Life Process
Life Process
Life Process
1. Define nutrition? What are the different modes of nutrition?
10. What is the name given to the process of using the absorbed food for producing energy?
11. What happens to visible light of the Sun when it falls on chlorophyll?
21. Name the enzyme present in saliva, what is its role in digestion?
22. Which chemical is used to test for starch? Which colour shows the presence of starch?
31. Give two points of differences between respiration in plants and respiration in animals.
33. From where do the following take in oxygen? (i) prawn (ii) rat.
36. What are the living organisms that cannot make their own food called?
38. Give the term- rhythmic contraction of alimentary canal muscle to propel food.
41. Name the sphincter which regulates the exit of food from the stomach.
45. Give two functions of bile juice, from which organ it is released?
47. Name any three important enzymes of pancreas and the food component on which they
50. What are the simplest digestive product of carbohydrate, fats and protein?
51. Name the finger like projections of small intestine and what is the necessity of such type of
projections in digestive system?
55. A three carbon compound is the common product of both aerobic and anaerobic pathway.
What is that?
62. Name the main carrier of oxygen and carbon dioxide in man.
63. Why does haemoglobin molecule act as efficient carrier of oxygen than diffusion process?
65. Name the organ that- (a) pushes blood around body (b) make blood to reach to tissues.
66. Name the blood vessel that carries blood from heart to lungs and from lungs to heart.
67. How many heart chambers are there in (a) fish (b) frog (c) lizard (d) crocodile (e) birds (f)
76. Which process acts as suction to pull water from xylem cells of roots.
78. What are the two substances transported through phloem tissue?
79. Name the food component whose digestion produce nitrogenous waste?
96. If grana of a chloroplast are removed then, which of the reaction of will not be carried out?
99. Artificial removal of nitrogenous wastes from the human body in the event of kidney
failure is
i. Plasmolysis
ii. Dialysis
iii. Diffusion
iv. Osmosis
1. Name the pore through which gaseous exchange takes place in older stems.
4. Define translocation.
5. Name the vessel that brings oxygenated blood from lungs to heart.
9. The mode of nutrition in which digestive enzymes are secreted out side the body.
11. The diagram below represents urinary system in the human body. Identify the structure
through which urine leaves the urinary bladder.
13. Why is the rate of breathing in terrestrial animals slower than aquatic animals?
14. A student covered a leaf from a destarched plant with a black paper strip and kept it in the
garden outside his house in fresh air. In the evening, he tested the covered portion of the
leaf for presence of starch. What the student was trying to show? Comment.
16. The kidneys in human beings are a part of the system for
(a) nutrition.
(b) respiration.
(c) excretion.
(d) transportation.
19. The breakdown of pyruvate to give carbon dioxide, water and energy takes place in
(a) cytoplasm.
(b) mitochondria.
(c) chloroplast.
(d) nucleus.
20. Movement of food through oesophagus is due to
(a) Lubrication by saliva
(b) Peristalsis
(c) Gravitational Pull
(d) All of the above
21. Where is bile produced?
(a) Gall bladder (b) Blood
(c) Liver (d) Spleen
22. In normal expiration, the diaphragm is
(a) Arched
(b) Flattened
(c) Perforated
(d) None of these
27. Wastes concentrated in the tubules of Bowman’s capsule are called ____.
(a) salts.
(b) juices
(c) urine
(d) amino acids
28. On seeing good food our mouth waters. This fluid is actually
a) Water
b) Hormone
c) Enzyme
d) None of the above
32. Rajib was absent in the class because of muscle pain which he claims to be due to excess
physical exercise he had done yesterday. This pain is due to
a) Formation of lactic acid
b) Formation of acetic acid
c) Formation of Pyruvic acid
d) Formation of Hydrochloric acid
34. The transport of soluble products of photosynthesis is called translocation and it occurs in
the part of the vascular tissue called
a) Xylem
b) Sclerenchyma
c) Phloem
d) Collenchyma
35. In human each kidney has large numbers of filtration units called ___
a) Neutrons
b) Neurons
c) Neptune
d) Nephrons
40. How are fats digested in our bodies? Where does this process take place?
44. After long running, you may experience cramps in your leg muscles. Whats the reason
behind this?
