Description of Functions EDC 15C B271.V10 - 7

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Description of functions Page 7-1

Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 ARALLK01 2.8

7 Engine Air System

7.1 Exhaust gas recirculation
Exhaust gas recirculation consists of the following three tasks:
• setpoint value calculation,
• airmass calculation,
• governing resp. controlling and monitoring

The setpoint value calculation provides the setpoint value and the airmass calculation
provides the actual value for the controlling. During control of EGR the actual value of the
air quantity for other subsystems (e.g. fuel quantity governing) is furthermore calculated.
In order to reduce the run-time load, the circulation of the exhaust-gas recirculation can be
limited via the arwAR_Off engine speed threshold.

setpoint value calculation
anmLTF ehmFARS
control & monitoring


airmass calculation


Figure AR1: Structure of exhaust gas recirculation

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dzmNmit engine speed
mrmM_ELLR fuel quantity of low-idle governor
mrmM_EWUNt demand quantity time synchronous
armARF_AGL compensation value for EGR
ldmADF atmospheric pressure
anmLTF air temperature
anmWTF water temperature
ldmP_Llin boost or intake-manifold pressure
anmLMM last analog value from air mass meter

ehmFARS EGR positioner
armM_List current air mass
armPkorr corrected air pressure
armFLWCHK EGR Flow Check
armIST_4BE value of the air mass after switch-on correction
(with cowV_LMM_S = 1,2,3: after linearization and averaging)

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Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 ARSWB115 2.4

7.1.1 Setpoint value calculation

The setpoint value of the exhaust gas recirculation is a function of engine speed,
injection quantity, air temperature, water temperature and atmospheric pressure. The maps
for ARF closed-loop control have to be scaled in airmass/stroke and for ARF open loop
control in on/off ratio of the exhaust gas recirculation positioner.
From the sum of low-idle governor quantity (mrmM_ELLR) + demand quantity
(mrmM_EWUNt) the fuel quantity aroWU_LLR results, through which the basic value
from the basic map arwMLGRDKF is determined using the averaged engine speed
Correction of this basic value is carried out using the following values:
• Compensation value via diagnosis interface (armARF_AGL), limited by
arwSWBAGMX and arwSWBAGMN. The correction can occur by addition or
multiplication, depending on the switch cowV_AGL_A.
• Depending on LLR quantity + demand quantity and engine speed using the map
arwMLdEKKF , where the balancing value is influenced by the duty cycle of the
optional EKA-powerstage using the curve arwSWEKAKL
• Altitude correction using the curve arwPAKORKL; the correction can occur by
addition or multiplication, depending on the switch cowV_ATK_A.
• Intake air temperature depending on engine speed using the map arwTLKORKF,
correction by multiplication.
• Water temperature correction depending on engine speed using the map
arwTWKORKF, correction by addition.

The thus determined setpoint value (or control value) is limited by arwSWBSWMX and

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ehmFEKA aroSOLL_0



armARF_AGL +/ x
cowV_AGL_A=2 then (mul.)


ldmADF +/x
cowV_ATK_A=2 then (mul.)






value limit

aroSOLL_6 arwSWBSWMN aroSOLL_5

mrmM_EWUNt 1
aroSOLL_7 _ /+

0 cowV_DYN_A.0=1 then add

set of parameter:

Figure AR2: Setpoint value calculation

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7.1.2 Dynamic precontrol

The demand quantity mrmM_EWUNt is processed in a dynamic precontrol with DT1-
d(demand quantity)
setpoint value of precontrol = KD *
Separate parameters are stored for small- and large-signal behaviour of the differential
gain. Within a certain window the calculations are carried out with small-signal differential
gain, outside the window with large-signal differential gain. Depending on the water
temperature a parameter set is used for each "cold" or "warm" engine.
(water temperature > arwSWBTWDY ) → parameter set warm engine arwWDV_...
(water temperature ≤ arwSWBTWDY ) → parameter set cold engine arwKDV_...
The setpoint value precontrol can influence the setpoint value with absolute value
calculation (cowV_DYN_A.2) and by addition or subtraction (cowV_DYN_A.0).

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Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 ARLMBK01 2.14

7.1.3 Airmass calculation

Attention: Prerequisite for the correct functioning is that the selection switches are set as
follows: cowV_LMM_S = 4 and cowFUN_M_L ≥ 17. If one of the conditions is
not fulfilled, no air mass calculation is done. Calculating the air mass/stroke from an air flow sensor (LMM)
The signal of an air quantity sensor or air mass sensor (e.g. hot film air mass sensor
(HFM), signal proportional to air flow) can be processed.
Monitoring for signal range check (SRC) of the LMM-signals as well as a plausibility
check Offsetdrift is carried out by the analog value sampling. The plausibility check Offset
drift is realized in the after run operation.
The faulty function of a hot-film airmass sensor after switching on is compensated by
multiplication of a switch-on correction. The switch-on correction is applicated by the
factor arwLMBEKOF and the time constant arwLMBEKT. The time is started at the first
recognition of engine speed > 0.
  
aroIST _ 4 = anmLMM × arwLMBEKOF +  (1 − arwLMBEKOF)×

  arwLMBEKT 
The corrected signal is divided by the engine speed and scaled to an air mass per stroke.
The scaled value is corrected by multiplication with a correction factor which depends on
air temperature and atmospheric pressure using the map arwLMBKOKF.
The sampling of the hotfilm air mass meter is carried out ratiometric time-
synchronously every 1ms. Here a special plausibility check is used. An additional Offset
drift test is carried out in the after run operation.
In case of an error the default value arwLMBPVGW is used.

