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Proceedings of 10th IOE Graduate Conference

Peer Reviewed
ISSN: 2350-8914 (Online), 2350-8906 (Print)
Year: 2021 Month: October Volume: 10

People Perception towards Adoption of Electric Vehicle in

Kathmandu Valley
Diksha Shandilya a , Hans Narve Skotte b
aDepartment of Architecture, Pulchowk Campus,IOE, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
bInstitute for Architecture and Planning, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Corresponding Email: a, b

Electric vehicles and electric public transport altogether is a major part of sustainable urban mobility and it also
uplifts the quality of life of people. This research aims to find perceptions, attitudes and behavioral intentions
towards mass adoption of electric vehicles and identify advantages and barriers to consumer adoption. The
findings of this paper can help in understanding perception and adoption in a developing country scenario
where electric vehicles are still in early market phase. Questionnaire survey was conducted and 251 people
were interviewed regarding their perception on adoption of electric vehicles. The indicators used to perception
was socio-demographics, human travel behavior, experience of using electric vehicles, attitude, behavior,
knowledge, awareness and public transportation (accessibility, availability, affordability, safety and comfort). It
was analyzed using Likert’s scale from 1-5 rating and further SPSS was used for regression and correlation
analysis for perception analysis. Log Frame analysis was done for qualitative analysis. Although findings
show people having positive affinity for sustainability (73.7%) and electric vehicles, very few (only 8%) actually
owned electric vehicles. The gap is mainly due to barriers of cost, infrastructure and policies. Evidence based
policies need to be addressed.
Electric Vehicle, Adoption, People’s Perception, SPSS, Regression Model, Log Frame Analysis

1. Introduction petroleum products to fulfill the transport needs of the

people. The failure of incorporating electricity in
Transportation systems is the base for sustainable public transportation can be seen in trolley bus that
development of any city and one major purpose is to failed due to organization management. With the
shift from private vehicles to the public mode of flourishing market of traditional internal combustion
transportation. The higher private cars result in traffic, engines (ICE) vehicles, now the EV is a new
congestion, overcrowding, cost and pollution increase technology in which the user’s factor and their
and adversely affects the quality of life of the people perspective are not much known in the Nepalese
in the city. With the introduction of ropeways in the scenario.
1960s and trolleybuses in the 1970s electricity as a
source of transportation was introduced in Nepal. Transportation through EV will mitigate the
Until now, we have seen growths of EV integration in environmental problems caused by ICE vehicles and
public transport at small scale through projects of help to reduce the import of gasoline products. The
e-rickshaws and SAFA tempos. In the recent budget research aims to find perceptions, attitudes and
plan of 2021/22 major policies and taxes, reforms are behavioral intentions towards mass adoption of
seen which would surely increase the market share of electric vehicles and identify advantages and barriers
EVs in the coming decade. to consumer adoption. The other goals are to
understand an emerging EV culture, review policy
Despite the development of electricity in transport response to address challenges regarding adoption of
sector worldwide, electric vehicles (EVs) are not the EV, determine potential obstacles to EV adoption and
main mode of mobility in a country full of hydro influence of sustainability on EV purchase decision.
power potential, Nepal which leads to huge import of

