Price of The Dragon
Price of The Dragon
Price of The Dragon
Introduction At the start of the campaign, read the text box below:
elcome to Lewd Dungeon Adventures,
an adult role-playing game filled with Emperor Geo Crapflare has called upon you to go to the
bandit village of Darkwell to take care of a delicate matter
fantasy and fun. Before you go any further,
that may pose a considerable threat to The Kegel Empire if
you should know that this book is meant not dealt with swiftly. An inside source has disclosed that a
for the Deity’s eyes only. Reading it as a dragon has moved into the village. While it would require
Hero will ruin the game for you. great magic to do so, if any of the bandits are able to make a
In the following pages, Deities will find details on how pact with the dragon, they could command it to wreak havoc
to run the scenarios in this campaign. If you have not across the land. Emperor Geo wants you to rid Darkwell of
read the rulebook yet, please go back and do so before the dragon and does not care how you do it. Should you
beginning the game. complete this task, he promises to reward you handsomely.
TWIG ENT Due to its location in relation to The Kegel Empire, it makes
— the most sense for the Hero to start their adventure from the
Roll to Hit: 5+
southern entrance into Darkwell. However, you may start
Health Points: 4
them at whichever path you like.
Traits: Night Vision, Weak to Fire When the Hero enters Darkwell, read the
Sex Style: None boxed text below:
Languages: None
— You follow a cart path northeast for several days before
Description: A sentient twig that protects the forest.
turning onto a lesser-traveled road. While you can see that
the path was once wide enough for two carts, foliage has
ATTACKS grown over most of it. However, you can still make out sets of
Annoying Prick. Weaponless Attack: one target. Hit: (1d4 - fresh tracks treading over the greenery.
1) damage.
Eventually, you see buildings peeking up in the distance
between sparse trees and a lot of overgrowth. You may have
Twig ents have the trait Weak to Fire. All fire-based thought this village abandoned if not for billowing puffs of
attacks toward these enemies deal double damage. In the case grey emerging from a few of the smokestacks.
of a Critical Hit, the fire attack will do triple damage.
Multiple Heroes Modification: There is only one twig ent Though there are clearly people living here, the area is
no matter how many Heroes are in the party. eerily silent.
Death: If a Hero dies fighting one of these twig ents, they
respawn inside the building they last exited. The trail you were on snakes between multiple stone
buildings in various states of disrepair. To the north, a
dilapidated tower stands tall on the horizon, looking like
something large crashed into the side of it. Almost a quarter
of the gray shingles are caved in or broken, and a large
portion of the stone wall has fallen into the building.
Though the Hero can see the tower, and there are Though Minyaris is a criminal, she’s not without empathy.
obvious signs that the dragon resides there, they are still She will give the Hero the safeword of ‘pineapple.’ Should the
fairly far away from it. Now would be the time to either Hero use their safeword, Minyaris will cease her actions and
show the Hero the map or draw one for them and point release them from the spell. While she will still hold up her
out where they are starting from so that they can decide end of the bargain and allow the Hero to pick an Unlimited
how to proceed. spell, she will permanently close off trading with them
Role-Playing Minyaris Tinkertop: Minyaris is in her
Area 1: The Magic Shop mid-years but still young-looking. Never having cared to
When the Hero approaches this building, read the master a specific type of magic, she has a mixed bag of tricks.
boxed text below: While she is a woman of business and willing to teach spells
to almost anyone, she is very suspicious of newcomers to
This large green-roofed building appears to be a residence. Darkwell and will only give limited information when
Outside, you can see a distinct dark line on the stonework those she does not recognize inquire about the village and
about two feet high, suggesting this area has flooded. You its citizens, keeping her answers short. Her disposition is
also notice the same line on many of the other buildings. neutral, neither friendly nor unwelcoming.
What Minyaris Tinkertop Knows: Minyaris possesses the
There are four windows surrounding the building, all of following information but will only disclose it if asked.
which are two feet wide and covered by wooden shutters. •The history of Darkwell.
Breaking any of them requires a Normal Roll of 4 or higher. •That Darkwell was re-established ten years ago by the
The door is unlocked. Moon Thugs, a band of gnome thieves and sellswords. Only
If the Hero knocks or calls out to the person inside in the past two years did they begin allowing outsiders in,
the building, they respond by saying, “Enter!” in an creating the criminal sanctuary the Hero sees today.
annoyed voice. •That about two weeks ago, she heard a loud roar followed
Once the Hero enters the building, read the by a crashing sound. When Minyaris went outside, she
boxed text below: saw that the tower in the southern part of Darkwell had
caved in. While she’s heard rumors of a dragon, she has not
seen it herself.
You step inside to find a small room partitioned off from •If asked about Elssa Brafeast, Minyaris will pretend she
the rest of the building by a wall. The only piece of furniture
has never heard the name before. Should the Hero question
is a low wooden desk. A gnome with short red hair tied
back in a tight ponytail and amber eyes stares at you from
her honesty, have them make a Hard roll. On a roll of 5
behind it. With no apparent haste, she stands from the stool or higher, they can detect that the mage is lying. Elssa and
she had been sitting on to greet you, though she assesses Minyaris are lovers, and Minyaris is just trying to protect
you suspiciously. her, expecting that the Hero might be a bounty hunter. If the
Hero detects the lie and presses Minyaris for information,
she will get defensive and refuse to do any further
This building is the home and shop of Minyaris Tinkertop,
business with them.
a powerful gnome mage who retired from a life of crime to
move to Darkwell and deal in the trading of spells with other
Below are the spells that Minyaris has available for trade:
bandits and criminals.
She has a variety of Limited and Unlimited spells available Bad Touch
and will trade them for spells of equal value. That means Requirements: Must be able to move hands.
she will only trade Limited spells for Limited spells and Type: Unlimited
Unlimited spells for Unlimited spells. Range: Ranged
To trade with Minyaris, the Hero will forget whatever Description: Ethereal hands form to touch a target within
spell they offer and learn the new spell in its place. The spell view in every uncomfortable way imaginable. The sheer
they traded will end up in Minyaris’ shop. The Hero may feeling of disgust does 1d8 damage to the soul.
trade spells as many times as they wish unless Minyaris has
decided to no longer barter with them. Cum Shot
Minyaris will be willing to grant the Hero one Unlimited Requirements: Must be able to move hands.
spell in exchange for sex. She will mention this in Type: Unlimited
conversation after the initial trading, if the Hero seems Range: Ranged
disinterested in the spells she has to offer, or if they don’t Description: You blow your load so hard that everyone
have any Unlimited spells to trade. They may only acquire a around you is in danger. Make a ranged attack against a
spell in this manner once. target. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 damage. Due to the
Minyaris’ sex style is Spell Bound. To roleplay this, she will necessary refractory period, this spell can only be used
cast a spell on the Hero, rendering them immobile but still once per combat.
able to speak and become aroused. Then, Minyaris will do
whatever she wants to the Hero until she is satisfied. This
does not have to be sex but should be sexual in nature.
Exploding Weapon Inside, you see racks lined up neatly in rows, though the
Requirements: A melee or ranged weapon. Must be able selection seems sparse. Two full suits of armor stand sentry
to move hands. at both sides of the door. Mounted on the back wall are flags
displaying various coats of arms.
Type: Unlimited
Range: Ranged
A gnome with chestnut hair and small brown eyes sits on a
Description: You know that old weapon you don’t use stool in the corner of the room, sharpening a dagger with a
anymore? This spell will give it one last hurrah as you send whetstone. When you enter, he promptly stands to greet you,
it off into the sunset. Hurl it at your enemy for 2d6 damage. his lips stretching into a smile as radiant as the sun.
The weapon used will be destroyed.
If threatened with violence, Kelji will offer the Hero a
weapon of their choice in exchange for his safety. Should the
Hero still wish to fight Kelji, his stat block is provided.
Roll to Hit: 4+
Health Points: 10
Traits: None
Sex Style: Minute Man
Languages: Common
Description: A cocky young gnome thief who runs The
Sell Sword weapon shop in Darkwell.
Will use the strongest weapon in his shop to attack.
What Kelji Silvertongue Knows: Kelji is not a history buff Shortbow
so doesn’t know the backstory of Darkwell, nor does he Slot: Weapon
know much about its founding as a bandit safe haven other Type: Ranged
than that it is mostly occupied by the Moon Thugs, which Damage: 1d6
he joined up with just three years ago and was kicked out
of for stealing from his own people. Luckily, his cousin is Longbow
one of the higher-ups in the bandit gang, so they didn’t kick Slot: Weapon
him out of the village. However, he is constantly skating on Type: Ranged
thin ice, and most of the bandits in Darkwell refuse to do Damage: 1d8
business with him.
