented Programming in,R-C++-
The Complete Reference,R-Data
Structures and Algorithms,R-Data
Structures using C and C+,R-The C
++ Programming Language
3 28 Queue Circular Queue ,T-Data Structures,T-Data PPT CO5
Structures Through C++,T-Object
Oriented Programming in,R-C++-
The Complete Reference,R-Data
Structures and Algorithms,R-Data
Structures using C and C+,R-The C
++ Programming Language
3 29 Queue Operations on Queue ,T-Data Structures,T-Data PPT CO5
Structures Through C++,T-Object
Oriented Programming in,R-C++-
The Complete Reference,R-Data
Structures and Algorithms,R-Data
Structures using C and C+,R-The C
++ Programming Language
Assessment Model
Sr No Assessment Name Exam Name Max Marks
1 23HY01 Practical Evaluations 40
2 23HY01 End Term Hybrid Theory 60
3 23HY01 Assignment 12
4 23HY01 Attendance Marks 2
5 23HY01 MST-1 Hybrid 20
6 23HY01 MST-2 Hybrid 20
7 23HY01 Course Project/Case Study 16
8 23HY01 Practical Assessment 1 15
9 23HY01 Practical Assessment 2 15
10 23HY01 Practical Assessment 3 15
11 23HY01 Practical MST 15