BGCSE Notes Pe
BGCSE Notes Pe
BGCSE Notes Pe
education programme. In early 2000 Physical Education was fully implemented in all the junior
schools in Botswana, and in 2004 it piloting of the subject was started in ten senior secondary
schools in Botswana.
400m, 800m, 1500m, etc. Javelin, discus, shot put, etc all fall under throws, and high
jump, triple jump, long jump and pole vault fall under jumps.
Aquatics is also referred to as water sports, e.g. water polo, swimming, diving, angling,
canoeing, surfing, water skiing, boat race, etc.
Adventure activities are usually dangerous and exciting activities done for fun or
Health and Physical fitness – Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social
wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity whereas physical fitness is
the ability of the body to meet the demands of the environment.
Leisure and recreation – Leisure is the free time or spare time one has when not
working or sleeping whereas recreation is any activity done during leisure.
Gymnastics is often a series of movements that develop and show the body’s strength
and ability to move and bend easily.
Sports medicine is a field concerned with prevention and treatment of sports related
Sports psychology deals with psychological aspects of sports. It handles issues such as
arousal, aggression, motivation, rewards, etc.
Sports marketing deals with the advertising and selling of sports goods and services.
Sports journalism deals with dissemination of sports news through media such as radio,
television, newspapers, etc
It is a spontaneous and enjoyable physical activity in which there are: no formal rules,
no pressure, no winner, no loser, no set time, no defined playing area and involvement
is just for the fun of it.
It is a non competitive or voluntary physical activity done for pleasure and enjoyment
during one’s free time, but it is more planned than play, has a winner and a loser and is
not highly organized.
Games are contest between two people or between two groups, where one person or
group is the winner. Attributes of games are that they are more organized than
recreation and play, they have an agreed area of play, have a specified time of play,
have a higher level of skill than in play and they have rules that change.
It is a vigorous physical activity which involves competition between individuals or
teams where winning is very important. Satisfaction does not only come from
enjoyment of involvement, but also from winning awards, prizes and even applause
from supporters. Other attributes of sports are that it is more organized than play,
recreation or games, has set rules, has area and time of play, has set position for team
player, has complex physical skills which are applied throughout the set time and it has
an element of serious training and preparation.
It is the free time or spare time a person has, when not working or sleeping. Factors
which determine what people do during their leisure are their age, interest, social
circumstances, facilities available and where people live.
An individual
Presents career opportunities
Boosts personal fitness through involvement in physical activity
Reduces the chances of getting sedentary diseases
Active and increased participation in sporting activity
It builds self confidence, self control and self esteem.
There will be less spending on health care by both individuals and the government.
It develops co-operative individuals.
People will have greater discipline and respect for others’ abilities.
There is greater utilization of sports and recreational facilities.
The economy
Job creation; generates job opportunities in sport related fields or creates employment
Less income is spent on health care. Since the government would spend less on health
care, there would be more funding available for other social services, and this will lead
to the growth of the economy.
It creates a healthier workforce. Therefore, less hours would be lost at work due to
illness. This in turn leads to more productivity because a healthy population is more
productive. Healthy people do not take sick offs.
The society
Promotes social interaction through participation through sports
There is generation of job opportunities in areas related to sports
People will have more knowledge or awareness about health and fitness.
It leads to a healthy and productive society and thus people spend less on health.
It promotes a healthier population. This is so because physical activity makes you fit,
thus making you healthy.
monitors. Through this a greater deepened knowledge of the human body and its
potential has been recognized, allowing athletes to train and compete in sports to a
much older age.
It has the ability to gather, analyze and integrate information and resources in order to
improve performance, e.g. digital or video camera
It increases cost of access to physical activities; only those with money can afford
technological gadgets.
Participant safety at all times has also been made possible through the development of
certain sporting equipment, such as helmets and body protection which are used in
boxing and ice hockey to help prevent injuries.
Modern sporting technologies have also made competition judging easier and more
accurate, and spectator interest and excitement is enhanced by broadcasting and in-
stadium displays (scoreboards)
Leads to reduced level of physical activity
Sports gear such clothing and footwear should be user-friendly and include valuable properties
such as strength, flexibility, density, thickness, durability, toughness, resistance to moisture and
more importantly cost. Footwear is generally considered more for comfort and injury avoidance
rather than performance enhancement, whereas clothing such as the full body suits used in
swimming are often claimed to rationalize the competitor’s performance times where winning
or losing the race is measured in hundredths of a second.
Sporting equipment such as the composite tennis racket has been created in order to provide
enhanced ball speed, and reduce the potential vibration that can lead to a condition known as
tennis elbow (damage to the small blood capillaries in the muscles and ligaments that surround
elbow joint).
In other sporting equipment such as the golf club, the overall mass of the club has decreased
which is believed to result in a greater achievable distance and possibly a more precise shot.
The bicycle has also undergone modern day advances with the development of specialist
wheels, pneumatic tyres, brake levers and pedals, which are all aimed at increasing stability and
rigidity of the bicycle.
Prosthetic devices have also been constructed for those athletes with a specific disability.
Examples include the springlite prosthesis device created for those athletes deficient of a lower
limb, which acts with a ‘springboard-like’ effect where with each step as the runner strikes the
track, the device returns energy and permits running gait. The reduced mass of the of the
springlite device compared to that of the earlier wooden prosthesis is firm yet supple for
sprinters, and provides some shock absorbing properties for marathon runners.
Wheelchair devices used in sporting activities have also become more sophisticated, for
example, with sharply slanted back wheels in tennis to allow the player to move swiftly across
the court from side to side.
The cardiovascular system, sometimes referred to as the circulatory system, comprises of the
heart, blood and blood vessels. In this system blood carrying nutrients and oxygen is pumped
round the body by the heart, and it flows along blood vessels to the working muscles.
The heart is divided into two parts, the left side and the right side. Each part acts as a pump, so
the heart is a double pump. There are two chambers in each side, so all in all the heart consists
of four chambers being two atria and two ventricles. The right part of the heart pumps blood to
the lungs to pick up oxygen. The left pumps this oxygenated blood around the rest of the body.
The large tubes that carry blood away from the heart are called arteries, and the large tubes
that carry blood back into the heart are called veins. Arteries transport blood away from the
heart while veins transport blood into the heart.
The tricuspid valve, mitral/bicuspid valve, pulmonary/semilunar valve and the aortic/semilunar
valve are the four valves that control the blood flow through the heart or the back flow of
Diagram of the human heart and its functions
Aorta: The aorta is the largest artery. It carries oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the
rest of the body.
Vena Cava: It carries oxygen-poor blood from the body to the heart. Superior vena cava
carries oxygen-poor blood from the upper parts of the body whilst inferior vena cava
carries oxygen-poor blood from the lower parts of the body.
Pulmonary Artery: It carries blood from the heart to the lungs to pick up oxygen.
Pulmonary Vein: It carries oxygen-rich blood from the lungs back to the heart.
Right Atrium: It collects oxygen-poor blood returning from the body and then forces it
through the tricuspid valve and into the right ventricle.
Left Atrium: It collects oxygen-rich blood returning from the lungs and then forces it
through the mitral/bicuspid valve and into the left ventricle.
Tricuspid Valve: It controls blood flow from the right atrium into the right ventricle.
