APPROACH, Method, and Technique in Elt

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This Paper Was Created In Order To Fulfill Assignment In The Course :

Lecturer : Prof. Dr. Idham Kholid, M.Ag

Arranged by :
Group 1

1. Mayla Dhiva Sasmiko 2211040199

2. Ziadatun Nikmah 2211040149

Major / Class : English Language Education / A


2024 M/1445 H

First, I would like to thank Allah SWT because with Allah’s help, the
author finished writing this paper entitled “Approach Method And Technique In
Elt” on time.

The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the task given by Prof. Dr.
Idham Kholid, M.Ag. as a lecturer at Methodology in TEFL.

In the preparation of this paper, the author really got a lot of challenges and
obstacles but with the help of many parties these obstacles can be overcome. The
authors additionally understands that there are as yet many slip-ups during the time
spent composing this paper. Therefore, you would like to thank all those who have
helped in the process of writing this paper. May Allah reward all help and bless
you all. The author realizes that this paper is still not perfect both in terms of
structure and content.

The author hopes that criticism from readers can help the author in
improving his next paper. Finally, I hope this paper can help readers to increase
their knowledge about Approach Method And Technique In Elt.

Bandar Lampung, 13 Maret 2024



PREFACE .............................................................................................................. II
TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................... III
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 1
A. Background Of The Problem ............................................................................. 1
B. Formulation Of The Problem ............................................................................. 1
C. Objective Of The Problem ................................................................................. 1
CHAPTER II CONTENT ...................................................................................... 2
A. Approach in Elt ................................................................................................. 2
B. Method in Elt .................................................................................................... 4
C. Technique in Elt ................................................................................................ 6
CHAPTER III CLOSING ...................................................................................... 8
A. Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 8
B. Suggestion......................................................................................................... 8



A. Background Of The Problem

English is offered as a subject in educational institutions across Indonesia, from the

lowest levels up to tertiary education. Whether in kindergartens or universities, English
is taught with specific purposes in mind. The goal is to produce students who can
effectively use the language. The history of English Language Teaching (ELT) and
learning in English as a Second and Foreign Language (ESL and EFL) contexts has gone
through different practices. The role of memorization and repetition of English language
structures has always been a dominant teaching attitude. This attitude has revealed
unsuccessful results in promoting speaking proficiency among English language learners
when communicating in real-world situations beyond the classroom context. Therefore,
it is essential to address such practices and shed light on some of the issues that hinder
English Language Learners (ELLs) from effectively using English in real-world
communicative situations. In this paper will be explain it.

B. Formulation Of The Problem

1. How approach in elt?

2. What are the methods in elt?
3. What are the tecniques in elt?

C. Objective Of The Problem

1. To know how approach in elt
2. To know what are the methods in elt
3. To know what are the tecniques in elt


A. Approach In Elt

1. Definisi Approach
The term “approach” refers to “something that a facilitator uses in techniques and
classroom activities to facilitate and make effective the learner’s learning procedure
and provide the various strategies and ways of teaching language.
An approach is a set of beliefs or assumptions about the nature of language and
language learning that serve as the theoretical foundation for a method. An approach
provides the underlying philosophy for language teaching and learning. The approach
is a theoretical view of what language is, how it can be taught, and how it can be
learned. Different methods can be based on the same approach. (Richards and
Rodgers, 2001).1
Approach is theory about language learning or even philosophies about how
people learn in general. They can be psychologically focused like behaviorism or
cognitivism. They can also be based on older philosophies such as idealism or realism.

Approach is placed at the first level of the three element hierarchy in English
language education. approach is a group of hypotheses related to the type of language
learning and teaching. Examples of teaching approaches are GTM (grammar
translation method), direct method, reading method, ALM (audiolingual method),
communicative approach, etc.2

An approach is a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language

and the nature of language learning and teaching. Approach is the level at which
assumptions and beliefs about language, language learning and language teaching.
Different people may agree with different beliefs and assumptions dealing with the
nature of language, learning and teaching. Assumptions or beliefs may be taken for
granted. People do not have to come to an agreement about the assumptions.
Therefore, in language teaching there are different assumptions about language and
language teaching. 3
An approach describes the theory or philosophy underlying how a language
should be taught; a method or methodology describes, in general terms, a way of
implementing the approach (syllabus, progression, kinds of materials); techniques
describe specific practical classroom tasks and activities. For example:

Sajjad, ELT Method and approaches Difference Between ELT Methodology and Approaches, 2023.
Anthony, E. M., Approach, Method and Technique. English Language Teaching.
Ag. Bambang Setiyadi, Teaching English As A Foreign Language, Yogyakarta, 2020, P 6 -7.