•If asked about the dragon, Kelji will confirm that it lives Kelji also has the following item in his secret inventory.
in the tower and will create an inflated story about how he Acquiring it will require trading either three weapons or two
heard a roar and came outside, then watched it crash into the weapons and sex (if the Hero has not been banned from that
tower. He suspects it’s sick, which is why no one has seen it option). Kelji will also allow the Hero to sub out two items
leave the tower. In truth, Kelji never saw the dragon himself from their inventory in place of a weapon.
and is just going on hearsay. Should the Hero question
Kelji’s story, have them make a Normal roll. On a roll of 4 or Sword of Dragon Slaying
higher, they’re not sure they believe his story. Slot: Weapon
•If asked about Elssa Brafeast, Kelji will confirm that she Type: Two-Handed
lives in Darkwell but will lie and say he doesn’t know which Range: Close
cottage is hers. Elssa is one of Kelji’s few friends, and he Damage: 2d8 against dragons. 1d8 against all other foes.
doesn’t trust the Hero enough to rat out her location. Have
the Hero make a Hard roll. On a roll of 5 or 6, they feel Kelji Multiple Heroes Modification: Kelji will be willing to use
is being dishonest. sex as a trading option with all Heroes. If he eliminates it as
•If asked about his secret inventory, Kelji will recite the an option with one Hero, that does not affect the others.
first part of a poem, and the Hero will have to complete it. No matter how many Heroes are in the party, there is
His portion goes as follows: “When undies pass the knees only one Kelji.
and hands go into shirts.” Next, the Hero must say, “Breath Death: If the Hero dies in The Sell Sword, they will
comes in short pants and love comes in spurts.” Should the respawn outside of it. This will trigger a Random Encounter
Hero not remember the answer, they must return to the roll before they are allowed to re-enter the building.
brothel and pay for another round with Ralur the Master
to be told it again. There is no consequence for getting the
answer wrong except that the Hero will not gain access to
Area 3: Darkwell Tavern
When the Hero approaches this building, read the
Kelji’s secret inventory.
boxed text below:
Below are the items that Kelji has available for trade:
Darkwell Tavern sits to the southeast of the village square.
Brass Knuckles Out of all the buildings you’ve seen so far, this one seems the
Slot: Weapon most well taken care of. You hear raucous laughter coming
Type: One-Handed from inside and catch the faint scent of cooking meat wafting
Range: Close from the smoke billowing out of the chimney.
Damage: 3
There are six windows surrounding the building, all of
Dagger which are two feet wide and covered by wooden shutters.
Slot: Weapon Breaking any of them will require a Normal Roll of 4 or
Type: One-Handed higher. The door is unlocked.
Range: Close Inside, two bandits are smoking a whole spotted hog on a
Damage: 1d4 + 1 spit over a fire pit, drinking and enjoying themselves as the
hours pass. Though this was once a legitimate tavern, none
Niwin’s Shortsword of the Moon Thugs fancied playing bartender, so the bandits
Slot: Weapon
mostly serve themselves from barrels of ale and casks of
Type: One-Handed
wine lining the walls. Two rows of benches take up most of
Range: Close
the interior of this room, only one of which is occupied by
Damage: 1d6 + 2
the bandits deep in their cups and entertaining themselves
Slingshot with gambling.
Slot: Weapon
Type: Ranged
Damage: 1d4
One of the bandits is Niwin Broadcock, a gnome In the event that the Hero is defeated, Niwin will reclaim
swordsman. If the Hero purchased his shortsword from Kelji his Niwin’s Shortsword, and both bandits will disappear
at The Sell Sword, Niwin will recognize it immediately and from the tavern before the Hero can return. If the Hero
grow angry, demanding the Hero give it back. Niwin will not mentions they acquired the sword from Kelji, Niwin will
be willing to listen to reason or trade for it. Should the Hero next go to execute the thief. Should the Hero ever return to
refuse, fighting will ensue. Luckily for them, the other bandit The Sell Sword, they will find it empty and with a sizeable
will simply sit there and watch. blood stain on the floor.
If the Hero did not trade for Niwin’s Shortsword at The
Sell Sword and informs Niwin that Kelji currently has the
NIWIN BROADCOCK sword up for sale in his shop, the gnome will leave the tavern
in a blind rage to go confront the thief, mumbling about it
Roll to Hit: 4+ being “the last straw for that punk kid.” Should the Hero
Health Points: 15 remain in the tavern for any significant amount of time
afterward, Niwin will return before they leave and reward
Traits: None them with the Sword of Dragon Slaying, which he took from
Sex Style: None Kelji after killing him. If the Hero departs immediately after
Languages: Common
disclosing this information, Niwin will find them after they
— enter and leave the next building to give them the Sword of
Description: A skilled gnome swordsman and member of
Dragon Slaying as a thank you for telling him where to locate
the Moon Thugs.
his shortsword. The shortsword has sentimental value to
ATTACKS him as it was given to him by his wife as a wedding gift.
Claymore. Melee Weapon Attack: one target. Hit:
(1d10) damage.
Sword of Dragon Slaying
Slot: Weapon
Type: Two-Handed
Range: Close
Damage: 2d8 against dragons. 1d8 against all other foes.
Slot: Weapon
Type: Ranged
Damage: 1d8
aquamarine eyes, and wears a skin-tight dress that enhances Playing Street Craps will require the Hero to roll 2d6 and
all her greatest assets. add the number of the two dice together. Results of the rolls
Should the Hero try to flirt with Tripine, Niwin will grow are as follows:
angry and attack them. While she can flirt with the Hero, •On a 7 or 11, the Hero wins
they are not allowed to flirt back. •On a 2, 3, or 12, the Hero loses.
If there is no drama with Niwin when the Hero enters •On anything else, it’s a tie.
Darkwell Tavern, Tripine will welcome them in and ask if
they’d like to engage in one of the Special Scenarios below. If the Hero loses, Tripine will want to play again, betting
Deep in his cups, Niwin will just sit back and observe. the item she just won. She will be willing to play until she
loses the Scroll of Echoing Screams, at which point, she
XXX – Tripine will confess her curiosity about a Hero’s will concede defeat and decide she’s done enough gambling
relationship with their Deity, saying she’s heard that for one day.
Cummancers can do some crazy sexual acts. She will offer Multiple Heroes Modification: Everyone who wants to play
them a Scroll of Echoing Screams to demonstrate the can, but Tripine will only play against one Hero at a time and
cannonball position, which she will draw on a napkin and will only play until she loses the Scroll of Echoing Screams.
show to the Hero. Heroes may also play against each other.
To do the cannonball position, the female will kneel on
a bed facing away from her partner. She will hook her feet Scroll of Echoing Screams
over his forearms and clasp hands with him while he enters Requirements: Must be able to speak.
her from behind and thrusts. Type: One-Time Use
Multiple Heroes Modification: Only one Hero will need to Range: Ranged
demonstrate the cannonball position with the Deity. Description: You can use the scroll before or during
DRINK – Tripine will ask if the Hero would like to play combat. Upon use, in addition to making an attack with your
a drinking game. Should the Hero agree, she will ask if normal weapon, the enemy will also take 1d8 damage. On
they want to up the stakes by betting an item. If the Hero the next round of combat, they will take an additional 1d6
wins, Tripine will give them a Scroll of Echoing Screams. damage. And on the third round of combat, they will take
If Tripine wins, she will take any item from the Hero’s 1d4 damage. If you die before the three rounds of combat are
inventory they feel like giving her. Regardless of who up, the spell is dispelled, and the enemy will take no further
wins, they will only play once. Betting an item is not additional damage.
necessary. Tripine will still play even if the Hero refuses to
up the stakes.
The game Tripine wants to play is called Skulls and should
be played with either a beer or a mixed drink. No hard liquor.
To start, Tripine will call out the word ‘skulls,’ and
everyone will have to take a drink.
Next, players will take turns rolling a die, starting with the
Hero. Results of rolls are as follows:
•If a player rolls a 1 or 6, they have to drink.
•If a player rolls a 2 or 4, they don’t have to drink.
•If a 3 is rolled, that player must take 3 drinks of their
beverage and roll again. If the result from the second roll
would require them to drink, they must yell ‘skulls,’ and
everyone has to drink.
•If a player rolls a 5, the other player must drink.
What Niwin and Tripine Broadcock Know: Both gnomes can The web troll’s main attack is Annoying Comment. To
answer any questions the Hero might have. roleplay this, blurt out a comment on a controversial topic of
•If Tripine is asked about the history of Darkwell, she will which you know the Hero has an opposing opinion. It does
be able to recount it fairly accurately. However, if Niwin is not matter if this is your opinion or not. The web troll will
asked, he will get most of the details wrong. Tripine will not say whatever it can to get under the Hero’s skin.
bother correcting him, worried about upsetting her husband. If you aren’t familiar with the Hero’s opinion on various
Should the Hero wish to roll for deception, no matter the topics, you can search the internet for unpopular opinions
outcome, they will not be able to detect any untruths, as and use those. Below is a sample list of 10 unpopular
Niwin is very confident in his story and believes his version. opinions you can use in this roleplay.
