English literature
1 Which character do you relate with the most in the play 'Julius Caesar '
write the good and bad qualities of that character also write about a similar person who
has come across in real life.
which qualities of this character /person you would like to adopt .
2 With reference to any one story or poem from your text write its summary or
paraphrase including the poets and authors socio economic cultural and historical
Parents are expected to ensure that the students refer different chemistry books and/or
the internet to write the project. This project should be done in approximately 15-20
pages in an assignment copy or file. Students must paste relevant pictures or draw neat
and labelled diagram. The project work must be nearly done involving the students
3- Examples of five chemical reactions with details and pictorial representation from day -
to-day life.
विषय - भाग 1 लेखक और कवि
भाग-2 प्रासंगिक विषय
1.अच्छे स्वास्थ्य के लिए व्यायाम का वि ष महत्व है-इस विषय पर प्रकाश डालते हुए छात्रावास में रहने
वाले अपने एक मित्र को पत्र लिखिए।
2. आपकी कक्षा की अनु सनहीनता
एवं अभद्र व्यवहार के कारण आपके कक्षा अध्यापक आप की कक्षा से बहुत
नाराज है आप सारी कक्षा की ओर से किए गए दुर्व्यवहार की क्षमा मांगते हुए एक पत्र लिखिए।
परियोजना कार्य सुंदर, स्पष्ट, आकर्षक व प्रस्तुत करने योग्य होना चाहिए।
2 BANKING 6,7,8,9,10,22,26,
3 QUARRATIC EQUATION 11,12,13,14,15,23,27
4 RATIO AND PROPORTIONAL 16,17,18,19,20,24
While making project please write some important points
1- Front page
2- Index with page numbers
3- Introduction
4- Acknowledgement
5- Content
6- Diagrams
7- Conclusion
8- Bibliography
Your project should be 30 to 35pages by handwritten or computerized with spiral
3- Enlist the ways in which water can be reused and recycled in various activities.
1-With the help of suitable examples and newspapers cutting explain the working
of Indian judiciary.
2-Make a comparative study of ‘ the union legislature’ and ‘ the union executive .
2-Enlist the various agencies of the United Nations and their working.