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armPkorr [hPa]
Y281 S01 271-V10

ldmADF fbbELM5_H
aroIS T_3

cowFUN_M_L.1 aroIST_6
plausibility fbbELMM_B
arwLMBKOKF upper bondary

plausibility fbbELMM_P
lower bondary

EDC 15C B271.V10

division with
speed and
Description of functions

Figure AR3: Air mass calculation

standardization armM _List

arwLMBEKOF aroIST_5 armIST_4BE


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ARLMBK01 2.14
Page 7-7

Description of functions Page 7-8
Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 ARLMBK01 2.14 Plausibility check of the air mass sensor

The plausibility checks are carried out by two different procedures: sensitivity drift test
and the offset drift test performed in the afterrun (this type of test is described in the
chapter Afterrun).
Under the following conditions the sensitivity test is carried out:
1. start time elapsed
2. fuel quantity below threshold
3. engine temperature in operation range and not overheated
4. no EGR active
5. no diagnostic access for EGR
6. no shut-off at high altitude
7. no SRC error of the LMM
8. no sensor voltage error of the LMM
9. no error in WTF, LTF, ADF, LDF, EKA, ARS, LDS
10. no excessive air temperature change

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Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 ARLMBK01 2.14

start anoLMM_cnt a
b a>b anoLMMst.1

mrmM_EWUN + mrmM_ELLR anoLMMst.2
b a<b

b a b
b =

b a>b

b a<b

ldmADF anoLMMst.4
b a>b
anwLMPatm &
| anmLTF - anmLTFA |
b a<b

fboSLMM_L 1
fboSLMM_H 1
fboSLMM_V 1
fboSWTF 1
fboSLTF 1
fboSADF 1
fboSLDF 1
fboSEKA 1
fboSARS 1
fboSLDS 1

dzmNmit anoLMMst.5
b a>b

dzmNmit anoLMMst.6
b a<b

ldmP_Llin anoLMMst.7
b a>b

Figure AR4: Condition for plausibility of sensitivity drift

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Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 ARLMBK01 2.14

If only one of the conditions is not fulfilled the compare value anmLMMnorm is not
calculated and 0 is given out.
If all conditions are fulfilled, the airmass is calculated by the general gas equation. After
this the air mass is validated by a window.
Calculation of scaled air mass:
(anmLTF + anwLMT _ Off ) × arwLMM _ N _ P
anmLMMnorm = aroIST _ 6 ×
anmLDF × arwLMM _ N _ T

Here arwLMM_N_P is the standard pressure and arwLMM_N_T is the standard

temperature. The warming up of the intake air can be compensated by anwLMT_Off. At
intact systems anmLMMnorm should correspond to the theoretical air mass value under
standard conditions. In the above equation the temperatures are given in Celsius. For the
calculation they are converted to Kelvin.

Hint: An mathematical overflow can be caused by an unfavorable application at extreme

input values. In this case the maximum value anmLMMnorm = 3276,7 mg/stroke is

If the corrected air mass exceeds the limit anwLM1KL, (depending on engine speed),
the sensitivity drift error fbbELMM_B is set. If the corrected air mass is below the limit
anwLM2KL, (depending on engine speed), sensitivity drift error fbbELMM_P is set.

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no error detection or healing


aroIST_6 normalization
air mass
a error fbbELMM_B
b a>b debouncing



no error detection or healing

anmLMMnorm a fbbELMM_P
b a<b debouncing



Figure AR5 : Plausibility of sensitivity drift



no error


anwLMBPN1 anwLMBPN2 dzmNmit


Figure AR6: Error conditions plausibility of sensitivity drift

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Description of functions Page 7-12
Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 ARLMBK01 2.14 Calculating a corrected air pressure from P and T

The structure of the airmass calculation is switched over by means of the function
switch cowFUN_M_L. The calculation of the corrected air pressure from P and T can be
done in three different ways.
• From air temperature and atmospheric pressure
• From isotropic-corrected air temperature and boost pressure (temperature sensor in
the intake manifold )
• From air temperature and boost pressure
The corrected air temperature is converted into Kelvin, multiplied with the corrected
atmospheric pressure and re-converted into degrees Celsius.
The pressure selected by a software switch and the corresponding temperature are used
in the pressure correction map arwLMBMLP2. The corrected pressure is output as
Following table shows the assignment of the function switch cowFUN_M_L:
Bit Meaning
1 0 Pkorr by air temperature
1 Pkorr by atmospheric pressure
2 0 dependent on bit 3
1 Pkorr by atmospheric pressure
3 0 Pkorr by linearized boost or intake manifold pressure
1 Pkorr by minimum(actual or setpoint boost pressure)
4 0 no air mass processing
1 air mass detection and processing

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Description of functions Page 7-13
Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 ARRSTK01 2.4

7.1.4 Governing and control & monitoring

The exhaust gas recirculation rate is governed by a PI-governor with the setpoint air
mass armM_Lsoll. For this, the fixed values arwIR_..., arwPR_... are valid for the I- and P-
parameters and the fixed values arwGR_MAX and arwGR_MIN are valid for the limitation.
Governing is switched off, if one of the operation transitions is active. The governor is
switched on again if none of the operation transitions is active any longer. The I-
component of the governor is initialized with the default values arwREGIVG...
The value aroREGStel determined by governing or control is used to calculate the
actuator values. For the path of ARF-positioner the map arwAGRTVKF and for the throttle
positioner the map arwDKTVKF is used. The maps provide for the positioning values
aroREGAGTV and aroREGDKTV before the operation transitions, where for the throttle
positioning value aroREGDKTV a multiplicative, water- and air temperature-dependent
correction is made.
With the software switch cowVAR_ARF the governing can be switched over to
controlling. In this case the setpoint value armM_Lsoll is output as duty cycle.

Value Meaning
1 governing using airmass sensor
2 controlling of the actuators
4 governing using exhaust stroke

The governor output is used for pulse-width modulated control of the electro-pneumatic
converter (EPW). The control frequency is determined by the program, the duty-cycle is
limited. Upon reaching the limits the I-component is frozen.

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Y281 S01 271-V10


arwHYS_S1 0
aroRGIAnt aroREGStel ehmFARS
monitoring arwIR_... operating-state
governer changeover

armM_List arwREGDMPR, fbwEARSpR ehmFLDK

anmAHR arwREGIN1, arwREGIN2
arwREGIME1, arwREGIME2 aroRGPAnt

cowVAR_ARF=1 ≥1
EDC 15C B271.V10
Description of functions


Figure AR7: Governing and control & monitoring




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ARRSTK01 2.4
Page 7-14

Description of functions Page 7-15
Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 ARRSTK01 2.4 Monitoring the governor deviation

Monitoring is carried out if no operation transition is present and the configuration
(cowVAR_ARF) is set to governing operation. The governor deviation aroM_Ldiff is
monitored for positive and negative governor deviation. The error condition is fulfilled if:
• fbbEARSpR if aroM_Ldiff > arwREGDMPR
• fbbEARSnR if aroM_Ldiff < arwREGDMNR
Defect recognition (debouncing times fbwEARSpRA resp. fbwEARSnRA) is carried out
only within the engine speed thresholds arwREGIN3 < dzmNmit < arwREGIN4 and within
the range mrmM_EAKT < arwREGIME2.