•If asked about the dragon, both gnomes can confirm
that it lives in the tower. Niwin will warn the Hero against 1. Tabletop RPGs are a waste of time.
fighting it unless they’re properly equipped. He will make the 2. Pickle juice ice cream is the best flavor of ice cream.
statement, “I’ve fought a lot of powerful foes, but I absolutely 3. World peace would be boring.
will not fuck with dragons.” Worried about his wife’s safety, 4. It’s annoying when people say bless you after a sneeze.
he secretly wants the dragon gone but is not brave enough to 5. Couples shouldn’t share food. It’s gross.
face it alone. Nor will he join the Hero’s party if asked. 6. The best way to eat jelly beans is to swallow them whole.
•If asked where to find Elssa Brafeast, Niwin will tell the 7. Kissing while having sex is a waste of time.
Hero that she lives in the house with the brown roof directly 8. No one should bathe more than once a week.
across from Darkwell Tavern. However, Tripine will say 9. Naps are not as great as people make them out to be.
that she believes Elssa lives in the house further to the south. 10. No one really likes the way beer tastes.
They will argue about it for a few minutes before Tripine
will concede defeat to her husband. If the Hero disagrees with the web troll, they will
automatically take 1 point of damage.
Multiple Heroes Modification: No matter how many The web troll never needs to Roll to Hit on their turn to
Heroes there are, there is only one Niwin. If combat ensues, use Annoying Comment, and the Hero only takes damage if
Niwin will only attack the player in possession of Niwin’s they disagree with the creature’s opinion.
Shortsword or who has offended him. The two can argue back and forth, with the web troll
making the argument as unpleasant as possible, their opinion
gradually growing more radical in juxtaposition to the
Area 4: Village Square Hero’s. Every time the Hero responds to argue, they take 1
Due to frequent foot traffic, this is one of the few areas in point of damage.
Darkwell that isn’t overgrown. Sharing the web troll’s opinion is one of two ways the
Hero can avoid taking damage.
A roundabout circling a dry fountain serves as the village Alternatively, they can refuse to answer and walk away
square of Darkwell. This is where the path forks in three from the fight. The best defense against a web troll is to just
significant directions, traveling northwest to snake between ignore it. It will then grow bored of the Hero and wait for
two buildings, straight to the west where the path is the next passerby.
lined with more buildings, and southwest heading back Web trolls have a much stronger bark than bite and no real
toward Hadel. intentions of killing the Hero, since they enjoy feeding off
their negative energy. Once it has whittled the Hero down
Three smaller paths lead to various buildings connected to
the village square, all displaying minor signs of disrepair.
to 1 Health Point, the web troll will cast Verbal Repulsion,
which hits automatically and will cause the Hero to flee to
An unfinished stone statue of Oarus, God of Growing, stands the nearest Area.
looking somberly over the structure surrounding him, the
fountain having become a dump for offal since the Moon
Thugs have taken up residence in Darkwell.
Area 5: Abandoned Cottage
WEB TROLL This house has yet to be occupied by any of the bandits of
— Darkwell. When the Hero approaches it, read the boxed
Roll to Hit: 2+ text below:
Health Points: 30
Traits: Immune to sleep. One of the few buildings in Darkwell made of timber, this
Sex Style: None. Repulsive house seems to be in a worse state of disrepair than any
Languages: Common, Troll of the others you’ve seen so far. Several of the boards
— around the base have rotted from water damage, causing
Description: A troll that feeds off of negative energy. Web the structure to have partially collapsed in on itself. Its four
trolls like to hang out in densely populated areas where two-foot-wide windows, one on each side of the house, are
they can harass the most passersby. covered by cracked wooden shutters. A young tree is growing
through the roof near the door.
Annoying Comment. Weaponless Attack: all targets within The wooden shutters on the windows are weak from the
earshot. Hit: (1) ranged damage.
structural damage to the house. Breaking them will require
Verbal Repulsion. Limited Spell: one target an Easy roll of 3 or higher. While not locked, the wooden
door of this building is swollen and jammed shut, requiring a
Normal roll of 4 or higher to force it open.
Verbal Repulsion The farmers who once lived here took most of their
Requirements: Must be able to speak. valuable possessions with them when they abandoned
Type: Limited Darkwell. Long before the Moon Thugs arrived, a disturbed
Range: Ranged boner wandered into the house and never left. A passerby
Description: You say something so offensive that the target trapped it inside, and it’s been there ever since.
of your words flees your presence in rage, forcing them If the Hero manages to get inside the house, combat will
immediately into the next nearest room or Area. be initiated.
This monster can be seduced. To role-play this, set a If the Hero takes the time to respond, she will call off
timer for however many Health Points the Hero has left. For the sex zombie. Otherwise, she will wait until combat has
example, if the Hero has 8 Health Points remaining, you will finished to speak to the Hero further.
set a timer for 8 minutes. The disturbed boner only knows
one move in the bedroom, the pelvic thrust. The repetition
will really drive you insane. Considering that the Hero
clearly didn’t factor in that the disturbed boner also uses
their sexual appendage as a weapon, they didn’t think this —
Roll to Hit: 3+
through very well. For each minute the Hero engages in sex Health Points: 7
with the disturbed boner, they will lose 1 Health Point until
they either finish having sex, have decided to stop, or have —
Traits: Slow Decay
died. Make the Hero aware that they are losing Health after 1 Sex Style: Automatic Thrust
Languages: Common
minute has passed.
Description: Caught somewhere between life and death,
Once the monster has been dealt with, the Hero will be
free to search the building. The farmer who once lived here a sex zombie is a humanoid that has been physically
left one item of value behind, a Throwing Dagger in a chest weakened and enchanted by sex magic. They live in
beneath the flagstone flooring in the southwestern corner service to the caster in return for sexual favors, which
of the room. Finding the chest by searching the room will is the only way to restore their slowly decaying Health.
require a Normal roll of 4 or higher. Should the person or creature controlling the sex zombie
be defeated, the sex zombie will be released from the spell,
Throwing Dagger returning to its natural state but with only 1 Health Point.
Slot: Weapon
Type: One-Handed Hybrid ATTACKS
Range: Close or Ranged Throwing Daggers. Melee Weapon Attack: one target. Hit: (1d4
+ 2) close or ranged damage.
Damage: 1d4 + 1
Area 6: Elssa
Brafeast’s Cottage
Elssa Brafeast is a well-respected mage and ex-bandit.
Despite not being a Moon Thug, her connections to them
are what have allowed her to take up temporary residence
in Darkwell. Though she cut a deal with Emperor Geo to
release her from the prison in Hadel in exchange for her
infiltrating Darkwell to gather intel on its citizens, she trusts
him just as little as she does the bandits around her and plans
to flee the village as soon as the dragon is taken care of, at
which point she will consider her debt paid.
Paranoid by nature, she has reinforced all the windows
and doors in her cottage to keep unwanted persons and
creatures out.
When the Hero approaches her cottage, read the boxed
text below:
This small house is clearly lived in. The door does not display
the same water damage as all the others you’ve seen, crafted
of thick wood and appearing to be relatively new. Wooden
shutters, also looking recently made, are fixed to all the
windows, ensuring no one can peek inside.
The sex zombie has the Slow Decay trait, meaning that Death: If the Hero dies outside Elssa’s cottage, they will
with every round of combat, it will automatically lose 1 respawn where they died.
Health Point.
This creature can be seduced. Its sex style is Automatic
Thrust. To roleplay this, the sex zombie will engage with the
Area 7: Thusalda’s Smithy
Hero in whatever position they wish. They will pump their When the Hero approaches this large building, read the
hips like a robot throughout the act, never varying speed or boxed text below:
intensity. Once the sex act is complete, 1 Health Point will be
restored to the sex zombie, and combat will resume, as the You hear the tink of a hammer and feel the heat coming
sex zombie is unwaveringly loyal to its master. from this building shortly before you reach it. The door is
Elssa Brafeast is a stout gnome in her mid-thirties with wide open, and inside, you see a dark-skinned female dwarf
mussy white hair. She wears light grey robes and carries a in a thick leather apron furiously beating away at an orange-
gnarled wooden wand. If attacked, Elssa will transform into glowing blade set atop an anvil.
a bee and fly through a small crack in the stonework at the
Artfully engraved in a steel sign affixed next to the door are
back of the house, disappearing forever.
the words ‘Thusmithy.’
