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ADVANCED PLUS UNIT 5 3 Match the compound adjectives 1-8 with the
situations a)-h).
5.1 Collocations 1 low-maintenance h
2 short-staffed c
1 Complete the collocations with a word in the box. 3 short-tempered a
aspect posture 4 low-grade f
5 high-risk d
results success
6 high-intensity b
sustain trigger
7 short-lived g
1 It’s very difficult to sustain young people’s 8 long-suffering e
interest in healthy eating.
2 Skiing lessons trigger a long-forgotten a) She got angry and yelled at me, just because
childhood memory – one of my father teaching I suggested she join a gym.
me to skate. b) I could only stick to that crazy diet of nuts and
3 An important aspect of a good fitness regime is water for a few days.
a healthy diet. Eating the right food provides the c) Carson’s Gym is hiring due to the increase in
energy you need. memberships.
4 To enhance your posture , pull your head and d) Scuba diving is dangerous because you’re often
back up, keep your shoulders squared and always more than a hundred feet under water.
stand up straight. e) My wife has been putting up with my snoring
5 Having a fitness routine that delivers tangible for years.
results requires you to perform several types of f) Those running shoes weren’t very good quality.
activities on a regular basis. They were obviously made from very cheap
6 Long-term results with weight-loss regimes materials.
requires a great deal of self-discipline. g) We started off with running and swimming, then
finished with an aerobics class.
h) It doesn’t take much effort to keep the equipment
Compound adjectives presentable. Just wipe it down every day.
2 Complete the definitions. Make compound 4 Correct the compound adjective in each sentence.
adjectives using the words in the box. Use each Use the prefixes in the box.
word twice.
far- full- hard-
high long low self short hard-headed
1 My brother is so full-headed . He never
1 long -haul: travelling a long distance listens to advice and always does things his
2 low -key: not intense; relaxed or easy own way.
3 short -lived: lasting only a short time 2 The interview with the sports star was far-hitting
4 self -disciplined: having the ability to hard-hitting . The reporter asked some very
control your own actions personal questions.
5 high -profile: attracting a lot of attention; 3 The idea of getting up before dawn to do aerobics
very popular is so hard-fetched far-fetched. I don’t even wake
6 short -staffed: without enough employees up until 9 o’clock!
7 long -awaited: having been hoped for or 4 My coach is incredibly full-sighted far-sighted.
expected for some time He told me years ago that I’d eventually win a
8 low -cost: inexpensive; cheap gold medal.
9 high -end: more expensive and very 5 Our morning run escalated into a far-scale
good quality full-scale race. Fortunately, I was faster than
10 self -conscious: worried about what other my friends.
people think of you 6 Don’t spend your far-earned hard-earnedcash on
expensive sports gear. It’s a waste of money.

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Speakout Vocabulary Extra Advanced Plus Unit 5.indd 36 16/06/18 7:46 PM


Fitness classes B Use the words 1–10 in Exercise 6A to complete the

5 Match the fitness classes 1–5 with the
1 Those skirts are
out of fashion
. They were briefly
descriptions a)–e).
popular a few years ago, but no one wears them
1 boxercise any more.
2 circuits 2 The photo on the cover is . You’ll see
3 spinning that she looks quite different in person.
4 Pilates 3 The models should report for filming at
5 aquarobics 4.30p.m. The cameras will already be set up.
4 Many of the trends from the 1990s are
a) We focus on balance. We also concentrate on
back in fashion . Neon colours are popular
breathing correctly and developing flexibility. 2
b) You never stay in one place. You move from one
5 My father is very . There’s not one
exercise to the next. You build strength and
bad photo of him in the house.
endurance. 3
6 As consumers, we have become increasingly
c) We train indoors on bikes. We speed up and slow conscious of hefty price tags.
down to the music. It’s great for cardio. 3
7 Each model is only allowed 45 seconds on
d) It’s a workout done in a pool to music. 4
the . They’ll have to move fast.
e) It’s a lot like boxing mixed with aerobics. It’s not
8 Don’t be fooled by the sizes on clothing labels.
easy, but technique is not so important. 1
Manufacturers are consumers by
lowering measurements.
5.2 Fashion and looks 9 The images in fashion magazines are deceiving
reality. No one is that thin!
6 A Put the letters in the correct order to make words 10 I never try to follow fashion trends. I wear
and phrases with a similar meaning to the words on what I want, when I want.
the right.
1 thoop-ephopds / retouched
filming 5.3 Well-being
2 ilmnifg / shooting
3 sucicnoos conscious / aware
7 Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).
4 aacltwk / runway 1 A cure-all is something that solves every problem. T
5 edceniivg deceiving / deceptive 2 To be out of sync with yourself means that things F
6 honpeoitgc / attractive feel right inside.
7 isidtontrg distorting / contorting
3 Being engrossed in something is the same as
8 in fsoaihn in fashion / fashionable T
focusing on it for a long time.
9 lolofw follow / keep up with 4 She says she would like to restore her peace of
out of fashion mind. She means she wants to get herself back to T
10 tou fo aofishn / unfashionable
a calm state.
5 When you exert yourself, you are using less
physical and mental effort. F
6 If you incorporate something into your daily T
routine, you make it part of what you do every day.

