Education International School Weekly Plan
Education International School Weekly Plan
Education International School Weekly Plan
Reading Book (RB), Reading Practice Book (RPB), Phonics Practice Book(PPB), Grammar Practice Book (GPB), Social Studies (S.S), Social Studies Workbook(SWB), Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary copybook(RCV), Language Handbook (LHB) Note: Please keep the weekly plan in your bag. Day Saturday: 24/12/2011 Sunday:25/12/20 11 Subject
: ) 7 ) 5
Subject English (1) Math Arabic Physica l science Life science S.S
Class Work
Grammar: Kinds of Pronouns. Pg.30 -Worksheets - Adjectives and Articles. Pg. 31 Correction. 240 57 Ch. 17 Sec. 1: Electric Charge and Question Pg. 474 Static Electricity Pgs. 474 to 476 CH.16 (Fishes , Amphibians and Reptiles) Sec. 2 Amphibians Pgs. 420 - 422 - Cont. Ch. 12 Sec.4 Pg.368 & on
Class Work
Comput er
-Literature: The Tell-Tale Heart, - Read the given pages & Pg.376 & on Study the vocabulary words Algebra 1: Chapter 8 Lesson 1 Factors W.B Pg.58 and Greatest Common Factors. Pg.544. 243 77 Introducing the NVU Software, Software to Build a Website, Steps to follow to create a website, Reaching the Analysis Phase to Build a Website ,Filling in the Sheet /Page Information ,The Template Sheet . Pgs. 46 -49
Ch. 17 Sec. 1: Electric Charge and Static Electricity Pgs. 477 to 478 Question Pg. 477
Class Work
- Grammar: -Demonstrative - Worksheets Adjectives.Pg.32 -Proper Adjectives.Pg.33 -Noun, Pronoun or Adjective.Pg. 34 Correction. 248 78 - Section 4 Review of Section - Q.1a & Q.1c. p.371 Assessment Pg.371 Ch. 17 Sec. 1: Electric Charge and Section Review Pg. 481 Static Electricity Pg. 479 to 480 Unit 3 : la maison du compagne pg. 27 + pg 25 c.ex. CH.16 Sec. 2 Amphibians pgs. 423 425
Class Work
A revoir les adjectives c.ex. (read les adjectives w. b. for next period) Solve section review Pg. 425
Algebra 1 Chapter 8 Lesson 2 W.B Pg.59 Factoring by GCF. Pg.551. 250 + CH.16 Sec. 3 Reptiles Pgs. 426 - 428 Study Pgs. 426 to 428 Ch. 17 Sec. 2: Electric Current and Electrical Energy Pgs. 482 to 483 : ) 5 7( +
Class Work Homework
day Wednes
- Writing: Issuing the last draft on compare and contrast method Correction. CH.16 Sec. 3 Reptiles Pgs. 429 - 431 Unit 3 Les nombres ordinaux Pg. 26 + Pg. 27 c.ex Solve section review Pg. 431 + CH. Review Pgs. 434 - 435 LirePg. 26 le livre (read Pg. 26 in the book)