A woman of few words, she speaks in short sentences, only
telling the Hero what they need to know to get the job done
and nothing more. The blacksmith inside is Thusalda Embergrip, a dwarf
The inside of her house is bare-bones. Elssa keeps all her who finds herself more at home with bandits than law-
valuables in a magic bag on her hip in case she needs to make abiding folk, though she’s not a bandit herself. Because she’s
a speedy escape. known to craft custom weapons for those belonging to the
Powerful magic she has cast on the house will make it underbelly of The Unbound Domain, she was welcomed into
impossible for the Hero to enter without her permission. Darkwell with open arms.
Should they knock on the door, Elssa will answer and be She has large brown eyes, skin the color of milk chocolate,
pleasant enough, though she will refuse to tell them any and long black hair. Thusalda has a pleasant and cheery
information about Darkwell and its citizens until they inform disposition, but she can be quick to anger if someone pushes
her that they were sent by Emperor Geo about the dragon. her buttons.
She has been expecting him to send a Hero but will still be While she does not have any weapons for sale, Thusalda
suspicious until given specifics. can add a permanent +1 to Attack to any of the Hero’s
Elssa will require the Hero to prove themselves before weapons in exchange for any 2 weapons they wish to give
she’ll be willing to advise them on how to defeat the dragon. her. This can stack, so if they have 4 weapons to give the
An orc has recently moved into Darkwell and has been dwarf, she can add +2 to their weapon instead. This is a
bullying her. She wants it removed from the village and will permanent effect.
not help the Hero until the deed is done. Elssa informs them Thusalda will also allow the Hero to make a one-time
that the orc lives in the last house on the right on the eastern substitute of sex in place of a weapon. Her sex style is
path out of the village. Affectionate Lover. To roleplay this, Thusalda will be willing
What Elssa Brafeast Knows: Once the orc has been dealt to do almost anything the Hero wants as long as it’s not
with, Elssa will gladly divulge the following information: rough. If the sex is not to her liking, she will be very vocal
•That there’s a magic mirror in the house to the right of about her discomfort. Her disposition is loving, so she will
the tower that’s known to grant gifts to those that please it. It give lots of caresses and gentle affection. After the act is
may be able to provide the Hero with something that could complete, she will want to cuddle for at least 3 minutes.
help them get rid of the dragon. What Thusalda Embergrip Knows: Though gifted in the
•That a bad dragon cultist recently moved into Darkwell art of improving weapons, Thusalda is a bit air-headed and
and that the dragon arrived shortly after. Elssa suspects the doesn’t care much about anything else.
two events are related. She informs the Hero that the bad •If asked about the history of Darkwell, she will simply
dragon cultist moved into the last house on the left of the say that it was an abandoned village taken over by
eastern path out of the village. the Moon Thugs.
•That the sex workers at The Poke are privy to most of •If asked about the dragon, she’ll claim she doesn’t know
the village’s secrets and may be able to provide the Hero with about any dragon. This is not a lie, and if the Hero wishes to
additional information. roll for deception, no matter the outcome, they will get the
feeling she’s telling the truth. Thusalda was busy working
Multiple Heroes Modification: Add a sex zombie for each the forge when the dragon arrived and did not hear it crash
Hero in the party. A full round of combat must pass before through the tower. Nor does she pay much attention to the
Elssa will exit her house. As long as one Hero responds to gossip around Darkwell.
her, she will call off all her zombies. •If asked where to find Elssa Brafeast, Thusalda won’t
There will be a number of bad dragon cultists equal to the recognize the name. This is also not a lie. Since Elssa is a
number of Heroes, so when Elssa is requesting the Heroes’ magic caster, she’s never had any use for the blacksmith, and
help and giving them information, she will say bad dragon they have only seen each other in passing but have never
cultists instead of the singular version. exchanged introductions.
Multiple Heroes Modification: Thusalda is a very busy The door to this building is unlocked, and the six windows
woman and will only make the sex trade with one Hero. surrounding it are covered with wooden shutters that would
She is also not into group sex, so any offer to play with require a Normal roll of 4 or higher to break. Should the
multiple partners will be denied. The Deity may swap the Hero knock on the door, the gnome inside will respond with,
responsibility of role-playing Thusalda during the sex act “Come in,” sounding incredibly annoying.
with another Hero in order to simultaneously do business Once the Hero enters the building, read the boxed
with the remaining Heroes. text below:
Area 8: The Alchemist You enter what appears to be a workshop. Tables placed
haphazardly around the room are covered in a mix of
This is the workshop and home of resident gnome alchemist unorganized bottles and vials, many of them empty or
Rontor Fizzlepocket. Less organized than most merchants, half-full. Some of the tables are also covered in alchemical
the place is a bit of a mess. components that bubble and brew, casting a chemical scent
When the Hero approaches this building, read the into the air that causes you to wrinkle your nose and close
boxed text below: one eye. Why does the air burn?
The second he realizes that the Hero is a customer, the Multiple Heroes Modification: While the sex act can involve
gnome calms down, jumping from his stool and pulling off multiple people, Rontor will still only trade with one Hero,
his goggles to address them properly. no matter how many people are involved. Each Hero who
This is Rontor Fizzlepocket. A bit of a mad scientist, he wishes to use the XXX Special Scenario will have to cut
dabbles in experimental alchemy, much of which doesn’t their own individual deal with the gnome. The Deity must
turn out well. He’s eccentric and speaks to everyone as if they roleplay Rontor throughout the entire encounter.
are stupid and below him. Though it’s clear a lot is going on DRINK – Rontor will trade a potion in exchange for the
in this lab, he only has three potions for sale. Rontor will Hero trying one of his experimental concoctions. To roleplay
trade a potion for a potion, or any two items from the Hero’s this, make the Hero a drink with three components: alcohol
inventory for one potion, or will require a Special Scenario, (can be beer, wine, or liquor), a wet mixer (can be any wet
as outlined below: component: water, milk, juice, etc.), a dry component (this
should be a spice, such as salt, cinnamon, sugar, cayenne
XXX – Rontor will trade a potion for a sex act and an pepper, etc.)
item from the Hero’s inventory, or even just two sex acts You can get as creative with this as you’d like, either
and no item. He will be willing to do this an unlimited making it appealing or disgusting. Do not tell the Hero what
number of times. is in the drink. If they watch you make it, that’s fine, but they
His sex style is Experimental. To roleplay this, you should are not allowed any input on what goes into it.
pick something you’ve always wanted to do but have never The Hero must drink the entire drink. To facilitate the
done before. This can be a new sex position or anything else, ability for multiple trades, the drink should not be more
as long as it’s legal. The Hero must be willing to comply. If than 4 ounces.
they refuse, the trade will not take place. If they choose this option multiple times, each concoction
While Rontor will be willing to trade for sex an unlimited must be different.
number of times, every single sex act must be different. Once the Hero finishes the drink, roll a 1d6 to see what
If there is nothing you haven’t done before that you’ve effect they suffer. This effect will be persistent until the end
wanted to try, then the Hero will not be able to use the XXX of the next combat.
Special Scenario and should use one of the others below.
1. -1 to Roll to Hit Potion of Enlargement
2. -1 to Roll for Turn order Type: One-Time Use
3. Lose 1 Health every round of combat whether the Description: Doubles the Hero’s size. As a result, their Hit
enemy’s attack hits or not Points will double as will the amount of damage they do
4. +1 to Roll for Turn Order when they Roll for Damage. Any skill roll involving strength
5. +1 to Roll to Hit will also be doubled, and Critical Hits will be worth 4x
6. Gain 1 Health every round of combat up to Max Health damage. The effects last until the Hero’s next death.
whether the enemy’s attack hits or not
Potion of Healing
These effects can stack, which means that if the Hero does Type: One-Time Use
the DRINK option multiple times, they can have multiple Description: Heals 5 Health Points.
effects or even double or triple of the same effect. Effects can
also cancel each other out. Potion of Inaccuracy
Even if the Hero has traded for all three potions, Rontor Type: One-Time Use
will allow them to try his experimental concoctions as many Description: May be tossed at an enemy before or during
times as they’d like. combat. That enemy will receive -1 to their die total for all
Multiple Heroes Modification: Each Hero can make this Rolls to Hit for the entire combat.
trade an unlimited number of times.
BASE – Rontor will trade a potion in exchange for the Hero What Rontor Fizzlepocket Knows: Rontor would rather
trying one of his experimental concoctions. To roleplay this, focus on his alchemy than talk to nosy strangers. He will
make the Hero a drink with three components: either 2 wet answer most questions shortly and with irritation.
components and 1 dry component, or 2 dry components and •If asked about the history of Darkwell, Rontor will ask if
1 wet component. he looks like a library.
