Water 16 00810 With Cover
Water 16 00810 With Cover
Water 16 00810 With Cover
Special Issue
The Interrelationship between Climate Change, Human Activities and Hydrological Processes,
Volume II
Edited by
Dr. Qianfeng Wang, Dr. Haijun Deng and Dr. Jinshi Jian
Hydrological Changes and Sediment Dynamics in the
Inner Mongolia Section of the Yellow River: Implications
for Reservoir Management
Jingjing Xu 1,2 , Ying Zhao 1,2 , Yin Chen 1,2, *, Pengfei Du 1,2 and Liqin Qu 1,2
1 China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, No. 20 Chegongzhuang West Road,
Beijing 100048, China; xujj@alu.cau.edu.cn (J.X.); zhaoying@iwhr.com (Y.Z.); dupf@iwhr.com (P.D.);
liqin.qu@iwhr.com (L.Q.)
2 State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Regulation of Water Cycle in River Basin, A-1, Fuxing Road,
Haidian District, Beijing 100038, China
* Correspondence: chenyin@iwhr.com
Abstract: The Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow River is a primary alluvial segment of the main
channel. The variations in water and sediment not only alter the cross-sectional morphology and
flow capacity of the river but also impact the scheduling of upstream cascade reservoirs. Based on
runoff and sediment load data and topographic information from typical hydrological stations, the
characteristics of runoff and sediment load variations and the evolutionary pattern of siltation in
the Inner Mongolia River section were analyzed via trend analysis methods, Mann–Kendall test
methods, the sediment load transport rate method, and the water level–flow relationship. The results
showed that the water and sediment loads at the hydrological stations in the Inner Mongolia River
section significantly changed from the 1960s to after 2000, with runoff decreasing by approximately
22% to 32% and the sediment load decreasing by approximately 65% to 73%. Sedimentation in the
river section generally increased, and the average annual siltation amount reached 0.144 billion t. The
joint utilization of the Longyangxia and Liujiaxia reservoirs in 1987 was the main reason for the rapid
increase in siltation, and siltation in the Inner Mongolia River section was slightly reduced after 2005.
In addition, the critical sediment load coefficients of the Bayangaole–Sanhuhekou and Sanhuhekou–
Toudaoguai River sections were 0.0073 and 0.0051 kg·s/m6 , respectively, from 1952 to 1968, and
Citation: Xu, J.; Zhao, Y.; Chen, Y.; Du, 0.0053 and 0.0037 kg·s/m6 , respectively, from 1969 to 2020. This study could provide technical
P.; Qu, L. Hydrological Changes and
support for river flood control and reservoir water sediment regulation in Inner Mongolia.
Sediment Dynamics in the Inner
Mongolia Section of the Yellow River:
Keywords: Inner Mongolia reach; sediment load variation; erosion; sedimentation
Implications for Reservoir Management.
Water 2024, 16, 810. https://doi.org/
cumulative distance level method, double cumulative curve method, and water sediment
relationship curves were used to analyze the trend of annual runoff and annual sand
transport, mutation trend, and correlation analysis. The operation of upstream reservoirs
has significantly impacted the hydraulic conditions of the Inner Mongolia reach [36], such
as reducing the flood frequency, increasing the channel width/depth ratio, and restoring
the channel flow capacity [27,37]. Therefore, the effects of silt flats and brush channels can
be realized by joint reservoir dispatching in the downstream section of a river.
The study of runoff and sediment load change patterns constitutes the basis for
understanding the characteristics of rivers. In recent years, the water and sediment loads
in the Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow River have considerably changed under the
influences of climate change and human activities. There is still much uncertainty in the
characteristics of water and sand changes and the evolution of river channel siltation in the
Inner Mongolia River section. Therefore, in this paper, the trends in water and sediment
load changes in the Inner Mongolia River section from 1950 to 2020 were systematically
analyzed by using runoff and sediment load data from representative hydrological stations.
