Agadtantra, Vyavahar-Ayurved Evum Vidhivaidyak: Part-A 50 Marks
Agadtantra, Vyavahar-Ayurved Evum Vidhivaidyak: Part-A 50 Marks
Agadtantra, Vyavahar-Ayurved Evum Vidhivaidyak: Part-A 50 Marks
3 Origin and Classification of Visha:-Its sources, Difference between Visha, Madya and
Oja guna, Visha Upadrava and Visha Mukta Lakshana.
7 Manifestation of poisoning due to poisons of plant origin their fatal Dose, fatal period,
management of poisoning, post mortem appearance and its medico legal importance.
Visha and Upavisha- Arka, Snuhi, Langali, Karaveera, Gunja, Ahiphena, Dhattura,
Bhallataka, Vatsanabha, Kupeelu, Jayapala, Bhanga & Tobacco, Parthenium
hysteriphorus, Chitraka, Eranda, Digitalis and Cerebra Odallam.
9 Jangama Visha – Detailed study of Sarpa, Keeta, Loota, Vrischika, Mooshika, Alarka –
Visha; Lakshana, Bheda, Chikitsa and their Sadhyasadhyata (contemporary and
classical views).
Part –B 50 Marks
3. Personal identity and its Medico legal aspects, forensic odontology, Introduction to
Forensic Serology and DNA profiling.
4. Death and its Medico Legal Aspects, Medico Legal autopsy and exhumation.
5. Injuries and thermal injuries, their medico Legal aspects, general introduction of
6. Dowry deaths (Domestic Violence), their Medico Legal importance and laws in relation to
Practical Training
1. Post Mortem examination
2. Evidence in the court
3. Demonstrations in the Forensic & Toxicology museum
(Toxic & Anti toxic substances, medico legal specimens & Charts)
4. Clinical postings
5. Library Hours for compilation
Total 50 Marks
Reference Books
1. Topics related to Agada Tantra from Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita, Ashtanga
Hridaya, Ashtanga Samgraha, Kasyapa Samhitha, Yogaratnakara, Bhavaprakasha and
Madhava Nidana.
2. Vidhivaidyaka (Vyavahar Ayurveda Vijnan) Dr.Charuchandra Pathak
3. Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology Modi
4. Basavarajeeyam Edited by Vd.Govardhan
5. Agada Tantra Sh. Ramanath Dwivedi
6. Text book of Agada Tantra Edited by Dr Huparikar, Dr.Joglekar
7. Agadatantra ki Pathyapustaka Edited By Dr Huparikar,
8. Agad Tantra Dr. Shekher Namboodri
9. Vishachikitsa Vaidya Balakrishnan Nair, Kerala
(Ayurveda Toxicology English Translation)
10. Medical Ethics and Medical Laws in India Dr. H.S. Mehta
11. Toxicology Ayurvedic Perspective VPSV Ayurveda college Kottakkal
12. Kautilya Arthashastra (English) Prof. Kangle
13. Kautilya Arthashastra (Hindi) Dr. Raghunath Singh
14. Vyavahar Ayurveda Dr.Ayodhya Prasad Achal
15. Vyavahar Ayurveda Vigyanam Dr.Indramohan Jha (Sachchan)
16. Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Dr. V.V.Pillay
17. Forensic Medicine Dr. B. Umadathan
18. Relevant Acts Govt. of India
19. Relevant topics from Manu Smriti
Definition of swastha & swasthya and swasthavritta. Arogya lakshana, swasthavritta
prayojanam, WHO definition of health.
Dimensions of health-Physical, Mental, Social.
Concept of wellbeing- objective, subjective, standard of living, quality of life.
1. Definition of Dinacharya
2. Aims and importance of dinachary
3. Brahma Muhurta evam Utthana
4. Usha Jalapana
5. Sharirachinta
6. Malatyaga
7. Mukha prakshalan
8. Dantadhavana and preparation of Ayurvedic tooth powder and paste
9. Jihvanirlekhanavidhi
10. Anjana
11. Pratimarsha Nasya
12. Gandusha and Kavala
13. Tambulasevana
14. Dhoomapana
15. Abhyanga
16. Udvartana
17. Utsadana
18. Vyayama
19. Chankramana
20. Snana
21. Anulepana
22. Vastra dharana
23. Danda dharana
24. Padatra dharana
25. Chatra dharana
26. Ushnisha dharana
27. Ratnabharana dharana
28. Madhyahna charya
29. Cosmetic effect of Dinacharya procedures
1. Sandhya charya
2. Rathri bhojana vidhi
3. Shayanavidhi according to Bhavamishra
Description of Sadvritta and Achara Rasayana their role in Prevention and control
of diseases.
ii) Nidra- Nirukti and Utpatti, Types , Nidra – Swasthya sambandha, Properties of
Yukta Nidra, Effects of Ratri Jagarana, Diwaswapna, Anidra, Atinidra, Ahara and
Vihara causing disturbed sleep , Ahara and Vihara Causing sound sleep.
