Fall Newsletter For Secretaries
Fall Newsletter For Secretaries
Fall Newsletter For Secretaries
Message from your Secretary: Happy November everyone! I hope you have all go;en accustomed to your posi>ons by now. Remember, if you ever have any ques>ons about ANYTHING at all, dont hesitate to ask me! In this seasons issue, I would like to speak to you all about some of the errors I have seen on Pride Reports. Remember that Pride Reports are due on the 10th of every month, so make sure to turn them in on >me and be frequently upda>ng them as new hours are submi;ed by your members. Also, I would like to let you know about some Key Club events coming up, as well as remind you to always keep in touch with your club and Lieutenant Governor. Sincerely, Jessica Shevlin District Secretary
Pride Report Errors Here is a list of the errors I am nding on Pride Reports. Remember, if you are unsure whether or not something should be counted as a service hour, please dont hesitate to ask your Lieutenant Governor or myself.
not recording Lieutenant Government contact counting hours correctly having projects that could fall under the Governor's Project (M&M), and are listed as other projects counting DCMs/other meetings as service hours items for a service project(cans, stuffed animals, etc) recorded as hours based on the number of items collected preparation/planning of events counted as service hours counting dues collection as hours
If any of this is unclear, please contact me or your Lieutenant Governor for more information.
A secretary on the club level plays a similar role on the club level. -Complete club monthly report forms -Maintain a club roster -Take minutes at meetings - Assisting the president with the Annual Achievement Report - Track membership involvement - Communicate with all levels of Key Club - Keep permanent records of Key Club events - Organize an ofcer roster to be sent to their lieutenant governors - Serve on committees, if applicable - Assist the incoming club secretary with duties
October Pride Reports These reports are due on November 10th! Start collecting hours to be able to make your deadline!
Reminders: OIS Quick reminder about OIS to continue updating it, and if you have not submitted your club OIS please do that ASAP. (remember that a complete OIS has everything lled out!) Keep Up With Service! As a club leader, you should denitely be setting the tone for community service. Remember to continue serving your communities, and make this world a better place!
Spring Zone Rallies In your ZONE! (Ask your LTG for more info) January/February/