Punjab State Power Corporation Limited: Please Read The Following Important Instructions Carefully
Punjab State Power Corporation Limited: Please Read The Following Important Instructions Carefully
Punjab State Power Corporation Limited: Please Read The Following Important Instructions Carefully
(Examination Authority)
Types of Questions (Qs.) Questions to be covered No. of Qs. Total Marks Duration
Note: There will be negative marking for a wrong answer @ 0.25 (1/4th) of the questions mark.
ü Printed copy of e-Admit Card ü Original Photo ID proof as mentioned below instruction
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1. No request for change in the date, time and examination centre shall be considered under any circumstances. The e-admit card will be valid
only for the test date, time & centre as specified.
2. Candidates must carry this printed copy of the downloaded final E-Admit Card for verification on the day of examination at the allocated venue of
Examination Centre along with at least one ORIGINAL (not photocopy or scanned copy) valid Photo Identification Card i.e. Employer ID (Government),
Driving Licence, Voter ID, Aadhar Card, Passport, PAN Card issued by Government Authorities.
3. Candidates have to bring Transparent Ball Point Pen (Black/Blue) only for filling required particulars during the examination.
4. No candidate shall be permitted in the examination centre without carrying this E-Admit Card and Photo ID proof (in original) and required items with
regard to precaution of Covid-19 pandemic under any circumstances. The E-Admit Cards are also made available on the PSPCL’s web site
{www.pspcl.in} for download & printing by the candidates. No admit card shall be sent by post.
5. Candidates are advised to reach at their allotted examination centres on reporting time as mentioned above (1 hour and 30 minutes in advance) so that
entry formalities and compulsory physical frisking can be done smoothly. The main gate of examination centre will be closed before half an hour from the
commencement of the Examination. No late coming is allowed. Therefore candidates are advised to visit the venue of examination in advance in their
own interest.
6. Candidates are strictly advised not to bring mobile/cellular phones, ear phones, electronics watches with facility of calculations, hand bags, paper, books,
purse, belt, ornaments, articles and any other electronics/non electronics communications devices etc. in the examination centre. PSPCL will not be
responsible for its safe custody/loss.
7. Candidates are required to register themselves on Biometric system before commencement of Test, therefore, for capturing Bio-metric data, candidates
are advised not to apply any external material on their hands/foot like mehandi, ink etc. This biometrics may be used as candidate’s identification at the
later stages like at the time of document verification, joining etc.
8. Once the Capturing of photograph at the Registration Desk is done, such candidate will not be allowed to leave the Exam Room/Hall before end of the
9. Scribble paper(s) will be provided to candidate for rough work in the examination room/lab and Candidate has to mention his/her Roll No. & Name at the
scribble paper(s) before starting rough work. The scribble paper(s) must be returned to the invigilators after end of the examination.
10. User ID and password for the Computer Based Test (CBT) will be provided to the candidate 10 minutes before commencement of the test/exam at their
respective seat.
11. Any candidate, who is found copying/receiving/giving assistance or using unfair means during the examination, will be disqualified and his/her
candidature will be cancelled by PSPCL.
12. The candidates appearing in the online test should, in their own interest, check their eligibility in all respects so as to avoid disappointment at later stage.
Your candidature in whole recruitment process is “PURELY PROVISIONAL” subject to pending details scrutiny of your fulfilling the eligibility conditions
as mentioned in the advertisement for the post you have applied for. In case, it is found at any stage that the candidate does not full fill the eligibility
criteria, candidature of such candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or even after joining if any information provided by the
candidate is found false or is not conformity with the eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement including educational qualification/
age/category/experience etc.
13. The details printed on this admit card must be checked by the candidate. In case of any misprinting/error in the admit card including dull/no photograph &
signature, the candidate is advised to personally report, one day before the conduct of examination at ‘Facilitation Counter from 10.00 AM to 02.00 PM
with 2 passport size photographs and along with documentary evidence/certificates etc. so that necessary corrections are made. The details of the
‘Facilitation Counter’ will be made available under “Recruitment” column of PSPCL’ website www.pspcl.in No request for change in name, category, date
of birth etc. shall be entertained since the candidate were advised to check their details in the online application before submission.
14. A link will be available on the PSPCL’s website for online Mock Test. The mock test facility is only for practice purpose and in order to familiarize with the
online Computer Based Test. It is clarified that demo/mock online test is purely practice purpose.