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dzmNmit a

arwREGIN3 b a>b

a & S Q

a<b R
arwREGIN4 b

mrmM_EAKT a &
arwREGIME2 b

cowVAR_ARF <> 2 & S Q


aroM_Ldiff a



dzmNmit a

arwREGIN1 b

arwREGIN2 b
a<b &

mrmM_EAKT a &
arwREGIME1 b

Figure AR8: Monitoring the governor deviation

Intact recognition (debouncing times fbwEARSpRB and fbwEARSnRB) only takes place
between the engine speed thresholds arwREGIN1 < dzmNmit < arwREGIN2 and within the
range mrmM_EAKT < arwREGIME.

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area for monitoring
of governor deviation


area for healing

of governor deviation

arwREGIN3 arwREGIN1 arwREGIN2 arwREGIN4 dzmNmit

Figure AR9: Range of healing of the governor deviation Error reaction

If there is a persistent governor deviation (fbbEARSpR, fbbEARSnR), the reaction
depends on the fact if the operating point is inside or outside the range for „healing the
governor deviation“. Inside the range it is tested with active governing, if governing is
possible again. For positive governor deviation a fuel quantity limiting (mrwBEM_KL) is
carried out.
If the operating point is outside the range, the EGR is switched off.
If an error occurs caused by a governor deviation (aroM_Ldiff > arwREGDMPR,
aroM_Ldiff < arwREGDMNR), the reaction depends on the fact wether the operating point
is within or outside the area for „monitoring the governor deviation“. Defect recognition is
carried out within this range, but not outside this range. Structure switching

By the software switch cowFUN_HYS the ARF control can be switched over to on/off
control . If cowFUN_HYS=0 control is carried out using the default value armM_Lsoll; if
cowFUN_HYS=1 control is carried out with hysteresis.
If the air-setpoint exceeds the threshold arwHYS_S2, the duty cycle arwHYS_W2 is
output. If the setpoint value falls below the threshold arwHYS_S1 a witch is made to the
duty cycle arwHYS_W1. For adaption to the EPW the resulting on/off ratio is modified by
the maps arwDKTVKF and arwAGRTVKF.

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Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 ARABS115 2.3 EGR shutoff

If several causes occur, the status with the higher identification is saved and its
measures are carried out.

operating state status armCASE = status aroSTATE.x

no change of operating state 0
activ, e.g. ehmFARS=aroREGAGTV
CAN-torque-intervention active 1
(MMIN_EGS=1 or MMAX_EGS=1) and AMR_AKT_EGS=1 or

overrun condition 2
(dzmNmit > arwREGSBN) and (mrmM_EAKT < arwREGSBME)
engine running in low idle for more than time t 3
(dzmNmit < arwREGNLL1) and (t>arwREGTLL1)

dzmNmit > arwREGIN1

dzmNmit < arwREGIN2 ³1
mrmM_EAKT > arwREGIME1
fbbEARSpR &

fbbEARS_K 5
EGR-actuator defective: ³1

AHR defective (fboSAHR)

LMM defective (fboSLMM) ³1
LDR defective (fboSLDS)
atmospheric pressure ldmADF below lower treshold 7
hysteresis: arwP_ATM_U, arwP_ATM_O ³1 3
cold stop: (anmWTF < arwT_W_U) 8
hysteresis: arwT_W_U, arwT_W_O
hot stop: (anmWTF > arwT_WH_O) 9
hysteresis: arwT_WH_U, arwT_WH_O
UBatt too low 10
(anmUBT < arwREGUBAB)
driver demand fuel quantity to high 11
(mrmM_EWUNt > arwREGMEAB)

at start 12
(mrmSTART_B <> 0)

engine speed much below low idle speed 13

(dzmNmit < arwREGNLL2)
engine speed above limit


engine speed below switch-on treshold

(dzmNmit < arwREGNEIN)
Flow-Check TV 1 (valve closed) 15
Flow-Check TV 2 (valve open) 5
(TV = duty cycle) 6
expansion 7

Figure AR10: EGR shut off

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Description of functions Page 7-19
Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 ARBUSK01 2.1 EGR operation transition

Depending on the different operating conditions the EGR/DK-actuators are operated
with the positioning value from governing/control (aroREGAGTV, aroREGDKTV) or with
the corresponding default values (arwREGTVG...,, arwRDKTVG...). The operating
conditions are shown by armCASE and aroSTATE.x. The transition chain is structured in a
way that the transitions have increasing priority with increasing identification. If one of the
transitions is active governing is frozen. If there is a return from one of the operation
transitions into governor operation, the I-component of the governor is set to the
corresponding default value arwREGIVG...
The transition for torque interventions at „fast torque interventions“ is carried out by
ESP or EGS .