Moreover, the volume of silt in the trunk channel was calculated according to the sediment
volume balance method, thereby elucidating the spatial and temporal distributions of the
siltation process in this reach. The coupled relationship between the amount of incoming
water and the sediment and riverbed evolution was analyzed, and the threshold value of
the water sediment factor was subsequently calculated when the Inner Mongolia reach
exhibited flushing and siltation equilibrium. This study could provide technical support
for river flood control and reservoir water–sediment regulation in Inner Mongolia.
2. Study Area
The Inner Mongolia reach is located in the lower part of the upstream zone of the
Yellow River and exhibits a total length of approximately 823.0 km (Figure 1). This region
includes the Shizuishan–Bayangaole reach and the Bayangaole–Toudaoguai reach. The
main stream comprises four major hydrological stations arranged in sequence from up-
stream to downstream: Shizishan, Bayangaole, Sanhuhekou, and Toudaoguai. The former
is a valley river section, while the latter is a typical plain river section and the main river
section studied. The Bayangaole–Sanhuhekou reach is located in the alluvial plain area,
wherein the river channel is wide and shallow, sandbars are scattered, and the river section
is a wandering river section. The Sanhuhekou–Toudaoguai reach is narrow and deep,
exhibits a low river gradient, and is a meandering river section.
The upper reaches of the Yellow River comprise the major hydropower development
area, and the construction and joint operation of cascade reservoirs inevitably alters the wa-
ter and sediment processes in the river. Starting from 1961, a series of reservoirs were built
in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, such as Yanguoxia, Sanshenggong, Qingtongxia,
Liujiaxia, and Longyangxia (Table 1), such that the conditions of water and sand coming
from the Inner Mongolia river section have been adjusted considerably. Especially after the
Longyangxia Reservoir was put into operation, the amount of water in the upper reaches
of the Yellow River during the flood season was significantly reduced compared with that
during the operation of the Liujiaxia Reservoir. The Bayangaole–Sanhuhekou section is
distributed within the Kubuqi Desert and Shidakongdui, the flood sediment problem is
prominent in the Shidakongdui, and a large amount of sediment enters the Yellow River
during heavy rains.
3. Method
3.1. Calculation of River Sedimentation
The sediment transport balance method refers to the use of the balance principle to
calculate the amount of river erosion and sedimentation. This approach is one of the main
methods for calculating the amounts of channel scour and fill. In the Inner Mongolia River
section, the region is dry and windy year-round, and the Ulanbuhe Desert and Kubuqi
Desert occur along both banks of the Yellow River and are among the main areas of wind
and sand activity in the Yellow River basin. Therefore, the sediment in this river section
originates not only from upstream and tributary sediments but also from wind-generated
sand. Therefore, the amount of channel scour and fill in the Inner Mongolia River section
can be calculated as follows:
where ∆Ws is the amount of channel scour and fill, billion t; Wsi is the imported sediment
transport in the river section, billion t; and Wso is the sediment transport at the river outlet.
∑ Wsi is the amount of sediment that enters the reach, which mainly includes aeolian
sand from the desert and sediment from Shidakongdui, which refers to the ten tributaries
of the Yellow River. Among them, aeolian sand should be included in the Bayangaole–
Sanhuhekou reach, and the sediment load originating from the tributaries of Shidakongdui
should be included in the Sanhuhekou–Toudaoguai reach.
where S is the sediment concentration of the suspended load, kg/m3 ; and Q is the dis-
charge, m3 /s.
4. Results
4.1. Trends of Runoff and Sediment Load Variations
The average annual runoff values at the Shizuishan, Bayangaole, Sanhuhekou, and
Toudaoguai hydrological stations in the Inner Mongolia reach from 1950 to 2020 were 27.671 bil-
lion m3 , 22.45 billion m3 , 21.49 billion m3 , and 21.6631 billion m3 , respectively (Figure 2a).