Wet components can be water, milk, juice, etc. Dry •If asked about the dragon, he’ll tell the Hero to go see it
components should be spices. for themselves and points to the tower next door.
You can get as creative with this as you’d like, either •If asked where to find Elssa Brafeast, he will tell the Hero
making it appealing or disgusting. Do not tell the Hero what that if she wanted them to know that information, they
is in the drink. If they watch you make it, that’s fine, but they would know it.
are not allowed any input on what goes into it.
The Hero must drink the entire drink. To facilitate the If at any point the Hero tries to intimidate or attack
ability for multiple trades, the drink should not be more Rontor, he will refuse to continue doing business with
than 4 ounces. them and will throw a potion from his pocket at his feet,
If they choose this option multiple times, each concoction disappearing in a cloud of smoke, never to return while the
must be different. Hero remains in Darkwell.
Once the Hero drinks the drink, roll a 1d6 to see what
effect they suffer. This effect will be persistent until the end
of the next combat.
Area 9: The Dragon Tower
This single tower was a grain silo in Darkwell’s heyday. It has
since been emptied and abandoned. When the Hero reaches
1. -1 to Roll to Hit
this location, read the boxed text below:
2. -1 to Roll for Turn order
3. Lose 1 Health every round of combat whether the
enemy’s attack hits or not To the northeast of the village square, a single large tower
4. +1 to Roll for Turn Order points straight up at the sky, though a quarter of the conical
5. +1 to Roll to Hit roof and part of the stonework is caved in. The tower stands
6. Gain 1 Health every round of combat up to Max Health fifty feet high, with only one entrance and no windows. You
can smell a slight musty scent in the air surrounding it.
whether the enemy’s attack hits or not
These effects can stack, which means that if the Hero does The door to the tower is unlocked. Knocking on it will
the DRINK option multiple times, they can have multiple wake the dragon currently sleeping inside.
effects or even double or triple of the same effect. Effects can This dragon’s name is Frondayrth the Dark. It was
also cancel each other out. summoned to the Area by the bad dragon cultist in Area 10
Even if the Hero has traded for all three potions, Rontor and has taken up residence in Darkwell ever since, waiting to
will allow them to try his experimental concoctions as many see if the cultist will try to form a pact with it.
times as they’d like. Frondayrth can speak Common but absolutely detests it.
Multiple Heroes Modification: Each Hero can make this His manner of communication is gruff and demeaning. A
trade an unlimited number of times. Hero who speaks Dragon will be treated more favorably.
Inside the tower is a spiral staircase climbing up the side 35
Rontor has the following potions available for trade: feet before disappearing where Frondaryth crashed into the
tower. The staircase is 5-foot-wide.
Not fearing the Hero in the least, Frondayrth does not
immediately attack once approached. Only if the Hero attacks
or tries to steal treasure from Frondayrth’s hoard will combat
ensue. Once combat has begun, Frondayrth will no longer be —
Roll to Hit: 3+
willing to negotiate. Health Points: 60
Above all else, dragons love treasure. A giant pile of
jewelry, weapons, armor, and other valuables rests beneath —
Traits: Night Vision. Immune to fire and sleep.
Frondayrth like a nest. Due to the small space, any attempt Sex Style: None.
Languages: Common, Dragon
by the Hero to sneak and steal treasure while Frondayrth is
awake will automatically fail, regardless of what they roll. —
Description: A grey dragon summoned to Darkwell by a
If Frondayrth is asleep, their chances aren’t much better, bad dragon cultist. Frondayrth has a taste for magic.
considering that dragons have deeply connected sensory
perception with the treasure beneath them, being able to ATTACKS
detect even the smallest shift in their hoard. Bite. Weaponless Attack: one target. Hit: (1d8) melee damage.
To successfully steal from Frondayrth’s hoard, the Hero
must pass a Very Hard roll of 6. If they fail, Frondayrth will Fire Breath. Weaponless Attack: one target. Hit: (1d8 + 1)
wake up furious and immediately attack. However, if the ranged damage.
Hero succeeds, they will acquire the following:
Magic Devour. Limited Spell: one target
Charged Handaxe
Slot: Weapon Magic Devour
Type: One-Handed Hybrid Requirements: None
Range: Close or Ranged Type: Limited
Damage: 1d6 Range: Ranged
Traits: Will add +1 to Roll to Hit and +1 to damage for Description: This spell only hits if the caster rolls a 6 on
3 uses. Can only be used 3 times per Hero’s life. Once all their Roll to Hit. Otherwise, it misses and consumes one
charges are expended, the handaxe may be used as a normal of the caster’s Limited spells. The spell causes the target
weapon. Will recharge upon Hero’s death. to permanently forget one spell, which should be chosen
randomly, then heals the caster for 5 Health Points.
Should the Hero succeed in sneaking the first time, any
subsequent attempts will automatically fail. Frondayrth will use its first combat action to cast Magic
If the Hero politely asks Frondayrth to leave Darkwell, Devour. If the attack misses, it will switch to using Bite if
the dragon will offer them a pact. They must give it all the Hero is fighting it close-range or Fire Breath if they use a
their inventory and feed it the spells they know, which will ranged weapon or spells against it.
permanently delete them from the Hero’s memory (though Each time the Hero dies, Frondayrth will cast Magic
they can be re-learned later by reacquiring them through Devour again unless the Hero no longer has any
other campaigns), leaving them without any weapons, spells to forget.
inventory, or magic. There is no way to get around this. If If the Hero uses the Mirror of Reflection against
the Hero takes the deal, they will lose everything. Frondayrth’s Magic Devour spell and the spell hits,
It is well known in The Unbound Domain that dragons Frondayrth will permanently lose the spell.
are bound by any pact they make. If the Hero wishes Though Frondayrth will do its best not to leave anything
to roll for deception, inform them of this. No roll is behind, it does forget one item, which the Hero can claim
required. Frondayrth will undoubtedly live up to its side of once it departs.
the bargain.
Making this pact is the only way for Frondayrth to leave Af’s Trident
Darkwell peaceably. Slot: Weapon
Should the Hero fight the dragon, it will humor them until Type: One-Handed Hybrid
its Health Points reach 30 or below, at which point it will Range: Close or Ranged
gobble up its hoard, then climb to the top of the tower and Damage: 1d6 + 1
fly away. This will allow the Hero two extra attacks against Traits: Always does max damage to water creatures. Can
Frondayrth, one while it’s consuming its hoard and one only be used 3 times per Hero’s life. Will recharge upon
while it’s climbing the tower. Hero’s death.
Multiple Heroes Modification: For each additional Hero The fireplace is cold, the wood once there reduced to ash.
in the party, add +10 to Frondayrth’s Health Points. For the Sitting atop it is a cookpot. Dried brown spots stain the rim,
dragon to agree to leave Darkwell peaceably, all Heroes must and a few flies buzz around the remnants of food inside. You
give up all of their belongings and magic. can smell the faintest scent of rot from that direction.
XXX – The Hero and their Deity must have sex in front of
Despite the warning on the outside of the building, this
cottage has a lived-in feel to it. It is sparsely furnished with
The Binding Mirror. This can be accomplished by having sex
a bed, shelves, a chest, a table, and two chairs. The bed is in front of any mirror.
unmade as if someone recently rolled out of it. However, you Multiple Heroes Modification: Only one Hero needs to have
do see a fine layer of dust on the table. sex with the Deity in front of a mirror.
DRINK – The Binding Mirror will tell the Hero they must Have the Hero notate on their Character Sheet how many
drink as much as the person looking back at them. At that drinks they took.
point, the image of the woman will disappear and be replaced Multiple Heroes Modification: This only applies to the
by the Hero’s reflection. Hero who drank.
This is a riddle. The Hero can drink as much as they want BASE – If the Hero offered The Binding Mirror potions in
or not at all. exchange for the Mirror of Reflection, they will be unable
If they take a drink, nothing happens. They only see their to use potions for the remainder of the campaign. If they
reflection. sacrificed a spell, they cannot use that type of magic (Limited
Should the Hero choose to keep going, their Deity will or Unlimited) for the rest of the campaign.
stop them after either 5 drinks of beer, wine, or a cocktail or Until they can dispel the curse, if the Hero encounters a
after 2 shots of liquor and inform them that they believe it mirror in any future campaign, they must immediately drink
is a riddle. 1 of any potion they have on hand if they chose to give The
Multiple Heroes Modification: Only one Hero Binding Mirror potions. If they chose to sacrifice a spell, they
should do this. must cast any spell of that same type (Limited or Unlimited)
BASE – The Binding Mirror will require the Hero to whenever they encounter a mirror. Should the Hero not
sacrifice two potions or a spell. It can be any spell they wish, have any spells they can cast on themselves, they must cast
but they will permanently forget it. a spell on a person nearby. If no person is nearby, they must
Multiple Heroes Modification: Only one Hero needs to cast the spell at the mirror.
sacrifice a spell. Alternatively, multiple Heroes can contribute Multiple Heroes Modification: This curse affects anyone
to the offer of two potions. who sacrificed a spell or potions to The Binding Mirror.