Aortic Valve (also called semilunar valve): It controls blood flow from the left ventricle
into the aorta.
Pulmonary Valve (also called semilunar valve): It controls blood flow from the right
ventricle into the pulmonary artery.
Mitral/Bicuspid Valve: It controls blood flow from the left atrium into the left ventricle.
Right Ventricle: It collects oxygen-poor blood from the right atrium and then forces it
through the pulmonary valve and into the lungs.
Left Ventricle: The left ventricle is the largest and strongest chamber of the four
chambers of the heart. The left ventricle’s walls are only about half-inch thick, but they
have enough force to push blood through the aortic valve and into the body.
Septum: A wall of muscle called the septum separates the left and right atria and the
left and right ventricles.
Increase in endurance
The blood can transport oxygen more efficiently with adaptations that occur in
endurance training. This makes it possible for energy and oxygen to be delivered to the
working muscles to sustain prolonged work.
maximal exercise. Maximal cardiac output ranges from 14 – 20 litres in untrained, 25 –
35 litres in trained and 40+ litres in large endurance athletes.
Why it is important to monitor and record the pulse rate when exercising or training
A pulse is the arterial palpation of the heartbeat, or it is the contraction of the arteries. It can be
felt in any place that allows for an artery to be compressed against a bone. The pulse rate and
heart rate are identical; one pulse equals one heartbeat.
The heart rate lets you know how quickly the blood is being pumped around the body.
This is effectively providing the energy to allow the body to exercise.
There are certain zones or areas which the heart rate can be increased to or worked in.
The speed of your recovery rate is a general indication of your level of fitness. The
quicker you are able to return your pulse to its resting rate the fitter you are.
Monitoring the pulse rate can be used as a training indicator to make sure you are
working at the correct levels.
Varying the pulse rate can be used relative to the principle of overload.
Safety aspects can be considered to ensure you are not working at too high a level.
Carotid pulse – on either side of the neck.
Femoral pulse – in the groin.
Popliteal pulse – behind knee.
Brachial pulse – inside of the elbow.
Posterior tibial pulse – near the ankle joint.
Gaseous exchange is the process which allows oxygen to be taken in from the air and for it to
be ‘exchanged’ for carbon dioxide. In the lungs, the gases are exchanged between the lungs and
the blood capillaries and in the tissues the gases are exchanged between the cells and the
blood surrounding them. More air is inspired during exercise and so more oxygen can be
transferred to the working muscles through blood. The process of respiratory gaseous exchange
takes place in the alveoli of the lungs through membranes.
The gases move across the membranes by the process of diffusion. Diffusion depends on the
pressure of the gas concerned. The gases move from the region of higher partial pressure to the
region of lower partial pressure. Further, the partial pressure of one gas is independent of the
partial pressure of another gas that is mixed with it. Thus the partial pressure of oxygen and
carbon dioxide are independent of each other. Composition of the air that we breathe in is:
Nitrogen – 78%, Oxygen – 21%, Carbon dioxide – 0.3 -0.4%, Hydrogen – traces, Noble gases –
Movement is caused by muscles contracting which needs energy from food. Food is a mixture
of all nutritional elements like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fibre and water.
Muscles use both carbohydrates and fats for energy. Carbohydrates are broken down into
glucose. Some gets stored in the liver as glycogen. It will be released again when the glucose
level the blood falls too low. Some gets stored in the muscles as glycogen. This glycogen is
changed back to glucose during exercise. The rest get carried in the blood to all the other cells
of the body. For muscles to work they need glucose to supply energy. The body’s main energy
source on the cellular level is a substance called Adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP). There are three
sources of Adenosine tri-phosphate:
Anaerobic System (Lactic Acid System) – LA (Lactic acid) is a fatiguing metabolite of the
lactic acid system resulting from the incomplete breakdown of glucose, or breakdown of
glucose in the absence of oxygen, e.g. GL + ADP = ATP + PYRUVIC ACID (Pyruvic acid =
Lactic acid). Predominates in supplying energy for exercises lasting less than 2 minutes.
It is also known as the Glycolysis System. An example of an activity of the intensity and
duration that this system works under would be a 400 m sprint. The lactic acid or
anaerobic glycolysis system converts glycogen to glucose. Then, with enzymes, glucose
is broken down anaerobically to produce lactic acid; this process creates enough energy
to reform ATP molecules, but due to the detrimental effects of lactic acid build up, this
system cannot be relied on for extended periods
Aerobic System - O2 means aerobic in which ATP is manufactured from food mainly sugar and
fat. This system produces ATP copiously and is the prime energy source during endurance
activities. This is the long duration energy system. By 5 minutes of exercise the O 2 system
is clearly the dominant system. In a 1 km run, this system is already providing
approximately half the energy; in a marathon run it provides 98% or more. Aerobic
means in the presence of, requiring, or utilizing oxygen, e.g. GL + ADP = ATP + PYRUVIC
ACID (Pyruvic acid + Oxygen = Water + Carbon dioxide + Heat). Aerobic breakdown of
pyruvic acid produce energy from ATP. The purpose of this system of producing energy
is to produce 38 molecules of ATP from each molecule of glucose that is used. ATP is
broken down in the body to give ADP and an inorganic phosphate plus energy. This
energy system is used throughout the body, for producing energy for all metabolic
processes, in exercise it is used for sub-maximal exercise such as long distance running.
This system is used to regenerate the ATP that is used for energy in the body. This
energy system is otherwise known as 'aerobic respiration'.
All three energy systems contribute at the start of exercise but the contribution depends
upon the individual, the effort applied or on the rate at which energy is used. Although
all energy systems turn on at the same time the recruitment of an alternative system
occurs when the current energy system is almost depleted. These energy pathways are
time duration restricted. In other words, once a certain time elapses that specific
pathway is no longer used.
The result of muscle contraction produces ADP which when coupled with CP regenerates ATP.
CP is stored in the muscles. Actively contracting muscles obtain ATP from glucose stored in the
blood stream and the breakdown of glycogen stored in the muscles. Exercise for longer periods
requires the complete oxidation of carbohydrates or free fatty acids (from fats) in the
mitochondria. The carbohydrate store will last approximately 90 minutes and the free fatty
store will last several days.
Sports activities use either one or sometimes all of these energy systems in different phases of
an activity. In team games such as hockey, netball, basketball and football players are moving
for much of the game at constant speeds, and are using aerobic system. Sprints will require a
short burst of intense energy, so using anaerobic system. Longer endurance events like distance
walking are aerobic for most of the time, although competitors may use an anaerobic burst at
the end of the race. Explosive events such as throwing or jumping or short sprints are
If enough oxygen is not available, then the lactic acid is produced and it begins to build up in
the muscles. When you feel your muscles burning during high intensity exercise this is caused
by the lactic acid, it stops the muscles working to the best possible standard. You can reduce
the lactic acid build up faster if you perform light exercise after an intense effort, also known as
a cool down. The amount of oxygen owed to the body in order to recover is oxygen debt. An
example of this is:
If you run a hard race like the 400 metres where you start and finish using mainly the anaerobic
systems. Soreness and fatigue sets into the muscles and you need to repay your body with
oxygen after the race in order to recover.
