SPH 304 Notes
SPH 304 Notes
SPH 304 Notes
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: SPH 102: Electricity and Magnetism I SPH 202: Electricity and Magnetism II.
The purpose of this course is to equip student with the theoretical and experimental
electromagnetic theory concepts. The students will be introduced to the main ideas of
electrodynamics and be taught the basic principles of electrodynamics.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be able to,
1. Identify and describe the fundamental concepts learnt in electromagnetic theory.
2. Solve a range of numerical problems involving the learnt concepts in Electromagnetic theory.
3. Perform experiments based on Electromagnetic theory, analyze experimental data and write
laboratory report.
1. Electric field vectors.
2. Conservation of charge and the continuity equation.
3. Polarizability and dielectric tensors
4. Magnetic field vectors; Lorentz force. .
5. Field energy in free space.
6. Poynting’s vector.
7. Energy density.
8. Laplace and Poisson equations and solutions in cylindrical and spherical coordinates.
9. Maxwell’s equations.
10. Piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties.
11. Paramagnetism, Diamagnetism and Ferromagnetism.
Mode of Delivery
The course will be delivered through Lectures, Tutorials, Practical demonstrations and Hands on
Laboratory sessions.
Mode of Assessment
Mode of assessment
Continuous Assessment 30 %
End of Semester examination 70 %
Total 100 %
Core References
Mansuripur M and Mashud (2011), Field, Force, Energy and Momentum in Classical
Electrodynamics. Bentharm Science Publishers.
Geyi Wen, (2010), Foundations of Applied Electrodynamics
Recommended References
David J. Griffiths (1999). Introduction to electrodynamics. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River,
New Jersey, ISBN 0-13-805326-X.
Jackson, John D. (1998). Classical Electrodynamics (3rd ed.). Wiley. ISBN 0-471-30932-X.
Purcell, Edward M. (1985). Electricity and Magnetism Berkeley Physics Course Volume 2 (2nd
ed.). McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-07-004908-4.
Relevant Website;
Coulomb’s law the force is proportional to the product of the charges and
inversely proportional to the square of the separation distance.
The sign is a constant called the permittivity of free space and has the value,
The force points along the path from to, . It is repulsive if and have the
same sign and attractive if they have opposite sign.
⃗ is the separation vector from , the position vector of , to the position
vector of as shown in figure 2.
̂ ̂ ̂
⌈ ̂ ̂ ̂ ⌉
Where ⃗ ⌈ ̂ ̂ ̂ ⌉
∑ ̂
⃗ is the electric field of the source charges. It is a function of position since the
separation vectors ⃗ depend on the location of of the field point, . The electric field,
⃗ does not depend on the test charge
1.1.3: Electric Field of continuous distribution of charge
If the charge is distributed continuously over some region, the sum becomes an integral
⃗ ∫ ̂
The equation changes according to the region in question, i.e line, surface, or volume as
(i) Line charge
If the charge is spread out along a line i.e
Note that the unit vector ̂ is the vector from to the field point, P ( ̂ .
Note that the unit vector ̂ is the vector from to the field point, P ( ̂ .
(iii) Volume charge
If the charge fills up a volume i.e
Note that the unit vector ̂ is the vector from to the field point .
In all the cases the unit vector ̂ is not constant but it’s direction depends on the source
point and so cannot be taken outside the integrals.
Example 1
Two point charges and is are placed along the as shown in the diagram.
Calculate the electric field ⃗ at any point on the . What is ⃗ when ?
⃗ ∑ ̂
But, ̂ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ | |
and | | √ hence,
| | √
⃗ ∑ ⃗
̂ ̂ ̂
⃗ * +
when then ⃗ ̂
Example 2
A uniformly charged rod with linear charge density lies on the positive axis and
extends from the origin to a point . Calculate the electric field at any point on the
Z above the rod.
⃗ ∫
⃗ ∫
[ ]
⃗ ̂
∫⃗ ∫ * ̂+ ̂
Therefore the flux through any surface enclosing the charge is . If instead there are a
number of charges scattered about, then the total electric field is given by the sum of the
individual fields i.e,
⃗ ∑⃗
∮⃗ ∑ ∮⃗⃗⃗⃗ ∑
But the total charge enclosed (charge density) within the surface is
The surface integral of a vector field V over a closed surface, which is called the flux
through the surface, is equal to the volume integral of the divergence over the region
inside the surface. i.e
∮⃗ ∫
∫ ∮⃗
∫ or ∫
Consider the equation for the electric field for volume charge distribution i.e,
⃗ ∫ ̂ ∫ ……................(1)
Originally the integration was over the volume occupied by the charge, but can be extended to
all space, since outside the volume. Note that -dependence is contained in ⃗ ,
Taking divergence on both sides of (1) we get,
⃗ * ∫ +
[ ∫ ( ) ] (since is for unprimed coordinates) …….........(2)
But ( ) called the Dirac Delta function…….........(3)
and ⃗ Therefore,
∫ (Since, is for unprimed coordinates) …….........(2)
But, ( ) (Since the curl of a gradient is zero).
