Act #1120 - English

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Act Nº 1120, February 19, 2018

to him by Ordinance nº 419, of May 24, 2013, and

CONSIDERING the competence given by Sections XIII and XIV of Article 19 of Law No. 9,472 / 97 - General
Telecommunications Law;

CONSIDERING Item II of Article 9 of the Regulation for Certification and Certification of Products for
Telecommunications, approved by Resolution No. 242 of November 30, 2000;

CONSIDERING Article 1 of Ordinance No. 419 of May 24, 2013;

CONSIDERING the record of case file no. 53500.084564 / 2017-79;


Art. 1º To approve the technical requirements of Electromagnetic Compatibility for the evaluation of the conformity
of products for telecommunications, according to the Annex I of this Act.

Art. 2 To revoke Act No. 952, of February 8, 2018.

Art. 3 This Act shall take effect on the date of its publication in the Anatel Electronic Service Bulletin.

Vitor Elisio Goes de Oliveira Menezes,

Superintendent of Granting and Resources for Provision




1.1. This document aims to establish the electromagnetic compatibility requirements to be met by the
telecommunications products for the purpose of Conformity Assessment with the National Telecommunications
Agency - Anatel.

2.1. For the purposes of this document, the following references are adopted:

2.1.1. Regulation for Certification and Homologation of Products for Telecommunications.

2.1.2. IEC 61000-4-2 (2001) - Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and Measurement Techniques.
Section 2 Electrostatic discharge immunity test.
2.1.3. IEC 61000-4-3 (2002) - Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and Measurement Techniques.
Section 3 Radiated electromagnetic field requirements.

2.1.4. IEC 61000-4-4 (2004) - Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and Measurement Techniques.
Section 4 Electrical fast transient.

2.1.5. IEC 61000-4-5 (2001) - Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Test and Measurement Techniques -
Section 5: Surge Immunity Test.

2.1.6. IEC 61000-4-6 (2004) - Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and Measurement Techniques.
Section 6 Immunity to conducted disturbances by radio-frequency fields.

2.1.7. IEC 61000-4-11 (2004) - Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC): Part 4: Testing and Measurement Techniques;
Section 11: Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations; Immunity tests.

2.1.8. CISPR 11 (2003) - Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment - Electromagnetic
disturbance characteristic - Limits and methods of measurement.

2.1.9. CISPR 22 (2005) - Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of information
technology equipment.

2.1.10. CISPR 24 (1997), Amend 1 (2001) and Amend 2 (2002) - Information technology equipment - Immunity
characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement.

2.1.11. ITU-T Rec. K.21 (2003) - Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in customer premises to
overvoltages and overcurrents.

2.1.12. ITU-T Rec. K.44 (2003) - Resistibility tests for telecommunication equipment exposed to overvoltages and
overcurrents - Basic recommendation.

2.1.13. ITU-T Rec. K.38 (1996) - Radiated emission testing of physically large telecommunication systems.

2.1.14. ITU-T Rec. K.48 (2003) - EMC Requirements for each telecommunication equipment - product family

3.1. The following provisions apply to telecommunications equipment. Other equipment that can perform functions
of telecommunications terminals or offer access to value added services, including the Internet, will be subject to
specific regulation.

3.1.1. The Emission Requirements for Electromagnetic Disturbances apply to equipment subject to compulsory
homologation. In the case of equipment using the radio spectrum, the emission requirements for radiated
electromagnetic disturbances described in this document are applicable only in the absence of intentional emission
requirements of radio frequency or spurious emission laid down in specific regulations on the product.

3.1.2. The Electromagnetic Disturbance Immunity Requirements apply to equipment classified as Category I and
Category II Telecommunication Products, provided that it is intended for use by the general public (see item 10).

3.1.3. The Electromagnetic Disturbance Resistivity Requirements apply to Category I and Category II
Telecommunication Products, provided they are intended for use by the general public (see item 10).
4.1. For the purposes of this document, the following definitions are adopted:

4.1.1. Integrated antenna: Antenna used by radio equipmentwhich can not be switched off or removed for
measurements or tests.

4.1.2. Removable antenna: Antenna used by radio communication equipment, which can be disconnected or
removed for measurements or tests.

4.1.3. Electromagnetic compatibility: the ability of a device, equipment or system to function according to its
operational characteristics in its electromagnetic environment without imposing an intolerable disturbance on other
equipment, devices or systems that share the same electromagnetic environment.

