VIA Assessment Guide
VIA Assessment Guide
VIA Assessment Guide
Learning Outcomes
Internships are a key element of our emphasis on experiential learning. It provides students with an
opportunity to apply classroom knowledge to practical work situations, gaining valuable work experience,
industry knowledge and skills.
• Workplace supervisors support the objectives of the internship, providing the necessary work and
guidance to enable students to have a meaningful and holistic internship that aligns with the curriculum
rigor learned at school. Workplace supervisors will also be required to evaluate the students’ work
performance via Section 1 of the grading rubric.
• Academic staff of the College, known as the NUS mentor, will be identified for the students. The NUS
mentors will support the students in applying their knowledge to their work where required, evaluate
their performance, and liaise with companies regarding the students' internship via emails, telephone
and/or workplace visits.
• Students abide by the policies of the College and their employers and accept ownership in charting
and maximising their internship journey. They are to work closely with their workplace supervisors and
NUS Mentors in meeting the targets and managing the assigned tasks.
The deliverables consist of one work plan, two oral presentations (interim and final), and two internship
reports (interim and final).
• Week 3: Workplan
At the start of the internship, the workplace supervisor shall furnish details of the internship, work
schedule and KPIs to the student. Student shall set specific objectives for themselves based on
company’s expectations via the Workplan. The Work Plan is submitted via the Enhancement
Programme (EP) portal for the NUS mentor to review.
• Post-Internship
Students and employer complete a general online survey.
The deliverables consist of one work plan, one oral presentation and one internship report.
• Week 3: Workplan
At the start of the internship, the workplace supervisor shall furnish details of the internship, work
schedule and KPIs to the student. Student shall set specific objectives for themselves based on
company’s expectations via the Workplan. The Work Plan is submitted via the Enhancement
Programme (EP) portal for the NUS mentor to review.
• Post-Internship
Students and employer complete a general online survey.
The deliverables consist of one work plan, one oral presentation and one internship report.
• Week 3: Workplan
At the start of the internship, the workplace supervisor shall furnish details of the internship, work
schedule and KPIs to the student. Student shall set specific objectives for themselves based on
company’s expectations via the Workplan. The Work Plan is submitted via the Enhancement
Programme (EP) portal for the NUS mentor to review.
• Post-Internship
Students and employer complete a general online survey.
1.1 Initiative and Has little observable drive or energy. Habitual Puts generally good effort into work. Meets work Self-starter. Seeks challenges, asks for more work.
commitment procrastinator moves only when pushed to do so. requirement. Does not often procrastinate. Attacks problems and solves them on own.
1.2 Accountability Does not follow instructions promptly or Attempts to do what is asked. Tries to be accurate. Always follows instructions well. Extremely reliable.
accurately. Very careless and constant follow-up Information he or she gives may have to be verified Functions consistently at standard of excellence.
required. Repetitive conflict of interest actions periodically. Commits no conflict of interest actions. Commits no conflict of interest. Able to judge
and put self-interests first. properly on organization, societal, and self-
1.3 Diligence Rarely does job right the first time. A source of Occasionally makes mistakes. Learns from them Always effectively utilizes time, tools and resources
errors. Requires constant reminding. however and eliminates future occurrences without within the scope of the job without being told.
1.4 Judgement Unable to reason and cope with job Makes only routine decisions based upon Demonstrates excellent ability to develop alter-
responsibilities. established policies and knowledge. Occasionally natives and make sound and objective decisions
develops alternatives. Generally seeks counsel. based on knowledge available. Openly accepts
responsibility for decisions.
1.5 Self-reflection Unable to reflect on the jobs performed. Unable Able to learn from jobs performed and mistakes Consistently demonstrate job improvement.
to learn from mistakes committed. Always blame committed. Sufficient understanding of personal Consistently apply personal strengths properly on
others for any mistakes at work. Cannot accept strengths and weaknesses. Able to accept criticism. job assignment and made necessary changes to
criticism. correct personal weaknesses.
