Assignment L, P

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1. What type nutrition does amoeba exhibits?

2. what is the first part of small intestine?

3. stomach is a store house of food where complete digestion takes place?(T/F)

4.In which form food is stored in plants and animals?

5. Name the watery substance released in our mouth during eating? What does it

6. Mention the raw materials required for photosynthesis

7. State the location and function of gastric glands..

8. (a) State the role played by the following in the process of digestion :
(i) Enzyme trypsin
(ii) Enzyme lipase-

9. (b) List two functions of finger-like projections present in the small intestine

10. Explain the significance of photosynthesis. Write the balanced chemical

equation involved in the process.

11. Differentiate between autotrophs and hetero- trophs and give one example of

12. Explain with the help of neat and well labelled diagrams the different steps
involved in nutrition in Amoeba
13. a) What is peristaltic movement?
(b) ‘Stomata remain closed in desert plants during daytime’. How do they do

14. a) Why is nutrition necessary for the human body?

(b) What causes movement of food inside the alimentary canal?
(c) Why is small intestine in herbivores longer than in carnivores?
(d) What will happen if mucus is not secreted by the gastric glands?

15. What are the steps involved in holozoic nutrition?

16, (b) Assume that you are a veterinary surgeon and you had removed a good
length of the small intestine of a bear that was suffering from an intestinal tumor.
Now, would you suggest a plant based or a meat based diet for the bear after its
recovery? Give reason for your answer.
(c) Do you think plant based food should be preferred over non-vegetarian food?

17. Name three different glands associated with the digestive system in humans.
Also name their secretions

18. (i) Which organ secretes a hormone when the blood sugar rises? Name a
digestive enzyme released by this organ.
(ii) Why pancreas helps in digestion and also regulates blood sugar?

19. Bile juice does not contain any enzyme but bile salts are important for
digestion and absorption of fats. State reason.

20. (a) Draw a diagram of human alimentary canal and label the following parts:
(i) largest gland.
(ii) Gland that secretes digestive enzymes and hormone.
(iii) Part where HCl is produced.
(iv) Part where digested food is absorbed.

21. What is the significance of emulsification of fats?

22. a) Name the process by which autotrophs prepare town food.

(b) List the three events which occur during this process.
(c) State two sources from which plants obtain nitrogen for the synthesis of
proteins and other compound
d)Write any two ways by which plants obtain carbon dioxide. What causes the
opening and closing of the stomata ?

23. Name the green dot like structures in some cells observed by a student when a
leaf peel was viewed under a microscope. What is this green colour due to?. What
is photosynthesis ? Name the organelle and the organs in which photosynthesis
takes place. Where does the oxygen liberated come from during this process ?
What happens to the carbohydrates which are not immediately used by the plant ?

24. In the experiment “Light is essential for photosynthesis” Why does the
uncovered part of the leaf turn blue black after putting iodine solution?

25. What is the mode of nutrition in human being?

26. Where do plant get each of the raw material required for photosynthesis?

27. Which pancreatic enzyme is effective in digesting proteins?

28. What are the final product after digestion of carbohydrates and proteins?

29. ) Draw a labelled diagram of Stomata. open and close?

In the above sketch of stomatal apparatus, parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 were labelled

differently by four students. The correct labeling is
30. Define the term parasite. Name one plant parasite and one animal parasite.
Some organism breakdown the food material outside the body and then absorb it.
Give two example

31. (a) List two function of stomata.

32. Explain the process of digestion of food in mouth, stomach, and small intestine
in the body?

Assertion (A): The inner walls of the small intestine have finger like projections
called villi which are rich in blood.

Reason (R): These villi have a large surface area to help the small intestine in
completing the digestion of food.

33. The liver secretes bile, needed to digest fats in our food. The pancreas secretes
several enzymes needed to break down food. Which of the following is true of the
food that we eat?