CAN shut-off AGR switch-on Flow-Check Flow-Check

torque-intervention in overrun shut-off treshold TV1 TV2
(aroSTATE.1) (aroSTATE.2) (aroSTATE.3) (aroSTATE.4) (aroSTATE.5) (aroSTATE.6)



Figure AR11: EGR/DK-operation transition

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Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 ARFLCK01 2.1

7.1.5 Flow-Check
The functioning of the ARF is to be proved by one test for each driving cycle/trip. For
this the report from the exhaust stroke indicator is not sufficient, because it does not reflect
the exhaust gas flow . (e.g. a blocked pipe is not recognized by the stroke indicator)
For this the ARF-valve and the throttle are closed during overrun. After a short time
arwFC_t_V the intake manifold pressure is determined and stored. Afterwards the ARF-
valve is opened and for correct functioning of the ARF the intake manifold pressure
increases again. This increase of the intake manifold pressure is to monitored and

Applikation hint: If the flow check is to be applicated as „not in function“, it must be

guaranteed that arwFC_n_u=arwFC_n_o is applicated to report the
flow check error as OK. Requirements for the test

To activate the test the following requirements must be fulfilled for a time arwFC_t_D
> threshold:
• test not yet carried out (aroFLW_St = 3)
• water temperature > threshold arwFC_T_W
• fuel quantity mrmM_EAKT < threshold arwFC_M_u (overrun shutoff active)
• arwFC_n_u < engine speed < arwFC_n_o

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Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 ARFLCK01 2.1 Test of the valve function

If the requirements for the test are met, the test should run as follows:
1. Output of an applicable on/off ratio arwFC_ATV1 to the ARF and LDK power
2. After passing of the waiting time arwFC_t_D capture of the boost/intake manifold
pressure ldmP_Llin (saving of the value)
3. Output of an applicable on/off ratio arwFC_ATV2 to the ARF and LDK power
4. Determining the differential pressure to the saved value.
5. For a differential pressure >= arwFC_D_S intact is recognized.
6. If the threshold value is not reached after passing of the test arwFC_t_S, the ARF is
classified as defective.
The current test status can be read on the OLDA aroFLW_St.
Value Status
0 wait for test
1 wait for pressure
2 threshold test
3 test carried out Reaction to the test

If the was successful, the ARF is considered as tested for this driving cycle and the test
not carried out any more.
If the test was not successful, the path ARF is classified as defective and the error
fbbEARS_F is reported. The test is continued to make an eventual intact classification of
the ARF possible. Test termination

The test is immediately terminated if one of the requirements for the test is not fulfilled
any more.

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Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 LDREGK01 2.13

7.2 Boost pressure governing

Boost pressure governing is used to control an exhaust turbocharger with Waste-Gate as
well as a turbocharger with variable turbine geometry (VTG-turbocharger).
For governing an exhaust turbocharger with Waste-Gate the actuator is a bypass valve
through which the exhaust flow is directed to or past the turbine. For governing a VTG-
turbocharger the actuator is the variable turbine geometry.
Boost pressure governing is subdivided into recognition of driving habits, setpoint value
calculation, boost pressure governor (closed-loop control), boost pressure open loop
control, controlled adaption of governor parameters and monitoring, and shut off.

ldmVERB adaption
fgm_VzuN of governor parameters

D-gain ldoE
dzmNmit DT1-memory
anmLTF factor

ldmM_E setpoint ldmP_LSoll ldoRG_TV ehmFLDS
boost pressure monitoring
mrmM_EWUNL value
governing and shut-off
calculation ldmP_Llin
ldmVERB dzmNmit
fgm_VzuN mrmM_EAKT
ldoTVsteu fboS..

ldmFW_B boost pressure
mrmPWG_roh recognition of
open loop
driving habits


Figure LD1: Structure of boost pressure governing

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dzmNmit averaged engine speed
mrmPWG_roh accelerator pedal sensor raw value
mrmSTART_B engine start
mrmM_EAKT current engine fuel quantity
mrmM_EWUNL demand quantity + low-idle quantity
ldmVERB fuel consumption
ldmADF atmospheric pressure
ldmP_Lin filtered value of boost pressure sensor
fgm_VzuN ratio of vehicle speed to engine speed
anmWTF water temperature
dimKUP clutch

ehmFLDS on/off ratio for control of ATL or DK

With the software switch cowFUN_LDR boost pressure governing is switched on (= 1)

or off (= 0). With the software switch cowVAR_LDR = 8 the LDS power stage is activated,
with cowVAR_LDR = 0 it is deactivated.
The software switch cowLDR_ME determines which fuel quantity signal is to be used.
The subtasks then use the quantity ldmM_E.
Valuedez Meaning
1 current injection quantity mrmM_EAKT
2 mrmM_EWUNL = demand quantity + low-idle quantity
mrmM_EWUNt + mrmM_ELLR
3 unfiltered demand quantity
mrmM_EWUNR = driver demand quantity + low-idle
quantity mrmM_EPWG
+ mrmM_ELLR

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7.2.1 Recognition of driving style



mrmPWG_roh(k) - ldwFWspo
mrmPWG_roh(k - 1)
ldoFWfi ldmFW_B
20 ms ldoFW



mrmPWG_roh = 0 >1

Figure LD2: Recognition of driving styles

Depending on the driving style the open loop control map and the boost pressure
setpoint value map are selected. Sporty driving activates the open loop control map
ldwSTspoKF and the setpoint value map ldwSWspoKF (sporty data set), economical
driving activates the open loop control map ldwSToekKF and the setpoint value map
ldwSWoekKF (economical data set). The driving habit recognition is determined by the
accelerator pedal position mrmPWG_roh, the accelerator pedal position change
|mrmPWG_roh(k)-mrmPWG_roh(k-1)| and the engine speed dzmNmit.
These three inputs are weighted by division by ldwFWPWG, ldwFWdPWG and
ldwFWN respectively. The three results are added and filtered. The higher the result
(ldoFWfi), the sportier the driving style. In order to enable quick switching-on of the sporty
data set and to prevent switching back to the economical data set during brief coast, a non-
linear PT1-filter is used, which selects the time constant depending on the direction of
change at the filter output ldoFWfi. For increasing filter output ldwFWPT1p is used for
filtering, for decreasing filter output ldwFWPT1n is used.
Continuous switching over is prevented by the following hysteresis: if the filtered
driving habit recognition ldoFWfi is above the threshold ldwFWspo, sporty driving is
recognized, below the threshold ldwFWoek economical driving is recognized. After start
the driving style is set to economical.

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Under the following conditions the learned driving habit ldoFWfi is frozen:
• Overrun with high engine speed, this prevents false sporty driving style recognition.
• Low-idle (with stopped vehicle), this prevents false economical driving style
• During cruise control device operation, low-idle operation and with actuated clutch.

During cruise control device operation economical driving is selected.