Pages: 775 – 784

People Perception towards Adoption of Electric Vehicle in Kathmandu Valley

2. Literature Review actual adoption behavior. The five behavior factors are
connected to the five theoretical frameworks [3].
Urban mobility cultures include material and elements
of a transport system as part of a specific A. A behavior influenced by attitudinal factors
socio-cultural setting, which consists of If policies regarding fuel price, environmental
mobility-related discourses and travel patterns and regulations, and incentives fail to reach the public, it
built environment [1]. The objective dimension of will affect the adoption of EVs by the users. Also, the
urban mobility cultures consists of Urban form, user attitude towards technology, utility, and features
transport infrastructure, and socio-economics. Urban compared to ICE vehicles will affect consumer
form features are the 3 D’s Density of the urban fabric, adoption of EVs.
Diversity of land uses;, and Design of street or public
transport networks [2], and they explain travel B. A pro-environmental behavior A behavior
behavior. Transport infrastructure, based on individual interest towards the environment
Socio-demographic features are the structural factors and its protection and the motivating factor of users to
persuading lifestyles and attitudes. The subjective buy EVs.
dimension are obtained by mixing satisfaction and
perception indicators; consists of lifestyle, attitude, C. An innovation adoption behavior With the
perception, and behavior [2]. Symbols, self-identity, rapid advancement of technologies, consumers can
socio-economic and demographic characters are the create resistance in the adoption of EVs as they might
prerequisite to develop the notion of lifestyles. feel that something new and better will come to
Attitudes and preferences influence the perception of market very soon thus making the current adoption
transport modes and infrastructure supply. The mix of obsolete.
the subjective dimension of perceptions and attitude
with that of objective dimension of socio-economics D. A symbolic behavior EVs as innovation must be
and demographic variables gives a more symbolically related to the users and they must be able
comprehensive understanding of urban mobility to self-express their identity through them.
cultures as a whole.
E. An emotional behavior The emotional
The Theoretical frameworks in consumer EV
attributes of pleasantness and joy, excitement, pride
adoption research consists of the Theory of planned
shows positive perceptions of attributes of EVs
behavior which believes that people make decisions
leading to more positive emotions which in turn
based on rational evaluations of consequences of
positively influence the intention to adopt EVs [7].
decisions [3, 4]. Further Normative theories and
environmental attitudes say EV adoption behavior to
be pro-environmental behavior as based on individual 3. Research Framework
interest in the environment and its protection.
Symbols and lifestyles expressed as an individual’s The different parameters based on the 3 pillars of
self-identity are important attributes in consumer sustainability are shown in Figure 1.
adoption of EVs. Similarly, self-identity defines our These parameters are then used to build a research
attitude towards different attributes of EVs like price, framework based on urban mobility culture and
style, performance, and energy efficiency. There are consumer adoption attitude and behavior.
five factors of the Diffusion of Innovation model that
Socio-demographics: Gender, Age, Education Level,
influence the adoption decision: relative advantage,
Income Level, Occupation and Size of family.
compatibility, complexity, trialability, and
observability [5]. Moons and De Pelsmacker have Human Travel Behavior: Average Distance
defined three emotional processing levels: visceral, Traveled daily, when users leave and come home from
(style, design, and size) behavioral (using and activities, Mode of transportation/commute preferred
experiencing driving EVs), and reflective (symbols, and Purpose of travel (work/ study/ Recreation/
self-image, and identity) to determine consumers’ Socializing/ others).
emotions to adopt EVs [6].
EV experience: If users own EV, Type of EV owned,
Consumer EV adoption behavior is further explained Charging accessibility,Safety, Satisfaction and
on basis of consumer intention to adopt and their Usefulness.

Proceedings of 10th IOE Graduate Conference

Part I was related to the socio-demographic variables,

Part II gathered basic information about travel
behavior, average daily travel distance. Part III
measured the Advantage and Barriers of EVs. Part IV
covered questions about the factors affecting the
consumers’ attitude and behavior of EVs. All the
factors are measured by multiple items on a 5-point
Likert scale that ranges from 1= Strongly Disagree to
5= Strongly Agree.
The sample frame is Kathmandu valley Population
2,517,023 [8]. The Target group were (15-64) years
population i.e., 58.2% of the total population. A
Figure 1: Sustainability Indicators sample size of 251 was obtained with 95% confidence
level and 6% margin of error. The sampling method
of Convenience sampling was used. The questionnaire
were distributed online through Google forms and for
data analysis, Regression Analysis and Correlation
were employed to investigate the differences in
perceptions and attitudes using SPSS version 26.