Oxygen debt tolerance: Since there is less oxygen supplied, during training, the body builds up
lactic acid which impairs performance. With proper training the body can put up with this or
tolerate it and keep on going thus the impact of lactic acid on the body is felt less. It is possible
to increase the body’s tolerance to lactic acid build up and oxygen debt by improving fitness.
Regular exercise that gradually increases in duration and/or intensity will help to develop and
affect the efficiency of both the circulatory system and the respiratory system. If you can
improve the amount of oxygen that the lungs can deliver to the blood and make your heart
stronger then this will increase your tolerance to lactic acid build up in muscles.
Movement generation
As skeletal muscles contract they pull on to bones to produce movement. Skeletal
muscle moves the skeleton and is responsible for all our voluntary movements, as well
as for the automatic movements required, for example, to stand, to hold up our head,
and to breathe. (Other involuntary functions involve smooth muscle and cardiac
Helps in breathing
Some muscles contract and relax to make breathing possible, e.g. the diaphragm and
inter-costal muscles. When we inhale the diaphragm contracts and the dome of the
diaphragm flattens downward against the viscera, which allows the lungs to expand to
receive fresh air. When we exhale, the diaphragm relaxes upward against the lungs,
helping to expel used air from them.
Helps in digestion
Muscles along the inner linings of the digestive tract help digest food when they
contract. Peristalsis, or the wave like contractions that move food along the digestive
tract, is one good example.
Smooth/Involuntary muscle
This type of muscle is found in the bowel, the gut and walls of internal organs. The
reason why it is called involuntary muscle is because there is no direct control of this
muscle as it works automatically. When food is swallowed it travels through the
digestive system by muscular activity which cannot be consciously controlled. It is also
called smooth muscle because it appears smooth under a microscope.
Cardiac muscle
Cardiac muscle is also striated in appearance but it differs significantly from other
striated muscle in both its structure and its behaviour. The heart is made up of the
cardiac muscle, and it is a special type of involuntary muscle which contracts regularly
and automatically. Some factors can influence the speed of contraction such as drugs
and stress (exercise included), but the rate cannot be controlled voluntarily. When the
body is excited (or during exercise) adrenaline is produced and this in turn increases the
heart rate.
Isometric contraction
It is one in which the muscle is activated, but instead of being allowed to lengthen or
shorten, it is held at a constant length or remains the same length. An example of an
isometric contraction would be carrying an object in front of you. The weight of the
object would be pulling downward, but your hands and arms would be opposing the
motion with equal force upwards. Since your arms are neither raising nor lowering, your
biceps will be isometrically contracting. Other examples of isometric contraction are
tug-of-war, wrestling, rugby scrum or pushing against the wall.
Isokinetic contraction
An isokinetic muscle contraction is one in which the muscle contracts and shortens at
constant rate of speed. This type of contraction usually requires special, expensive
training equipment that increases the load as it senses that the muscle contraction is
speeding up. The benefit of this type of contraction is that the muscle gains strength
evenly all through the entire range of movement and it is one of the fastest ways to
increase muscle strength. Isokinetic contraction increases blood supply to the skeletal
and cardiac muscle, and therefore it improves muscle strength, endurance and cardiac
fitness. In addition isokinetic exercises (isokinetic exercises are resistance-based
exercises designed to provide a specific level of resistance while maintaining a
consistent speed of limb movement) can be designed to mimic the actual speeds of
sports-specific activities. The major disadvantages of isokinetic exercises are that they
can only be performed properly on machines which are usually expensive and the type
of movement that can be performed are rather limited.
Isotonic contraction
It is the type of muscle contraction that involves the lengthening and shortening of
muscles during movement. Isotonic contraction falls into two parts, eccentric and
concentric contractions. The lengthening of a muscle is called eccentric contraction
whereas the shortening is concentric contraction. This can be seen in the lowering and
the raising of a barbell, respectively, in a barbell curl.
Today the leading causes of death are HYPOKINETIC diseases (HYPO meaning low and KINETIC
meaning movement). Hypokinetic diseases are conditions that occur from a sedentary lifestyle.
Examples could include obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes, diabetes,
osteoporosis, cancer, anxiety, depression, arthritis, and low back pain and complications arising
from sedentary behaviour.
Sedentary lifestyle is a medical term used to denote a type of lifestyle with no or irregular
physical activity. A person who lives a sedentary lifestyle is known as a couch potato in pop
culture. It is commonly found in both the developed and developing world and characterized by
sitting, reading, watching television and computer use for much of the day with little or no
vigorous physical exercise. A sedentary lifestyle can contribute to many preventable causes of
death. Hypokinetic diseases spread when we believe myths like “old people can not exercise,”
“exercising is dangerous,” or “I don’t have time to exercise.”
There is a reason why some athletes can sprint faster and get bigger muscles more easily than
others, and why some athletes are able to run for much longer periods of time without fatigue.
There are basically two types of muscle fibres, which are slow twitch muscle fibres and fast
twitch muscle fibres. Their characteristics are as follows:
Slow twitch fibres
They contract slowly, and without much force.
They have high resistance to fatigue; that is, they do not tire easily.
They are suited to activities that need endurance. For example jogging, long-distance
running, and standing for long periods.
They have high capillary density.
Slow twitch fibres rely more on fat as fuel, as opposed to strictly using carbohydrates or
creatine phosphate.
Every muscle contains a mixture of slow twitch fibres and fast twitch fibres. But the mixture is
different in different muscles (for example your gastrocnemius contains a lot of fast twitch
fibre) and the mixture is different for different people (some distance runners have 80% slow
twitch fibres while some weight lifters have 80% fast twitch). This is all due to the genes we
inherit from our parents.
Gastrocnemius – straightens the ankle joint.
Injuries to the muscular system and skin include strains and cuts. Most injuries to be considered
are concussions, cramps, contusions, cramps, shock and skin infections (blisters and athletes
foot). Primary treatment for most ligament and muscle injury is what is known as the RICE
method. RICE is an acronym which stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. These are
the primary actions which should be done to most muscle injuries to help treat them.
First the injured area should be rested, and movement and pressure should be avoided
until it recovers because continued use of the damaged muscle will cause even more
damage and make recovery time longer.
Placing an ice pack on the injury, particularly during the first 24 to 72 hours of the injury
will help reduce the swelling and may relieve the pain. Cold makes blood vessels
constrict and this reduces bleeding which leads to swelling. Do not use ice cubes or
blocks directly on the skin though as it will cause frostbite.
Bandage the injured part firmly but not tightly using a crepe bandage. Compression
should be done to prevent bleeding and additional damage due to movement of the
injured muscle.
Lastly, the injured part should be elevated above the heart level when lying down to
ease pressure on the injury. Elevating the injured makes blood flow against gravity and
thus reduce bleeding which leads to swelling.
A strain is injury caused by violent overstretching of muscle or tendon, due to overuse,
which weakens the muscle, causing their fibres to be pulled apart and lose the ability to
contract. The severity of injury depends upon the amount of tissue that is damaged. It
may be stretched or even torn.
Warm up before practice and competition, and that same philosophy of injury
prevention can be applied to regular daily activities.
Stretching before work-out.
Gradually increasing the amount of effort and exertion may help prevent muscle and
joint injury.
Avoid overuse of the body.
Make sure you develop the right techniques.
Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) are keys elements in the treatment of both
sprains and strains.
