Admit Card
Admit Card
Admit Card
Category UR
Note: There are negative marking of 0.25 (¼) marks for each wrong answer. No marks will be awarded for un-attempted questions. If an answer is
selected for a question that is “Answered & Marked for Review”, that answer will not be considered in the evaluation.
ü Printed copy of e-Admit Card ü Original Photo ID proof as mentioned below instructions
Candidate must have carried this e-Admit Card and original Photo ID and candidate must submit the admit card at exam center.
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1. The print out of this E-Admit Card must be presented for verification along with at least one ORIGINAL (not photocopied or scanned) valid (not expired
Photo Identification Card such as Employer ID (Government), Driving Licence, Voter ID, Aadhar Card, Passport, PAN Card issued by Government
Authorities, Photo Identity card having serial number issued by Central/State Government/Public Sector Undertakings of State/Central Government. The
candidate's photograph and name/signature should be legibly printed and visible on the photo ID card and should match the name on Admit Card. The
Photo ID card should not be damaged or smudged.
2. In case your e-admit card is without photograph, you are advised to bring two recent passport photographs at the examination centre.
3. No request for change in the examination date, time & venue will be considered under any circumstances.
4. The e-admit cards are also made available on the OAVS’s web site ( for download & printing by the candidates. The said e-admit card
is computer generated and shall not be sent by post.
5. No candidate shall be permitted in the examination centre without carrying this E-Admit Card and ID proof (in original) under any circumstances. In case,
change in the name by the candidate after/before marriage, the candidate must bring the original matriculation certificate along with original Identification
Card. The identity of the candidate will be matched from the proofs to be provided by the candidate.
6. Candidates are required to reach their allotted exam centre on reporting time as mentioned in this e-admit card (1 and ½ hours in advance) so
that entry formalities and frisking can be done smoothly. The main gate of examination centre will be closed before ten minutes from the
commencement of the examination time. No late coming is allowed. Therefore, candidates are advised to locate their test centre and its accessibility at
least a day before the test so that they can reach the centre on time on the day of the test.
7. The candidature of those applicants, who have not acquired the required minimum qualification with percentage of marks wherever applicable by the
given date, is liable to be rejected.
8. Candidates’ admission to all the stages of the examination is purely PROVISIONAL subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions in the
advertisement. Mere issue of E-Admit Card to the candidate will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the OAVS. If on verification
at any time before or after the online examination, interview, computer proficiency test or skill test (as applicable), even after appointment, it is found that
they do not fulfil any of the eligibility conditions; their candidature for the examination will be cancelled by OAVS. If any of their claims is found to be
incorrect, they may render themselves liable to appropriate action by the OAVS, as deemed fit. Therefore, the candidate appearing the online test
should check their eligibility in all respects for their own interest to avoid disappointment at later stage.
9. Candidates have to bring Transparent Ball Point Pen (Black/Blue) only for filling required particulars & rough work during the examination.
10. Once taking attendance/Capturing of photograph at the Registration Desk is done, such candidate will not be allowed to leave the Exam Room/Hall before
end of the online test/examination.
11. The questions will be bilingual i.e. in English & in Odia, wherever applicable, except for the test of language section of the paper and syllabus will be
covered as mentioned in the OAVS’s notification.
12. Rough Sheet(s) will be provided to candidate for rough work, which have to be returned to the invigilators after end of the examination. Candidate should
clearly write his/her name and Roll No. on each rough sheet.
13. User ID and password for the Computer Based Test (CBT) will be provided to the candidates 10 minutes before commencement of the test/exam at their
respective seat.
14. In order to familiarize with the online Computer Based Test/Examination, the candidates are advised to go through the demo (mock test) available on the
15. The details printed on this admit card must be checked by the candidate. In case of any error in the admit card i.e. wrong/dull/no photograph & signature,
the candidate is advised to personally report on 04/Jun/2024 between 10.00 am to 02.00 pm at Facilitation Counter along with 2 passport size
photographs, Original Photo ID and documentary evidence/certificates etc. so that necessary corrections are made. The address of the ‘Facilitation
Centre’ will be made available under “Recruitment” column of OAVS website
16. The compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour of examination will be allowed to the PWD (Persons with Disabilities) candidates as per rules as mentioned
in the advertisement. The said time will also be allowed to such PwD candidates who is eligible for the facility of scribe as per rule as mentioned. Such
VH/OH candidates will have to bring their own scribe (writer for CBT) along with duly filed prescribed proforma at the examination Centre on the day of
examination for verification. A prescribed Performa "Declaration of the Scribe (writer) & Declaration by the VH/OH candidates are available at OAVS
17. Candidates are strictly advised not to bring mobile/cellular phones, ear phones, books, notes, electronic watches with facility of calculators,
pagers or any other electronic communications device, purse, bags etc. inside the examination centre/premises. Any infringement of these
instructions/found copying/using unfair means during the examination shall be entailed disciplinary action against such candidates including ban from
future examinations. Candidates are also advised not to bring any valuable/costly items to the examination centre, as safekeeping of the same cannot be
assured. OAVS will not be responsible for any loss in this regard.
18. Any query/objection related to any question(s) and its options/answer by the candidates will be addressed through ‘Objection Link’ only within 05 days
from the date of examination, when the detail of the said link will be communicated to all present candidates after the examination through their registered
email and information regarding this shall also be available at the website of OAVS. Thereafter, any representation in this regard will not be entertained
and OAVS will initiate the result preparation process.
19. Candidate is advised to read mentioned below “Online Examination Instructions” and ensure its strict compliance for appearing at the examination.
20. Please retain this admit card carefully for future records as the same is required to be produced at the time of interview/checking of documents.
21. Candidates are also advised to check their SMS/email account and also visit to OAVS website regularly for further updates.
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The Marked for Review status for a question simply indicates that you would like to look at that question again. If a question is answered and
Marked for Review, your answer for that question will not be considered in the evaluation since there is negative marking for each wrong answer.
Navigating to a Question :
a. Click on the question number in the Question Palette to go to that question directly.
b. Click on Save & Next to save your answer for the current question and then go to the next question.
c. Click on Mark for Review & Next to save your answer for the current question, mark it for review, and then go to the next question.
d. Caution: Note that your answer for the current question will be not be saved, if you navigate to another question directly (without
Answering a Question :
b. To deselect your chosen answer, click on the button of the chosen option again or click on the Clear Response button.
d. To save your answer, you MUST click on the Save & Next button.
e. To mark the question for review, click on the Mark for Review & Next button. If an answer is selected for a question that is Marked
for Review, that answer will not be considered in the evaluation since there is negative marking for each wrong answer.
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