Adobe Scan 24 May 2024
Adobe Scan 24 May 2024
Adobe Scan 24 May 2024
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!tcoi. •i.,, SI 1t1 , CONARMEO "I-!/ p •ti-i
Fltgtil Oeta,I 'Pt~.1~ VM'~ tr,Qht tJrr1ngs & tom1mal mlo l'\lfh ltlP i:N 1,r,t,S
Fll~I Farer~ etass Type Mtvtog-
6E 7592 Fri, 24 May "24, 1900 Fr1. 24 May '24. 20 20
NA Ecooomy Refundable Chenn-01, Telffllnal 1 Madurai Teminal t 1h20m
Chennol Arpl MaduralA!rpon
Passenge, Oeta,1,
Name & FF Sedor PNR & TICMt No.. ~qoaoe t.4&at, Seat & Ot\Of' ~ Id
Chec:k-.n j Cabln Pro!eroooe
MRS XAVlER FELIX ( A MAA IXM 15 Kg (01 Piece
), VT2M6C 11oc
onty) 17 Kg
t - You must woo Check•tn on the airline website and obtain a boarding p.ass.
2 - Roach the torm1nal at least 2 hours pnor to the d~pnrturo for domesUc fflght and 4 hours pnor lo the dc!partuTO at ln1emat!onal
3 For departure terminal please checi< with lho airline first
4 - Date & Time Is calculated based on \he loco! bme of the d ty/de.sbnaUon
5 Use tho Alr11ne PNR to< all Correspoooeoce dlrocUy wtth the Airline
6 - For reschodullng 'cancellatlon wlltun 4 hours of tho departure bmo contad lhe alr11ne directly
7 • Your ab1 1ity ID travel 1s nl the sole dJsacti011 of tho alport authonbes aod we shall not bo held responsiblo