4.1.4. Equipment to be certified - ESC: telecommunication equipment to be subjected to the tests prescribed in this
document, with a view to its conformity assessment.

4.1.5. Class A equipment: equipment with its own characteristics for installation in telecommunications stations.
These equipment may cause radio interference problems if installed in residential areas or areas.

4.1.6. Class B equipment: equipment intended for use in a home or residential environment with characteristics
appropriate to the user's premises, for installation in access networks or for non-fixed use situations (examples:
portable equipment powered by batteries). These equipment can be used in telecommunication stations.

4.1.7. Radiocommunication equipment: Telecommunication equipment which uses the radio spectrum and which
includes one or more radio transmitters and receivers for use in fixed, mobile or portable use.

4.1.8. Exclusion band (radio frequency): frequency band related to the reception and / or transmission
characteristics of a radio communication equipment to be excluded from the assessment during the electromagnetic
compatibility tests of radio equipment involving radiated and conducted radiofrequency disturbances.

4.1.9. Transmission exclusion band: range of the radio-electric spectrum outside of which the emissions of a given
transmitter correspond predominantly to spurious emissions.

4.1.10. Reception Exclusion Range: Range of frequencies related to the operation of the receiver in which no
electromagnetic disturbances may be applied in the immunity tests to radiated and conducted RF disturbances.

4.1.11. Required bandwidth (emission): For a given emission class, it is the minimum bandwidth value occupied by
the emission sufficient to ensure the transmission of the information with the transmission speed and with the
qualities required for the system used, in the specified conditions.

4.1.12. Common mode: test form for electromagnetic disturbances applied between conductor (s) of the port under
test and ground.

4.1.13. Differential mode: test form for electromagnetic disturbances applied between conductors of the door under

4.1.14. Electromagnetic disturbance: an electromagnetic phenomenon capable of degrading the performance of a

device, equipment or system, or of adversely affecting living or inert matter.

4.1.15. External port: is a specific interface of a given equipment that connects to conductors that extend beyond the
limits of the building or the shelter.

4.1.16. Inner port: is a specific interface of a given equipment that connects to conductors that are restricted to the
limits of the building or the shelter.
4.1.17. Polarity: characteristic of a unidirectional electromagnetic disturbance that determines the direction of
electric current circulation through the equipment under test. For a positive polarity disturbance, the electric current
flows from the generator terminal to the ground terminal, whereas, for a negative polarity disturbance, the electric
current flows from the ground terminal to the generator terminal.

4.1.18. Electric power gate: the gateway of local power supply telecommunications equipment, through which
electric power is supplied for its operation and, in the case of equipment with PLC (Power Line Communication)
technology, it also transmits the information.

4.1.19. Telecommunication port: the port of telecommunications equipment through which it transports the
information and, in the case of tele-fed equipment, also the electric energy destined to its operation, such as: port
for connection to STFC, local area network port (Ethernet) , xDSL network port, etc. Do not fall under this definition
ports intended for connection with peripheral equipment, such as: RS232 port, USB port, parallel port (printer), etc.

4.1.20. Artificial Mains Network (AMN): device used for the measurement of radiofrequency disturbances emitted by
the equipment in the electric power ports.

4.1.21. Requirements for the emission of electromagnetic disturbances: limits established for electromagnetic
disturbancess issued by the telecommunication equipment, whether in the form of a radio or in a radiated form, in
order to protect telecommunication services, including broadcasting services, against electromagnetic interference.

4.1.22. Requirements for immunity to electromagnetic disturbances: limits established to ensure the normal
operation of telecommunication equipment when subjected to electromagnetic disturbances, in the form of
conduction or radiated, with intensity compatible with its operating environments.

4.1.23. Resistance requirements to electromagnetic disturbances: limits established to ensure the normal operation
of telecommunication equipment after they have been subjected to electromagnetic disturbances conducted, the
intensity of which is compatible with their operating environments.

4.1.24. Switched fixed telephone service - STFC: is the telecommunications service which, by means of voice
transmission and other signals, is intended for communication between certain fixed points, using telephony


5.1. In applying these requirements, the following conditions must be observed:

5.1.1. The quantity of equipment constituting the sample to be tested, the number of electrical and
telecommunication ports to be tested per equipment, the acceptance criterion, as well as the configurations of the
equipment to be tested, shall be defined in accordance with applicable regulation.

