Performance Manaagememt Module 3
Performance Manaagememt Module 3
Performance Manaagememt Module 3
Performance Management System
4. Personal development planning –
providing guidance and support in preparing and
implementing personal development plans;
5. Skills development –
providing coaching, mentoring and training in developing
performance management skills such as goal setting,
providing feedback, coaching and conducting performance
Principles of effective performance Management
(Strebler, Bevan and Robertson, 2001)
1. Have clear aims and measurable success criteria.
2. Be designed and implemented with appropriate employee
3. Be simple to understand and operate.
4. Have its effective use core to all management goals.
5. Allow employees a clear ‘line of sight’ between their
performance goals and those of the organization.
6. Focus on role clarity and performance improvement.
7. Be closely allied to a clear and adequately resourced training
and development infrastructure.
8. Make crystal clear the purpose of any direct link to reward
and build in proper equity and transparency safeguards.
9. Be regularly and openly reviewed against its success criteria.
‘Best practices’ in performance management
(Ed Lawler)
• Ownership of performance management by line managers. The way line
managers handle performance management is a key to system effectiveness; they
need to take control.
• Training for both managers and individuals being appraised. Both managers and
employees need to understand the process, their roles and the skills and behaviours
important to the process. The training also contributes to the accuracy of the
• Performance goals that are driven by business strategy. Most companies rely on
individual goals with explicit ties to the strategy. The best practice relies on goals
jointly set by managers and employees. The linkage helps to justify the ratings.
• Ongoing feedback from managers. Employees should receive regular feedback
on results and their performance throughout the year.
• Ties between financial rewards and performance ratings. To manage the budget
for salary increases, managers need to differentiate among their people.
Performance Management Documentation
Before designing performance management forms it is necessary to
be quite clear about their purpose.
Performance management forms as working documents
The main purpose of any performance management forms is to serve as
working documents. For this reason the forms should be owned by the
manager and the individual (both parties should have a copy).
The employee can still be protected against unfair assessments and ratings
by providing for the manager’s manager (the ‘grandparent’) to see and
comment on the completed report.
These comments could be shown to the individual, who should have the
right to appeal through a grievance procedure if he or she is still unhappy
about the report.
Information for the HR department
1. who the high flyers are – for development and career planning;
2. who are the people who are performing badly – to consider with
the line manager what action needs to be taken;
3. performance ratings for performance-related pay decisions;
4. recommendations on training to assess any common training
needs and to initiate training action;
5. about the performance of any individual who might be
considered for promotion, transfer or disciplinary action.
Form Design
When designing performance management forms, the aim should be
to keep them as simple and brief as possible while allowing ample
‘white space’ for comments.
Like all good forms, they should be self-explanatory, but they may be
supplemented by notes for guidance. Although documentation
should be kept to a minimum, such documents as are used should be
well designed and presented.
Performance Management Form
Objectives Achievements
Comments by reviewer:
Signed: Date:
Comments by reviewee:
Signed: Date:
Web-enabled performance management
Web-enabled performance management ensures
widespread access and provides a standardized
format for collecting and storing performance
data. Web-based software can make it easy for Examples of web-enabled
performance management systems
managers and employees to record role profiles
and performance agreements, including Raytheon
performance improvement and personal The Raytheon web-enabled system
development plans and objectives, monitor incorporates a ‘performance
screen’ and a ‘performance and
progress against the plans, access performance
development summary’ as well as
documents online, and gather multi-source (360- 360-degree assessment tools.
degree appraisal) comments. The aim is reduce TRW Inc
paperwork and simplify the process. As reported by Neary (2002) TRW
Inc based their system on an
‘output form’ that included on Page
1 Biographical data and Pages 2–3
Performance summary
Poor performance may be wholly or partly the fault of the system. When
looking at underperformance it is necessary to consider systemic as well
as individual problems.
The five basic steps required to manage under-
performers are:
1.Identify and agree the problem. Analyse the feedback and, as far as possible,
obtain agreement from the individual on what the shortfall has been. Feedback
may be provided by managers but it can in a sense be built into the job.
2. Establish the reason(s) for the shortfall. When seeking the reasons for any
shortfalls the manager should not crudely be trying to attach blame. The aim
should be for the manager and the individual jointly to identify the facts that
have contributed to the problem. It is on the basis of this factual analysis.