A. It passes only through our liver.

B. It passes only through our pancreas

. C. It passes through both our liver and pancreas. D. It passes neither through our
liver nor pancreas.

34.Explain with the help of an activity the action of saliva on the food we eat?

35. In the process of digestion of food two protein digesting enzymes are secreted
name the enzymes along with the the glands which secretes them

36. In the experiment of preparing a temporary mount of a leaf peel to observe

stomata we use two liquids other than water. Name these two liquids & state when
and why these liquids are used?
37. List in tabular form two differences between pepsin & trypsin.
38. List four precautions in proper sequence which we observe while preparing a
temporary mount of leaf peel
39. Given below are two columns, Column I shows enzymes secreted by the glands
in the alimentary canal of human beings and columns II indicates the components
of food on which enzymes act. Choose the options showing correct matching :
Column I ^ Column II
Enzymes : Components
a. Pepsin : Starch
b. Trypsin : Proteins
c. Lipase : Proteins
d. Amylase : Emulsified fat
40. Give the name of the enzymes present in fluid in our mouth cavity. State the
gland which produces it. What would happen to the digestion process if this gland
stops secreting this enzymes ?
41. How does nutrition in a fungus different from nutrition in a tapeworm?
42.Name mode of nutrition in the following organisms:
(a) Fungi (b) cuscuta
43.What role does digestive enzymes play in the human digestive system?
44.Whta are the end products of photosynthesis/
45.Give two examplesof variegated leaves.
46.Which digestive secretion does not contain any enzyme yet it is very important
(B) Describe an experiment to show that “sunlight is essential for photosynthesi
Design an activity to show that chlorophyll is essential for photosynthesis
47. In the process of photosynthesis, food A is prepared which gets converted to food
B . What are lA and B ? Why is A converted to B.
48. In the experiment of preparing a temporary mount of a leaf peel to observe
stomata we use two liquids other than water. Name these two liquids & state when
and why these liquids are used?
49a). What is the function of large intestine?
b)'A' got her gall bladder removed surgically as she was diagnosed with stones in
her gall bladder. After the surgery, she faced problems in digestion of certain food
items when consumed in bulk. Can you tell which kind of food items would they
be and why?(or) Patients whose gall bladder are removed are recommended to eat
less oily food. why?
50. What is a respiratory substrate?
. Name a few respiratory substrates. Which of them is most commonly used?
51. What are the stages of respiration?
Respiration takes place in the following stages:
External respiration or gaseous exchange: The exchange of gases between the
environment and the body is called external respiration or gaseous exchange.
Internal respiration: The bio-chemical processes involved in respiration which
break down the substrate to release energy take place in the tissues within the cells
of an organism. Thus, this is also called the cellular or tissue respiration.
52. Give the general equation for respiration?
52 (a) "The breathing cycle is rhythmic whereas exchange of gases is a
continuous process". Justify this statement.
53 (a) Name two different ways in which glucose is oxidised to provide
energy in various organism.

(b) Write any two differences between the two oxidation of glucose in
54 Write any three differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration
.what is residual volume of air in respiration. Name the three carbon
compound formed during anaerobic respiration in muscle cell?
When is lactic acid formed in our muscles?
When a sports man runs, he gets muscle cramps. Why?
55 Explain how would you show that exhaled air has more carbon dioxide than
inhaled air? Explain how would you show that exhaled air has more carbon dioxide
than inhaled air?

56. Give one reason why multicellular organism require special organs for
exchange of gases between their body and environment?
57. How are the alveoli design to maximize the exchange of gases?

58. Write any two difference between the ways of oxidation of glucose in organism
59 Give reason: (i) Fine hair and mucus present in the nasal passage? (ii) Rings of
cartilage are present in the throat?

60 a)Name the following: (i) The three carbon molecules that is formed due to
break down of glucose during respiration.
61. a) What is meant by the breathing? What happen when to the rate of breathing
during vigorous exercise and why?

