Assessment 2 - Multiple-Choice Questions - Attempt Review 5
Assessment 2 - Multiple-Choice Questions - Attempt Review 5
Assessment 2 - Multiple-Choice Questions - Attempt Review 5
Question 1
When bidding on behalf of your firm for work on a new retail development you make a verbal promise to the client to complete the major
surveying work yourself. You secure the work for your firm and the client signs a contract. However, the contract makes no mention that you
will complete the work personally, and your manager suggests that it would be more cost-effective for the work to be completed be a
competent junior employee. Which of the following courses of action are supported by the RICS Rules of Conduct?
b. Ensure your manager is aware of and agrees with your approach. Agree with the more cost-effective strategy, but only if the
client also agrees to this. Suggest to the client that a junior employee undertakes the work under your supervision and sign off.
c. Agree with the more cost-effective strategy as the promise for you to complete the work personally was not included in the contract.
d. Insist that the work is completed by an RICS professional of your level of seniority or higher. 1/20
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Question 2
Your firm enlists you to assist in a bid to replace a row of structurally unsound houses in a local town with a new development. One of the
houses was your grandparents’ home and you have fond memories of time spent there as a child. As a result, you do not support the
proposal. Which of the following responses are appropriate?
Select one:
a. Obstruct the bid in an attempt to save the houses.
b. Minimally assist in the bid and hope that it fails.
c. Put your reservations aside, maintain professionalism and assist with the bid to the best of your ability.
d. Declare your conflict of interest to your employers. 2/20
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Question 3
Partially correct
You work for a small local firm of RICS professionals. Your sibling is selling a residential property and takes on your firm to act on their
behalf. A good friend also asks your firm to act for them as a prospective buyer. You explain to both of them that there will be a potential
conflict of interest even though different individuals will be allocated to the transaction. But they both ignore you, laughing it off. They’ve both
used your firm before and they trust you, one as a friend and one as a sibling. What ethical issues does this situation present?
b. Fairness.
d. Informed consent.
In order for it to be permissible for a firm to act for the buyer and the seller in one transaction, it needs to be in both clients' interests, and
both clients need to give informed consent, which requires transparency. So (a), (c) and (d) are relevant. However, there are no grounds for
fairness concerns in the situation. 3/20
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Question 4
Your Chief Executive approaches you with the offer to undertake work for one of their personal friends. You are asked to do this outside of
normal working hours and for it to kept “off the record”. Which of the following ethical issues are relevant to this situation?
b. Equality/discrimination.
c. Honesty/deception.
d. Promise-keeping. 4/20
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Question 5
You are aware that your client’s properties in a large housing development, which you manage, do not comply with fire safety regulations
that have been introduced following a tragedy at a similar site. New tenants are about to move into one of the properties, but your client has
asked you not to mention the discrepancy to them. Which of the following courses of action is supported by your professional obligations?
Select one:
a. Accept the client’s instructions as you are required to act on their behalf.
b. Try to discourage the tenants from moving in by dropping hints, without saying anything specific.
c. Agree not to bring it to the tenants’ attention now, as long as the client promises to bring the properties into compliance soon.
d. Let the client know that you are not prepared to comply with this request and explain to the client that they should ensure the
properties comply with regulation and inform the local authorities.
Not directly informing the tenants of the situation would be failure to act with integrity and to take responsibility. The client’s request does not
trump your legal and professional obligations in this case. Ensuring that the local authorities are involved in this case is essential due to the
seriousness of the lack of compliance. Any other option would be unacceptable. 5/20
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Question 6
One of your firm’s clients is a successful comedian. One day, when looking over their account, you notice that the payment for their current
project is coming from a business which is based overseas, in a country which is a well-known tax haven. The next weekend, you have a
drunken conversation at a family wedding in which you divulge this information to several relatives. Which of the following ethical issues are
relevant to this situation? 6/20
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Question 7
Partially correct
Your professional indemnity insurance covers you to work in a particular area of the country. An important client asks you to carry out work
in an area outside of that which your insurance covers. They tell you that there are a number of follow up pieces of work if you complete this
project. What ethical issues does this situation present?
b. Fairness.
d. Honesty.
Your duties to obey the law and to the client are the most relevant here. Clearly, you would be breaking the law if you carry out work without
the relevant insurance, and your duty to obey the law requires you not to carry this work out. Moreover, your duties to the client are relevant
here. While it may appear that you have obligations to carry out the work, you have stronger duties to behave legally. And your client may
be implicated in legal action if you carry out work on their behalf without insurance. Honesty and fairness are not relevant here. 7/20
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Question 8
Your client, who is a local property owner well-known for philanthropic work in the local community, asks you to delay implementing a new
costly property legislation. The client confides in you that the new legislation may push their business to the point of bankruptcy. Which of
the following possible courses of action is appropriate?
Select one:
a. Act on the client’s wishes in order to maintain the income stream.
b. Act on the client’s wishes as a one-off to ensure the client is able to continue their philanthropic work in the local community.
d. Explain to the client that acting on these instructions would be illegal, and that you will regretfully have to terminate the contact if
the client insists. 8/20
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Question 9
Partially correct
Your client, a large American company with branches around the world, has seconded you to work in another country. The client insists on
paying half your fee in American Dollars and half in the local currency. You were told this was for ‘tax purposes'. You are concerned this is
not standard practice. Which of these possible responses are in accordance with the RICS Rules of Conduct?
b. Seek to clarify the payment arrangement with the client, noting your concerns.
