Ioegc 10 099 10133
Ioegc 10 099 10133
Ioegc 10 099 10133
Peer Reviewed
ISSN: 2350-8914 (Online), 2350-8906 (Print)
Year: 2021 Month: October Volume: 10
Electric vehicles and electric public transport altogether is a major part of sustainable urban mobility and it also
uplifts the quality of life of people. This research aims to find perceptions, attitudes and behavioral intentions
towards mass adoption of electric vehicles and identify advantages and barriers to consumer adoption. The
findings of this paper can help in understanding perception and adoption in a developing country scenario
where electric vehicles are still in early market phase. Questionnaire survey was conducted and 251 people
were interviewed regarding their perception on adoption of electric vehicles. The indicators used to perception
was socio-demographics, human travel behavior, experience of using electric vehicles, attitude, behavior,
knowledge, awareness and public transportation (accessibility, availability, affordability, safety and comfort). It
was analyzed using Likert’s scale from 1-5 rating and further SPSS was used for regression and correlation
analysis for perception analysis. Log Frame analysis was done for qualitative analysis. Although findings
show people having positive affinity for sustainability (73.7%) and electric vehicles, very few (only 8%) actually
owned electric vehicles. The gap is mainly due to barriers of cost, infrastructure and policies. Evidence based
policies need to be addressed.
Electric Vehicle, Adoption, People’s Perception, SPSS, Regression Model, Log Frame Analysis
2. Literature Review actual adoption behavior. The five behavior factors are
connected to the five theoretical frameworks [3].
Urban mobility cultures include material and elements
of a transport system as part of a specific A. A behavior influenced by attitudinal factors
socio-cultural setting, which consists of If policies regarding fuel price, environmental
mobility-related discourses and travel patterns and regulations, and incentives fail to reach the public, it
built environment [1]. The objective dimension of will affect the adoption of EVs by the users. Also, the
urban mobility cultures consists of Urban form, user attitude towards technology, utility, and features
transport infrastructure, and socio-economics. Urban compared to ICE vehicles will affect consumer
form features are the 3 D’s Density of the urban fabric, adoption of EVs.
Diversity of land uses;, and Design of street or public
transport networks [2], and they explain travel B. A pro-environmental behavior A behavior
behavior. Transport infrastructure, based on individual interest towards the environment
Socio-demographic features are the structural factors and its protection and the motivating factor of users to
persuading lifestyles and attitudes. The subjective buy EVs.
dimension are obtained by mixing satisfaction and
perception indicators; consists of lifestyle, attitude, C. An innovation adoption behavior With the
perception, and behavior [2]. Symbols, self-identity, rapid advancement of technologies, consumers can
socio-economic and demographic characters are the create resistance in the adoption of EVs as they might
prerequisite to develop the notion of lifestyles. feel that something new and better will come to
Attitudes and preferences influence the perception of market very soon thus making the current adoption
transport modes and infrastructure supply. The mix of obsolete.
the subjective dimension of perceptions and attitude
with that of objective dimension of socio-economics D. A symbolic behavior EVs as innovation must be
and demographic variables gives a more symbolically related to the users and they must be able
comprehensive understanding of urban mobility to self-express their identity through them.
cultures as a whole.
E. An emotional behavior The emotional
The Theoretical frameworks in consumer EV
attributes of pleasantness and joy, excitement, pride
adoption research consists of the Theory of planned
shows positive perceptions of attributes of EVs
behavior which believes that people make decisions
leading to more positive emotions which in turn
based on rational evaluations of consequences of
positively influence the intention to adopt EVs [7].
decisions [3, 4]. Further Normative theories and
environmental attitudes say EV adoption behavior to
be pro-environmental behavior as based on individual 3. Research Framework
interest in the environment and its protection.