15. The compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour of examination will be allowed only to such PwD (Persons with Disabilities) candidates who opt for the
facility of Scribe (if applicable) as mentioned in the online applications. Such candidates will have to bring their own scribe (writer for CBT) along with duly
signed prescribed proforma at the examination centre on the day of examination for verification. A prescribed Performa “Declaration of the Scribe (writer)
& Declaration by such candidates” and concerned Govt. guidelines are available at PSPCL website (www.pspcl.in).
16. After the conduct of online examination, all the candidates who have appeared in the online examination will be asked to submit any query/objection
related to any question(s) and its options/answers, procedure and link for which will be available on PSPCL website. The said link will also be
communicated through registered email ID. Subsequently, on the basis of query/objection received, the answer keys will be reviewed by the expert
committee and final merit shall be prepared accordingly. Thereafter, any representation in this regard will not be entertained by PSPCL.
17. Online examination conducted for a particular post could be spread across multiple shifts which will have different question paper for each shift. As such
normalization will be done in order to neutralize the effect of difference in difficulty level of each set of papers in different shifts. The final merit list will be
prepared on the basis of marks worked out after normalization. Thus, raw marks may vary with normalized marks in the final merit list.
However, in case online exam is conducted in a single shift, result/merit list shall be prepared on the basis of actual marks secured by the candidate in
online examination.
18. No TA/DA will be paid for the journeys performed for the facilitation counter/online test/document checking/counselling etc.
19. Candidate is also advised to carefully read the ‘Online Examination Instructions’ and Covid-19 precaution instruction available with this E-Admit Card.
20. The decision of the PSPCL about the mode of selection to the post and eligibility conditions shall be final and binding. No correspondence will be
entertained in this regard.
21. Candidates are also advised to keep visiting PSPCL website (www.pspcl.in) for latest updates.
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The Marked for Review status for a question simply indicates that you would like to look at that question again. If a question is answered and
Marked for Review, your answer for that question will not be considered in the evaluation since there is negative marking for each wrong
Navigating to a Question :
a. Click on the question number in the Question Palette to go to that question directly.
b. Click on Save & Next to save your answer for the current question and then go to the next question.
c. Click on Mark for Review & Next to save your answer for the current question, mark it for review, and then go to the next question.
d. Caution: Note that your answer for the current question will be not be saved, if you navigate to another question directly (without
saving the answer) by clicking on its question number.
Answering a Question :
b. To deselect your chosen answer, click on the button of the chosen option again or click on the Clear Response button.
d. To save your answer, you MUST click on the Save & Next button.
e. To mark the question for review, click on the Mark for Review & Next button. If an answer is selected for a question that is
Marked for Review, that answer will not be considered in the evaluation since there is negative marking for each wrong
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1. Candidate must maintain social distancing starting from point of entry in the exam venue till his/her exit from the exam venue and follow the
Signages / Notice Board.
2· In order to maintain Social Distancing Norm in the examination Hall, the Candidates will sit at alternative Computer Nodes. In case Candidate is
having COVID-19 symptom, in that case he/ shall be allowed to appear in CBT in a separate Isolation Lab/ Hall.
3· Candidate must bring their own Face Mask, personal hand sanitizer (50ml), transparent blue ball pen, PET water Bottle (transparent) and the
exam related documents (Admit Card, Photo ID Card etc.). No other items will be permitted inside exam Lab/Hall.
4· Candidate will have to bring in a signed declaration regarding COVID-19 (self-declaration is given below) and submit the same to the Security
Guard /Invigilator at the entry into the exam venue.
5· Temperature of a candidates will be checked at the entry to the exam venue via a Thermo Gun as applicable.
6· Candidate’s Roll Number and the Lab Number' will NOT be displayed outside the exam venue, but the same will be provided to the candidates
individually at the time of entry to the exam venue after their Admit Card and ID verification.
7· Candidates needs to follow directions given by Examination Centre representatives in order to observe social distancing at the entry point.
8· At registration desk, the candidate will be directed to sanitize his / her hands using sanitizer after which Photograph will be captured during the
registration process.
9· Candidates will be under CCTV surveillances from entry to exit in the examination premises.
10· Candidate is required to report at the exam venue strictly as per the time slot mentioned in the admit card which will also be informed via SMS on
their registered mobile number prior to exam date. It is expected that candidate strictly adhere to this time slot – as entry into the test centre will be
provided based upon the individual's time slot ONLY.
Self – Declaration
I the undersigned hereby declare and certify to the best of my knowledge & belief that I am not Positive for corona virus or
identified as potential carrier of COVID or having following symptoms :
Cough Fever
Candidate Name :
Candidate Roll No. :
Date of Examination :
Exam Centre Name :
Signature of Candidate
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