5. Study Area

The topography of the Kathmandu is bowl-shaped

which limits the movement of the wind and air
pollutants are confined thus vehicular emissions are
trapped inside which gives air pollution a major threat
Figure 2: Research Framework to the valley.
As Nepal is a landlocked country with difficult
Behavior/ Knowledge/ Awareness: Knowledge and geographical elevations, road transport dominates all
Interest about EV, Sustainable choice than ICE, modes of transportation. According to MOF [9], 84%
Reasons to buy EV, Enjoyment and Travel Demand, of the total registered vehicle in Nepal were
Advantage/ Barriers. motorcycles, which fulfilled 19% of total passenger
Public Transportation: Availability (Frequency, travel demand and consumed 17% of the gasoline
Waiting Time), Affordability, Accessibility import. The average annual growth rate of 14% for
(Overloading, Night, Distance), Behavior, Safety, the registration of vehicles. 36% of the total vehicles
Security and Comfort. in Nepal were in Kathmandu valley [10].

Attitude: Sustainable Purchase behavior, future As the study by DOTM [10] 97% of registered vehicles
interest in EV, Preference to ICE, Behavior towards were private and only 3% were public in Kathmandu
climate change, social pressure, social commitment to valley in 2017. ‘Based on registered vehicles, there are
reduce petrol import. only 10 public vehicles per 1000 persons, 47 private
vehicles per 1000 persons and 274 motorcycles per
1000 persons in Kathmandu valley in 2017’ [8, 10].
4. Methodology The number of EVs in the country including private
and public vehicles, reached 21000 in 2017, according
The research follows Pragmatism Paradigm, to the Electric Vehicle Association of Nepal (EVAN)
Exploratory and Descriptive Research Design and [11].
both Inductive, Deductive Approach. It includes both
qualitative and quantitative data analysis for social
science. The questionnaire was designed based on the 6. Perception Analysis
research model, which consisted of four parts.

People Perception towards Adoption of Electric Vehicle in Kathmandu Valley

6.1 Socio-Demographic Profile (19.1%) as their third choice of commute. This shows
we need to adopt measures such that Public Transport
From the survey of 251 respondents, the majority of
can be turned into the first choice of commute.
the respondent’s 54.6% were males and 45.4% were
females. The distribution of income are shown in Table 3: Gender vs Purpose
Table 1. GENDER
Work Study Recreation Socializing
Table 1: Socio-Demographics - Family Income Mean 2.79 2.56 3.22 3.27
Female N 104 108 98 102
Income Frequency Percent Std.
1.964 1.747 1.256 1.244
Under 25,000 20 8.0 Deviation
25,000–39,999 38 15.1 Mean 2.48 2.65 2.94 2.59
Male N 127 113 107 115
40,000–49,999 45 17.9 Std.
1.872 1.684 1.338 1.107
50,000–74,999 66 26.3 Deviation
75,000–99,999 36 14.3 Mean 2.62 2.61 3.08 2.91
Total N 231 221 205 217
over 100,000 46 18.3 Std.
Total 251 100.0 1.916 1.712 1.304 1.220

16.3%, 51%, 22.7% and 10% of total respondents were With cross referencing gender with the purpose of
in the age group 15-24, 25-35 36-50 and 51 above travel, mostly females traveled for recreation,
years respectively. 0.8%, 15.9%, 45%, 35.9% and socializing followed by work and study. The males,
2.4% were Elementary, High School level, Graduate, traveled for recreation and study followed by
master’s level and PhD levels respectively. socializing and work as is shown in Table 3.
51%, 4.8%, 32.7% and 11.5% respondents were
Engineer/Architects, homemaker, students, and others. 6.3 Attitude of Electric Vehicles
Also, 10.4%, 48.2%, 23.1% and 18.3% had 3, 4, 5 and Analysis showed, mostly female (86%) aged 25- 35
more than 6 family members. (75%), Engineer/ Architects (75%) with a graduate
degree (72%),income group 50000-74999 (79%) and
6.2 Human Travel Behavior traveling less than 10km (80%) showed positive
sustainable purchase behavior as shown in Figure 3.
Table 2: Average Distance Travelled daily Although people have a positive affinity for
sustainability (73.7%) while using vehicles, very few
Distance Frequency Percentage (8%), actually own EVs from the survey. The gap is
Less than 10 km 136 54.2 mainly due to barriers of cost, infrastructure, and
11-20 km 63 25.1 policies.
21–30 km 30 12.0
31–40 km 20 8.0
41–50 km 2 0.8
Total 251 100.0