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is an approach with a theoretical
underpinning that a language is for communication.4
2. Various Approach
a. Audio-Lingual Method: This method focuses on drilling sentence patterns and
having students repeat them. It is based on behaviorist principles
b. Behaviorist Method: This method is the foundation of several English teaching
methods, such as the Audio-Lingual method. It emphasizes stimuli and response,
aiming to make language learning a habit.
c. Communicative Method: This method focuses on communication as the primary
goal of language learning. Students learn how to perform certain functions in English
rather than just learning about grammar.
d. Content & Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): This method involves teaching
subjects like geography, physics, history, etc., in English as the medium of instruction,
rather than the subject being taught.
e. Direct Method/Full Immersion: This method tries to imitate the way native speakers
learn a language as children, with the class dominated by English only.
f. Dogme : This method involves discussing topics ad hoc in English without
organized materials, focusing on communication and light on grammar.
g. Grammar Translation: This method relies heavily on translation from the students'
mother tongue into English and vice versa, but is considered old-fashioned and not
very productive.
h. Inductive vs Deductive: These methods involve giving students examples of
language and working with them to understand the grammar or starting with rules and
then producing language.
i. Task Based Language Learning: This method focuses on getting students to perform
specific tasks in English, related to the reason why they are learning English.
j. Total Physical Response (TPR): This method emphasizes body language and
movements in language learning, making it more engaging and effective for students.
k. The Lexical Approach
An approach based on the notion that language comprises lexical units (chunks,
collocations, and fixed phrases). Grammar is secondary and is acquired through
learning these chunks.
l. The Natural Approach
An approach to language learning that seeks to mirror how we learn our first language.

Mike Turner, English language teaching: Approaches, Methods, and Techniques., 2021.

m. The Silent Way
The Silent way sees the process of learning a second language as a cognitive task,
with learners as intelligent autonomous individuals, who can infer language use from
well-structured input.
n. Situational Language Teaching (SLT)
This approach views language as a purposeful means of achieving goals in real-life
These methodologies can be blended and mixed according to the preference of the
teacher and the general approach of the school or country they are working in.
B. Method in Elt
A method in ELT is an overall roadmap that a teacher carries for teaching language.
A method in language teaching refers to overall techniques, procedures, or theories that
provide a framework for teaching and learning a language. It typically includes principles
and processes for content organization, syllabus design, the role of the teacher, the role
of the learner, the role of material, what type of material will be provided, and which type
of techniques will be used in the classroom. These are all things decided by a method
(Richard and Rodgers, 2001).
Method is the overall plan for the proper presentation of language material. It is based
on selected approach and procedure. A method is an organized, orderly, systematic, and
well-planned procedure aimed at facilitating and enhancing students’ learning. It is
undertaken according to some rule, which is usually psychological in nature. That is, it
considers primarily the abilities, needs, and interests of the learners. Method is employed
to achieve certain specific aims of instruction. To make it as an effective instrument, it
should be presented with certain amount of efficiency and ease. More so, the teaching
method aims to achieve greater teaching and learning output, thus saving time, efforts and
even money on the part of both the teacher and the learner. It directs and guides the teacher
and the students in undertaking any class lesson or activity.

One must remember that there is no such thing as the best method. Thus, there is no
single correct way to teach a class. Instead, there are many good ways of teaching the
Elt methods refer to the various approaches used by teachers to instruct students in
the English language. Some of the most commonly used methods include:
1. PPP (Present, Practice, and Production)
In this method, the teacher presents the new language item for learning, using a
situation (presentation stage). Then the teacher gets the learners to practice the new

English Zone, 2013.

language via exercises or other controlled practice activities (practice stage). And then
he asks learners to use or produce the same language in a communicative and less
controlled way (production stage).
One of the most common errors untrained teachers make is that they talk too much.
EFL students get very little chance to actually use the language they learn and the EFL
classroom must be structured to create that opportunity.
2. ESA (Engage, Study, and Activate)

ESA is slightly different in that it is designed to allow movement back and forth
between the stages. However, each stage is similar to the PPP stages in the same order.
Proponents of this method stress its flexibility compared to PPP and this method, as
defined by Jeremy Harmer (its major advocate), uses more elicitation and stresses the
"Engagement" of students in the early stages of the lesson. Both elicitation of students'
knowledge and ideas and their engagement are excellent ideas in any lesson regardless
of the methodology. Put some thought into adding a focus on elicitation in the early
stages of your lesson to help shape where it goes as you proceed through the lesson.

ESA is superior method to PPP when both are looked at from a rigid point of view.
But, EFL is not rigid and you should not adhere to any one viewpoint or method. PPP
is often an easier method for teacher-trainees to understand quickly and can easily be
used as flexibly and in as much of a student-centered manner as ESA.7

3. Direct method

For the direct method, all teaching is done in the target language. Translations are
not allowed in class, and the focus lies heavily on speaking instead of grammar. As a
result, the direct method is a very student-centered strategy that has gained popularity
in recent years.