Duration of sleep according to age, Sleep in healthy and diseased persons.
Panchakosha Theory
Astanga yoga
Yama, Niyama
Asana and its importance
Standing Postures
Ardhakatichakrasana, Padahastasana, Ardhachakrasana, Trikonasana.
Sitting postures
Swasthika, Gomukhasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana, Bhadrasana, Shashankasana,
Ushtrasana, Pashchimottanasana, Suptavajrasana, ardhamatsyendrasana,
Supine Postures
Pavanamuktasana, Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Halasana, Chakrasana,
Prone postures
Bhujangasana, Shalbhasana, Dhanurasana, Makarasana.
Suryanamaskara – procedure and benefits.
Benefits of pranayama, time of practice, avara-pravara-madhyama lakshana, yukta-
ayukta lakshana
Nadishudhi Pranayama .
Kumbhakabheda – suryabhedana, ujjayi, sheetali, Sitkari, Bhastrika, Bhramari
Murcha, Plavini.
Part A 50 marks
Causes, Manifestations and control measures, importance of Panchakarma and Rasayana.
Vayu (Air)
Vayu guna according to sushruta samhita, Properties of Vayu as per different directions,
Vayu shudhi prakara – Ayurvedic aspect.
Composition of air.
Air of occupied room- Thermal discomfort and comfort zone, indices of thermal comfort.
Air pollution – health and social aspects, Prevention and control of air pollution ,Global
Ventilation and its types.
Mountain air & High altitude – Health problems
Requirement of good lighting,natural lighting, artificial lighting, biological effects of lighting.
Part B 50marks
National Nutritional Programmes - IDD, Vitamin A prophylaxis, Mid day meal, anemia
control programmes.
Educational Visits
Observe the functioning of the Milk Dairy,Water purification unit, Sewage treatment
unit,MCH/Family welfare centre,Leprosy hospital and industraial unit.
Visit to Primary Health Centre for knowledge of actual implementation of National health
programmes including knowledge of rural health.
Visit of rural Ayurvedic dispensary.
Visit to naturopathy centre to observe naturopathic treatment modalities.
Reference Books:
Etymological origin of the word Stri. Artava vaha and Stanyavaha strotamsi. Tryavarta yoni
Stri Vishishta,Peshi Marmani.
Anatomy of female reproductive system.(External and internal genital organs) Soft & Bony
Pelvis and its obstetrical importance.
Description of Raja, Artava and Prathama Rajo Darshana, Rajasvala Charya. Ritumati
Lakshana, Ritumaticharya, Ritukala
Diagnosis of Pregnancy
d) Abortions, Rh-incompatability-
c) Retention of Placenta, PPH - causes, clinical features and management, Genital tract
Injuries during labour
b) Sutika Roga – Number of Sutika Roga, Sutika Jwara, Shotha and Makkala.
a) Artava-kshaya vridhi, Ashtartavadushti lakshana chikitsa
Asrigdara lakshana samprapti Chikitsa
Sankhya, Nidana, Lakshana, Upadrava evam Chikitsa
Endometriosis, Fibroid uterus, Genital Prolapses, Retroverted Uterus, Pelvic infections,
Cervical erosion, Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases
Pelvic Infections including Sexually Transmitted Infections, HIV, AIDS, Preventive measures.
a) Stanakeela- nidana lakshana chikitsa, Stanagranthi, Stanavidradhi, Stanashoph
Mastitis, Breast abscess, Galactocele -Etiopathology, clinicalfeatures, diagnosis,
prognosis and complications
b) Sthanik Chikitsa
Snehana, Swedana, Uttarabasti, Pichu, Varti, Lepana, Dhupana, Dhavana, Dahana,
Ksharakarma -. Practical knowledge of all these procedures along with indications,
complications and management.
Shastra Karma
Surgical procedures their Indications, Contraindications of cauterization of cervix, cervical
dilatation and curettage, female surgical sterilization
Knowledge of indication and procedure of PAP smear. Endometrial biopsy and interpretation
of the reports
Stri roga Sambandhita Pramukha Aushadhyai, Prasuti & Stri Roga Chikitsa Upayogi
Yantra Shastra Parichaya and Vyadhivinischaya Upaya (Investigative and Diagnostic Aids)
Garbhanirodhaka Upaya.