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7.2.2 Setpoint value calculation

mrmM_EAKT 1
mrmM_EWUNL 2 ldmM_E
mrmM_EWUNR 3


ldwSWspoKF (ldoSWPA_K1)




minimum ldoSWPLBEG


switching of setpoint value

Kd=0 if
ldmFW_B ldmFW_B(k) <>



ldwSDV_... ldmP_Lsoll


Figure LD3: Setpoint value calculation

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The absolute or relative boost pressure is calculated from a setpoint value map
depending on engine speed dzmNmit and fuel quantity ldmM_E. If the boost pressure
setpoint value applied in the setpoint value map is a absolute pressure or a pressure relative
to the atmospheric pressure depends on the position of the switch cowLDR_R_A .

Range of values of the switch cowLDR_R_A:

Valuedez Meaning
0 absolute pressure governing (actual value = boost pressure)
1 relative pressure governing (actual value = boost pressure - atmospheric pressure)

The setpoint value map is selected depending on the driving habit:

• For sporty driving (ldmFW_B=1) ldwSWspoKF is used as setpoint value map.
• For economical driving (ldmFW_B=0) ldwSWoekKF is used as setpoint value map.

At change of the driving habit the setpoint value changes in a step. During switching
over the setpoint value differentiator is shut off, so that the step will not be too large.
Depending on the atmospheric pressure ldmADF and the fuel quantity ldmM_E an
additive correction is made using the map ldwPAUEKF . A multiplicative correction factor
depending on the air temperature anmLTF is calculated from the curve ldwTLUEKL .
This value (ldoSWPL_K2) is limited to a maximum using a minimum function.
See page 7-45 for further information on the minimum function.
The maximum is calculated from the map ldwMXWKF as function of atmospheric
pressure ldmADF and engine speed dzmNmit.

The setpoint value is conditioned by a dynamic precontrol with DT1-characteristics:

setpoint value precontrol = KD ×
Separate parameters are stored for small- and large-signal behaviour of the differential
gain. If the input signal change is within a certain window, small signal differential gain is
used for calculation, outside the window large signal differential gain is used. The memory
factor is selected depending on the sign of the output signal.

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The result represents the dynamic part of the setpoint value (ldoSWDYANT). This part is
added to the setpoint value as calculated before. During switching over of the driving habit
the differentiator is shut off. This prevents an amplification of the setpoint value step,
which is caused by switching over.
The thus calculated setpoint value is limited to a minimum value ldwSWBLDMN and a
maximum value ldwSWBLDMX.

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7.2.3 Governing

D - gain
DT1 - memory factor


LDR_06 ldoE 1
calculation 0
ldwDR_NEX ldoIFRZ.0
P - gain 1
I - gain
0 ldoRG_TVUB
1 ldo_TVUBK
ldmP_Lsoll 0 return
calculate frozen frozen

limiting and ARW
ldmP_Llin PI - governor
0 ldoRGPAnt
1 ldoTVsteu

ldmM_E ldoGRmin ldoGRmax



mrmM_EAKT ldmVERB 0

dzmNmit 1 ldmV_TVKor LDRGOV.DSF

fgm_VzuN 2


Figure LD4: Boost pressure governor

The boost pressure governor is a by pass PI-governor, i.e. the correcting variable of the
PI-governor ldoRGPITV is added to the open loop control value ldoTVsteu. A DT1-
governor lies parallel to the PI-governor. Because the governor loop of the VTG-
turbocharger changes during operation, there is controlled adaption of the governor
The governor parameters depend on the governor deviation ldoE and the engine speed
dzmNmit or gear fgm_VzuN. Monitoring shuts off the output from open and closed loop
control at certain system errors and supplies the actuator with default values.
The boost pressure ldmP_Llin (= filtered value anmLDF) is governed to the setpoint
pressure ldmP_Lsoll using a PIDT1-governor with parallel open loop control. Governing
remaines switched off for low quantities.

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Governing is switched on only if the fuel quantity exceeds an engine speed-dependent

threshold from the curve ldwREG1KL .
At switch-on the I-component is set to Zero. If there is a deviation at switch-on of the
governor, the P-component causes a step at the output.
The D-governor is switched on in a way that its output is Zero immediately after switch-
Governing is shut off if the fuel quantity reaches or falls below an engine speed-
dependent threshold from the curve ldwREG0KL . Also at shut off the on/off ratio at the
output will change in a step, because the correction variable of the PIDT1-governor is not
added any more. If the governor is shut off, no monitoring of the governor deviation is
carried out (see below).
Applikation hint: To guarantee correct switch-on and shut off of governing it is
necessary that the output value of the curve ldwREG1KL is higher
than the output value of the curve ldwREG0KL for all engine
speeds. To prevent repeated switch-on and shut off the hysteresis
between the two curves must be large enough.
The open loop control value ldoTVsteu and the output of the PI-governor ldoRGPITV
are added and limited by the curves ldwGRmax and ldwGRmin . The type of limiting (fuel
consumption, engine speed, gear) can be selected with the switch cowLDR_BEG.
Range of values of DAMOS switch cowLDR_BEG:
Valuedez Type of limiting
0 by consumption (ldmVERB = mrmM_EAKT • dzmNmit)
1 by engine speed (dzmNmit)
2 by gear (fgm_VzuN)

Attention: Each alteration of the switch requires a new DAMOS-run, because the
specifications (conversion formula) change.

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Upon reaching the limits there are two possibilities for integrator handling:
• If software switch cowLDR_ARW= 0, the integral part is reverse-calculated as "anti
reset windup"-measure (ARW), i.e. at limiting the I-component is reverse-calculated
in a way that ldoTVsteu+ldoRGPITV is exactly at the limit.
• If software switch cowLDR_ARW= 1, the integrator is frozen as "anti reset windup"-
measure, i.e. upon reaching the upper limit ldoGRmax the integrator may not be
increased any more. But the integrator may be decreased if the governor deviation is
negative and at the same time the upper limit is exceeded. Reaching the lower limit
ldoGRmin is handled vice versa.
• If software switch cowLDR_ARW= 2, the integrator is frozen as "anti reset windup"-
measure. Upon reaching the upper limit ldoGRmax the integrator is no longer
increased, i.e. its value is frozen (ldoIFRZ.0=1). The integrator is reactivated
(ldoIFRZ.0=0) if the boost pressure decreases or the governor input signal is

After adding the D-component, limitation by the curves ldwGRmax and ldwGRmin is
re-newed. But there is no ARW-measure afterwards.
If a change in driving habits is recognized, there is a step at the setpoint value signal
ldmP_Lsoll and at the open loop control signal ldoTVsteu.
The position of the software switch cowLDR_R_A determines whether absolute pressure
governing or relative pressure governing takes place. Absolute pressure governing sets the
intake manifold pressure to the absolute pressure ldmP_Lsoll. Relative pressure governing
sets the delta pressure relative to the atmospheric pressure in the intake manifold. The
actual value for the governor is the result of ldmP_Llin - anmADF, the setpoint pressure is
a overpressure value.

