Faml160 - Document - W07 - Reflections Finish
Faml160 - Document - W07 - Reflections Finish
Faml160 - Document - W07 - Reflections Finish
Please complete this closing survey on the family. If you recall, at the beginning of this seven-week course
you were asked to give your definition of the family and note a few things you wanted to learn from this
course. Hopefully, the knowledge that you have gained through the last seven weeks will enhance your
family life as well as inspire you to promote healthy family practices in your communities and social circles.
We hope you will continue to seek true and correct knowledge on family relations and put your skills into
Question: Answer:
1. What new knowledge have you 1. I learned the different types of families that exist, I understood
gained about the family during this the type of family I grew up in, I was able to identify patterns
that many times were not good and for me were normal. I
learned techniques to apply to my family, to correct behaviors
and to improve my motherhood even more.
2. What new skills have you gained 2. I acquired the skills of active listening, how to improve
pertaining to family life during this communication with my family, siblings, parents, spouse and
children. Communication skills are so important, I learned the
course? types of families that are generated by attitudes and behaviors, or
traditions that can be changed for the good of the family and its
3. How do you plan to use the 3. I plan to use more active listening, more attentive and clear
knowledge and skills you have communication, it is very important to make family members feel
protected and loved, trust and understanding are key. Spending
gained to influence your family? time with them and giving them full attention with love, the family
will notice that genuine interest.
4. How do you plan to use the 4. To continue defending values and families as a fundamental
knowledge and skills you have pillar of society. Above all, share with other mothers the
importance of loving their children, dedicating time to them,
gained to influence your community? listening to them, helping them to continue growing in a strong
and stable home.
5. How can correct knowledge about 5. The Family is fundamental to the Plan of Our Heavenly
the family help you to answer this Father , defending the family is our duty , personally I always
defend the family and what it represents , I am not afraid to do it
closing call from The Family: A and many times I had to be the only one in the group of parents
Proclamation to the World? “We call at school , values the world wants to overshadow and hide them ,
upon responsible citizens and disguise them for supposed good things , with the statement of
officers of government everywhere the Proclamation to the World : The family we have clear and
precise guidelines to share to families who do not have the
to promote those measures designed gospel in their lives , we can share that these values can be
to maintain and strengthen the family defended and must be defended , for the good of all humanity .
as the fundamental unit of society.”
6. How has this course helped you 6. Many times we do not pay attention to small details, and the
examine marriage and family scriptures say that from little things come great things" ... this
applies to marriage, when we stop doing little things we lose
research as it relates to revealed communication, patience between spouses, affection and deep
truths that encourage strong love, begins to emerge disinterest and apathy of the routine, and
marriages and families? that is when the family is in danger. Everything is important even
the smallest detail , we have wonderful resources to be sensitive
to these things like : pray together , read the scriptures together ,
fast together , go to the Temple often together , have our
meetings together , there are many little things that make the
marriage and family STRONG , we just have to DO , be doers of
the word , is the key .
9. Please analyze three of the 9a. Coping mechanisms in marriage and family relationships,
following topics and explain what family stressors,
you have learned about them in this As family stressors we have many in the daily routine, job change,
illness of a family member, assuming challenges or more
course. responsibilities at work, these are strong causes to bring stress to the
The topics are: Coping mechanisms Home and modify the family cycle of peace and harmony. , we must
in marriage and family relationships, learn to separate things and put aside work concerns and not mix
family stressors, life transitions, them with home .
work-life balance, parenthood,
healthy sexuality, and the important 9b. , life transitions, work-life balance, parenthood, healthy
role of gender. sexuality,
family transitions in and out (family members moving or returning
home or becoming seriously involved in some way outside the family)
and family legal tensions. Balancing work and family roles is
sometimes a source of stress for many, this is basically because it
generates tensions caused by a role and also by the transfer of
emotions from the work environment to the family, but with small
changes miracles are achieved, such as: Families whose members
eat together have lower rates of drug abuse, teen pregnancy, and
depression, as well as better grades and more self-confidence. Not
letting the routine affect our intimacy, which is also very important.
10. What is your most impactful 10. The Family was created by God and constitutes a
personal takeaway from this course? fundamental element of the person as such, since we are formed in
an identity from the bosom of a family, what is lived in the bosom of a
family environment influences the personal identity of the
components her.
We have to emphasize that the family is an important educational
instrument since it exerts a great influence on the formation of the
being, so that man can achieve his complete intellectual,
psychological and physical development. In the creation of the
individual and his search for "I" the family will have a strong impact.
An effective society requires a series of functions for the family so
that its individuals can develop in the sociocultural, economic and
educational areas. In this sense, different basic functions of the
family are considered, such as: reproduction or function,
communication, affectivity, education, social and economic support,
adaptability, generation of autonomy and creation, adaptation and
diffusion of rules and norms.
Working together we will achieve better stability within the society
that welcomes us so that one day the family may triumph and
happiness is not a secret and love is encouraged.