The One Minute Networker
The One Minute Networker
The One Minute Networker
cknowledging blessings and
A ccepting your circumstances and
recognizing opportunities
believing you can’t change them
You are responsible for
Victim mentality
everything that happens in your
Believing that what you are today
life - good and bad
is what you will be tomorrow
Don’t like something - change it
Worrying about what you don’t
Expect things to get better
want to happen (and attracting
Seeing the upside in every good
exactly that as a result)
and bad thing
Seeing the downside of every good
Seeing the blessing and the
opportunity in everything
Instead of seeing possibilities,
seeing mistakes you don’t want to
Abundance is a fullness of life,
repeat again
regardless of income, an
appreciation for the good things
Being more interested in
that come to those who see the
otential than in reality
upside of every circumstance
There is plenty
am an eternal optimist
Glass half full
Blessing in everything
See the beauty in everything
hether or not you get the job, your life will not change for the
better or for the worse, because you’re prepared and you have options
Because there is plenty to go around
You’re not running out of time to make a buck