Depending on the extent of the injury, strains usually take 7 to 14 days to heal by
Certain serious strains must be taken to hospital for surgery.
A blister is a sore bump on the skin that may be filled with fluid. It is the body’s way of
protecting the skin from further damage. Often these occur on the feet with poor fitting
shoes, but holding a tennis or badminton racket might cause blisters on the hand.
Common causes of blisters include repeated action with friction and burns.
Frost bite.
Wear shoes and socks that fit well.
Wear gloves for activities, such as raking leaves, put a lot of friction on the hands.
Handle equipment correctly.
Self-care treats most blisters. Medical care may really be needed for a blister when it gets
Do not pop a small blister (less than 1 inch). Protect blister from friction. Cover blister
with a loose bandage or a moleskin pad.
Drain a large and painful blister. Clean around area with antiseptic. Use a sterilize needle
to gently pierce an edge of the blister. Let it drain, if there is no dirt or pus under the
skin flap, pat it down to protect the skin below that blister.
Wash the area well with soap and water. Put an antibiotic ointment and cover it with a
bandage or gauze tape. Change this daily and keep it clean, if it gets dirty or wet change
more often.
This is a small sharp pain on the side, or upper abdomen. You get it during vigorous
It may be caused by exercising too soon after eating. The blood supply to the diaphragm
is reduced causing a sharp pain in the abdomen.
Increasing the strength of the abdomen through abdominal exercises.
Delaying exercise by a few hours after a meal.
Stop exercising for a short time and it will go away.
Sitting and resting is an effective way of reducing the pain.
If stitch is more severe, gentle stretching may help.
A muscle cramp is an involuntarily and forcibly contracted muscle that does not relax.
Lack of minerals and salts in the muscles due to dehydration.
Another cause is when muscles work when chilled (cold).
Stretch before and after exercise or sports, along with an adequate warm-up and cool-
down, to prevent cramps that are caused by vigorous physical activity.
Good hydration before, during, and after the activity is important, especially if the
duration exceeds one hour, and replacement of lost electrolytes (especially sodium and
potassium, which are major components of perspiration) can also be helpful.
Excessive fatigue, especially in warm weather, should be avoided.
Gently massaging the muscle will often help it to relax, as will applying warmth from a
heating pad or hot soak. If the cramp is associated with fluid loss, as is often the case
with vigorous physical activity, fluid and electrolyte (especially sodium and potassium)
replacement is essential.
Most cramps can be stopped if the muscle can be stretched slowly and gently. For many
cramps of the feet and legs, this stretching can often be accomplished by standing up
and walking around.
This is the scraping off of skin from the body due to friction from rough surfaces.
A sliding fall on a rough surface or gavel.
Avoid playing on slippery surfaces.
Know the rules of your sport and obey them.
Be mentally and physically prepared for the activity.
Clean the wound gently with tepid water.
If the wound is bleeding a little, just let the blood clot.
Allow the wound to dry naturally if possible. But if there is danger of infection cover it
with a plaster.
A bruise is a discoloration of the skin caused when enough pressure is placed on the skin
to break the blood vessels underneath.
Bruises are caused by blood leaking from damaged blood vessels under the skin due to
Play at the correct level and age.
Know the rules of your sport and obey them.
After using throwing implements do not throw them to others.
The treatment is part of the RICE routine.
Apply an icepack or cold compress the bruised area to reduce bleeding.
For serious bruises, compression with crepe bandage will help.
7. Laceration / Cut
A laceration (las-e-RAY-shun) is an injury to the skin and the soft tissue underneath it.
Lacerations may happen if you are cut or hit by something. Lacerations can happen
anywhere on the body. The healing time for a laceration depends on where it is on your
body. It may take a laceration longer to heal if it is over a joint, such as your knee or
It caused by sharp objects or impact on the skin.
Remove all sharp objects from the playing field.
Avoid too much contact with opponents.
First work to control the bleeding if your wound is bleeding a lot. You may need your
wound cleaned out with germ-free liquid. This helps to remove dirt and other small
objects, and decreases the chance of infection.
Apply the RICE treatment.
Overuse the muscles in the lower arm, especially in racket sport, golf or fishing.
Avoid overuse of the body.
Proper physical and mental preparation; that is, warm-up and stretch properly before
physical activity.
Apply the RICE treatment. The elbow must be rested until it recovers, which could take
The usual treatment is physiotherapy and injection of a steroid into the muscle (N.B.
steroids help mend muscle tissues).
Hyperthermia means when the body temperature has risen above 39 degrees celsius (or
above normal). Hyperthermia can lead to several conditions as discussed below.
Dehydration refers to an inadequate amount of fluid in the body. Among athletes who
participate in endurance sports or long workouts, dehydration can occur quickly. In
general, a person is considered dehydrated when they have lost more than 2 percent of
their body weight during exercise.
Dehydration occurs because there is too much water lost, not enough water taken in, or
most often a combination of the two. Water can be lost due to sweat, vomiting,
diarrhea, burns, diabetes, and inability to drink fluids.
Don’t exercise or schedule activities in hot weather.
Wear light clothing in hot weather.
Adequate fluid intake is essential for athletes before, during, and after exercise.
Whether to use sports drinks or just water depends upon your duration and intensity of
Heat exhaustion is the body's response to dehydration and an excessive loss of water
and salt through sweat. Heat exhaustion typically occurs after long periods of heat
exposure. Heat exhaustion occurs when the body becomes overwhelmed by heat and
the sweat response stops working properly.
It is caused by several days of exposure to high temperatures and inadequate or
unbalanced replacement of fluids.
Don’t exercise or schedule activities in hot weather.
Wear light clothing in hot weather.
Lie the casualty down in a cool place, with legs raised.
Give him/her frequent sips of weak solution of salt in water.
Call a doctor for further advice.
It is caused by long, vigorous exercise on a hot and humid day. In extreme heat, high
humidity, or vigorous exertion under the sun, the body may not be able to dissipate the
heat and the body temperature rises, sometimes up to 106°F (41.1°C) or higher.
Another cause of heat stroke is dehydration. A dehydrated person may not be able to
sweat fast enough to dissipate heat, which causes the body temperature to rise.
high body temperature
the absence of sweating, with hot red or flushed dry skin
rapid pulse
difficulty breathing
strange behavior
The most important measures to prevent heat strokes are to avoid becoming
dehydrated and to avoid vigorous physical activities in hot and humid weather.
If you have to perform physical activities in hot weather, drink plenty of fluids (such as
water and sports drinks), but avoid alcohol, caffeine, and tea which may lead to
Your body will need replenishment of electrolytes (such as sodium) as well as fluids if
you sweat excessively or perform vigorous activity in the sunlight for prolonged periods.
Take frequent breaks to hydrate yourself. Wear hats and light-colored, lightweight,
loose clothes.
Lie the casualty down in a cool breezy place. Remove outer clothing and wrap the
casualty in a cold wet sheet. Keep the sheet saturated with cold water and fan it as
much as possible.
Continue until the casualty has cooled down.
Call a doctor for further advice.
Hypothermia is a condition in which core temperature drops below that required for
normal metabolism and body functions which is defined as 35.0 °C (95.0 °F). If exposed
to cold and the internal mechanisms are unable to replenish the heat that is being lost a
drop in core temperature occurs. Hypothermia is the opposite of hyperthermia which is
present in heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Hypothermia usually occurs from exposure to low temperatures and is frequently
complicated by alcohol. Any condition which decreases heat production, increases heat
loss, or impairs thermoregulation however may contribute.