45. What processes would you consider essential for maintaining life?
47. Why bile juice is considered important even though it does not contain any digestive
51. What is the name given to rhythmic wave like manner occurring in alimentary canal?
52. The bark of woody plants is dead but the inner layers inside the bark are living. How do
they get oxygen and release carbon dioxide?
55. Name the mode of nutrition in an organism that uses simple substances like CO2 and
water to prepare food inside its body?
56. What are the differences between autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition?
57. Read following statements from A to E and identify the relevant life process from the
following word list.
growth, transport, synthesis, regulation, nutrition
A. A butterfly sucking the nectar from the flowers in a garden.
B. A boy shouts with excitement when his school team wins the match on the last ball.
C. After finishing lunch, Mohan's blood distributes the food molecules to different cells
of his body.
D. Green plants prepares starch (complex substance) from simpler chemicals.
E. Radha finds her height has increased by 4 cm since her last birthday.
59. What are the different ways in which glucose is oxidized to provide energy in various
64. What are the components of the transport system in highly organised plants?
67. Leaves of a healthy potted plant are coated with Vaseline to block the stomata. Will this
plant remain healthy for long? State three reasons to support your answer.
69. What are the components of the transport system in human beings? What are the
functions of these components?
70. Why is it necessary to separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in mammals and
73. How are the lungs designed in human beings to maximize the area for exchange of gases?
74. Why blood is necessary for oxygen delivery to all parts of the body in larger animals?
78. State the role and function of lymph in human transport system.
89. During daytime transpiration and photosynthesis are interlinked. What do you mean by
this statement?
104. What are the important enzymes of pancreatic juice and their function?
108. Why is diffusion insufficient to meet oxygen requirement of multicellular organisms like
110. What is the advantage of terrestrial organisms over aquatic organisms for obtaining
oxygen for respiration?
111. How are lungs designed to maximize area for gaseous exchange?
112. Describe fat digestion in human body and the organ where it occurs.
116. Due to availability of less water, how does the plant cope up with lack of water in desert
117. After a vigorous exercise, you may experience cramps in your leg muscles. Why does
this happen?
119. Food moves down the gut by peristalsis. Which region of brain controls peristalsis?
120. Name the pigment present in plants, which can absorb solar energy.
121. Name the respiratory organs of (i) fish (ii) mosquito (iii) earthworm.
122. Which of the four chambers of the human heart has the thickest muscular walls?
123. What will be the outcome if a farmer floods his field everyday?
127. Which equipment is used to facilitate breathing during serious breathing problems?
129. Why is the rate if breathing much faster in aquatic organisms than those of terrestrial
131. Autotrophs synthesise food for the living world. Justify this statement in one sentence
only interconnecting autotrophs and heterotrophs.
132. Veins and arteries carry blood. Which of these carry blood?
a) Away from the heart?
b) Back to the heart?
134. Name the areas in a woody stem through which respiratory exchange of gases take
135. Tooth enamel is one of the hardest substances in our body. How does it undergo damage
due to eating chocolates and sweets?
136. A certain tissue in a green plant somehow get blocked and the leaves wilted. What was
the tissue that got blocked?
137. Write one feature which is common to each of the following pairs of the
i) glycogen and starch
ii) chlorophyll and haemoglobin
iii) gills and lungs
iv) arteries and veins.
138. Why doesn’t the lungs collapse even after forceful expiration?
139. The two openings of the pharynx, one leading to trachea and the other leading to
oesophagus, lie very close to each other. Yet food we swallow normally does not enter
into our trachea. Why?
140. How would it affect the digestion of proteins and carbohydrates if the duodenum of man
if there is a blockade in the pancreatic duct?
1. Which of the following statements about the autotrophs is incorrect?
(a) They synthesise carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of
sunlight and chlorophyll
(b) They store carbohydrates in the form of starch
(c) They convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates in
the absence of sunlight
(d) They constitute the first trophic level in food chains
2. In which of the following groups of organisms, food material is broken down outside the
body and absorbed?
(a) Mushroom, green plants, Amoeba
(b) Yeast, mushroom, bread mould
(c) Paramecium, Amoeba, Cuscuta
(d) Cuscuta, lice, tapeworm
5. If salivary amylase is lacking in the saliva, which of the following events in the mouth
cavity will be affected?