18.3%, 25.5%, 31.5%, 15.1% and 9.6% left for their

daily schedule before 8am, 8-9am, 9-10am, 10-11am
and after 11am. Also, 15.1%, 21.5%, 32.3%, 23.9%
and 7.2% returned home before 4pm, 4-5pm, 5-6pm,
6-7pm and after 7pm respectively.
People preferred their vehicles (49.8%) followed by Figure 3: Sustainability Purchase behavior on the
Walking (26.3%) and public buses (12.7%) as their basis of gender
first choice of commute. Adversely People preferred
Public Transport (29.5%) followed by Walking The survey showed Environmental Concerns (55%)
(26.7%) and Own Vehicle (19.1%) as their second followed by the Price of electricity vs gasoline (30.7%)
choice of commute and Public Transport (33.9%) and lastly Tax breaks and net price of the vehicle (20%)
followed by Walking (29.5%) and Own Vehicle as the major reasons for people to switch to EVs. The

Proceedings of 10th IOE Graduate Conference

other reasons being Advance Technology, Charging implementation.

Facilities, Reduce dependence on Petroleum, Safety
features of the vehicle, societal status, and vehicle Table 5: Driving Factors to use public Transport
performance. First Second Third
Driving Factors
Reason Reason Reason
Table 4: Reason for buying EV Accessibility 15.9 48.2 20.7
First Second Third Affordability 31.1 18.3 32.3
Reason for buying Availability 39.0 15.9 24.7
Reason Reason Reason
EV Comfort 4.8 1.6 2.4
Advanced technology 3.6 12.7 6.4 Others 4.0 5.6 7.2
Available charging 5.6 12.7 7.2 Safety/ Security 2.8 5.6 4.8
facilities Sustainability 2.4 4.8 8.0
Environmental 55.0 13.5 19.5 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
Price of electricity vs. 11.2 30.7 22.3
gasoline The public transportation concerns ranked as
Reduce dependence 6.4 9.6 9.6 Overcrowding, Occupancy Rate, Traffic, Poor Road
on petroleum Condition, Waiting Time, Frequency of vehicles in
Safety features of 4.0 4.8 3.2 peak and non-peak hours, Safety, Public Toilets,
vehicle Absence of Street lights and Cost. The behavioral
Status of EV 1.6 1.6 4.0 concerns ranked as Safety; Rash Driving; Sexual
Harassment; Misbehavior by passengers, drivers,
Tax breaks 8.8 10.4 20.7
Vehicle performance 2.4 2.4 6.4
conductors and Drunkards and others. The overall
None 1.6 1.6 0.8 barriers of public transportation are Cleanliness and
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 Maintenance, Uncomfortable for women,
Uncomfortable Seats, Night Safety, Accessibility at
The advantages of EV ranked as Decrease Petroleum night, Reliability, Routes, and Transit Points and Cost.
Import, GHG Reduction, less maintenance, Comfort The survey showed 78.5% find PT accessible during
and Looks/ Style. This shows people being conscious day time. Sajha Bus (33.5%) has good frequency of
about the economy and also pro-environmental buses per population followed by public bus (28.7%)
behavior. Similarly, the barriers ranked as Charging and Sundar Yatayat (17.9%). Currently most
Infrastructure, Battery Range, Cost, Reliability, Safety, occupancy is met by Public Bus (50.6%); Safa Tempo
and Design. (16.7%) and Sundar Yatayat (12%). Similar trends are
seen in Passenger Ratio and vehicle frequency. This is
6.4 Public Transportation (PT)Behavior due to less options in terms of electric public transport
than traditional ICE vehicles. In terms of waiting time
Survey shows, Sajha Bus (37.8%) followed by Safa
none (23.1%) available public transport meet the
Tempo (33.5%) and Public Bus (12.7%) were the first
needs of the people followed by Sundar Yatayat
mode of public transport. Sajha Bus (23.9%), Sundar
(21.9%), Public Bus (21.5%), Safa Tempo (20.7%)
Yatayat (20.7%), Public Bus (20.7%) wre the second
and others (12.7%). For transit point Sundar Yatayat
mode and Mini Bus (30.7%), Sajha Bus (18.3%),
has viable positive points with (30.7%) followed by
Public Bus (18.3 %) were the third mode of preferred
none (23.9%), Public Bus, Safa Tempo and others.
public transport. Females have more affinity towards
People believed Safa Tempo (37.8%), Sundar Yatayat
Safa Tempo but less towards Sundar Yatayat. Also,
(21.5%) followed by none, and Public Bus are
females show more affinity towards using Public
Sustainable. This shows people being somewhat
aware about the benefits of public transport to
Availability (39%) as first reason; Accessibility environment.
(48.2%) as second and affordability (32.3%) as third
reason are the driving factors to use public transport.
6.5 EV Behavior
The other reasons being sustainability, Comfort and
Safety. To make sustainable public transport and Survey showed most people 53%, 47%, 10%, 24%
switch to EV as a public transport medium, these 3 and 40% people from the survey show most positive
factors need to be developed and revised for mass attitude towards EV adoption behavior on the basis

