80169-Lesson Plan-2 - 6TH - SS - Globe - Model of The Earth
80169-Lesson Plan-2 - 6TH - SS - Globe - Model of The Earth
80169-Lesson Plan-2 - 6TH - SS - Globe - Model of The Earth
Prior Concepts / Skills: Know about the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, world map, globe, celestial bodies and planets etc.
▪ Locate the continents which are in the Northern hemisphere and which are in the southern hemisphere.
Induction / Introduction:
Experience and Reflection:
Dear children observe the pictures which are display on the screen.
• How many planets are there in our solar system?
• Name the planets.
• Which is our living planet?
• Have you ever seen the world map?
• How many continents are there in the world?
• How many oceans are there in the world?
• Name the ocean located on the right side in the given world map?
• Name the ocean located on the left side in the given world map?
Explicit Teaching / Teacher Independent Work (You Check for Understanding TLM (Digital +
Group Work (We Do)
Modelling (I Do) Do) Questions Print)
• Organise an activity based on • Participated in an • Participated in the • What is meant by an Textbook -
the world map. activity with an activity on world Axis of the Earth? APSCERT
• Explain about Axis of the Earth. apple or lemon on map. • Axis joins which
• Organise an activity with an the Axis of the points of the Earth? Apple
apple or lemon on the Axis of Earth as a group Needle
the Earth as a group activity. activity. World map
• Explain about Northern and • Fill up the table • What is meant by the Textbook -
southern hemispheres. under the side Northern APSCERT
• Ask to fill up the table under the
heading “Northern hemisphere?
side heading “Northern and
Southern Hemisphere” in this and Southern • Which continents World map
lesson. Hemisphere” in lies in the southern Globe
this lesson. hemisphere?
• In which hemisphere
is India located?
• Which hemisphere
has the maximum
number of
• In which hemisphere
is the continent
Antarctica located?
Explicit Teaching / Teacher Independent Work (You Check for Understanding TLM (Digital +
Group Work (We Do)
Modelling (I Do) Do) Questions Print)
• Explain about latitudes and • Prepare a chart • Fill the table under • What do you know Textbook -
prime latitudes. with prime side heading about latitudes? APSCERT
• Ask to draw a chart with prime latitudes as a group “latitudes” based • Which latitude is
latitudes as a group work. work. on observation of called as tropic of World map
• Ask to fill up the table under Globe. cancer? Globe
side heading “latitudes” based • Which latitude is
on observation of Globe. • Participated in called as Antarctic
• Explain about longitudes, preparation of circle?
Greenwich meridian and Globe as a class • What do you know
international date line. room work. about longitudes?
• Ask to prepare a globe with • Which longitude is
latitudes and longitudes. called as
international date
• Explain about Movements of the • Participated in • Note down about • What are the Textbook -
Earth. demonstration of movements of the differences between APSCERT
• Display a video related occurrence of day Earth and their Earth rotation and World map
movement of the Earth. and night. results. Earth revolution? Globe
• Demonstrate occurrence of day • What will happen if Torch light
and night. the Earth rotation DIKSHA video
Explicit Teaching / Teacher Independent Work (You Check for Understanding TLM (Digital +
Group Work (We Do)
Modelling (I Do) Do) Questions Print)
• Explain about Eclipses, • Participated in • Note down about • When do Solar Textbook -
Solstice, Equinox. demonstration of Solar and Lunar eclipse occurs? APSCERT
• Demonstrate Solar and Lunar Solar and Lunar eclipses. • What is meant by World map
eclipses. eclipses. equinox? Globe
Torch light
DIKSHA video
2. Find and fill the latitudes and longitudes extent of India and Andhra Pradesh in the given table with help of Google map or Atlas.
3. Observe the following pictures and fill the boxes with the name of the shaded hemispheres.
1. What is Globe?
2. What are the movements of the Earth?
3. Which movement of the Earth causes day and night?
4. What happens when the Earth rotates?
5. Define the Earth rotation and revolution?
6. What is the true shape of the Earth?
7. Which latitude is known as tropic of Capricorn?
8. What are the differences between latitudes and longitudes?
9. What is difference between equator and prime meridian?
Afresh Information/ Current events related to this topic