Malagolil the Sweet Germand the Slave
Cost: Inventory Item (rope, lockpicks, flask, or firestarter) Cost: Any item of armor
Race: Dark Elf Race: Dwarf
Personality: Affectionate Personality: Submissive
Description: Malagolil learned early on that you catch more Description: Germand has always had thick skin and a high
flies with honey than vinegar. The dark elf is incredibly pain tolerance. After spending many stressful years as the
affectionate, using lots of physical touch and calling their guild leader of The Nefarious Ashes, they longed to give up
clients every pet name in the book, though ‘honey’ is their all control. Moving several continents away, they changed
favorite. Their disposition is sugary sweet, and they will their name and identity to live how they truly wanted,
give tons of compliments to boost their client’s ego and gain making a living thriving on pain and humiliation.
their trust. Germand will do anything their client says, refer to them
This trust-building is all a ruse. Before the Hero leaves, as ‘Master,’ and grovel at their feet. The dwarf particularly
Malagolil will steal either their rope or firestarter. The enjoys being spanked and will not divulge any information
Hero will not know this has happened until they go to to the Hero unless spanking is part of their session. Their
use the item. safeword is ‘orange.’
If Malagolil’s thievery is discovered and they are What Germand Knows: Germand can confirm that a
confronted, they will give the item back, saying something dragon resides in the tower. They will also inform the Hero
along the lines of, “An elf’s gotta eat,” or, “You didn’t tip.” that the bad dragon cultist came in, bragging about how they
They are willing to do standard sex acts but nothing too had summoned the dragon to the area and planned to make
kinky. After the act, they will cuddle with the client, if that’s a pact with it. The dwarf will confess that they are scared of
what the client wants. both the dragon and the bad dragon cultist, that they give
What Malagolil Knows: If asked about the dragon, the tower a wide berth, and don’t go out at night in fear that
Malagolil will confirm it lives in the tower. The dark elf something nefarious will happen to them.
claims they have heard it roar once but have never seen it. Germand will also tell the Hero that when the bad dragon
Malagolil does not know anything about Elssa Brafeast. cultist comes in, they like to pretend they’re a dragon,
If asked if they have any advice on getting rid of the making roaring noises during sex, which the dwarf finds
dragon, Malagolil will tell the Hero they should seek out bizarre and unnerving. Clearly, the cultist is absolutely
Kelji Silvertongue at The Sell Sword and ask about his secret obsessed with the dragon.
inventory. However, seeing his secret inventory will require Unfortunately, the dwarf knows nothing of Elssa Brafeast,
reciting the second half of a poem. The dark elf does not preferring to keep to themselves, fearing that someone may
dabble in weapons, so they didn’t bother memorizing it, but decern their true identity.
they tell the Hero that Ralur the Master probably knows it.
Multiple Heroes Modification: If the Heroes wish to split
Ralur the Master up and speak to multiple prostitutes simultaneously, any
Cost: Any weapon Hero may roleplay sex as one of the prostitutes in place
Race: Human of the Deity.
Personality: Controlling Alternatively, multiple Heroes may see the same prostitute,
Description: Ralur is a tan-skinned human that has turned but each Hero must pay the fee to see that prostitute.
their love of inflicting physical pain into a less violent
profession. Their attitude is strictly business, and they have a
commanding and dominant presence. Area 12: The Bad Dragon
Ralur is a master of BDSM and has all manner of whips,
paddles, and manacles in their pleasure room. Their clients
will take on the role of a slave and must do anything and This small cottage belongs to a bad dragon cultist named
everything Ralur tells them to. They are given the safeword Selfyx Brisklit. The gnome has no magic talent, but a great
‘banana.’ If the Hero uses their safeword at any point, Ralur fascination with dragons and has made it her goal to make a
will end the session. pact with as many of them as possible. She used a spell scroll
Ralur will only divulge information to the Hero once to attract Frondayrth to Darkwell, hoping that if she made a
they’ve completed one of his/her requests and will only pact with the dragon, the Moon Thugs would see her worth
answer one question for every completed act. and allow her to join their ranks.
What Ralur Knows: If asked about the dragon, Ralur can When the Hero arrives at the cottage, read the
confirm it lives in the tower. They have debated on trying to boxed text below:
slay it themselves but are worried it would cause trouble.
The only thing they know about Elssa Brafeast is that she’s This undiscerning cottage looks like many of the others in the
a gnome that is probably part of the Moon Thugs. area. The door is shut, and the windows are shuttered.
If asked about Kelji’s poem, Ralur will be impressed by the
Hero’s interest in rare weapons. They will inform the Hero
that Kelji will say, “When undies pass the knees and hands
go into shirts.” And the Hero’s response should be, “Breath
comes in short pants and love comes in spurts.”
A new arrival in Darkwell, Selfyx doesn’t quite trust her
place there yet, so she keeps the doors and windows locked
from the inside. Forcing the door open will take a Very Hard
roll of 6. Breaking any of the four windows will require a —
Roll to Hit: 4+
Hard roll of 5 or higher. Health Points: 9
If the Hero knocks on the door, Selfyx will answer. Not
knowing who they are, she will be polite. —
Traits: None
Role-Playing Selfyx Brisklit: Selfyx is a dark-skinned Sex Style: Dragon Style
Languages: Common, Dragon
gnome with chocolate eyes and raven hair. She sports black
Description: A humanoid obsessed with dragons and
robes with a red dragon embroidered on the back. Around
making pacts with them.
her neck, she wears a pendant in the shape of a dragon’s
head, known as The Dragon Seal, which will allow her to
make a pact with Frondayrth.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: one target. Hit: (1d6) damage.
Not so secretly, she is obsessed with all things dragon.
She believes that if she makes a great enough connection
with dragons in her human life, she will be reborn as one Selfyx can be seduced. Her sex style is Dragon Style,
after she dies. which is similar to doggy style. To roleplay Dragon Style,
While Selfyx is wary enough not to let strangers into her Selfyx will get on all fours and ask the Hero to penetrate her
home, she has no problem bragging that she summoned from behind. She will want them to roughly clutch onto
Frondayrth to Darkwell and tells anyone who asks that she her hips for leverage and thrust like they mean it. Selfyx
means to make a pact with the dragon. will also demand that they grunt and bite her neck during
If asked how she plans to make a pact with it, she will tell the act. When either partner climaxes, they should roar
the Hero that she must give it something it wants. However, like a dragon.
she will lie and say she doesn’t currently know what
Frondayrth wants and must treat with it first. Have the Hero
make a Very Hard roll. On a 6, they feel she can’t be trusted.
On any other roll, she seems genuine.
Should the Hero tell Selfyx their plans to make the dragon
leave Darkwell, she will enthusiastically suggest that they
treat with Frondayrth together so she can make her pact
before the dragon is forced to depart. In truth, Selfyx has
already met with Frondayrth, who has requested a humanoid
sacrifice in exchange for the pact. Selfyx plans to offer up the
Hero as that sacrifice.
If the two travel to the tower together, as soon as
Frondayrth is approached, Selfyx will announce her plan
in Dragon and flee to a safe distance, and Frondayrth will
immediately engage the Hero in combat, seeing them as
prey. Should the Hero die, Selfyx’s pact with the dragon will
take hold, and the Hero will no longer be able to acquire
The Dragon Seal, as it will become soulbound to Selfyx. If
the Hero attacks Selfyx after this, she will call Frondayrth to
her aid and use her request to have the dragon cast Magic
Devour, after which The Dragon Seal’s charge will be
expended, and Frondayrth will return to the tower.
At no point before meeting with the dragon will Selfyx
ever attempt to initiate combat with the Hero. However, if
they decide to attack her, her stat block is as follows
If the Hero drops the ball on any of the actions above,
Selfyx will become dissatisfied and remind them of what they
Area 13: The Orc’s Cottage
The last farmhouse on the eastern path leading out of
should be doing.