Movements are slow and labored, accompanied by a stumbling pace.
Difficulty speaking, sluggish thinking, and amnesia start to appear; inability to use hands
and stumbling is also usually present.
Appropriate clothing helps to prevent hypothermia. Synthetic and wool fabrics are
superior to cotton as they provide better insulation when wet and dry. Some synthetic
fabrics, such as polypropylene and polyester, are used in clothing designed to wick
perspiration away from the body, such as liner socks and moisture-wicking
The first priority is to perform a careful check for breathing and a pulse and initiate
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) as necessary.
If the person is unconscious, having severe breathing difficulty, or is pulse-less, call an
The second priority is re-warming.
Remove all wet clothes and move the person inside.
The victim should be given warm fluids if he or she is able to drink, but do not give the
person caffeine or alcohol.
Cover the person’s body with blankets and aluminum-coated foils, and place the victim
in a sleeping bag. Avoid actively
heating the victim with outside
sources of heat such as radiators or
hot water baths. This may only
decrease the amount of shivering and
slow the rate of core temperature
Joints are the areas where two bones meet.
Most joints are mobile, allowing the bones
to move. Joints are classified by the degree
of movement they allow and the structure of
the joint. There are three types of joints in
the body, which are as follows:
The bones at an immovable joint
can’t move at all. The interlock is held
close together by tough fibre. There is no joint cavity in the joints, and since they are
held together by fibrous tissue they are also called fibrous joints. Examples are joints
between the plates in the cranium (skull) and at the pelvis (hip) or sacrum.
Hinge joint
The range of movement is limited to one plane such as a door hinge.
It is found in joints such as in the fingers, knees, elbows, and toes and it allows only
bending and straightening movements.
Pivot joint
Part of the bone fits into another ring of bone, as in case of atlas and axis, allowing
rotation of the head.
It is found in the joints such as the neck and between elbow and ulna, and it allows
limited rotating movements.
Saddle joint
This joint allows the thumb to be moved in two directions.
It is found at the base of the thumb between the metacarpal and carpal.
Condyloid/Ellipsoidal joint
The movement is in two planes but not such a full range as in the ball and socket joint.
It is found in the joints such as the wrist and ankle joints, and it allows all types of
movement except pivotal movements.
Gliding joint/Inter-tarsal joint
Flat bone surfaces allow side to side and backwards and forwards movements.
It is found between carpals, tarsals, between the sternum and the clavicle (sterno-
clavicular) and the scapula and the clavicle.
Decreasing the angle of the joint (bend elbow)
Increase the angle of a joint (straighten arm)
Overextending the joint (pull hand back toward ceiling
Plantar flexion
Bending foot downward (tiptoe)
Bending foot upward
Moving body part away from midline the body
Moving body part toward midline of the body
Moving a part around an axis or swivelling of the joint (head turns)
Moving a part so that is follows a circular path (move your finger in a circle)
Turning the hand to the palm is up (hold soup)
Turning the hand to the palm is down
Turning the foot so the sole faces laterally
Turning the foot so the sole faces medially
Moving a part forward (stick out chin)
Moving a part backward (pull in chin)
Raising a part (shrug shoulders)
Lower a part (droop shoulders)
A joint's range of motion is the angle through which a joint moves to the extreme limit of the
motion in a particular direction. Having an optimal range of motion allows you to move freely
without pain or stiffness and perform activities and work without injuries.
Pain from an injury or disease causes the muscles in the injured site to contract
reflexively to avoid further damage, thus limiting the joint's range of motion. Such
conditions include arthritis, bursitis, bruises, dislocation and sprains. Regular range of
motion can be achieved over time with proper rehabilitation and treatments, such as
corrective exercises, massage, heat therapy and acupuncture.
Tissue Extensibility (elasticity and flexibility)
Tissue extensibility refers to the elasticity and flexibility of the muscles and their
surrounding connective tissues. If they are not stretched or moved regularly, they can
become stiff and lack extensibility, which affects how much you can move. In practical
application, before exercise, you should perform warm-up exercises that move your
joints in its full range of motion. For example, before you run, you can do hip swings
front to back, side to side and rotation. This exercise not only elevates your body
temperature to improve tissue extensibility, but also moves the hip joint in all planes to
motion to minimize stiffness and increase neural stimulation.
Structure of the joint/Joint Articulation
Joint articulation refers to how the bones, tendons, ligaments and muscles are oriented
in a joint to permit certain range of motions. Some articulations provide only one range
of motion, such as the elbow joint, where it allows only the arm to flex or extend.
Others allow a wide variety of movements, such as the ball-and-socket joint of the
shoulder, where it can flex, abduct, adduct and rotate.
As we age, the body is less able to renew and maintain the supportive cartilage
structures surrounding joints and bones. Old people don’t exercise much causing
connective tissues at the joint to stiffen due to lack of movement. Regular exercise and
physical activity are important for healthy joints, but too much exercise can result in
occasional stiffness and soreness in muscles and joints.
A fracture is a break or crack in a bone. Since bones contain nerves and blood vessels, a
fracture brings pain and bleeding. There are many types of fractures, but the main
categories are displaced, non-displaced, open, and closed. Displaced and non-displaced
fracture refers to the way the bone breaks. In a displaced fracture, the bone snaps into
two or more parts; if the bone is in many pieces, it is considered comminuted. In a non-
displaced fracture, the bone cracks either part or all of the way through, but does move
and maintains its proper alignment.
A closed/simple fracture is when the bone breaks but there is no puncture or open
wound in the skin.
An open/compound fracture is one in which the bone breaks through the skin; it may
then recede back into the wound and not be visible through the skin. This is an
important difference from a closed fracture because with an open fracture there is a risk
of a deep bone infection.
The severity of a fracture depends upon its location and the damage done to the bone and
tissue near it. Serious fractures can have dangerous complications if not treated promptly;
possible complications include damage to blood vessels or nerves and infection of the bone
(osteomyelitis) or surrounding tissue. Recuperation time varies depending on the age and
health of the patient and the type of fracture. A minor fracture in a child may heal within a
few weeks; a serious fracture in an older person may take months to heal.
Cause of fractures
Direct blows to the bones and awkward falls.
Avoid too much contact or playing on slippery surfaces.
Play at the right age and level.
Know the rules of your sport and obey them.
Use correct technique.
Wear proper attire for the sport.
Support the fractured limb above and below the fracture using towels, cushions or
folded clothing.
If the fracture is an arm bone, a sling made of towel, bandage or T-shirt can be used for
support, but it should be done with care.
The casualty should be kept warm and comfortable until medical help arrives.
This is where the bone is pulled out of its normal position at a joint.
Violent twisting at the joint. It usually happens at the shoulder, elbow, finger, thumb
and ankle joints.
Know the rules of your sport and abide by them.
When playing sports, it is important to use all equipment in the manner of which it was
Avoid slippery and uneven surfaces.
Do proper warm up and stretching before the activity.
Treat as in a fracture.
Keep the casualty warm and comfortable until medical help arrives.
A sprain is a stretched or torn ligament.