(a) Proteins breaking down into amino acids
(b) Starch breaking down into sugars
(c) Fats breaking down into fatty acids and glycerol
(d) Absorption of vitamins
6. The inner lining of stomach is protected by one of the following from hydrochloric acid.
Choose the correct one
(a) Pepsin
(b) Mucus
(c) Salivary amylase
(d) Bile
10. Choose the function of the pancreatic juice from the following
(a) trypsin digests proteins and lipase carbohydrates
(b) trypsin digests emulsified fats and lipase proteins
(c) trypsin and lipase digest fats
(d) trypsin digests proteins and lipase emulsified fats
11. When air is blown from mouth into a test-tube containing lime water, the lime water turned
milky due to the presence of
(a) oxygen
(b) carbon dioxide
(c) nitrogen
(d) water vapour
17. Which of the following statement (s) is (are) true about heart?
(i) Left atrium receives oxygenated blood from different parts of body while right atrium
receives deoxygenated blood from lungs
(ii) Left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to different body parts while right ventricle
pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs
(iii) Left atrium transfers oxygenated blood to right ventricle which sends it to different
body parts
(iv) Right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from different parts of the body while left
ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to different parts of the body
(a) (i) (b) (ii)
(c) (ii) and (iv) (d) (i) and (iii)
18. What prevents backflow of blood inside the heart during contraction?
(a) Valves in heart
(b) Thick muscular walls of ventricles
(c) Thin walls of atria
(d) All of the above
19. Single circulation i.e., blood flows through the heart only once during one cycle of passage
through the body, is exhibited by
(a) Labeo, Chameleon, Salamander
(b) Hippocampus, Exocoetus, Anabas
(c) Hyla, Rana, Draco
(d) Whale, Dolphin, Turtle
20. In which of the following vertebrate group/groups, heart does not pump oxygenated blood
to different parts of the body?
(a) Pisces and amphibians
(b) Amphibians and reptiles
(c) Amphibians only
(d) Pisces only
29. The opening and closing of the stomatal pore depends upon
(a) oxygen
(b) temperature
(c) water in guard cells
(d) concentration of CO2 in stomata
31. Which is the first enzyme to mix with food in the digestive tract?
(a) Pepsin
(b) Cellulase
(c) Amylase
(d) Trypsin
33. Lack of oxygen in muscles often leads to cramps among cricketers. This results due to
(a) conversion of pyruvate to ethanol
(b) conversion of pyruvate to glucose
(c) non conversion of glucose to pyruvate
(d) conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid
35. During deficiency of oxygen in tissues of human beings, pyruvic acid is converted into
lactic acid in the
(a) cytoplasm
(b) chloroplast
(c) mitochondria
(d) golgi body
36. Name the process in plants that links light energy with chemical energy
37. Name the Organisms that can prepare their own food
40. Name the Organisms that cannot prepare their own food
41. Name an enzyme secreted from gastric glands in stomach that acts on proteins.
42. “All plants give out oxygen during day and carbon dioxide during night”. Do you agree
with this statement? Give reason.
43. How do the guard cells regulate opening and closing of stomatal pores?
44. Two green plants are kept separately in oxygen free containers, one in the dark and the
other in continuous light. Which one will live longer? Give reasons.
45. If a plant is releasing carbon dioxide and taking in oxygen during the day, does it mean that
there is no photosynthesis occurring? Justify your answer.
50. Leaves of a healthy potted plant were coated with vaseline. Will this plant remain healthy
for long? Give reasons for your answer.
55. What will happen if mucus is not secreted by the gastric glands?
58. Why does absorption of digested food occur mainly in the small intestine?
59. Why is the rate of breathing in aquatic organisms much faster than in terrestrial organisms?
63. In each of the following situations what happens to the rate of photosynthesis?
(a) Cloudy days
(b) No rainfall in the area
(c) Good manuring in the area
(d) Stomata get blocked due to dust
64. Name the energy currency in the living organisms. When and where is it produced?
72. Why and how does water enter continuously into the root xylem?
79. Draw the diagram of alimentary canal of man and label the following parts.
Mouth, Oesophagus, Stomach, Intestine
80. How do carbohydrates, proteins and fats get digested in human beings?
83. Describe the flow of blood through the heart of human beings.
85. Why is the process of diffusion insufficient to meet the oxygen requirement of human
86. Draw a diagram of human alimentary canal showing duodenum, small intestine, liver and
87. Draw a diagram of the human urinary system and label in it.
89. “If there were no algae there would be no fish in the sea”. Comment.