5.1.2. Some tests in this document require performance evaluations of the equipment to be evaluated. The
description of this performance evaluation shall be in accordance with applicable regulations.

5.1.3. The equipment to be certified must be tested during all the stages of operation and with duration compatible
with the specificity of each product, according to the current regulations. The description of these steps should be
defined according to the applicable regulations.

5.1.4. In cases where important details for electromagnetic immunity or electromagnetic emission testing are not
prescribed in this document or in specific product requirements, the prescriptions contained in the references cited
in items 2.1.10 or 2.1.14 may be used.
6.1. From the Specification of Emission Requirements for Electromagnetic Disturbances

6.1.1. The following electromagnetic interference emission requirements apply to the equipment indicated in item
3.1.1, considering the classification established in items 4.1.5 and 4.1.6. The emissions from the electric power ports of the equipment must meet the limits presented in Table 1 for
Class A equipment or Table 2 for Class B equipment based on the document referenced in item 2.1.9.

Table 1 - Limits of disturbance conducted at the electric power ports for Class A equipment.

Table 2 - Disruption limits conducted at the electric power ports for Class B equipment. The radiated emissions from the equipment must comply with the limits presented in tables 3 and 4, based
on the document referenced in item 2.1.9. The measurement uncertainty approach is also described in this paper.

Table 3 - Limits for emission of radiated disturbance of class A equipment.

Table 4 - Limits for emission of radiated disturbance of class B equipment. In Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4, for the transition frequencies of the aforementioned bands, the lower value limits
must be applied. The radiocommunication equipment, for the purpose of this requirement, is classified in:

a) Equipment with integrated antenna.

b) Equipment with non-integrated or removable antenna. To the equipment indicated in items a and b of item, the requirements prescribed in item
apply, and if there are no requirements for emission of radiated spurious prescribed in specific regulation on the
product, also the requirements prescribed in item 6.1. 1.2. In emission measurements of electromagnetic disturbances, the exclusion exclusion band related to the
emission of radioelectric signals shall be disregarded in order to comply with the limits prescribed in item

6.2. Requirements Requirements Verification

6.2.1. The conditions andratios for verification of compliance with the requirements shall be in accordance with the
test procedures described in the document referenced in item 2.1.9, including the measurement uncertainty
approach. Where the specific requirements of the product concerned prescribe the configurations and operating
conditions applicable to electromagnetic compatibility tests, they shall be complied with.

6.2.2. In addition, the following provisions shall be complied with when applicable: Measurement of disturbances conducted on electric power ports shall be carried out using the fictitious V-
net, as described in the document referred to in item 2.1.9, but in the case of the impossibility of using this device,
due, for example, to high current levels , the voltage probe specified in the document indicated in item 2.1.8 must be
used. In the case of equipment with multiple telecommunication ports, the number of ports and their
configuration during the tests shall comply with the requirements of the document referenced in item 2.1.9 and the
following conditions shall be observed:

a) Only equipment doors that are permanently used shall be included in the tests, thus excluding those used to
configure the equipment, as described in the equipment submitted to the test.

(b) In the absence of requirements for specific equipment requirements and where there are several local loops,
they must be exercised during the test. In cases where the number of subscribers exceeds 32, a minimum number of
32 (thirty-two) subscribers, chosen from among the existing subscribers, will be accepted to be exercised. The type of cabling used in the test shall be in accordance with the specifications of the product and shall be
indicated in the test report. If the equipment is designed to operate in an enclosure, the test shall be performed in this configuration. The test configuration shall be recorded in the test report. For power supplies, converters, inverters and rectifiers used in the power supply of telecommunication
equipment, the emission tests conducted on the electric power ports shall be carried out on both the incoming and
outgoing power ports. When the equipment has multiple ports of different analog or digital interface types, unless otherwise
specified in the equipment regulations, at least one port must be tested for each type of interface. For radiocommunication equipment, the following conditions shall be observed, where applicable:

a) During the measurement of radiated and conducted emissions due to the transmitter of a radio communication
equipment, the transmission exclusion range must be taken into account. This range depends on the frequency of
the fundamental and the required bandwidth of the transmitter issue in question.

b) No exclusion band applies when the transmitter is configured in its standby mode or when measuring emissions
from receivers, amplifiers and other parts that do not function as radioelectric signals.