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8 Use the clues to complete the crossword with words and phrases from Unit 5.
10 2

6 7

1 4 15

- -
3 19

9 11

16 17



Across Down
1 knowing what will happen in the future (3, 7) 2 very distant (3, 5)
3 printed on a whole page (4, 4) 4 achieved after a lot of effort (4, 6)
6 a water-based workout to music (10) 5 complete and advanced (4, 5)
8 moving from one exercise station to the next at 7 training indoors on bikes (8)
your own pace (8) 10 travelling a long distance (4, 4)
9 exercises that place emphasis on balance and 11 not enough employees (5, 7)
flexibility (7) 14 retouched (5, 7)
12 easily angry (5, 8) 15 having the ability to control your own
13 very dangerous (4, 4) actions (4, 11)
16 looking attractive in a photo (10) 17 aware (9)
18 confident (7) 19 a cure-all (7)
20 lasting only a short time (5, 5)

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Speakout Vocabulary Extra Advanced Plus Unit 5.indd 38 16/06/18 7:46 PM


ADVANCED PLUS UNIT 5 4 I’ve got no/trainers/decent/gym/to/wear/

I''ve got no decent trainers to wear to the gym
5.1 Noun phrases 5 Did you enjoy using/there/equipment/over/
1 Circle the words or phrases a) or b) that modify the
Did you enjoy using the aerobic exercise equipment over there?
noun in the noun phrases in italics.
1 We quickly finished a thirty-minute workout.
a) simple adjective b) compound adjective 5.2 Fronting, headers and tails
2 Perhaps you should try a different exercise regime.
a) simple adjective b) noun as adjective 1 Match sentence halves 1–5 with a)–e).
3 My wife and I like to go for a jog in the local park. 1 Why she didn’t come to yoga today d
a) prepositional phrase b) participle clause 2 An absolute fortune a
4 The person who encourages me to exercise is my 3 In the corner c
youngest daughter. 4 Into the fitness class b
a) prepositional phrase b) relative clause 5 It was exhausting yet very effective, e
5 You should always wear something loose-fitting
a) your gym membership must cost you.
when you go to the gym.
b) rushed the late and frustrated coach.
a) present participle b) relative clause
c) stood thousands of pounds’ worth of exercise
6 I’m looking for a course in Bikram Yoga.
a) prepositional phrase b) compound noun
d) I really don’t have any idea.
7 Drinking plenty of water is an absolutely essential
e) that fitness regime.
part of any diet.
a) adverb adjective b) compound noun 2 A Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun.
8 I need to find something to help me lose weight. 1 Sarah, our next-door neighbour, she ’s (he, she, we,
a) participle clause b) infinitive it) going walking with us tomorrow.
2 Underline the complex noun phrase in the sentences.
2 That muscular man over there, is he (he, they,
she, we) the new fitness instructor?
1 My daily workout mainly consists of high-intensity 3 Swimming every day for an hour, that ’s (that, he,
exercise sessions. she, they) what I call good exercise!
2 I use a broad range of activities to keep me 4 They’re (he, she, it, they) certainly not cheap,
in shape. name-brand trainers.
3 A new high-tech, cutting-edge fitness gym will 5 It (he, she, it, they) was stunning, that floral
open its doors on the first of next month. blouse you were wearing yesterday.
4 Something that is often overlooked with gym
memberships is the hidden cost. B Underline the headers in the sentences from
5 Striving to be thin has become a national obsession. Exercise 2A.
6 What I really need is a quick way to lose a few 1
pounds. 2
7 My gym coach is someone trying to change how 3
we feel about physical fitness. 4
3 Put the words in the noun phrases in the correct 5
order to complete the sentences. C Identify the tails in the sentences from Exercise 2A.
1 The problem with dieting for weight loss is that 1
a frustratingly long process 2
2 The/the/woman/who/marathon/70-year/
won/-old is our role model.
The 70-year-old woman who won the maraton 5
3 My grandfather is still very fit in spite of/the/is/
the fact that he is over eighty