Symbols and lifestyles expressed as an individual’s The different parameters based on the 3 pillars of
self-identity are important attributes in consumer sustainability are shown in Figure 1.
adoption of EVs. Similarly, self-identity defines our These parameters are then used to build a research
attitude towards different attributes of EVs like price, framework based on urban mobility culture and
style, performance, and energy efficiency. There are consumer adoption attitude and behavior.
five factors of the Diffusion of Innovation model that
Socio-demographics: Gender, Age, Education Level,
influence the adoption decision: relative advantage,
Income Level, Occupation and Size of family.
compatibility, complexity, trialability, and
observability [5]. Moons and De Pelsmacker have Human Travel Behavior: Average Distance
defined three emotional processing levels: visceral, Traveled daily, when users leave and come home from
(style, design, and size) behavioral (using and activities, Mode of transportation/commute preferred
experiencing driving EVs), and reflective (symbols, and Purpose of travel (work/ study/ Recreation/
self-image, and identity) to determine consumers’ Socializing/ others).
emotions to adopt EVs [6].
EV experience: If users own EV, Type of EV owned,
Consumer EV adoption behavior is further explained Charging accessibility,Safety, Satisfaction and
on basis of consumer intention to adopt and their Usefulness.
Proceedings of 10th IOE Graduate Conference
5. Study Area
Attitude: Sustainable Purchase behavior, future As the study by DOTM [10] 97% of registered vehicles
interest in EV, Preference to ICE, Behavior towards were private and only 3% were public in Kathmandu
climate change, social pressure, social commitment to valley in 2017. ‘Based on registered vehicles, there are
reduce petrol import. only 10 public vehicles per 1000 persons, 47 private
vehicles per 1000 persons and 274 motorcycles per
1000 persons in Kathmandu valley in 2017’ [8, 10].
4. Methodology The number of EVs in the country including private
and public vehicles, reached 21000 in 2017, according
The research follows Pragmatism Paradigm, to the Electric Vehicle Association of Nepal (EVAN)
Exploratory and Descriptive Research Design and [11].
both Inductive, Deductive Approach. It includes both
qualitative and quantitative data analysis for social
science. The questionnaire was designed based on the 6. Perception Analysis
research model, which consisted of four parts.
People Perception towards Adoption of Electric Vehicle in Kathmandu Valley
6.1 Socio-Demographic Profile (19.1%) as their third choice of commute. This shows
we need to adopt measures such that Public Transport
From the survey of 251 respondents, the majority of
can be turned into the first choice of commute.
the respondent’s 54.6% were males and 45.4% were
females. The distribution of income are shown in Table 3: Gender vs Purpose
Table 1. GENDER
Work Study Recreation Socializing
Table 1: Socio-Demographics - Family Income Mean 2.79 2.56 3.22 3.27
Female N 104 108 98 102
Income Frequency Percent Std.
1.964 1.747 1.256 1.244
Under 25,000 20 8.0 Deviation
25,000–39,999 38 15.1 Mean 2.48 2.65 2.94 2.59
Male N 127 113 107 115
40,000–49,999 45 17.9 Std.
1.872 1.684 1.338 1.107
50,000–74,999 66 26.3 Deviation
75,000–99,999 36 14.3 Mean 2.62 2.61 3.08 2.91
Total N 231 221 205 217
over 100,000 46 18.3 Std.
Total 251 100.0 1.916 1.712 1.304 1.220
16.3%, 51%, 22.7% and 10% of total respondents were With cross referencing gender with the purpose of
in the age group 15-24, 25-35 36-50 and 51 above travel, mostly females traveled for recreation,
years respectively. 0.8%, 15.9%, 45%, 35.9% and socializing followed by work and study. The males,
2.4% were Elementary, High School level, Graduate, traveled for recreation and study followed by
master’s level and PhD levels respectively. socializing and work as is shown in Table 3.
51%, 4.8%, 32.7% and 11.5% respondents were
Engineer/Architects, homemaker, students, and others. 6.3 Attitude of Electric Vehicles
Also, 10.4%, 48.2%, 23.1% and 18.3% had 3, 4, 5 and Analysis showed, mostly female (86%) aged 25- 35
more than 6 family members. (75%), Engineer/ Architects (75%) with a graduate
degree (72%),income group 50000-74999 (79%) and
6.2 Human Travel Behavior traveling less than 10km (80%) showed positive
sustainable purchase behavior as shown in Figure 3.