(c) In the absence of any other specification, the transmission exclusion band to be considered during
electromagnetic disturbance emission tests shall be defined as the range delimited by frequencies distancing from
the fundamental frequency of emission by ± 250% of the separation between channels, or of the maximum
bandwidth of the transmitter concerned, set out in specific product regulations.

(d) Equipment using the radio spectrum may have characteristics requiring the manufacturer to incorporate
software and / or special facilities to enable the performance of the tests. For example, radiation-restricted radio
equipment, classified as a periodic operation device, requires some software or hardware capability to provide
sufficient transmitter operating time for the measurement of the electromagnetic field strength level emitted.

(e) The equipment under test shall be exercised in a manner which represents its normal use.

(f) The signal source that may be required to provide the transmitter under test with the modulation signal shall be
located outside the test environment.

(g) For receivers or transmitters with a removable antenna, the RF connection for the establishment of the
communication link shall be made at the antenna connector of the equipment by means of a shielded transmission
line such as a coaxial cable, taking care should be taken to avoid the effects of the common mode currents of the
shield on the test.

(h) Measurements shall be made in the mode of operation which produces the highest emission level in the
frequency range consistent with its normal application:

i) When the equipment has an integrated antenna, the test shall be carried out with the antenna placed in its typical
condition of use.

j) The output of the radiofrequency signal from the transmitter shall be connected to a load with impedance
characteristics compatible with the antenna normally connected to the terminal.

(k) During the test the transmitted power shall be set to the maximum permissible value in the normal operating
condition of the equipment under certification.
7.1. From the Specification of Immunity Requirements to Electromagnetic Disturbances

7.1.1. The following electromagnetic immunity regulations refer to the equipment indicated in item 3.1.2 of this
document and for equipment using the radio spectrum and involving transmitters and / or receivers, tests involving
radiated or conducted radiofrequency take into account the exclusion range of the transmitter or receiver and the
applicability of the test in question.

7.1.2. The equipment shall be immune to fast electrical transient sequences with a repetition frequency of 5 kHz, in
accordance with the requirements contained in the document referenced in item 2.1.4, and shall meet the
disturbance levels in table 5.

Table 5 - Levels of disturbance in immunity test to fast electrical transients

* c.a.- alternating current and c.c. - direct current
7.1.3. The equipment shall be immune to the radiofrequency disturbance applied in common mode on the electric
and telecommunications power ports, consisting of a sinusoidal signal modulated at 80% by a tone of 1 kHz
according to the prescriptions contained in item 2.1.6, in the frequency range between 150 kHz and 80 MHz and
with the levels adjusted based on the values specified in table 6.

Table 6 - Adjustment levels of the signal in the immunity test to conducted radiofrequency disturbances.

7.1.4. The equipment shall be immune to radiated radio frequency disturbances in the bands from 80 MHz to 1 GHz
and 1.4 GHz to 2.0 GHz. The characteristics of the disturbing signal, consisting of a modulated sine-wave signal with a
tone of 1 kHz, shall obey the prescriptions contained in the document referenced in item 2.1.3, adopting the values
specified in table 7, below, for adjusting the disturbing signal.

Table 7 - Adjustment levels of the signal in the immunity test to irradiated radiofrequency disturbances
7.1.5. The equipment must be immune to electrostatic discharges with the characteristics described in the document
referenced in item 2.1.2, adopting the levels specified in table 8:

Table 8 - Levels of disturbance in the immunity test to electrostatic discharge

7.1.6. The equipment must be immune to outbreaks whose characteristics comply with the requirements contained
in the document referenced in item 2.1.5, and the levels of immunity test to outbreaks specified in table 9 shall be

Table 9 - Outbreak immunity assay levels

Note: The surge immunity requirement is not applicable for electric power ports in c.c.

a) For shielded cables, the outlets are applied directly to the shield.

(b) Surge immunity tests shall not be applied on internal doors for which the specified cable length is less than 10

(c) Testing of internal data ports for which there is no coupling and uncoupling device for the pulse whose simple
presence does not affect the proper functioning of the door may be dispensed with.

7.1.7. Equipment fed by the mains shall be immune to reductions and interruptions of the mains voltage, as
described in the document referenced in item 2.1.7, with the levels specified in table 10.