People Perception towards Adoption of Electric Vehicle in Kathmandu Valley

of environment, attitudinal, symbolic, emotional and Family members, Age, Gender, Income Level,
innovation adoption behavior. 1 is the most unlikely Occupation, and Education.
and 5 is the most likely positive behavior of adoption
behavior of EV. Table 6: R-square table
R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error
Square of the
.398a .159 .127 .95172

Table 6 shows that value of R Square is 0.127 which

means 12.7% variation in Advantage is explained by
Socio-demographic profiles.
Figure 4: Pro Environment Behavior b. Regression ANOVA Table:

Table 7: Regression analysis of Advantage and

Socio-demographic profiles
Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients t Sig. Remarks
B Beta
(Constant) 3.071 .502 6.114 .000
Model is
Gender -.612 .127 -.300 -4.83 .000
Model is
Age .079 .078 .066 1.007 .315
Model is
Figure 5: Symbolic Behavior and A behavior Occcupation -.010 .056 -.012 -.182 .856
influenced by attitudinal factors Education .051 .055 .060 .930 .353
Model is
Model is
Family member -.066 .068 -.059 -.980 .328
Model is
Income -.004 .041 -.007 -.108 .914

c. Dependent Variable: Advantage

Table 7 shows that the beta coefficients for Age and
Education are positive with Advantage thus have
positive impact with Advantage. But, the beta
coefficients for Gender, Education, Occupation and
Figure 6: An innovation adoption behavior and An Family members are negative with Advantage thus
emotional behavior these have no effects on advantage. The result also
shows that the beta coefficients for Gender is
significant at one percent level and beta coefficients
6.6 Regression Analysis: for Age, Education, Occupation, Income and Family
Members variables are not significant at one percent
Linear regression identifies relationship between the level.
dependent variable (Attitude, Advantage, Barriers ,
Experience towards EV) and independent variables of From the Regression ANOVA table, it can be inferred
socio-demographics. In this case, regression analysis that the independent variables Gender, Age,
provides information about the scope and nature of the Education, Income, Occupation and Family Members
relationship to make predictions. have tendency to predict the relationship with
dependent variables of Purpose Advantage, Barriers,
6.6.1 Regression analysis of Advantage and
EV experience, Attitude and Behavior of EV which
Socio-demographic profiles: are summarized in Table 8.