The sediment loads at each hydrological station were 105 million tons, 965 million tons,
918 million tons, and 986 million tons, respectively (Figure 2b). The runoff and sediment
transport values at each hydrological station fluctuated with peaks and valleys at different
times but showed an overall decreasing trend. Runoff decreased from 32.625 billion m3 ,
27.176 billion m3 , 26.983 billion m3 , and 27.103 billion m3 in the 1960s to 25.485 billion m3 ,
18.602 billion m3 , 18.801 billion m3 , and 18.686 billion m3 , respectively, from 2000–2020, which
represents a decrease ranging from 22% to 32% at the Shizuishan, Bayangaole, Sanhuhekou,
and Toudaoguai hydrological stations. The sediment load at each station decreased from
171 billion t, 148.8 billion t, 173 billion t, and 182.7 billion t in the 1960s to 0.601 billion t,
0.405 billion t, 0.520 billion t, and 0.528 billion t, respectively, from 2000–2020, which represents
a decrease of approximately 65~73%.
The ISC is more sensitive to channel erosion and deposition than to runoff or sediment
transport. The average annual sediment inflow coefficients at the Shizuishan, Bayangaole,
Sanhuhekou, and Toudaoguai hydrological stations from 1950 to 2020 were 0.004614767,
0.006486497, 0.00582, and 0.00589 (kg·s)/m6 , respectively. The change process of the
ISC was basically similar at each station (Figure 3). For example, at the Bayangaole
hydrological station, the ISC was high and increased annually before 1960. In addition,
Water 2024, 16, 810 6 of 18
it was low and not highly variable from 1961–1986. After 1986, it continuously increased
and reached a maximum value of 0.0225 (kg·s)/m6 in 1997, which is 3.47 times the average
value, indicating that the water–sand relationship was not harmonized during this period.
Since 2005, the ISC has progressively decreased, indicating more favorable conditions for
incoming water and sediment in the river.
Figure 2. Runoff and sediment transport in the Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow River: (a) Runoff
and (b) sediment load.
Figure 4. M–K test for runoff and sediment transport in the Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow
River: (a) runoff and (b) sediment load.
Figure 5. Changes in runoff and sediment transport accumulation in the Inner Mongolia section of
the Yellow River.
Water 2024, 16, 810 8 of 18
Figure 7. Erosion and sedimentation in the Inner Mongolia River section: (a) Bayangaole–Sanhuhekou
reach; (b) Sanhuhekou–Toudaoguai reach (note: “+” denotes sedimentation; “–” denotes erosion).
(2) The cross section at the Bayangaole hydrological station is a deviated V-shaped cross
section, the main trough shifted to the right from 1992 to 2005, and the right bank beach
was seriously silted and elevated, with an average silt thickness of approximately
1.1 m. The right side of the section was gradually washed away from 2005 to 2020.
(3) The cross section at the Sanhuhekou hydrological station was seriously silted from
1987–2002, with the width of the main channel decreasing by approximately 150 m.
The main channel generally shifted to the left and silted from 2002–2010, while the
cross section was flushed and silted with little change from 2010–2015. However,
the cross section was seriously scoured after 2015, and the cross-sectional area below
the post flood elevation of 1019.37 m in 2020 increased by approximately 880 m2
compared to that in 2002.
(4) Compared with those during the same period in 1987, the main channel of the cross
section at the Toudaoguai hydrological station shifted to the right in 2005, the left
side of the channel was elevated by siltation, and the right side was flushed. How-
ever, there was little change in erosion and sedimentation in the cross section from
2005 to 2020.
Figure 8. Cross-sectional morphology of the typical hydrological stations: (a) Shizuishan hydrological
station, (b) Bayangaole hydrological station, (c) Sanhuhekou hydrological station, and (d) Toudaoguai
hydrological station.
The increases and decreases in the water level (with the same discharge) in the cross
section not only reflect the changes in riverbed elevation and discharge area but also reflect
the changes in the flood carrying capacity and adjustment in riverbed scouring and siltation.
The water level changes (a flow rate of 1000 m3 /s) at the four hydrological stations in the
Inner Mongolia reach are shown in Figure 9. The water level decreased from 1950 to 1985,
increased from 1986 to 2004, and subsequently decreased after 2005.