Hence, ⃗ .
The Electric Potential
The electric potential ⃗ at a point from a reference point O is given by,
⃗ ∫ ⃗ …………………………(1)
The potential difference between two points and is given by,
⃗ ∫ ⃗ ∫ ⃗
∫ ⃗ ∫ ⃗
∫ ⃗ …………………………(2)
From the fundamental theorem of calculus/gradients,
∫ ∫ ⃗
∫ ∫ ⃗ ∫ ⃗ [ ]
Note that the work is independent of the path taken from to in such a case the
electrostatic force is said to be a "conservative force."
i.e In words, the potential difference between points a and b is equal to the work done per
unit charge required to carry a particle from a to b.
In order to bring the charge from infinity to point , the work required is,
[ ]
Similarly ( ).
and ( ) and so on
( )
The general rule is to take the product of each pair of charges, divide by their separation
distance, and sum them up i.e
Where so as not to count the same pair twice. Another method is to intentionally count
each pair twice, and then divide by 2: i.e
Another way is to express the work done by using the potential. i.e
∑ ∑
( )
∑ ⃗
∑ ⃗
Where ⃗ is the potential at point the position of due to all the other charges. That's the
work needed to assemble a configuration of point charges; it's also the amount of work needed to
dismantle the system. It represents potential energy stored in the configuration.
From Gauss’s law, ⃗ or ⃗ Therefore, For a volume charge density the work
done is given by
∫( ⃗ )
We can make use of the product rules of vector calculus together with the appropriate
fundamental theorem. i.e
( ) ( )
Integrating over volume we have
∫ ( ) ∫ ( ) ∫
[∫ ⃗ ∮ ⃗⃗⃗ ]
But ⃗ hence,
[∫ ⃗ ∮ ⃗⃗⃗ ]
This means that as the volume increases to all space, the contribution from the volume integral
goes up and that of that of the surface integral goes down to zero. Therefore;
[∫ ⃗ ]
Find the energy of a uniformly charged spherical shell of total charge and radius
The potential at the surface of the sphere (which is a constant) is given by,
∫ ∫
All materials contain charges. In an insulator, the charges are bound, whereas in a conductor
there are free (mobile) charges. In most cases these are the electrons.
A perfect conductor is a material with an unlimited number of completely free charges
Special electrostatic properties of conductors are:
The electrostatic field inside a conductor is zero, and on the surface it is perpendicular to
the surface.
Explanation: If there was an electric field inside the conductor, that would cause the
free charges to move. As they moved, they would cause an electric field opposing the
external field. They will continue to move until the “induced field” and the external field
cancel at each point inside the conductor. On the surface, movement is restricted to the
tangential direction (along the surface), so by the same argument as before, the tangential
component of the electric field is zero i.e. the electric field can only have a component
normal (perpendicular) to the surface.
The net charge density at any point inside the conductor is zero (and hence any net
charge resides on the surface).
Explanation: We know that, ⃗ , since ⃗ inside the conductor then .
The conductor is an equipotential.
Explanation: Consider any two points and in or on the conductor. The potential
difference between these points, which independent of the path is,
∫ ⃗
For a path a path inside the conductor where, ⃗ , also ∫ ⃗ and therefore
conductor then , i.e equipotential
The charge induced on the inner wall of a cavity in a conductor is equal but opposite the
charge inside the cavity.
Explanation: Recall Gauss’s law, ∮ ⃗ . Consider a Gaussian surface
completely inside the conductor but enclosing the cavity. Since, ⃗ , also ∮ ⃗
and therefore . This means that the induced charges cancel the charges within
the cavity.
⃗ is perpendicular to the surface, just outside a conductor otherwise, charge will
immediately flow around the surface until it destroys the tangential component.
Perpendicular to the surface, charge cannot flow, of course, since it is confined to the
conducting object.