This injury is usually caused by a sudden overstretching where your ligaments are
generally only stretched out.
You can prevent a sprain injury by using proper safety equipment for your wrist, ankle
and knee.
Other prevention methods are warming up properly and perform regular stretching
before and after your soccer games.
Avoid overuse of the joints.
Apply the RICE treatment.
If in doubt follow treatment for fracture.
Violent twist of the knee, a fall or overuse of the knee.
Warm up and stretch properly before physical activities.
Avoid overuse of the joint.
Don’t play on slippery surfaces.
Immobilize the injured part and apply the RICE treatment.
Get medical attention.
In sports, certain conditions can occur, which are not classified as injuries but still need to be
attended to:
Shock is a state in which a suddenly weakened heart isn't able to pump enough blood to
meet the body's needs. The condition is a medical emergency and is fatal if not treated
right away.
A lack of oxygen-rich blood reaching the brain, kidneys, skin, and other parts of the body
causes shock.
A person in shock is often thirsty. No particular harm will be done if you allow the victim
to moisten his mouth and lips with cool water. But, in general, there is no need to give
him anything to drink unless you are in a position whereby medical assistance will not
be available for along period of time.
A concussion is a brain injury that is caused by a sudden blow to the head or to the
body. The blow shakes the brain inside the skull, which temporarily prevents the brain
from working normally. With concussion, function may be interrupted but there is no
structural damage to the brain. Concussion can happen in football when players collide
trying to head the ball, or due to impact when hit by a ball in softball.
It is caused by direct blow to the head that causes the head to shake. There are many
ways to get a concussion. Some common ways include fights, falls, playground injuries,
car crashes, and bike accidents. Concussions can also happen while participating in
rough or high-speed sports such as football, boxing, hockey, soccer, skiing, or
Physical Signs
Since, by definition, concussion does not damage the structure of the brain, the physical
examination should be normal. More subtle findings may include:
Slow to answer questions or follow directions
Poor concentration
Emotional liability (emotional changes or instability)
Slurred speech
Personality changes
As with most accidents, injury prevention is the first consideration. The following are all
important steps to prevent concussion and severe head injuries:
Wear protective clothing where necessary. For example wearing helmets while bicycling
and motorcycle riding, or in softball.
Recreational athletes should use head protection appropriate for their sport.
Rest and continued observation alone.
Discontinue sports activity for the day. Time is the ally in concussion treatment since
most symptoms resolve within a week to 10 days.
Treatment is directed at symptom control for headaches, nausea, dizziness, and
insomnia. Discussion with employers may be needed to alert them to issues of poor
work performance due to difficulty with concentration and comprehension.
Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot) is a fungal infection of the skin that
causes scaling, flaking, and itch of affected areas.
It is caused by fungi and is typically transmitted in moist areas where people walk
barefoot, such as showers or bathhouses. Although the condition typically affects the
feet, it can spread to other areas of the body, including the groin.
Good hygiene, therefore, plays an important role in managing an athlete's foot
Since fungi thrive in moist environments, keeping feet and footwear as dry as possible,
and avoiding sharing towels, etc., aids prevention of primary infection.
There are many conventional medications (over-the-counter and prescription) as well as
alternative treatments for fungal skin infections, including athlete's foot. Important with
any treatment plan is the practice of good hygiene.
When you have a short intense burst of exercise such as sprinting you generate energy for this
anaerobically or without oxygen. When you stop exercising you are still breathing heavily.
This is your body taking in extra oxygen to 'repay' the oxygen debt (So oxygen debt simply
means the amount of oxygen used by the body is more than the amount supplied). Well, that is
the simple solution but there is a little more to it if you want to look a bit deeper.
True, your body has worked anaerobically and will have produced energy without some of the
oxygen it would normally have used performing low intensity exercise such as slow steady
running. The difference between the oxygen the body required and what it actually managed to
take in during the sudden sprint is called oxygen deficit.
When you stop sprinting and start to recover you will actually need more oxygen to recover
than your body would have liked to use had enough been available. This is called Excess Post
Exercise Oxygen Consumption (Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption represents the total
volume of oxygen that is consumed following exercise which enables the body to fully recover,
and return it to its pre-exercise state).
Oxygen debt
The alactacid debt is the first component of the oxygen debt that is replenished. As the name
suggests, it is the volume of oxygen required to restore phosphagens used in the alactic or ATP-
PC energy system – namely phosphocreatine. It takes a fairly short period of time to
resynthesise phosphocreatine: approximately 2-3 minutes, in which time 2-3 litres of oxygen
can be consumed over and above that which is normally consumed at rest and used to provide
the energy for this resynthesis.
This assumes that following a bout of intense work, such as a maximum lift, where the
predominant energy system used is the alactic energy system, the body should be recovered
sufficiently after three minutes of rest to repeat the exercise.
The process of lactic acid removal takes approximately one hour, but this can be accelerated by
undertaking a cool down or some form of exercise recovery, which ensures a rapid and
continuous supply of oxygen to the muscles, which helps in the dispersion of lactic acid.
The oxygen consumed during this phase may also be used to supply the respiratory muscles
and the heart with energy to remain slightly elevated during the recovery period.
The Kreb’s cycle is one stage of the aerobic energy system. It is the oxidation of pyruvic acid
into CO2 and water. The initial stages of the aerobic process are similar to those of the lactic
acid system, except that the fate of pyruvic acid changes when oxygen becomes available.
Under anaerobic conditions pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid which has a fatiguing effect
upon the muscles. In the presence of oxygen during light or low intensity exercise, however,
pyruvic acid is converted into a compound called acetyl-coenzyme-A, which is combined with
oxaloacetic acid to form citric acid before it enters the Kreb’s cycle.
Under these aerobic conditions, the glucose molecule is broken down further in special
powerhouses or factories existing in the muscle cell, known as mitochondria. These lie adjacent
to the myofibrils and exist throughout the sarcoplasm. Slow twitch fibres possess a greater
number of mitochondria than fast twitch fibres, which enables them to provide a continuous
supply of energy over a long period of time. The total downgrading of one molecule of glycogen
can provide enough energy to resynthesise 38ATP:
2 during anaerobic glycolysis
2 during the Kreb’s cycle
34 during the electron transport system
Because of the vast energy supply gained through aerobic metabolism, this system is mainly
used in the endurance based activities where energy is required over a long period, as well as
supplying the energy required by the body at rest, or while it is recovering from any exercise –
aerobic or anaerobic in nature.
Glycogen 2AT
no oxygen available
Pyruvic acid Lactic acid
with oxygen available
Acetyl CoA
Oxaloacetic acid
Citric acid
Kreb’s cycle
CO2 H+e-
H+e- 1O NADH each
giving 3ATP
gives = 30ATP
2 FADH each
giving 2ATP
gives = 4ATP
H 2O 34AT
relative importance and contribution that each makes to the activity. In the example of a
marathon run, in the first few minutes of a race the athlete will gain energy from the ATP-PC
system and the lactic acid system, until the athlete reaches steady state and the aerobic system
can meet the demands of the exercise. The lactic acid system may also operate when running
up hills or increasing pace towards the end of the run. Each activity can be plotted along an
energy continuum to determine the relative contribution of each energy pathway.