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7.2.4 Open loop control


mrmM_EAKT 1
mrmM_EWUNL 2 ldoM_Est
mrmM_EWUNR 3

ldwTVoekKF ldoTV1




ldwTVPAKF ldoTV2

anmLTF ldoTVsteu


Figure LD5: Boost pressure open loop control

An open loop control map is selected depending on the driving habits:

• For sporty driving (ldmFW_B=1) ldwTVspoKF is used as open loop control map.
• For economical driving (ldmFW_B=0) ldwTVoekKF is used as open loop control

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At change of the driving style the open loop control value changes in a step.
An additive correction which is calculated from the map ldwTVPAKFis made depending
on the atmospheric pressure ldmADF and the fuel quantity ldoM_Est. Depending on the air
temperature anmLTF a multiplicative correction is made using the curve ldwTVTLKL.
The software switch cowLDR_MSdetermines, which fuel quantity signal is to be used.
The subtasks then use the fuel quantity ldoM_Est.

Valuedez Meaning
1 current injection quantity mrmM_EAKT
2 mrmM_EWUNL = demand quantity + low-idle fuel quantity
mrmM_EWUNt + mrmM_ELLR
3 unfiltered demand quantity
mrmM_EWUNR = driver driver demand quantity + low-idle quantity
mrmM_EPWG+ mrmM_ELLR

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7.2.5 Controlled adaption of the governor parameters

mrmM_EAKT 0

dzmNmit 1 P-gain

fgm_VzuN 2

ldwPR_POS switching as
ldwPR_SIG a function of
ldwPR_NEG governor deviation




switching as
ldwIR_SIG a function of
ldwIR_NEG governor deviation




ldwDR_SIP switching as
a function of
governor deviation


DT1-memory factor


Figure LD6: Controlled adaption of the governor parameters

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The boost pressure is governed by a PIDT1-governor. Here the fixed values ldwIR_...
and ldwPR_... are valid for the I- and P-parameters. For small signals inside the window
ldwIR_FEN and ldwPR_FEN the gains ldwIR_SIG and ldwPR_SIGare valid. For large
signals with governor input values outside the window the gains ldwIR_POS or
ldwIR_NEG and ldwPR_POS or ldwPR_NEG are valid.
For the DT1 element following is defined: for small signals inside the window
ldwIR_FEN and ldwPR_FEN the gains ldwIR_SIG and ldwPR_SIG are valid. For large
signals with governor input values outside the windows the gains ldwDR_POS or
ldwDR_NEG are valid.
Due to the VTG-turbocharger the governor loop changes during operation, which
requires controlled adaption of the governor parameters. Therefore the I-, P- and D-gain of
the PIDT1-governor are multiplied each by one of three factors. The three factors are
determined using curves. Input value of these curves is either the fuel consumption
ldmVERB, the engine speed dzmNmit or the gear fgm_VzuN. The DAMOS-switch
cowLDR_ADA selects if the factor depends on fuel consumption, engine speed or gear.

Range of values of the DAMOS-switch cowLDR_ADA:

Valuedez Type of limiting
0 by consumption (ldmVERB = mrmM_EAKT • dzmNmit)
1 by engine speed (dzmNmit)
2 by gear (fgm_VzuN)

Attention: Each alteration of the switch requires a new DAMOS-run necessary, because
the specifications (conversion formula) change.

The P-gains ldwPR_SIG, ldwPR_POS and ldwPR_NEG are multiplied with a factor
from the curve ldwPRfakKL. The result is the current P-gain of the PIDT1-governor.
The I-gains ldwIR_SIG, ldwIR_POS and ldwIR_NEGare multiplied with a factor from
the curve ldwIRfakKL. The result is the current I-gain of the PIDT1-governor.
The D-gains ldwDR_SIP, ldwDR_SIN, ldwDR_POS and ldwDR_NEG are multiplied
with a factor from the curve ldwDRfakKL . The result is the current D-gain of the PIDT1-
The memory factor is interpolated from the curve ldwDR_gfKL. Here again the
DAMOS-switch cowLDR_ADA determines if the fuel consumption ldmVERB, the engine
speed dzmNmit or the gear fgm_VzuN is used as input value for the curve.

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7.2.6 Calculating the boost pressure

Calculation of the boost pressure consists of the subtasks plausibility check and
calculation of the atmospheric pressure.
If the atmospheric pressure sensor is not used (cowFUN_ADF=0) or if it is defective
(fboSADF≠0), the atmospheric pressure is calculated from the boost pressure, if the boost
pressure sensor is intact (fboSLDF=0).
For existing and intact atmospheric pressure sensor a mutual plausibility check between
boost pressure and atmospheric pressure is carried out.
The measured boost pressure anmLDF (average of the last two values, speed-
synchronous) is PT1-filtered with ldwLDF_GF.