Table 2: Average Distance Travelled daily Although people have a positive affinity for
sustainability (73.7%) while using vehicles, very few
Distance Frequency Percentage (8%), actually own EVs from the survey. The gap is
Less than 10 km 136 54.2 mainly due to barriers of cost, infrastructure, and
11-20 km 63 25.1 policies.
21–30 km 30 12.0
31–40 km 20 8.0
41–50 km 2 0.8
Total 251 100.0
Proceedings of 10th IOE Graduate Conference
People Perception towards Adoption of Electric Vehicle in Kathmandu Valley
of environment, attitudinal, symbolic, emotional and Family members, Age, Gender, Income Level,
innovation adoption behavior. 1 is the most unlikely Occupation, and Education.
and 5 is the most likely positive behavior of adoption
behavior of EV. Table 6: R-square table
R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error
Square of the
.398a .159 .127 .95172
a. Predictors:
Proceedings of 10th IOE Graduate Conference
Table 8: Regression Summary of Various Variables Table 9: Correlation between advantage, Barrier,
with Socio-Demographics purpose, EV experience, attitude, behavior, Public
Dependent Variation Significant models
Transportation Behavior:
variable % Advantage Barriers Purpose
Advantage 12.7% Gender, distance traveled Pearson 1 -.502** .240**
& leaving for work Correlation
Barriers 5.9% Gender, distance traveled Sig. (2- .000 0.000
& leaving for work tailed)
Purpose 8.5% Age & leaving for work Pearson -.502** 1 -.087
EV 67.3% Age, Occupation, Correlation
experience Education, Family Sig. (2- .000 .169
Member, leaving for tailed)
work & returning home. Pearson .240** -.087 1
Attitude 4.2% Education & Income Correlation
EV Sig. (2- .000 .169
Behavior 9.4% Family Member, Income tailed)
EV & leaving for work N 249 249 249
PT 4.5% Occupation & leaving for
Behavior work Table 10: Pearson Correlation of various variables
PT 8.1% Age, Occupation &
Advantage Barriers Purpose
Concern leaving for work
PT 10.7% Age Advantage 1 -.502** .240**
infrastructure EV experience -.061 .117 .425*
PT 14% Gender, Age, Family EV behavior .110 -.180** -.178**
behavioral Member, & leaving for PT infrastructure .297** -.365** .186**
concern work PT concern .292** -.343** .250**
PT concern
.337** -.301** .165**
6.7 Correlation Analysis
Correlation measures the strength of a relationship 7. Qualitative Analysis- Log Frame
between two variables. A high correlation shows Matrix
variables have strong relationship and low correlation
shows that the variables are hardly related. When the Log Frame Matrix (LFM) is a strategic planning and
correlation is 0, there is no relationship between them; project management tool for diagnosing and solving
when the correlation is positive, there exists positive problems in planning and managing solutions. It
relationship ; when the correlation is negative, there outlines what the project is trying to do, how it makes
exists negative relationship between the two variables. key assumptions, and outputs and outcomes are
Table 9 presents correlation coefficient between the
variables used in study based on 251 observations. The
dependent and independent variables are Advantage, 7.1 Stakeholder Analysis
Barriers, and purpose.
Table 10 also shows that Advantage, Barriers, and
purpose at the 2-tailed significance value are
significant as their value 0.001 less than 0.01. It
indicates that better Advantage and experience
towards the EV stimulates the increase Adoption.
Advantage is positively and Behavior is negatively
correlated with purpose and barriers of EV adoption. Figure 7: Stakeholder Mapping
Similarly, PT infrastructure are positively correlated
with advantage of EV and purpose of travel; and The major stakeholders are the SAFA Tempo owners,
negatively correlated with barriers of EV. and the EVs manufacturers, Clean Locomotive
Entrepreneur Association of Nepal, Nepal Electric
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Vehicle Charging Association, MoPIT, DOTM,
EVAN, transportation stakeholders electricity
People Perception towards Adoption of Electric Vehicle in Kathmandu Valley
Proceedings of 10th IOE Graduate Conference
8. Review of policies
People Perception towards Adoption of Electric Vehicle in Kathmandu Valley