Table 10 - Immunity test levels for the reduction and interruption of the mains voltage
7.2. Requirements Requirements Verification

7.2.1. The equipment to be certified shall be placed in a condition representative of its normal operation and, during
the test, shall have performance characteristics as specified in item 7.2.3, subject to the following conditions where
applicable: Conduct disturbance immunity tests shall not be applied to doors whose cables connected thereto are not
less than three meters in length. In immunity tests for conducted and radiated RF disturbances of equipment using the radio spectrum, the
applicable exclusion range shall be used. Portable and mobile equipment which, in normal conditions of use, may be used in connection with the
battery charger, shall have AC power lines tested in terms of immunity to conducted disturbances. In cases where radiocommunication equipment has features that require software and / or special features
to perform the immunity tests prescribed herein, it is the manufacturer's responsibility to supply them. The equipment to be certified must be exercised in a manner representative of its normal use. Precautions, such as the use of a shielded chamber and filters, shall be taken to avoid the effects of
electromagnetic disturbances on measuring equipment and auxiliary equipment installed outside the test
environment. The signal source, if necessary, to provide the transmitter under test with the modulation signal shall be
located outside the test environment. Figures 1, 2 and 3 show examples of test configuration for receiver and digital
radio transmitter.

Figure 1 - Sample assay receiver assembly

Figure 2 - Sample transmitter assay assembly

Figure 3 - Test assembly example of a transceiver For receivers or transmitters with a removable antenna, the RF connection for establishing the
communication link must be made at the antenna connector of the equipment through a shielded transmission line
such as a coaxial cable. The signal level used for establishing the communication link during the tests shall be reported by the
manufacturer and shall be sufficiently above the maximum sensitivity level of the receiver in order to have a fairly
stable bond prior to the application of the electromagnetic disturbances. In the absence of another prescription and
if applicable, a 30 dB level above the maximum sensitivity level of the receiver may be adopted. A transmission exclusion band must be adopted as prescribed in item c of item In the absence of other requirements in specific product requirements, the exclusion exclusion band should
be considered as the frequency range required for the operation of the equipment, extended at each frequency end,
by 5% of the frequency range, or extended by a range sufficient that the disturbance applied does not revert to
frequency images. If criteria specific to the equipment under certification are prescribed other than those adopted in items and, these criteria shall be adopted and declared in the results. In immunity tests for radiated and conducted radiofrequency disturbances, no disturbance to the exclusion
band frequencies shall be applied. Abnormalities in receiver performance incorporated into a transceiver occurring during the RF disturbance
immunity assay at discrete frequencies may be of narrow band type and in this case should not be considered as
nonconformity. For discernment of this type of response, the following procedure should be followed:

(a) the frequency of the disturbing signal where the abnormality occurred shall be varied upwards and downwards
by an amount equivalent to twice the width of the IF filter passband (intermediate frequency) preceding the receiver
demodulator, or the width of the operating range of the product as specified by the manufacturer.

(b) if in both new frequencies or if the product satisfies the specified performance criterion in at least one of them,
the response shall be considered to be narrow band. If this does not occur, the test shall be repeated by varying said
frequency of the disturbing signal by a value corresponding to two and a half times the aforementioned flow ranges.

(c) if the product does not meet the specified performance criterion on at least one of the resulting frequencies, the
response shall be considered broadband and shall therefore indicate a situation of non-conformity of the product. In the absence of requirements in the specific requirements for the equipment to be certified, where
applicable, the following parameters shall be checked in the assessment of the performance characteristics of the

a) indication of alarms;
b) possibility of establishment or interruption of connections;

c) error rate in the digital interfaces;

d) frame error rate (FER)

e) at the analogue or voice interfaces - the differential signal level resulting from the demodulation of the
radiofrequency disturbance. In this case, in the absence of another prescription, the level of -40 dBm over an
impedance of 600 Ω (independent of the impedance actually used), selectively measured at 1 kHz, with a passband
less than or equal to 100 Hz , the line being active and connected to the appropriate auxiliary equipment. For radiocommunication equipment, additionally consider, where applicable, the following characteristics:

(a) the SINAD signal-to-noise ratio for analog and audio interfaces;

(b) frame error rate (FER) for digital interfaces;

(c) unintentional transmission or emission of radioelectric signals;

(d) no loss of functionalities;

(e) no loss of linkage;

(f) in the case of radio frequency amplifiers, gain changes shall not exceed 1 dB, It is necessary that the test report describes the performance characteristics verified during the tests.