Passive leisure activities are those in which a person does not exert any significant
physical or mental energy, such as going to the cinema, watching television, or gambling
on slot machines. Some leisure experts discourage these types of leisure activity, on the
grounds that they do not provide the benefits offered by active leisure activities. For
example, acting in a community drama (an active leisure activity) could build a person's
skills or self-confidence. Nevertheless, passive leisure activities are a good way of
relaxing for many people.
Recreation is what you do during free time, and play is one form of recreation.
Recreation involves activity of some kind. It may be vigorous activity like playing tennis
or climbing a mountain, or the lesser effort of reading a book or listening to music. It is
action rather than rest.....physical, mental, or emotional action.
Primary motivation for participating in the recreation activity is for personal enjoyment
and satisfaction.
Recreation takes place during from obligations.
Recreation is voluntary....freedom of choice by the participant.
Recreation has no single form, pattern or setting. It can be planned or spontaneous,
organized or unorganized, involve many or just one, cost millions of dollars or not a
dime, and sponsored or unsponsored.
Recreation is ALWAYS positive.
In some places facilities do not exist or distance to facilities is long, and this has lead
people to have nothing to use for them to participate.
Skill level
Some recreational activities require a certain level of skill to perform which might
exclude those without skill.
Some religions view sport and recreational activities as encouraging nudity. By so doing
they discourage their members from taking part.
Many recreational facilities are not favourable to disabled people, and this exclude
disabled people who need modified facilities that suit their needs.
Avoid cutting down trees. Trees are very important as they act as wind breakers, and
also are a source of oxygen which is needed by people and animals.
Recycle all recyclable waste where necessary.
When camping try to dispose off all waste by burying it or burning it to protect animals
that might eat it. Extinguish all camp fires to avoid bush fires.
Explain societal perceptions and attitudes towards participation in sport.
Discuss the importance of sport and its place in society.
Explain the role of sport in society.
Differentiate between positive and negative aspects of sport through issues such as
doping, substance abuse, good/bad sponsorship, tolerance, racism, gender, media
influence, hooliganism and religion.
Discuss the risks associated with doping and substance abuse.
(a) Members
People who belong to a club are its members. In most clubs members take part in club
activity, although may not always be active. Club members are the life-hood of the club:
they pay subscription fees that finance the club, they take part in activities of the club,
and they participate in fundraising events for the club.
(b) Committee
Even in the smallest clubs, it would be difficult for every member to be involved in
making decisions about the club. Therefore members usually elect a smaller number of
people to look after the club’s affairs. This is usually known as a committee and these
are the officials of the club (not to be confused with match officials who control the
games). Members of the committee tend to have skills in running the club. The
committee comprises of the following:
Chairperson: This is usually the most important official in the club, and is the person in
overall charge of a club with major responsibilities. They will chair meetings and make
decisions regarding the club on their own, and with the help of other committee
members. They represent the club at special events.
Treasurer: This is the person in charge of the finances of the club. They may have to
collect money such as match fees and make sure that accounts are produced for all
sales and purchases. They also pay the club’s bills. Each year the treasurer will have to
produce a set of accounts showing how the money was raised and spent throughout the
Secretary: He / She arrange committee meetings, and carry out club correspondence.
During a meeting they will take notes, which are known as minutes. After meetings, the
secretary will let the rest of the members know what the committee has decided.
Vice – Chairperson: If the Chairperson is ill or unable to attend a meeting, then the Vice
– Chair will stand in.
Club Captain: This is the person who might be in charge of one or other of the playing
teams. They have to pick or select teams and probably be in charge of them in a
competitive situation.
President/Vice-President/Patron: The President or his vice are not usually involved with
the running of the club. They are often appointed to this special position because they
are well known people in the community who might raise the profile and improve the
image of the club. They may or may not have been club members; in some cases they
may not have even played the sport.
In larger clubs there may be more officials such as fixtures secretary, a coach, a physical
trainer, a physiotherapist, a team doctor, etc. In most clubs the officials are voluntary they
do not get paid for the work they do for the club). They are usually club players or former
players and have a commitment to their sport or club. Quite often they have specialist skills
which are useful in running the club. The treasurer may be an accountant, or the coach
might be a P. E. teacher with special skills in a particular sport. As clubs get larger, officials
might get paid for work they do. They then become officers rather than officials although
they still work for the club members.
Membership is voluntary; that is, you join because you want to do it, not because you
are told to do so.
Members pay a subscription fee.
Clubs have to affiliate to sport associations.
A club participates in different competitions.
A club is made up of members.
Physique refers to the physical make up, or the body type, or body build, or body
structure, or body composition of a person. Physique can greatly influence participation
and performance in sports. Being tall is important for basketball and volleyball. Being
tall and heavy is ideal for many positions in rugby particularly in scrimmaging and line-
outs. Many leading backs in rugby are big and when moving fast, they are difficult o
stop. So people’s size, weight and shape may help them to participate in some sports
but not in others. Success in sports depends to a large extent on your body build.
SOMATOTYPING is a way to describe body build. It looks at how fat, how muscular, and
how linear you are, in that order. The three body types are as follows:
Wide hips and narrow shoulders (pear shaped).
A lot of fat in the body.
A lot of fat on the upper arms and thighs.
Quite slim wrists and ankles.
Suitable for weightlifting
Broad shoulders and narrow hips (wedge-shaped).
A large head.
A muscular body.
Strong forearms and thighs.
Very little body fat.
Suitable for activities which require strength and power.
Narrow shoulders and hips.
Narrow shoulders and hips.
Thin face and high forehead.
Thin narrow chest and abdomen.
Thin legs and arms.
Very little muscle or body fat.
Suitable for activities which require endurance.
The following are some activities in which the body type can be an advantage:
Gymnastics: Extreme mesomorphs are relatively short and small. This gives them a low
centre of gravity with a low body weight therefore allowing them to perform rotation
activities much more easily.
Weightlifting: Extreme endomorphs are generally large with short legs in relation to
their trunks. This gives them a low centre of gravity with body bulk, which greatly assists
in lifting heavy weights.
Basketball: Extreme ectomorphs are generally tall and thin. Their long legs and long
arms enable them to receive higher passes and shoot at the basket more easily.
Marathon: Ecto-mesomorphs have features of an ectomorph and a mesomorph, the
dominant feature being the ectomorph. They can be able to carry their bodies over long
distances since they are light with some bit of muscle strength and endurance.
Motivation is the desire, or enthusiasm, or driving force to succeed that makes you
perform at your best. It is also the drive to participate in a goal-orientated activity
(sport), which is usually associated with the expectation that there will be beneficial
experiences gained from that participation. Motivation can influence how well or badly
an individual will perform. The more motivated you are about something the more likely
you are to succeed. Motivation may be intrinsic or extrinsic or a mixture of the two.
Types of motivation
Intrinsic motivation
This is the desire or drive to succeed that comes from within you or from the activity
itself. (Intrinsic means built in). In intrinsic motivation you enjoy the activity and you
want to experience the satisfaction and pride of winning or just taking part. If you play a
sport because you enjoy it and feel proud of your skill at it, you are intrinsically
Extrinsic motivation
This is the desire or drive to succeed which comes from, external rewards, or is
stimulated by external factors. These may be winning a trophy, a prize, money, medals
or to please another person such as a coach. Extrinsic motivators such as trophies and
medals are used a great deal to encourage players. The Ryder Cup for golf and FA Cup
for football are examples. Money is an important motivator for some sports.