62 (a) Write the mechanism by which fishes breath in water. (b) Name the balloon
like structures present in lungs list its two function. (c) Name the respiratory
pigment and write its role in human being.

63 ) Complete the following pathway showing the breakdown of glucose.

64) D raw a flow chart to show the breakdown of glucose by various pathways.

65 Draw a diagram of human respiratory system and label – pharynx, trachea,

lungs, diaphragm and alveolar sac on it.

66 )What is ATP ? What is the use of ATP in reaction? Why is ATP important for

67). How does gaseous exchange take place in plants

68). Do plants also respire if yes how? Do plants respire during the day?

(or) Why do plants respire both during day and night?

. The function of KOH in the experimental set up to show that CO2 is released
during respiration is: to…

69)What are the common features of all respiratory organs?(or) What are the
common features of gills lungs and skin?

70). What is the function of respiratory system

71. Leaves of a healthy potted plant were coated with Vaseline.(or) Aluminium foil
Will this plant remain healthy for long? Give reasons for your answer.

72) Explain the body movements (ribs and diaghram)during inhalation and
73).Describe the human respiratory system with a neat and labelled diagram?

74). A student has set up an apparatus to show that “CO2 is released during
respiration”. After about 1 hour he observes no change in the water level in the
delivery tube. Write two possible reasons for the failure of the experiment(practical
based question)

75). What is haemoglobin? State the consequences of deficiency of hemoglobin in

our bodies

76). How carbon dioxide is transported to our body

77). How plant respiration is different from animal respiration. Describe the
process of respiration in (1) root (2) stem (3) leaves with a suitable diagram.

78). State any four differences between photosynthesis and respiration.

79)a) How do organisms like amoeba transport materials?

b What are the components of the transport system in human beings?

c What are the functions of blood?

d What is plasma / What are its functions

e what are the three types of blood vessels? what are their functions

80) (A) Draw a sectional view of the human heart and label on it Aorta, Pulmonary
arteries, Vena cava, Left ventricle. (B) Why is double circulation of blood
necessary in human beings?

. (a) Name the type of blood (oxygenated / deoxygenated) transported by each of

the following mentioning the path (i.e. from one organ (which place) to another
(which place)).

( i )Vena cava

(ii) Pulmonary artery

81). Name the component of blood that helps in the formation of blood clot in the
event of a cut . Name the tissue which transports soluble product of photosynthesis
in a plant?
82). What process in plant is known as transpiration?

83)a) Name the tissue which transports water and mineral in the plant?b)Name the
component of blood which transport: (i) Food, carbon dioxide and nitrogenous
wastes, (ii) Oxygen

84).What is the importance of double circulation in mammals and birds?why

reptiles and birds can tolerate some mixing of blood?

85)a). what are the differences between arteries veins and capillaries Write
differences in tabular form

(b)(i) State the role of ATP in cellular respiration.

(ii) What ensures sufficient exchange of gases in plants?

(iii) State the conditions on which the direction of diffusion of gases in plant
depend upon.

86). What are three differences between xylem and phloem?

87). (a) Write the name of different components of transports system in human
beings and state their function in brief. (b) How is blood clot from, if a leak
develops in the system of blood vessels?

88). Describe the circulation in fishes (or) Describe the single circulation in
fishes(or) (a) “Blood circulation in fishes is different from the blood circulation in
human beings”. Justify the statement.

89).what happens if circulatory system develops a leakage/

Explain how oxygen is delivered to all parts of the body in human beings. In what
form is carbon dioxide transported in our blood ?

90).What is lymph? How is it formed? What are its functions

91) What are the differences between blood and lymph?

92) a).What are the advantages of four chambered heart in human beings/

. Give reasons:
b)Ventricles have thicker muscular walls than atria.

c) Transport system in plant is slow.

d) Circulation of blood in aquatic vertebrates differs from that in terrestrial
e)During the daytime, water & minerals travel faster through xylem as compared to
the night f)Veins have valves whereas arteries do not?
. 93)Define translocation in reference to plants. . a) Write two water conducting
tissues present in plants. How does water enter continuously into the root xylem?
94.) Explain how the translocation of materials in phloem tissue in plants is
achieved by utilising energy

95). What do the following transport?