Darkwell has recently been commandeered by an orc named
Should the Hero defeat Selfyx before she can make a pact
Shab Steel Render. Shab is a scout for The Swift Foot Hoard,
with Frondayrth, they will acquire The Dragon Seal.
an orc bandit tribe interested in potentially driving the Moon
The Dragon Seal Thugs out of Darkwell to take the place over. They find
Slot: Neck the band of gnomes to be a laughable nuisance, and Shab is
Type: Jewelry not shy in his hatred of the small humanoids. He has been
Description: Grants the wearer the ability to summon a bullying Elssa and any other gnome that crosses his path.
dragon they have made a pact with. Can only be used with With a reputation that precedes him, most of the current
the dragon the pact has been made with. Requires a blood occupants of Darkwell are afraid of Shab and have decided to
sacrifice to charge. Can only hold one charge at a time. leave him alone as long as he doesn’t start any real trouble, all
Upon being summoned, the dragon can perform one of the hoping that he’ll soon tire of the unwelcoming atmosphere
following actions: and move on.
When the Hero approaches his cottage, read the
•Make an attack boxed text below:
•Cast a spell the dragon knows
•Destroy a building or structure Smoke billows from the smokestack of this large farmhouse,
•Fly the wearer to a new location bringing with it the scent of freshly cooked meat. Judging
by the size of the house, it likely once belonged to someone
After the action has been performed, the charge will be important.
expended, and the dragon will fly away. Using the pendant
during combat counts as the wearer’s combat action. They do Shab fears no man. The door to his cottage is unlocked,
not need to Roll for Hit to use it. However, the dragon does and he hasn’t bothered fixing the shutters on the windows,
need to Roll to Hit for any attacks or spells and will remain several of which have broken or are missing slats. Breaking
on the battlefield with their turn going directly after the any of the six windows requires an Easy roll of 3 or higher.
Hero’s until their attack or spell hits. While the dragon is on If the Hero peeks inside, they see the orc tending to a giant
the battlefield, all foes will continue to attack the Hero. The hunk of meat on a spit in the fireplace, poking at the coals
dragon can be dismissed from combat at any time without with a long stick. The only other thing in the room is a table
having performed the requested action, but it still counts as with two chairs.
using The Dragon Seal’s charge. All other rooms in the cottage have sparse furnishings,
If the dragon dies, The Dragon Seal will break and become most of which are covered with dust. The cabinets and
unusable. Should the Hero die while the dragon is still on the drawers stand empty, save for an unlocked treasure chest in
battlefield, The Dragon Seal’s charge will be expended, and the bedroom containing a spear.
the dragon will fly away.
To charge The Dragon Seal, the wearer must render an Spear
enemy unconscious, then point The Dragon Seal at them, Slot: Weapon
absorbing their soul into it, which will travel through the Type: One-Handed Hybrid
astral plane to feed the connected dragon. Range: Close or Ranged
Damage: 1d8
The Dragon Seal can also be used to make Frondayrth
leave Darkwell. If the Hero barges into Shab’s cottage, combat will
Should the Hero decide to explore Selfyx’s cottage once immediately ensue. Should they break in through a window,
she’s been defeated, they will find little inside besides a stove make a Normal roll to determine if Shab heard. On a 4 or
and table with two chairs in the front room, and a bed in higher, the Hero is able to enter his cottage undetected.
the second room. In a corner of the room, they will also find If the roll fails, Shab will hear them, find them, and
a small chest containing a glass dildo shaped like a dragon combat will ensue.
penis. This can be added to the Hero’s inventory and used to Should the Hero break into Shab’s cottage unnoticed and
barter in place of any trade requiring a flask, rope, lockpicks, decide to sneak up on him, it will require an Easy Roll of 3 or
or a firestarter. higher. A success will allow them to go first in combat.
Death: If the Hero dies outside Selfyx’s cottage, they will If the Hero tries to take a more diplomatic approach
respawn where they died. and knock on the door, Shab will answer but treat them
Multiple Heroes Modification: Add a bad dragon cultist for incredibly rudely. To him, orcs should rule The Unbound
each Hero in the party. Only Selfyx possesses The Dragon Domain, and all other creatures are considered lesser. Should
Seal, and all other bad dragon cultists will follow her lead. the Hero politely ask Shab to leave Darkwell, he will laugh in
their face.
The only way to get the orc to leave Darkwell is by
defeating him.
End of Campaign Results
SHAB STEEL RENDER If the Hero managed to get Frondayrth to leave Darkwell,
— Emperor Geo will reward them once they return to Kegel
Roll to Hit: 4+
Palace with one of the following items:
Health Points: 20
Traits: None Morningstar
Sex Style: Consensual Non-Consent Slot: Weapon
Languages: Common, Orc Type: One-Handed
Description: An orc scout for The Swift Foot Hoard, Range: Close
Shab hates all humanoid creatures that are not orcs, Damage: 1d8
especially gnomes.
Scroll of HP Swap
ATTACKS Requirements: Must be able to speak
Grreataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: one target. Hit: Type: One-Time Use
(1d10) damage. Range: Ranged
Description: You say the magic words and swap Health
Dart. Melee Weapon Attack: one target. Hit: (1d4)
Points with a target within your line of sight. Your Health
ranged damage.
Points will remain swapped until one of you dies, at which
point you will return to your original Health Points.
If the Hero fights with a close-ranged weapon, Shab will
use his Greataxe. Otherwise, he will use his Dart attack. Naughty Neighbor Peeper Goggles
Shab can be seduced. His sex style is Consensual Non- Slot: Head
Consent. Detesting all races that are not orc, Shab will be Type: Armor
rough and violent in the bedroom, positioning the Hero how Description: Grants the wearer +1 to Roll to Hit on all
he wants when he wants and tossing them around. Whether ranged weapon attacks.
or not the Hero completes the act, they will take 1d4 damage
from the coupling unless they are also an orc. If there is more than one Hero in the party, each Hero is
Should they request that Shab stop, he will immediately allowed to choose a reward. Heroes are allowed to select the
initiate combat. The Hero will not have time to re-dress and same rewards as others.
will be forced to fight without armor and jewelry.
Multiple Heroes Modification: No matter how many Heroes This is the end of this campaign. If you would like
are in the party, there is only one Shab. to know when a new Lewd Dungeon Adventures
campaign is available, please sign up here: https://www.
We also have a Patreon page where you can get early
access to new campaigns and artwork, as well as behind-the-
scenes information on the game’s development.
Our goal is to change how people approach role-playing in
the bedroom.
Below is a description of the Fainting Spell and Queen of
the Castle positions.
Base Acts for Hero Deaths
Should the Hero and/or Deity be in a refractory period
For the sake of ease, the descriptions of these sex acts
and not wish to imbibe alcohol, the following acts may be
were written with a man and a woman in mind. If the
used for Hero resurrection. Use the chart below and a d6 to
position is not applicable to your gender, please sub it out
determine what act needs to be performed.
with something more appropriate or the drinking version
of the game. The same applies if the idea of performing one
1 – Deity’s choice. The Deity will pick the act to be
of these sex acts makes you uncomfortable or you are not
carried out.
physically able.
2 – The Hero must balance an object on their head
for 30 seconds
Position: Fainting Spell
3 – The Hero must hold a coin against the wall with their
Location: On a bed
nose for 30 seconds.
Description: To do the fainting spell position, the man
4 – The Hero must stand with their nose in the corner
lies prone on a bed with his feet hanging off the end and
for 1 minute
his knees bent at a 90-degree angle. The female partner
5 – The Hero must recite the alphabet backwards.
straddles his legs for penetration, then stretches her body
6 – The Hero must take 3 drinks of water.
out over his, lying her head in the crook of his neck with her
arms outstretched as if she’s fainted. The man thrusts from
the bottom.
Spells in This Campaign
Bad Touch
Requirements: Must be able to move hands.
Type: Unlimited
Range: Ranged
Description: Ethereal hands form to touch a target within
view in every uncomfortable way imaginable. The sheer
feeling of disgust does 1d8 damage to the soul.
Cum Shot
Requirements: Must be able to move hands.
Type: Unlimited
Range: Ranged
Description: You blow your load so hard that everyone
around you is in danger. Make a ranged attack against a
target. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 damage. Due to the
necessary refractory period, this spell can only be used
once per combat.
Position: Queen of the Castle
Location: On the floor Exploding Weapon
Description: Male partner lies on the floor and does Requirements: A melee or ranged weapon. Must be able
an upward hip thrust. The woman sits on his penis for to move hands.
penetration, using him as a throne. She controls the Type: Unlimited
thrusting while he maintains his arched position on the floor. Range: Ranged
Warning: This more advanced position requires strength, Description: You know that old weapon you don’t use
endurance, and flexibility for both partners. If it is too anymore? This spell will give it one last hurrah as you send
uncomfortable, swap it out for one of the other choices. it off into the sunset. Hurl it at your enemy for 2d6 damage.
The weapon used will be destroyed.
Bush Fire
Requirements: Must be able to see and move hands.
Type: Limited
Range: Ranged
Description: No matter where you aim this spell, it sends
fire straight to a target’s crotch, igniting their pubes for 1d4
damage. The target must be within your line of sight.