2.1 Writing skills on Lack organization and logical presentation of Logical organization and mostly consistent format Information presented in a logical manner.
reports, and information. Many inconsistent format and and minor grammatical mistakes; Objectives stated Consistent format without any grammatical
technical grammatical mistakes. Objectives and motivation but with insufficient motivation. Constraints/scope mistakes. Clear objectives and thorough discussion
documentations not stated. Incomplete and inaccurate results. stated but not in depth. Complete results but with only of results via appropriate tables and figures
Invalid conclusion. Major plagiarism found. rudimentary discussion. Proper conclusion and bringing out the physical significance of the work.
Irrelevant figures and tables. recommendation. No plagiarism. Figures and tables Clear conclusion highlighting the importance of the
neatly done. work. Logical recommendations for future work with
relevant motivation.
2.2 Verbal and No knowledge of subject and poor organization of Most of the information presented clearly in logical All the contents can be understood easily, key
presentation skills technical content. Unable to respond to any order. Some key points are linked but lacks clear points clearly expressed; appropriate insights are
question. synthesis and insight. Answers many questions but presented and integrated, forward-thinking insights
lacks proper reasoning. presented. Answers all the questions by logical
reasoning and able to synthesize new
solutions/conclusions in response to questions.
3.1 Applying No knowledge of relevant engineering principles. Identify and justify most relevant engineering Identify and justify all relevant engineering
engineering Not capable of applying them for analyzing principles. Describe the relation of engineering principles. Describe lucidly the relation of
concepts in the results. principles to the assignment. Analyse results and engineering principles to the assignment. Integrate
workplace their significance to some extent. prior knowledge as required, generate new
ideas/techniques for research and development.
Analyse results and their significance critically.
4.1 Interpretation and Cannot interpret basic problems/issues and Able to clearly interpret basic problems/issues and Interpret all basic and complex workplace
analysis of identify their components (reasons and claims) identify their components (reasons and claims), able problems/issues clearly and effectively, identify the
workplace to provide limited interpretation for complex different components (reasons and claims) of a
problems/issues problems/issues and identification of components. problem clearly and comprehensively.
4.2 Evaluation and No evaluation of information/components and no Evaluation of simple information/components is Thoroughly evaluate the information/components
synthesis of conclusion are provided. sufficient but not comprehensive for complex and take into account of complexities of an issue,
information problems, integrate and synthesize new but simple thoroughly integrate and synthesize new
viewpoints and reach a logical conclusion logically viewpoints and reach logical conclusions with
tied to information chosen. proper evidence and perspectives in priority order.
4.3 Planning & Minimal planning of work assignment. Work plan demonstrates logical evaluation of Work plan demonstrates a thorough evaluation of
Implementation Implementation of assignment done poorly and technical details. Implement work plan logically in technical information and many facets of the
illogically. accordance to the original aims. practical situations. Able to weigh and evaluate
different work plans and contingency measures.
Implement work plan logically and provide
periodical assessment of the work items for further
5.1 The vision and Unable to describe the company’s vision and Able to describe the company’s vision and mission Able to describe the company’s vision and mission
mission of the mission statements. statements but without detailed substantiation. statements with thorough substantiation.
5.2 The business Unable to comprehend the company business Able to describe the company business portfolio Able to evaluate the company business portfolio and
portfolio of the portfolio and value. Has serious difficulty and value. Has an average level of understanding value and offer insight into the current state of the
company and its rationalizing the business of the industry. the business of the industry. company business and trends in the industry.
function & value in
the industry
5.3 The potential Unable to articulate any possible career path Able to provide most of the career paths with Able to provide a complete picture of career paths in
career paths in the in the company. satisfactory details. medium and long runs. Able to articulate the details of
company steps of achieving different positions.
Key qualitative findings and specific comments on the above learning outcomes