ldwLDF_GF ADF ok (fboSADF=0) and

ADF installed (cowFUN_ADF=1)

anmLDF out of range

(fbosLDF.0 or .1 or .2 or .3)

anmADF plausibility fboSLDF.7 >1 &

dzmNmit check



ADF not installed (cowFUN_ADF=0) or

dzmNmit < ldwLDBNAL
for t > ldwLDBTAL (ADF defective (fboSADF<>0) )
ldoLDB_DPN and LDF ok (fboSLDF=0)

calculation ADF from LDF LDBER.DSF

Figure LD7: Boost pressure calculation

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The plausibility check is carried out if no SRC error occurred for the sensor signals.
There is a plausibility error if below the engine speed threshold ldwLDBP_N the
absolute value of the difference between boost pressure and atmospheric pressure
(anmLDF-anmADF) is above the limit ldwLDBP_D for the time fbwELDF_PA. In this
case a defect of the boost pressure sensor is assumed and the atmospheric pressure
ldmADF is used as default for the boost pressure ldmP_Llin. If the absolute difference and
the engine speed are below the limit ldwLDBP_D for the time fbwELDF_PB, the boost
pressure sensor is regarded as recovered. Calculating the atmospheric pressure

The atmospheric pressure ldmADF can be calculated from the boost pressure if the
engine speed is below the threshold ldwLDBNAL for the time ldwLDBTAL.
In this case ldmADF results from the sum of the boost pressure ldmLDF and a
correction value determined from the curve ldwLDBdPKL, depending on the engine speed.
If the above conditions are fulfilled, the atmospheric pressure is averaged, else the last
calculated value is used.
In case of a sensor defect the following values are used:
LDF status ADF not installed or defective ADF installed and intact
intact ldmP_Llin = F(anmLDF) ldmP_Llin = F(anmLDF) +
ldmADF = f(anmLDF) anmLDF_kog
ldmADF = anmADF
defective ldmP_Llin = F(anmLDF) ldmP_Llin = anmADF
ldmADF = anmADF ldmADF = anmADF

Remark: If one of the two measured values is outside the allowed range, the
corresponding input signal is set to the default value (anwLDF_VOR) or to
If no atmospheric pressure sensor is installed, the default value
anwADF_VOR is used for initialization.

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7.2.7 Shut off

anmWTF shut-off ldoRG_BER=7

mrmSTART_B because of
cold start >1
dzmNmit<ldwREGN1 ldoRG_BER=1

dzmNmit because of ldoRG_BER=5
mrmM_EAKT governor
fboSLDS.4 deviation LDUEBW.DSF

fboSLDS.5 >1 &

fboS... shut-off
because of
system error ldoRG_BER=6 ehwEST_LDS.13


pulse width LDS-powerstage
ldwREGVGW1 100 %

Figure LD8: Monitoring and shut off

Shut off of the boost pressure governing depends on the operating status ldoRG_BER:
Operating status ldoRG_BER
Work. Measure Measure with Monitoring Recovery
range persistent gov. dev. for gov. dev. gov. dev.
0 0 control with ldwREGVGW2 no no
1 1 ldwREGVGW1 ldwREGVGW1 no no
2 2 Governing ldwREGVGW2 no no
3 3 Governing Governing yes yes
4 4 Governing ldwREGVGW2 yes no
5 4 ldwREGVGW2 due to persistent gov. dev no no
6 - ldwREGVGW2 due to system error no no
7 - ldwREGVGW1 due to cold start no no
8 - arwFC_LTV2 due to ARF-flow check no no

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The data ldwREGVGW1 and ldwREGVGW2 are default values for the open loop control
duty-cycle of the boost pressure actuator. When the governor is switched on again, the I-
component is initialized with ldwREGIVG1 or ldwREGIVG2. The initialization values
ldwREGIVG1 and ldwREGIVG2 only make sense if no parallel open loop control is
applied. In this case both values are normally applied with the same values ldwREGVGW1
and ldwREGVGW2.
If the maps for parallel control are in use, ldwREGIVG1 and ldwREGIVG2 must be
applied with Zero.
The load subdivides the boost pressure control into five working ranges by the data
ldwREGN1, ldwREGN2 and ldwREGN3 as well as ldwREGME3 and ldwREGME4 and by
the hysteresis curves ldwREG0KL and ldwREG1KL. These data represent thresholds for
the averaged engine speed dzmNmit and the fuel quantity mrmM_EAKT:
quantity (mrmM_EAKT)
ldwREGN1 ldwREGN2 ldwREGN3

1 2 3 4





speed (dzmNmit)

Figure LD9: Working ranges

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Boost pressure governing is shut off due to persistent governor deviation, depending on
the working range.
Monitoring for persistent governor deviation is only carried out in working ranges 3 and
4. The loop is classified as defective if the governor deviation is greater than
ldwREGMXpR or smaller than ldwREGMXnR for the time fbwELDSpRA and fbwELDSnRA
respectively. A shut off of the boost pressure governing occurs only in section 4.

LdoE a
ldwREGMXpR b a>b fbbELDSpR
ldoRG_BER = 4 &

fbwELDSpRA ldoRG_BER = 5

ldwREGMXnR b a<b fbbELDSnR

ldoRG_BER = 4 &


Figure LD10: Defect recognition of the permanent governor deviation

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Intact recognition is carried out only in section 3 when the governor deviation is
between the limits ldwREGMXpR and ldwREGMXnR for the time fbwELDSpRB or

LdoE a
ldwREGMXpR b a<b
fbbELDSpR = 0

ldwREGMXnR b a>b

fboEARSpR = 1
working range 3 ldoRG_BER = 3

LdoE a
ldwREGMXpR b a<b
fbbELDSnR = 0

ldwREGMXnR b a>b

fboEARSnR = 1
working range 3 LDREGINT.DSF

Figure LD11: Intact recognition of the permanent governor deviation

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dzmNmit > ldwN_Abs

anmWTF ldoKSTWt

& ldoN_Abs


³1 ldoRG_BER=7


Figure LD12: Shut off due to cold start

During cold start (ldoRG_BER = 7) shut off occurs by setting the duty-cycle to
Cold start condition is recognized during start (mrmSTART_B = 1) and also for an
applicable time after starting cut-off. This time (ldoKSTWt) depends on the water
temperature anmWTF and is determined from the curve ldwKSTWKL at starting cut-off.

