The learner listens for The learner listens for The learner listens for The learner listens for The learner listens for
comprehension, speaks clearly comprehension, speaks clearly comprehension, speaks clearly comprehension, speaks clearly comprehension, speaks clearly
and uses appropriate and uses appropriate and uses appropriate and uses appropriate and uses appropriate
A. Content Standards
expressions in talking about expressions in talking about expressions in talking about expressions in talking about expressions in talking about
oneself, family, and other oneself, family, and other oneself, family, and other oneself, family, and other oneself, family, and other
social context interactions. social context interactions. social context interactions. social context interactions. social context interactions.
The learner… The learner… The learner… The learner… The learner…
uses strategies independently in uses strategies independently in uses strategies independently in uses strategies independently in uses strategies independently in
B. Performance
accomplishing literacy-related accomplishing literacy-related accomplishing literacy-related accomplishing literacy-related accomplishing literacy-related
tasks tasks tasks tasks tasks
III. LEARNING Basa Pilipinas TG Basa Pilipinas TG Basa Pilipinas TG Basa Pilipinas TG
Pages _______ Pages _______ Pages _______
1. Teacher’s Guide MELC p. 129 MELC p. 129 MELC p. 129 MELC p. 129
2. Learner’s Materials PIVOT Module pp 30-31 PIVOT Module pp. 30-31 PIVOT Module pp. 30-31
PIVOT Module 30-31
pages lternative Delivery Mode lternative Delivery Mode Self Learning Module (SLM)
(ADM) Module 11 (ADM) Module 11 Module 19
3. Textbook pages
B. Other Learning
Recap: What I Know Pre test Pre Test
Complete the paragraph by Put a check mark (√ ) if you Draw nutritious foods you have Directions: Read and follow the
selecting your answers inside followed it correctly. If not, put to eat to keep yourself healthy. directions.
the box. (1)__________ are an (X) Name what you have drawn.
hints found in sentences. They One-two- steps Directions
are used to easily understand 1. Hug and kiss your mother.
A. Reviewing previous and identify the meaning of 2. Open and close the door.
lesson or presenting (2)__________. The use of 3. Put the glass on the sink.
the new lesson (3)__________, body
movements, and Total Physical
Response are clues in figuring
out the meaning of words.
In this lesson, you are expected In this lesson, you are expected In this lesson, you are expected In this lesson, you are expected
B. Establishing a
to follow one to two - step to follow one to two - step to follow one to two - step to follow one to two - step
purpose for the lesson
directions correctly. directions correctly. directions correctly. directions correctly.
C. Presenting Following directions shows Today, you are going to follow Following directions shows Today, we will talk about how
examples/instances of your ability to complete a task one to two - step directions. your ability to complete a task to follow one-to-two step
the new lesson or a request. It requires you to First, know the meaning of or a request. It requires you to directions.
sequence information by “directions”. sequence information by Directions are everywhere.
following the given steps. It Directions mean "actions of following the given steps. It What does direction mean?
helps you focus on the details directing or guiding," helps you focus on the details Direction is when someone
of spoken language through Directions is a simplified set of of spoken language through tells you what to do.
step by step instructions. orders or instructions to be step by step instructions.
followed or to be done Where can these directions be
How can a learner follow Look at the samples of one-step seen?
instructions effectively? Why is it important to follow directions below as illustrated
1. Listen carefully to the directions? in pictures: Directions can be seen on the
instructions. ●You can exercise your sense roads, schools, churches and
2. Focus on what is being said. of hearing and do what is asked other places. In fact, they can
3. Ask questions on what you of you. also be seen in the boxes of
do not understand ● It shows obedience and pancakes and other food
respect. products showing us how these
● It indicates comprehension. products are prepared and
E. Discussing new Let’s Play Lets Play Presention of output Let’s try your understanding
concepts and Simon Says Walk and Stop about our lesson for today.
practicing new skills Instructions: Instructions: Directions: Put thumbs up ( ) if
#2 Playing Simon Says is a great You can use music to create an the sentence is right, thumbs
way for students to practice upbeat and exciting down ( )
following directions! You can environment for young students ___1. In this pandemic time,
play the role of 'Simon' or pick who are just learning how to wearing a mask and face shield
a student to play this part. follow directions. Ask children is a must.
Students will have to follow the to walk while the music is on ___2. Staying home is one of
directions called out by and stop once the music stops. the direction that we need to
'Simon,' but only if the You can also change up the follow.
direction is preceded with directions to make it more ___3. Following directions
'Simon says'. Students who do interesting for older students by properly leads to success. ___4.
not follow these instructions asking them to run, jump, skip Giving direction must be clear
will be out of the game, which or dance while the music is and simple.
is played until the last student playing. ___5. Directions can be seen in
remaining is designated the the school only.
Complete the sentences below. Directions: Match the one to Listen carefully. Color the box Patriotism shows devotion and
Select your answers from the two-step directions found in beside the letter that correctly support for one’s country.
choices in the box column A to the appropriate follows one to two- step Directions: Color the flag of the
(1)__________ shows your pictures that follow the directions. Philippines correctly.
ability to complete a task or a directions in column B by 1.Lay down on your bed.
(2)__________. It requires you connecting the dots
to sequence information
following the given
(3)__________. It helps you
F. Developing focus on the (4)__________ of
spoken language through step 2. Wash your clothes.
mastery (Leads to
formative assessment) by step instructions
G. Finding Why is it important to follow Why is it important to follow Why is it important to follow Why is it important to follow
practical/ directions? directions? directions? directions?
application of
concepts and skills in
daily living
I. Evaluating
J. Additional activities
for application or
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other