Morphology Exercises
Morphology Exercises
Morphology Exercises
Chapter 2:
The words: break, read, punish, conceive, receive, perceive, gregarious, happy and
high are deserve as lexical items because they have unpredictable meaning. On the
contrary, other words have affixes: -ing (an act or relating to), -able (capable of being), -
age (act or condition), -ment (state of being), -ive (have the characteristic of), -ion (thing
or action), -ly (in a way that is), -ness (thing or state that is). Those words are not deserve
as lexical item because their meanings is predictable by combine the original meanings
and meanings of suffixes.
2. The original word that is deserve to be listed in the dictionary: care (act or an
Careful (do something with care), careless (do something without care), carefully
(in a careful way), carelessness (the characteristic of giving no care)
3. Words:
- Feedback: composed of “feed” and “back”, adults cannot guest its meaning
- Beach ball: the inflated ball for used at the beach, people can guest
- Motel: hotel with parking lot for motor, cannot guest
- Double-park: to park a vehicle parallelly to another, can be guested
- Astronaut: “astr” means star and “naut” means sailor, cannot be guested
c. They put out the cat before going to bed. (Allocate position)
d. They put out the light before going to bed. (To make a light stop shining by
pressing or moving a switch)
e. They really put themselves out for us. (to make an effort to do something to help
someone, even if it is not convenient)
f. They looked really put out. (To be caused trouble or extra work by someone)
g. Roger is a man who keeps his promises. (An adult male human being)
h. Richard is a man of his word. (A type of people who keeps promises, who can be
i. A man in the road witnessed the accident. (An adult male human being)
j. The man in the street is not interested in economic policy. (An adult male human
m. May the best man win. (An adult male human being that has best characteristics)
n. The best man unfortunately lost the rings on the way to the
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
1. Lexeme:
a. Woman, woman’s, woman and womanly: lexeme woman
b. Greenish, green, greens: lexeme green
c. Written, wrote, writer, rewrites, writing: lexeme write
(a) the plural of the noun NOOSE: nooses
(b) the plural of the noun GOOSE: geese
(c) the plural of the noun MOOSE: moose
(d) the past tense of the verb PLAY: played
(e) the past tense of the verb LAY: laid
(f) the past tense of the verb LIE ‘rest horizontally: lay
(g) the past tense of the verb LIE ‘tell untruths’: lied
(h) the third person singular past of the verb BE: is
(i) the perfect participle of the verb DIVE: dived
(j) the perfect participle of the verb STRIVE: strived
(k) the perfect participle of the verb GLIDE: glided or glid
(l) the perfect participle of the verb RIDE: riven
(m) the perfect participle of the verb STRIDE: striven
(n) the accusative of the pronoun YOU: you
(o) the accusative of the pronoun WE: us
3. Irregular instances: b, c, f, h, k, l, m, o
4. Big, bigger, biggest / bad, worse, worst
5. Commonest, remotest
Chapter 5:
define defer detain
refine refer retain
confine confer contain
- Define: definition, definitive, definite, definement, definiens, definiendum, definer,
definitiveness, definiteness, definability, definedness, definitionlessness, define,
definitude, definitenesses, definienda, definements, definitives, definitions,
definitudes, definientia, definites, defines, definers.
- Refine: refinement, refinery, refined, refiner, refinedness, refinability, refining,
refinement, refinings, refineries, refineds, refiners.
- Confine: confines, confinement, confiner, confine, confinedness, confination,
confine, confinements, confiners.
- Defer: deferral, deferent, deference, deferrer, deferring, deferrings, deferences,
deferments, defferrers, deferents, deferrals.
- Refer: reference, referee, referendary, referral, referrer, referent, referment,
referend, referentiality, refereeing, refereeship, referrer, referrers, refereeships,
referendaries, refereeings, references, referends, referents, referrers, referrals,
- Confer: conference, conferencier, conferee, conferralism, conferral,
conferencegoer, conferrer, conferalist, conference, conference, conferee,
conferring, conferencegoers, conferralists, conferenciers, conferencees,
conferrences, conferments, conferences, conferrings, conferrals, conferees,
conferrers, conferees.
- Detain: detention, detainer, detainment, detainee, detaining, detainments,
detainings, detentions, detainees, detainers.
- Retain: retention, retainer, retentivity, retainership, retainal, retainability,
retentiveness, retentive, retent, retainment, retainerships, retentivities, retainments,
retentions, retentives, retainers, retents
- Contain: container, containment, containership, containerload, containerization,
containership, containerization, containerful, containing containerizations,
containerloads, containerships, containersful, containerfuls, containments,
containants, containings, containers.
2. J
- Full: fill
- Poor: impoverish
- Long: lengthen
- Active: activate
- Humble: humble
- Empty: empty
- Rich: enrich
- Short: shorten
- National: nationalize
- Proud: humiliate
3. Organism, Buddhism, magnetism, animism.
4. Mouthful, handful, spoonful, boxful
5. Form nouns: Friendly, costly, beastly, ghostly
From adjectives: kindly, goodly, clearly
6. -ar: plar, solar, lunar, regular, nuclear, circular, modular, linear and cellular => The
base contains the sound (L). By contrst, most adjectives in -al have bases that (L)
(although there are some exceptions: local, floral)
7. We consider 2 statements:
- They cook all the food (1)
- The cooks were busy (2)
Cooked in (1) can be substituted by baked and so, cooks in (2) can be substituted by
bakers. We can easily conclude that these agent nouns are derived from the
corresponding verbs, although without a suffix.
8. De-doggification: the process of removing the action of “doggify”
Redecompartmentalissation: the process of again reserving distribution into