(1) The average water level (at the same discharge) in the 1950s at the Shizuishan hydro-
logical station was 1086.14 m, and the amplitude of river siltation was approximately
Water 2024, 16, 810 11 of 18
0.2 m. Since the construction of the Liujiaxia and Longyangxia reservoirs upstream,
the siltation in this section has been basically balanced, and the change in the water
level varied between 0 and 0.1 m from 1960 to 1985, with an average of 1085.97 m.
From 1987 to 2020, the water level slightly increased, with an average water level
of 1086.02 m. In the long term, the water level in this river section has remained
relatively stable.
(2) The changes in the water level (at the same discharge) at the Bayangaole and Sanhuhekou
hydrological stations were basically the same over time. From 1961 to 1986, the total
amount of erosion in the Bayangaole–Sanhuhekou reach was 0.30 billion tons, and the
water levels at the two hydrological stations decreased by 1.09 and 0.84 m, respectively.
From 1984 to 2004, the total amount of sedimentation in the Bayangaole–Sanhuhekou
reach was 0.22 billion tons, and the water levels at the two hydrological stations increased
by 1.31 and 0.66 m, respectively. From 2005 to 2020, the total amount of erosion in
the Bayangaole–Sanhuhekou reach was 0.16 billion tons, and the water levels at the
two hydrological stations decreased by 2.06 and 0.68 m, respectively.
(3) The change process of the water level at the Toudaoquan hydrological station varied.
The water level (under the same discharge conditions) did not remain constant but
rather fluctuated within a relatively small range. This occurs because the erosion
benchmark section in the Inner Mongolia River section is located approximately
30 km below the Toudaoquan hydrological station, so the water level in this section
fluctuates within only a small range.
Figure 9. Water level (at a flow rate of 1000 m3 /s) after flooding in the Inner Mongolia section:
(a) Shizuishan hydrological station, (b) Bayangaole hydrological station, (c) Sanhuhekou hydrological
station, and (d) Toudaoguai hydrological station.
5. Discussion
5.1. Reliability Analysis
Relevant studies have shown that the critical ISC of the Inner Mongolia reach for
the balance between erosion and siltation during different periods ranges from 0.004
to 0.009 (Table 2). The critical ISC calculated in this paper ranged from 0.0037 to 0.0073
from 1952 to 2020, which is basically consistent with the results of previous studies [43,44].
Water 2024, 16, 810 12 of 18
Table 2. Critical ISC of the Inner Mongolia reach for the balance between erosion and siltation.
In addition, the small specific drop, low flow velocity, and large sediment grain size in
the Inner Mongolia reach resulted in a low sediment transport capacity of the river. The
critical ISC of the Inner Mongolia reach for the balance between erosion and siltation was
only approximately one third of that of the lower Yellow River during the flood period,
increasing the sensitivity of this reach to incoming water and sand changes [48]. Therefore,
optimizing the incoming water and sand conditions can easily affect the river erosion and
sedimentation conditions by regulating upstream reservoirs.
Table 3. Incoming sediment load and the average annual erosion and sedimentation volume in the
Inner Mongolia reach.
after 1986, the proportion decreased to 25% due to the reduction in the peak flow caused
by the joint use of the reservoirs (Figure 10). Moreover, the amount of sand fed into the
Yellow River stemming from the tributaries of Shidakongdui was larger during this period,
especially in 1989, 1994, 1998, and 2003, leading to obvious siltation in the river channel.
Figure 11. Relationships between the erosion and siltation volume per unit of water volume and the ISC
in the Inner Mongolia reach: (a) Bayangaole–Sanhuhekou reach; (b) Sanhuhekou–Toudaoguai reach.