Arousal and how it affects performance
Arousal is a state of excitement and alertness. Arousal helps improve performance. At
low arousal, people are lethargic and perform badly. Increased arousal improves
performance – but only to a point, after which increasing arousal actually decreases
performance. Before a competition you may reach a high level of arousal. Increase in
arousal beyond optimum level (over arousal) has a detrimental effect on performance.
Too little arousal causes the level of performance to be low, but too much arousal
causes control of behaviour to be lost hence poor performance because of panicking.
Arousal will be different according to the complexity, nature of the task, and to specific
situations. People tend to perform best at medium level of arousal. Research has found
that different tasks require different levels of arousal for optimal performance. For
example, difficult or intellectually demanding tasks may require a lower level of arousal
(to facilitate concentration), whereas tasks demanding stamina or persistence may be
performed better with higher levels of arousal (to increase motivation).
Causes of arousal
The level of arousal for a sports event will affect performance. Things that can cause, or
increase, arousal are:
A pep talk from the coach before an event.
The warm up before the event.
Having a definite goal you want to achieve in the event.
Bright lights and lots of noise around you.
Friendly or hostile sports fans looking on.
This is whether you are male or female
Reasons why more women take part in sport than in the past
The sports council’s effort to promote sport for everyone. Nowadays women are
encouraged to take part in sport.
Funds for facilities for women sports are available.
Growth in popularity of certain activities that are targeted at women, and they appeal to
them e.g. step aerobics.
Emergence of women role models in sport.
Recognition that women can compete in events which in the past were considered too
strenuous for women have opened the door for women participants, e.g. marathon,
triple jump, pole vault, etc.
Men and women are now competing on equal terms, e.g. equestrian sport.
Recognition that exercise is good for health.
There is greater economic freedom for women. Nowadays, more women earn more and
do not have to depend on men for money.
Media are all the means by which information is delivered to you or it is various means
of communication.
Types of media
Print media, e.g. books, newspapers, magazines.
Electronic media, e.g. video, internet, CD-ROMS, cinema, telephone.
Mass media, e.g. radio, television.
This can be achieved by slow motion replays of an activity (such as gymnastics) which
allows all of the movement to be shown in detail and appreciated fully.
The media will apportion a large amount of coverage to certain events. This will raise
their profile and make people more aware of them. An example of this is the coverage
of gymnastics within the Olympic Games, which triggers off an increase in participation
and membership in gymnastics clubs throughout the world. When a sport gets a lot of
media attention it becomes popular, and more people get interested in playing it.
Media has brought about changes in the rules and organization of cricket. Television
replays help with umpiring, i.e. third umpire. Miniature cameras giving good action
shots are always placed in cricket stumps.
Facilities for physical activities vary depending on where people live, and might
influence people’s participation in sport. Urban centres may have leisure centres, sports
stadia, and specialist sports clubs. Rural areas and remote areas are unlikely to have
purpose built sports facilities but may have natural facilities for such activities as sailing,
hill walking, rock climbing, etc. Therefore access to facilities may determine your
participation in sport.
Sport and recreation facilities may be controlled and run by local authorities like the city
council, private companies or voluntary organizations. Local authorities normally own
sports facilities but do not always run them. Companies compete for chances to use or
run the facilities. Dual use facilities are often school facilities which are also used by the
local community.
Skill is the learned ability to bring about a pre-determined result with maximum
certainty and efficiency. In other words, it means you can perform an activity or
movement to get exactly the result you intended without wasting time or energy, or
both. Most often people do not participate in sport because they do not have the
requisite skill hence they fear embarrassment from their peers. Others however do
participate because they have skill.
Types of skill
All skills in sport are motor skills; that is, they involve movement and they form the basis
of all sports. There are a number of ways of classifying skill. These could be according to
Basic or simple skill: These skills do not require intricate body movements and are
learnt at an early age, and are easily transferable to a number of situations e.g. jumping,
throwing, catching and hitting.
Complex skill: These skills involve more movements and finer control of many parts of
the body. They are specific to a given sport and need much more practice to learn
correctly e.g. a serve in tennis, high jump using fosbury flop and the backstroke in
ii. Stability of the environment or the situation in which the skill is performed
Open skill: These skills are mostly influenced by the environment or external factors.
For example, they depend on where your opponent is in netball or football, deciding
when to tackle in a football game, the direction of the wind in sailing.
Closed skill: A closed skill is one where the movements are always exactly the same.
The skill follows a set, predetermined pattern of movement regardless of external
factors or environment e.g. throwing a dart, a cartwheel in gymnastics, etc.
iv. How clearly defined the beginning and end of the skill is
Continuous skill: The skill has no distinct beginning or end. It requires repetition of
movement pattern, and the activity goes on for unspecified time e.g. cycling, running on
the track, rowing, etc.
Discrete skill: The skill has a well defined beginning and end. It is usually brief in nature
e.g. kicking a ball, throwing an object, etc.
Whether intrinsic or extrinsic.
Personality traits determine behaviour in normal life and in sporting situations. People
who are quiet, shy, calm and retiring, can be described as introverts, whereas
extroverts are the direct opposite, being outgoing, loud, lively and sociable.
(g) The following are some more factors that might affect participation in sport:
Level of education
Tradition and culture
Peer group pressure
Environment and climate.
Cultural exchange
During tournaments such as the World Cup supporters of the travelling teams meet
others from different cultures thus copying positive traits from each other’s cultures.
It is a form of recreation
Sport encourages and spreads people’s interest in recreation. This discourages
delinquency as more people will have something to do during leisure.
Creation of jobs
More people take up sport as a form of employment. Nowadays sport is one of the
biggest employers in the world.
Economical boost
As more people get employed in sport they pay tax. Also revenue accrues to the country
as it hosts major sporting events.
Political boost
Countries that excel in sport have an improved image and reputation. It gets more
recognition internationally.
Doping is the use of drugs or chemical substances to enhance performance. There are
two types of doping, which are drug doping and blood doping. Blood doping is the
practice of taking blood from an individual and transfuse it at a later stage to increase
red blood cells in the body hence more oxygen carrying capacity of the athlete’s blood.
Drugs are any chemical substance introduced to the body which affects how the body
Types of drugs identified as performance enhancing and banned by the International Olympic
Stimulants pain and fatigue can be masked and the athlete can continue to
perform causing further injury
the athlete can feel really low afterwards
can cause aggressive behaviour
can lead to high blood pressure
can cause liver damage
can cause brain damage
Narcotic can cause low blood pressure
analgesics result in constipation
they are addictive
if a performer becomes addicted they will suffer withdrawal
masking of pain which can cause further injury
morphine and heroin are illegal in many countries so use can result
in legal action
Diuretics sodium and potassium salts are excreted causing an imbalance in
the body of minerals
low levels of potassium lead to muscle weakness
low levels of potassium can lead to heart damage
Beta- lowers performance during lengthy events
blockers can cause sleep problems
can cause depression
can cause blood pressure to drop
Anabolic heart disease
steroids high blood pressure
weakened ligaments and tendons
aggressive behaviour/depression
changes in sexual characteristics
deepening of the voice
Tranquillisers the user feels dull/uninterested
lacking in energy