You have grounds for initial suspicion that the client’s suggestion may be unethical. You should therefore raise this with them noting your
concerns, and also raise this with your firm’s finance department. However, until you have ascertained whether there is a serious issue you
are not required to withdraw from the project. 9/20
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Question 10
Your firm pays a company for work on a project, which results in a loss to the firm. To cover these costs, you are asked to make a junior
colleague redundant. What ethical issues does this situation present?
b. Taking responsibility. 10/20
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Question 11
You are a senior manager in a building surveyor company. You recently noticed that one of the partners regularly belittles more junior staff,
and there is a high level of staff turnover as a result. When confronted, the partner puts it down to stress. The other partners think this
individual is a valuable colleague and say it’s ’just the way it is’. Which of the RICS Rules of Conduct are most relevant to your decision
about what to do?
b. Members and firms must treat others with respect and encourage diversity and inclusion.
d. Members and firms must act in the public interest, take responsibility for their actions and act to prevent harm and maintain public
confidence in the profession.
The relevant Rules here are those which cover taking responsibility – because you must take ownership of the decision over whether to talk
to the partner – and treating others with respect – the partner is disrespecting a number of colleagues, and the duty to promote respect in
the workplace should be one you act upon here. 11/20
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Question 12
You are working from home when you become aware your computer may have been hacked, giving someone unauthorised access to
confidential client information. What ethical issues does this situation present?
b. Confidentiality.
c. Fairness.
d. Taking responsibility. 12/20
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Question 13
Partially correct
You are managing a large area of rural land and you notice there are a number of vacant properties. Your son and his family are looking for
a property to rent for a holiday and ask you to approach your client. What ethical issues does this situation present?
c. Public interest.
As per (a) and (b), this situation could raise questions about a conflict of interest - your client's interests may be in conflict with your son's
interests. If you are not transparent as per (d) that could threaten trust in the profession. However, there is no public interest concern raised
by this case.
You have correctly selected 2. 13/20
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Question 14
As part of a recent commission you’ve received a lengthy contract from a client. There are some clauses in the contract you are uncertain
about. The company lawyer is on holiday, but a junior member of staff tells you they did a law degree a few years back, and they’re happy to
have to read through and make recommendations. You run the risk of losing the contract if a signed copy is not returned to the client soon.
What ethical issues does this situation present?
b. Honesty.
d. Professionalism. 14/20
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Question 15
A senior colleague gives you a site report to pass on to a client. The client is a non-commercial client who has not used services from an
RICS professional before. Looking through the report you realise that it is written in highly technical language not readily understandable to
a general audience. Which of the following courses of action (if any) are supported by the RICS Rules of Conduct?
b. Meet up with the client and talk them through the technical language of the report.
c. Raise your concerns and ensure that the report is rewritten in a more accessible manner.
d. Provide the client with the report but warn them that they will be unlikely to be able to understand the content. 15/20
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Question 16
As part of a contract, a client your company has worked with for a number of years requests that you use a less expensive form of building
cladding. Although currently legal, you have seen some recent studies suggesting that this material may pose a fire risk. Which of these
possible responses is recommended?
Select one:
a. Obey your client’s wishes.
c. Accept the business but make sure your boss signs off on the request. 16/20
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Question 17
You're working in another country where your firm is in a consortium with a construction firm. You notice that the firm seems to have
discriminatory recruitment procedures, e.g. insisting that applicants for construction work have good English speaking skills even though
this is not needed on the job, since construction site meetings are all conducted in the local language. As it happens, people from the
majority ethnic group all speak good English, while people from the main minority ethnic group don't. This seems to be the motivation for the
procedure. Other aspects of the recruitment process have a similar discriminatory effect, though none of the methods are illegal in the
country in question. What ethical issues does this situation present?
b. Discrimination.
c. Confidentiality.
d. Transparency. 17/20
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Question 18
You’ve been asked to carry out a piece of work for a large housing company. Your child is a student and rents a house from this company.
With your help, your child has launched a series of complaints against them, their treatment of tenants and the standards of the
accommodation. Which of the RICS Rules of Conduct are most relevant to your decision about what to do?
Select one:
a. Members and firms must maintain their professional competence and ensure that services are provided by competent individuals
who have the necessary expertise.
c. Members and firms must treat others with respect and encourage diversity and inclusion.
d. Members and firms must act in the public interest, take responsibility for their actions and act to prevent harm and maintain
public confidence in the profession. 18/20
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Question 19
Your partner works for a construction company and asks you to undertake some work in a capacity as an RICS professional. Your partner is
new to the company, and keen to find ways to impress. They ask you to do the work off the record, without getting paid, as this cost-saving
will reflect well on them. What ethical issues does this situation present? 19/20
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Question 20
You are advised by one of the senior partners that one of your junior colleagues, an RICS member, is going to be made redundant. The
partner asks you not to tell the employee concerned in case they tell the whole organisation which will create undue worry for other
employees. Meanwhile, you hear that your junior colleague is planning a “holiday of a lifetime.” Which of the following ethical issues are
relevant to this situation?
b. Honesty/deception.
c. Confidentiality.
d. Bullying.
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