Students are supposed to learn the target language naturally and instinctively,
which is why the direct method is also called the “natural approach.” Mistakes are
corrected as they happen in class, and teachers reinforce the correct usage of the
language with praise.

4. Communicative language teaching (CLT)

Communicative language teaching is perhaps the most popular approach among

the methods of teaching ESL today. CLT emphasizes the student’s ability to
communicate in real-life contexts. As a result, students learn to make requests, accept
offers, explain things, and express their feelings and preferences.

EFL Teaching Methods Tefl Methodology: Methods for teaching English in the EFL Classroom, 2021.

Additionally, since CLT focuses on teaching language through real-world
assignments and problem-solving, it’s less concerned with grammar accuracy and
instead focuses on fluency.

5. Total physical response (TPR)

Total Physical Response has become a very popular approach in which students
react to the teacher with movement. Some examples include miming, gesturing, or
acting out the language.

For example, the teacher and students might make an exaggerated frown and
pretend to cry when learning the word “sad.” TPR suggests that students learn the
target language best through physical response rather than by analysis.

These methods are designed to be adaptable and can be modified to suit different
teaching styles and classroom environments. It is essential for ESL teachers to continually
update their knowledge of these methods and incorporate them into their teaching
practices to ensure effective language instruction. 8
C. Technique in Elt
Techniques describe specific practical classroom tasks and activities. Technique in
English Language Teaching (ELT) refers to specific methods or strategies used by
teachers to facilitate language learning. These techniques can vary depending on the
context, the learners' needs, and the goals of the teaching program. Some common
techniques in ELT include:
1. Direct Teaching Approach: This approach involves the teacher presenting information
directly to the students and explaining the concepts in detail.
2. Constructivist Teaching Approach: In this approach, the teacher facilitates the learning
process by providing opportunities for students to construct their own understanding of
the language.
3. Task-Based Learning: This technique involves students working on real-life tasks that
require the use of the target language, helping them to develop communicative
4. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): This approach combines subject
content and language learning, allowing students to learn a language in a context that is
relevant to them.

These techniques can be combined and adapted to suit the specific needs of the
learners and the goals of the teaching program. It is essential for teachers to understand

Johanna Kawasaki, 5 Popular ESL teaching methods every teacher should know, Bridge Universe, 2023.

the principles behind these techniques and to be able to choose and combine them
effectively to create an engaging and effective learning environment. 9
Others technique :
1. Situational Language Teaching (SLT)

Techniques include drills, repetition and substitution activities, spoken dialogues, and
situational role-plays. Oral practice aims towards accuracy and mastery of the situational
language, moving at a later stage to the other three skills.

2.The Silent way

Techniques involve, for example, mapping individual sounds and sequences onto the
colours or physical characteristics of the teaching aids, and then having students infer
rules based on recognising the systematic similarities and differences in the input

3. The natural

Techniques focus on meaningful interactions and may include listening and following
instructions; ordering activities; memory games; miming activities; and describing and
guessing games.

4. The lexical

Techniques could include searching texts for lexical units, collocation matching
games, lexical drills and chants, story-telling, role plays using fixed and semi-fixed
expressions, activities with de-lexical verbs and examining concordances.

5. Grammar translation

Techniques include rote learning and drilling, translation activities, and recitation.

6. Dogme

Techniques include conversational activities and exposure to the language through

real-life texts, audio, and video materials.

Prof, dr, Aydan Ersoz, Approach, Method and technique in elt, 2022.


A. Conclusion

In English Language Teaching (ELT), an approach refers to a set of theoretical

principles about teaching and learning language, while a method is a practical
implementation of an approach that includes specific techniques and classroom activities.
Techniques are the actual classroom steps that lead to a specified outcome, such as
practicing speaking skills or developing vocabulary.
Approach, method, or technique in ELT is that they all work together to facilitate
language learning. The choice of approach, method, and technique depends on the specific
needs and goals of the learners and the context in which they are learning. The most
effective approach, method, or technique will vary depending on the individual learner's
needs and the context in which they are learning.

B. Suggestion

If there are errors in this paper, suggestions from readers are highly sought so
that this work can be used as information material according to its purpose.


Ag. Bambang Setiyadi, Teaching English As A Foreign Language, Yogyakarta, 2020.

Anthony, E. M., Approach, Method and Technique. English Language Teaching.
EFL Teaching Methods Tefl Methodology: Methods for teaching English in the EFL
Classroom, 2021.
English Zone, 2013.
Johanna Kawasaki, 5 Popular ESL teaching methods every teacher should know, Bridge
Universe, 2023.
Mike Turner, English language teaching: Approaches, Methods, and Techniques., 2021.
Prof, dr, Aydan Ersoz, Approach, Method and technique in elt, 2022.
Sajjad, ELT Method and approaches Difference Between ELT Methodology and
Approaches, 2023.

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