3. Decide and agree on the action required. Action may be taken by the
individual, the manager or both parties.
4. Resource the action. Provide the coaching, training, guidance, experience or
facilities required to enable agreed actions to happen.
5. Monitor and provide feedback. Both managers and individuals monitor
performance, ensure that feedback is provided or obtained and analysed, and
agree on any further actions that may be necessary.
Steps -Performance Management
1.Goal Setting
2.Provide Feed-Back
3.Performance Review
5. Coaching
1. Goal Setting
Setting goals or objectives (the terms are interchangeable) is the most important
activity during the performance planning and agreement stages of performance
management. But designing goals and implementation is crucial.
Integrating goals
The integration of organizational and individual/team objectives is often
referred to as a process of ‘cascading objectives’. However cascading should
not be regarded as just a top down process. This is a bottom-up process and
the views of employees about what they believe they can achieve should be
noted and, as appropriate, higher-level objectives amended to take account of
Types of goals
The different types of goals and how they are set are described below.
On-going role or work goals
The definition of a key result area states that this is what the role holder is expected
to achieve in this particular aspect of the role.
Targets are objectives that define the quantifiable results to be attained as measured
in such terms as output, throughput, income, sales, levels of service delivery, cost
reduction, reduction of reject rates.
Objectives can be set for the completion of tasks or projects by a specified date or to
achieve an interim result.
Performance standards
A performance standard definition takes the form of a statement that performance
will be up to standard if a desirable, specified and observable result happens.
Competency frameworks may deal with areas of behaviour associated with core
values, for example teamwork, but they often convert the aspirations contained in
value statements.
2. Feedback related to Goals
Feedback to individuals on how they are doing is one of the key performance
management processes. It can be provided by managers informally during the
year or formally at a performance review meeting in which it will play an
important part. It can be given by colleagues, subordinates or customers as part
of a 360-degree feedback system.
The aim is for feedback to promote this understanding so that appropriate action
can be taken.
In systems engineering, feedback transmits information on performance from
one part of a system to an earlier part of the system in order to generate
corrective action or to initiate new action.
Guidelines on providing feedback
1. Build feedback into the job
To be effective feedback should be built into the job or provided soon after
the activity has taken place.
2. Provide feedback on actual events
Feedback should be provided on actual results or observed behaviour. It
should be backed up by evidence. It should not be based on supposition
about the reason for the behaviour.
3. Describe, don’t judge
The feedback should be presented as a description of what has happened; it
should not be accompanied by a judgment.
E.g. If you start by saying: ‘I have been informed that you have been rude to one of
our customers; we can’t tolerate that sort of behaviour,’ you will instantly create
resistance and prejudice an opportunity to encourage improvement.
4. Refer to and define specific behaviours
Relate all your feedback to specific items of behaviour. Don’t indulge in
transmitting general feelings or impressions.
5. Define good work or behaviour
When commenting on someone’s work or behaviour define what you believe
to be good work or effective behaviour with examples.
6. Ask questions
Ask questions rather than make statements – ‘Why do you think this
happened?’; ‘On reflection is there any other way in which you think you could have
handled the situation?’; ‘How do you think you should tackle this sort of situation in
the future?’.
7. Select key issues
Select key issues and restrict yourself to them. There is a limit to how much
criticism anyone can take. If you overdo it, the shutters will go up and you
will get nowhere.
8. Focus
Focus on aspects of performance the individual can improve. It is a waste
of time to concentrate on areas that are not concerned with.
360-degree Feedback
360-degree feedback, also known as multi-source feedback, was defined
by Ward (1997) as ‘the systematic collection and feedback of
performance data on an individual or group derived from a number of
the stakeholders on their performance’.
3. Performance Reviews
Performance management is a continuous process that involves
informal reviews as required. It is the best way to manage
The objectives of reviewing performance are as follows:
The performance review process (Strebler, Bevan and Robertson, 2001)
4. Analysing and Assessing Performance is an
analytical and evidence based management process. Its purpose is to
provide an aid to decision making related to on pay, incentives,
rewards, promotion, retention etc.