7.2.2. In order to verify the compliance with electromagnetic immunity requirements of equipment, in the absence
of regulations in specific regulations for the product, the following criteria to be observed in the evaluation of
performance are defined: Criterion A - During the test, the equipment shall function normally according to its technical specifications
or without changes in performance and characteristics assessed. Criterion B - abnormalities in equipment performance will only be accepted at the time of application of the
disturbance. However, loss of connection, alarms or loss of stored data can not occur. Once the disturbance is
applied, the equipment must present the original conditions of operation, according to its technical specifications. Criterion C - The abnormal operation of the equipment with loss of functionalities is allowed, during the time
of the tests, however, after the tests have ceased, the equipment must present the original conditions of operation,
either automatically or by external intervention.

7.2.3. The verification of electromagnetic immunity requirements shall comply with the following requirements: The immunity to rapid electrical transients should be verified according to the procedures presented in the
document referenced in item 2.1.4, adopting criterion B. The immunity to radiofrequency disturbances in electric power and telecommunication ports must be
verified according to the procedures presented in the document referenced in item 2.1.6, adopting the criterion A of
performance. The immunity to radiated radiofrequency disturbances must be verified, according to the procedures
presented in the document referenced in item 2.1.3, adopting the criterion A of performance. The immunity of the equipment to electrostatic discharges must be verified, according to the procedures
presented in the document referenced in item 2.1.2, adopting the criterion B of performance. The immunity of the equipment to outbreaks must be verified, according to the procedures presented in the
document referenced in item 2.1.5, adopting the criterion B of performance. The immunity of the equipment to reductions and interruptions of the voltage of the alternating current
electric network must be verified, according to the procedures presented in the document referenced in item 2.1.7,
adopting criterion B of performance for level 1 and criterion C for levels 2 and 3.


8.1. Specification of Resistivity Requirements

8.1.1. The equipment to be certified must withstand the application of electromagnetic disturbances in its
telecommunications and electric power ports, whose maximum intensities are specified below. After the disturbance
has been applied, the equipment to be certified must have normal operation, according to its specifications. The equipment to be certified shall withstand the application of 1500 V peak electromagnetic disturbances
(open circuit voltage) at external telecommunications ports. These disturbances shall be produced by the generator
described in item and applied according to the conditions of verification of the resistivity requirements.
Example of external telecommunications port: port for connection with STFC metal pair. The equipment to be certified shall withstand the application of 1000 V peak electromagnetic disturbances
(open circuit voltage) on the internal telecommunications ports (examples: Ethernet port and CPCT branch). These
disturbances must be produced by the generator described in item and applied according to the conditions of
verification of the resistivity requirements. The equipment to be certified shall withstand the application of effective 600 V electromagnetic
disturbances (open circuit voltage) at external telecommunications doors. These disturbances must be produced by
the generator described in item and applied according to the conditions of verification of the resistivity
requirements. Example of external telecommunications port: port for connection with STFC metal pair. The equipment to be certified must withstand the application of electromagnetic disturbances in external
electric power ports. The open circuit voltage of the generator shall be 4000 V peak for the common mode
disturbances and 2 000 V peak for the differential mode applied disturbances. These disturbances shall be produced
by the generator described in item and applied according to the conditions of verification of the resistivity
requirements. The tolerances for the intensities of the electromagnetic disturbances are specified below.

(a) 10% (ten percent) more or less around the peak values specified in items, and

b) 5% (five percent) to plus or minus around the effective value specified in item

8.2. Requirements Requirements Verification

8.2.1. For the purpose of checking resistivity requirements, the equipment to be certified shall be treated as a
volume whose limits must be established by the supplier. Any protective device within the limit of this volume must
be considered a permanent part of the equipment. From the volume corresponding to the equipment to be certified
can be identified:

(a) external telecommunications ports (eg interface for connection to the STFC);

(b) internal telecommunications ports (eg interface for local network connection);
(c) electric power ports (for example, power cord for connection to the electrical outlet);

(d) a grounding terminal.

8.2.2. When the equipment to be certified does not have a ground terminal, it must be placed on a metal plate and it
must be used as a grounding terminal.

8.2.3. The resistivity requirements shall be checked when the equipment under test is at room temperature (25 ± 3) °
C and relative humidity (50 ± 20)%.

8.2.4. For verification of resistivity requirements, the equipment to be certified shall be energized at its rated voltage
and shall be tested in any and all modes of operation of significant duration (eg a telecommunications port of a STFC
equipment shall be tested under the conditions closed link and open link).