Parivar Niyojana, Reproductive and Child Health Care, AIDS/HIV control Programme, MCH,
PNDT Act, MTP Act, and importance of current National Programme
To perform independently
4. Observation of 10 labours
5. To diagnose abnormalities of labour and decide about the referral of the patient
Part B 50 Marks
Samanya Chikitsa Siddhanta and Balaroga
(General Principles of Treatment and Management of Pediatric Disorders)
1. Bala Pariksha-vidhi Evam Shishu Vedana Parigyan (Examination of sick child and
Diagnostic methods-Ayurvedic and modern). Samanya Chikitsa Siddhanta (General
principles of treatment in children).
2. General Aushadhl Matra Nirdharana - for Ayurvedic and modern drugs preparations
(drug doses according to age, weight and drug contents)
3. Specific therapeutic panchakarma procedures in children with special emphases on
snehan, swedan and basti.
4. Prasava Kaleena Abhighata (Birth injuries): Shwasavrodha (Asphyxia neonatorum),
Ulvaka, Upashirshaka (Caput Succidanum and Cephalohaematoma), Facial
Paralysis, Erb's Paralysis, Bhagna (fractures).
5. Brief description of Sahajavyadhi (Congenital disorders): Sahaja Hridaya Vikara
(Congenital Cardiac Disorders) Jalashirshaka (Hydrocephalus), Khandaoushtha
(cleft lip), Khanda-Talu (cleft palate) Sanniruddha Guda (Anal stricture /
imperforated anus), Pada Vikriti (Talipes equanovarus and valgus), Spina bifida,
Meningocele, Meningomyelocele.
6. Brief knowledge of genetic disorders): Down syndrome, Turner Syndrome, Muscular
dystrophy, Sickle-Cell Anemia, Thalassaemia, Sahaja Madhumeha (Juvenile
7. Prasavottara Vyadhi (Neonatal disorders): Navajata Kamala (Neonatal Jaundice),
Navajata Netrabhishyanda (Neonatal conjunctivitis), Nabhiroga (Umbilical
disorders), Navajatshishu-raktavishmayata (Neonatal Septicemia)
8. Dushta Stanyapanajanya Vyadhi (Disorders due to Vitiated Milk): Lactose
intolerance, Kshiralasaka, Kukunaka, Ahiputana (Napkin Rashes)
9. Kuposhanajanya Vyadhi (Nutritional disorders): Karshya, Phakka, Balashosha and
Parigarbhika (Protein Energy Malnutrition), Vitamin and Micro-nutrient deficiency
Content of Practical / demonstration
1. Clinical training of above mentioned disorders of children.
2. Exposure to -
a) Navajata Shishu Paricharya (Care of the newborn)
b) Pranapratyagamana Vidhi (Resuscitation procedure of new born)
c) Vaccination
d) Panchakarma Vidhi (Panchakarma procedures) especially Snehan,
Swedana, Basti.
3. Knowledge of various equipments such as phototherapy unit, overhead radiant
Distribution of Marks
Clinical work: Pediatric and neonatal case records [1.0 case sheets of each] 10 Marks
Patient Examination 20 Marks
Spotting 05 Marks
Viva – voce 15 Marks
Total 50 Marks
Reference Books
1. Kashyapa Samhita Complete Hindi translation by Satyapal
Vidhyalankara English translation by Prof. Premvati Tiwari
2. Principles & practice of Pediatrics in Ayurveda: Dr. CHS Shastry
3. Child Health Care in Ayurveda: Prof. Abhimanyu Kumar
4. Ayurvedic Concepts of human Embryology: Prof. Abhimanyu Kumar
5. Kaumarbhritya by Prof. D.N. Mishra
6. Kaumarbhritya Ke Antargata Balgraho Ka Kramika Evam Vaigyanika
Adhyana by Prof. Chanchal Sharma
7. Notes on Kaumarbhritya-by Dr. Dinesh K S
8. Pran - Pratyagannanann-by Dr. B.M. Singh
9. Ayurveda Dwara Matra Evam Shishu Paricharya by Dr. KS
Patel,V.K.Kori & Raigopal
10. Kaumarbhritya related references from Charaka Samhita, Sushruta
Samhita Vagbhata etc.
11. Clinical Methods in Paediatrics by Meharban Singh
12. Pediatrics Emergencies by Meharban Singh
13. Essential Pediatrics 0,P. Ghai
14. Text Book of Pediatrics Nelson
15. Care of New Born by Meharban Singh
16. Panchakarma in Pediatrics Dr. Yogita Srivas