Large Wind Power Plants Modeling Techniques
Large Wind Power Plants Modeling Techniques
Large Wind Power Plants Modeling Techniques
Grounding #62
transformer (kA)
Wind Farm #1
Wind Farm #2
Also, the proposed modeling techniques have contributed VI. REFERENCES
to the development of a generic model of wind farm in the [1] Wind Generator Modeling Group, “Standard Wind Turbine-Generator
EMT domain. This generic model has been used as a Models,” UWIG Modeling and Interconnection User Group Meeting,
Oklahoma City, October 2006.
benchmark for other research in this area, such as the
[2] R. Gagnon, G. Sybille, S.Bernard, "Modeling and real-time simulation
development of reduced or aggregated models of a wind of a doubly-fed induction generator driver by a wind turbine," in
farm. The next development on the agenda will be Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Systems
validation of the wind farm model with actual field Transient IPST05, Montreal, June 2005, paper No. IPST05-162
[3] H. Le-Huy, G. Sybille, R. Gagnon, V.Q. Do, "Real-time simulation of
measurements. PWM power converters in a doubly-fed induction generator using
switching-function-based models," IEEE Industrial Electronics
Conference 2005, pp.1878-1883
[4] H. LeHuy, J.-C. Soumagne, "Digital real-time simulation of
transmission lines using parallel processors," IMACS-TC1 93,
Montréal, July 1993, pp. 29-32.
[5] D. Pare, G. Turmel, J.-C. Soumagne, "Validation of the Hypersim
digital real-time simulator with a large AC-DC network," in
Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Systems
Transients IPST03, New Orleans, Sept 2003, paper No. IPST03-13-5
[6] H.W. Dommel, "Digital computer solution of electromagnetic
transients in single and multiphase networks," IEEE Transactions on
Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-88, No. 4, April 1969, pp.
[7] SimPowerSystems User’s Guide, The Mathworks Inc., 2005.
[8] A.M. Gole, A. Keri, C. Kwankpa, "Guidelines for modeling power
electronics in electric power engineering applications," IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 12, No. 1, January 1977, pp.
Christian Larose Christian Larose received his B.Eng. degree in Electrical
Engineering in 1995 and M.Sc. degree in 1998, both from École de
Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS). He joined Institut de recherche d'Hydro-
Québec (IREQ) in 1996 as a development engineer in the Power System
Simulation Laboratory. His main interest is in the numerical real-time
simulation of power systems.
Pierre Giroux obtained his BSSE degree in 1976 from the Université de
Montréal (École Polytechnique). He joined the Institut de recherche
d’Hydro-Québec in 1988 as a research engineer. His work includes design,
real-time simulation and testing of controllers for FACTS and Power
Quality Devices. He is a registered engineer with the Ordre des ingénieurs
du Québec.