Consider an arrangement of two neutral conductors A and B. Then we transfer an amount of
charge (-Q) from A to B (+Q) as shown in figure
Recall: ⃗ ∫ ̂
Capacitance is a geometrical quantity, determined by the sizes, shapes, and separation of the two
conductors. The SI unit is C is measured in farads (F); a farad is a coulomb-per-volt . But
this unit is inconveniently large, other practical units are the microfarad
(10- 6 F) and the picofarad (10- 12 F).
By definition, is the potential of the positive conductor less that of the negative one and is
the charge of the positive conductor hence capacitance is a positive quantity.
Find the capacitance of two concentric spherical metal shells, with radii and .
Place charge +Q on the inner sphere, and – Q on the outer one. The electric field between
the spheres is
⃗ ∫ ̂
But ⃗ ∫ ⃗ ∫ ( )
Therefore, Capacitance is
we have, ∫ ∫ or
Now the total energy is obtained by adding contributions from the two surfaces as follows,
∫ ∫
∫ ∫
But hence
Dielectrics are insulators. All charges are attached to specific atoms or molecules-they're
tightly bound, and but they can do is move a bit within the atom or molecule.
When placed in an electric field, ⃗ it distorts the charge distribution of a dielectric atom
or molecule it two ways: by stretching and by rotating.
Induced Dipoles
A dipole consists of two equal and opposite charges separated by a distance as
shown in figure 11
Figure 11: A dipole
Consider an atom placed in an electric field, ⃗ . Although the atom as a whole is
electrically neutral, there is a positively charged core (the nucleus) and a negatively
charged electron cloud surrounding it. These two regions of charge within the atom are
influenced by the field: the nucleus is pushed in the direction of the field, and the
electrons the opposite way. If the field is large enough, it can pull the atom apart
completely, "ionizing" it and the substance then becomes a conductor.
With smaller fields, equilibrium is soon reached, since if the center of the electron cloud
does not coincide with the nucleus, these positive and negative charges attract one
another, and this holds the atoms together.
The two opposing forces ⃗ which pulls the electrons and nucleus apart, their mutual
attraction drawing them together, reach a balance, leaving the atom polarized, with the
positive charge shifted slightly one way, and the negative the other. The atom now has a
tiny dipole moment, , which points in the same direction as ⃗ . This induced dipole
moment is approximately proportional to the field as long as the ⃗ is not too strong, thus,
⃗ or ⃗
The constant of proportionality is called atomic polarizability. Its value depends on
the structure of the atom.
If the substance is made of neutral atoms (or non-polar molecules), the field will induce
in each a tiny dipole moment which points in the same direction as the field. If the
material is made up of polar molecules, each permanent dipole will experience a torque,
tending to line it up along the field direction and the material becomes polarized. A
convenient measure of this effect is the polarization ( ⃗ ) defined as the dipole moment
per unit volume i.e
⃗ dipole moment per unit volume i.e ⃗
For the "physical" dipole with equal and opposite charges, (±q) the dipole moment,
Where is the the vector from the negative charge to the positive one (Fig. 12).
Figure 12: A physical dipole
The dipole moment of a collection of discrete point charges is given by,
Calculate the atomic polarizability of a model atom consisting of a point nucleus (+q)
surrounded by a uniformly charged spherical cloud (-q) of radius a.
In the presence of an external field, ⃗ , the nucleus will be shifted slightly to the right
and the electron cloud to the left, as shown in Figure 12 (b).
Consider a polarized material with Polarization, ⃗ . We want to find the field produced by this
material due to polarization. It's easier to work with the potential. For a single dipole we
have equation
⃗ ∫⃗ ( ) Integrating by parts using the product rule and applying the
divergence theorem, i.e
∫ ( ) ∫ ( ) ∫ ∮( )
We get,
⃗ ∮ ⃗ ∫ ⃗
The first term looks like the potential of a surface charge i.e.
The second term looks like the potential of a volume charge i.e.
⃗ ∮ ∫
This means that the potential (and hence the field) of a polarized object is the same as that
produced by a volume charge density ⃗ plus a surface charge density ⃗ ̂
⃗ are bound charges, accumulated in the in the volume and
⃗ ̂ are bound charges, accumulated in the on the surface
The Electric Displacement
Within the dielectric, then, the total charge density can be written:
or ⃗
But ⃗ therefore,
⃗ ⃗ or ⃗ ⃗ which becomes,
( ⃗ ⃗)
We can also write ∮ ⃗⃗ the total free charge enclosed in a volume. This equation
gives the Gauss’s law in integral form in terms of ⃗⃗ .