Golden Shower Darek Z. Burdziuk, darkora, Daryl “Nytwyng” Ewry, Dave
Requirements: Must be able to move hands. Chappell, David Hinojosa, David Lein, David Nickele,
Type: Limited David Stark, Day Family, DB Irwin, Deear.Art, Derrick
Range: Ranged and Susan Cherne, Dhron, Diddles012, Do Not Press, Dom
Description: You piss all over your opponent and show em’ Pelletier, Donnie Ewald, Dorian Kurzaj, Draco Edgecomb,
who’s boss. Make a ranged attack against a target. On a hit, Dracu-babe, Dragon <3 kitty, bun, and butterfly’, Dusk
the target takes 1d8 damage. Shine, Dylan M - “DMO”, E Taylor, Eiri Alma, El Chivo,
Elvanör, Enrico “Fronzolo” Damo, Entayan, Erik Lords,
Guiding Hand erik norman berglund, Ether, Everard FitzMauger, F.
Requirements: Must be able to see and move hands. Harrold, Felix A Feliciano, FireBall2579, Francesca Wilch,
Type: Limited Frank, Galadheon42, Gareth “G_Man_007” Green, Gavin
Range: Ranged or Self Jones, Geeves, Gordon Foster, Gordon Wincott, Grimnir,
Description: You help guide a willing target as they make a Grosbeak and Dani, GTF Gaming, Hibiscus, HikerAlan,
proficiency check. Roll a 1d4 and add the number rolled to Horny Al, Iain MacDougall , Ian Wilbanks, IlBaddynatore,
that target’s die roll. ImtheDoctor-Fetlife, Isaac Wurmbrand, Ishtaron, J D’Oash,
J. ‘Nick’ Nolte, J.W. Walker, Jace Masters, Jafothepanda,
Magic Devour James Horne, James Rodriguez Beebe, Jared Tiller, Jarod R.
Requirements: None Atchley, Jasen Szekely, Jebla, Jeff Geisperger, Jeff Sweeney,
Type: Limited Jenistar, Jerrod J Rose Jr, Jerry V., Jess Ludwig, Jesse
Range: Ranged Laurens, Jesse Puett, Jessie-G, Jige, Johan Eklund, John &
Description: This spell only hits if the caster rolls a 6 on Emma, John Eric Larson, John Melton, Johnny Hooyberghs,
their Roll to Hit. Otherwise, it misses and consumes one Jonas Brinkmann, Jonathon Thomas, Josh and Jamie Vahl,
of the caster’s Limited spells. The spell causes the target to Josh Herndon, Juha, Julian Cashmir, Justin Budz, Justin
permanently forget one spell, which should be chosen at Gillespie, K & K SBD, Kaia Cougar, Karl ‘Jethric’ Maurer,
random, then heals the caster for 5 Health Points. Katrina S., KD, Kellie Cunningham, Kenneth McKenzie,
Kerthan Nar Shal, Kevin S. Tones, Kim and Jeff Chambers,
Verbal Repulsion Kitt and Zee, knitwitlinguist, Kramm, Kurt & Amanda,
Requirements: Must be able to speak. Large Orangutan, Lars Harper, Lee Berry, leem0r, Leonard
Type: Limited Brand, Leutnant Blaeserich, Liam Dragonheart, Lithia, Livvi
Range: Ranged Nyx Roads, Logan J., lonelysoul87, LOUDMOUTHALEX,
Description: You say something so offensive that the target Louise Leonard, Lucian, M&C Limited, Malluear, Marc and
of your words flees your presence in rage, forcing them Däna Seidel, Marc Wertenberger, Marcus Funke, Mario
immediately into the next nearest room or area. Martín, Marissa Henkel, Mark Heiney, Martin Stevens,
Matt Lazorwitz, Matt Melchi, Max Toreador, Mel, fertility
Special Thanks Goddess, Memmnon, Menachem Cohen, Mernet Bnegtson,
Michael Weinstein, Mikarasu, mike groh, Mike Jones,
The Lewd Dungeon Adventures team would like to thank Mike Woody Woods, Mila Hyde, MiniBoon, Missos,
the following people for helping to bring this project MJ Silvers, mj_and_hj, ModernXeno, Mogsie, Monobro,
to life: “Apostle”, ABiro, Ace Chinna, Acorn of Mars, Mox Ruby, Moxie & Emma, Mr Dans, Mr Hood, MTT,
Adoxograph, Aeriwyna, AilithW, Akakabootoo, Alex MYseMyseBaby, Nate Prescott, Nestor Pumilio, Nick and
“Dragonheart” Sorokine, Alex Fosth, Alex Poling, Alex Corrie Mercer, Nick Sauer, Nico Michalczyk, Nightwolf
Wyking, Alexander “Aerlion” Lindström, Alextro25, Alice Darkwind, Nils, Olensa, Olodjax, Orikins, Øyvind Kittelsaa,
Eze, Althroviltonox, Amara Ewell, Amledo, André Rivera, Patrick Boehme, Paul Lane, Paula González, Paver83, Peter
Andrei Blozinski, Andrés Rosado, Andrew, Angelique & Courtney xx, PistolPete, Pita Haya, Polina “polinchka”
Hopkins, Anne O’Nymous, Anže Ravnikar, Arbagon, Bazlova, Putraman, PyroMancer, Quantum Forest, Queen
Arcticphenix, Ariyana R., Ash & Lily, Bagpuss and angel, Nefertitty, R Alexander Calahan, Raphael Levy Lima, Raptor
Barcla, Bas Trebus, beardicus11, Belfor, Ben Bradshaw, Lightning, Rasiel, RBS Pirate, Red Farshot, Redmega,
Ben C, Benjamin Allison, BK, Blackened Denarius, Reelman, relient, RevMcSoulpuncher, Rhanan, Richard
Bluephyr, Bob and Janelle Billings, Bobby & Lauren Dufault, RichardHeller, Rick & Nic, Riothamus, Rithlor,
Parsons, Bobcat, Bookiwoog, BOSLW, Brandon Bultinck, Rob and Linda Bertich, Rob O’Neill, aka Space, Rob Paine,
Brandon, Campbell, Brian Norquist, BRK, Brotian, Bryce Robert Ponsteen, Robin M. Hill, Rock Sturgeon, Rockem_
Clouthier, Bulldog, Bunny Rose, Caboose & Clownkiller, sockem_robot, Rofldude, RookAndWren, Ross Nelson,
Caleb Wynn, Cam Cundiff, Cameron Larson, Captain RPG Shumi, RSHELLER, Rusty Nailz, Ryan Cajski, Ryan
Ruiarc Veritas, CDW, Celtric, Chaplin, Charles Dawson, Kramer, Ryan Z, Sam Venti, Sameron, Samuel Cline, Sandra
Chelsea and James Adams, Chelsea B, Chris “Assimilator” and Michael Röthlein, Scooby Phoenix, Scott McIntosh,
McLerran, Chris “Topagae” Lee, Chris Tarrents, Christoph Sean Holloway, Sean Whitty, Sebastian Dangerfinger, Seth
von Steineck, Christopher Golliday, Christopher Rivera, Hartley, Sex Patrol, Shahar Matsa, Silvyr Foxfire, Simon
Citizen Cain, PhD, cjab44, Clarabelle Crandall, Clisty, Cody Pease, Simon S. , Skillz McFly, Skitty, Slin Askani, Solkef,
C., Crabcakes, Cravenwood, CthulhuChris, CyberEnd, SpartanNinja, Speebs, SteelsSweets, Steve G, Steve L, Steven
D. Bobby Fry, Damanta, Damoncord, Daniele Bellavista, “Feral” Scott, Steven Clark, Stuart K, Summer Starlight,
Sven Berger, T-Spoon, Taikkuus, Tallin Harperson, Taylor
and Jeremy, TeetsforTots, Temujin, TenbatsuZ, The Lord
of Eat: Ranoch, The Opal, The Sid XXX, Theo Appleacre,
Thetrueunbroken , Thimo Wilke, Tim & Randi Graves,
Tisidoni, TnT, To_Eryk, Tom b, Tommy Rozak, Tony
& Sarah, Iowa, Tougherest, Turner, Tyler B, Tyler C,
UnknownVisitor & milky.mosaic, Unlocked Desires, Valek,
Valothebest , vcarmi, Vennik, Verente, Vidrio & Scarlet,
Vladrynne, Walker Glassmire, Wallace Marbach, Welshy &
Boobs, WLD, Wysteria Feanor, XeminaK, Xerali Greenhill,
Xustino, Xyphon and Agriv, Y-Rich, Yincision, YourDadJoe,
Yup, Z. Spellstorm, and Zetta