0 - Worsheet Template
0 - Worsheet Template
0 - Worsheet Template
Problem Statement:
The module's goal is to predict customer churn for a telecommunications company
using machine learning techniques. It achieves this through the following steps:
1. Data Preparation:
- Encode categorical features and handle missing data.
- Split data into training and testing sets.
2. Artificial Neural Network (ANN):
- Build an ANN model to predict churn.
- Train and evaluate the model on the data.
3. Support Vector Machine (SVM):
- Construct SVM models for churn prediction.
- Evaluate SVM performance using accuracy, confusion matrices, and
classification reports.
4. Principal Component Analysis (PCA):
- Apply PCA for dimensionality reduction.
- Train and assess an SVM model on the reduced data.
The module's purpose is to develop and assess various models for accurate
customer churn prediction in the telecommunications context.
The dataset used for this analysis is related to customer churn in a
telecommunications company. It contains information about various customers and
their interactions with the company's services. The dataset is sourced from a CSV
file named 'telco.csv'. The dataset has the following characteristics:
Preprocessing Steps:
- Categorical features are encoded using label encoding to convert them into
numerical values.
- The 'TotalCharges' column is converted to numeric values, and missing values
are handled by dropping corresponding rows.
- The dataset is split into training and testing sets for model evaluation.
For this churn prediction analysis, we'll employ two advanced machine learning
architectures: an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Support Vector Machine
(SVM) models. Here's a breakdown of their structures and components:
Both models are evaluated using accuracy, confusion matrices, and classification
reports on the testing data to assess their performance in predicting customer
The ANN leverages its multi-layer architecture to learn intricate patterns in the
data, while SVMs, both linear and PCA-enhanced, focus on effective separation of
churn and non-churn instances in the dataset. This combination of models aims to
provide a comprehensive view of the data and improve churn prediction accuracy.
Model Training:
The training process for the advanced machine learning models involves fine-
tuning the model architectures and hyperparameters to achieve accurate churn
prediction. Here's how the training is conducted for both the Artificial Neural
Network (ANN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) models:
Evaluation Metrics:
To evaluate advanced machine learning models, we'll use:
- Accuracy: Measures correct predictions (churn or not) in test data, offering an
overall view of correctness.
- Confusion Matrix: Breaks predictions into true positive, true negative, false
positive, and false negative, revealing error types.
- Classification Report: Summarizes precision, recall, F1-score for churn and
non-churn. Precision prevents false alarms, recall identifies churn, and F1-score
balances overall performance.
- Handling class imbalance and optimizing hyperparameters effectively were
challenges in model training.
- Balancing the trade-off between model complexity and generalization required
careful consideration.
Improvement Avenues:
- Implementing techniques like oversampling or undersampling to address class
imbalance could improve model performance.
- Exploring ensemble methods or incorporating additional features may enhance
prediction accuracy further.
The project successfully utilized Advanced Machine Learning techniques,
including ANN and SVM models, to predict customer churn in a
telecommunications company. The ANN model achieved a 78.89% test accuracy,
showcasing its efficacy in solving the problem. Future directions could involve
ensemble methods, fine-tuning hyperparameters, and exploring feature engineering
to enhance predictive capabilities and support more informed business decisions.
Keras Documentation
Scikit-Learn Documentation
Towards Data Science: An Introduction to Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Explained
Python Data Science Handbook
Understanding Neural Networks
These resources provided valuable insights and guidance throughout the project.