Water 2024, 16, 810 15 of 18
There exists a favorable correlation between the siltation volume per unit water
volume and the ISC in the two reaches of Inner Mongolia. With increasing ISC, channel
siltation increases, while when the ISC is low, channel scouring may occur. Therefore,
the critical ISC at the equilibrium of flushing and siltation in the river section can be
calculated for ∆W_SF equal to zero. According to the regression equation, from 1952–1968
and 1969–2020, the critical ISC at the balance between erosion and siltation was 0.0073
and 0.0051 kg·s/m6 , respectively, in the Bayangaole–Sanhuhekou reach, and 0.0053 and
0.0037 kg·s/m6 , respectively, in the Sanhuhekou–Toudaoguai reach (Table 4).
Table 4. Regression equation between the erosion and siltation volume per unit of water volume and
the ISC in the Inner Mongolia reach.
In this study, the amount of sand entering the Yellow River in the Inner Mongolia
River section was calculated by using the multiyear average without considering the
specificity of each year. In addition, the sediment discharge in large irrigation areas along
the Inner Mongolia River is insignificant and exerts a relatively limited impact on the
overall results [50]. Therefore, the calculations of river erosion and sedimentation did not
consider the impacts of water and sediment diversion.
In this paper, the correlation between the average annual sediment load and the ISC
was used to calculate the critical threshold for balancing Inner Mongolia River channel
siltation. However, siltation in the Inner Mongolia reach is mainly concentrated during the
flood season [33], and more accurate results can be obtained if water and sand data for the
flood season are used in future studies.
6. Conclusions
This study analyzed the characteristics of runoff and sediment load variations and
the evolutionary pattern of siltation in the Inner Mongolia River section by trend analysis
methods, Mann–Kendall test methods, the sediment load transport rate method, and the
water level–flow relationship. Some central conclusions can be summarized as follows:
(1) The multiyear average runoff values at the Shizuishan, Bayangaole, Sanhuhekou, and
Toudaoguai hydrological stations in the Inner Mongolia section were 27.671 billion m3 ,
22.45 billion m3 , 21.49 billion m3 , and 21.6631 billion m3 , respectively. The multiyear
average sediment loads at each hydrological station were 105 million tons, 965 million
tons, 918 million tons, and 986 million tons, respectively. The water and sediment
loads at the various hydrological stations in the Inner Mongolia River section changed
significantly from the 1960s to after 2000, with the runoff decreasing by approximately
22% to 32% and the sediment load decreasing by approximately 65% to 73%.
(2) The decreases in the upstream runoff and lower peak flow due to the joint use of the
Longyangxia Reservoir and Liujiaxia Reservoir resulted in severe siltation in the Inner
Mongolia reach. The average annual siltation volumes in the Bayangaole–Sanhuhekou
reach and Sanhuhekou–Toudaoguai reach from 1960 to 2020 were 0.011 billion tons
and 0.133 billion tons, respectively.
(3) In the Inner Mongolia reach, the sedimentation amount per unit water volume in-
creased with increasing ISC. The critical sediment load coefficients of the Bayangaole–
Sanhuhekou reach and Sanhuhekou–Toudaoguai reach were 0.0073 and 0.0051 kg·s/m6 ,
respectively, from 1952 to 1968, and 0.0053 and 0.0037 kg·s/m6 , respectively,
from 1969 to 2020.
(4) Siltation changes in the Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow River are affected by
wind-sand and sediment inflow from the Shidakongdui, in addition to upstream
water and sand conditions. The siltation of the river is slowed down by optimizing
the operation of the upstream terrace reservoirs and carrying out comprehensive
erosion control projects in the Kubuqi Desert and Shidakongdui.
Author Contributions: J.X. and Y.C. wrote the main manuscript text and prepared figures. Y.Z. and
L.Q. collected the data and revised the manuscript. P.D. advised the study design and data analyses.
All authors had reviewed and agreed on the contents of the paper. All authors have read and agreed
to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant
number U2243213), the National Key Research and Development Plan of China (grant number
2021YFE0113800), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant number U22A20237), the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant number U2243212), and the China Institute of
Water Resources and Hydropower Research Youth Torch Project (grant number SC110145B0012023).
Data Availability Statement: The data used in this research are available in the public domain.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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