Iso 3219 2 2021
Iso 3219 2 2021
Iso 3219 2 2021
First edition
Rheology —
Part 2:
General principles of rotational and
oscillatory rheometry
Rhéologie —
Partie 2: Principes généraux
iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW de la rhéométrie rotative et oscillatoire
ISO 3219-2:2021
Reference number
ISO 3219-2:2021(E)
© ISO 2021
ISO 3219-2:2021(E)
Contents Page
Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Symbols........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5 Measuring principles........................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
5.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
5.2 Rotational rheometry......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
5.3 Oscillatory rheometry........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
6 Measuring assembly.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
6.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
6.2 Temperature control systems..................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.3 Measuring geometries....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.3.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.3.2 Absolute measuring geometries....................................................................................................................... 10
6.3.3 Relative measuring geometries......................................................................................................................... 20
6.4 Selected optional accessories................................................................................................................................................... 24
6.4.1 Cover with or without solvent trap................................................................................................................ 24
6.4.2 Passive and active thermal covers.................................................................................................................. 25
6.4.3 Stepped plates.................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Annex A (informative) Information on rheometry and flow field patterns...............................................................27
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 45
ISO 3219-2:2021
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
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For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
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the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see (
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Paints and varnishes, Subcommittee
SC 9, General test methods for paints and varnishes, ISO 3219-2:2021
in collaboration with the European Committee for
Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee CEN/TC 139, Paints and varnishes, in accordance with the
Agreement on technical cooperation between 0f8fa36629fa/iso-3219-2-2021
ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement), and in cooperation
with ISO/TC 61, Plastics, SC 5, Physical-chemical properties.
This document cancels and replaces ISO 3219:1993, which have been technically revised. The main
changes compared to the previous editions are as follows:
— plate-plate measuring geometry has been added;
— relative measuring geometries have been added;
— oscillatory rheometry has been added.
A list of all parts in the ISO 3219 series can be found on the ISO website.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at
Rheology —
Part 2:
General principles of rotational and oscillatory rheometry
1 Scope
This document specifies the general principles of rotational and oscillatory rheometry.
Detailed information is presented in Annex A. Further background information is covered in subsequent
parts of the ISO 3219 series, which are currently in preparation.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3219-1, Rheology — Part 1: General terms and definitions for rotational and oscillatory rheometry
3 Terms and definitions (
For the purposes of this document, the ISO terms and definitions given in ISO 3219-1 and the following
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://w
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://w
measuring gap
space between the boundary surfaces of the measuring geometry
gap width
distance between the boundary surfaces of the measuring geometry
Note 1 to entry: The symbol h refers to a gap width that can be varied (e.g. plate-plate measuring geometry); the
symbol H refers to a gap width which is not variable and which is defined by the relevant measuring geometry.
Hcc is the gap width of the coaxial-cylinders geometry. Hcp is the gap width of the cone-plate geometry.
Note 2 to entry: The distance between the boundary surfaces is given by the difference in the radii (coaxial
cylinders), the cone angle (cone-plate) or the distance between the two plates.
Note 3 to entry: In cone-plate measuring geometries, the gap width varies as a function of the radius across the
measuring geometry. The value Hcp is the distance between the flattened cone tip and the plate.
flow field coefficient
geometric factor
quotient of the shear stress factor (3.9) kτ and the strain factor (3.8) k γ
Note 1 to entry: The flow field coefficient k relates the angular velocity Ω and torque M to the shear viscosity η of
the fluid as given by the following formula:
η = k ⋅
The flow field coefficient k is expressed in radians per cubic metre (rad·m−3). It can be calculated from the shape
and dimensions of an absolute measuring geometry (3.7).