Linear Dielectrics
For many substances, provided ⃗ is not too strong, the polarization is proportional to the field,
Magnetic fields
The Lorentz force law
For charges in motion, experiments have shown that the force between them is not given by
Coulomb’s law. The magnetic force on a charge moving with velocity in a magnetic field ⃗
is given by ⃗ ⃗ ⃗⃗ which is called Lorentz force law. The Lorentz force ⃗ ⃗ ⃗⃗ , is
In the presence of both electric and magnetic fields the net force on the charge would be,
⃗ ⃗ ⃗⃗ ⃗ (⃗ ⃗⃗ ) ⃗
∫ ⃗
The current in a wire is the charge per unit time passing a given point.
Current is measured in coulombs-per-second, or amperes (A): ⁄
(i) Line Current Density
For a line charge traveling down a wire at speed , the current is given by,
∫ ⃗ ∫ ⃗ ∫ ⃗ ⃗
∫ ⃗ ∫ ⃗ ∫ ⃗
∮ ∫ ∫ ∫( )
The minus sign means that outward flow decreases the charge left inside the volume V.
Therefore, this is called the continuity equation, a precise mathematical statement
Note that a moving point charge cannot possibly constitute a steady current. A moving point
charge does not produce a static field.
When a steady current flows in a wire, its magnitude must be the same all along the
line; otherwise, charge would be accumulating somewhere, and it wouldn't be a steady current.
Therefore I is the same in magnetostatics, and hence the continuity equation becomes,
The Magnetic Field of a Steady Current
The magnetic field ⃗ of a steady line current is given by the Biot-Savart law i.e
̂ ̂
⃗ ∫ ∫
Where the integral is along the path of the current ( , is the element of length, ̂ is
the vector from the source to point . The constant is called the permeability of free
space : ⁄ . The unit of ⃗ is Tesla (T) and 1T=1N/Am.
Note that, ̂ | || ̂|
Find the magnetic field at O due to the loop of shown below which carries a steady
current .
0 i r dl Rˆ 0 i dl Rˆ
B r (because the current is constant)
4 C R2 4 C R 2
0 i dl Rˆ dl Rˆ dl Rˆ dl Rˆ
B r ẑ into the page
4 C1 R 2 C2 R2 C3 R2 C4 R2
0 i 0 dl zˆ 0 dl zˆ 0 i dl dl
B r 2 2 2 zˆ 2 2
4 C1 R C2 a C3 R C4 b 2
4 C2 a C4 b
0 i 1 1 i 1 a 1 b 0 i 1 1
B r zˆ 2 dl 2 dl 0 zˆ 2 zˆ
4 a C2 b C4 4 a 2 b2 2 8 a b
For surface currents the Biot-Savart law becomes
⃗ ̂
⃗ ∫
The superposition principle applies to magnetic fields just as it does to electric fields, for
a collection of source currents; the net field is the (vector) sum of the fields due to each
of them taken separately.
⃗ *∫ ( ) +……the integral is over the primed coordinates while the
̂ ̂ ̂
( ) ( ) ( )
But because does not depend on the unprimed variables. Also
Which means, ( ) . Therefore, ⃗ i.e the divergence of magnetic field
is zero.
Implications of B 0 :
(a) F 0 A 0
(b) There is some vector function ( A ) of which F is the curl i.e. F A
Since (a) is true, we have B A and all the rest are also true.
0 J r Rˆ
We call A the magnetic vector potential. Now B r d
4 V R2
J r 1 1 Rˆ J r Rˆ
J r J r 0 J r 2
R R2
0 J r Rˆ 0 J r 0 J r
So B r d d d
4 V R2 4 V R 4 V R
0 J r
we see that Ar d
4 V R
̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
We drop the terms involving the derivatives of , since does not depend on .
̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
̂ ̂
But ̂ and ( )
⃗ ∫ ( )
̂ ̂
∫* ( ) ( ) +
∫ ⃗ ⃗
∫ ⃗ ⃗
∫ (⃗ ⃗ ) ∫ (⃗ ⃗ )
Ampere's Law
The equation for the curl of B, i.e ⃗ is called Ampere's Law (in differential
form). It can be converted to integral form by applying Stokes' theorem,
∫( ⃗ ) ∮⃗ ∫⃗
But ⃗ which is the total current passing through the surface enclosed by the Amperian
loop. Therefore
∮⃗ which is Ampere's Law (in integral form)
Implications of B 0 J :
B da 0 J da 0 J da 0 ithrough S .
But using Stokes theorem, B da B dl
Notice that Ampere’s law tells us that by computing B dl just around the circumference of a
surface, we can find out how much current flows through the surface!