INLP Assignment 3
INLP Assignment 3
INLP Assignment 3
General Instructions
1. The assignment must be implemented in Python.
1 About
Many NLP systems employ modern distributional semantic algorithms, known
as word embedding algorithms, to generate meaningful numerical represen-
tations for words. These algorithms aim to create embeddings where words
with similar meanings are represented closely in a mathematical space. Word
embeddings fall into two main categories: frequency-based and prediction-
based. Frequency-based embeddings utilize various vectorization methods
such as Count Vector, TF-IDF Vector, and Cooccurrence Matrix with a fixed
context window. Prediction-based embeddings, exemplified by Word2vec,
utilize models like Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW) and Skip-Gram (SG).
However, the computational complexity of Word2vec’s training algorithm can
be high due to gradient calculations over the entire vocabulary. To tackle
this challenge, variants such as Hierarchical Softmax output, Negative Sam-
pling, and Subsampling of frequent words have been proposed. This task
involves implementing a frequency-based modeling approach like Singular
Value Decomposition (SVD) and comparing it with embeddings obtained
using a Word2vec variant like Skip Gram with Negative Sampling. The
analysis will focus on discerning differences in the quality of embeddings pro-
duced. While "word vectors" and "word embeddings" are used interchange-
ably, "embedding" specifically denotes encoding a word’s meaning into a
lower-dimensional space.
3 Corpus
Please train your model on the given csv files link here: Link to the cor-
pus(News Classification Dataset)
Note that you have to only use the Description column of the train.csv
for training your word vectors. You have to use the label/index column for
the downstream classification task.
4 Downstream Task
After successfully creating word vectors using the above two methods, eval-
uate your word vectors by using them for the downstream classification task
in the News Classification Dataset provided above. You are free to use any
kind of RNN for the downstream task, but use the same RNN and RNN
hyperparameters across vectorization methods for the downstream task. [10
+ 10 Marks]
5 Analysis
Compare and analyze which of the two word vectorizing methods performs
better by using performance metrics such as accuracy, F1 score, precision,
recall, and the confusion matrix on both the train and test sets. Write a
detailed report on why one technique might perform better than the other.
Also, include the possible shortcomings of both techniques (SVD and Word2Vec).
[10 Marks]
Hyperparameter tuning
Experiment with at least three different context window sizes. Explain why
you chose those context window sizes. Report performance metrics for all
three context window configurations. Mention which configuration performs
the best and write about the possible reasons for it. [20 Marks]
Submission Format
Zip the following files into one archive and submit it through the Moodle
course portal. The filename should be <roll number>,
for example,
• Source Code
– Train the word embeddings using SVD method and save
the word vectors.
– Train the word embeddings using Skip gram method
(with negative sampling) and save the word vectors.
• Pretrained Models
• Report (PDF)
Ensure that all necessary files are included in the zip archive. There
should be, at least, four files in total.
Evaluation will be individual and based on your viva, report, and code review.
During your evaluation, you will be expected to walk us through your code
and explain your results. You will be graded based on the correctness of your
code, accuracy of your results, and the quality of the code.
Implementation: 50 marks
Hyperparameter Tuning Report: 20 marks
Analysis: 10 marks
Viva during Evaluation: 20 marks
1. Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space