GR 8
GR 8
GR 8
Grade: 8 Girls
Day Saturday: 26/11/2011 Sunday:27/11/20 11 Monday: 28/11/2011 Tuesday: 29/11/2011 Wednesday:30/11 /2011
rday Satu
Subject English (1) Math Life Science Arabic Physical Science Islamic Social
Correction Ch. 15 sec 1 : Simple invertebrate. pg Study Summary sheet 380 to 382 167 Ch. 15 Sec 1: Ionic and covalent Question Pg. 419 compounds. Pg. 418 to 419. ) : : (39 32 ) ) ( ) + ) Section 2: Islamic Beliefs and practices, Read the given pages Pg. 358 to 359
Class Work Vocabulary : lesson 7 P. 27 Alg. 1 Ch. 7 Lesson 5: Rational Exponents Pg. 488 A revoir les verbs Etre Avoir Faire Aller(fiche)
P. B. Pg. 53 Lire les verbes sur le fiche(Study the verbs for next period)
ay d n u S
171 Ch. 15 Sec 1: Ionic and covalent Section review Pg. 421 compounds. Pg. 420 to 421. Ch. 15 sec 1 : Simple invertebrate. pg Study summary sheet + 383 to 386 section review page 387 from 1 to 7
Alg. 1 Ch. 7 Lesson 6: Polynomials P.B. Pg. 54 Pg. 496 Ch. 15 Sec 2: Acids and Bases Pg. 422 Question Pg. 422 + to 424. Question Pg. 424 177 23 : ) 93( + ) 62( +
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Class Work
Literature : Mrs. Flower P. 213 Writing: short story Correction 182 54 Unite3: "Decrire la maison" p. 23 -24 Lire p. 23 24 (for next week) Ch. 15 Sec. 2:Mollusks and annelids Study summary sheet+ worms pg 388 to 390 Solve section review page 391 from 3 to 6 Pencil: Bitmap and Vector Layer, Clearing and Erasing a Drawing. Pgs(41 + 42)
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Class Work Literature : Mrs. Flower P. 213 Grammar: action verbs + linking verbs. Alg. 1 Ch. 7 Lesson 7: Adding and subtracting polynomials Pg. 504 187 Ch.15 sec.3: Arthropods pgs 392 to 394 Ch. 15 Sec 2: Acids and Bases Pg. 425 to 427.
P.B. Pg. 55
Study summary sheet Question Pg. 247 Section review Pg. 247