no-slip condition
presence of a relative velocity of zero between a boundary surface and the immediately adjacent fluid
wall slip
presence of a non-zero relative velocity between a boundary surface and the immediately adjacent fluid
relative measuring geometry iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
measuring geometry for which the flow profile and thus the rheological parameters cannot be
calculated (
Note 1 to entry: For relative measuring geometries, the viscosity shall not be given in pascal multiplied by
seconds (Pa⋅s) except in the case of plate-plate measuring ISO 3219-2:2021
geometries if the correction referred to in is
absolute measuring geometry
measuring geometry for which the flow profile and thus the rheological parameters can be calculated
exactly for the entire sample, regardless of its flow properties
strain factor
proportionality factor between the angular deflection φ and shear strain γ for absolute measuring
geometries (3.7)
Note 1 to entry: The absolute value of the strain factor corresponds to the absolute value of the shear rate factor.
The latter is the proportionality factor between the shear rate γ and the angular velocity Ω.
Note 2 to entry: This factor is called the shear rate factor in the rotation test and the strain factor in the oscillatory
Note 3 to entry: The strain factor k γ has units of reciprocal radians (rad−1).
shear stress factor
proportionality factor between the torque M and the shear stress τ for absolute measuring geometries
Note 1 to entry: The shear stress factor kτ has units of reciprocal cubic metres (m−3).
4 Symbols
Table 1 (continued)
Meaning Symbol Unit
Gap width h m
Gap width defined by the coaxial cylinders geometry Hcc m
Gap width defined by the cone-plate geometry Hcp m
Geometry compliance CG rad·(N·m)−1
Imaginary part of the complex viscosity η′′ Pa·s
Imaginary unit i 1
Loss angle, phase angle δ rad
Loss factor tanδ 1
Moment of inertia I N·m·s2
Real part of the complex viscosity η′ Pa·s
Rotational speed n s−1 or min−1
Sample torque MP* N·m
Shear force F N
Shear loss modulus, viscous shear modulus G′′ Pa
Shear modulus G Pa
Shear plane A m2
Shear rate factor k γ
Shear rate, shear deformation rate
Shear storage modulus, elastic shear modulus G′ Pa
Shear strain, shear deformation γ 1 or %
ISO 3219-2:2021
Shear stress τ Pa
Shear stress factor 0f8fa36629fa/iso-3219-2-2021 kτ m−3
Shear viscosity η Pa·s
Strain factor kγ rad−1
Temperature T °C or K
Time t s
Torque M N·m
Torque applied by motor MM
* N·m
Torque caused by bearing friction ML* N·m
Torque caused by transducer inertia MI* N·m
Torque measured by transducer Mm
* N·m
Torsional compliance of the measurement system C rad·(N·m)−1
Velocity v m·s−1
NOTE The parameters marked with an * refer to complex-valued parameters whose real part is denoted by ′ and
imaginary part by ′′.
5 Measuring principles
5.1 General
There are rotational tests, oscillatory tests and various step tests. The different tests can be combined
with one another.
These can be carried out using various measuring types: controlled deformation (CD), controlled rate
(CR) or controlled stress (CS).
1 sample
v velocity
A shear plane (
h gap width
F shear force
ISO 3219-2:2021
Figure 1 — Two-plate model with a simplified schematic representation of the basic parameters
of a rotational test
With this model, the following parameters are calculated using Formulae (1) to (3):
τ= (1)
Based on the Newtonian law of viscosity, the shear viscosity can be calculated using Formula (3):
η= (3)
where η is the shear viscosity, in pascal multiplied by seconds.
Figure 2 — Two-plate model with a simplified schematic representation of the basic parameters
of an oscillatory test
With this model, the following parameters can be calculated using Formula (4):
γ= (4)
In the oscillatory test, the shear strain γ varies sinusoidally as a function of time t, see Figure 3. The
associated shear stress τ is shifted within the viscoelastic range by the loss angle δ at the same angular
frequency ω. Formulae (5) and (6) apply:
γ ( t ) = γ 0 sin (ωt ) (5)
γ shear strain
τ shear stress
ω angular frequency
t time
δ loss angle
Figure 3 — Schematic representation of the shear strain and shear stress functions for an
oscillatory test
NOTE Degrees (°) are commonly used in practice as the unit for the loss angle δ. The following conversion
applies: 2π rad = 360°.