As defined by Rousseau (2006): ‘Evidence-based management means
translating principles based on best evidence into organizational
Analysis leads to some form of assessment, which is typically carried out by
rating and with other approaches as given below:
1. Rating scales
2. Forced distribution
3. Behaviourally anchored rating scales
4. Behavioural observation scales
5. Alternatives of Rating:
a)The critical incident technique
b) Visual methods of assessment
c) Overall analysis of performance
5. Coaching
Coaching is a fundamental performance management activity that takes the
opportunities presented by the work itself and uses them to develop the
knowledge, skills, competencies and therefore the performance of people.
It is a personal (usually one-to-one) on-the-job approach to helping people
to develop their skills and levels of competence.
Jarvis (2004) stated that coaching usually lasts for a short period and
focuses on specific skills and goals.
Coaching can be distinguished from mentoring and counselling.
Mentoring describes a relationship in which a more experienced individual uses
his or her greater knowledge. Counseling addresses the employee’s emotional
state and the causes of personal crises and problems.
Techniques of coaching
GROW model for Coaching
‘R’ is for the reality check – the process of causing as full a description
as possible of what the person being coached needs to learn.
Managing Organizational Performance
The management of organizational performance is the continuing
responsibility of top management who plan, organize, monitor and control
activities and provide leadership to achieve strategic objectives and satisfy the
needs and requirements of stakeholders. Individual and team performance
management systems plays a prominent role in organizational development.
Measuring performance of Organizations
Managing organizational performance means measuring and monitoring
performance by the use of measures or metrics.
There are four principles as defined by Quinn (2003) governing the use of
performance measures or metrics:
• Measure the right things – the system must measure activities that
directly contribute to an organization’s performance.
• Clearly communicate what will be measured – measures that are ill
defined, and/or not communicated will not be used or understood.
• Consistently apply the measures – measures should be applied regularly
to all units of the organization; failure to do so will result in loss of support
for the system.
• Act on the measures – the measurement data must be used in a
constructive way. Not using the data or misapplying the data will have the
same results: a lack of support for the measurement system.
Types of measures
Jack Welch, former CEO of the General Electric Company, was quoted by
Krames (2004) as saying that the three most important things you need to
measure in a business are customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction
and cash flow.
The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) model has the
following elements:
• Leadership – how the behaviour and actions of the executive team and all
other leaders inspire, support and promote a culture of total quality
• Policy and strategy – how the organization formulates, deploys and
reviews its policy and strategy and turns it into plans and actions.
• People management – how the organization realizes the full potential of
its people.
• Resources – how the organization manages resources effectively and
• Processes – how the organization identifies, manages, reviews
and improves its processes.
• Customer satisfaction – what the organization is achieving in
relation to the satisfaction of its external customers.
• People satisfaction – what the organization is achieving in
relation to the satisfaction of its people.
• Impact on society – What the organization is achieving in
satisfying the needs and the expectations of the local, national and
international community at large.
• Business results – what the organization is achieving in relation to
its planned business objectives and in satisfying the needs and
expectations of everyone with a financial interest or stake in the
Key performance indicators (KPIs)
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are the results or outcomes that are
identified as being crucial to the achievement of high performance and
provide the basis for setting objectives and measuring performance.
For EX. as sales per square meter, added value per employee, rate of
stock turnover, cost per unit of output, time to market and levels of
employee engagement.
Schiff (2008) put it: ‘A KPI is a metric that matters. You can have many
metrics, but an organization needs only a handful of KPIs.
The Balanced scorecard
The aim of the balanced scorecard as originally formulated by Kaplan and
Norton (1992, 1996) was to counter the tendency of companies to
concentrate on short-term financial reporting. They emphasized that ‘no
single measure can provide a clear performance target or focus
attention on the critical areas of the business. Managers want a
balanced presentation of both financial and operational measures.’
a)Customer Perspective
b)Innovation and learning Perspective
c)Internal Perspective
d)Financial Perspective
Figure 17.3 The balanced scorecard
A dashboard is a business tool that provides a visual overview of the most
important KPIs and metrics in a company and updates them in real-time.
It is a graphical display, designed to convey key performance measures on
an organization’s intranet system to a wide audience so that they can be
assimilated and acted upon easily and swiftly.