8.2.5. When applying electromagnetic disturbances to the ESC, some telecommunication ports not being subjected
to the test shall be connected to the reference ground by means of gas-operated spark plugs or equivalent devices
(see Figures 4 to 7), as described below.

(a) For the verification of the requirements specified in items and, internal telecommunications doors
which are normally connected to long conductors (length longer than ten meters) shall be connected to the
reference earth by means of gas or devices.

(b) For the verification of the requirements specified in items and, external telecommunications ports
shall be connected to the reference ground by means of gas-operated spark plugs or equivalent devices.

(c) For ESC with several telecommunications ports, a minimum of four (4) ports shall be connected to the reference
ground by means of gas-operated spark plugs or equivalent devices.

(d) Gas spark plugs or equivalent devices mentioned in this paragraph shall have a slow ramp trip voltage between
200 V and 300 V.

(e) After the test, the functional check of the ESC shall also cover the ports which have been connected to the
reference ground by means of gas-operated spark plugs or equivalent devices.

8.2.6. The application of the disturbances must be done observing the following conditions:

1. For the disturbance specified in item, 10 (ten) common-mode (see Figure 4) and 10 (ten) differential mode
applications must be performed (see Figure 5), with five (5) polarity applications positive and 5 (five) negative
polarity. If applicable, for each polarity, 3 (three) applications with the open link and 2 (two) applications with the
closed link must be performed.

2. For the disturbance specified in item, 10 (ten) common-mode applications shall be performed (see Figure
4), five (5) applications being positive polarity and five (five) negative polarity applications. If applicable, for each
polarity, 3 (three) applications with the open link and 2 (two) applications with the closed link must be performed.

3. For the disturbance specified in item, five (5) common mode applications (see Figure 4) and five (five)
differential mode applications must be performed (see Figure 5). If applicable, 3 (three) applications with open link
and 2 (two) applications with closed link must be performed for each mode.

4. For the disturbance specified in item, 10 (ten) common-mode applications shall be performed for each
conductor (see Figure 6) and 10 (ten) in differential mode (see Figure 7), five (5) applications in positive polarity and
5 (five) in negative polarity.

5. The interval between successive applications must be at least 1 (one) minute.

8.2.7. When applicable, the ESC must be connected to the electromagnetic disturbance generator and to the power
source through coupling and decoupling networks, respectively. Figures 4 to 7 exemplify the wiring diagrams for
carrying out the tests. The coupling and uncoupling networks shown in Figures 4 to 7 should not significantly change
the energy transferred from the generator to the ESC. For verification of the requirement specified in item, the test assembly shall meet the following
requirements (see Figures 4 and 5):

(a) The power source for connection to the door under test, as well as the decoupling network, must not be
connected to earth.

(b) The electrical resistance measured from the input terminals of the decoupling network (side of the electric power
source), the output terminals being short circuited, must be higher than 600 Ω and less than 800 Ω.

(c) Since only the coupling network is connected to the generator, the open circuit voltage measured at the
terminals to be connected to the ESC shall meet the requirements specified for the test (peak value, rise time and
descent time).

(d) If only the coupling network is connected to the generator, the ratio between the peak values of the open circuit
voltage and the short-circuit current measured at the terminals to be connected to the ESC must correspond to the
generator impedance (27.5 Ω ± 10% between the lines and the ground), as shown in Figure 8. In order to verify the requirement specified in item, the test assembly shall meet the following

(a) The door under test does not need to be energized.

(b) If only the coupling network is connected to the generator, the open circuit voltage measured at the terminals to
be connected to the ESC shall meet the requirements specified for the test (peak value, rise time and descent time).

(c) Since only the coupling network is connected to the generator, the ratio between the peak values of the open
circuit voltage and the short-circuit current measured at the terminals to be connected to the ESC must correspond
to the generator impedance (53 Ω ± 10 % between lines and ground), as shown in Figure 9. In order to verify the requirements specified in item, the test assembly shall meet the following

(a) The power source for connection to the door under test, as well as the decoupling network, must not be
connected to earth.

(b) The electrical resistance measured from the input terminals of the decoupling network (side of the electric power
source), the output terminals being short circuited, must be higher than 600 Ω and less than 800 Ω.

(c) Coupling network shall not be used.