In the case of ideal elastic behaviour (in accordance with Hooke’s law), the loss angle has a value
of δ = 0°, i.e. the shear strain and shear stress are always in phase. In the case of ideal viscous behaviour
(in accordance with Newton’s law), the loss angle has a value of δ = π/2 = 90°, i.e. the shear stress curve
is 90° ahead of the shear strain curve.
Using Hooke’s elasticity law, the complex shear modulus G* and its absolute value G* can be calculated
using Formulae (7) and (8):
τ (t )
G* = (7)
γ (t )
G* = G ′2 + G ″2 (8)
η* = (12)
where η * is the absolute value of the complex viscosity, in pascal multiplied by seconds.
6 Measuring assembly
6.1 General
The rheological properties are investigated using a measuring system consisting of a measuring device
(viscometer or rheometer) and a measuring geometry (e.g. cone-plate).
The viscometer can only measure the viscosity in rotation (viscometry). This means that the viscosity
function of the sample can be determined as a function of the parameters of time, temperature, shear
rate, shear stress and others such as pressure.
With a rheometer, it is possible to carry out all basic tests in rotation and oscillation (rheometry).
Alongside the viscosity function, the viscoelastic properties can be determined, e.g. shear storage
modulus and shear loss modulus.
6.3.1 General
A measuring geometry consists of two parts that form a sample chamber where the sample is located. A
measuring geometry consists of a rotor and a stator or of two rotors.
The measuring geometry shall be selected in such a way that its dimensions are suitable for the expected
viscosity range and viscoelastic properties of the sample. With regard to its gap width, the measuring
geometry shall also be selected in such a way that possible heterogeneities in the sample (e.g. particles,
droplets, air bubbles) are considered. The magnitude of these heterogeneities is to be determined in
advance using suitable methods (e.g. microscopy, laser diffraction, sieving or determination of fineness
of grind).
The absolute and relative measuring geometries of a rotational viscometer or rheometer are described
Coaxial cylinders, double-gap and cone-plate measuring geometries are absolute measuring geometries.
All the others are relative measuring geometries.
In the case of an absolute measuring geometry, the flow profile within the complete sample can be
calculated exactly, regardless of its flow properties. This applies under the condition of laminar flow,
and without slip (wall slip or slip between flow layers).
In the case of relative measuring geometries apart from plate-plate measuring geometries, calculation
of the flow profile is only possible if the flow properties of the sample are known.
In practice, approximations are also used for absolute measuring geometries and thus corrections are
carried out. Derivations of the basic flows for the absolute measuring geometries are presented in A.2.
Description of the measuring geometry
The measuring geometry consists of a measuring cup (i.e. the outer cylinder) and a measuring bob
ISO 3219-2:2021
(i.e. the inner cylinder with shaft, as shown in Figure 5). The measuring bob can serve as a rotor and
the measuring cup as a stator (Searle principle), or vice versa (Couette principle); see Figure 6. If not
indicated otherwise, the Searle principle is assumed below.
1 measuring cup (outer cylinder)
2 measuring bob (inner cylinder)
3 sample chamber
The flow profile occurring in the measuring gap of the cylinder measuring geometry is calculated
according to A.3.2. The measuring gap is the space between the shell surface of the measuring bob with
a radius R1 and the lateral surface of the measuring cup with a radius R2 and the same length L; see
Figure 7.
Calculations of the shear stress τ and shear rate γ are ideally based on representative values that do
not occur at the inner radius of the outer cylinder R2 or outer radius of the inner cylinder R1 of the
measuring geometry but at a particular geometric position within the measuring gap. τrep is defined as
the arithmetic mean of the shear stresses at the outer cylinder τ1 and inner cylinder τ2, which is a good
approximation for the given ratio of radii (δ ≤ 1,1). For larger values and thus for relative measuring
geometries see