a. Predictors:

Proceedings of 10th IOE Graduate Conference

Table 8: Regression Summary of Various Variables Table 9: Correlation between advantage, Barrier,
with Socio-Demographics purpose, EV experience, attitude, behavior, Public
Dependent Variation Significant models
Transportation Behavior:
variable % Advantage Barriers Purpose
Advantage 12.7% Gender, distance traveled Pearson 1 -.502** .240**
& leaving for work Correlation
Barriers 5.9% Gender, distance traveled Sig. (2- .000 0.000
& leaving for work tailed)
Purpose 8.5% Age & leaving for work Pearson -.502** 1 -.087
EV 67.3% Age, Occupation, Correlation
experience Education, Family Sig. (2- .000 .169
Member, leaving for tailed)
work & returning home. Pearson .240** -.087 1
Attitude 4.2% Education & Income Correlation
EV Sig. (2- .000 .169
Behavior 9.4% Family Member, Income tailed)
EV & leaving for work N 249 249 249
PT 4.5% Occupation & leaving for
Behavior work Table 10: Pearson Correlation of various variables
PT 8.1% Age, Occupation &
Advantage Barriers Purpose
Concern leaving for work
PT 10.7% Age Advantage 1 -.502** .240**
infrastructure EV experience -.061 .117 .425*
PT 14% Gender, Age, Family EV behavior .110 -.180** -.178**
behavioral Member, & leaving for PT infrastructure .297** -.365** .186**
concern work PT concern .292** -.343** .250**
PT concern
.337** -.301** .165**
6.7 Correlation Analysis
Correlation measures the strength of a relationship 7. Qualitative Analysis- Log Frame
between two variables. A high correlation shows Matrix
variables have strong relationship and low correlation
shows that the variables are hardly related. When the Log Frame Matrix (LFM) is a strategic planning and
correlation is 0, there is no relationship between them; project management tool for diagnosing and solving
when the correlation is positive, there exists positive problems in planning and managing solutions. It
relationship ; when the correlation is negative, there outlines what the project is trying to do, how it makes
exists negative relationship between the two variables. key assumptions, and outputs and outcomes are
Table 9 presents correlation coefficient between the
variables used in study based on 251 observations. The
dependent and independent variables are Advantage, 7.1 Stakeholder Analysis
Barriers, and purpose.
Table 10 also shows that Advantage, Barriers, and
purpose at the 2-tailed significance value are
significant as their value 0.001 less than 0.01. It
indicates that better Advantage and experience
towards the EV stimulates the increase Adoption.
Advantage is positively and Behavior is negatively
correlated with purpose and barriers of EV adoption. Figure 7: Stakeholder Mapping
Similarly, PT infrastructure are positively correlated
with advantage of EV and purpose of travel; and The major stakeholders are the SAFA Tempo owners,
negatively correlated with barriers of EV. and the EVs manufacturers, Clean Locomotive
Entrepreneur Association of Nepal, Nepal Electric
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Vehicle Charging Association, MoPIT, DOTM,
EVAN, transportation stakeholders electricity

People Perception towards Adoption of Electric Vehicle in Kathmandu Valley

distributors, and experts. according to national policies the means are

operational sustainability, development of charging
7.2 Problem Analysis infrastructure and proper tax incentives and policies.
Shift to public share of EV and provide Tax benefit to
The problem analysis explains where are we now. The 4 wheeler.
major problem is the attitudinal acceptance of EV:
Operational unsustainability - Lack of proper repair
and maintenance center, Lack of body to advocate use
of EVs, Lack of workshop/ awareness.
Weak EV charging infrastructure - No sufficient
charging station, Gap in Research and Development,
huge no of ICE vehicles, High cost of 4-wheeler EVs.
Lack of tax incentives and policies - Random
Government decision, Lack of investment in EV
sector, Weak planning and budgeting, Incentives not
favorable for private sector investment, Lack of
evidence-based policies.
Figure 9: Objective Analysis