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Speakout Grammar Extra Advanced Plus Unit 5.indd 16 16/06/18 7:32 PM


5.3 Informal turn-taking Consolidation

1 Unscramble the letters to make phrases for 1 Complete the conversation with the words and
informal turn-taking. phrases in the box.
like I said
1 ielk I idsa, . . .
a healthier lifestyle calorific coffee
2 sA I swa snagiy, . . . As I saw ......? I feel the same way latest scientific
3 nayywA, eewrh saw I? Anyway, where was I? of maintaining our appearance
4 ahtT dresnmi em fo . . . That reminds me of rapid weight gain that explanation
5 noGgi kabc ot . . . Going back to to develop a healthy gut water
efreoB I foetgr, . . . Before I forget
A: Different looks come and go, but there is one
allAytuc, hatt’s elik . . . a??... that's like aspect 1 that I don’t think will ever go
hO, I anemt ot sya, . . . Oh, I meant to say
8 out of fashion – dieting . . .
I elfe eth esam yaw botua . . . I feel the same way about... B: 2
9 about that. Dieting is absolutely insane,
nyuFn oyu hdlsou entimon htat.Funny, you ... mention that but it’s definitely here to stay.
A: Anyway, what was I saying? . . . Oh yes, that’s it.
2 Put the words in the correct order to make We all know that taking care of what you eat can
sentences which include turn-taking phrases. deliver a host of benefits in terms of health and
1 activity./reducing/stress/physical/that’s/Actually,/ well-being, but the 3 research has shown
through/like us that if you want to enhance your appearance,
Actually, that's like reducing stress through physcial activity then even some ostensibly ‘healthy’ options
2 reminds/me/the/of/time/lost/passports./we/ should be avoided . . .
That/our B: 4 , I once drank nothing but that for a
That reminds me of the time we lost our passports whole week. I didn’t eat, either. I felt awful!
3 said,/what/Going/back/she/to agree./I A: Interesting. Anyway, going back to what I was
Going back, I said want to agree saying before . . . Our tendency to promote
4 that/interested/just/I’m/I/sports./want/add/in/ increased fruit and vegetable intake as a cure-all
team/to could actually be causing more harm than good.
I want to add that I'm just interested in team sports. Although the ever-increasing range of smoothies
and fruit juices available in supermarkets and
5 should/you/I/thought/mention/that/because/ 5
shops seems a healthier option than
same/the/Funny/thing. 6
hot chocolate, looks can be deceiving.
Funny thing, I should mention that because I thought the same.
Many of these have massive amounts of added
6 forget,/have/a/car?/does/I/Before/anyone sugars which can trigger 7 as they
Before I forget, does anyone have a car? stimulate the production of insulin which then
7 I?/Anyway,/was/where stores any available energy as fats. Drink too
Anyway, where was I? many of them, and you’ll soon feel out of sync
8 very/a/said,/Like/expensive/diet./I/it’s with yourself.
Like I said, it's a very expensive diet. B: Really? Totally terrifying, 8 !
A: I agree, but there’s no need to despair. There are
a few tricks that you can incorporate into a daily
routine which will promote 9 .
B: Like what?
A: Well, one way to achieve success is to take
steps 10 , which can help reduce weight
and give you more energy. Eating food rich in
probiotics, like yoghurt, kimchi and miso soup, will
deliver tangible results by providing the ‘good’
bacteria that help regulate your body.

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Speakout Grammar Extra Advanced Plus Unit 5.indd 17 16/06/18 7:32 PM

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