(d) The open circuit voltage measured at the terminals to be connected to the ESC shall meet the requirements
specified for the test (effective value and duration).

(e) The ratio between the open circuit voltage and the short-circuit current measured at the terminals to be
connected to the ESC shall correspond to the generator impedance, as specified in item In order to verify the requirement specified in item, the test assembly shall meet the following
(a) The current carrying capacity of the decoupling circuit shall be compatible with the power of the equipment to be

(b) With only the coupling and decoupling networks connected to the generator and the decoupling network input
terminals short-circuited to the ground (mains side), the open circuit voltage measured at the terminals to be
connected to the ESC shall meet the requirements specified for the test (peak value, rise time and descent time).

(c) If only the coupling and decoupling networks are connected to the generator, the short-circuit current measured
at the terminals to be connected to the ESC shall meet the requirements specified for the test (peak value, rise time
and descent time) .

8.3. From Generators of Electromagnetic Disturbances

8.3.1. The electromagnetic disturbance generators are specified below, based on the documents referenced in items
2.1.11 and 2.1.12. For the verification of the resistivity of the equipment to be certified, when subjected to the electromagnetic
disturbances specified in item, a generator shall be used as defined in Figure 8. This generator, when open
circuit, shall generate an electromagnetic disturbance in the form of an impulse voltage wave with (10 ± 3) μs rise
time and (700 ± 140) μs down time. In order to verify the resistivity of the equipment to be certified, when subjected to the electromagnetic
disturbances specified in item, a generator shall be used as defined in Figure 9. This generator, when open
circuit, produces an electromagnetic disturbance in the form of a (1.20 ± 0.36) μs of rise time and (50 ± 10) μs down
time. In order to verify the resistivity of the equipment to be certified, when subjected to the electromagnetic
disturbances specified in item, a generator shall be used as defined in Figure 10. This generator shall produce
an electromagnetic disturbance in the voltage waveforms open) or current (short circuit) described by sine waves
with a frequency of 60 Hz. The following conditions must also be observed:

(a) the duration of the electromagnetic disturbance shall be (200 ± 30) ms;

(b) the ratio of the open circuit voltage and the short-circuit current must be equal to (600 ± 60) Ω; In order to verify the resistivity of the equipment to be certified, when subjected to the electromagnetic
disturbances specified in item, a generator must be used which, when open circuit, produces an
electromagnetic disturbance in the form of an impulse voltage wave with , 20 ± 0.36) μs rise time and (50 ± 10) μs
descent time. When short-circuited, this generator must generate an electromagnetic disturbance in the form of an
impulsive current wave with (8.0 ± 1.6) μs rise time and (20 ± 4) μs down time. The ratio between the peak values of
the open circuit voltage and the short circuit current shall be equal to (2.0 ± 0.2) Ω. The rise and fall times of the electromagnetic disturbances are defined in the document referenced in item

Figure 4 - Diagram of the assembly of the test in telecommunications port - common mode.

Figure 5 - Diagram of the assembly of the test in telecommunications port - differential mode.
Figure 6 - Diagram of the assembly of the test in electric power port - common mode.

Figure 7 - Diagram of the assembly of the test in electric power port - differential mode.
Figure 8 - Generator of electromagnetic perturbations of 10/700 μs.

Figure 9 - 1.2 / 50 μs electromagnetic disturbance generator (for four wire wires, use four 160 Ω resistors instead of
two 80 Ω resistors).

Figure 10 - Generator of electromagnetic disturbances in industrial frequency.

10.1. The following equipment are examples of products intended for telecommunications users:

10.1.1. All equipment classified as Category I Telecommunication Products.

10.1.2. Equipment classified as Category II Telecommunication Products listed below:

a) Restricted radiation equipment

b) Modem for earth station

c) Transceiver with spectral scattering

d) Trunked digital transceiver - base

e) Satellite MMS Transceiver

f) Rural base fixed transceiver

g) MMDS transceiver - return

h) Transceiver auxiliary radio broadcasting service

i) Digital transceivers

j) Fixed, mobile and portable transceivers - AM

k) Fixed, mobile and portable transceivers - FM

l) Autotransmitter transmitter

m) Remote control transmitter

n) Digital transmitters

o) Fixed and mobile and portable transmitters - AM

p) Fixed and mobile and portable transmitters - FM

Note: This list is only illustrative and may be expanded by identifying other products that are classifiable in the
definition of Category II.

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