7.4 Alternative Analysis

Alternative 1: Shift to public mode of EVs and
making public transportation more accessible
This can be achieved by Operational Sustainability,
Dedicated Routes and developed transit points for
public EVs, Fast charging stations for public EVs and
Modal shift from private to public mode of
Alternative 2: Trolley Bus Redevelopment
Figure 8: Problem Analysis
Trolley buses were introduced in Kathmandu in 1975.
The social impact caused by these effects are Lack of It suffered faults, theft of overhead wires and lack of
awareness and acceptance, Trolley bus closed, Lack investment. We need to learn from this project is not
of dedicated routes and transit points, Lack of trained only to have technically advanced buses but also have
manpower in EVs, Increase disparity in Opportunity. good management and operatinalization system.
The environmental impact is - Air and Noise The advantage of bringing trolley bus is it reduces cost
pollution, GHG emission, Congestion and traffic, and energy consumption of electric public transport
Battery Disposal/ management/ replacement, very few by optimizing infrastructure and no battery disposal
public EVs. problem. It is more environment friendly than BEVs
The economic impact is - huge import of petroleum and also has emotional attachment for people. It can
products, High cost of hybrid and batteries, Low EV be achieved by Dedicated Routes and developed transit
imported last year, Failure to reach national objective points for Trolley Bus.
of EVs by 2030, No Government Policy regarding Also, for the redevelopment, overhead wire are
manufacturing of EV. expensive and they limit the bus route flexibility.
There are better EV solutions with more mobile and
7.3 Objective Analysis attractive vehicles.
Similarly, in order to change the scenario around and With Trolley Bus, there is zero infrastructure and
analyses where we want to reach by the end of 2031 reconstruction all over from scratch.

Proceedings of 10th IOE Graduate Conference

Figure 10: Log Frame Matrix for people perception

of EV

8. Review of policies

Government is planning to build 500 charging stations 9. Recommendation

across country in the coming year. Also, the major
The recommendations includes different import taxes
policy is to completely replace ICE vehicles by EV
for ICE versus EVs based on their environmental
vehicles in next 10 years i.e., by 2031. There is
performance. In short term: guidelines for vehicle
provision to grant fee land for EV manufacturers in
conversion; The reliability of electricity supply must
the world to build their assembly station in Nepal. For
be improved. The green license plates on EVs, free
public vehicles, 100 EV bus would be imported in the
parking at public places can enhance adoption.
coming year in Nepal. For users who convert ICE to
Campaign and Advertising to induce the emotional
EV five years of renewal tax will be waived. The new
appeal; Awareness about EVs performance,
taxation of two-wheelers is 10% Customs Duty, 0%
environmental effects and technologies development.
Excise Duty, 13% VAT, and Rs. 10,000 RDT. The
change of tax on 4 wheelers in 020 and 021 are shown In the medium term: Affordable and accessible
in Table 11. chargers; EV design equally accessible to all users;
Purchase subsidies for EV, tightening of fuel economy
Table 11: Tax on four wheelers
and emission standards; Data sharing protocol for air
Excise Duty Custom Duty quality data; Building codes for new construction to
020/021 021/022 020/021 021/022 include charging points; Taxis can be switched to
50 – 100 kW 40% 10% EVs.
100-150 kW 50%
150-200 kW 60% 0% 80% In the long term: Investment to update the
200-300 kW 70% 30% infrastructure. Identifying future needs to determine
300 kW above 80% 40% network size at market adoption phase of EVs,
Creation of a stakeholder map to identify actors
willing to collaborate on the adoption of EVs.

People Perception towards Adoption of Electric Vehicle in Kathmandu Valley

10. Conclusion demand and the 3ds: Density, diversity, and

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[2] Robert Cervero and Kara Kockelman. Travel


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