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fboSLD1.4 or fboSLD2.5 &
shut-off due to persistant
LDR governor deviation governor deviation
fboSLD1.4 or fboSLD2.5
working range 4 &
exhaust gas recycle
actuator defect
fboSARS or fboSAR1 or fboSAR2 .0 & >1
shut-off of LDR

boost pressure actuator defect

fboSLDS.2 /fboSLDS.3 .1 & shut-off due
to defect

boost pressure sensor defect

fboSLDF .2 &

airflow sensor defect

fboSLMM or fboSLM5 .3 & ldoRG_BER=6
exhaust gas recycle
governor deviation
fboSAR1.4 .4 &
exhaust gas recycle governor
negative deviation
fboSAR2.5 .5 &

inlet passage valve defect

fboSEKA .6 &


increment speed sensor defect

fboSDZG .0 &

Terminal 15 defect
fboSK15 .1 &

redundant emergency stop valve defect

.2 &

Accel. pedal sensor defect

fboSPWG .3 &

Accel. pedal sensor 2 defect
fboSPGS .4 &

angular timer defect

fboSIWZ .5 &


Figure LD13: Shut off due to system error

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The software switches cowFLDRAB1 and cowFLDRAB2 determine for which error the
LDR is shut off.
Range of value of the software switch for error selection 1 for LDR shut off
cowFLDRAB1 (OLDA ldoFLDRAB1, Bit position):
Bit shut-off if
0 ARF actuator 1 defective
1 boost pressure actuator defective
2 boost pressure sensor defective
3 airmass sensor defective
4 ARF positive governor deviation
5 ARF negative governor deviation
6 intake manifold shut off defective

Range of values software switch for error selection 2 for LDR shut off cowFLDRAB2
(OLDA ldoFLDRAB2, Bit position):
Bit shut-off if
0 DZG defective
1 terminal 15 defective
2 EAB defective
3 accelerator pedal sensor 1 defective
4 accelerator pedal sensor 2 defective
5 IWZ defective

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7.2.8 Minimum limiting for setpoint value calculation


Figure LD14: Minimum function

The function is used as an interface which makes it possible to take further values into
account for setpoint value calculation by producing code variants. Because the function is
realized as a separate module, the overhead at variant management is decreased

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Description of functions Page 7-46
Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 LDEKAK01 2.6

7.3 Inlet passage shut off

By actuating of flaps in the intake passage the passage at the inlet valve of the cylinder
can be narrowed. This reduces the air flow. The flaps in the intake passage are controlled
by 3/2-pass valve or EPW’s. Calculation of the control on/off ratio for the inlet passage
shutoff can switched on and off by the function switch cowFUN_EKA.

Inlet passage
mrmM_ELLR shut-off ehmFEKA



Figure LDEKA1: Structure of inlet passage shut off

anmLTF air temperature
anmWTF water temperature
mrmM_EWUNt demand quantity, time synchronous
mrmM_ELLR fuel quantity of the LLR
ldmADF atmospheric pressure, checked
dzmNmit averaged engine speed
armCASE state ARF
ehmFGZS glow power

ehmFEKA control on/off ratio for EKA [%]

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Description of functions Page 7-47
Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 LDFUN115 2.1

7.3.1 Function

cowEKA_FST &


anmLTF >1



ldwHY1_S1 ehmFEKA





Figure LDEKA2: Inlet passage shut-off control

The inlet passage shut-off (EKA) is a pure open loop control. Depending on the air
temperature anmLTF the EKA can be switched on and off by a hysteresis. If the air
temperature falls below the threshold ldwEKATLAB or a flame start command is activated
depending on the switches cowEKA_FST and ehmFGZS, the flap is controlled with the
on/off ratio ldwEKAVGW. If the air temperature exceeds the threshold ldwEKATLAN, the
EKA on/off ratio is calculated again (see following chapter).
The setpoint value for the flap is calculated from a map ldwEKAGKF depending on
engine speed dzmNmit and the sum of demand and low-idle quantity (mrmM_EWUNt +
mrmM_ELLR), which have been corrected using the curve ldwEKAPLKL / ldwEKAWTKL
depending on the atmospheric pressure.
Depending on the bypass switch ldcEKABP the output duty cycle is calculated using a
hysteresis function (ldcEKABP = 0), or the output value of the map ldwEKAGKF is
directly used (ldcEKABP = 1).

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Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 LDFUN115 2.1

For active hysteresis the transition points can be applied by the hysteresis parameters
(parameter set ldwHY1_ ). If the flap is controlled with the on/off ratio ldwHY1_W1 and
the setpoint value for this flap exceeds the threshold ldwHY1_S2, the duty cycle is
switched over to ldwHY1_W2. Upon giving out this duty cycle and falling below
ldwHY1_S1 of the setpoint value, the duty cycle ldwHY1_W1 is put out again. For the
input thresholds ldwHY1_S1 the following must be valid: ldwHY1_S1 < ldwHY1_S2.




Figure LDEKA3: Hysteresis for switching on and off

The thus calculated duty cycle is made available to the power stage handler as message

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Description of functions Page 7-49
Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 LDFKEK01 2.1

7.3.2 Function test of inlet passage flap

The function of the inlet passage flap is tested by simple tests. This function test can be
switched on and off, similar to the calculation of the control duty cycle, by the function
switch cowFUN_EKA. Flap blocked closed

If the engine speed and the demand quantity + LLR quantity exceed certain thresholds,
also the measured HFM-signal must be above a threshold. If this is not the case, the error
„flap blocked closed“ is recognized. This test is only carried out if the airmass meter is

cowV_LMM_S = 4

cowV_LMM_S = 3 ≥1

dzmNmit > ldwEKATNKZ

mrmM_EWUN + mrmM_ELLR > ldwEKATMKZ &

armM_List < ldwEKATLKZ


LDEKA4: Test for flap blocked closed

©Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property. We reserve all rights of disponal such as copying and passing on third parties.

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Description of functions Page 7-50
Y281 S01 271-V10 EDC 15C B271.V10 LDFK2K01 1.0 Flap blocked open

If the engine speed and the control on/off ratio exceed certain thresholds, the digital
switch (dimEKA) must not be actuated. If it is, the error flap blocked open is recognized.

dzmNmit > ldwEKATNKO

ehmFEKA > ldwEKATLKO fboSEKA.1


dimEKA = 1


Figure LDEKA5: Test for flap blocked open

©Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property. We reserve all rights of disponal such as copying and passing on third parties.

K5/ESM 1.12.1999 LDEKA

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