(i) Xylem
(ii) Phloem
(iii) Pulmonary vein
(iv) Vena cava
(v) Pulmonary artery
(vi) Aorta

96) What is systole and diastole?

97) Explain giving any three reasons the significance of transpiration in plant.

98)a) Trace the movement of oxygenated blood in the body.

(b) Write the function of valves present in between atria and ventricles.
(c) Write one structural difference between the composition of artery and veins.

99). write a short note on root pressure and transpiration Name the factors which
affect the rate of transpiration? State their role in each case.

.100) What is the need to have a transport system in complex organism?

.101)If a plant is kept covered with a polythene sheet, we notice some water drops
on the inner side of the sheet after some time.

102) State two vital functions of human kidney

103)a. Define excretion.
b). Name the basic filtration unit present in the kidney.
c.) Draw excretory system in human beings and label the following organs of excretory
system which perform following functions:
i. )form urine.
ii.) is a long tube which collects urine from kidney.
iii). Store urine until it is passed out..
104) Define osmoregulation.
105) Name an organ that performs both excretion and osmoregulation.

106) How the amount of urine produced regulated?

107) which are the materials transported in plants?

108). What are the two types of vascular tissues?

109). How is the rate of transpiration affected?

The rate of transpiration is affected by many factors such as light, temperature,
availability of soil water and atmospheric humidity.

110)What is ascent of sap?

The upward movement of water along with the dissolved silutes up the xylem is
called ascent of sap

.111). What is transpiration pull? What is its effect?

Answer The force with which the water is pulled up the xylem is called the
transpiration pull. The transpiration pulls results in a continuous stream of water
called the transpiration stream extending from the xylem of the leaves to the xylem
of the roots.

112) Name the substances other than water that are reabsorbed during urine
formation. What are the two parameters that decide the amount of water that is
reabsorbed in the kidney?
Q)As compared to daytime, the amount of carbon dioxide released by the plants
during night is more because :

(a) It is not produced during daytime.

(b) It is stored in the leaves of plants during daytime.

(c) Major amount of carbon dioxide produced is used up for photosynthesis during

(d) Plants do not respire during daytime.

113). Explain how oxygen is delivered to all parts of the body in human beings. In
what form is carbon dioxide transported in our blood

Q, Assertion (A): Blood clotting prevents excessive loss of blood.

Reason (R): Blood clotting is due to blood plasma and white blood cells present in
the blood..

Q. (a) Name the type of blood (oxygenated / deoxygenated) transported by each of

the following mentioning the path (i.e. from one organ (which place) to another
(which place)).

(i) Vena cava

(ii) Pulmonary artery


(b) With the help of a schematic flow chart, show the breakdown of glucose in a
cell to provide energy

(i) in the presence of oxygen

(ii) in lack of oxygen

Q. (a) (i) State the role of ATP in cellular respiration.

(ii) What ensures sufficient exchange of gases in plants?

(iii) State the conditions on which the direction of diffusion of gases in plant
depend upon. (OR)

(b) (i) What is the internal energy reserve in plants and animals?

(ii) How desert plants perform photosynthesis if their stomata remain closed during
the day?

Q. Assertion (A): The anaerobic respiration which takes place in yeast, has

one of the end products as an acid. Reason (R): During anaerobic respiration, there
is incomplete breakdown of glucose.

Q. Name the part of the human excretory system where nephrons are found. Write
the structure and function of nephrons..

Q. Assertion (A): Left atrium receives oxygenated blood from pulmonary

vein. Reason (R): Right atrium transfers deoxygenated blood to the right ventricle,
which pumps it to the lungs for oxygenation.

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